WoW The War Within: Liberation of Undermine Raid Guide

04.03.2025 - 08:18:15
Game Guides , World Of Warcraft

WoW The War Within: Liberation of Undermine Raid Guide

Jonas Author
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The new WoW The War Within Liberation of Undermine raid is here and it’s giving players a tough time. The new challenges that await you and your team in the raid have made even the most seasoned veterans run for their money. And we’re here to help you out.

WoW The War Within Liberation of Undermine raid scene

As with past raids, this is going to be challenging even with our help. You might want to stock up on WoW The War Within gold if you want to make sure that your gear and your builds are the best possible. Now, let’s get started with this Liberation of Undermine guide for you and your team.

Vexie and the Geargrinders

The Liberation of Undermine raid brings players face to face with Vexie and the Geargrinders, a chaotic fight filled with mechanical mayhem, deadly oil slicks, and high-speed biker action.

Battle against Vexie and the Geargrinders in Liberation of Undermine

The battle against Vexie and the Geargrinders revolves around using enemy bikers as weapons against the boss itself. You'll need to commandeer bikes and crash them into the Mega Tank, stripping away its protective plating to trigger a vulnerability phase. This is your opportunity to unleash maximum damage and burn the boss down.

Phase 1: The Fight Begins

At the start of the fight, Vexie and the Mega Tank will open with a Tank Buster attack. This ability lives up to its name, dealing significant damage to the active tank and applying a 25-second bleed effect.

On Heroic difficulty, an additional mechanic comes into play—oil spills. These pools of oil spew out from the boss, targeting random players. After a short delay, the oil will land at the players’ locations, creating hazardous zones that need to be managed.

  • Players should bait oil puddles away from the boss, preferably near the edges of the room.
  • The Incendiary Fire mechanic, which targets players, can be used to burn away oil puddles, but this is only a necessity on Mythic difficulty.

Phase 2: The Biker Takedown

Throughout the fight, enemy bikers will ride around the arena. Your goal is to kill these bikers, steal their bikes, and use them as weapons against Vexie’s Mega Tank.

  1. Defeat a Biker to gain access to their bike.
  2. Click on the bike to mount up.
  3. Press the one-button ability to initiate a 2-second cast.
  4. Aim for the boss and slam the bike into the Mega Tank to deal damage and remove its protective plating.
  5. Repeat this process until you remove six stacks of plating.

Once all six stacks are removed, the boss enters a vulnerability phase, which lasts a significant amount of time. This is when your raid should use Bloodlust/Heroism and unleash all cooldowns to burn the boss down.

While launching bikes at the boss, make sure no oil puddles are in the way. Oil blocks the impact, preventing bikes from hitting their mark. You’ll have around 20 seconds to launch each bike, so timing is key.

If necessary, you can delay the final bike hit to align with 2-minute cooldowns, allowing for a more controlled and efficient burn phase. However, don’t delay for too long, as Vexie will eventually reach 100 energy, triggering Unrelenting Carnage.

Last Phase

At 100 energy, Vexie unleashes Unrelenting Carnage, a brutal raid-wide attack that deals massive damage and launches Burning Shrapnel projectiles across the battlefield.

  • Use defensive cooldowns if you're crashing multiple bikes into the boss at once.
  • Healers should prepare raid-wide cooldowns to manage the immense damage output.
  • Tank damage mitigation is crucial—be ready for high incoming damage.

During the vulnerability phase, adds will spawn and attempt to heal Vexie. These mobs can be crowd-controlled, so it's crucial to:

  • Use stuns, grips, and mass CC abilities to keep them from reaching the boss.
  • Utilize abilities like Mass Grip and Solar Beam to lock them down.
  • Cleave them down quickly to prevent them from undoing your hard work.

Cauldron of Carnage

After defeating Vexie and the Geargrinders, players have the freedom to choose from three possible next encounters. This next fight is going to be tough and you’ll need a lot of WoW gold to have enough power for two bosses.

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One of the most straightforward options is Cauldron of Carnage, featuring two formidable bosses—Florendo, the Fire T-Rex, and Torque, the Lightning Gorilla. While this fight may be slightly easier than the other options, it still requires careful positioning, movement control, and proper management of stacking debuffs.

