Path of Exile 2: Guide to Early Access Currency Farming

19.12.2024 - 03:30:10
Game Guides , Path of Exile 2

Path of Exile 2: Guide to Early Access Currency Farming

Ben Author
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Have you been playing Path of Exile 2 Early Access? If so, how is your experience so far? We are willing to bet that you are having trouble getting some currency right now. In fact, that seems to be the predicament of most PoE 2 players simply because currency in the game is just too hard to come by.

Fortunately, we have the right information about the ideal farming spots, as well as what items to gather in order to gain a profit. So, if you want to get rich in this game, read further! This is our PoE 2 Early Access currency farming guide!

How to Farm Gold Effectively in Path of Exile 2

Gold is a non-tradable currency in PoE 2 Early Access, which you can acquire by defeating monsters, completing quests, and running endgame maps. This is a pretty scarce resource during the early stages of the campaign. That’s why you have to sell everything except the rare pieces of gear at the beginning of your journey.

For the uninitiated, items in Path of Exile 2 are categorized based on rarity. The rarity of an item is known simply by looking at the color of the text. If you see that its name is written in yellow, then that is a “rare” item.


While Orb of Transmutation is a sought-after currency item as it is the precursor to crafting, selling magic items allows you to get a good amount of gold, at least in the campaign. Once you are happy with the gold that you have, you can disenchant the magic and rare pieces of gear that you don’t need.

We’ve found this to be the ideal strategy for PoE 2 beginners, especially since gold is needed to buy starter items from NPCs. Gold is also required for refunding passive skills and Atlas skill points.

In fact, the cost of respeccing skills grows exponentially higher depending on your level. That is why having a healthy amount of gold on hand is helpful when you need to change something about your current build.

As soon as you finish the first three acts, you will go at it again; only this time, the game is set at Cruel Difficulty. This presents you with tougher challenges, but your familiarity with the campaign does help you get around faster.

The reason why you need to know this is that gold drops start to ramp up as soon as you enter the Cruel Difficulty. If your gold farming strategy wasn’t working, it is probably because you are still at the very early stages of the campaign.

Now, the only time that is not suitable to sell gear to NPCs is when a particular piece of equipment contains some good modifiers. You can take your chances and craft them with PoE 2 Exalted Orbs or you can disenchant them for certain currency shards.

Common Currencies Being Traded

Exalted Orb


Found: as a rare drop

Trading in Path of Exile 2 remains largely the same as its predecessor. However, there is a slight change in terms of the choice of currency. Instead of trading Chaos Orbs, the community now uses Exalted Orbs as the primary currency for trade.

We believe that the Exalted Orb is the right currency for trading because it is rare enough that it is valuable. Furthermore, it is good for crafting as it adds a new random modifier on a rare piece of gear, provided that it still has empty affixes.

When you are to transact with other people on PoE 2 Trade, make sure that you have enough Exalted Orbs with you. This is because the said currency is the way to get items that you don’t have in your possession.

Orb of Alchemy


Found: as a rare drop

The typical process of crafting items in Path of Exile 2 involves the use of the Orb of Transmutation, Orb of Augmentation, and the Regal Orb. Using these PoE 2 currencies will turn a normal item into a rare item with three random modifiers.

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to instantly do that by utilizing only one thing? Thankfully, there is! That is in the form of the Orb of Alchemy, of course!

Unlike its PoE1 counterpart, though, the Orb of Alchemy now only guarantees four random modifiers instead of a possible six.

Since this particular currency is used to improve gear, accessories, and Waystones, the Orb of Alchemy is a commonly traded item as well.

Divine Orb


Found: as a rare drop

The PoE 2 Divine Orb is a bit more rare than the Exalted Orb. Because of that, you will often find it being sold for 30 to 50 Exalted Orbs.

This currency still has the power to randomize the numeric values of an item just like in the original game. Thus, it will soar in popularity as soon as players get a hold of more endgame items.

Vaal Orb


Found: as a rare drop

Corrupting items in Path of Exile 2 can sometimes result in remarkable outcomes. For example, you can use a Lesser Jeweller’s Orb to unlock the third support gem slot. You can then follow that up with a Vaal Orb and, if you’re lucky, you might even unlock the fourth slot! That is why the Vaal Orb is one of the most popular currencies in the game.

