Roblox Adopt Me: Legendary Pet Value Need to Know
19.03.2025 - 02:23:49
Adopt Me , Roblox
In Roblox Adopt Me, one of the most important things in the game are pet values. This can dictate just how valuable your pets are in the game. If you want to know the Roblox Adopt Me Legendary pet values, we’re going to help you out with our guide for the game.

But first, you’re probably going to want to max out your account with some good Roblox Adopt Me bundles that we have at RPGStash. There are lots to do in the game right now but mastering these Legendary pet values should come as a priority.
Roblox Adopt Me Legendary Pet Values 2025
Pet | Value (Ride Potions) |
Zodiac Minion | 0.15 |
Metal Ox | 0.15 |
Luna Tiger | 0.15 |
Golden Taurus Beetle | 0.15 |
Luna Moonbear | 0.15 |
Dracula Parrot | 0.20 |
Griffin | 0.33 |
Scarecrow Crow | 0.40 |
Stripe Eggy | 0.40 |
Red Dragon | 0.40 |
Scare Bear | 0.40 |
Kraken | 0.40 |
Blue Betta Fish | 0.40 |
Cobra | 0.40 |
Mecha Meow | 0.40 |
Ice Moth Dragon | 0.50 |
Robo Dog | 0.50 |
Golden Dragon | 0.50 |
Golden Cat | 0.50 |
Billy Goat | 0.50 |
Chima | 0.50 |
Diamond Mahi Mahi | 0.50 |
Rosy Maple Moth | 0.50 |
Flooded Ice | 0.50 |
Evil Chick | 0.50 |
Corn Doggo | 0.50 |
Golden Ladybug | 0.50 |
Guardian Lion | 0.50 |
Hawk | 0.50 |
Shetland Pony (Light Brown) | 0.50 |
Chow Chow | 0.60 |
Candy Hare | 0.60 |
Field Mouse | 0.60 |
Green-Chested Pheasant | 0.60 |
King Bee | 0.60 |
Lava Wolf | 0.60 |
Peacock | 0.60 |
Snow Owl | 0.60 |
Astronaut Gorilla | 0.60 |
Chameleon | 0.60 |
Goo | 0.60 |
Squid | 0.60 |
Tree Kangaroo | 0.60 |
Volcanic Rhino | 0.60 |
The Least Valuable Legendary Pets
Kicking things off with the least valuable pet on this list, we have the Zodiac Minion. You probably saw this coming, right? Following closely behind is the Metal Ox. It’s still surprising how the Metal Ox ended up being one of the most disliked legendary pets, but here it is, sitting at a value of just 0.15 ride potions.
Next up, we have the Luna Tiger, the Golden Taurus Beetle, and the Luna Moonbear. The Golden Taurus Beetle might raise some eyebrows. How is it considered so common? The reason is simple: you can still trade around four common pets to land this legendary, which is a trade you can actively pursue right now.

The Dracula Parrot is another one that surprisingly doesn’t fetch much value. It’s a shame, considering how visually impressive this pet is. If you’re into cool-looking pets and want an easy win, trade for a Dracula Parrot. You’ll likely grab one with minimal effort.
Then there’s the Griffin, marking our first “Roo” pet to show up. At 600 Robux each, you’d need three Griffins to match the value of a ride potion, which costs about 150 Robux. There are more affordable ways to get Roblox ride potions though.
So you could technically spend nearly 2,000 Robux on Griffins and still barely match the worth of a ride potion. The value math here feels off, right? But that’s the Adopt Me trading community for you—they set the prices, not the developers.
If your goal is to trade smarter and build wealth in Adopt Me, following this community-driven value list can really help you recognize good deals and avoid getting shortchanged.
The Scarecrow Crow is one to keep your eye on. It’s undervalued right now, but this pet has potential to climb in worth. The Stripe Eggy, which hatches from an egg box, is next, along with the classic Red Dragon—an iconic pet, but fairly easy to get due to its abundance.
The Scare Bear, Kraken, Blue Betta Fish, and Cobra all make appearances before we hit the Mecha Meow at position 144. It’s wild to think there are this many legendary pets in the game already.
The Ice Moth Dragon stands out here as one pet whose value has been climbing steadily. You’ll also find the Robo Dog and Golden Dragon among this group. Typically, at this level, two of these legendaries combined equal about one ride potion.
If you’re looking to expand your legendary collection, this is where buying a ride potion and trading smart can land you two solid pets. Some players even manage to grab three legendaries per potion, especially if you’re scooping up the less desirable ones like the Metal Ox.
