RS3 Runecrafting Guide

07.03.2023 - 12:05:36
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RS3 Runecrafting Guide

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Why Should You Train Runecrafting?

Runecrafting offers some of the best skilling money makers out there. Turning essence into runes has always been profitable and still is to this day. The higher your runecrafting level gets the more runes you are able to produce per pure essence.

Aside from this, there are some quests that require a certain Runecrafting level to complete, those quests are:

  • Rune Mechanics - Level 20 Runecrafting
  • Heart of Stone - Level 25 Runecrafting
  • The Slug Menace - Level 30 Runecrafting
  • What Lies Below - Level 35 Runecrafting
  • Elemental Workshop IV - Level 39 Runecrafting
  • Back to the Freezer - Level 45 Runecrafting
  • Devious Minds - Level 50 Runecrafting
  • The Prisoner of Glouphrie - Level 61 Runecrafting
  • Sins of the Father - Level 85 Runecrafting

To get a quest cape, you will need to have at least level 85 Runecrafting. Also If you are looking to complete all the area tasks in the game you will need at least level 91 Runecrafting.If you don't have the time to invest, consider buying Runescape 3 Gold at for a quick upgrade, with fast delivery and 24/7 support.

Runecrafting Guide

Before we get into all the methods and ways you can train your Runecrafting, first we need to cover all the items and buffs you can use to speed up your progress. If you are already aware of these, please skip to the section titled "1-99 and Beyond Runecrafting.

Master Runecrafter Robes

This entire item set can be purchased for 15,000 Runecrafting guild tokens. Wearing any piece of the set increases the Runecrafting experience you gain.

  • Master runecrafter hat - 1% Experience boost
  • Master runecrafter robe - 1% Experience boost
  • Master runecrafter skirt - 1% Experience boost
  • Master runecrafter boots - 1% Experience boost
  • Set bonus - 1% Experience boost
  • Total experience boost - 5%

Ethereal Outfits

Ethereal outfits are outfits that provide various bonuses for Runecrafting. They can be earned from treasure hunter. They can also be created by combining rune ethereal fragments together. These fragments are automatically gained at set intervals while training Runecrafting after level 70. To create these sets you need to have at least level 80 Runecrafting and 20 Invention.

  1. Basic Ethereal Outfits: Basic outfits consist of death, law and blood ethereal outfits. These outfits have the following bonuses:
  • You can move between islands without needing runes in Runespan.
  • Your chances of receiving double runes while creating runes in Runespan is increased by 5%.
  • If you are wearing a full set, you have a 25% chance of your Runecrafting pouches not degrading.
  • If you already own a complete set of master runecrafter robes you will receive its 5% base experience effect.
  1. Infinity Ethereal Outfit: To create the Infinity ethereal set, you first need to have all the basic sets. After creating all the sets you can right click to combine them together to create this outfit. This outfit has the following bonuses:
  • You can move between islands without needing runes in Runespan.
  • Your chances of receiving double runes while creating runes in Runespan is increased by 7%.
  • If you are wearing a full set, you have a 50% chance of your Runecrafting pouches not degrading.
  • If you already own a complete set of master runecrafter robes you will receive its 5% base experience effect.
  • You can store 12 essence in the infinity ethereal body.
  • You can use the infinity ethereal body to directly teleport to the yellow wizard in runespan, 5 times a day.
  • The infinity ethereal head acts the same way as the wicked hood, providing free essence and free teleports to the Runecrafting altars everyday.
  • If the player owns components of the wicked robes outfit, they will receive their weight-reduction effect.

Catalyst Fragment

This item halves the degradation rate of your Runecrafting pouches. You can also combine this to create the Combined catalyst fragment to save space.

Torstol Incense Stick

Each potency level of this item provides a 0.5% increase to your Runecrafting experience. The potency levels will increase every 10 minutes to a maximum of 4 (2% experience boost). Overloading consumes 6 sticks but instantly provides the maximum potency.

Explorer's Ring

Wearing explorer's ring 2 or above will increase the number of elemental runes you can craft at a time, granting you additional experience.

Wilderness Sword

Having wilderness sword 3 or 4 equipped, has a chance to teleport you to the centre of the abyss when you teleport using the Mage of Zamorak. The nexus mod relic power is superior to this effect as it makes this rate 100%.

Focused Siphoning Auras

When active, these auras increase your chances of successfully siphoning creatures and nodes in runespan. The effect of these lasts for 1 hour and they all have a 3 hour cooldown.