Omen of Whittling


Found: as a possible reward on Ritual Altars

Omens in Path of Exile 2 are useful items for crafting because they provide you with certain effects when they are placed and used inside your inventory.

Having said that, the Omen of Whittling is quite popular right now because it removes the lowest-tier modifier on an item when using a Chaos Orb.

If you crafted some gear and there is one annoying modifier that shouldn’t be there, the Omen of Whittling will help you remove it safely.

Omens can only be obtained randomly by farming Ritual Altars.

Distilled Suffering


Found: by defeating monsters in Delirium maps

Aside from the Omen of Whittling, Distilled Suffering is a commonly traded currency in Path of Exile 2. These are part of the new “Distilled Emotions” that can drop from Delirium encounters in maps.

So, why is Distilled Suffering popular? One use of this item not only forces maps to have a Delirium Mirror inside but also ensures that monsters within these areas become tougher (hence the “Delirious” term), promising better loot.

Another use-case for Distilled Suffering is that it allows you to distill certain notable passive skills without directly pathing towards them. This is helpful if you need a skill that is just too far from your current location on the passive tree.

Soul Core of Azcapa


Found: as a rare drop; as an occasional reward from the Trialmaster

Soul Cores are items in Path of Exile 2 that you can insert into gear, so long as they have empty sockets.

The Soul Core of Azcapa, in particular, is relatively popular in the current state of the game. This is likely because it grants additional spirit when placed on a weapon.

As you know, Spirit is a useful resource as it enables you to summon minions or activate multiple buffs at the same time.

Additionally, the Soul Core of Azcapa increases the rarity of items found by 10% when inserted into armor, which comes in handy in the later stages of the game.

An Audience with The King


Found: as a potential reward from Ritual Altars

An Audience with The King gives you access to the Crux of Nothingness, where the King in the Mists resides. When you beat this boss successfully, he will drop some awesome poe2 unique items, including Pragmatism, Ingenuity, and The Burden of Shadows, to name a few.

Take note that this item is only available as a potential reward in the endgame version of Ritual Altars. More specifically, it cannot be found in the campaign but rather in maps that contain the said endgame system.

Currency Farming Tips

In our Path of Exile 2 Early Access currency farming guide so far, you’ve learned the different types of currency being used for trade. In this section, we will disclose the things that you need to know to acquire them in the most effective ways possible. Here are some effective currency farming tips:

Sort Out Your Defenses

Your defenses, such as armor, evasion, energy shield, and elemental/chaos resistance, play a huge role in effective currency farming in PoE 2.

The reason is that if you die often during the campaign or in maps, you’ll have to run back and waste time needlessly.

That is even more pronounced during the endgame because every death means that you not only lose a portion of your EXP but also forfeit the current map you are on as a result.

To prevent yourself from dying often, make sure that your defenses are on point. As a general rule of thumb, the equipment you must invest in has to be in line with your character’s stats.

For instance, the Warrior is best suited to wearing armor-based equipment, while the Ranger is better off having mostly evasion-based gear.

On top of that, never forget about resistances. Your elemental resistances should be capped at 75% (or at least 55%) because you’ll encounter more monsters that deal fire, cold, and lightning damage in the endgame.

Moreover, chaos resistance is hard to come by but you should still have about 30 to 40% to improve your survivability. Even though Grinding Gear Games made some balancing changes to chaos damage in the recent update, it’s still a good idea to cap all your resistances for maximum survivability.

Revisit Newly Discovered Areas

This particular currency farming strategy is only for the PoE 2 campaign. Before you proceed with the next part of the main quest, revisit the map that you were in. This is a good way of getting a couple of levels plus items that are suitable for your character.

Oftentimes, people would go to their next mission while severely under-geared, which results in more needless deaths.

Once you are powerful enough to kill monsters easily, your rate of currency farming will go up as well. Who knows, you might even get some nice loot along the way!