Florendo, the Fire T-Rex and Torque, the Lightning Gorilla in Cauldron of Carnage

Florendo and Torque do not share health, meaning they must be damaged separately throughout the fight.

However, the key challenge comes from keeping them apart—if they remain too close to one another, they gain immunity shields and deal extra damage to the raid.

Additionally, both bosses apply damage-over-time (DoT) effects based on their respective elements:

  • Florendo applies a Fire debuff to players.
  • Torque applies a Lightning debuff to players.

The only way to remove these debuffs is when the two bosses clash in the middle of the arena. This moment allows for a brief window of cleave damage on both bosses and serves as an ideal time to swap sides. However, each Clash triggers massive raid-wide damage and spawns void zones across the battlefield, which must be dodged.

Florendo, the Fire T-Rex – Key Abilities

Florendo specializes in fire-based attacks, creating hazardous flame puddles and requiring careful positioning to prevent the battlefield from becoming overwhelmed.

  1. Scrap Bomb
  • A player is marked and targeted with Scrap Bomb.
  • The explosion leaves behind fire puddles—these must be placed near the edges of the room to avoid cluttering the battlefield.
  • The Scrap Bomb must be soaked by designated players, as it knocks back everyone nearby.
  1. Molten Fleem (Heroic Difficulty Only)
  • Shortly after being knocked back by Scrap Bomb, players take extra fire damage if stacked too closely together.
  • To avoid excessive damage, players must immediately spread out after being knocked back.
  1. Roar Cannon
  • One player will be targeted and must aim a massive frontal blast.
  • This player has two seconds to position themselves before the frontal attack fires.
  • The blast should not be aimed at the other boss’s side or toward players soaking the Scrap Bomb.
  • Proper positioning prevents the knockback from Scrap Bomb from sending players into the Roar Cannon's path.
  1. Eruption Stomp (Tank Mechanic)
  • A devastating stomp knocks tanks into the air and unleashes flaming waves across the arena.
  • The tank must position away from the group before taking this hit to prevent unnecessary raid damage.

Torque, the Lightning Gorilla – Key Abilities

Torque's attacks revolve around lightning-based mechanics, punishing players for excessive movement and creating static energy buildups that lead to stunning effects.

  1. Static Charge
  • Players gain a Static Charge meter—the more they move, the faster it fills up.
  • Reaching maximum charge results in a stun, making them vulnerable to incoming damage.
  • To avoid this, players should move in short bursts, pausing in between to prevent excessive charge buildup.
  1. Thunder Drum Salvo
  • Lightning circles appear beneath players, and after a short delay, crash down and deal damage.
  • Players can move slightly, pause, then move again to avoid triggering too much Static Charge while dodging the attack.
  1. Voltaic Images
  • Summoned lightning entities chase down players and explode on contact.
  • These images leave behind silencing fields of electricity when they die.
  • They should be baited near the edges of the room to prevent the battlefield from being overwhelmed.
  • They can be crowd-controlled, so grips, stuns, and roots are highly effective tools.
  1. Lightning Bash (Tank Mechanic)
  • A physical attack that, if not fully mitigated, inflicts Nature damage over time to the tank.
  • Tanks must be ready to mitigate or use defensive cooldowns to lessen the impact.

Final Phase

Once the bosses reach maximum energy, they will continue performing Colossal Clashes until they are defeated. Each subsequent Clash deals more raid-wide damage, meaning the fight only becomes more dangerous over time.

  • Swap sides after every Clash to ensure an even health pool between the two bosses.
  • Prioritize the boss with higher health to ensure both are defeated at the same time.
  • Use raid-wide defensive cooldowns as the Clashes intensify, making survival the top priority.

Rik Reverb

The Rik Reverb encounter is a highly tank-focused fight that requires precise positioning, careful handling of pylons, and quick reactions to dangerous sound-based mechanics. Tanks will bear the brunt of the pressure, but healers and DPS must also stay alert to manage the fight's various energy-draining and survival mechanics.

Rik Reverb boss encounter in WoW

At the core of this fight is the Tank Buster ability – Sonic Blast. This attack fires a 9-yard cone in front of Rik Reverb, applying a stacking debuff called Tontis to anyone hit.

