2024 RS3 Archaeology 1-120 Guide

22.07.2023 - 08:27:52
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2024 RS3 Archaeology 1-120 Guide

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Archaeology is one of the latest skills that has been introduced to the game. It is a skill that affects all areas of the game, making it really important to train. It can increase your efficiency and power in both combat and skilling activities. It also unlocks areas, monsters, and bosses that are essential if you are a PVMer. To unlock and use everything that this skill has to offer, you must first delve into ancient sites and unearth what has been buried.

Levelling up the skill is only one part of this, as you will need to complete mysteries which are like side quests and find ancient relics that certain collectors request. Do not worry; this guide will take your hand and allow you to have the simplest times while training this skill and unlocking its gifts.


Archaeology Basics

For this skill, you will be visiting ancient sites and “Excavating remains.” When doing so, you will see a blue bar above your character's head. When that bar fills up, you will find an ancient relic. These relics will be in a broken state, and you will restore them for a significant experience boost. To restore these items, you will need materials, which can also be found during excavation. These materials are in a “soil” state and must be screened in the main archaeology hub area. For materials only, there are material caches at each dig site that yield only those required to restore relics. Later, you can recruit people and send them on excavation missions, yielding both relics and materials. If you are not an Ironman, you can also buy these materials from others via the Grand Exchange.

During the excavation process, you can either AFK at one spot (less efficient) or move to hotspots. These spots are marked by a blue orb floating above the excavation site. Excavating at a hotspot increases your experience rate, boosts precision, and provides more rewards.

Restoring artifacts and completing artifact collection logs increase your qualification level, unlocking useful buffs and items.

Because of these features, leveling this skill is more complex than other skills.




Like mining and woodcutting, you need tools to start training in archaeology. The primary tool for this skill is the Mattock. Mattocks increase your precision and focus while training archaeology. The higher the tier, the better:

90Eldern rune706No84.6K
99Time and Space807Yes152M
99Guildmaster Tony’s859Yes3.7B

Mattocks are the most important part of your Archaeology journey as having the best mattock at all times will greatly boost your experience rates. If you don’t have the money to get the best mattocks, consider buying rs3 gold from our  RPGStash website!

Useful Items

Archaeologist’s Outfit

There are two types of this outfit. The first one is the standard version, which unlocks at level 70. Just like other skilling outfits, it provides a 1% experience boost per item worn, totaling up to a 6% experience boost when a full set is worn.

At level 99, however, you can get the upgraded version of this outfit called the “Master archaeologist’s outfit.” This outfit provides the same experience boost as the previous set if you own it, plus the following:

  • 7% increase to screening and excavation success rate.
  • 7% increase to base mattock precision.
  • Increases speed of restoring artifacts from a base of 6 seconds to 4.8 seconds.
  • Increases soil screening speed from a base of 1.8 seconds per soil to 1.2 seconds.
  • Increases the duration by 50% for the following: material manuals, high-spec monocles, tarpaulin sheets, and archaeologist’s tea.
  • Allows you to choose an artifact from excavation three times per day.
  • Unlimited teleports to dig sites and collectors.


This item is pretty useful especially for Ironman since it automatically screens soil when you are excavating. This item can be made after reaching level 70 in Archaeology and level 67 in Invention. You also need to be an “Associate” with the Archeology guild.

Grace of the Elves

This item is essential for having longer trips. It automatically sends the excavated materials to the material storage.

Waterfiend Familiar

Requires level 50 summoning. This familiar provides a 5% chance to duplicate anything that you excavate. It can also hold up to 32 materials and it has a special move that moves all the stored materials into your material storage.

Balarak’s sash brush

This item can be obtained after reaching level 80 in Archaeology. It provides the following benefits when used:

  • 5% increase to excavation success rate and base mattock precision.
  • 5% chance to gain the following when reaching 100% sprite focus: +1x mattock precision at 100%, gaining additional sprite focus will instead set the focus to 100% and cause the sprite to change locations. These buffs lasts 30 seconds or 5 back to back activations.
  • 10% chance to receive additional materials while excavating. This stacks with waterfiends.

