Runescape 3 Herblore Guide
22.03.2023 - 12:17:12
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Why Should You Train Herblore?
Herblore is one of the elite skills that one can train up to level 120, making it really expensive to train. However it's one of the most useful skills in the game as it goes hand to hand with all combat skills. Since the high level combat potions aren't tradable, every player who is looking to PVM must train their Herblore to a certain extent.
There are also a lot of quests that require a certain Herblore level to complete, those quests are as follows:
- Jungle Potion - Herblore Level 3
- Lunar Diplomacy - Herblore Level 5
- Zogre Flesh Eaters - Herblore Level 8
- The Dig Site - Herblore Level 10
- Watchtower - Herblore Level 14
- Shades of Mort'ton - Herblore Level 15
- One Small Favour - Herblore Level 18
- Heroes' Quest - Herblore Level 25
- Evil Dave's Big Day Out - Herblore Level 30
- Eadgar's Ruse - Herblore Level 31
- Land of the Goblins - Herblore Level 37
- Glorious Memories - Herblore Level 43
- Legends' Quest - Herblore Level 45
- A Guild of Our Own (Miniquest) - Herblore Level 46
- Salt in the Wound - Herblore Level 47
- A Void Dance - Herblore Level 49
- Grim Tales - Herblore Level 52
- A Fairy Tale II, Cure a Queen - Herblore Level 57
- Kindred Spirits - Herblore Level 60
- While Guthix Sleeps - Herblore Level 65
- Plague's End - Herblore Level 75
- River of Blood - Herblore Level 80
- The Light Within - Herblore Level 80
If you are looking to get a quest cape you will need at least level 80 Herblore. Also if you are looking to complete all the aerial tasks in the game for those benefits, you will need level 94 Herblore.
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Herblore Guide
Before we get into the actual ways of training this skill, there are a lot of buffs and items that you need to know about. If you already know about them or if you do not care, please skip to the title called "1-120 Herblore and Beyond".
Portable Well
Portable wells are items that can be obtained through the treasure hunter or from the Grand Exchange. These items can be placed on the ground and used for brewing potions. Each well lasts 5 minutes and you can extend this time by using multiple of these wells. Brewing potions using this well grants 10% more Herblore experience alongside a 5% chance of creating an extra potion, which is automatically sent to your bank. Only exception to this are combination potions as they still get the experience bonus but they don't benefit from the extra potion creation chance.
Perfect Juju Herblore Potion/Perfect Plus Potion
Drinking this potion grants you 5% more experience from making combination potions for one/four hours. This buff only applies to 6-dose potions.
Botanist's Outfit
Botanist's outfit is a set that boosts your experience while training Herblore. You can obtain this set from the Flash Powder Factory minigame.
- Botanist's Mask - 1% Experience boost
- Botanist's Top - 1% Experience boost
- Botanist's Trousers - 1% Experience boost
- Botanist's Gloves - 1% Experience boost
- Botanist's Boots - 1% Experience boost
- Set Bonus - 1% Experience boost
You can also upgrade your botanist's mask to modified botanist's mask. Wearing this mask also grants you a 5% chance of duplicating the potions that you are making. This buff stacks with the portable well.
Factory Outfit
This set is also obtainable through the Flash Powder Factory minigame. Wearing ⅗ of the parts of the set will give you a 10% chance of creating a 4-dose potion instead of 3. This also stacks with bonuses from Morytania legs 4 and Desert amulet 4. Wearing the full set also gives bonus experience for making unfinished potions equivalent to cleaning the relevant herbs.
Scroll of Cleansing
This item can be bought from the Dungeoneering reward shop for 20K tokens and requires level 49 Herblore and Dungeoneering to use. Once used it gives the player following permanent effects:
- A chance to save the secondary ingredient when brewing potions. This also works with unfinished potions.
- Increases your potion making speed by x2.
Shadow Touched Training
There are 3 items you can get that will help you train most of the skills in the game. Those items can be obtained after completing the quest "Sliske's Endgame". These items are Ring of Whispers, Necklace of Shadows and Combined Catalyst fragment. These have a set effect which spawns manifested knowledges every 4 minutes. Clicking on these manifestations will grant you 10% of a small experience lamp's experience.
Torstol Incense Sticks
Consuming each one of these sticks will provide an additional increase to your base Herblore experience. It is recommended to overload with these to get the maximum experience increase instantly, which is 2%.
