RS3 Group Ironman Update: Everything You Need to Know
28.10.2024 - 03:15:52
Game Guides , RS3 Endgame & Ironman , RS3 Guides , RS3 Skills, Quests, Gameplay , Runescape
We have some pretty exciting news that is coming from the Runescape 3 dev team, the long awaited group Ironman mode will be coming to Runescape 3 on October 28th! They have recently released some blog posts about the new and upcoming Runescape 3 Group Ironman mode. In this guide we will first go over what this mode is then we will explain the latest changes regarding this update!
What is Group Ironman Mode?

Well, some of you that play OSRS might know what this is already but let’s quickly go over what group Ironman mode is.
- Group Ironman mode is the group version of the standard Ironman mode. Just like a regular Ironman, you can’t trade with other players or use the grand exchange. You have to be self-sufficient and gather everything you need on your own, but with group Ironman, you can create a team with your friends, and you will be able to trade between each other and do group content together without any penalties.
- Groups can be made with 2-5 players.
- Group Ironman will have a shared storage unit, group-specific management tools, custom broadcasts, and unique armor.
- Group-specific challenges and tasks require the entire group to complete. These achievements will be like Archaeology's qualifications and will unlock group-specific rewards, like the group max cape.
- If the group wants it, there will be a competitive mode, which will be much harder than the regular Ironman mode challenge.
What is New in the Runescape 3 Group Ironman Update

Well, Since this game mode is coming out on October 28th, a lot of information has already been released to the public! Here is a list of the latest news.
Group Item Sharing
Within the group, you can trade any item marked as tradable. Due to the nature of the storage unit, you will also be able to trade some untradeable items with each other. Here is a list of items that you can trade:
- Archaeology materials
- Bird's nests and geodes
- Dungeoneering rewards
- Augmented items, if the original item was tradable
- Degrading items, if the original item was tradable
- Masterwork armor
- Slayer helmets
- Farming seeds and saplings
- Necromancy materials
- Potions
- Summoning charms and materials
- Teleportation items
- Treasure trails (sealed)
- Urns
- Weapon and equipment fragments like Araxxor leg parts
As you can see, there are many items listed here, which will be a huge quality of life improvement for anyone playing on these accounts. Being able to trade untradable materials, potions, and clue scrolls will be a huge benefit to your team!
Before moving on, let's talk about a small restriction. RS3 Items that progress quests will not be tradable or storable. Also, some storable items may not be player-to-player traded.
How Will Auras and Loyalty Points Work?

Just like normal, every player in the group will have access to the aura shop and loyalty points. However, if you decide to downgrade your account to a regular one, you would lose access to these auras that you have previously purchased and will need to purchase them again.
Wilderness Flash Events
Due to the nature of the game mode, some items will not be available for group ironman users. For these players, the Wilderness flash events will be completely useless, and they won't be able to obtain the coveted dark onyx core.
Group Broadcasts
There will be new broadcast messages specific to this gamemode. Some examples include:
- All members have all skills at level 99.
- All members have unlocked the quest cape.
- All members have unlocked the final boss title.
- The group has completed a Yakamaru kill together.
- The group has completed a Zamorak kill at 4000% enraged together.
And so forth. There will also be statues in the Iron enclave, which, when interacted with, will showcase the achievements of various groups!

If you already own an Ironman account, you can be invited to a group and become a group ironman. However, this will make the group an “unranked” group, removing it from the hiscores.
Restrictions When Switching Groups
To prevent cheating and griefing, there is a 14-day storage access restriction for any new players joining the group. Furthermore, groups that have had a player join or leave will be marked in the hiscores.
Rejoining a competitive ironman group is not allowed, so if you are looking for a stable group, you might prefer the competitive mode.
Creating a Group Ironman

You can start creating a group ironman even now; just don't leave the character creation screen until the update. After the update, you will be able to easily switch to a group ironman.
If you want to prepare for this update, check out our other guides on various topics relating to Runescape 3 by clicking here!
Well That's it for updates regarding group Ironman mode. Jagex is open to suggestions and will be keeping an eye out for discussions regarding this topic, so be sure to share your opinion about group ironman!