Brooch of the Gods

Mattock precision multiplier is increased by 1x when reaching 100% sprite focus. Can spawn divine blessing that yield materials if Invention is also unlocked.

Ring of Whispers

Grants an invisible +3 boost.

Cosmic Accumulator

Prevents your focus from dropping below 20% and has a 1% chance while excavating to provide an additional 1% sprite focus for 1 minute.

There are also a lot of upgrades that you can purchase via the rewards shop. These upgrades require chronotes. As you level up, keep track of these upgrades and buy when necessary.


Some mattocks can be augmented with invention perks to further boost your training. The best possible augments are as follows:

Honed 6

Provides a 12% higher chance of successfully gathering materials.

Fortune 3 + Imp Souled 2

1.5% chance to double and bank excavated items.

6% chance to bank a material to the material storage. This will drain your prayer points so passive prayer restoration items such as ancient elven ritual shards are recommended.

Imp Souled 6

18% chance to bank a material to the material storage. This will drain your prayer points, so passive prayer restoration items such as ancient elven ritual shards are recommended.

Again, if you require any of these items mentioned above, you can check out our RS store to buy anything you need without any risks!

Buy Cheap Runescape Gold and Items

Level 1-120 Archaeology Training Methods

Levels 1-5 Tutorial

Make your way over to the Archaeology campus and complete the tutorial to get level 5 Archaeology.

Levels 5-12 Venator Remains

You can use your journal to teleport to the guild. Go inside the guild and use the map on the table to teleport to the Kharid-et dig site. Once there, talk to the NPC called “Dr Nabanik” just near where you have teleported. You will have to talk to the given dig site manager every time you unlock a new dig site. After talking with him, head down to the site and start excavating “Venator remains.”

Restore any artefacts you find and do not forget to upgrade your mattock once you reach level 10.

Levels 12-20 Legionary Remains Castra



Once you hit level 12, you can start the “Breaking the Seal” mystery. To do this, simply dig through the dirt wall near the excavations. After removing all the dirt, go back and talk to Dr. Nabanik. He will give you a Centurion’s seal. After restoring it, you will gain access to head inside the barrier.


Once inside, start excavating legionary remains. Do this until you reach level 17, then switch to the castra debris near the sealed door. You can expect to get essential pages while digging here, which will start the next mystery to unlock the prison. To complete this mystery, you must find 4 custodian’s log pages. When you discover one, simply right-click and select “transcribe” to add it to your journal. We will return here at level 25, so don’t worry if you don’t get all the pages.

Prison Break Mystery

If you get all the pages, speak to Liam near the prison door. Use the item on the following circle:


After repairing, dial the buttons in the following order: 1. Shadow, 2. Blood, 3. Smoke, 4. Ice.


Level 20-24 Lodge Bar Storage

Head back to the dig site map and teleport to the Infernal Source dig site. After arriving, speak to the manager and use the lift to go down. Start excavating on lodge bar storage hotspots, which will bring you to level 25 while completing the following mystery.

While excavating, you'll find journal pages for another mystery; simply add them to your log.

Eyes in their Stars Mystery

You will see that there are 4 spots on top of the fireplace, but only 1 is filled. You will need to find, restore, and place all of the remaining crests on top of the fireplace. Search the nearby crates to find 2, and the last one needs to be excavated from the nearby lodge art storage hotspots.

After getting and restoring the 3 crests and finding all pages of the mystery, place them on the fireplace and click again to unlock a new area.

Level 25-29 Administratum Debris

Once at level 25, head back to the Kharid-et dig site and start digging Administratum Debris.


As mentioned before, you will be getting pages for the Prison Break mystery.

Levels 29-42 Cultist Footlocker

At this level, you will be returning to the Infernal Source dig site and start digging the cultist footlocker hotspots. After reaching level 36, switch to the sacrificial altar hotspots.


