OSRS Treasure Trails Guide And Strategy
20.12.2023 - 14:39:25
Game Guides , OSRS Guides , OSRS Minigames , Runescape
The goal of OSRS is to help see your character improve not just in Skill level, but also in the equipment that you carry. If you're after the biggest rewards in the game, then you should definitely try to do Treasure Trails as it offers the best in that regard.
Unlike most other challenges in OSRS, Treasure Trails isn't too heavy on the combat. However, it will test your general knowledge of the game's mechanics too. While not all about fighting, it's still a pretty challenging feat to complete in OSRS and a lot of players eventually seek help doing it.
What Is Treasure Trails In OSRS?
In Treasure Trails, you embark on a Distraction and Diversion that requires solving clue scrolls, rare items dropped by most monsters in RuneScape. You'll discover clues and riddles within these scrolls, leading you to a reward casket with potential unique rewards. Obtain a clue scroll randomly by defeating monsters, engaging in minigames, looting implings, fishing, woodcutting, or mining.
You'll encounter six different levels of clue scrolls, each increasing in difficulty. Keep in mind that you can hold one clue scroll of each level simultaneously. While free-to-play players can participate in treasure trails, only the lowest level clues are accessible in free-to-play worlds. The remaining five levels are exclusive to members' worlds.
If you happen to die in the Wilderness with a clue scroll (or reward casket) in level 20 or higher Wilderness, and it's not among your top 3 kept items (or top 4 with Protect Item prayer), or safeguarded by a clue box (in which case you lose the box but keep the scroll), the clue scroll will vanish, irrespective of whether it's a PvP death. In lower Wilderness (level 20 or lower), during a PvP death, an unprotected clue scroll will remain on the ground for up to one hour. Carrying a Wilderness sword (for cutting webs), Royal Seed Pod/Teleport Crystal, and/or an Explorer's ring is advisable, as clue scrolls always take precedence over these items; however, these items will be lost upon death, and obtaining duplicates is straightforward.
If players succumb to a monster outside the Wilderness, they will always retain their clue scroll, whether protected or not, as it is an untradeable item.
Treasure Trails have no fixed location; the clue scrolls may lead you all over Gielinor. Hence, it's recommended to have access to as many teleports and transportation systems as possible.
Treasure Trails Difficulty Levels
You have six types of difficulty levels for clue scrolls: beginner, easy, medium, hard, elite, and master. The more challenging trails offer more valuable rewards.
You can only have one clue scroll of the same difficulty in your possession at a time, but you can own multiple scrolls of different difficulties simultaneously. If one of your clue scrolls is still on the ground, you might receive additional scrolls of the same difficulty as drops. In such cases, you can complete both scrolls by leaving one on the ground and alternating between steps.
Certain clues will demand access to areas that may require quests, items with specific skill requirements to wear, wield, or access, or skill challenges that need a certain level in that skill. The table below provides links to pages with all the requirements. Temporary skill boosts can be utilized for most non-combat skill challenges.
Treasure Trails Clue Scrolls
Clue Scroll (Beginner)
You can obtain a clue scroll (beginner) as a random drop from a wide range of lower-levelled monsters in the free-to-play area. They are also obtainable from baby implings, young implings, clue bottles, clue geodes, and clue nests. These clue scrolls kick off a Treasure Trail, leading you on a hunt across Gielinor with a series of clues that ultimately guide you to rare and unique treasures. However, if your account is less than 10 hours old, you won't be eligible for any unique rewards.
Just like all tiers of clue scrolls, you can only hold one beginner clue scroll at a time, whether it's kept in death's office or stored in your bank.
To learn how to complete a clue scroll, refer to the Treasure Trails Guide. Beginner clues typically consist of 1-3 steps. Unlike other clue types, where each number of steps is equally likely, beginner clues have a 10% chance of having 1 step and a 45% chance of having 2 or 3 steps.
Beginner clue scrolls are the easiest to obtain and complete, offering relatively low rewards. If you don't already have one, Veos rewards you with a beginner clue scroll after completing X Marks the Spot.
Completing the steps of a beginner clue will lead to another clue or a reward casket (beginner), which contains the final reward for the trail. Upon completing 600 beginner clues, you unlock the Explore emote.
It's important to note that beginner clue scrolls are not required to be given to Watson in exchange for a master clue scroll. Additionally, master clue scrolls will not be rewarded from completing beginner clue scrolls.
The best ways to get a beginner scroll are:
- Killing Bryophyta or Obor for a guaranteed beginner clue scroll drop.
- Killing hill giants for a 1/50 drop rate.
- Killing minotaurs for a 1/60 drop rate of a beginner clue scroll.
Clue Scroll (Easy)
You can obtain a valuable clue scroll (easy) as a random drop from a wide range of lower-level monsters. These clue scrolls mark the beginning of a Treasure Trail, leading you on a hunt across Gielinor. Upon completing the trail, you receive a reward consisting of items randomly chosen from a specific list, which may include rare and valuable items.
Keep in mind that, like all tiers of clue scrolls, you can hold only one easy clue scroll at a time, whether it's kept in death's office or stored in your bank.
Easy clue scrolls are the most accessible and manageable in P2P, offering lower rewards in return. The loot can range from black equipment to wizard robes (g). To swiftly acquire easy clue scrolls, consider pickpocketing H.A.M. Members in Lumbridge. Note that wearing H.A.M. robes won't boost pickpocket success but reduces the chance of being kicked out of the hideout on a failed attempt. Another method involves defeating thugs in the Edgeville Wilderness dungeon while wearing a ring of wealth (i).
Unlike other clue scrolls, easy ones don't include coordinate clues and don't involve combat. They also keep you out of the Wilderness.
Completing easy clues earns you another clue or a reward casket (easy) with the final trail reward. After finishing 500 easy clues, you'll be presented with a large spade.
If you hand over an easy clue scroll to Watson, along with medium, hard, and elite clues, you'll receive a master clue scroll. Additionally, there's a 1/50 chance of receiving a master clue scroll as a reward for completing the easy scroll.
Easy clue scrolls can consist of 2 to 4 steps.
The best ways to get these scrolls is by:
- You can obtain an easy clue scroll with a 1/50 chance by pickpocketing H.A.M. Members.
- Equip a ring of wealth (i) and eliminate thugs for a 1/64 drop rate.
- Engage swamp crabs in battle for a 1/96 chance of receiving a drop.
- Defeat goblins for a 1/128 chance of obtaining an easy clue scroll. Their low hitpoints and the abundance in a confined space make it very easy for you to acquire clue scrolls using this method.'
Clue Scroll (Medium)
When you embark on a treasure hunt in Gielinor, a medium clue scroll becomes a valuable find, dropping randomly from a diverse array of mid-level monsters. As you follow the clues scattered across the land, you'll encounter coordinate clues, tackle intricate puzzles, and sometimes face off against monsters ranging from chickens to Market Guards. The rewards, selected from a specific list, may include rare and valuable items, ranging from mithril armor to coveted ranger boots.
Completing a medium clue scroll typically takes between 3 and 5 steps. Once you've followed the trail, your efforts will be rewarded with a casket (medium) containing the final loot. After successfully completing 400 medium clues, you'll earn a clueless scroll.
Remember, just like other tiers of clue scrolls, you can only hold one medium clue scroll at a time, whether it's in your inventory, stored in death's office, or kept in your bank. Be cautious in the Wilderness - if you meet your demise there with a clue scroll above level 20, it will vanish unless it's an item kept on death or you have a clue box. In the lower levels of the Wilderness, an unprotected clue scroll will linger on the ground for an hour if another player deals the final blow, or it will remain in your inventory if a monster is the cause.
Keep an eye out for a rare occurrence - a medium clue scroll can be unexpectedly obtained (1/256 chance) by feeding a monkey bananas. When this happens, a message will pop up in your chat box, declaring, "The monkey chews on the banana and spits out a clue!"
For those seeking even greater challenges, consider giving Watson a medium clue scroll, along with an easy, hard, and elite one. In return, you'll receive a master clue scroll.
The best ways to get the scroll are:
- Killing guards in Falador, after completion of the Falador medium diary, for a 1/106 drop rate of a medium clue scroll.
- Killing pyrefiends in the Wilderness God Wars Dungeon with a ring of wealth (i) equipped for a 1/64 drop rate of a medium clue scroll.
- Looting the Stone chest for a 1/100 rate of a medium clue scroll drop rate. The fast respawn can compensate for the lower rate.
Clue Scroll (Hard)
A hard clue scroll is a valuable drop from a variety of high-level monsters. These scrolls can be 4-6 steps long and serve as the initiation of a Treasure Trail, leading you on a journey across Gielinor and beyond.
Upon completing the intricate trail, you'll receive a reward randomly selected from a specific list, potentially containing rare and valuable items such as rune, 3rd age, and gilded weapons and armor. Hard clue scrolls often involve complex puzzles, trips to the Wilderness, and encounters with formidable wizards aligned with Zamorak or Saradomin, as well as the double agent.
These clues pose greater challenges compared to easy and medium ones, as they carry the risk of attacks and require the completion of more quests. Many players opt to tackle the easier versions, but the allure of valuable rewards keeps adventurers seeking the harder challenges.