The Golden Cat is another pet that’s likely to increase in value soon. As a seasonal egg pet that you won’t be able to get again, it has long-term potential, especially with its preppy design. Preppy pets—especially cats—tend to stay in demand. If you can, trade for one of these now.
Moving on, we see the Billy Goat, Chima, Diamond Mahi Mahi, and the Rosy Maple Moth. While the Rosy Maple Moth isn’t worth much right now, it’s still hatchable, which might be keeping its value modest.
The Evil Chick is surprisingly high on the list considering it’s a newer addition. Apparently, the hype around this pet pushed its value above others like the Flooded Ice pet. Then there’s the Corn Doggo, a comical pet from Summerfest 2024 that has also been on the rise.
Players love quirky, food-themed pets like this—just look at how the Strawberry Shortcake Bat Dragon skyrocketed. Corn Doggo could follow that same path.
Golden Ladybug and Guardian Lion also pop up here. The Guardian Lion is a bit of a comeback story, having been disliked at launch but now climbing the ranks, possibly due to its original 500 Robux price tag.
The Hawk is another pet on the upswing, along with the Shetland Pony (Light Brown), which is oddly high on the list despite its basic appearance. It was tough to obtain, which might explain its higher placement.
Now we’re hitting the Chow Chows, which you can get using a Golden Bone. Then we see the Candy Hare from the Hare Box. This section also marks the appearance of our first diamond pets. If you haven’t been claiming your login streak rewards, you’re missing out. Those points don’t stack, and if you forget to claim them, you’re essentially throwing away free rewards, including diamonds and gold.
The Field Mouse is up next. This one feels like it could’ve easily been a common-tier pet. It’s just a mouse, right? But here it is, sitting on the legendary list.
The Green-Chested Pheasant follows. Many expected this pet to be valued higher, but it settles in this mid-tier zone. The King Bee, Lava Wolf, Peacock, and Snow Owl are next, along with the Astronaut Gorilla. Seeing the Astronaut Gorilla labeled as “mid-demand” is surprising. You’d think this would be higher, but sometimes value doesn’t align with how rare or cool a pet looks.
For example, the Lava Wolf appears lower than anticipated, and the Snow Owl—despite being heavily traded—is still holding steady. The Snow Owl came out in 2020 and originally cost 10,000 gingerbread, which sounds cheap today. Back then, gingerbread might have been harder to earn, or maybe the pricing system has just shifted.
The Chameleon from the RGB Box also stands out. That box hasn’t been updated like many other features in Adopt Me, so chances are it’s going to see some changes soon.
The F Event pet is another one that, despite being obtainable for 1,000 Robux, sits pretty high on the list. The Goo pet is well-placed here too—it’s a unique, fun design that makes sense for its value.
At the 100 mark, we have the Squid from the RGB Box, followed by the Tree Kangaroo and Volcanic Rhino. The Volcanic Rhino is an odd case. Hardly anyone equips it, but those who do know its neon form looks incredible.
Then there’s the Cactus Friend, a recent egg release that holds solid value. Cute pets always fare better in Adopt Me—just a fact. A Dragon, Spinosaurus, and Royal Monkey round out this section. The Royal Monkey especially stands out. It costs so much to obtain through boxes, yet players are willing to trade it for a single ride potion.
The Shark Puppy and Winter Buck also land on this list. At position 87, the Winter Buck’s value lines up with recent player trends. We’ve even seen trades involving ride potions for this pet.
Mid-Demand Legendaries
Recently, we traded every type of Winter Deer, including the Winter Buck, and found that it’s actually possible to get more than one ride potion’s worth when trading it. So that tracks here.
The Glowy Hound follows, a solid pet that justifies its place. Then there’s the Very Cool Cube, which makes sense being here—new pets tend to spike in demand.
Interestingly, we opened 100 of these cubes and only pulled one legendary when statistically, five should have appeared. Sometimes it really would be simpler to just buy a ride potion and trade for the pet, but, well, there’s always the thrill of opening them.

Next is the Majestic Pony. This one holds at about one ride potion’s worth, likely because many players skipped doing the full pony pass and opted to just trade a ride potion instead. It’s all about saving time.
The Winged Horse still being available for purchase is curious. Why spend 800 Robux in the shop when you could just trade a ride potion—which costs significantly less—and snag one easily?
The White Amazon is another one of those preppy pets still available to buy. Its mid-tier ranking is logical, but still worth noting.
T-Rex, Shark, Owl Bear—all holding steady around this same value bracket. The Owl Bear stands out. Not many players seem to realize this pet’s actual worth, so it might be a sleeper pick for a future value spike. Same goes for the Green Butterfly. Some are underestimating this pet, but based on trends with other butterflies, like the diamond variants, we wouldn’t be surprised to see it rise.
