Roblox Blox Fruits Third Sea Guide

16.01.2025 - 02:06:51
Blox Fruits , Game Guides

Roblox Blox Fruits Third Sea Guide

Jonas Author
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Done with your journey on the First Sea and Second Sea in Roblox Blox Fruits? If you said yes, then you’re definitely going to need our Roblox Blox Fruits Third Sea guide. As expected from the last region of the game, things are going to get a lot harder and more complex this time around.

Roblox Blox Fruits adventure in the Third Sea

Before heading to our Third Sea guide, make sure to drop by our Roblox Store. We’ve got great Robux deals just in case you’re running short.

Levelling Guide

Starting off with a simple leveling guide, when you enter the Third Sea, you'll likely be around level 1,500. The maximum level in the game is 2,550, so there’s still a lot of grinding ahead. 

If you’re looking for the fastest grinding methods possible, we highly recommend following this leveling guide. 

Now that you're in the Third Sea, your journey begins with grinding Pirate Millionaires until you reach level 1,675. If you're a console player, you'll want to stop at level 1,650 instead. Once you meet the level requirement, proceed to the next step.

Giant Islander and Island Emper

For console players, the next task is to grind the Giant Islander until level 1,700. For everyone else, focus on grinding and server hopping to take on the Island Emper until level 1,750. Once you meet this level requirement, it's time to move forward.

Marine Commodore and Kilo Admiral

If you're on console, your next grind will involve the Marine Commodore until level 1,775. For other players, concentrate on server hopping and grinding the Kilo Admiral until you reach level 1,825. Once you've achieved the necessary level, follow the path ahead.

Fisherman Raiders and Kilo Admiral

Console players should now focus on grinding Fisherman Raiders until level 1,825. For players who have been server hopping, continue with the Kilo Admiral until you reach this level. When the requirement is met, continue the adventure.

Forest Pirates

The next grind is the Forest Pirates. Take them on until you reach level 1,925. Once you've achieved this milestone, you're ready to move to the next area.

Musketeer Pirates

Your target now is the Musketeer Pirates. Grind them until you hit level 1,975. After reaching this level, proceed onward.

Reborn Skeletons

At this stage, you'll be grinding the Reborn Skeletons until level 2,025. Once you meet the level requirement, move forward to the next challenge.

Challenging Reborn Skeletons in Roblox Blox Fruits

Demonic Souls

Next up are the Demonic Souls. Grind them until you reach level 2,075. After achieving this level, it's time to progress.

Peanut Scouts

From here, grind the Peanut Scouts until level 2,200. Once you've hit this level, prepare for the next grind.

Cookie Crafters

Now you'll grind the Cookie Crafters. You have a choice here: either continue grinding them until the max level of 2,450 or grind them until level 2,300. The enemies at level 2,300 are efficient for leveling as well, so the choice is up to you. If you choose to switch to level 2,300 enemies, follow the guide to reach max level.

Coco Warriors

Finally, grind the Coco Warriors until you hit max level, which is currently level 2,450. This marks the end of your Third Sea leveling journey.

Elite Pirates

Elite Pirates are powerful NPCs that give great rewards when defeated. They can drop accessories, money, experience, and even the coveted God’s Chalice.

We’ll go into more detail about the God’s Chalice in the next section, but for now, just know that it’s the Third Sea’s version of the Fist of Darkness.

Elite Pirates don’t spawn in the same spot every time; they can appear at different islands across the sea. To find out where an Elite Pirate has spawned, head to the Castle on the Sea Island, located at the center of the Third Sea.

If you've just entered this sea, you’ll spawn at Port Town Island, which is directly over there. Sail forward, and you’ll come across the Castle on the Sea.

Once you reach the island, look for a cat NPC. Interact with this NPC and press "Yeah" to get information about the Elite Pirates. The Elite Pirates spawn every 10 minutes, so if they haven’t spawned yet, the NPC will inform you of that.

