Item Stats
Cracklecreep Ruby Ring [Unique (Random)]

Cracklecreep Ruby Ring Unique (Random)

1-3 hours

More details

  • Early Access - SC
+99 XP

Product Features

  • Realm: Early Access - SC
  • Main Type: Unique (Random)
  • Item Class: Other
  • Item Type: Ring
  • Item Name: Cracklecreep Ruby Ring

POE2 Cracklecreep Ruby Ring for Sale

Here at RPGStash POE2 store, we offer a full selection of POE2 items. Our platform ensures a safe and fast delivery of your POE2 Rare items. Whatever your goal in the game, RPGStash is here to make it even more fun!

**The stats for these items are randomized and may vary.

Implicit Modifiers:

  • +(20–30)% to Fire Resistance

Explicit Modifiers:

  • (20–30)% increased Fire Damage
  • (3.1–6) Life Regeneration per second
  • (20–30)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
  • Ignites you inflict spread to other Enemies that stay within 1.5 metres for 2 seconds

Delivery Information

At the checkout, we will ask for more information about your delivery preferences and details.
We offer two secure delivery methods for your convenience:

  • Face to Face: This involves meeting in the game to complete the delivery.
  • Trade Forum Link: We highly recommend this method as it is the safest option. With the Trade Forum Link, the items are traded through the official trade forum platform.

More FAQ

How fast do you deliver POE2 Items?

We normally deliver POE2 Items within 60-180 minutes from the moment you contact our live chat, assuming the payment for your order has been received and approved. On rare occasions, we may need some more time depending on stock and the number of concurrent orders.

Is it safe?

It is perfectly safe. We only use high-level accounts and we never use bots, macros, or other hacks. The result is 0 ban rate. Please scroll down the page to see our excellent customer feedback certified by TrustPilot.

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