Both of these spots will give you cultist pages for another mystery. This mystery is required for deeper access to the dig site. At level 40, you can unlock the Assistant qualification, which requires the following:

  • Level 40 Archaeology
  • Excavating and restoring 25 artefacts
  • Completing 1 unique collection for a collector
  • Solving 1 great mystery

Embrace the Chaos Mystery

This mystery can be started after finding all 4 cultist’s diary pages (you need to read them even if you transcribed them). Head to the room north of the level 29 spot. There will be two chests containing candles and chalk. After obtaining them, proceed with the following steps:

  1. After taking 3 candles and 1 chalk, repair the ritual circle in the center of the room.
  2. Place each of the three red candles and light each one.
  3. Chant “Et Daemonium Renascitur” at the east candle.
  4. Chant “Ceterum Aperuerit Ianuam” at the north candle.
  5. Chant “Ordo Animam Capit” at the west candle.

After completing these steps, a portal will open, completing the mystery.

Research Team Basics

After becoming an assistant, you can head to the exam center and use chrono notes to send teams on dig site missions. This action will yield experience, materials, and items. You can unlock and assign team members, increasing the efficiency and rewards for the missions.

Level 42-45 Prodromoi Remains

Go back to the dig site map and teleport to the Everlight dig site. As usual, talk to the manager first. After that, head inside the dig site and start excavating the Prodromoi remains hotspots. Here is a map that shows the location:


You can find items to complete two mysteries from this single dig spot: Queen’s journal pages 1-4 and Icyene remains. If you get and restore a frying pan and have the Icyene remains, head to the grave near the camp and bury them to complete the Fallen Angels mystery.


Level 45-47 Dis Dungeon Debris

For these two levels, you will return to the Dungeon of Disorder at the Infernal Source dig site.


Level 47-48 Praesidio Remains

To reach level 48, return to the Kharid-et dig site. To access the remains, you first need to complete the Prison Break mystery. Excavate Praesidio remains to get to level 48. At this spot, you can find a Legatus pendant; restore and keep one in your toolbelt, as it will be helpful after level 58.


Time Served Mystery

While digging through these remains, you may find an ancient timepiece. Restore it and use it on the ancient mechanism to unlock a door for future mysteries.


Level 48-58 Monoceros, Amphitheatre and Studio

For these levels, return to the Everlight dig site. Begin by excavating Monoceros remains until level 51, then switch to Amphitheatre debris until level 56, and finally move to the Ceramics Studio debris to reach level 58. Here is a map of all the locations:


Level 58-60 Carcerem Debris

Return once again to the Kharid-et dig site. To access this area, you'll need the pendant mentioned earlier. Excavate Carcerem debris in the prison section until you reach level 60.


While excavating, save a Pontifex Signet Ring. Once found, restore it and add it to your toolbelt.

Level 60-61 Ministry Remains

Upon reaching level 60, a new dig site unlocks. For this level, visit the Senntisten dig site. Be sure to talk to the site manager. Go to the center of the city and start excavating Ministry Remains hotspots.


Expect to find two memoirs and ancient glass shards here. After collecting 100 shards, you can repair a window in the cathedral. Keep one of each urn as they will be useful for unlocking the rest of this dig site later.

Level 61-62 Studio Debris

Return to the Everlight dig site for this level, and excavate Studio debris hotspots. While here, expect to find Athlete’s journals 1 to 5 for the Fall and Rise mystery.


Level 62-64 Cathedral and Marketplace Debris

For these levels, return to the Senntisten dig site. Start excavating Cathedral and Marketplace debris until level 64. To reach here quickly, use the Kerapak boss portal and head north. As mentioned, keep a single urn of smoke and ice. You may find pages for the "Secrets of the Inquisition" and "Night Theatre" mysteries.


Empty Children Mystery

Also if you want to complete another mystery head to the location shown below and search the desk, after that you will be able to send your research team to a special mission. AFter doing that you will receive a page for the empty children mystery.


Level 64-65 Archaeology Inquisitor Remains

You will continue your training for another level at the Senntisten digsite. You can see the location of the hotspot in the picture above. You will be able to gain two pages for the mystery “Secrets of Inqusition” and the “night theatre”.