The Golden Rat is another surprise. It’s holding value at one ride potion now, but at one point, it was trading around the same level as the much-maligned Metal Ox. Strange how community sentiment can shift things.
Following that, we’ve got the Phou Deer, Dodo, Diamond Ladybug, Cuddly Candle, and Phoenix. These are all currently sitting at exactly one ride potion value. However, from this point on, pets will start creeping above that baseline.
The Phoenix, for instance, sits at around 1.2 ride potions, meaning if you’re lucky enough to trade for it at one ride potion, you’ve scored a win.
You might be wondering how to deal with fractional values like 1.2 or 0.8 ride potions—since you can’t exactly split potions. The trick is bundling. Combine pets to hit your target value and make fair trades.
A Gorilla and Capricorn follow. The Capricorn being tied to an expensive house explains its spot here. Then there’s the Diamond Unicorn, which holds steady. The Golden Penguin here isn’t to be confused with its newer version—the older model is notably more desirable and trades higher.
The Ninja Monkey comes up next. We didn’t expect it to be this rare, but here it is. Following that is the Queen Bee, another strong contender in this tier.
The Rainbow Dragon, colorful and visually appealing, makes a lot of sense at this position. We’re about a third through the list at this point.
The Skelly Rex, another retired favorite, and the Unicorn from the Retired Egg show up next. The Unicorn is now only hatchable from the Retired Egg, which not all players seem aware of.
The Frost Claw currently sits at 1.25 ride potions, a value likely influenced by its recent release. Seasonal pets like this typically spike during their relevant holiday and drop off as time passes. Expect Christmas pets to hold more value around December and dip later in the year.

The Gomy Leo edges out the Gomy Hound, which is a bit surprising. The Lavender Dragon, another well-liked pet, sticks around this tier too.
The Ice Golem—a 1,000 Robux pet—sits at a lower value than some 600 Robux pets. This just goes to show that Robux spent doesn’t always match up to trade value in the Adopt Me world.
Diamond King Penguin comes next, valued at two ride potions, followed by the Hippogriff at 2.2. Depending on where you live or what platform you’re using, ride potion prices can vary slightly, so your strategy might change depending on your situation.
The Dancing Dragon, Halloween White Ghost Dragon, and Midnight Dragon also make appearances. The Midnight Dragon is easy to forget about but holds a respectable spot.
The Bush Elephant is surprising—it’s legendary, even though its design feels more like an ultra-rare.
The Lava Dragon, Glacial Con, and Diamond Albatross follow. The Glacial Con, in particular, wasn’t available for very long, making it rarer and boosting its standing.
The Celestial Serval is another pet whose scarcity isn’t obvious at first. Whether it’s still available in the shop or was quietly removed, its demand shows it’s harder to find.
We’re officially in the high-demand section now. The Diamond Hamster has tough odds—one in 40—making it a pain to hatch directly. You’re likely better off trading for it instead of gambling on the boxes.
The Emperor Gorilla, Vampire Dragon, and Winged Tiger come next. The Winged Tiger is getting some buzz in trading circles. Many predict this pet could become one of the game’s next big exotic trades. The combination of it being older and likely under-owned could lead to a future boom.
The Naughty Mistletoad Troll sits at number 38, surprising some players. It’s a tricky pet to hatch, which explains its high placement.
The Grim Dragon and Frost Fury are both up here too. Some might question the Frost Fury’s current value at three ride potions—it’s always a point of debate. Whether you agree or not, it’s important to note that trade values often reflect community trends more than strict logic.
At this point, you’re going to want to start getting more pets in Adopt Me. And luckily, there are more than a few ways to do so.
The Sugar Axolotl versus the Nessie is a fun matchup. The Sugar Axolotl costs 700 Robux while the Nessie is only 500 Robux, but rarity and design preferences can swing values significantly. Some might argue the Nessie, being more exotic, should actually trade higher.
The Titanado is a standout. It’s worth about 4.5 ride potions, which means if you spent 500 Robux to get it originally, you’d net a profit trading it—something that doesn’t happen often.
The Giant Golden Scarab’s rarity is likely due to how few players open mud pools these days, keeping demand relatively high.
The Frost Unicorn, despite costing 1,000 Robux on release, commands respect at this tier. Anything with “Frost” in its name tends to get a bump thanks to the popularity of Frost Dragons.
Finally, the Fairy Bat Dragon clocks in at 27. Its value is solid, though slightly below the Jackal Hydra. Even so, the Fairy Bat Dragon is likely an easier trade because, let’s face it, it’s a bat dragon—and those are always in demand.