  • Non-tanks should avoid standing near the tanks to prevent unnecessary debuff stacks.
  • Tanks should swap at around 4 to 6 stacks, depending on comfort and healing capacity.
  • Rik Reverb must be tanked away from amplification pylons, as standing too close to them causes the boss to generate more energy, making the fight harder to manage.

Throughout the fight, Amplification Pylons will spawn across the room. These pylons increase Rik Reverb’s energy gain if left active, leading to more frequent deadly abilities.

  • Players can click on pylons to drain their energy and prevent them from amplifying the boss.
  • The off-tank, ranged DPS, and healers should prioritize draining these pylons.
  • Leaving pylons active for too long can quickly overwhelm the raid, so energy management is crucial.

Periodically, the pylons will spawn Resonant Echoes, which send out waves of sound energy in white circular patterns around the room.

  • Getting hit once inflicts a damage-over-time effect (DoT).
  • On Heroic difficulty, getting hit twice causes Entranced, where the player is stunned until broken out by allies' DPS.
  • Movement and awareness are key—dodge the white sound waves at all costs.

This fight demands heavy healing, particularly for players soaking pylons and dealing with stacking debuffs. Healers must focus on:

  • Tanks taking Sonic Blast and accumulating Tontis stacks.
  • Players who are draining pylons, as they take increased damage over time.
  • Faulty Zap, which places lightning circles on random players—these players require focused healing to survive.

Rik Reverb periodically casts Sound Cannon, a frontal cone attack. This is Sound Cannon which can be hard to deal with.

  • On Normal and Heroic, this ability does not split damage, but it still deals heavy direct damage.
  • On Mythic difficulty, it splits damage among all hit players, meaning proper positioning is crucial.
  • The targeted player should aim the Sound Cannon away from the group to prevent unnecessary damage.

Throughout the fight, Pyrotechnic devices will spawn around the room, each casting Grand Finale—a massive raid-wide explosion.

  • If Grand Finale goes off, it applies a stacking DoT to the entire raid.
  • These Pyrotechnic devices must be prioritized and destroyed quickly.
  • If they do go off, healers must prepare cooldowns to manage the incoming damage.

At specific points in the fight, Rik Reverb will enter an intermission phase, activating a Soundcloud buff that reduces all damage taken by 99%.

During this phase, the boss sends out deadly sound waves that can instantly kill players who fail to dodge them.

  1. Find pylons with lightning circles around them—these indicate safe zones.
  2. Enter the marked pylon to get launched into the air (similar to Queen Azshara’s jump mechanic).
  3. Jump over the sound waves coming from Rik Reverb to avoid instant death.
  4. Move to the next pylon and repeat—this must be done four times before the phase ends.

Once the intermission ends, the fight resets to its standard mechanics. Players must:

  • Continue managing pylons to prevent energy buildup.
  • Repeat dodging Resonant Echoes while avoiding stacking debuffs.
  • Burn down Pyrotechnic devices to prevent Grand Finale from wiping the raid.

If you want to succeed more at the fight, make sure to bring the best tanks for patch 11.1 in WoW The War Within.

Stix Bunkjunker

The third or fourth boss of the Liberation of Undermine raid, Stix Bunkjunker, is a chaotic encounter filled with waves of adds, piles of garbage, and a unique rolling mechanic that requires coordination from the entire raid.

This fight demands precise add control, tank management, and proper movement, making it one of the most unique encounters in the raid.

Stix Bunkjunker boss encounter in WoW

Throughout the fight, multiple adds and piles of garbage will spawn around the room. Each add type serves a different function, and proper handling of them is key to controlling the battlefield.

  • Hyenas & Scrap Masters – These are minor enemies that can be cleaved down quickly. They apply debuffs when they bite players, so tanks should pick them up immediately.
  • Territorial Bombshells – These enemies attach themselves to medium-sized garbage piles and remain immune to crowd control until their health is reduced below 75%. Once weakened, they can be crowd-controlled and repositioned for cleave damage.

To handle them, make sure that hyenas and Scrap Masters should be gathered by tanks and cleaved down efficiently.

Territorial Bombshells must be freed and brought to the boss for additional cleave damage. However, avoid killing them with rolling players, as this applies a raid-wide DoT that stacks, leading to massive damage over time.

At 100 energy, Stix Bunkjunker casts Electromagnetic Sorting, which turns the active tank and several other players (including healers) into rolling balls.

