![Succession [RS3 Service] Succession [RS3 Service]](https://www.rpgstash.com/60065-product_page/succession-rs3-service-.png?timestamp=1695121373)
Succession RS3 Service
2-24 hours
Click More Info to see conditions of this service.
2-24 hours
Click More Info to see conditions of this service.
1 quest point
Tier 6 of the Infernal Puzzle Box becomes available, ability to add Infernal Puzzle Box to the tool belt
Access to the Dive ability (requires level 5 Agility) when Bladed Dive is unavailable
50,000 Combat XP Lamp (chosen skill, limited to Attack, Strength, Defence, Constitution, Ranged or Magic, must be level 60 minimum)
60,000 Prismatic XP Lamp (chosen skill must be level 60 minimum)
Speaking to Adrasteia in the Falador throne room allows you to replay song and Moia fight scenes.
2 Treasure Hunter keys (Ironman accounts will not receive these)
Music unlocked
A Song of Hope
What you need to do and know before placing RS service order with us:
Important: You are not allowed to log into your account until you receive a confirmation email that your order has been completed, stating that your service is completed.
If you attempt to log into your account while your order is being processed, it could result in your account being automatically locked, preventing the order from being completed.
And again in cases if you are not sure about any part of this service feel free to contact us via livechat support or Facebook page message