PoE 3.25 Tornado Shot Deadeye Build

21.08.2024 - 19:15:48
Game Guides , Path of Exile , POE build guides

PoE 3.25 Tornado Shot Deadeye Build

For a long time, the Tornado Shot Deadeye has been considered by many PoE players as one of the best bow builds in the game. When equipped with the right gear, this build can destroy anything and everything in its way.

Having said that, is this build still amazing in the recent expansion? Well, the short answer is definitely yes, but we encourage you to read this article to completion. This is our updated build guide for the Tornado Shot Deadeye in Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur League!


Tornado Shot Deadeye

Tornado Shot, otherwise known as TS, is a bow skill gem in Path of Exile that has a unique property, where the initial shot bursts into smaller projectiles that fire in all directions.

Tornado Shot

Unlike other bow skills, the Tornado Shot is best aimed at the front or at the back of the main target. That is because the bulk of the damage of this build actually comes from the secondary projectiles, which have the potential to "shotgun" enemies to death.

Tornado Shot (Smaller Projectiles)

Having said that, did Tornado Shot receive any adjustments in Patch 3.25? Well, yes but not they are not really something that you need to worry about. If you are curious, the mana cost of this skill is now set to 9 at gem level 1 then scales to 13 at gem level 20. In other words, the skill is forgiving in the low end, though it costs slightly higher mana at the max.

Now, there are two main variations of the Tornado Shot Deadeye. The first one utilizes a tri-element bow along with Trinity Support for added elemental penetration. The second variant, which requires a much higher investment, uses a crafted bow with a trifecta of physical damage modifiers. More details about the variations will be discussed later on in the build guide.


At certain stages of the campaign, you will be able to enter the Lord's Labyrinth (or the "lab" for short). Completing these allows you to allocate notable ascendancy passive skills that improve various aspects of your character.

For the Tornado Shot Deadeye, in particular, you will take Gathering Winds first. This ascendancy node grants Tailwind for more action speed. Gathering Winds has actually been nerfed in Path of Exile: Settlers in Kalguur in that it now only gives 100% increased effect of Tailwind as opposed to 150%. Although this nerf is noticeable, Gathering Winds is still an amazing node to take.

Ricochet is a notable ascendancy passive skill that is quite useful for Tornado Shot. It causes the TS projectiles to chain when colliding with walls and other terrain. Ricochet makes Tornado Shot projectiles chain an additional time as well.

Endless Munitions need no explanation. Taking this node increases the projectiles that you fire by two, which greatly boosts your damage output!

Your last ascendancy skill point is a toss-up between Focal Point and Far Shot. The former greatly enhances the effects of Mark Skills by 75%, while the latter increases projectile damage the farther they travel.

Far Shot got rebalanced in Patch 3.25. It no longer deals 60% more damage to targets as the projectile travels farther. Instead, that number has been reduced to just 30%. However, it is important to note that Grinding Gear Games also removed the line that says "Projectile Attack Hits Deal 20% Less Damage to Targets at the Start of Their Movement." This is a good thing because you no longer have to worry about distance when using Tornado Shot.

Now, if you can afford the Forbidden Flesh and Forbidden Flame Jewels, you do not have to worry about any of the notable ascendancy passive skills mentioned here. But, if you still do not have access to these yet, choose between Far Shot and Focal Point, whichever you prefer.

Notable Ascendancy Passive Skills for the Tornado Shot Deadeye


To maximize the damage output of the build, you are actually going to aim at the front or at the back of the enemy. This is so that they will get the brunt of the secondary projectiles, which are a major source of your damage. It may take time to get used to, but if you do, you can easily take down any monster in Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur!


The gear for the Tornado Shot Deadeye is pretty expensive, especially if you purchase those that have synthesized implicit modifiers. So, be ready to spend a boatload of PoE Currency if you want to take the damage of the Tornado Shot Deadeye to the next level!


There are two weapons that you can use depending on the version you want to run. Most people prefer using a tri-element bow over the bow with physical damage mods because they do not want to deal with damage conversion.

If you are on the same boat as they are, you want to use a Spine Bow as a crafting base because it has the highest attack speed and base critical strike chance among the other bows in PoE 3.25.

Tri-Ele Bow

However, if you do not mind converting all of your physical damage to cold damage, then the physical bow is the most ideal. You should still use the Spine Bow as the crafting base for this one, though you are going to roll for three physical damage modifiers for maximum benefit.

