Roblox: How To Get Robux

13.05.2024 - 23:38:22
Game Guides , Roblox

Roblox: How To Get Robux

Jonas Author
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While Roblox is a free game, you can still spend money on it by buying Robux. Lots of parents worldwide are getting their wallets drained by the game’s premium currency but the truth is that there are plenty of ways to earn Robux in the game. If you’re smart with how you play, you can earn lots of Robux without spending a dime even.

Robux virtual currency showcase

If you’re new to Roblox, then you might not understand exactly why Robux is such a big deal. Before we talk about how you can earn Robux, here’s what they are first.

What Are Robux?

This is the one and only currency in Roblox. There are some games in Roblox that have their own currency but those go outside of what the developers deal with. Some of those currencies can be bought with Robux however. Aside from that, Robux can be spent the following ways:

PurposeCost (Robux)
Create a group100
Create a new rank for a group25
Purchase the cheapest paid access experience (such as Bloxburg)25
Rename a group100
Change username1,000
Upload a video thumbnail500
Bid on an advertisementMinimum 5
Pay to access certain experiencesVaries
Purchase items in the avatar shop0 - 999,999,999,999
Purchase passes and developer products for specific experiencesVaries
Upload Shirts and Pants10
Pay for private server subscriptionsVaries
Create a badge100
Upload an audio file to the Creator Store20 - 350
No longer need Robux to create a badge (up to 10 badges per 30 days, 200 per 30 days if user is ID verified)-
No longer need to spend Robux to upload audio files (10 - 10,000 uploads per month)-

Some players also trade Robux for real money, and some establishments sell Robux directly as well.

How To Get Robux

There are a few ways to earn Robux and not all of them are known to players. If you want to learn more about those other methods, we highly suggest going through this list below.

  1. Get A Membership

Roblox offers premium membership subscriptions to players. This provides many benefits including access to various features and most importantly, a stipend of Robux each month. There are three tiers of the subscription plan and you’re going to get 450, 1,000, and 2,200 Robux a month depending on how much your subscription is.

Getting a subscription is more practical compared to buying the same amount of Robux based on the stipend. Considering that you’re getting Robux and access to special features in the game, you might as well get a membership.

Roblox membership benefits illustration

Another key benefit of premium membership is that you’re going to get additional Robux when trading or purchasing them. The bonus is 10%. If you’re buying 1,000 Robux, you’re going to get 1,100 in total. If you see yourself buying Robux in the future, you may as well get a membership to make it more worth it.

Design Custom Clothing

If you think you’ve got some great ideas for clothes and cosmetic items in Roblox, then you should consider designing items for the game. You can sell these items on the market for a few Robux. What’s great is that creating clothing is free but you’ll need a membership before you can start to do it, however.

Roblox custom clothing design example

The minimum you can sell shirts and pants for is 5 Robux. While creating these pieces of clothing is easy, it’s marketing them that’s really difficult. Here are a few tips to make more profit out of selling these items in-game.

Post On Forums And Social Media

With Roblox being the smash hit that it is, it shouldn’t be surprising anymore that there’s a strong community of fans of the game out there. Head to Facebook groups, subreddits, and forums and market your stuff there. A lot of creators on Roblox do this to market their games and custom clothing.

Do A Bit Of Research

Doing a bit of research actually goes a long way when it comes to selling custom clothing. What we mean by this is you need to dig deep into what’s popular currently. For instance, if there’s a new anime that’s really popular in Roblox and in social media, it might be a good idea to start creating clothes based on the characters from that show.

Hanging in the coattails of popular characters and media is a good way to make sure that you’re creating something that people are actually going to want to buy.

Wear Your Stuff

The best way to start marketing your custom clothing is by wearing them whenever you’re playing your favorite games. It’s free marketing. If other players like your design, it’s likely that they’ll ask where you got it from and you can just direct them to your store from there. When doing this, make sure to go around games that are very popular so you can reach out to more people.

Collect Limited Items

Limited items function differently from other clothing in the game. For starters, there’s a set amount of these items in Roblox. Another thing that makes them different is that you have to wait a period of 30 days upon releasing before you can sell them. In that regard, the value of limited items can vary from cheap to ridiculously expensive.

Limited items example in Roblox

You don’t need to spend any money to get limited items. After the 30-day grace period is up, you can sell them on the market for a price of your choice. What this means is that you’re practically holding onto a zero-investment, high-value item that can help you earn Robux quickly.

Getting limited items requires work though. Most of them are given away at specific events. In some cases, you can get limited items from games after doing specific tasks while playing. If you’re able to stock up on limited items, you can become a Robux mogul in no time so always be on the lookout for these.