Remember, only one hard clue scroll can be held, either in death's office or stored in your bank, at any given time. If you drop a prior clue scroll with completed steps, the next one you receive won't retain the progress of the dropped clue.
In the Wilderness, a hard clue scroll above level 20 will disappear upon death, whether from player versus player (PvP) or other causes, unless it's an item kept on death or stored in a clue box. It's advisable to carry items like a Wilderness Sword, Royal Seed Pod, Teleport Crystal, or an Explorer's Ring, as these will always be kept above a clue scroll.
After successfully completing 300 hard clues, you'll unlock the Uri Transform emote. Additionally, handing a hard clue scroll to Watson, along with easy, medium, and elite scrolls, will reward you with a master clue scroll.
The best places to get this scroll are:
- Killing hellhounds in wilderness with a ring of wealth (i) equipped for a 1/32 drop rate of a hard clue scroll.
- Killing Skotizo for a guaranteed hard clue scroll.
- Killing warped jellies for a drop rate 1/64 as well as additional ones through totem pieces they drop.
- Killing the Dagannoth Kings for a 1/42 drop rate of a hard clue scroll.
- Killing Sarachnis for a 1/40 drop rate of a hard clue scroll.
- Looting the Rogue chest for a 1/99 drop rate.
Clue Scroll (Elite)
This is the second-highest tier of Treasure Trail, spanning between 5 and 7 steps and concluding with an elite reward casket.
Just like other tiers of clue scrolls, you can hold only one elite clue scroll at a time, either in death's office or stored in your bank. Upon successfully completing 200 elite clues, you'll be rewarded with a heavy casket.
Elite clue scrolls are rare drops from various high-level monsters, implings, raid rewards, and skilling clues like clue nests, clue bottles, and clue geodes. These scrolls kick off a treasure trail, a thrilling hunt across Gielinor and other realms. Upon completing the trail, you'll receive a reward of items randomly selected from a specific list, with the chance of obtaining rare and valuable items.
While elite clues are intricate and demand significant effort to complete, they are not as challenging as their master-tier counterparts. However, they come with a more extensive list of requirements, including quests and item possession, especially for ironmen. Many players may opt for easier clues, such as easy, medium, or hard, due to these additional demands. Some steps may even lead you into the Wilderness, requiring you to face an Armadylean guard or a Bandosian guard.
Beware that, unless the clue scroll is kept on death as an item or protected by a clue box, dying beyond level 20 in the Wilderness will result in the destruction of the clue scroll, regardless of the cause of death. Carrying a Wilderness sword, royal seed pod, teleport crystal, or an explorer's ring can be advantageous, as clue scrolls are always kept above these items. However, these items will be lost upon death, although replacements are easily obtainable. In the event of death, an unprotected clue will stay on the ground for up to 1 hour, including PvP deaths below level 20 in the Wilderness. The same applies to reward caskets. The only exception is death to a monster in the Wilderness below level 20, where the clue will always be protected.
Consider handing an elite clue scroll to Watson, along with easy, medium, and hard scrolls, to receive a master clue scroll and delve into a new level of challenges and rewards.
The best places to get this scroll are:
- Killing Skotizo for a 1/5 drop rate of an elite clue scroll.
- Killing lava dragons with a ring of wealth (i) equipped for a 1/125 chance of an elite clue scroll.
- Killing Sarachnis for a 1/60 drop rate of an elite clue scroll.
- Looting the Barrows chest after killing all six Barrows brothers for a 1/33 chance of an elite clue scroll.
- Killing Callisto, Venenatis or Vet'ion with a ring of wealth (i) equipped for a 1/50 drop rate of an elite clue scroll.
- Killing Vorkath for a 1/65 drop rate of an elite clue scroll.
- Killing Zulrah for a 1/75 drop rate of an elite clue scroll.
Clue Scroll (Master)
This is the highest tier in the lineup, spanning between 6 and 8 steps and culminating in a master reward casket upon triumphant completion.
You can acquire a master clue scroll through various methods:
- Watson's Exchange: Bring one each of the easy, medium, hard, and elite clue scrolls to Watson, situated in the expansive, fenced-in house west of the Forthos Ruin in Hosidius. However, be cautious—if you possess an incomplete master scroll and attempt to obtain a new scroll, Watson will collect all lower-tier scrolls but won't provide you with a master scroll until you either finish the original one or discard it.
- Treasure Trail Rewards: As a potential reward from completing any easy, medium, hard, or elite treasure trails, with the chances of obtaining them being 1/50, 1/30, 1/15, and 1/5, respectively.
Master clue scrolls, like their elite and hard counterparts, introduce combat encounters that include a Brassican Mage, Double agent, or three Ancient Wizards (in multi-combat areas). Given their advanced tier, master clues demand a myriad of high-level items, requirements, and quests for successful completion.
It's crucial to note that if you die in the Wilderness with a clue scroll above level 20, it will vanish, whether due to PvP death or other causes, unless it's an item kept on death or protected by a clue box. Returning to your loot will reveal the absence of the clue scroll. On the contrary, if you succumb to the perils of the Wilderness with a clue box, the clue will persist in your inventory while the clue box is forfeited. Carrying a Wilderness Sword (for web cutting), Royal Seed Pod/Teleport Crystal, and/or an Explorer's Ring can be advantageous, as clue scrolls always take precedence over these items. However, these items will be forfeited upon death, though obtaining replacements is a simple task. In lower Wilderness regions (level 20 or lower) during PvP death, an unprotected clue will endure on the ground for up to 1 hour. The same rules apply to reward caskets. Notably, if you perish in lower Wilderness due to a monster, the clue will always be safeguarded, whether protected or not. Prepare yourself for the challenges of master clues and ensure your success in this demanding tier of treasure trails.
The best places to get it are:
Types of Treasure Trails Clues
There are various types of clues that you can get in Treasure Trails. However, not all clues are available per difficulty level. Refer to the chart below.
Anagrams | Challenge scrolls | Ciphers | Coordinates | Cryptic clues | Emote clues | Hot Cold | Light boxes | Maps | Puzzle boxes | |
Beginner | Available | N/A | N/A | N/A | Available | Available | Available | N/A | Available | N/A |
Easy | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | Available | Available | N/A | N/A | Available | N/A |
Medium | Available | Available | Available | Available | Available | Available | N/A | N/A | Available | N/A |
Hard | Available | Available | Available | Available | Available | Available | N/A | N/A | Available | Available |
Elite | Available | Available | N/A | Available | Available | Available | N/A | N/A | Available | Available |
Master | Available | N/A | N/A | Available | Available | Available | Available | Available | N/A | Available |
Here are the types of clues you can get and how you can solve them.
- Anagram
In your OSRS treasure trails, you'll encounter anagrams—sequences of letters that can be rearranged to form another word or phrase. Take, for instance, the anagram "orchestra," which transforms into "carthorse."
Your task is to decipher these anagrams, as the solution will always be the name of a non-player character (NPC). Engage with the NPC you've unveiled, and they'll present you with your next clue. Keep in mind that the anagrams don't necessarily align with the number of spaces in an NPC's name. Even an anagram without spaces may lead to an answer with a name that has one or more spaces. Upon interacting with the NPC, brace yourself for a challenge scroll, puzzle box, or light box, which you must conquer to unveil the subsequent clue.
- Challenge Scrolls
When you encounter challenge scrolls during your OSRS Treasure Trails, get ready for some logical puzzles presented by an NPC. These scrolls come in medium, hard, and elite clues, each consisting of two crucial steps. Initially, you must pinpoint the correct NPC by deciphering cryptic or anagram clues. Once you've tracked down the NPC, the second step involves solving a riddle to progress along your trail.
To conquer the challenge scroll, examine the question inscribed on it, and then engage in conversation with the NPC who provided the scroll to furnish the correct answer. Upon delivering the accurate response, you'll successfully complete the challenge, earning yourself either the subsequent clue or a well-deserved reward. Dive into the logic of the challenge scrolls and claim your victories in the realm of Treasure Trails!
- Ciphers
In Old School RuneScape, ciphers play a crucial role in Treasure Trails as a method of encrypting information. These ciphers utilize a Caesar shift, where the regular alphabet undergoes a change in position. For instance, ABC becomes BCD when shifted once to the right or forward.
When faced with a more challenging shift involving 26 combinations, a systematic approach is essential. Consider the example cipher "BMJ UIF LFCBC TFMMFS" and tally the frequency of each letter:
B = 2
M = 3
J = 1
U = 1
I = 1
F = 4
L = 1
C = 2
T = 1
S = 1
Identify the most common letter, "F" in this case, and presume it corresponds to the letter "E" in the English alphabet. Create a table with the correct alphabet order and the shifted sequence starting from "F" and looping back to "A":
Now, with this table, you can decipher the message by matching the ciphered letters at the bottom row with the corresponding alphabet letter at the top. For example, if the cipher contains "Z," find it on the bottom row, and the corresponding deciphered letter is "Y." In the given example, "BMJ UIF LFCBC TFMMFS" translates to "ALI THE KEBAB SELLER."