Level 65-66 Infernal Art

For one level you will be returning to the infernal source dig site and start excavating the infernal art hotspots. To reach this place easily, select the third option while using the lift on the surface.


Level 66-67 Gladiator Remains

Once again you will be returning to the Senntisten dig site and will be digging gladiator remains. This spot is inside the boss arena so once you reach the gate simply right click and select the non combat version of the arena to avoid accidentally dying. Make sure to save one urn of blood for a later mystery.


Level 67-68 Citizen Remains

To access this part of the city, you are first required to complete a mystery. Once you gain access to citizen remains, excavate it until you reach level 68.

Secrets of the Inquisition Mystery

First you will need to partially complete the secrets of the inquisition mystery so if you haven’t found the pages in the previous spots make your way back and excavate them. You will need the pages 1, 2, 3 and 4 and you will need to have all the urns mentioned in previous methods restored. After having all of these go to the cathedral and use your urns on a statue to activate it.


Next head over to the Inquisition HQ and complete the drawer puzzle. To do this open the drawers in the following order:

  1. BC
  2. E
  3. M
  4. T
  5. UV
  6. WX
  7. R

This will give you page number 5. Teleport back to the Senntisten dig site and study the scaffolding that is blocking your path. This will provide you with a new special mission, so send your research team on this mission. Once complete, the citizen remains will be unlocked. To complete the mystery, simply excavate the citizen's remains to receive pages 6 and 7. After receiving these, head back to the cathedral and interact with the statue. For the north-west statue, select option 3, and for the south-eastern statue, select option 4. This will allow you to enter a special chamber to get the last page to complete the mystery.

Level 68-69 Shakroth Remains

Return to the Infernal Source and use the lift to head deep into the dig site. Start excavating Shakroth remains until level 69. While doing so, make sure to restore a chaos star and add it to your toolbelt. This will allow you to traverse this place more easily.


Level 69-70 Dominion Games Podium

We are once again back to the Everlight dig site to train on the Dominion Games Podium hotspot. While excavating here, make sure to save at least one Dominion torch and store it.


Associate Qualification

At level 70, you can become an associate with the guild. To earn this rank, you need the following requirements:

  • Have the assistant qualification.
  • Excavate and restore 250 damaged artifacts.
  • Complete 5 unique collections for collectors.
  • Solve 10 great mysteries.
  • Have your research team sent out for a total of 24 hours.

If you have these requirements met, go ahead and talk to the guild master. This qualification will increase the size of your research team, and you will be able to buy upgrades and items that will greatly help you. The most important upgrade you can buy after this qualification is the auto-screener, which will help you keep your inventory clean and be more AFK.

If you are looking for guides on mysteries, you can check out our guides:

As of now, we only have mystery guides on these three dig sites, but we are in the process of making more. Check out our blog!

Level 70-72 Ikovian Memorial

After hitting level 70, you will be able to access a new dig site called the Stormguard Citadel. Like always, teleport to the dig site camp using the map and talk to the manager. You will be excavating near the portal until you get an Ikovian Gerege, restore it, and add it to your toolbelt. After doing so, go inside the portal and start excavating there. If you are lucky enough to find the boots of flight, restore them, add them to your toolbelt, and then walk over to a flying island to complete a mystery.

Level 72-73/74 Oikos Studio Debris

We are once again returning to the Everlight dig site. Make your way to the south of the dig site camp and start excavating Oikos Studio Debris. From this debris, you can find Archon’s journal pages 1, 2, 3, and 4. Also, if you find a Psiloi buckler, keep it for a later mystery. If you have never trained Dungeoneering, stay in this location until level 74.


Level 73-74 Castle Hall Rubble

If you have found the NPC called Skaldrun during your Dungeoneering trips, you can make your way over to Daemonheim and talk to him. After talking, you will be teleported to a dig site. Excavate Castle Hall rubble until you reach level 73.


Level 74-76 Chapel Debris

Return to the Kharid-et dig site and start excavating Chapel debris. You will also be able to find pages for the Cult of Orcus mystery here.