  1. Players roll over small piles of garbage and weak adds (Hyenas & Scrap Masters) to absorb them and increase in size.
  2. As a Medium Ball, players can now absorb medium-sized piles of garbage.
  3. When reaching Large Ball size, players must roll into Doom Explosives to neutralize them before they detonate.
  4. If all Doom Explosives are cleared, rolling players can crash into the boss for bonus damage.

Tanks play a crucial role in this fight, managing both boss positioning and add control while dealing with dangerous tank-specific mechanics.

  • Demolish (Tank Buster) – This heavy-hitting attack usually happens before the active tank transforms into a rolling ball. Tanks must mitigate this ability before swapping roles.
  • Meltdown – A stacking debuff that causes tanks to take increased damage over time. This debuff must be monitored carefully to prevent excessive damage.
  • Add Control – Tanks need to pick up as many Hyenas and Scrap Masters as possible to prevent them from overwhelming the raid. Range DPS should help with knockbacks, and melee should assist in cleaving them down.

Territorial Bombshells move slowly even after being broken free from their garbage piles. This is where crowd-control abilities become essential.

  • Grips (Death Grip, Mass Grip) – Helps reposition Bombshells quickly.
  • Stuns (Leg Sweep, Hammer of Justice, Shockwave, etc.) – Prevents them from dealing unnecessary damage.
  • Roots & Slows (Frost Nova, Earthbind Totem, Chains of Ice, etc.) – Limits their movement, keeping them in cleave range.

Once the first set of Doom Explosives is cleared, the boss will enter Maximum Output mode:

  • Stix flies around the room, dealing raid-wide damage.
  • The boss crashes into the middle of the room, resetting the fight mechanics.
  • New garbage piles, Doom Explosives, and adds spawn, and the fight cycle repeats.

The Incinerator ability introduces an additional layer of difficulty, as it interacts with the garbage piles on the floor.

  • Players affected by Incinerator must spread out to avoid debuffing allies.
  • If an affected player touches a small garbage pile, the pile catches fire and begins dealing ticking raid-wide damage permanently.
  • To prevent this:
    • Keep the boss away from small garbage piles to minimize the risk.
    • Rolling players should prioritize clearing small piles to remove hazards before they ignite.

Sprocketmonger Lockenstock

Sprocketmonger Lockenstock is the fifth boss in the Liberation of Undermine raid and features a mechanically intense battle filled with mines, conveyor belts, and deadly inventions.

Throughout the fight, Foot Blaster mines spawn on the ground. Players must step on them to trigger them, which deals raid-wide damage and applies a 2-second debuff. If another mine is activated before the debuff expires, it triggers a raid wipe.

Sprocketmonger Lockenstock boss encounter in WoW

To properly handle these mines, players should be organized into three soaking teams of four players each. Tanks can technically soak twice, but for general safety, twelve players should be assigned for mine soaking. Each phase contains three mine waves before an intermission resets the cycle.

Lockenstock’s Wire Transfer ability forces players to move across the room. The fight begins with the arena divided into four quadrants, and as the battle progresses, Wire Transfer electrifies the section of the room you are in, forcing the raid to relocate.

While players handle mines and move between quadrants, two major damage mechanics occur:

  • Sonic Baboom deals ten seconds of pulsing raid-wide damage, requiring healers to use cooldowns to sustain the group.
  • Pyro Party Pack, the Tank Buster mechanic, straps explosives onto the tank, forcing them to run out of the raid before the detonation occurs. This explosion deals high damage with a falloff effect, meaning the further away the tank is, the better.

As players move through the room, Screw-Up spawns small screws targeting random players. These screws stun anyone hit and require precise movement to avoid.

The best way to handle this mechanic is to move in small bursts, stopping in between movements to prevent running into screws. Baiting them away from the group helps keep the battlefield clear.

Lockenstock frequently triggers random inventions, creating additional hazards that force players to dodge and reposition.

  • Flame Lines spawn along far conveyor belts, sending fire waves across the arena.
  • Traps appear on the middle conveyor belt, making crossing dangerous.
  • Magnets pull players into the center of the room, stunning them for five to six seconds if caught.
  • Rockets periodically travel across the room, dealing significant damage on impact.

Positioning is key—players must pay close attention to conveyor belts and traps while navigating through the arena.