  • Focused Siphoning - 3% Increased siphoning success chance
  • Greater Focused Siphoning - 5% Increased siphoning success chance
  • Master Focused Siphoning - 7% Increased siphoning success chance
  • Supreme Focused Siphoning - 10% Increased siphoning success chance
  • Legendary Focused Siphoning - 15% Increased siphoning success chance


Runecrafting urns are items that give additional experience for Runecrafting. Having urns in your inventory while runecrafting will slowly fill them up and once they are full you can release them to get some experience. You can only have 10 full urns at a time. Here are the tiers of these urns:

  • Cracked runecrafting urn - Level 4 Crafting - 210 Additional experience
  • Fragile runecrafting urn - Level 18 Crafting - 350 Additional experience
  • Plain runecrafting urn - Level 33 Crafting - 700 Additional experience
  • Strong runecrafting urn - Level 52 Crafting - 1,000 Additional experience
  • Decorated runecrafting urn - Level 77 Crafting - 1,400 Additional experience

If you also have level 24 invention you can discover and craft urn enhancers after completing the quest "Nomad's Elegy". Having this in your inventory alongside your urns will increase the experience you gain from your urns by 25%.

Relic Powers

Relic powers are powers that can be earned through the Archeology skill. The relics that are useful for Runecrafting is as follows:

  • Pouch Protector: Requires level 36 Archeology. When using runecrafting pouches, they will never degrade.
  • Nexus Mod: Require level 68 Archeology. When entering the Abyss, you will always arrive at the centre.
  • Inspire Genius: Requires level 118 Archeology. You will gain 2% more experience when training artisan skills.

1-99 and Beyond Runecrafting

  1. Runecrafting Through The Abyss

Using abyss to train your Runecrafting is the classic way of training this skill. You can teleport to various rune altars using the abyss which makes this process much easier. Here is everything you need to do this method:

Quest Requirements

  • Enter the Abyss miniquest to access the abyss.
  • To be able to create cosmic runes, you must complete the quest "Lost City".
  • To be able to create death runes, you must complete the quest "Mourning's End Part 2".
  • To be able to create blood runes, you must complete the quest "Legacy of Seergaze".
  • To be able to create soul runes, you must complete the quest "Phite Club".

Item Requirements

  • Wilderness sword 1 or above is a must have item for this method. It has unlimited Edgeville teleports. Also if you have the Wilderness sword 3 or 4, you gain a 20% chance to directly be teleported to the centre of the abyss. However, keep in mind that you can't craft law runes with this sword as the law altar is in Entrana.
  • Demonic skull is another must item to have equipped. This item costs 550k and can be bought from the mage of Zamorak. If you have this item equipped, you will gain 3.5 times the normal amount of experience. Do keep in mind that any player can attack you regardless of the combat level if you have this skull equipped.
  • Pouches are the bread and butter of this method. There are 5 essence pouches a player can use. At any given time you should be using all the pouches available to you. Pouches can degrade and become useless, to fix them you must talk to the Dark Mage, who can be found at the centre of the Abyss. You can also use the spell NPC contact to contact Dark Mage which will result in your pouches getting repaired.
  1. Small Pouch - Runecrafting level 1 - Obtained upon completing the Abyss miniquest.
  2. Medşum Pouch - Runecrafting level 25/50 - At level 25 Runecrafting you can obtain this as a drop from the abyssal monsters. At level 50 Runecrafting you can obtain it for free from the Wizard Korvak in the Runecrafting Guild.
  3. Large Pouch - Runecrafting level 50 - Dropped by abyssal monsters or can be purchased from Wizard Korvak for 25K.
  4. Giant Pouch - Runecrafting level 75 - Dropped by abyssal monsters or can be purchased from Wizard Korvak for 50K.
  5. Massive Pouch - Runecrafting level 90 - Can be purchased from Wizard Fenix for 1000 Runespan points. Massive pouches cannot be repaired and they will get destroyed after 44 uses. You can have as many massive pouches as you want but you can only use one at a time.

Setup Requirements

  • Bank Preset: It is recommended for you to create a bank preset with the following items: All the essence pouches available to you, wilderness word equipped and demonic skull equipped. You need to fill up your pouches manually and you can do that while you are banking by right clicking.
  • Action Bar: Action bar can be used to speed up your actions in the game. Add your wilderness sword your teleport out and your pouches in the hotbar to use them effectively.

Steps to Take

Follow these steps for efficiency:

  1. Teleport to Edgeville using your Wilderness sword.
  2. Fill your pouches and your inventory with pure essence.
  3. Rune north to the mage of Zamorak, use your surges whenever they are off cooldown.
  4. Teleport to the Abyss and use the closest shortcut.
  5. Run to the rift of your choice and craft your runes.
  6. Repeat.