Brooch of the Gods
Having this item equipped doubles your likelihood of creating two potions while using a portable well.
Wise Perk
This is a perk that can be attached to any of your equipable items. It provides an additional 1% experience boost to your Herblore per rank, up to 50,000 experience per day. It is advised to place it on an off-hand or a main-hand weapon.
Inspire Genius
This is a relic power which you can activate if you have level 118 Archaeology. When active it grants the player a 2% experience boost to Herblore.
Botanist Amulet
This item has 5 charges and when equipped it grants the player a 5% chance of creating 4-dose potions instead of 3.
Morytania Legs 4
Morytania legs 4 is an item that can be obtained after completing the Elite Morytania Diary. It grants the player a 20% chance of creating a 4-dose prayer renewal instead of 3 while brewing them in Morytania.
Desert Amulet 4
Just like the Morytania legs, you can obtain this item after completing the Elite Desert Diary. It grants the player a 20% chance to create a 4-dose super antifire instead of 3, while in the desert.
Envenomed perk
Give the player a 10% chance to create 4-dose potions when mixing weapon poison or antipoison potion variants.
Voice of Seren
Voice of Seren is a passive buff that activates during certain hours in Prifddinas. When active it will give 20% more Herblore experience to any player that is training Herblore in Meilyr District.
Protean Shake
This item is a reward from treasure hunter. You can use them to gain Herblore experience. This item also scales with one's Herblore level, so the higher your level is the more experience this is gonna yield. Although it will never be as fast as regular potion making, it is the cheapest way of training your Herblore, costing practically nothing.
1-120 Herblore Training and Beyond
The following methods will be mostly efficient and expensive, if you don't have spare gold or if you want to spend less money check this link to find the cheaper alternatives:
Also make sure that you are always using your portable wells. Lumbridge bank on world 84 always has a well. Always decant your 3-dose potions to 4 doses before selling.
It's also recommended that you train your Herblore during double exp weeks. As it reduces the training time and cost by half. This is especially useful after level 99 as most methods are quite expensive at that level.
Lastly make sure that you are utilising your bank presets for maximum efficiency, aside from the combination potions you have to withdraw 14 of each ingredient to make potions or unfinished potions.
Levels 1-19 Quests: If you want to skip the early levels while gaining some quest points here is your quests list:
- Druidic Ritual
- Jungle Potion
- Recruitment Drive
- The Dig Site
These quests will take you all the way to level 19.
Level 9-12 Attack Potions: This is the best method to do if you do not have requirements to complete the quest "Dig Site". Buy some unfinished guam potions and add eyes of newt to them. If it's cheaper you might want to buy the guam herb itself to do this method.
Levels 12-26 Strength Potion: Buy unfinished tarromin potions and limpwurt roots and mix them together until you reach level 26 Herblore. If you are an Ironman or if you want to save some money you can kill hobgoblins or hill giants for limpwurts. Alternatively if you have access to the resource dungeon with limpwurt spawns, you can do that as well.
Levels 26-38 Energy Potions: Each potion gives 67.5 Herblore experience so in total you will need to buy 322 unfinished harralander potions and chocolate dusts to reach level 38.
Levels 38-55 Prayer Potions: From levels 38 through 55 you will be making prayer potions. Prayer potions are profitable to make. You will need to make 1,066 prayer potions in order to reach level 55. The ingredients are unfinished ranarr potions and snape grass.
Levels 55-63 Super Strengths: These potions are also profitable to make and will profit you around 2.5M. You will need to make 1,616 super strength potions in order to get to level 63, so buy yourself 1,616 unfinished kwuarm potions and limpwurt roots.
Levels 63-72 Super Restores: Another profitable potion to create is super restores. You will be making around 3.2M until you reach level 72. You will need to make 3,724 super restores to get to that level so buy yourself that many unfinished snapdragon potions and red spiders' eggs.
Levels 72-81 Super Ranging Potion: With this potion your profits will skyrocket to around 7.8M. Each ranging potion gives 162.5 experience so you will need to create 7,961 of this potion. Buy yourself unfinished dwarf weed potions and wines of Zamorak to get to level 81.
Levels 81-88 Saradomin Brews: Saradomin brews are used by all the high level PVMers in the game, making this potion extremely profitable. You will be making around 12.5M during your grind to level 88. Each potion gives 180 Herblore experience. So buy yourself 12,184 unfinished toadflax potions and crushed nests to get to level 88.