When an Elite Pirate spawns, the NPC will announce it, along with the island they’re located on, so make sure to read the dialogue carefully. For example, if the NPC mentions the Elite Pirate being near the Floating Turtle, check all possible spawn locations on that island.

Elite Pirates are relatively easy to defeat as they are level 1,750 bosses. After you defeat an Elite Pirate, you will receive experience and potentially some money. You might also get an accessory and, in some cases, the God’s Chalice.

You need to be quick, though—if someone else defeats the Elite Pirate before you, the quest will be canceled, and you won’t receive any rewards.

After defeating five Elite Pirates, head into the castle and interact with an NPC inside. This NPC will reward you with the Pretty Helmet accessory. The buffs on this accessory are significant, including:

  • 50% increased movement speed
  • 10% increased melee damage
  • 12.5% increased defense against melee attacks
  • 250 additional energy
  • 500 additional health

To track how many Elite Pirates you've defeated, simply tap on the progress button when interacting with the cat NPC. That's everything you need to know about Elite Pirates!


Portals are incredibly important to unlock, as they will save you a lot of time when traveling between islands—especially when you're at max level. To unlock portals, you’ll need to defeat the Rip Indra boss.

Rip Indra boss fight scene

This is not the same Rip Indra that you face in the Second Sea. To spawn Rip Indra, you'll need to obtain the God’s Chalice, which can be acquired through a few different methods.

The best method is by obtaining the God’s Chalice from Elite Pirates, as I explained earlier. However, there are two additional ways to obtain it:

  1. Chest Method: Just like the Fist of Darkness, if your server is 4 hours old, there’s a slight chance that you will find the God’s Chalice in a chest.
  2. Praying Method: For this, head to The Haunted Castle Island, located to the left of Port Town. Once you're there, go to the graveyard, and during the night, interact with the grave. If you’re lucky, you’ll receive the God’s Chalice along with some other useful rewards.

Once you or someone else has obtained the God’s Chalice, you need to activate three legendary buttons located around the Castle on the Sea.

  • The first button requires the Legendary Snow White Hockey color to be equipped in order to activate it.
  • The second button requires the Legendary Pure Red Hockey color.
  • The third button requires the Legendary Winter Sky Hockey color.

If you don’t have all the necessary legendary hockey colors, you can ask someone in the server to help, as the buttons will activate for everyone in the server once triggered.

After activating all three buttons, head into a building in the Castle on the Sea and approach the podium. If you’ve done everything correctly, Rip Indra will spawn.

We highly recommend not attempting to fight Rip Indra alone if you're not max level or if you don’t have the Buddha Fruit, as this boss has nearly 800,000 health and can be extremely difficult to solo at lower levels.

To earn rewards from Rip Indra, you must contribute at least 10-15% of the damage, or you won’t receive any rewards.

Once Rip Indra is defeated, you’ll gain 1,500 fragments, three levels, the Valkyrie Helmet accessory, and a 2.5% chance to drop the Dark Dagger. You will also gain access to the portals.

There are two portals available at the moment:

  • The left portal teleports you to the Mansion at Floating Turtle Island.
  • The right portal teleports you to Hydra Town at Hydra Island.

Additionally, the portal at the Mansion will take you to the Castle on the Sea, and the portal at Hydra Town will also take you to the Castle on the Sea. These are the only portals available right now, which is a bit disappointing.

Best Accessories

In this section, we’re going to talk about some of the best accessories to help you on your journey through the Third Sea. There are a lot of factors that contribute to a good accessory, and of course, it depends on your personal preference.

However, we’ve found two accessories that are versatile and highly recommended.

The first accessory we’re using right now is the Hunter Cape. This accessory offers the following buffs:

  • 10% Universal damage
  • 80% more running speed
  • 750 health

These buffs are quite versatile and useful, making the Hunter Cape a solid choice. It also comes in three different colors: red, green, and black. The stats are the same regardless of the color, so you can choose whichever looks best to you.