Runes to Craft

  1. Levels 9-14 Earth Runes: To start this grind you are going to be crafting earth runes. You can only use your small pouch at this level. Your experience per hour using a demonic skull is 40.9K.
  2. Levels 14-20 Fire Runes: Just like the fire rune you can only use your small pouch here and you will be getting 44.1K experience per hour using the demonic skull.
  3. Levels 20-27 Body Runes: At level 25 you can start using the medium essence pouch so don't forget to add that to your bank preset. With a demonic skull you will get around 47K (until medium pouch) - 55K (with the medium pouch) experience per hour.
  4. Levels 27-35 Cosmic Runes: With cosmic runes you will finally start making money from your training as it will yield around 480K gp per hour. You will also gain around 58K experience per hour with a demonic skull.
  5. Levels 35-44 Chaos Runes: Chaos runes aren't that profitable but you will still be getting around 62K experience per hour with a demonic skull.
  6. Levels 44-54 Nature Runes: Nature runes are a great money maker as they are constantly used for alchemy machines. At level 50 Runecrafting you will unlock the large pouch so make sure to immediately start using it. Until level 50 you will be making around 1.6M gold per hour and after level 50 this number becomes 1.9M gold per hour. Until level 50 you will gain around 66K experience per hour and after 50 with the giant pouch this becomes 81K experience per hour, both using a demonic skull.
  7. Levels 54-65 Law Runes: Making law runes lower your gold per hour to 420K but it increases your experience rates using a demonic skull up to 85K.
  8. Levels 65-77: Death Runes: After level 75 Runecrafting you can start using the giant pouch, immediately start doing so when you reach that level. Until the giant pouch you will be making 600K gold per hour and around 90K experience per hour using the demonic skull. After the giant pouch however you will be making 750K gold per hour and gaining around 113K experience per hour using the demonic skull.
  9. Levels 77-90 Blood Runes: Blood runes are super profitable making you 5.2M per hour while training. You will also gain around 119K experience per hour using the demonic skull.
  10. Levels 90-99+ Soul Runes: Your profit with soul runes can't even compare to the bloods as it only makes you around 500K per hour. However the experience rate skyrockets to 288K Runecrafting experience per hour using the demonic skull.

Runecrafting at the soul altar is a very afk method to gain large amounts of experience. Mechanics of this altar is different compared to the other altars. Before using the abyss or the demonic skull first you need to charge up the altar by using 100 pure essence on the altar charger. After that you can craft 240 or more soul runes in one go and can gain up to 77K experience.

Quest Requirements

Completion of the quest 'Phite Club.

Tier 9 Menaphos reputation.

Item Requirements

Any method that you can use to repeatedly teleport to a fairy ring:

  • Wicked hood teleport
  • Portable fairy rings with 94 invention
  • Grace of the elves
  • Max guild skill portal tuned to the Zanaris fairy ring.
  • Cape of legends teleport


  1. Visit the soul altar multiple times by using the fairy ring code C.K.Q and charge the altar using a total of 400 pure essence.
  2. Teleport to Edgeville using your wilderness sword. Equip your demonic skull.
  3. Head to the abyss and enter the soul altar.
  4. Craft your soul runes and repeat. Each rune uses 1.25 charges.
  5. Runespan

If you want to just AFK and gain Runecrafting experience then Runespan is for you. You can access Runespan from the Wizards tower. Once inside you must first collect essence from the floating essence spawns and then use those essence to siphon various objects or monsters in the area to get runes. After getting runes you can progress to different islands and gain even more experience. There are also 3 tiers to Runespan; Low, Mid and High. Which you can get access to as you level up.

Levels 1-33 Low Level Runespan

From level 1-9 you will be roughly getting 16.5K experience per hour, after level 9 it goes up to 26K experience per hour and at level 33 you can get up to 28.5K experience per hour. Here is the list of things you can siphon and their respective equivalent experiences per hour:

  • Vine - 83K Experience per hour
  • Fireball - 76k Experience per hour
  • Rock fragment - 68K Experience per hour
  • Water pool - 64k Experience per hour
  • Mind Storm - 56K Experience per hour
  • Cyclone - 56K Experience per hour

Levels 33-66 Mid Level Runespan

In mid level Runespan you can expect to get around 36K experience per hour through level 33 to 50 and after 50 you can expect to get around 35K to 59K experience per hour. After reaching level 50 Runecrafting you gain access to the mid-level portal to Runespan located in Wizards tower. Here is the list of things you can siphon and their respective equivalent experiences per hour:

  • Jumper - 117K Experience per hour
  • Shifter - 116K Experience per hour
  • Nebula - 115K Experience per hour
  • Chaotic Cloud - 98K Experience per hour
  • Fleshy Growth - 93K Experience per hour
  • Vİne - 83K Experience per hour
  • Fire storm - 80K Experience per hour

Level 66-99+ High Level Runespan

With 1K Runespan points you can upgrade the mid-level runespan portal into a high level one by speaking to Wizard Rinsit. Alternatively you can link one of the portals in the max guild to the high level Runespan. With level 66 Runecrafting you can expect to get 63K experience per hour (check wiki to see the best islands). After 90 Runecrafting you can obtain around 93K experience per hour. At this point in your grind make sure to use all the items that aid Runespan. Here is the list of thing you can siphon and their respective equivalent experiences per hour:

  • Undead Soul - 136K Experience per hour
  • Bloody Skulls - 133K Experience per hour
  • Living Soul - 129K Experience per hour
  • Blood pool - 120K Experience per hour
  • Skulls - 118K Experience per hour
  • Jumper - 117K Experience per hour
  • Shifter - 116K Experience per hour
  • Nebula - 115K Experience per hour
  • Chaotic Cloud - 98K Experience per hour
  • Fleshy Growth - 93K Experience per hour
  • Vine - 83K Experience per hour
  • Fire Storm - 80K Experience per hour

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