However, if the presumption that "E" equals "F" doesn't yield the correct answer, explore alternative keys. Start with vowels, namely "A, E, I, O, U, and Y," since every English word contains at least one of these letters. Work through the vowels, testing them as potential keys. If none of these proves successful, continue exploring other letters systematically until you find the solution to the cipher.
- Coordinates
In the midst of your Treasure Trail adventure, you may encounter a unique challenge known as a coordinate clue. These clue scrolls provide a set of coordinates, akin to real-world longitude and latitude, pinpointing an exact location where the next clue scroll or even the treasure casket lies buried.
The RuneScape coordinate format is structured as follows:
- 03 degrees 00 minutes north/south
- 02 degrees 00 minutes east/west
In Old School RuneScape, each square of space translates to 15/8 (1.875) minutes of arc. While players can employ a chart, sextant, and watch to determine their coordinates, all that's required for the excavation is a trusty spade.
For hard Treasure Trails, digging on the correct spot triggers the appearance of a formidable level 108 Saradomin wizard, unleashing both melee attacks with a Dragon dagger (p++) and the magic spell Saradomin Strike. To conquer this magical adversary, don dragonhide armor and deploy the Protect from Melee prayer. In the Wilderness, a level 65 Zamorak wizard emerges, wielding Flames of Zamorak. Defeating this foe requires the Protect from Magic prayer, and keep an eye out for potential player interruptions.
For elite Treasure Trails, your excavation may summon either a level 97 Armadylean guard or a level 125 Bandosian guard. Armadylean guards, in Aviansie form, succumb to ranged or magic attacks. Use Protect from Missiles prayer against them and Protect from Melee when facing Bandosian guards.
Master Treasure Trails pose an even greater challenge. Digging in the correct spot may unleash three Ancient Wizards (levels 112, 98, 98) in multi-combat or a level 140 Brassican Mage. The multi-combat wizards each wield a unique attack style and are poisonous, while the Brassican Mage, encountered in single-combat zones, attacks relentlessly, impervious to protection prayers. Defeat these magical guardians to claim your well-earned next clue or treasure casket.
- Cryptic Clues
These clues present a diverse array of tasks, spanning from conversing with an NPC to scouring a designated crate or guiding you to dig in rather obscure locations. As the difficulty level escalates, additional side tasks may be required to unravel the full clue, such as locating a key or solving a puzzle box.
In the realm of medium Treasure Trails, clues might lead you to a locked chest or drawer, necessitating a key for access. Attempting to open these containers unveils a clue pointing to a specific, typically local, monster that must be defeated. It's noteworthy that monsters drop treasure trail keys exclusively when the player possesses the corresponding clue. Interestingly, in steps involving keys, players can acquire the key before deciphering the hint, potentially saving valuable time.
As the challenges intensify with hard clue scrolls, players may encounter fairy ring codes followed by numbers. To crack these codes, you must journey to the specified fairy ring, follow the indicated number of steps in the order of compass directions (North, East, South, West), and then excavate at the designated spot.
In both hard and master clues, a puzzle box challenge might come your way. Your task is to unravel the scrambled image to unlock the next clue or claim your well-deserved reward.
Master clues, the pinnacle of difficulty, present a unique twist by offering three cryptic clues in one step. To progress, you must visit each cryptic destination, dig at the correct spot, or engage with the right NPC to obtain a torn part of the subsequent step. Once all three fragments are in your possession, they can be melded into either a new clue step or the coveted reward casket. Brace yourself for the layered challenges of master clues on your epic Treasure Trail adventure.
- Emote Clues
This intriguing clue type spans all levels of Treasure Trails. Once you've successfully executed the required emote, Uri makes an appearance, providing you with the next clue (or the ultimate reward if the emote clue serves as the final step).
It's crucial to remember that if you're tasked with another emote before conversing with Uri and you happen to overlook it, Uri won't depart but will express, "I don't believe we have any business." Fear not, as you can still perform the overlooked emote and then engage with Uri to complete the clue. The emote requirements vary: easy clues demand one emote, medium clues require two, and for hard and advanced clues, you perform one emote followed by a confrontation with the formidable Double Agent. Elite clues, however, skip the encounter with the Double Agent.
A noteworthy detail is that substituting any version of a required item with a variant won't suffice; for instance, a Rune platebody (t) cannot replace a standard Rune platebody.
For seasoned Treasure Trail enthusiasts, hoarding items for every emote clue is not advisable due to the vast array of items across different levels, consuming substantial bank space. Players with the appropriate construction level can alleviate this issue by constructing STASH units to store emote clue items conveniently near the corresponding clue locations, ensuring an organized and efficient approach while saving precious bank space.
- Light Boxes
Light boxes feature a 5x5 grid of lights accompanied by 8 switches that toggle them on and off, presenting a complex challenge where the objective is to illuminate all the lights.
It's essential to note that should the puzzle be destroyed or lost, players must reattempt and solve it anew from the very beginning.
A proven strategy for conquering this intricate puzzle involves a systematic approach. Concentrate on one light at a time, systematically flipping every switch and keeping meticulous track on paper of which switches control that specific light. Repeat this process for all lights until identifying a light exclusively controlled by a single switch. The position of this particular switch, which illuminates the light in question, becomes the permanent position for that switch. Consequently, there's no longer a need to check that specific switch, effectively halving the remaining switch permutations.
In essence, finding the initial switch is the most challenging, while subsequent discoveries become progressively easier. This systematic method streamlines the process, allowing players to navigate the intricacies of the light box puzzle and ultimately achieve the goal of illuminating all the lights.
- Maps
These maps, spanning all clue scroll difficulties, offer rough depictions of very localized areas, providing a unique challenge to unravel.
Should the map guide you to an X, equip your trusty spade and journey to the specified location, diligently digging where the X marks the spot. The bounties of your excavation may reveal the next clue or the coveted reward. On the other hand, if the map directs you to a crate, a simple search is all that's required. Be prepared, as at times, you might encounter a small heap of crates or even a multitude of them. Thoroughly search each until you unearth the next clue or your well-deserved reward.
Maps ingeniously incorporate various landmarks, ranging from buildings, fish denoting fishing spots, roads, rivers, bridges, and more, guiding you through the intricacies of the local terrain.
An interesting facet is that digging in the location indicated by a map clue ensures a monster-free excavation, sparing adventurers from unexpected confrontations.
These maps are neatly organized, first by boxes and then by X, progressing from left to right based on the location of the mark. As you navigate the map clues strewn across your trail, let the adventure unfold, revealing the hidden treasures within these intricate landscapes.
- Puzzle Boxes
You'll come across this on a hard, elite, or master Treasure Trail, you may come across puzzle boxes—a mental challenge that requires you to unravel a scrambled image. Click on tiles deftly to move them into an empty space. Once you've successfully deciphered the intricate puzzle box, engage with the NPC who gave it to you to claim the next clue or your well-earned reward.
If, for any reason, you prematurely close the puzzle box before interacting with the NPC, be prepared for the puzzle to defiantly re-scramble, necessitating another round of solving. If you want a fresh start, you have the option to either destroy the puzzle box and request another from the NPC or simply log off.
There are six distinct types, with three exclusive to master clues, adding an extra layer of complexity to the challenge.
To effectively solve the puzzle:
- Begin by aligning the first section (red) from left to right to match the solution.
- Repeat the process for the second section (orange).
- Once again, replicate the steps for the third section (yellow).
- Correctly arrange the two tiles in the fourth section (green).
- Repeat the process from step four for the fifth section (blue).
- Finally, organize the last six tiles in the sixth section (purple).
- When all tiles precisely match the solution, exit the interface to successfully complete the puzzle.
A crucial note: After completing a step, refrain from re-arranging any tiles in the preceding steps; continue to work with the progress achieved.
Treasure Trails Rewards
We know what you're here for so it's time to talk about the rewards. When you complete each tier of clues, the process begins by determining how many rewards you receive. This starts with the minimum amount (2 for easy, 3 for medium, 4 for hard and elite), and then a roll of 0-2 is added to this result. Since the likelihood of getting 0, 1, or 2 is equal, the average is 1. Therefore, the average number of rewards you'll get is the minimum plus one.
Once the number of rewards is established, the rewards themselves are generated through a series of rolls:
- The first roll is made against the common reward table.
- Most slots on this table contain the 'common' rewards of the clue, such as runes, normal staves, normal gear, materials, etc. None of these are clue-specific rewards.
- One slot leads to the global table, which includes items like god pages, meerkats, sweets, etc.
- Another slot leads to the rare table specific to that clue.
- If the global or rare table is obtained, another roll is performed.
- Depending on the result of the second roll, a third (or more) roll may be performed to determine precise rewards.
Beginner Rewards
Beginner clues generate a minimum of 1 reward and maximum of 3,, getting an average of 2 rewards per casket.