Hunter Cape accessory with different colors

If you’re not a fan of the look of the Hunter Cape, you can go with the Bandana, which offers the same buffs, but with a twist. Instead of 750 health, the Bandana provides 750 energy.

Both the Hunter Cape and the Bandana can be obtained by defeating Elite Pirates, though the drop chance isn’t guaranteed. You may need to defeat them a few times before you finally get the accessory.

The next accessory is the Pilot Helmet, which is the fastest accessory in the game. The buffs it offers include:

  • 130% increased movement speed
  • 10% faster health regeneration
  • 250 energy
  • 250 health

This accessory is perfect for improving your movement speed and overall survivability. You can obtain the Pilot Helmet by defeating the Stone Boss located at Port Town. The boss spawns at a specific location, and it has a 10% chance to drop the Pilot Helmet. These are the two accessories we highly recommend for use in the Third Sea.

Advanced Raids

Once you enter the Third Sea, you unlock access to Advanced Raids, and you might be wondering how to unlock them. When interacting with the raid NPC, you’ll find that there are currently two Advanced Raids available: the Phoenix Raid and the Dough Raid.

Both of these raids can be unlocked at the Sea of Treats area. Let’s go over how to unlock these raids.

To start, head to the Sea of Treats from the Castle on the Sea. The Sea of Treats is located at a specific spot, and once you arrive, you’ll need to spawn the Dough King, which is no easy task.

To spawn the Dough King, you first need to acquire the God’s Chalice, which we’ve already explained how to obtain earlier. After getting the God’s Chalice, you’ll need 10 Conjured Cocoa, which can be obtained by going to Chocolate Island at the Sea of Treats.

On Chocolate Island, you’ll find the Cocoa Warrior and Chocolate Bar Battler NPCs, who have a small chance of dropping the Conjured Cocoa material. You need to collect 10 pieces of Conjured Cocoa. Once you have the required amount, take them to an NPC who will trade the cocoa and God’s Chalice for a Sweet Chalice.

Now, go to another island in the Sea of Treats, which is located above the quest giver. This island is home to Drip Mama, an NPC who will instruct you to defeat around 500 NPCs.

This will be quite a grind, but if you haven’t noticed already, the Sea of Treats is split into several islands, so you must defeat the NPCs only on the island where Drip Mama is located, which is called Cake Land.

You can get help from other players to defeat the 500 NPCs, and every NPC you defeat contributes to the entire server’s progress. Once you’ve defeated all 500 NPCs, the NPC will let you open the portal. Make sure that the player interacting with the NPC has the Sweet Chalice, or else the wrong boss will spawn.

There are two possible bosses the NPC can summon: the Cake Prince and the Dough King. Defeating 500 NPCs will spawn the Cake Prince, while defeating 500 NPCs and having the Sweet Chalice will spawn the Dough King.

Once you’ve completed the requirements, a red text will appear in the chat, saying “A dimension worthy of a God has spawned.” Enter the portal that spawns behind Drip Mama and you’ll be teleported to fight the Dough King.

The Dough King is the hardest boss to fight in this raid, as it uses the Awakened Dough Fruit and has 1.1 million health. We highly recommend fighting the Dough King with at least two to three players, or more if possible. Make sure you contribute at least 10-15% of the damage to the boss to receive rewards.

Once the Dough King is defeated, you’ll receive some great rewards, including a Red Key, which is required for the Dough Microchip.

Advanced Raid Scene in Roblox Game

After obtaining the Red Key, follow me to an NPC who will sell you the Dough Microchip for 1,000 fragments with a 2-hour cooldown. After this NPC is unlocked, you can also purchase Dough Microchips from the normal raid dealer for 1,000 fragments or a fruit worth over 1 million.

Now, let’s move on to the Phoenix Raid, which is simpler to unlock than the Dough Raid. To unlock the Phoenix Raid, you need 400 Mastery with the Phoenix Fruit.