Levels 88-99 Extreme Potions/Overloads: This method is really expensive as overloads are untradable items. However it is recommended for you to do this method if you are looking to PVM in the future since this route will give you 3,000 overload potions which is enough to last you for a really long time, not to mention you can transform them into better overloads. Here is what you need:
- Level 88 Extreme attacks: Super attack (3) combined with clean avantoe. Make 4000 of these potions.
- Level 89 Extreme strengths: Super strength (3) combined with clean dwarf weed. Make 4000 of these potions.
- Level 90 Extreme defence: Super defence (3) combined with clean lantadyme. Make 4000 of this potion.
- Level 91 Extreme magic: Super magic potion (3) combined with ground mud runes. Make 4000 of this potion.
- Level 92 Extreme ranging: Super ranging potion (3) combined with 5 grenwall spikes. Make 4000 of this potion.
- Level 96 Overloads: Combine extreme attack (3), extreme strength (3), extreme defence (3), extreme magic (3), extreme ranging (3) and a clean torstol. Make 3000 of this potion.
Levels 45/81-99 Cheap Route: If you do not have the money to do the previous fast method these potions that are listed below are your alternatives. Most of these potions result in a profit or cost very little compared to the other method:
- Levels 91-99 Extreme Magic: Extreme magic potions are made by combining super magic potion (3) with ground mud runes. You will need to make 28,527 extreme magic potions to get to level 99. This will cost you around 56M gold.
- Levels 89-99 Extreme Strength: Extreme strength potions are made by combining super strength (3) with clean dwarf weeds. You will need to make 35,618 of these potions to get to level 99. This will profit you 19.8M gold.
- Levels 88-99 Extreme Attack: Extreme attack potions are made by combining supper attack (3) with clean avatoes. You will need to make 39,313 extreme attack potions to reach level 99. This will cost you around 44M gold.
- Levels 81-99 Saradomin Brews: Saradomin brews are made by combining crushed nests with unfinished toadflax potions. You will need to make 60,232 Saradomin brews to reach level 99. This will profit you around 48M gold.
- Levels 76-99 Super Magic Potions: Super magic potions are made by combining unfinished lantadyme potions with potato cactuses. You will need to make 62,850 super magic potions to get to level 99. This will profit you around 75M gold.
- Levels 72-99 Super Ranging Potions: Super ranging potions are made by combining unfinished dwarf weed potions with wines of Zamorak. You will need to make 66,718 super ranging potions to get to level 99. This will profit you around 54M gold.
- Levels 66-99 Super Defence Potions: Super defence potions are made by combining unfinished cadantine potions with white berries. You will need to make 72,278 super defence potions to reach level 99. This will profit you around 104M gold.
- Levels 55-99 Super Strength Potions: Super strength potions are made by combining unfinished kwuarm potions with limpwurt roots. You will need to make 86,733 of these potions to get to level 99. This will profit you around 49M gold.
- Levels 45-99 Super Attack Potions: Super attack potions are made by combining unfinished irit potions with eyes of newt. You will need to make 108,417 of these potions to reach level 99. This will profit you around 112M gold.
Levels 99-101 Poison Bombs: Poison bombs are made by combining a bomb vial, primal extract, clean irit, poison slime and weapon poison++(4). Each bomb gives 950 experience and you will need to make 3005 of these bombs to reach level 101. This will cost you around 113M gold.
Levels 101-107 Sticky Bombs: Sticky bombs are made by combining a bomb vial, primal extract, beak snot, dinosaur claws and clean cadantine. Each bomb gives 1000 experience. This will cost you around 32M gold to reach level 107.
Levels 107-118 Vulnerability Potions: Vulnerability potions are made by combining a bomb vial, primal extract, 3x soul runes, 3x chaos runes, bottled dinosaur roar and clean dwarf weed. Each potion gives 1,100 experience and you will need to make 51,598 of them to reach level 118. This will profit you around 50M gold.
Levels 118-120 Powerburst of Feats:Power Bursts of feats are made by combining a powerburst vial, primal extract, clean snapdragon, summoning potion (3) and bottled dinosaur roar. Each powerburst of feats gives 1,600 experience and you will need to make 11,709 of these to get to level 120 and max out this skill! This will cost you around 189M gold.
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