Item | Quantity | Rarity | Price | |
Mole slippers | 1 | 1/360 | 515,276 | |
Frog slippers | 1 | 1/360 | 65,737 | |
Bear feet | 1 | 1/360 | 50,389 | |
Demon feet | 1 | 1/360 | 37,003 | |
Jester cape | 1 | 1/360 | 34,061 | |
Shoulder parrot | 1 | 1/360 | 313,112 | |
Monk's robe top (t) | 1 | 1/360 | 46,536 | |
Monk's robe (t) | 1 | 1/360 | 27,776 | |
Amulet of defence (t) | 1 | 1/360 | 3,523 | |
Sandwich lady hat | 1 | 1/360 | 3,195 | |
Sandwich lady top | 1 | 1/360 | 3,022 | |
Sandwich lady bottom | 1 | 1/360 | 3,402 | |
Rune scimitar ornament kit (guthix) | 1 | 1/360 | 6,040 | |
Rune scimitar ornament kit (saradomin) | 1 | 1/360 | 12,301 | |
Rune scimitar ornament kit (zamorak) | 1 | 1/360 | 18,746 |
Easy Rewards
Easy clues generate a minimum of 2 reward spots and a maximum of 4, giving an average of 3 rewards.
Item | Quantity | Rarity | Price | |
Wooden shield (g) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 43,542 | |
Black full helm (t) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 12,133 | |
Black platebody (t) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 11,078 | |
Black platelegs (t) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 7,726 | |
Black plateskirt (t) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 3,299 | |
Black kiteshield (t) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 8,619 | |
Black full helm (g) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 94,043 | |
Black platebody (g) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 120,882 | |
Black platelegs (g) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 42,100 | |
Black plateskirt (g) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 6,466 | |
Black kiteshield (g) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 91,900 | |
Black shield (h1) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 2,073 | |
Black shield (h2) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 2,047 | |
Black shield (h3) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 2,220 | |
Black shield (h4) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 1,802 | |
Black shield (h5) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 2,068 | |
Black helm (h1) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 4,265 | |
Black helm (h2) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 2,208 | |
Black helm (h3) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 2,557 | |
Black helm (h4) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 2,353 | |
Black helm (h5) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 2,432 | |
Black platebody (h1) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 2,302 | |
Black platebody (h2) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 2,032 | |
Black platebody (h3) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 2,117 | |
Black platebody (h4) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 2,023 | |
Black platebody (h5) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 3,627 | |
Steel full helm (t) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 4,777 | |
Steel platebody (t) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 7,652 | |
Steel platelegs (t) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 4,744 | |
Steel plateskirt (t) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 2,933 | |
Steel kiteshield (t) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 6,644 | |
Steel full helm (g) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 7,950 | |
Steel platebody (g) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 8,707 | |
Steel platelegs (g) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 4,943 | |
Steel plateskirt (g) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 4,533 | |
Steel kiteshield (g) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 10,145 | |
Iron full helm (t) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 30,918 | |
Iron platebody (t) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 25,734 | |
Iron platelegs (t) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 8,571 | |
Iron plateskirt (t) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 1,993 | |
Iron kiteshield (t) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 9,135 | |
Iron full helm (g) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 96,766 | |
Iron platebody (g) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 209,067 | |
Iron platelegs (g) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 17,303 | |
Iron plateskirt (g) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 5,929 | |
Iron kiteshield (g) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 84,939 | |
Bronze full helm (t) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 5,510 | |
Bronze platebody (t) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 2,360 | |
Bronze platelegs (t) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 2,914 | |
Bronze plateskirt (t) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 3,705 | |
Bronze kiteshield (t) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 2,484 | |
Bronze full helm (g) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 28,784 | |
Bronze platebody (g) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 30,514 | |
Bronze platelegs (g) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 7,623 | |
Bronze plateskirt (g) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 2,692 | |
Bronze kiteshield (g) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 20,080 | |
Studded body (g) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 13,268 | |
Studded chaps (g) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 8,829 | |
Studded body (t) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 3,644 | |
Studded chaps (t) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 1,557 | |
Leather body (g) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 50,264 | |
Leather chaps (g) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 9,488 | |
Blue wizard hat (g) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 128,738 | |
Blue wizard robe (g) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 136,500 | |
Blue skirt (g) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 14,834 | |
Blue wizard hat (t) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 50,471 | |
Blue wizard robe (t) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 22,800 | |
Blue skirt (t) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 5,038 | |
Black wizard hat (g) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 238,591 | |
Black wizard robe (g) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 164,563 | |
Black skirt (g) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 12,437 | |
Black wizard hat (t) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 53,312 | |
Black wizard robe (t) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 44,444 | |
Black skirt (t) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 8,607 | |
Saradomin robe top | 1 | 1/1,404 | 39,037 | |
Saradomin robe legs | 1 | 1/1,404 | 46,060 | |
Guthix robe top | 1 | 1/1,404 | 21,897 | |
Guthix robe legs | 1 | 1/1,404 | 23,971 | |
Zamorak robe top | 1 | 1/1,404 | 49,090 | |
Zamorak robe legs | 1 | 1/1,404 | 39,855 | |
Ancient robe top | 1 | 1/1,404 | 23,613 | |
Ancient robe legs | 1 | 1/1,404 | 28,222 | |
Armadyl robe top | 1 | 1/1,404 | 24,043 | |
Armadyl robe legs | 1 | 1/1,404 | 23,923 | |
Bandos robe top | 1 | 1/1,404 | 19,642 | |
Bandos robe legs | 1 | 1/1,404 | 23,794 | |
Bob's red shirt | 1 | 1/1,404 | 7,435 | |
Bob's green shirt | 1 | 1/1,404 | 4,545 | |
Bob's blue shirt | 1 | 1/1,404 | 7,747 | |
Bob's black shirt | 1 | 1/1,404 | 20,126 | |
Bob's purple shirt | 1 | 1/1,404 | 5,611 | |
Highwayman mask | 1 | 1/1,404 | 36,963 | |
Blue beret | 1 | 1/1,404 | 6,415 | |
Black beret | 1 | 1/1,404 | 17,027 | |
Red beret | 1 | 1/1,404 | 4,860 | |
White beret | 1 | 1/1,404 | 15,960 | |
A powdered wig | 1 | 1/1,404 | 3,265 | |
Beanie | 1 | 1/1,404 | 6,685 | |
Imp mask | 1 | 1/1,404 | 4,302 | |
Goblin mask | 1 | 1/1,404 | 12,816 | |
Sleeping cap | 1 | 1/1,404 | 22,735 | |
Flared trousers | 1 | 1/1,404 | 2,682,870 | |
Pantaloons | 1 | 1/1,404 | 5,206 | |
Black cane | 1 | 1/1,404 | 2,539 | |
Staff of bob the cat | 1 | 1/1,404 | 35,215 | |
Amulet of power (t) | 1 | 1/1,404 | 367,435 | |
Ham joint | 1 | 1/1,404 | 2,008,067 | |
Rain bow | 1 | 1/1,404 | 96,593 | |
Coins | 3,400-8,200 | 1/1,755 | 3,400-8,200 | |
Golden chef's hat | 1 | 1/2,808 | 321,418 | |
Golden apron | 1 | 1/2,808 | 179,252 | |
Red elegant shirt | 1 | 1/2,808 | 4,995 | |
Red elegant blouse | 1 | 1/2,808 | 3,253 | |
Red elegant legs | 1 | 1/2,808 | 3,533 | |
Red elegant skirt | 1 | 1/2,808 | 1,428 | |
Green elegant shirt | 1 | 1/2,808 | 9,544 | |
Green elegant blouse | 1 | 1/2,808 | 3,051 | |
Green elegant legs | 1 | 1/2,808 | 3,763 | |
Green elegant skirt | 1 | 1/2,808 | 1,552 | |
Blue elegant shirt | 1 | 1/2,808 | 7,245 | |
Blue elegant blouse | 1 | 1/2,808 | 3,296 | |
Blue elegant legs | 1 | 1/2,808 | 4,671 | |
Blue elegant skirt | 1 | 1/2,808 | 1,944 | |
Team cape zero | 1 | 1/5,616 | 3,435,311 | |
Team cape i | 1 | 1/5,616 | 1,079,388 | |
Team cape x | 1 | 1/5,616 | 1,219,366 | |
Cape of skulls | 1 | 1/5,616 | 4,874,943 | |
Monk's robe top (g) | 1 | 1/14,040 | 4,280,218 | |
Monk's robe (g) | 1 | 1/14,040 | 2,653,734 |
Medium Rewards
When you tackle medium clues, they generate a minimum of 3 reward spots and a maximum of 5, resulting in an average of 4 rewards for you.
The likelihood of obtaining any medium-clue-specific item is approximately 1/3 per clue.
Delving into the medium clue reward table reveals 74 slots, each housing a unique item from the list of medium clue rewards, with a few exceptions:
- The Strength Amulet (t) occupies 3 slots on the table.
- The Pith helmet takes up 2 slots on the table.
- The five animal masks (Sheep, Penguin, Bat, Cat, Wolf) share 1 slot, and it's a 1/5 roll to determine which mask is received.
- The briefcase and off-hand briefcase also share 1 slot, and it's a 1/2 roll to determine which briefcase is received.
- The three checkered shirts share 1 slot, and it's a 1/3 roll to determine which shirt is received.
- Each set of elegant takes 1 slot on the table, totaling 4 slots for the 4 sets. Each slot then has a 1/2 roll to determine if the top or bottom piece is received.
