OSRS Ultimate Money Making Guide
20.08.2023 - 17:02:13
Game Guides , OSRS Guides , OSRS Money Making , OSRS PvM , Runescape
Have you ever wanted to make absolute mills per hour in OSRS but you didn’t know how? If yes then this simple guide is for you. As a heads up, all the methods that will be shown below are pretty intensive high-end PVM methods, as they are the best ways to make a lot of gold per hour. If you do not want to spend time and energy to do these methods, check out our store page and get rich in a few clicks!
Tombs of Amascut
Tombs of amascut is the latest raid that has been added to the game. It is located near Sophanem and requires the quest “Beneath Cursed Sands” completed. Tombs of Amascut has a really unique mechanic where players can change the difficulty of the raid by activating or deactivating “invocations”. These invocations when active provide various buffs to the bosses in the raid but in return they increase your chances of getting good loot (indicated by raid level). Each player has their own unique way of playing the game so it would be better for you to figure out which invocations work best for you to reach a high raid level. Increases in rewards are capped out at raid level 500. The main drop you are looking for, from the tombs is Tumeken’s Shadow which is currently worth around 1.4B.
Required Levels and Items
To be able to do this method as efficiently as possible you will need a lot of high stats and high-end gear. Obviously as like most things in OSRS, you can complete this challenge with budget gear, if you are good at the game but that would still cut down on your profit as it wouldn’t be as fast as doing it with good gear. Also this raid requires you to bring all types of gear to switch depending on the boss you are fighting.
Level 99 Strength
Level 99 Attack
Level 99 Defence
Level 99 Hitpoints
Level 99 Ranged
Level 99 Magic
Level 77+ Prayer
Osmuten’s fang
Amulet of blood fury, Lightbearer
Fire cape or Infernal cape
Keris partisan of the sun, Bandos godsword, Dragon dagger
Twisted bow with dragon arrows, Toxic blowpipe with dragon darts
Necklace of anguish, Ava’s assembler
Tumeken’s shadow
Occult necklace, Imbued god cape
Torva armour
Primordial boots
Ferocious gloves
Masori armour
Zaryte vambraces
Ancestral robes
Tormented bracelet
Rune pouch for ice and blood barrage runes
Completion of the quest “Beneath Cursed Sands”
King’s Ransom for Piety
Rigour and Augury
The list above is pretty expensive as it includes all the best gear in the game so pick and downgrade according to your bank value. Keep in mind that the weapons are always more important than the gear, so always downgrade your gear first.
Gold Per Hour
Gold per hour is entirely dependent on your invocation level. Increasing your invocation will increase the “weight” of unique items appearing as drops. If your raid level is too low you don’t even get a chance at the uniques.
Raid Level 500 SOLO: 17.3M GP/H - Assuming you can get 1.4 raids completed per hour without any deaths.
Raid Level 300 SOLO: 7.8M GP/H - Assuming you can get 2 raids completed per hour without any deaths.
If you can manage to get more kills per hour your profit rates will also go up exponentially.
Killing Nex
Nex is a really old boss that was released on Runescape 3 a long time ago but it also got released in OSRS in 2022. This boss resides in the god wars dungeon and players are required to complete the “The Frozen Door” miniquest to gain access to its chambers. It drops the best in slot gear for melee combat making it a really popular boss. This boss must be killed with more than one player, so grab your high level friends or join a group!
Required Levels and Items
As being a group boss, Nex requires high end stats and gears. You can kill Nex with both melee and ranged and you do not need to bring switches as well. So depending on your group strategy, pick your gear. If you do not have that much money, use ranged only as the only thing you need is a decent crossbow with ruby bolts (e) to deal damage.
Level 99 Strength
Level 99 Attack
Level 99 Defence
Level 99 Hitpoints
Level 99 Ranged
Level 90+ Magic for summoning thralls
Level 77+ Prayer
For Melee
Osmuten’s Fang (a must, do not downgrade)
Amulet of bloody fury
Primordial boots
Fire or Infernal cape
Ferocious gloves
Avernic defender
Dragon warhammer
For Ranged
Zaryte crossbow with ruby dragon bolts (e) or Twisted bow
Zaryte vambraces
Ava’s assembler
Necklace of anguish
Rune pouch for Thrall runes
Masori armour
No matter the damage method, equip the best ranged armour you can get your hands on. Also bring a dragon warhammer no matter what.
