RotMG Quick Leveling Guide

17.04.2022 - 22:44:20
Game Guides , Realm of the Mad God

RotMG Quick Leveling Guide

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Leveling Guide

How to level-up quick in Realm of the Mad God

If you want to progress in any kind of game you need to make an effort. Realm of the Mad God is no exception. Fortunately, the leveling process in RotMG is quite fun and fast. You can reach level 20 within a couple of hours with a little practise. The main challenge is to stay alive because death is permanent in Realm of the Mad God.

There are two basic ways to reach level 20 in the game:

1. Going solo

This is for those that prefer their own company. Simply follow Quest Markers in the game and you will progress quickly. It's not best way but it works.

2. Training with a Train

Leveling with a train is more fun and faster than training solo provided the other players know what they are doing. Train is a group of players (party) that chase kills and share EXP. A Train has 3 parts: front, middle and back. Front is most dangerous part of the train but you also get most of the loot and lion share of EXP. In middle it is pretty safe but you get less XP and loot. In back it is pretty safe but there will be no loot and low EXP. 

A train is a living and chaotic creature with no internal communication. It is up to the players to keep it going. So take your place and stick to it.

Beyond Level 20

After reaching level 20 your EXP bar will change into the Fame bar, and you can only advance your stats with potions. Fame can be spent in Nexus or used for Guilds. Potions can be aquired by killing gods or by buying them straight from our shop. Read our maxing guide here for more info on how to get max stats.

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