Now, GGG is quick to fix things that are broken. That is why we do not recommend farming a certain monster in Act 2 because you can no longer remove its corpse with certain skills as of Patch 0.1.0e.

For those who are curious, you could visit The Lost City in Act 2 and find a monster called The Ninth Treasure of Keth. You cannot miss it because it is a pretty large enemy that moves within a certain corridor in the area.

Anyway, the said monster always resides near a checkpoint. So, players would kill the rare monster, use Unearth or similar skills to consume its corpse, and then respawn at the exact same spot.

Sadly, that interaction is no longer possible in Patch 0.1.0e. This is because certain monsters found near checkpoints (like The Ninth Treasure of Keth) will no longer spawn when their corpses are consumed in any way.

Spend Time in Cruel Difficulty

Once you are acquainted with your PoE 2 build, we recommend that you speed things up until the game is set at Cruel Difficulty.

Now,The reason you should spend time at Cruel Difficulty is that monster density and item rarity are significantly increased.

Furthermore, you will start to unlock “advanced” items that have better stats than their regular counterparts. Advanced items are more profitable since they can roll higher-tier modifiers.

It should go without saying that your resistances have to be capped so that you don’t get blasted to oblivion by monster on-death effects and whatnot.

Good Farming Spots in the Campaign:

Speaking of the Path of Exile 2 campaign, there are actually certain locations where you can farm currency effectively. These are:

  • Clearfell (Act 1): In the northeast section of the map, you will find The Witch. This monster is quite doable no matter what PoE 2 build you use, though we recommend that you choose your best character that can deal the most amount of damage. She drops random unique items on occasion.

  • Mausoleum of the Praetor (Act 1): Here, you will find a statue with two large tombs next to it. Examine the four pillars nearby until you find a switch. Click on it to reveal a hidden staircase, where a couple of rare chests and considerable amounts of gold await.

  • Freythorn (Act 1): There are checkpoints near the Ritual Altars in this area, allowing you to return to them once everything is cleared. However, this place is best known for having a bunch of monsters on each altar, which can possibly give you some nice items for your efforts.

  • The Spires of Deshar (Act 2): Monster density in this map is pretty good. Don’t forget to use your most potent AoE skills to eliminate your enemies quickly, or else you’ll be swarmed in no time.

  • Dreadnought Vanguard (Act 2): This is a challenging map because there are no checkpoints up until the very end. However, you will be facing a horde of enemies, which allow you to farm a ton of PoE2 currency. Just make sure that your defenses are in order before heading in.

  • Sandswept Marsh (Act 3): Another area with relatively good monster density. This is a nice transition from completing Act 2 since this is the first area you’ll be in whenever Act 3 begins.

  • The Venom Crypts (Act 3): Use the waypoint to teleport to the Jungle Ruins. Upon arriving at the said location, you should find the entrance to The Venom Crypts close by. Once inside, find a room that contains multiple sarcophagi that you can interact with. Each sarcophagus may contain some valuable treasure that’s worth your time.

  • The Molten Vault (Act 3): After the huge nerf to The Ninth Treasure of Keft in Patch 0.1.0e, the Molten Vault is now one of the best farming spots in Path of Exile 2. This place is filled with chests and elite monsters that can potentially drop some lucrative items.

You can farm these locations as many times as you like. All you have to do is go to your waypoint, click on your favorite farming location, and then press Ctrl + left click. This will bring up the Instance Manager, where you can click on “New” to completely erase the previous instance, allowing you to start over.


Disenchant or Salvage Items You Don’t Need

When your gear is already good and you have enough gold in your pocket, then disenchant or salvage items that you no longer need. For the most part, you want to disenchant items because it will result in currency shards like Transmutation, Augmentation, and Regal.


On the other hand, salvaging items in Path of Exile 2 gives you Armourer’s Scraps, Blacksmith Whetstones, Arcanist’s Etchers, and Artificer’s Orbs depending on the type of gear that was salvaged.

Among the above-mentioned currencies, the Artificer’s Orb is the most valuable since it enables you to add sockets on weapons and armor. Keep in mind that you can only obtain Artificer’s Shards when salvaging items that have sockets on them.