At maximum energy, Lockenstock casts Beta Launch, knocking all players toward the entrance and forcing them to one side of the conveyor belt. The boss then begins channeling Bleeding Edge. To handle Bleeding Edge, players should:

  • Use Warlock gateways or movement abilities to get as close as possible to the boss.
  • Stand on the borders of the conveyor belt, avoiding electrified zones and the knockback effect.
  • Dodge blood splatters on the ground, which disorient players.
  • Healers should use cooldowns, as Bleeding Edge applies large negative healing absorbs while dealing heavy raid-wide damage.

After Bleeding Edge, Lockenstock returns with increased damage and empowers all inventions with Void energy. This phase makes:

  • Flame beams expand into massive Void beams, making dodging even harder.
  • Mines, rockets, magnets, and traps return, increasing in intensity.
  • The next intermission repeats the Bleeding Edge phase, making it harder each time.

Final Phase

After the second intermission, the cycle repeats from the start, with Foot Blaster mines returning.

The first soaking team from the start of the fight will need to be ready again. At this point, the encounter becomes progressively harder, requiring precise execution of mechanics to survive. This is one of the most challenging parts of the raid and you’ll need the best sets for patch 11.1 for this.

The One-Armed Bandit

The One-Armed Bandit encounter is a fast-paced fight featuring spinning coins, slot machine mechanics, and an escalating series of deadly combinations.

Players must skillfully manage coins, avoid stuns, and input the correct slot machine combos to prevent a catastrophic raid wipe.

The One-Armed Bandit boss encounter in WoW

At the start of the fight, the Payline mechanic sends coins flying toward players. Anyone hit by these coins takes heavy damage and is stunned, but players who stand near them without being hit receive the High Roller buff, granting increased damage and healing.

Once the coins hit the wall, players can interact with them using an extra action button. From here, the raid has two choices:

  • Destroy the coins by aiming them back at the wall to remove the Up the Ante buff that empowers the boss.
  • Send them back toward the group to allow more players to dodge for additional High Roller buffs, though this comes with the risk of accidentally stunning allies.

As the fight progresses, icons appear at the back of the room, representing four possible buffs: Flame, Shock, Coin, and Bomb. These determine which abilities the boss will use.

The boss casts Spin to Win, starting a 30-second countdown during which players must defeat Real Assistants carrying one of the four buffs. The tank typically collects these buffs and must insert them into the slot machine to prevent the Fraud Detected debuff, which wipes the raid if the wrong combination is input.

To track which combinations have already been used, players should monitor the back of the room, where previously used combinations disappear. If a combination is repeated, Fraud Detected triggers, ending the fight instantly.

Each combination of buffs triggers different mechanics:

  • Bomb summons additional adds that must be killed quickly.
  • Coin inflicts raid-wide damage.
  • Flame launches flame waves from the boss.
  • Shock spawns lightning coils, which remain active for the rest of the fight.

Shock is particularly dangerous, as the coils continuously generate lightning fields. These coils can be used to clear lingering puddles, but if they aren’t managed correctly, they create a deadly tank-busting mechanic.

The Big Hit Tank Buster drops lightning puddles on the ground. Tanks can use the Shock coils to clear some of these puddles, but if left unchecked, the room quickly fills with hazards.

The Real Assistants also debuff players with Withering Flames, which must be dispelled. However, dispelling these debuffs triggers flame tornadoes, forcing players to reposition carefully to avoid unnecessary damage.

Every 30 to 40 seconds, the boss casts Foul Exhaust, dealing moderate damage while applying a negative healing absorb. Healers must be prepared to counteract this effect, especially when paired with high-damage combinations like Flame + Coin, which can devastate the raid.

Proper defensive cooldown usage is crucial during these moments. If Flame and Coin overlap with Foul Exhaust, all players should use personal defensives to survive the incoming damage.

At 30-35% health, the boss enters Rig the Game, where it chooses its own combinations without players needing to input them manually. At this point, Real Assistants stop spawning, and the encounter moves into a soft enrage phase.

This phase cycles through all possible buffs, starting with Shock (coils that cause lightning knockbacks), then Flame (spreading fire lines at players), followed by Coin (pulsing AOE damage), and finally Bomb (triggering Explosive Jackpot, which instantly wipes the raid if not defeated in time).

