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Ice Nova of Frostbolts Hierophant [Endgame Gear Pack]

Ice Nova of Frostbolts Hierophant Endgame Gear Pack

 15-90 Minutes Delivery

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Product Features

  • Realm: League - SC (PC)
  • Type: Bundles
  • Main Type: Bundles, Gear Packs

POE Ice Nova of Frostbolts Hierophant Endgame Core Gear Pack for Sale!

Unleash freezing devastation with the Ice Nova of Frostbolts Hierophant Core Gear Pack. This pack is optimized to maximize your crit-based damage, casting Ice Nova through Frostbolts for devastating AoE clears and high single-target DPS. Utilizing Hierophant’s powerful mana-based defenses and Arcane Blessing, this build provides both incredible damage output and durability. Equip this gear pack to freeze your enemies in their tracks and dominate even the toughest endgame bosses with ease!


  • 1x Kitava's Thirst Zealot Helmet - Corrupted [0.5% of Lightning Damage Leeched as Life, 45+ to maximum Mana]
  • 1x Rare Profane Wand [Haunted by Tormented Spirits, 100%+ Spell DMG, 30%+ Cast Speed, 150+ Mana and Crits]
  • 1x Rare Profane Wand [Haunted by Tormented Spirits, 100%+ Spell DMG, 30%+ Cast Speed, 150+ Mana and Crits]
  • 1x Atziri's Foible
  • 1x Mageblood Non Corrupted [4 Flask]
  • 1x Progenesis
  • 1x Unnatural Instinct
  • 1x Stormshroud

Delivery Information

At the checkout, we will ask for more information about your delivery preferences and details.
We offer two secure delivery methods for your convenience:

  • Face to Face: This involves meeting in the game to complete the delivery.
  • Trade Forum Link: We highly recommend this method as it is the safest option. With the Trade Forum Link, the items are traded through the official trade forum platform.

More FAQ

How do I receive my order in Path of Exile?

Within 15-90 minutes of placing your order, we will message you ingame, on the character name you have entered at order checkout. Then we will invite you in party, meet you in the hideout, and give you your ordered items in the trade window.

Is it safe?

It is perfectly safe. We only use high level accounts and we never use bots, macros or other hacks. The result is 0 ban rate. Please scroll down the page to see our excellent customer feedback certified by TrustPilot.

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