Level 76-77 Keshik Ger

For this, you will need to first have the boots of flight. If you haven’t got them already, excavate the first spot to get them. At level 76, you are guaranteed to get these boots. First, head to the location shown on the map to get the wingsuit.


Restore the suit and add it to your toolbelt. After this, go to the ledge and leap off to start flying. There will be some lightning posts on your way; make sure to avoid them. If you get hit by one, you will have to start again from the ledge.


After leaping off, head to these locations to find two lightning conductors.


These two items will upgrade your suit to V2.

Level 77-81 Tunnelling Equipment Repository & Botanical Reserve

If you don’t have access to the Daemonheim dig site, this is the time to stop leveling up Archaeology to start training Dungeoneering. Head to the dig site and start excavating Tunnelling Equipment Repositories. While digging, you can find Halak’s ring for a mystery. Once you hit level 78, you can switch to the spot right next to this and excavate the Botanical Reserve hotspots. You can find Yorga’s pipe from this spot, which is required for the same mystery.


Levels 81-83 Pontifex Remains

There are a few dig sites to choose from, but the best one is Kharid-et. Make your way over there and start excavating the Pontifex Remains until level 83.


Out the Crucible Mystery

After reaching level 83, make your way to the Warforge dig site and excavate the barricade at the entrance. Entering it after this will complete the mystery.


Into the Forge Mystery

Start interacting with the northern door of the forge. After that, you can collect 11 different keys required to open up this section of the Warforge dig site. This is also a requirement for getting an Imcando mattock. This section is quite long, so you can check the wiki link here to do this.

Level 83-84 Goblin Dorm Debris

For 1 level, you will be digging Goblin Dorm debris inside the Warforge dig site.


Level 84-85 Oikos Fishing Hut Remnants

For this, head back to the Everlight dig site and start excavating Fishing Hut remnants. This spot has a chance to give you pages to complete a mystery.

Level 85-86 Weapons Research Debris

Prepare to fly again as we are returning to the Stormforge dig site for a level. You will be excavating the Weapons Research debris hotspots. You can use 20 Quintessence with level 70 Divination to activate portals to save time.


Level 86-87 Orcus Altar

Return to Kharid-et once again and start excavating the Orcus Altar hotspots.

Levels 87-89 Communal Space

We are once again returning to the Daemonheim dig site. If you still don’t have access to this place, keep excavating the Orcus Altar spot until level 89. You can find a friendship bracelet artefact here. Restore it and add it to your toolbelt.

Level 89-90 Big High War God Shrine

Make your way back to the Warforge dig site and start excavating Big High War God Shrine hotspots. You can find a page here. If you receive it, talk to Zenik afterwards to complete a mystery.

Qualification Professor

Here are the requirements to get this title:

  • Have the associate qualification.
  • Reach level 90 in Archaeology.
  • Excavate and restore 500 damaged artefacts.
  • Complete 20 unique collections for collectors.
  • Solve 15 great mysteries.
  • Have your research team sent out for 72 hours in total.

If you are looking for guides on mysteries, you can check out our guides:

As of now, we only have mystery guides on these three dig sites, but we are in the process of making more. Check out our blog!

Level 90-91 Varanusaur Remains

Refer to this image below whenever you are confused with the Orthen dig site.


This is where things get a little bit complicated. For this level, we will be heading to the Orthen dig site, which is located in Anachronia, and if you know anything about Anachronia, you would know how annoying it is to traverse the island. Just like before, teleport to the dig site via using the map and talk to the manager. After that, head down the stairs and interact with the teleportation device to unlock it.


This will also give you access to the “Incomplete Portal Network” research, which you can assign your research team to. This research is pretty important as it will allow you to repair broken teleport locations and use them. After that, head to the location shown on the map below and start excavating Varanusaur remains hotspots.

Varanusaur_remains_location Detailed_location_of_Varanusaur_remains

This spot will give you pages for the “Crypt o’ Zoology” mystery. While digging here, you will also get Rex skeleton fragments which can be used on the skeleton located in the camp for extra experience. Each time a skeleton is completed, you will receive 25% more experience and enhanced drop rates on Anachronia.