At this point, the raid must focus on survival while maximizing damage output. Players need to:

  • Use defensives and healing cooldowns for Coin and Flame phases.
  • Quickly eliminate Bomb adds before they overwhelm the raid.
  • Dodge the ever-increasing hazards, including coins, flames, and shock coils.

If the raid cannot defeat the boss before Explosive Jackpot triggers, the encounter ends in a full raid wipe. Efficient damage allocation and timely defensive usage make the difference between success and failure in this chaotic, high-stakes encounter.


Mug'Zee is the penultimate boss of the Liberation of Undermine raid, featuring a split-phase battle with two distinct sides: Red and Blue.

Mug'Zee boss encounter in WoW

Phase 1: The Red Side

The fight begins on the Red Side, with Mug'Zee dealing heavy AOE damage before starting to generate energy in a reddish-brown energy bar. If the boss reaches maximum energy, it enrages and wipes the raid, making efficient DPS and phase transitions critical.

During this phase, two players are targeted by EarthQuaker Jails, trapping them behind an urn wall where they must fight a Jailer Urn Elemental. These enemies cast frontal attacks, which must be dodged while dealing as much damage as possible to escape.

Players outside the jail must help break their allies free using the Frost Shatter Spear mechanic. These randomly targeted players gain a sliding movement effect, forcing them to aim and launch their spear at the jail walls to free their teammates.

Meanwhile, the tank must handle Molten Gold Knuckles, an ability that knocks them backward while dropping puddles of gold. Proper positioning against a wall prevents excessive movement, and tanks should run along the wall to drop puddles in a controlled manner.

Another ability to watch out for is Storm Fury Finger Guns, a lightning frontal attack that leaves behind lightning void zones. Getting hit results in a stun, making movement and positioning even more important.

Before Mug'Zee reaches maximum energy, players must move to the Blue Side, triggering a massive AOE pulse and activating new mechanics.

Phase 2: The Blue Side

On the Blue Side, players face new enemies and hazards while keeping up with Mug'Zee’s relentless assault.

One of the most dangerous threats in this phase is the Electro Shockers, drones that spawn periodically and randomly target players with high burst damage. These drones must be killed quickly before they overwhelm the raid.

Throughout the fight, Unstable Crawler Mines spawn at player locations. These mines cannot be damaged or destroyed normally and are instead triggered by players running into them.

Once activated, the mines explode into shrapnel that must be soaked by players—if left unattended, they deal catastrophic raid-wide damage. Anyone soaking the explosion gains a negative heal absorb, which ticks over time until fully healed.

Crawler Mines can also be triggered accidentally by several mechanics:

  • Earthbreaker Walls from the Red Side
  • Bullet Storm, the intermission ability
  • Double Whammy Shot, the tank buster on the Blue Side

Tanks must also manage Double Whammy Shot, a heavy-hitting attack aimed at a random non-tank player. This hit must be soaked by a tank, and the targeted player will take damage equal to the unmitigated portion of the tank’s damage taken.

Mug'Zee battle phase transition in WoW

At 40% health, Mug'Zee enters the Bullet Storm intermission, spinning in a 360-degree attack, unleashing lightning and bullets across the arena. Players must dodge the spinning attack while preparing for the final phase, where all previous mechanics combine.

Bullet Storm also triggers Unstable Crawler Mines, breaking any remaining EarthQuaker Jails. If Jailer Urn Elementals are still alive, they enrage, making them a priority kill before entering the final phase.

Final Phase

After Bullet Storm, the entire fight escalates, with both Red and Blue mechanics occurring simultaneously.

  • EarthQuaker Jails still occur, requiring precise Frost Shatter Spear usage to free trapped players.
  • Electro Shockers continue spawning, dealing high damage to random targets.
  • Goblin Rocketeers drop more rockets, requiring proper soak rotations.
  • Unstable Crawler Mines become more frequent, making controlled activation and soaks even more critical.

At this stage, players must handle mechanics cleanly while maximizing DPS to defeat Mug'Zee before being overwhelmed.

Takeover Undermine

The Liberation of Undermine is a very challenging raid, but hopefully, we’ve made it much easier with our guide here. If you’re not looking to max out through Mythic+ dungeons next, we’ve got a list of the best damage dealers for WoW The War Within 11.1. Nothing beats following the meta.

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