Physical Bow

The full instructions on how to craft these amazing bows can be found in our ultimate crafting guide.


The quiver you will use depends on the bow you have equipped. For the tri-ele bow, you want a quiver that is crafted using the Deafening Essence of Torment (Lightning Damage to Attacks). Spam the quiver until you get life, critical strike chance, increased damage with bow skills, and bow attacks fire an additional arrow.

Quiver for Tri-Ele Bow

For the physical bow, you will craft the quiver using the Deafening Essence of Contempt (Physical Damage to Attacks). Use this until you get the same mods mentioned above. If you can afford a quiver with synthesized implicit modifiers, then that would be great!

Quiver for Physical Bow

Body Armor

Hyrri's Ire is an incredible body armor for the Tornado Shot Deadeye. It grants a huge amount of spell suppression, which alleviates the need for the same mod on your other pieces of gear. It also adds cold damage with bow attacks, making it useful for both versions of this build.

Hyrri's Ire

While Hyrri's Ire can certainly go a long way, you do have the option of replacing it with a Grasping Mail, specifically with the mod that grants cold damage as extra chaos damage. If you are able to fracture the said mod, you could use the Deafening Essence of Loathing to guarantee mana reservation efficiency along with other amazing mods, including life, spell suppression, and resistances.

Grasping Mail


There are a couple of amazing options for the helmet slot. If you want to double down on your tri-element bow and quiver, you could use the Black Sun Crest. This is usually paired with Crystallised Omniscience for more elemental penetration.

Black Sun Crest

For the cold conversion variant of the Tornado Shot Deadeye, the Heatshiver is tough to beat. This grants 30% of cold damage as extra fire damage against frozen enemies. Since you can land critical strikes more easily with this version of the build, then using the Heatshiver makes perfect sense.



The tri-element version of the build utilizes either the Velour Gloves (pure evasion) or Wyrmscale Gauntlets (armor/evasion) as the crafting base. These are the new item bases that GGG introduced in Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur. Whichever you choose, spam the gloves with Essence of Zeal (attack speed) until you get spell suppression, life, and accuracy.

Crafted Gloves (for Tri-Element Version)

If you are playing the physical damage version of the Tornado Shot Deadeye, you will craft the cold damage conversion gloves. You can find the steps to craft this beauty in our dedicated crafting guide.

Cold Conversion Gloves


The Onslaught Boots is a really good pair of boots for the Tornado Shot Deadeye. Use any essence that you want that guarantees a suffix and spam the boots with it until you get spell suppression and another mod of your choosing.

Next, lock your suffixes and use a Veiled Orb after that. Head to Jun and unveil. Take note that this may require a number of repeats because the Onslaught mod can be elusive for some people.

Crafted Onslaught Boots


For both versions of the build, the Crystallised Omniscience is one that you should aim for when it comes to the amulet. This grants additional elemental penetration and elemental resistances depending on your total Omniscience.

In case you do not know, Omniscience is a pseudo-attribute that is increased by the number of STR, DEX, and INT that your character has. That is why if you are going to use this amulet, make sure that you put attributes wherever possible.

Also, anoint the Crystallised Omniscience with Utmost Intellect (Amber Oil, Violet Oil, Crimson Oil) or Utmost Might (Amber Oil, Azure Oil, and Crimson Oil) to gain a boost in INT or STR, respectively.

Crystallised Omniscience


Since you are using the Crystallised Omniscience as your amulet for the build, you want to increase your attributes as high as you possibly can. One way to help you with this is by wearing a couple of rings that have all three attributes on it, along with other useful modifiers, such as life, elemental damage, and minus total mana cost of skills.

Crafted Ring


The Tornado Shot Deadeye can take on whatever content there is in the game despite its mediocre survivability. However, you can certainly address its shortcomings by wearing the appropriate belt.

If you want to focus on mapping, the Headhunter is too hard to pass up. This unique belt grants all of the modifiers of a rare monster after you kill them. These mods last for 60 seconds, which enable you to clear the entire area of enemies in a jiffy!


A good alternative to the Headhunter is, of course, the Mageblood. This Tier 0 unique item makes the effects of several magic utility flasks permanent as long as you have the belt equipped. This is suited for a more balanced approach.