Ask For Donations

Asking for donations on Roblox is an easy and harmless way to get a few Robux. You can do this in a game called PLS DONATE. Basically, you’ll have to set up a stall where other players can donate to you. If 10 players give you 5 Robux each, that’s already a lot of free Robux on your end.

Roblox donation stall example

This takes some work though. Logging in daily and doing tasks will reward you with Giftbux. You can use these to set up your own stall and get items which will make your stall standout and be more likely to get donations from. Believe it or not, a lot of players actually donate to others in this game so it’s worth giving it a shot.

Build A Game

Anyone can build a game on Roblox and in fact, it’s actually very easy to do so thanks to the Roblox Creator. This game creator has built-in templates and drag-and-drop features to make building games easier. Once you’ve created a game, you can earn Robux by creating premium memberships, selling exclusive gear, or even locking some levels behind a paywall.

Building a game in Roblox

This is one of the hardest ways to earn Robux in the game but if you’re lucky and create a smash hit, it’s also one of the most lucrative ways to do it. Here are some things to keep in mind when creating games in Roblox:

  • Work With Others - Developing a game isn’t easy even if it’s for Roblox. Consider working with your pals to create riveting games. By working with others, there will be less work on your end and they can also make up for the skills that you lack when it comes to game development.
  • Do Research - Check out what the most popular games are on the market and see what makes them work. Don’t just copy their work from top to bottom though as that’s not going to sit well with the community.
  • Scarcity Is Key - For the purpose of making Robux, look at games like Blox Fruit and Pet Simulator X for reference. What makes these games such cash cows is that there are lots of exclusive and rare items in the game. For Blox Fruit, it’s the fruit themselves while the creatures in Pet Simulator make the economy go round. It’s in your best interest to create a similar system for your game.
  • Listen To Criticisms - You’re likely going to get a few criticisms about your game when it initially launches but that’s okay. Use those comments and allow them to turn your game into something even better. The more you listen to the community, the more you know what your game lacks. If you create a super popular game, then you’ll have an endless stream of Robux coming your way.

Robux Pricing

Buy Robux

This is the easiest and most hassle-free way to get Robux. Roblox has an interface in-game that will allow you to buy Robux. As of this writing, here’s how Robux are priced:

Responsive Table

Amount of RobuxPrice (USD)Robux / USDPrice (GBP)Price (INR)Price (AUD)Price (JPY)Price (BRL)Price (VND)Membership BonusAvailable Platform(s)
800$9.9980.1£9.99₹8900$16.99¥1600R$54.90₫249K80 RobuxRoblox Website, Roblox Mobile App, Roblox Microsoft Store App
400$4.9980.1£4.99₹4499$8.49¥800R$27.90₫129K40 RobuxRoblox Website, Roblox Mobile App
320$3.9980.2£3.14₹1799N/AN/AN/AN/A40 RobuxPreviously on Roblox Website with Rixty
240$2.9980.3£2.36₹899N/AN/AN/AN/A30 RobuxPreviously on Roblox Website with Rixty
160$1.9980.4£1.57₹449N/AN/AN/AN/A20 RobuxPreviously on Roblox Website with Rixty
80$0.9980.8£0.79₹89$1.79N/AR$4.90₫25K8 RobuxRoblox Website, Roblox Mobile App, Roblox Microsoft Store App
75,000$399.95187.5£399.95-N/AN/AN/AN/A25,000 RobuxPreviously on Roblox Website
22,500$199.99112.5£199.99-$369.99¥31800R$1099.90₫5.299M2,500 RobuxRoblox Website, Roblox Mobile App
10,000$99.99100.0£99.99-$184.99¥15800R$549.90₫2.499M1,000 RobuxRoblox Website, Roblox Mobile App
4,500$49.9990£49.99-$90.99¥8000R$279.90₫1.299M450 RobuxRoblox Website, Roblox Mobile App
2,000$24.9980.0£22.99-N/AN/AN/A750 Robux-Previously on Roblox Website
1700$19.9985.0£19.9917900.00$34.99¥3200R$109.90₫499K170 RobuxRoblox Website, Roblox Mobile App

Aside from the official store, there are also lots of other storefronts where you can buy Robux. Some outlets sell them for much cheaper. There are also digital cards bought in retailers that give you Robux.

Start Earning Robux Now

Whether you’re a casual or a diehard Roblox fan, these tips above are sure to be helpful in helping you get the items you need for the game. Robux are the center of the economy in the game and knowing the best ways to earn them will help you master the system even better.

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