Given this information, you can estimate that there's about a 1/222 chance per clue to hit a specific slot on the table. This makes animal masks the rarest medium clue item, with a 1/1110 chance per clue of obtaining a specific mask.
Item | Quantity | Rarity | Price | |
Ranger boots | 1 | 1/1,133 | 31,076,697 | |
Wizard boots | 1 | 1/1,133 | 189,974 | |
Holy sandals | 1 | 1/1,133 | 1,635,020 | |
Spiked manacles | 1 | 1/1,133 | 601,311 | |
Climbing boots (g) | 1 | 1/1,133 | 44,412 | |
Adamant full helm (t) | 1 | 1/1,133 | 2,500 | |
Adamant platebody (t) | 1 | 1/1,133 | 9,651 | |
Adamant platelegs (t) | 1 | 1/1,133 | 3,306 | |
Adamant plateskirt (t) | 1 | 1/1,133 | 3,282 | |
Adamant kiteshield (t) | 1 | 1/1,133 | 2,968 | |
Adamant full helm (g) | 1 | 1/1,133 | 6,284 | |
Adamant platebody (g) | 1 | 1/1,133 | 13,194 | |
Adamant platelegs (g) | 1 | 1/1,133 | 7,363 | |
Adamant plateskirt (g) | 1 | 1/1,133 | 3,412 | |
Adamant kiteshield (g) | 1 | 1/1,133 | 8,508 | |
Adamant shield (h1) | 1 | 1/1,133 | 2,953 | |
Adamant shield (h2) | 1 | 1/1,133 | 3,003 | |
Adamant shield (h3) | 1 | 1/1,133 | 2,961 | |
Adamant shield (h4) | 1 | 1/1,133 | 2,840 | |
Adamant shield (h5) | 1 | 1/1,133 | 2,898 | |
Adamant helm (h1) | 1 | 1/1,133 | 2,285 | |
Adamant helm (h2) | 1 | 1/1,133 | 2,052 | |
Adamant helm (h3) | 1 | 1/1,133 | 1,956 | |
Adamant helm (h4) | 1 | 1/1,133 | 1,890 | |
Adamant helm (h5) | 1 | 1/1,133 | 1,957 | |
Adamant platebody (h1) | 1 | 1/1,133 | 9,387 | |
Adamant platebody (h2) | 1 | 1/1,133 | 9,510 | |
Adamant platebody (h3) | 1 | 1/1,133 | 9,280 | |
Adamant platebody (h4) | 1 | 1/1,133 | 9,121 | |
Adamant platebody (h5) | 1 | 1/1,133 | 9,312 | |
Mithril full helm (g) | 1 | 1/1,133 | 6,680 | |
Mithril platebody (g) | 1 | 1/1,133 | 5,635 | |
Mithril platelegs (g) | 1 | 1/1,133 | 4,063 | |
Mithril plateskirt (g) | 1 | 1/1,133 | 2,321 | |
Mithril kiteshield (g) | 1 | 1/1,133 | 5,557 | |
Mithril full helm (t) | 1 | 1/1,133 | 3,324 | |
Mithril platebody (t) | 1 | 1/1,133 | 3,802 | |
Mithril platelegs (t) | 1 | 1/1,133 | 3,327 | |
Mithril plateskirt (t) | 1 | 1/1,133 | 2,106 | |
Mithril kiteshield (t) | 1 | 1/1,133 | 3,046 | |
Green d'hide body (g) | 1 | 1/1,133 | 5,871 | |
Green d'hide body (t) | 1 | 1/1,133 | 4,271 | |
Green d'hide chaps (g) | 1 | 1/1,133 | 35,575 | |
Green d'hide chaps (t) | 1 | 1/1,133 | 4,910 | |
Saradomin mitre | 1 | 1/1,133 | 16,782 | |
Saradomin cloak | 1 | 1/1,133 | 52,908 | |
Guthix mitre | 1 | 1/1,133 | 16,733 | |
Guthix cloak | 1 | 1/1,133 | 23,717 | |
Zamorak mitre | 1 | 1/1,133 | 19,554 | |
Zamorak cloak | 1 | 1/1,133 | 24,900 | |
Ancient mitre | 1 | 1/1,133 | 18,794 | |
Ancient cloak | 1 | 1/1,133 | 30,119 | |
Ancient stole | 1 | 1/1,133 | 1,359 | |
Ancient crozier | 1 | 1/1,133 | 6,830 | |
Armadyl mitre | 1 | 1/1,133 | 15,678 | |
Armadyl cloak | 1 | 1/1,133 | 43,605 | |
Armadyl stole | 1 | 1/1,133 | 3,655 | |
Armadyl crozier | 1 | 1/1,133 | 6,949 | |
Bandos mitre | 1 | 1/1,133 | 16,463 | |
Bandos cloak | 1 | 1/1,133 | 70,953 | |
Bandos stole | 1 | 1/1,133 | 3,266 | |
Bandos crozier | 1 | 1/1,133 | 6,873 | |
Red boater | 1 | 1/1,133 | 10,547 | |
Green boater | 1 | 1/1,133 | 6,902 | |
Orange boater | 1 | 1/1,133 | 3,437 | |
Black boater | 1 | 1/1,133 | 7,417 | |
Blue boater | 1 | 1/1,133 | 6,539 | |
Pink boater | 1 | 1/1,133 | 1,776 | |
Purple boater | 1 | 1/1,133 | 6,641 | |
White boater | 1 | 1/1,133 | 2,224 | |
Red headband | 1 | 1/1,133 | 1,479 | |
Black headband | 1 | 1/1,133 | 2,469 | |
Brown headband | 1 | 1/1,133 | 1,009 | |
White headband | 1 | 1/1,133 | 1,918 | |
Blue headband | 1 | 1/1,133 | 3,264 | |
Gold headband | 1 | 1/1,133 | 1,794 | |
Pink headband | 1 | 1/1,133 | 1,873 | |
Green headband | 1 | 1/1,133 | 2,102 | |
Crier hat | 1 | 1/1,133 | 2,257 | |
Crier coat | 1 | 1/1,133 | 2,745 | |
Crier bell | 1 | 1/1,133 | 2,332 | |
Adamant cane | 1 | 1/1,133 | 1,451 | |
Arceuus banner | 1 | 1/1,133 | 1,084 | |
Piscarilius banner | 1 | 1/1,133 | 3,232 | |
Hosidius banner | 1 | 1/1,133 | 1,072 | |
Shayzien banner | 1 | 1/1,133 | 1,024 | |
Lovakengj banner | 1 | 1/1,133 | 1,114 | |
Cabbage round shield | 1 | 1/1,133 | 8,673 | |
Cat mask | 1 | 1/1,133 | 11,110 | |
Penguin mask | 1 | 1/1,133 | 4,348 | |
Leprechaun hat | 1 | 1/1,133 | 6,854 | |
Black leprechaun hat | 1 | 1/1,133 | 3,465 | |
Wolf mask | 1 | 1/1,133 | 5,247 | |
Wolf cloak | 1 | 1/1,133 | 12,220 | |
Black unicorn mask | 1 | 1/2,266 | 8,884 | |
White unicorn mask | 1 | 1/2,266 | 4,250 | |
Purple elegant shirt | 1 | 1/2,266 | 3,392 | |
Purple elegant blouse | 1 | 1/2,266 | 2,822 | |
Purple elegant legs | 1 | 1/2,266 | 3,189 | |
Purple elegant skirt | 1 | 1/2,266 | 2,510 | |
Black elegant shirt | 1 | 1/2,266 | 3,788 | |
White elegant blouse | 1 | 1/2,266 | 5,885 | |
Black elegant legs | 1 | 1/2,266 | 3,804 | |
White elegant skirt | 1 | 1/2,266 | 2,290 | |
Pink elegant shirt | 1 | 1/2,266 | 2,416 | |
Pink elegant blouse | 1 | 1/2,266 | 2,279 | |
Pink elegant legs | 1 | 1/2,266 | 1,956 | |
Pink elegant skirt | 1 | 1/2,266 | 2,618 | |
Gold elegant shirt | 1 | 1/2,266 | 1,798 | |
Gold elegant blouse | 1 | 1/2,266 | 1,493 | |
Gold elegant legs | 1 | 1/2,266 | 3,021 | |
Gold elegant skirt | 1 | 1/2,266 | 1,616 |
Hard Rewards
When you engage with hard clues, your journey into the rewards begins with a droptable boasting 16 slots. From this, one slot advances to the hard-clue-specific droptable, a comprehensive 96-slot ensemble detailed below. Within the top-level droptable, some remaining slots guide you to the all clues table, while the remaining 14 are designated for general reward items like mahogany planks and rune equipment, among others. Although technically the top-level table exceeds 16 slots, it effectively simplifies to a close approximation of 1/16 to access the rare table.
For you, hard clues yield a minimum of 4 reward spots and a maximum of 6, resulting in an average of 5 rewards as you navigate the intricacies of the treasure trail.