After this, make your way over to the observation outpost and repair the first teleport location. This will require level 70 Runecrafting. After this, you will be able to send your research team on the “Incomplete Portal Network 2” research.

Know Thy Measure Mystery

After repairing the teleport spot, head inside the building and interact with the Dragonkin pilot. You will notice 3 symbols that you can change on the statue. From left to right, turn them to 3 1 5, then 4 1 4, and finally 1 6 7. After doing this, inspect the strange device in your inventory to start a cutscene. Then head over to the Moksha ritual site. Once there, interact with the statue and select the following chat options: Sha, Cra, Lith, Kab.

After this, you will need to cycle the symbols just like last time. From left to right, do 5 1 6, then 4 1 8, and finally 5 1 4. This will unlock the third dig site location. Once your research team is done, you can repair the teleport device at this location as well. You can also start the “Incomplete Portal Network 3.”

The third location is in Xolo City and requires 20 Quintessence to repair.

Level 91-92 Gravitron Research Debris

Return to the Stormguard Citadel and head over to the Gravitron research debris hotspots to excavate them.


Level 92-93 Acropolis Debris

Make your way to the Everlight dig site once again and excavate the Acropolis debris hotspots.


You can find pages for the Epic of Hebe mystery here.

Level 93-94 Armarium Debris

Return to where it all started, the Kharid-et dig site, and start excavating Armarium debris hotspots.

Level 94-95 Yu’biusk Animal Pen

Go back to the Warforge dig site and start excavating Yu’biusk Animal Pen hotspots. This spot can give pages for the First Commander mystery.


Level 95-96 Keshik Tower Debris

This location can be found at the Stormguard Citadel dig site. From this hotspot, you can find a Stormguard gerege. Once you find it, restore it and add it to your toolbelt. This item is required for some high-level spots.

Keshik Tower debris hotspots

Howl's Floating Workshop Mystery

At this level, you can unlock yet another part of the Stormguard Citadel dig site. This mystery requires the Gerege and Wingsuit v3. To upgrade your wingsuit, you will need two gravitational repulsors, which can be found in the locations shown below:

Gravitational repulsors locations

With the Gerege and your upgraded wingsuit, you can start using the gravitational core located in the middle of the floating islands. This will take you to the floating workshop. To complete the mystery, study the drafting bench, then send out your research team to do the “Back to the Drawing Board” mission. After the mission, go to the workshop once more and click on the bench again to complete the mystery.

Level 96-97 Dragonkin Reliquary

Return to Anachronia for a single level, head to the crypt of Varanus, and start excavating the Dragonkin reliquary hotspots. This spot will give you pages for the “Crypt o’ Zoology” mystery.

Level 97-98 Goblin Trainee Remains

Return to the Warforge dig site and start excavating the Goblin Trainee remains hotspots.

Goblin Trainee remains hotspots

Level 98-99 Destroyed Golem

Return to the Stormguard Citadel with your newly found wings and head to the Destroyed Golem hotspots. This spot can provide pages to complete the “Study in Aether” mystery.

Destroyed Golem hotspots

Skill Mastery and Guild Master Qualifications

At level 99, the first thing you should do is to get yourself a skill mastery cape and equip it to receive extra sprite focus. Here are the requirements to be a Guildmaster:

  • Have the Professor qualification.
  • Reach level 99.
  • Excavate and restore 1000 artefacts.
  • Complete 25 unique collections for collectors.
  • Solve 20 great mysteries.
  • Have your research team sent out for 168 hours in total.

This qualification is crucial, so try to achieve it as soon as possible. With this qualification, you can buy Master Archaeologist’s equipment, and more importantly, you can unlock the final mattock precision unlock.

If you are looking for guides on mysteries, check out our guides:

As of now, we only have mystery guides on these three digsites, but we are in the process of making more. Check out our blog!

Level 99-100 Dragonkin Coffin

With your new skillcape, head over to the crypt of Varanus in Anachronia and start excavating the Dragonkin Coffin hotspots.