Once you have that, interact with a hidden NPC located at Cake Land, where you can buy Phoenix Microchips for 1,000 fragments with a 2-hour cooldown. After unlocking the NPC, you can buy Phoenix Raid Microchips from the normal raid dealer for 1,000 fragments or a fruit worth over 1 million.

And that's how you unlock the two Advanced Raids currently available in the game. Alternatively, if you don't want to go through the grind yourself, you can always ask someone who has the raids unlocked to host them for you. Just pay them in fruits in return.

Sea Events in the Third Sea

If you’re already familiar with the sea events from the Second Sea, such as Sea Beasts and Ship Raids, you’ll notice that the Third Sea introduces a whole new system. Not only are there updated mechanics for sea events, but there are also several new sea monsters to encounter. Let’s break it down, starting with the basics.

Danger Levels and Their Effects

In the Third Sea, sea events operate on a danger level system. Unlike the Second Sea, where sea events could spawn as long as you were in the sea, here, you’ll notice danger level bars on the left of your screen. These levels dictate the types of sea monsters that can spawn.

  • Danger Level Zero: At this level, only the most basic sea monsters, such as sharks and piranhas, will appear.
  • Progression of Levels: As you sail further from islands, the danger level increases. The levels include low, medium, high, extreme, and crazy. The highest tier, simply referred to as "Danger Level," is the most intense. When you reach it, your screen darkens, and the chances of encountering powerful sea events significantly increase.

Now that you understand how danger levels work, let’s move on to the sea monsters and events.

New Sea Monsters

  1. Sharks and Piranhas: These are the most basic monsters in the Third Sea. They have low health and don’t provide great rewards. Sharks drop the Shark Tooth material, while Piranhas drop Electric Wing material, both of which are used in crafting.
  2. Rumbling Waters: This isn’t a new sea monster per se but a sea event where three Sea Beasts spawn simultaneously. It adds a level of chaos to your adventures.
  3. Terror Sharks: These are particularly annoying creatures with 150,000 health. They have an ability that pulls you toward them, making it nearly impossible to escape or despawn them while sailing. Defeating them rewards you with one level, 300 fragments, some money, and occasionally a Terrorizing Mutant Tooth. If you have the Monster Magnet, you can spawn a special Terror Shark that drops the Shark Anchor Sword.
  4. Haunted Ship Raids: Similar to standard ship raids but with two large ships instead of smaller ones. They reward 75 fragments, three Fool's Gold materials, and occasionally a random fruit.
  5. Haunted Shipwreck: A sea event exclusive to Danger Level Six. It spawns enemies that drop bones.
  6. Leviathan: The Leviathan doesn’t spawn directly. First, the Frozen Dimension must appear. To make this happen, you need to interact with an NPC located at the top of the Tiki Outpost Highland and bring at least five people with you. The Frozen Dimension only spawns at extreme danger levels or higher. Once it appears, you’ll find another NPC who teleports you to the Leviathan.
Illustration of sea events and monsters in the Third Sea

Additional Sea Events

  1. Treasure Island

    • Spawns three gold money chests. Not particularly exciting but worth checking out.
  2. Rough Sea

    • This event creates rain and thunder, with lightning bolts attempting to strike your boat and cause damage.
  3. Kitsun Shrine

    • Only appears during a full moon in Danger Level Six. The shrine transforms the full moon into a Blue Moon for five minutes. During this time, blue Azure Embers spawn around the island. Collect as many as possible, as donating 15 to 25 Embers to the shrine can yield various rewards. Remember to donate before the timer runs out.
  4. Mirage Island

    • This island can appear during Danger Levels One through Six. It’s medium-sized, and when it spawns, your screen darkens similarly to Danger Level Six. The island features diamond money chests, fragment chests, and the Advanced Blox Fruit Dealer, who offers a better fruit stock than usual. The Mirage Island despawns after 15 minutes, so make the most of your time there.
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Congrats On Exploring The High Seas

With that, you’ve explored every inch of Blox Fruits. For your next journey, it’s time to collect all the fruits in the game. Here’s a tier list you can use.

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