Craft Items and Sell for Profit

When you find magic rarity items that have good modifiers, you have the option to improve them by using a Regal Orb followed by a few Exalts. If you are lucky, you might end up crafting some really awesome endgame gear!

Such items sell really well on PoE2 Trade. This entire process is also known as “item flipping” because you take a risk by using crafting currencies in the hopes of getting something special in return.

Currently, only rares and unique items are being traded in terms of gear. Furthermore, prioritize weapons over armor when flipping items because they are more profitable.

Take note that while you are selling items, if someone is messaging you a number of times, that is a good indication that you’re pricing the item way too low than its average market value. Price the item you’re selling a bit higher if this is the case just so you get the right amount of currency you deserve.

Another thing to keep in mind is that you can only start trading with other players if you have at least one level 25 character in your account. This was probably done to prevent scammers from easily doing their devious schemes.

Wear Increased Rarity Items

There is a particular modifier on items that increases the chance of more valuable loot to drop when killing monsters and bosses. This is similar to the Magic Find bonus found in some Diablo II: Resurrected gear.

Once you are playing in Cruel Difficulty, you will find that loot generally drops more often than in Normal Difficulty. Why not take advantage of this by wearing gear that has increased item rarity?

If your core pieces of gear have incredible modifiers that you’re reluctant to replace, then you can use the Golden Charm instead. This thing not only increases your item rarity by 20% but activates automatically whenever you kill a rare or unique enemy.


Upgrade Your Maps

Okay, so you’ve finished the campaign of PoE 2 Early Access, what comes next? Well, most of your time playing the game from then on will be spent on mapping. This is an endgame system, where you enter maps by putting Waystones inside the aptly named Map Device.

Before you insert Waystones, though, make sure to upgrade them using various Path of Exile 2 currency items. At first, you can go for the typical Orb of Transmutation + Orb of Augmentation combo to turn a Normal Waystone into a Magic Waystone with a couple of modifiers.

If you have some Orb of Alchemy in your storage, you can use that instead because it adds several modifiers to your Waystone.

That said, aim to get any of the following Waystone modifiers:

  • Increased Magic Monsters
  • Increased Number of Rare Monsters
  • Increased Amount of Rare Chests
  • Increased Magic Pack Size
  • Increased Rarity of Items Found in the Area
  • Area Contains Additional Packs of Transcended Monsters

Always remember that upgrading Waystones also increases the difficulty of the map monsters that reside within. That is why you have to look at the mods to see if they are fine to deal with for your particular Path of Exile 2 build.

Start on the Lower Waystones and Make Your Way Up

It is quite tempting to run Waystones that are above your current capability. However, we’ve found that completing the highest-tier Waystones is not necessarily the best way to farm currency in PoE 2. If that is not the ideal strategy, then what is? It’s all about efficiency!

You are better off farming Waystones that are three tiers lower than the highest you currently have if you’re able to clear them quickly. So, when is the right time to go to a higher-tier Waystone, then? Use your farming efficiency as a gauge.

Can you finish a map completely in, say, five minutes or less? Then it is time to go up a tier. If not, stick to where you are now until you have the right items to obliterate monsters easily.

Take the Right Atlas Passive Skills

Your mapping experience is greatly influenced by the passive skills that you take on the Atlas Tree. Although there are plenty of nodes to choose from, make sure that you allocate any of these notables first:

  • Bountiful Bloodlines
    • 25% Increased Magic Monsters
  • Expanding Hordes
    • 20% Increased Magic Pack Size
  • Magic Packs
    • 10% Increased Magic Monsters
  • Rising Danger
    • 15% Increased Rare Monsters
  • Teeming Horde
    • 10% Increased Number of Monster Packs
  • Treasure Coves
    • 30% Increased Amount of Magic Chests
    • 20% Increased Amount of Rare Chests
  • Local Knowledge
    • 40% Increased Chance to Drop Valuable Loot Based on Map Biome
  • Item Rarity
    • 3% Increased Rarity of Items
  • Grueling Journey
    • 2% Increased Effect of Explicit Modifiers on Your Waystones for Each Explicit Modifier They Have
  • Lucky Pillage
    • 5% Increased Quantity of Items
    • 8% Increased Rarity of Items
  • Twin Threats
    • One Rare Monster Found in Your Maps is Guaranteed to Be Duplicated
  • Likely Ambush
    • 10% Increased Chance That a Strongbox Can Be Found in Maps
  • Arcane Locks
    • Explicit Modifiers on Strongboxes Have a 50% Increased Effect