Dragonkin Coffin hotspots

Level 100-101 Culinarum Debris

Return to the main fortress section of the Kharid-et dig site and excavate the Culinarum debris hotspots.

Level 101-113 Autopsy Table & Experiment Workbench

Autopsy Table & Experiment Workbench

To everyone's surprise, you will be doing the same method for 12 levels! Head to the observation outpost on Anachronia to dig at the Autopsy Table and Experiment Workbench hotspots. These spots allow you to continually complete the Dragonkin 2 collection log, rewarding you with 75x rex skeleton fragments each time. Turn in large sums of these fragments (over 100) for an additional 20% experience boost.

Fragmented Memories Mystery

This mystery is accessible at level 108 Archaeology and requires completion of the “Know Thy Measure” mystery. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Master Control (excavated from Moksha Device hotspot, Orthen digsite)
  • Singing Bowl (excavated from Aughra remains hotspot, Orthen digsite)
  • Small Fishing Net
  • Rope

After the mystery you will need a restored lingam stone, to open the gate to the Xolo area. This stone can be excavated at the Moksha device hotspots.

With all of these ready, use the master control on the central platform.

Central Platform for Fragmented Memories

Now you will need to complete three different puzzles.

First you will need to match the bars with the red lines, it is pretty simple you rotate the runes around and depending on the point circle the rune is standing on the bar will go up by that amount. Here are the solutions to each puzzle:

1st puzzle

First puzzle solution

2nd puzzle

Second puzzle solution

3rd puzzle

Third puzzle solution

After this head over to the yellow salamanders and catch one using your net and rope.

Yellow Salamander location

Go back to the ritual site and inspect the moksha device in the center of the room with that salamander in your inventory. After this you will gain access to Xolo city. To open the door to the city, head over there and use a Lingam stone on the door. After this you can complete the “incomplete portal network 3” mission and restore the teleporter near the city.

Level 113-114

It was good while it lasted but we are back to switching spots for a singular level. This spot is unlocked after completing the mystery shown above. Head inside the Xolo city and start excavating the Xolo mine hotspots.

Xolo Mine location Xolo Mine hotspots

Level 114-120 Praetorium

Just kidding it is the final stretch and you do not need to change locations! This is the most popular method to get 120 Archaeology since you can get Inquisitor staff pieces for money and also with this spot you can complete the Zarosian 4 collection log over and over again. First completion will give you 3 staff pieces which is decent money and for the rest of the time you will be getting pylon batteries. These batteries can be used at the Kharid-et dig site to increase your efficiency even further.

To access this area however you will need to light up all the shadow anchors in the Kharid-et dig site. Each anchor requires 10 batteries.

Kharid-et shadow anchors

To gain access to the area after doing this, you will need to head to the war table and click enter. After doing this you can go to that location straight from the entrance.

War table access

Level 115-120 Bandos Sanctum

Another popular method that players use is to switch to the Warforge digsite once they hit level 115. You can find more tetracompass pieces, when combined you can use these compasses to find treasures. These treasures can be artefacts, materials, tradable rewards and a chance to receive the key that rewards you with the best mattock in the game. This mattock is worth 3B as of now so it is worth doing this as well. Also some of the rewards will yield experience when used.

You Have Chosen Mystery

To access this part of the Warforge dig site you will need to complete this mystery. Requirements for this mystery are as follows:

  • Partial completion of the first commander mystery.
  • Completion of the “power behind the throne” and “too many bones” research missions.
  • Restored forged in war and dorgeshuun spear artefacts.

Here is the map to the interactables that will get you the research missions:

Research mission interactables

Interact with the throne to place the items then attempt to press the hidden switch right next to the throne, on the wall. Go back up and talk to Zanik and give him the spear then ask him about the mystery. This will trigger a cutscene and after it is finished the location will be unlocked.

Congratulations you have reached level 120 Archaeology! This does not mean you completed all the mysteries and collection logs, this guide shows the most efficient way to reach level 120 Archaeology, so enjoy digging and increasing your artefact power!

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