Item | Quantity | Rarity | Price | |
Amulet of glory (t4) | 1 | 1/1,625 | 39,840 | |
Robin hood hat | 1 | 1/1,625 | 1,126,941 | |
Enchanted hat | 1 | 1/1,625 | 8,604 | |
Enchanted top | 1 | 1/1,625 | 77,560 | |
Enchanted robe | 1 | 1/1,625 | 51,113 | |
Dragon boots ornament kit | 1 | 1/1,625 | 48,481 | |
Rune full helm (t) | 1 | 1/1,625 | 34,306 | |
Rune platebody (t) | 1 | 1/1,625 | 46,472 | |
Rune platelegs (t) | 1 | 1/1,625 | 45,412 | |
Rune plateskirt (t) | 1 | 1/1,625 | 37,580 | |
Rune kiteshield (t) | 1 | 1/1,625 | 40,778 | |
Rune full helm (g) | 1 | 1/1,625 | 111,201 | |
Rune platebody (g) | 1 | 1/1,625 | 90,990 | |
Rune platelegs (g) | 1 | 1/1,625 | 55,644 | |
Rune plateskirt (g) | 1 | 1/1,625 | 38,636 | |
Rune kiteshield (g) | 1 | 1/1,625 | 173,233 | |
Rune shield (h1) | 1 | 1/1,625 | 69,857 | |
Rune shield (h2) | 1 | 1/1,625 | 36,918 | |
Rune shield (h3) | 1 | 1/1,625 | 33,634 | |
Rune shield (h4) | 1 | 1/1,625 | 33,117 | |
Rune shield (h5) | 1 | 1/1,625 | 33,766 | |
Rune helm (h1) | 1 | 1/1,625 | 56,835 | |
Rune helm (h2) | 1 | 1/1,625 | 22,619 | |
Rune helm (h3) | 1 | 1/1,625 | 24,988 | |
Rune helm (h4) | 1 | 1/1,625 | 21,874 | |
Rune helm (h5) | 1 | 1/1,625 | 21,619 | |
Zamorak full helm | 1 | 1/1,625 | 906,120 | |
Zamorak platebody | 1 | 1/1,625 | 49,672 | |
Zamorak platelegs | 1 | 1/1,625 | 51,207 | |
Zamorak plateskirt | 1 | 1/1,625 | 37,863 | |
Zamorak kiteshield | 1 | 1/1,625 | 46,324 | |
Guthix full helm | 1 | 1/1,625 | 36,372 | |
Guthix platebody | 1 | 1/1,625 | 58,265 | |
Guthix platelegs | 1 | 1/1,625 | 47,871 | |
Guthix plateskirt | 1 | 1/1,625 | 37,939 | |
Guthix kiteshield | 1 | 1/1,625 | 43,486 | |
Saradomin full helm | 1 | 1/1,625 | 92,841 | |
Saradomin platebody | 1 | 1/1,625 | 73,735 | |
Saradomin platelegs | 1 | 1/1,625 | 67,686 | |
Saradomin plateskirt | 1 | 1/1,625 | 37,554 | |
Saradomin kiteshield | 1 | 1/1,625 | 72,695 | |
Ancient full helm | 1 | 1/1,625 | 40,912 | |
Ancient platebody | 1 | 1/1,625 | 48,165 | |
Ancient platelegs | 1 | 1/1,625 | 41,272 | |
Ancient plateskirt | 1 | 1/1,625 | 37,826 | |
Ancient kiteshield | 1 | 1/1,625 | 47,913 | |
Armadyl full helm | 1 | 1/1,625 | 25,441 | |
Armadyl platebody | 1 | 1/1,625 | 44,129 | |
Armadyl platelegs | 1 | 1/1,625 | 40,980 | |
Armadyl plateskirt | 1 | 1/1,625 | 37,771 | |
Armadyl kiteshield | 1 | 1/1,625 | 35,453 | |
Bandos full helm | 1 | 1/1,625 | 25,420 | |
Bandos platebody | 1 | 1/1,625 | 124,074 | |
Bandos platelegs | 1 | 1/1,625 | 41,814 | |
Bandos plateskirt | 1 | 1/1,625 | 38,238 | |
Bandos kiteshield | 1 | 1/1,625 | 34,286 | |
Red d'hide body (g) | 1 | 1/1,625 | 6,046 | |
Red d'hide body (t) | 1 | 1/1,625 | 6,207 | |
Red d'hide chaps (g) | 1 | 1/1,625 | 9,191 | |
Red d'hide chaps (t) | 1 | 1/1,625 | 3,508 | |
Blue d'hide body (g) | 1 | 1/1,625 | 5,245 | |
Blue d'hide body (t) | 1 | 1/1,625 | 5,218 | |
Blue d'hide chaps (g) | 1 | 1/1,625 | 4,764 | |
Blue d'hide chaps (t) | 1 | 1/1,625 | 2,711 | |
Saradomin coif | 1 | 1/1,625 | 92,281 | |
Saradomin d'hide body | 1 | 1/1,625 | 289,321 | |
Saradomin chaps | 1 | 1/1,625 | 600,608 | |
Saradomin bracers | 1 | 1/1,625 | 76,843 | |
Saradomin d'hide boots | 1 | 1/1,625 | 595,810 | |
Guthix coif | 1 | 1/1,625 | 93,924 | |
Guthix d'hide body | 1 | 1/1,625 | 220,607 | |
Guthix chaps | 1 | 1/1,625 | 481,548 | |
Guthix bracers | 1 | 1/1,625 | 28,219 | |
Guthix d'hide boots | 1 | 1/1,625 | 529,638 | |
Zamorak coif | 1 | 1/1,625 | 110,205 | |
Zamorak d'hide body | 1 | 1/1,625 | 407,750 | |
Zamorak chaps | 1 | 1/1,625 | 690,916 | |
Zamorak bracers | 1 | 1/1,625 | 197,622 | |
Zamorak d'hide boots | 1 | 1/1,625 | 962,312 | |
Bandos coif | 1 | 1/1,625 | 99,217 | |
Bandos d'hide body | 1 | 1/1,625 | 209,891 | |
Bandos chaps | 1 | 1/1,625 | 481,917 | |
Bandos bracers | 1 | 1/1,625 | 113,976 | |
Bandos d'hide boots | 1 | 1/1,625 | 542,101 | |
Armadyl coif | 1 | 1/1,625 | 121,861 | |
Armadyl d'hide body | 1 | 1/1,625 | 442,092 | |
Armadyl chaps | 1 | 1/1,625 | 582,492 | |
Armadyl bracers | 1 | 1/1,625 | 174,902 | |
Armadyl d'hide boots | 1 | 1/1,625 | 995,277 | |
Ancient coif | 1 | 1/1,625 | 110,798 | |
Ancient d'hide body | 1 | 1/1,625 | 201,477 | |
Ancient chaps | 1 | 1/1,625 | 490,849 | |
Ancient bracers | 1 | 1/1,625 | 188,964 | |
Ancient d'hide boots | 1 | 1/1,625 | 823,867 | |
Saradomin stole | 1 | 1/1,625 | 4,127 | |
Saradomin crozier | 1 | 1/1,625 | 8,239 | |
Guthix stole | 1 | 1/1,625 | 5,629 | |
Guthix crozier | 1 | 1/1,625 | 8,129 | |
Zamorak stole | 1 | 1/1,625 | 4,415 | |
Zamorak crozier | 1 | 1/1,625 | 8,219 | |
Zombie head (Treasure Trails) | 1 | 1/1,625 | 2,617 | |
Cyclops head | 1 | 1/1,625 | 19,512 | |
Pirate's hat | 1 | 1/1,625 | 103,377 | |
Red cavalier | 1 | 1/1,625 | 3,095 | |
White cavalier | 1 | 1/1,625 | 5,863 | |
Navy cavalier | 1 | 1/1,625 | 2,541 | |
Tan cavalier | 1 | 1/1,625 | 3,896 | |
Dark cavalier | 1 | 1/1,625 | 8,215 | |
Black cavalier | 1 | 1/1,625 | 21,158 | |
Pith helmet | 1 | 1/1,625 | 6,430 | |
Explorer backpack | 1 | 1/1,625 | 26,992 | |
Green dragon mask | 1 | 1/1,625 | 8,425 | |
Blue dragon mask | 1 | 1/1,625 | 5,656 | |
Red dragon mask | 1 | 1/1,625 | 5,627 | |
Black dragon mask | 1 | 1/1,625 | 95,440 | |
Nunchaku | 1 | 1/1,625 | 6,632 | |
Rune cane | 1 | 1/1,625 | 8,239 | |
Dual sai | 1 | 1/1,625 | 10,622 | |
Thieving bag | 1 | 1/1,625 | 5,937 | |
Rune defender ornament kit | 1 | 1/1,625 | 37,346 | |
Berserker necklace ornament kit | 1 | 1/1,625 | 13,824 | |
Tzhaar-ket-om ornament kit | 1 | 1/1,625 | 5,639 | |
Rune platebody (h1) | 1 | 1/8,125 | 44,845 | |
Rune platebody (h2) | 1 | 1/8,125 | 39,830 | |
Rune platebody (h3) | 1 | 1/8,125 | 40,894 | |
Rune platebody (h4) | 1 | 1/8,125 | 40,544 | |
Rune platebody (h5) | 1 | 1/8,125 | 41,324 | |
Saradomin d'hide shield | 1 | 1/9,750 | 185,641 | |
Guthix d'hide shield | 1 | 1/9,750 | 188,586 | |
Zamorak d'hide shield | 1 | 1/9,750 | 243,117 | |
Bandos d'hide shield | 1 | 1/9,750 | 167,556 | |
Armadyl d'hide shield | 1 | 1/9,750 | 273,503 | |
Ancient d'hide shield | 1 | 1/9,750 | 176,597 |
Mega Rare Drop Table:
Item | Quantity | Rarity | Price | |
Super energy(4) | 15 (noted) | 1/16,250 | 91,440 | |
Super restore(4) | 15 (noted) | 1/16,250 | 138,990 | |
Antifire potion(4) | 15 (noted) | 1/16,250 | 18,960 | |
Super attack(4) | 5 (noted) | 1/16,250[d 1] | 8,400 | |
Super strength(4) | 5 (noted) | 1/16,250[d 1] | 22,455 | |
Super defence(4) | 5 (noted) | 1/16,250[d 1] | 23,690 | |
Gilded full helm | 1 | 1/35,750 | 6,447,752 | |
Gilded platebody | 1 | 1/35,750 | 7,851,814 | |
Gilded platelegs | 1 | 1/35,750 | 7,215,645 | |
Gilded plateskirt | 1 | 1/35,750 | 1,316,178 | |
Gilded kiteshield | 1 | 1/35,750 | 4,826,322 | |
Gilded med helm | 1 | 1/35,750 | 1,488,339 | |
Gilded chainbody | 1 | 1/35,750 | 2,419,032 | |
Gilded sq shield | 1 | 1/35,750 | 1,507,752 | |
