Ultimate PoE 2 Hideout Guide
10.03.2025 - 21:45:12
Game Guides , Path of Exile 2
Do you want to know how to get your own hideout in Path of Exile 2? If so, you are in the right place! This is our ultimate PoE 2 Hideout Guide, where we cover everything you need to know about how to unlock, customize, and make your hideout nice according to your specifications!
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What is a Hideout?
Our PoE 2 Hideout guide begins with an explanation of the topic in question. So, what is a hideout in Path of Exile 2?
Simply put, the hideout is your base of operations in the endgame. It is a place where you can store your items, install a map device, and invite various NPCs so you don't have to go to major settlements to do the same things.
On top of that, a hideout is basically your abode. You have the freedom to customize it to your liking. You can put as many decorations and arrange them depending on how you want your hideout to look.
More importantly, this is the place where you invite other people to trade items to earn some PoE 2 Divine Orbs and whatnot.
How to Unlock Hideout in PoE 2
So, how do you get your very own hideout in Path of Exile 2? The first thing that you need to do is finish the campaign. In PoE 2 Early Access, that means that you have to finish the first three acts a couple of times (Normal and Cruel Difficulty). During the full launch, where the game will have all six acts unlocked, you have to finish all of them to reach the Ziggurat Refuge.
After defeating the final boss of the campaign, you will arrive at the Ziggurat Refuge. At the center of this area is a Map Device that you can interact with. Doing so presents you with the Atlas UI as shown in the image below:

Once you see the Atlas, look for a hideout node nearby. In the picture above, you see that the hideout node is about several maps away from the starting position. This is, of course, not set in stone in that your Atlas layout is different from others. Typically, however, hideouts should be accessible within four to seven nodes from the Ziggurat Refuge.
Now, the image in question shows you that the hideout is already unlocked. But, what does it look like if you have not claimed it yet? Well, it appears something like this:

The hideout node lights up in blue and is clickable just like any other map node that you can see on the Atlas. Head towards the hideout, click the node, and put any tier Waystone on it to enter.

Once inside, your main objective is to eliminate every monster in the area. Don't worry, the hideout is easy to clear out and can be done within two minutes depending on your PoE 2 build.
After killing the last enemy, congratulations! You have now unlocked your very first hideout!
How to Set Your Hideout
Okay, now that you have unlocked your hideout, what should you do next? Go back to the Ziggurat Refuge and look for Alva. She is situated a little bit to the left (near the Waypoint). Talk to her and choose the appropriate action to select your hideout.

After doing so, you will be presented with this interface:

The image above shows how many hideouts you have unlocked so far. If you only have a single hideout, then the UI presents you with only one. Click on the hideout and choose it as your base of operations. You will automatically be transported there shortly after.
How to Visit Your PoE 2 Hideout
There are a couple of ways that you can travel to your hideout. The first is by interacting with the Waypoint and clicking on the hideout icon on the right side of the UI.

Alternatively, when you are in any of the major settlements in Path of Exile 2, you can simply type the command "/hideout" (without quotation marks) and it will do the same thing.
Now, if you have Exiled Exchange 2 or Sidekick installed, you can press F5 to teleport to your hideout. You can read our PoE 2 Trade Guide to learn more about these programs.
Hideout Customization
When you are now in your hideout, it’s time to make some changes according to your preference. To do that, click on the arrow pointing upward near your EXP bar.

After doing that, you should see something like this:

Next, click on the "Decorations" button (the icon that looks like a chair) to bring up all of the customization options available to you. Check the individual categories to see which objects you want to add as part of your PoE 2 hideout’s decorations. If you are looking for a specific decoration, you can type its name in the search box at the bottom.

As mentioned earlier in this Path of Exile 2 hideout guide, you can actually have NPCs in your base of operations. On the Decorations menu, scroll down until you see the "NPCs" category. Click it and you will see a bunch of NPCs that you can add to your hideout. Some of them include Alva, Rog, and Doryani, among others.

After putting all the decorations, you can change their orientation by pressing the "Edit" button once more. On PC, click on the object or NPC until you see a circle underneath them. Next, click on any area of the circle and then drag to the left or to the right depending on how you want to position them. Another way to do this is by pressing the "F" key to turn the object/NPC by 25 degrees.

You can also change the order or placement of your decorations. Just press the edit button, click on the particular object you want to move, and then drag them anywhere you like.

How to Unlock Dreadnought Hideout in PoE 2
At the time of writing this Path of Exile 2 ultimate hideout guide, there are a total of five different hideouts to choose from. Four of them, namely the Canal Hideout, Felled Hideout, Limestone Hideout, and Shrine Hideout, can be unlocked for free. Just look for their respective nodes on the Atlas, clear the area of enemies, and they are yours free of charge!
However, there is one hideout that you have to pay in order to unlock, and that is the Dreadnought Hideout. If you want to get the Dreadnought Hideout, you have to spend real money and purchase the King of the Faridun Supporter Pack for Path of Exile 2. It costs 1,000 premium coins or $100, which is a steep price.
There is some good news, though, because you will not only receive the said hideout but also other nifty stuff, such as the Iron Count’s Zweihander, Faridun’s Glory weapon skin for bows, and The Rust King Portal Effect, among many others.