Engage in Certain Endgame Systems

You can devote your time to any of the endgame mechanics in Path of Exile 2. Expedition seems to be one of the best PoE 2 currency farming strategies, especially now that GGG nerfed the damage of Ground Laser and Ground Lightning abilities of Runed Knights.

Breach is nice not only for farming but also for leveling. This is due to the plethora of monsters that spawn within the Breach’s AoE. Make sure that your build is stacked with AoE skills so that killing monsters is a breeze.

Strongboxes are bigger chests that can possibly contain some valuable loot. You will encounter them randomly on maps but they appear more frequently when you take “Likely Ambush” or other similar nodes on the Atlas Passive Tree.

If you don’t know, you can upgrade Strongboxes by using the Orb of Augmentation, Regal Orb, and Exalted Orb (though the latter is optional). Bring Scrolls of Wisdom with you while mapping because Strongboxes are unidentified by default.

Failure to identify Strongboxes prevents you from upgrading them using the above-mentioned currency items.


Delirium can be quite challenging depending on how “Delirious” the content is. However, as with all things in Path of Exile 2, the harder the content is, the better the rewards will be. If your build is capable of clearing at least 25% Delirium Maps, you can get Distilled Emotions regularly to sell for profit.

The most popular Distilled Emotions right now are Distilled Isolation and Distilled Suffering. The possible explanation for this is that they are probably used in distilling amulets to gain access to distant notable passive skills.

Ritual can be profitable, especially since this is the only endgame mechanic that allows you to get Omens, as well as the key to the King in the Mists’ lair. You should have good survivability before committing to Ritual Altars, though, because you’ll be confined to a relatively small space, which may hinder you from dodging attacks effectively.

Utilize Some Handy Tools

One of the best things about Path of Exile 2 besides the game itself is its incredible community. Some devoted fans took it upon themselves to make your life a whole lot easier by creating useful third-party tools!

The first is the Exiled Exchange 2. This is basically Awakened PoE Trade, except that it’s specifically made for the sequel. Make sure to download only the beta version of this program.

If you are going to use Exiled Exchange 2, run the game first, right-click on the installer, and then run it as administrator. Whenever you need to quickly know the price of a particular item, simply press Ctrl+D and it will present you with a window that shows you some pertinent information.

The second handy tool that we recommend is not a program but a website called the Path of Exile 2 Currency Tracker. As its name implies, this tool gives you relatively accurate information about certain items using the Exalted Orb as the primary currency.

The said website refreshes its data every 30 minutes. Besides that, it shows you the different icons of items that are found in the game, so you will discover the things that you need to know at a glance.

Items are abundant as soon as you are in the endgame. That is why it is recommended to use a loot filter to weed out all of the useless junk. If you have played the original, you know how invaluable a loot filter is.

Having said that, Neversink, the esteemed creator of some of the best item filters in Path of Exile 1, is hard at work developing a suitable loot filter for PoE 2. In fact, he already posted a beta loot filter that works well enough to be usable.


Final Thoughts

If you have made it this far in our PoE 2 Early Access currency farming guide, congratulations! You now know the most effective strategies to get copious amounts of gold, Exalted Orbs, and other high-value currencies in the game!

Of course, obtaining the necessary amount of currency to purchase precious items from other players does require a lot of time to accomplish. If you don’t want to spend countless hours farming stuff yourself, don’t worry! We have got you covered!

Our PoE 2 Store is filled with incredible bundles that contain a bunch of useful currencies, such as Exalted Orbs, Regal Orbs, and so much more! Aside from that, you will find awesome deals so you can save money. We offer discounts on repeat purchases as well!

So, what are you waiting for? Visit our PoE 2 Store today!

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