Gilded 2h sword | 1 | 1/35,750 | 5,023,817 | |
Gilded spear | 1 | 1/35,750 | 513,678 | |
Gilded hasta | 1 | 1/35,750 | 485,776 | |
3rd age full helmet | 1 | 1/211,250 | 67,769,935 | |
3rd age platebody | 1 | 1/211,250 | 182,274,926 | |
3rd age platelegs | 1 | 1/211,250 | 105,818,743 | |
3rd age plateskirt | 1 | 1/211,250 | 71,739,793 | |
3rd age kiteshield | 1 | 1/211,250 | 173,090,057 | |
3rd age range coif | 1 | 1/211,250 | 20,527,407 | |
3rd age range top | 1 | 1/211,250 | 62,335,139 | |
3rd age range legs | 1 | 1/211,250 | 35,695,466 | |
3rd age vambraces | 1 | 1/211,250 | 23,162,244 | |
3rd age mage hat | 1 | 1/211,250 | 37,185,064 | |
3rd age robe top | 1 | 1/211,250 | 161,731,009 | |
3rd age robe | 1 | 1/211,250 | 62,726,508 | |
3rd age amulet | 1 | 1/211,250 | 91,207,679 |
Elite Rewards
When you delve into elite clues, your journey into the realm of rewards starts with a droptable boasting 14 slots. From this, one slot ushers you into the clue-specific droptable—a comprehensive ensemble of 54 slots, detailed below. Within the top-level droptable, some remaining slots guide you to the all clues table, while the remaining 12 are dedicated to general reward items such as mahogany planks, royal dragonhide, and more. Although technically the top-level table surpasses 14 slots, it effectively simplifies to a close approximation of 1/14 to access the rare table.
For you, elite clues unfold a minimum of 4 reward spots and a maximum of 6, resulting in an average of 5 rewards as you navigate the intricate treasures within the elite clue trail.
Item | Quantity | Rarity | Price | |
Dragon full helm ornament kit | 1 | 1/1,275 | 29,314 | |
Dragon chainbody ornament kit | 1 | 1/1,275 | 8,792 | |
Dragon legs/skirt ornament kit | 1 | 1/1,275 | 7,313 | |
Dragon sq shield ornament kit | 1 | 1/1,275 | 34,993 | |
Dragon scimitar ornament kit | 1 | 1/1,275 | 346,535 | |
Fury ornament kit | 1 | 1/1,275 | 483,312 | |
Light infinity colour kit | 1 | 1/1,275 | 9,011 | |
Dark infinity colour kit | 1 | 1/1,275 | 16,469 | |
Royal crown | 1 | 1/1,275 | 159,679 | |
Royal gown top | 1 | 1/1,275 | 40,604 | |
Royal gown bottom | 1 | 1/1,275 | 31,945 | |
Royal sceptre | 1 | 1/1,275 | 16,886 | |
Musketeer hat | 1 | 1/1,275 | 73,782 | |
Musketeer tabard | 1 | 1/1,275 | 33,849 | |
Musketeer pants | 1 | 1/1,275 | 11,789 | |
Black d'hide body (g) | 1 | 1/1,275 | 18,222 | |
Black d'hide body (t) | 1 | 1/1,275 | 11,401 | |
Black d'hide chaps (g) | 1 | 1/1,275 | 212,799 | |
Black d'hide chaps (t) | 1 | 1/1,275 | 42,885 | |
Rangers' tunic | 1 | 1/1,275 | 3,227,365 | |
Ranger gloves | 1 | 1/1,275 | 561,954 | |
Holy wraps | 1 | 1/1,275 | 859,127 | |
Bronze dragon mask | 1 | 1/1,275 | 7,050 | |
Iron dragon mask | 1 | 1/1,275 | 6,941 | |
Steel dragon mask | 1 | 1/1,275 | 7,039 | |
Mithril dragon mask | 1 | 1/1,275 | 7,612 | |
Adamant dragon mask | 1 | 1/1,275 | 7,912 | |
Rune dragon mask | 1 | 1/1,275 | 11,761 | |
Arceuus scarf | 1 | 1/1,275 | 6,693 | |
Hosidius scarf | 1 | 1/1,275 | 6,604 | |
Lovakengj scarf | 1 | 1/1,275 | 5,852 | |
Piscarilius scarf | 1 | 1/1,275 | 6,644 | |
Shayzien scarf | 1 | 1/1,275 | 7,265 | |
Katana | 1 | 1/1,275 | 225,632 | |
Dragon cane | 1 | 1/1,275 | 21,187 | |
Bucket helm | 1 | 1/1,275 | 25,627 | |
Blacksmith's helm | 1 | 1/1,275 | 38,303 | |
Deerstalker | 1 | 1/1,275 | 15,918 | |
Afro | 1 | 1/1,275 | 335,134 | |
Big pirate hat | 1 | 1/1,275 | 566,586 | |
Top hat | 1 | 1/1,275 | 77,248 | |
Monocle | 1 | 1/1,275 | 15,206 | |
Briefcase | 1 | 1/1,275 | 199,750 | |
Sagacious spectacles | 1 | 1/1,275 | 607,766 | |
Rangers' tights | 1 | 1/1,275 | 123,924 | |
Uri's hat | 1 | 1/1,275 | 12,534 | |
Giant boot | 1 | 1/1,275 | 44,174 | |
Fremennik kilt | 1 | 1/1,275 | 2,249,916 | |
Dark bow tie | 1 | 1/12,750 | 466,706 | |
Dark tuxedo jacket | 1 | 1/12,750 | 1,074,877 | |
Dark tuxedo cuffs | 1 | 1/12,750 | 213,108 | |
Dark trousers | 1 | 1/12,750 | 903,621 | |
Dark tuxedo shoes | 1 | 1/12,750 | 419,916 | |
Light bow tie | 1 | 1/12,750 | 101,891 | |
Light tuxedo jacket | 1 | 1/12,750 | 1,913,654 | |
Light tuxedo cuffs | 1 | 1/12,750 | 117,636 | |
Light trousers | 1 | 1/12,750 | 173,985 | |
Light tuxedo shoes | 1 | 1/12,750 | 550,615 |
Mega Rare Drop Table
Item | Quantity | Rarity | Price | |
Ring of nature | 1 | 1/14,663 | 11,660,836 | |
Crystal key | 1 | 1/14,663 | 19,276 | |
Lava dragon mask | 1 | 1/14,663 | 2,172,626 | |
Battlestaff | 100 (noted) | 1/14,663 | 811,700 | |
Extended antifire(4) | 30 (noted) | 1/14,663 | 6,210 | |
Super restore(4) | 30 (noted) | 1/14,663 | 277,980 | |
Saradomin brew(4) | 30 (noted) | 1/14,663 | 325,230 | |
Ranging potion(4) | 30 (noted) | 1/14,663 | 124,800 | |
Gilded scimitar | 1 | 1/14,663 | 15,640,113 | |
Gilded boots | 1 | 1/14,663 | 3,004,162 | |
Gilded coif | 1 | 1/14,663 | 540,937 | |
Gilded d'hide vambraces | 1 | 1/14,663 | 7,064,092 | |
Gilded d'hide body | 1 | 1/14,663 | 2,718,726 | |
Gilded d'hide chaps | 1 | 1/14,663 | 10,489,878 | |
Gilded pickaxe | 1 | 1/14,663 | 6,471,648 | |
Gilded axe | 1 | 1/14,663 | 6,533,760 | |
Gilded spade | 1 | 1/14,663 | 4,714,365 | |
Gilded full helm | 1 | 1/32,258 | 6,447,752 | |
Gilded platebody | 1 | 1/32,258 | 7,851,814 | |
Gilded platelegs | 1 | 1/32,258 | 7,215,645 | |
Gilded plateskirt | 1 | 1/32,258 | 1,316,178 | |
Gilded kiteshield | 1 | 1/32,258 | 4,826,322 | |
Gilded med helm | 1 | 1/32,258 | 1,488,339 | |
Gilded chainbody | 1 | 1/32,258 | 2,419,032 | |
Gilded sq shield | 1 | 1/32,258 | 1,507,752 | |
Gilded 2h sword | 1 | 1/32,258 | 5,023,817 | |
Gilded spear | 1 | 1/32,258 | 513,678 | |
Gilded hasta | 1 | 1/32,258 | 485,776 | |
3rd age full helmet | 1 | 1/249,262 | 67,769,935 | |
3rd age platebody | 1 | 1/249,262 | 182,274,926 | |
3rd age platelegs | 1 | 1/249,262 | 105,818,743 | |
3rd age plateskirt | 1 | 1/249,262 | 71,739,793 | |
3rd age kiteshield | 1 | 1/249,262 | 173,090,057 | |
3rd age range coif | 1 | 1/249,262 | 20,527,407 | |
3rd age range top | 1 | 1/249,262 | 62,335,139 | |
3rd age range legs | 1 | 1/249,262 | 35,695,466 | |
3rd age vambraces | 1 | 1/249,262 | 23,162,244 | |
3rd age mage hat | 1 | 1/249,262 | 37,185,064 | |
3rd age robe top | 1 | 1/249,262 | 161,731,009 | |
3rd age robe | 1 | 1/249,262 | 62,726,508 | |
3rd age amulet | 1 | 1/249,262 | 91,207,679 | |
3rd age longsword | 1 | 1/249,262 | 1,175,025,533 | |
3rd age wand | 1 | 1/249,262 | 478,588,755 | |
3rd age cloak | 1 | 1/249,262 | 517,060,202 | |
3rd age bow | 1 | 1/249,262 | 1,435,870,165 |
Master Rewards
Master clues generate a minimum of 5 rewards and a maximum of 7, granting an average of 6 rewards per casket. The rewards consist of generic items, shared treasure trail items, and items that are unique for master clues. Additionally, players have a 1/1,000 chance to receive the Bloodhound pet upon opening a master casket.