Legendary Pets Moving Into Top-Tier Value
We’d personally swap a few rankings here. The Fairy Bat Dragon probably deserves to edge out its current spot and land just above the Jackal Hydra, purely because of how much easier it is to trade thanks to its popularity.
The Pirate Captain Monkey is one of the hardest pets to obtain in Adopt Me history. Statistically, the amount of Robux you’d need to spend to get this pet is staggering, which justifies its rarity and placement. It’s rare to see a mega version of this pet in servers simply because so few exist.
The Chocolate Chip Bat Dragon also fits into this top tier. Its release predates the Fairy Bat Dragon, making it more valuable due to scarcity. Following that is the Strawberry Shortcake Bat Dragon. Surprisingly, this one can currently be traded for something like a kangaroo, making it a worthwhile trade for collectors.
The Undead Jousting Horse is next. Despite its divisive appearance, this pet holds significant value simply because not many people bought it. The lack of supply makes it a strong trade asset.
Hot Doggo follows a similar pattern—an unusual-looking pet that’s valuable due to low availability.

Then there’s the Balloon Unicorn, worth an impressive 12 ride potions. If you initially bought this pet for 1,000 Robux, you’d now be looking at a hefty return on investment. It’s a balloon pet, and given its success, it’s likely Adopt Me will add more balloon-themed pets in future updates.
Everyone loves unicorns, and the fact that this one floats around and looks stunning in neon helps cement its spot here.
The Blue Unicorn lands next, sitting at #19. Its placement feels justified based on its classic appeal.
The Royal Mistletoe Troll is valued at 13 ride potions. We opened 50 of these, which translates to roughly 50 ride potions' worth, and only pulled one. It’s a time-limited pet, adding to its rarity and high value.
The Diamond Amazon and Black-Chested Pheasant follow, both notoriously rare. Many players don’t want to gamble Robux on golden plantains or wheat for fear of pulling ultra-rares instead, keeping these pets rare by comparison.
It’s been said that at one point, there were more Shadow Dragons in Adopt Me than Black-Chested Pheasants, which speaks volumes about how infrequently these pets are obtained.
The Turtle clocks in at #14, showing that Aussie Egg pets continue to hold strong value even now. This underscores how older egg pets, especially from limited eggs, continue to be some of the most desirable trades. Now we’re entering the very high-demand zone.
The Diamond Hummingbird is worth 21 ride potions—an enormous value jump. From here, values skyrocket.
The Blazing Lion leaps straight to a staggering 60 ride potions. This pet, with 1-in-10,000 odds, is still one of the most difficult pulls in the game.
If Adopt Me averages hundreds of thousands of daily players, around 100 Blazing Lions could be entering the game daily, but it still holds tremendous value. The easiest way to get rich fast is landing one of these from a low-level placement—it’s a lottery ticket in pet form.
Crows, Diamond Butterflies, and similar pets show an interesting pattern. When potionless, their value is higher than if they have a fly or ride potion attached.
Why? Because players often slap potions on rare pets out of excitement, leaving potionless versions as a rarer commodity. On the flip side, the weaker legendaries are worth more with potions since it bumps their tradeability.
And now, we’re going to go to the top five legendary pets in the game. Keep in mind that there are a lot more pets to get in Adopt Me though.
Top Five Legendary Pets
At #5, we have the Owl, holding major value whether potionless or with a potion. At #4, the Frost Dragon sits at 126 ride potions with a potion and 137 ride potions without one. The extra 11-potion value on potionless pets is common among ultra-rare legendaries.
For those looking to trade smart, we recommend swapping potionless pets for potion versions with extra adds—it’s a common win strategy.
At #3 is the Giraffe, clocking in at 179 ride potions. To put that in perspective, it would cost roughly 30,000 Robux—around $300—to trade for a Giraffe today using ride potions. But that’s not even the crown jewel.
The Bat Dragon has now surpassed the Shadow Dragon in value, a surprising but community-driven shift. The Bat Dragon is currently worth 292 ride potions with a potion, while the Shadow Dragon holds steady at 250 ride potions with a potion.
Interestingly, a potionless Shadow Dragon holds the highest value overall, clocking in at 510 ride potions. The potionless Bat Dragon isn’t far behind, sitting at 310 ride potions, and is expected to increase in value in the near future.
Start Collecting Your Legendary Pets
Legendary pets are always going to be valuable in Roblox Adopt Me, but some are obviously worth more than others. If you want to get more of these, make sure to start filling up with Adopt Me bundles that contain these creatures.