By now, you already know how to unlock a hideout, go there, and then customize it to your liking. It's time to provide you with some additional tips to help you get the most out of it.
Import Hideout Layouts
The process of beautifying your PoE 2 hideout can be a chore, especially if you want to put up a plethora of decorations. Fortunately, there is a way for you to have a beautiful hideout; one that does not involve numerous hours to tweak. How? By importing already established hideouts by other players, of course!
When you press the edit button, you have the option of exporting and importing hideout files. You want to choose the second option because it lets you import the ones uploaded by other Path of Exile 2 players so that you can use them as your own.
You are probably asking where you can find these files. Search the internet for "PoE 2 Hideout Import" and choose the first page that comes up. It will direct you to a website that allows you to download the necessary files for already established and customized hideouts.
Browse the platform and select any layout of your choosing. After that, click on "Downloads" and then save the hideout file anywhere accessible on your PC. Fire up Path of Exile 2, go to your hideout, and then click on the "Import" button. It will open up a window and all you have to do at this point is click on the downloaded file and press OK. It's that simple!
Now, there are a couple of things you need to keep in mind when it comes to importing hideout layouts. First, make sure to save a copy of your current hideout configuration by pressing the "Export" button and saving it somewhere on your PC. This is not mandatory, but one that will save you from a lot of trouble in case you don't like the layout you have downloaded.
Second, you have to set the default hideout indicated on the page. If it says something like "Felled Hideout," you must select this one to properly import the file. Failure to do this will result in an error, prompting you to change your current hideout to the right one before importing can be done.

Rush to Get the Hideout
After finishing the campaign, it is best to look at your Atlas and find the nearest hideout from the starting point. Collect several Waystones beforehand so that you finish the map nodes that lead to the hideout quickly. It should only take anywhere between four to seven Waystones.
Waystones should already drop as early as Act 3 Cruel Difficulty (for PoE 2 Early Access) or Act 6 in the full release. Are you interested to know when Path of Exile 2 will be fully released? Then read our dedicated article about that here.
The reason why you want to rush to a hideout is so that you can establish a base early on in your Atlas progression, thus enabling you to trade with others easily. Players don't want to load up in major settlements because of the lag. Going to the seller's hideout is always the preferred option when trading items in Path of Exile 2.
Put a Guild Stash
If you have established a guild, the guild stash will be placed somewhere in your hideout by default. However, there are some instances when this is not the case. So, in the event that the said stash is not present, you can simply bring up the Decorations UI and then type "guild stash" in the search box below.
It should go without saying that you have to purchase a Guild Stash Tab in the in-game shop as well. It costs 50 premium coins for each stash, though we highly recommend that you get at least one Guild Quad Stash Tab if you have the means to do so.
To buy a guild stash, load up some premium currency to your account and then donate it to your guild coffers (press "K" to bring up the shop UI). You can specify the exact amount, just enough to purchase one or however many Guild Stash Tabs you want.

Another thing worth pointing out is that you cannot put up items for sale in the guild stash even though it's considered premium. It is merely used for storing and taking items that you and some designated members of your guild can do.

A single Premium Guild Stash Tab costs $5 and a Guild Quad Stash Tab can be yours for around $18.50. However, since you can only buy premium currency in five-dollar increments (equivalent to 50 points), a Quad Stash pretty much costs $20.
Place Important Things Near the Waypoint
Much of your time in the endgame of Path of Exile 2 revolves around completing the Atlas and tackling the much harder content like pinnacle bosses and the Trials of Ascendancy. With this in mind, it's quite helpful if you put the essential NPCs and decorations near the waypoint. These important things are:
- Doryani (Refund Skill/Atlas Points, Identify Items)
- Ketzuli, Architect of Time (Disenchant Items)
- Alva (Hideout Selection, Currency Exchange)
- Salvaging Bench (for salvaging magic/rare items for scraps, whetstones, and shards)
- Reforging Bench (reforge Waystones, weapons, and armor)
- Personal Stash and Guild Stash
- Kalguurans
- Gwennen (trade artifacts for weapons)
- Rog (trade artifacts for armor)
- Tujen (trade artifacts for belts and jewelry)
- Dannig (Expedition Map)
The reason why it's important to put the above-mentioned NPCs and decorations near the Waypoint is so that you don't have to veer too far away to get a hold of their services. You can easily sell, store, and disenchant items in several seconds before heading out for a new adventure!
Final Thoughts
Your hideout is one of the most important things in PoE 2 mainly because it is your base of operations in the endgame. Not only is it a good place to trade for items with other players, but also a way for you to easily access NPCs, stashes, and more.
We hope that you have found our ultimate Path of Exile 2 hideout guide useful. Be sure to bookmark this page for future reference. You can check out our other PoE 2 guides as well.
If you are short on currency, you can visit our PoE 2 Currency Store. We have a vast array of different tradable currencies in the game, including PoE 2 Exalted Orbs, Divine Orbs, and Regal Orbs among many others.