  • Diamond Flask
  • Quicksilver Flask
  • Jade Flask
  • Divine Life Flask
  • Dying Sun/Taste of Hate/Progenesis

Flask Mods

  • 60% Increased Evasion Rating (of the Impala)
  • 55% Increased Critical Strike Chance (of Incision)
  • 14% Increased Movement Speed (of the Cheetah)
  • Corrupted Blood Immunity (Life Flask)


A good Watcher's Eye is a major investment, especially because there are some juicy bonuses that you can get from this particular unique jewel. Scour the trade website for a Watcher's Eye that contains any of the following modifiers:

  • Hatred
    • + to Critical Strike Chance
    • Increased Cold Damage
    • Damage Penetrates Cold Resistance
  • Precision
    • Increased Attack Speed
    • Increased Attack Damage
    • + to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
    • Gain a Flask Charge on Critical Strike
  • Grace
    • Chance to Evade Attack Hits
    • Increased Movement Speed
    • Chance to Suppress Spell Damage (if not capped yet)

The Lethal Pride is another unique jewel that is worth the investment. This thing not only grants STR on the small passive nodes, but it may come with double damage nodes as well.

While not mandatory, we highly recommend that you save up enough PoE Currency to obtain a Thread of Hope (Massive Ring). This allows you to take certain notable passive skills without directly being connected to the tree, including:

  • Forces of Nature
    • Attack Damage Penetrates 10% of Enemy Elemental Resistances
  • Master of Blades
    • Hits Have a 30% Chance to Ignore Enemy Physical Damage Reduction
    • +30 to Strength
    • 30% Increased Physical Damage
  • Will of Blades
    • 40% Increased Critical Strike Chance
    • 20% Increased Physical Damage
  • Blood Siphon
    • 10% Increased Maximum Life
    • Gain 10 Life per Enemy Killed
    • +20 to Strength
  • Harrier
    • 8% Increased Attack Speed
    • 6% Increased Cast Speed
    • 5% Increased Movement Speed
  • Hired KIller
    • 7% Increased Maximum Life
    • Recover 2% of Life on Kill
  • Path of the Hunter
    • +100 to Accuracy Rating
    • 16% Increased Projectile Damage
    • +20 to Dexterity

Elemental ailments in Path of Exile are a pain to deal with. Fortunately, you can achieve full elemental ailment immunity by either using Ancestral Vision or Stormshroud.

If you are going to use the Ancestral Vision, you have to craft a pair of boots that has two elemental ailment avoidance modifiers. The same thing can be said for the Stormshroud, albeit the boots have to contain a couple of "Chance to Avoid Being Shocked" mods.


There is a relatively comfortable room for gem swaps for the Tornado Shot Deadeye. Apart from your main skills and their support gems, you can add at least a few different gems of your choosing.

Body Armor (Physical Damage Variant)

  • Tornado Shot
  • Awakened Vicious Projectiles
  • Awakened Elemental Damage with Attacks
  • Increased Critical Damage
  • Inspiration Support
  • Hypothermia Support

Although it is expensive early on, you must invest in Awakened Vicious Projectiles because it significantly boosts the damage of Tornado Shot.

A level 5 Awakened Elemental Damage with Attacks is a support gem that prevents damage from your Tornado Shot from being reflected back to you. This enables you to run maps with the "Reflect Elemental Damage" mod without fear of dying.

Hypothermia Support dramatically boosts your chance of freezing enemies on hit. Besides that, this support gem grants a huge damage boost with hits against chilled enemies.

Body Armor (Tri-Ele Variant)

  • Tornado Shot
  • Increased Critical Damage
  • Trinity Support
  • Mirage Archer Support
  • Inspiration Support
  • Awakened Elemental Damage with Attacks

A lot of people actually go for the tri-element version of the Tornado Shot Deadeye primarily because they can get tons of elemental penetration and elemental damage from Trinity Support.

For the uninitiated, Trinity's effects are activated whenever you hit enemies with at least two different elemental damage types. That is why you are going to use a tri-element bow to satisfy this particular mechanic.

You will know if you satisfy Trinity's Resonance mechanic by looking at the icon on the top-left corner of the interface. If the icon is filled, then that means that you have gained a boost in elemental damage and elemental penetration. If it is unfilled, well, you gain nothing.

Trinity Support Icon (Unfilled)

Trinity Support Icon (Filled)

Mirage Archer Support is great for mapping because it allows you to summon a ghostly archer that fires Tornado Shot projectiles at your enemies.