Gold Per Hour
Nexs gold per hour is dependent on your group size and the speed of the kills, Making duos the best way to farm money from this boss. You can also join free for all mass groups, but that wouldn’t make you any money unless you get lucky with a unique drop. There is also an MVP mechanic to this boss fight. The more you contribute and deal damage to the boss the higher the chance of you receiving a unique drop. If you have the most contributions you become the MVP of the kill and have the highest chance to receive a drop. If you receive big bones as a part of your drop, that means that you were the MVP of the fight.
DUO Nex: 16M GP/H - Assuming you can get 5 kills per hour.
5 Man Team Nex: 12.6M GP/H - Assuming you can get 11 kills per hour
Theatre of Blood
Theatre of Blood is the second raid that was released in Old School Runescape, back in 2018. The raid resides in Morytania, in the vampire city of Ver Sinhaza. It has decent unique drops, the best one being the Scythe of Vitur, which has the passive effect of attacking twice. This makes this scythe the best weapon to use in most melee scenarios, thus making this raid still relevant.
Required Levels and Items
Being another raid, you already guessed it, it requires a lot of high end items and gear but it is much more flexible since it isn’t as hard as Tombs of Amascut. In this raid if you are good at the game you can easily use full elite void to complete the raid without any issues. Your gold per hour will be dependent on how fast you can complete the raid so pick your best options according to your bank.
Level 99 Strength
Level 99 Attack
Level 99 Defence
Level 99 Hitpoints
Level 99 Ranged
Level 99 Magic
Level 77+ Prayer
For Melee
Scythe of Vitur
Amulet of Torture
Berserker ring (i)
Fire or Infernal cape
Dragon warhammer or Bandos godsword
Crystal halberd or/and dragon claws
Primordial boots
Ferocious gloves
Full Torva armour or full elite void
For Ranged
Toxic blowpipe with dragon darts
Necklace of anguish
Ava’s Assembler
Masori armour or full elite void
For Mage
Tumeken’s Shadow or Sanguinesti staff
Occult necklace
Imbued god cape
Ancestral armour or full elite void
Do not clog your inventory with armour that much and bring the necessary ones. Alternatively you can bring full elite void with all the helmets and save a lot of inventory space.
Gold Per Hour
For gold per hour, It totally depends on your group size, how fast you can complete the raid and the offensive items you use, the most important one being melee (scythe of vitur).
TRIOS, Scythe of Vitur: 7.6M GP/H - This rate assumes you can get 3 kills per hour without any deaths.
QUADS, Abyssal tentacle: 6.4M - This rate assumes 2.5 kills per hour with 0 deaths.
Killing Venenatis
Venenatis is a really old boss dating all the way back to 2014. You might ask, what is this old boss doing on this list? Well because of a recent update that completely changed how the wilderness bosses work and their rewards, a lot of the bosses are now relevant once again. As mentioned before this boss resides in Wilderness and you can get player killed at any given time. So make sure that you are not risking anything that you do not want to lose! This boss also counts as a spider, so you can do this boss as a slayer task.
Required Levels and Items
Unlike the other options presented in this list, Venenatis can be killed and farmed with a lot more ease. The only risk of killing this boss is actually, other players. So always make sure to have combo food available at your disposal, as well as a one click teleport out of level 30 wilderness. The stats to kill this boss efficiently aren't that high but the more the merrier.
Level 80+ Strength
Level 80+ Attack
70+ Prayer for piety
Ursine chain mace
Mithril darts
Black d’hide armour
Inquisitor’s hauberk
Amulet of strength
Helm of neitiznot
Mythical cape
Avernic defender (l)
Ultor ring
Dragon boots
Barrows gloves
Depending on your combat level and how much you want to risk you can change this gear in any way you want. The most important part about this setup is the crush bonus. Venenatis is extremely weak against crush attacks so keep that in mind while re-organising your gear. Your gear must prioritise magic defence to escape from player killers more easily.