In both versions of the build, you will include Inspiration Support. This support gem got buffed in Patch 3.25, where it now significantly reduces the mana cost of Tornado Shot. As an added benefit, you get a considerable boost to your critical strike chance as well.


  • Frenzy
  • Manaforged Arrows Support
  • Sniper's Mark
  • Awakened Cast on Critical Strike
  • Power Charge on Critical Strike
  • Enhance Support (lvl 4)

The gems that are socketed in your bow are pretty interesting, particularly in how they mesh well together. Frenzy is a bow skill gem in PoE that not only allows you to gain Frenzy Charges on hit, but amplifies those charges to grant even more attack damage and attack speed.

Power Charge on Critical Strike Support gives you the ability to gain Power Charges to improve your chance of landing a critical hit. This works really well with Awakened CoC, which activates Sniper’s Mark to all enemies that you hit.

Enhance Support is just there to improve the effects of all the above-mentioned gems. This helps address the nerf to Sniper's Mark that GGG implemented in the previous league.


  • Hatred/Anger
  • Grace
  • Herald of Purity
  • Enlighten Support (lvl 4)

In case you do not know, Hatred got rebalanced in Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur League. Back then, this aura caused you to deal more cold damage with every attack. But now, it only grants extra cold damage based on your physical damage. Despite this, Hatred is still a useful aura for the build.

For the tri-element version of the Tornado Shot Deadeye, you could replace Hatred with Anger for a boost in fire damage. This also allows you to use a Watcher's Eye with mods that are enabled when Anger is active.

Since there is very little armor to work with, you have to dodge attacks more effectively, and Grace aids you in that regard. Although this aura has been nerfed in Patch 3.25, you can gain some of its power back by wearing the new item bases introduced in the Settlers of Kalguur expansion.

Herald of Purity is very useful for the physical damage variant of this build. This grants more physical damage, plus it summons a few sentinel minions that can act as meat shields while mapping.

Because Hatred, Anger, and Grace reserve 50% of your mana each, you need to put a level 4 Enlighten Support just to activate them.


  • Precision
  • Herald of Ash
  • Enlighten (lvl 4)

You want to make sure that your TS projectiles hit the intended target. That is why you need to have your hit chance capped at 100% and Precision helps you with that. Precision also increases your critical strike chance in case you do not know.

Herald of Ash provides you with extra fire damage based on a considerable portion of your physical damage. This works even better for the physical damage version of this build.

As you can see, there is an empty slot on the gloves. You can use it to include whatever gem that you like.


  • Frostblink/Flame Dash
  • Blood Rage
  • Portal
  • Cast on Death Support

For your travel skill, you can choose between Frostblink and Flame Dash. The former reduces its cooldown whenever you are surrounded by enemies, while the latter gives you three charges that you can use in quick succession.

With the removal of the "Increased Attack Speed" mod on flasks, you need to recoup that somehow. Fortunately, Blood Rage is there to give you a huge boost in attack speed. You just have to attack often because this thing takes 4% of your maximum life per second while it's active.

The last two gem slots can be used for anything that you want. We just included a Portal linked with Cast on Death Support so that a portal opens immediately after you die.


  • Tattoo of the Tasalio Scout
    • 4% Increased Effect of Your Marks
  • Tattoo of the Ramako Sniper
    • 5% Increased Projectile Speed
  • Tattoo of the Ramako Fleetfoot
    • 2% Increased Movement Speed
  • Tattoo of the Ramako Archer
    • 5% Increased Global Accuracy Rating

Passive Tree

Passive Tree for the Tornado Shot Deadeye


Physical Damage Variant

Tri-Ele Variant

Final Thoughts

The Tornado Shot Deadeye is still one of the best projectile-based builds in Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur! It boasts incredible damage output, particularly from the shotgun effect of the secondary projectiles.

While it employs an unorthodox playstyle, and it certainly requires a bit of time to get used to, this build can destroy enemies with ease.

The only thing to worry about here is the huge investment required to get all of the necessary pieces of gear. But, if PoE Currency is not an issue, then the Tornado Shot Deadeye is easy to recommend in Patch 3.25!

With that said, good luck in your adventures in Wraeclast, Exile!


+Projectiles can shotgun and kill enemies quickly

+Excellent mapping and boss-killing potential

+Has two powerful variants


-Not a league starter

-Requires a huge investment to truly shine

-May take some time to get used to

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