Gold Per Hour
Your gold per hour at this boss is solely depended on how many kills you can get per hour and how many times you get interrupted by player killers. Your profit rates may go down depending on how many times you die to pkers.
Venenatis: 7M GP/H - Assuming you can get 26 kills per hour.
Duke Sucellus
Duke Sucellus is one of the latest boss additions to the game, unlocked after completing the new quest “Desert Treasure 2”. It can drop the new mage armour Virtus and components for creating the new rings and the soul reaper axe.
Required Levels and Items
This boss is a high level one and you would need pretty decent stats and gear to farm it properly.
Level 90+ Attack
Level 90+ Defence
Level 90+ Strength
Level 70+ Prayer for piety
Scythe of Vitur
Bandos godsword
Full Torva armour
Infernal or Fire cape
Ultor ring
Primordial boots
Ferocious gloves
Amulet of blood fury
Avernic defender
Completion of the quest “Desert Treasure 2”
You can also get this boss as a task from slayer masters. If you have it as a task always use a slayer helmet over Torva helmet.
Gold Per Hour
There is a mechanic which rewards the player with 50% more loot from the standard drop table. This requires you to kill the boss perfectly. This does not increase your chances of getting the uniques so it is not recommended to do this. You should focus on killing the boss as fast as possible instead but in the off chance that you want to get the 50% increase in standard loot here is what you have to do:
Avoid the melee attacks from his slam attack.
Avoid his freezing gaze
Avoid taking damage from ignited gas vents.
Avoid taking damage from unstable magic and extremities.
In the awakened fight, avoid taking poison damage and being hit by a shadow orb.
With all that being said here is the gold per hour:
Duke Sucellus: 5.3M GP/H - Assuming you can get 25 kills per hour.
This is another one of the reworked Wilderness bosses. As such do not bring any items that you do not wish to lose to this boss fight and always make sure to have combo foods with a 1 click teleport out from level 30 Wilderness. This boss also counts as a skeleton so you can do it as a slayer task.
Required Items and Levels
This boss is another easy boss to kill so you do not need that good of a gear or stats to kill it. Obviously the better stuff you have the more kills you can get per hour increasing your hourly gold rate. As mentioned before, do not bring anything that you do not wish to lose as there will be a lot of player killers regularly checking this boss.
Level 80+ Strength
Level 80+ Attack
Level 70+ Prayer for piety
Ursine chain mace
Avernic defender
Salve amulet (e)
Black dragonhide armour
Berserker ring (i)
You can change any of the gear pieces you want, except for the salve amulet and ursine chain mace. The boss is extremely weak against crush attacks and since it is also an undead those two items will increase your DPS exponentially. Just like Venenatis, your gear should be focused on escaping PKers as the boss will not deal that much damage to you.
Gold Per Hour
Gold per hour is solely dependent on whether you can avoid dying to pkers and how fast you can kill the boss.
Vet’ion: 5.2M GP/H - Assuming you can get 34 kills per hour.
Spindel is the weaker variant of the boss Venenatis. It still resides in wilderness but is much closer to a safe zone. We have a full Spindel guide on our website if you are interested in a more detailed version of this guide, covering how to exactly kill the boss and ways to escape player killers.
Required Levels and Items
Just like Venenatis, this boss is extremely easy to kill, the only risk being other players. As such you can be flexible about what you want to use. As always do not bring anything that you do not wish to lose. You can bring up to 4 expensive items and keep them on death (if you are not skulled).
Level 80+ Strength
Level 80+ Attack
Level 70+ Prayer for piety
Ursine chain mace
Mithril darts
Full black dragonhide armour or strength boosting armour if you are confident that you won’t die.
Infernal cape (l) or mythical cape
Berserker ring (i)
Dragoon boots
Barrows gloves
Avernice defender (l)
Gold Per Hour
Your gold per hour at this boss is solely depended on how many kills you can get per hour and how many times you get interrupted by player killers. Your profit rates may go down depending on how many times you die to pkers.
Spindel: 4.8M GP/H - Assuming you can get 52 kills per hour.
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