Item | Quantity | Rarity | Price | |
Occult ornament kit | 1 | 1/851 | 6,335,333 | |
Torture ornament kit | 1 | 1/851 | 4,364,786 | |
Anguish ornament kit | 1 | 1/851 | 9,368,861 | |
Tormented ornament kit | 1 | 1/851 | 3,830,591 | |
Dragon defender ornament kit | 1 | 1/851 | 199,484 | |
Hood of darkness | 1 | 1/851 | 17,519 | |
Robe top of darkness | 1 | 1/851 | 89,579 | |
Gloves of darkness | 1 | 1/851 | 23,432 | |
Robe bottom of darkness | 1 | 1/851 | 67,751 | |
Boots of darkness | 1 | 1/851 | 28,376 | |
Samurai kasa | 1 | 1/851 | 38,947 | |
Samurai shirt | 1 | 1/851 | 59,297 | |
Samurai gloves | 1 | 1/851 | 54,180 | |
Samurai greaves | 1 | 1/851 | 60,345 | |
Samurai boots | 1 | 1/851 | 26,932 | |
Arceuus hood | 1 | 1/851 | 4,023 | |
Hosidius hood | 1 | 1/851 | 3,211 | |
Lovakengj hood | 1 | 1/851 | 2,066 | |
Piscarilius hood | 1 | 1/851 | 5,043 | |
Shayzien hood | 1 | 1/851 | 4,762 | |
Old demon mask | 1 | 1/851 | 37,991 | |
Lesser demon mask | 1 | 1/851 | 6,909 | |
Greater demon mask | 1 | 1/851 | 7,309 | |
Black demon mask | 1 | 1/851 | 43,931 | |
Jungle demon mask | 1 | 1/851 | 15,216 | |
Left eye patch | 1 | 1/851 | 13,577 | |
Bowl wig | 1 | 1/851 | 12,556 | |
Ale of the gods | 1 | 1/851 | 438,559 | |
Obsidian cape (r) | 1 | 1/851 | 969,822 | |
Fancy tiara | 1 | 1/851 | 7,247 | |
Half moon spectacles | 1 | 1/851 | 20,948 | |
Armadyl godsword ornament kit | 1 | 1/3,404 | 189,312 | |
Bandos godsword ornament kit | 1 | 1/3,404 | 5,976,883 | |
Saradomin godsword ornament kit | 1 | 1/3,404 | 1,200,705 | |
Zamorak godsword ornament kit | 1 | 1/3,404 | 77,675 | |
Dragon platebody ornament kit | 1 | 1/12,765 | 12,420,056 | |
Ankou mask | 1 | 1/12,765 | 10,048,491 | |
Ankou top | 1 | 1/12,765 | 21,534,464 | |
Ankou gloves | 1 | 1/12,765 | 3,721,559 | |
Ankou's leggings | 1 | 1/12,765 | 8,772,377 | |
Ankou socks | 1 | 1/12,765 | 3,334,426 | |
Mummy's head | 1 | 1/12,765 | 366,018 | |
Mummy's body | 1 | 1/12,765 | 445,425 | |
Mummy's hands | 1 | 1/12,765 | 151,636 | |
Mummy's legs | 1 | 1/12,765 | 411,017 | |
Mummy's feet | 1 | 1/12,765 | 165,588 | |
Dragon kiteshield ornament kit | 1 | 1/25,530 | 2,806,841 |
Mega Rare Drop Table
Item | Quantity | Rarity | Price | |
Bucket helm (g) | 1 | 1/13,616 | 2,114,174 | |
Ring of coins | 1 | 1/13,616 | 16,675,900 | |
Cabbage | 3 | 1/13,616 | 117 | |
Anti-venom+(4) | 15 (noted) | 1/13,616 | 151,530 | |
Torstol | 50 (noted) | 1/13,616 | 167,550 | |
Gilded scimitar | 1 | 1/13,616 | 15,640,113 | |
Gilded boots | 1 | 1/13,616 | 3,004,162 | |
Gilded coif | 1 | 1/13,616 | 540,937 | |
Gilded d'hide vambraces | 1 | 1/13,616 | 7,064,092 | |
Gilded d'hide body | 1 | 1/13,616 | 2,718,726 | |
Gilded d'hide chaps | 1 | 1/13,616 | 10,489,878 | |
Gilded pickaxe | 1 | 1/13,616 | 6,471,648 | |
Gilded axe | 1 | 1/13,616 | 6,533,760 | |
Gilded spade | 1 | 1/13,616 | 4,714,365 | |
Gilded full helm | 1 | 1/149,776 | 6,447,752 | |
Gilded platebody | 1 | 1/149,776 | 7,851,814 | |
Gilded platelegs | 1 | 1/149,776 | 7,215,645 | |
Gilded plateskirt | 1 | 1/149,776 | 1,316,178 | |
Gilded kiteshield | 1 | 1/149,776 | 4,826,322 | |
Gilded med helm | 1 | 1/149,776 | 1,488,339 | |
Gilded chainbody | 1 | 1/149,776 | 2,419,032 | |
Gilded sq shield | 1 | 1/149,776 | 1,507,752 | |
Gilded 2h sword | 1 | 1/149,776 | 5,023,817 | |
Gilded spear | 1 | 1/149,776 | 513,678 | |
Gilded hasta | 1 | 1/149,776 | 485,776 | |
3rd age full helmet | 1 | 1/313,168 | 67,769,935 | |
3rd age platebody | 1 | 1/313,168 | 182,274,926 | |
3rd age platelegs | 1 | 1/313,168 | 105,818,743 | |
3rd age plateskirt | 1 | 1/313,168 | 71,739,793 | |
3rd age kiteshield | 1 | 1/313,168 | 173,090,057 | |
3rd age range coif | 1 | 1/313,168 | 20,527,407 | |
3rd age range top | 1 | 1/313,168 | 62,335,139 | |
3rd age range legs | 1 | 1/313,168 | 35,695,466 | |
3rd age vambraces | 1 | 1/313,168 | 23,162,244 | |
3rd age mage hat | 1 | 1/313,168 | 37,185,064 | |
3rd age robe top | 1 | 1/313,168 | 161,731,009 | |
3rd age robe | 1 | 1/313,168 | 62,726,508 | |
3rd age amulet | 1 | 1/313,168 | 91,207,679 | |
3rd age druidic robe top | 1 | 1/313,168 | 2,049,743,018 | |
3rd age druidic robe bottoms | 1 | 1/313,168 | 1,901,526,032 | |
3rd age druidic cloak | 1 | 1/313,168 | 1,228,711,049 | |
3rd age longsword | 1 | 1/313,168 | 1,175,025,533 | |
3rd age bow | 1 | 1/313,168 | 1,435,870,165 | |
3rd age wand | 1 | 1/313,168 | 478,588,755 | |
3rd age druidic staff | 1 | 1/313,168 | 809,321,310 | |
3rd age cloak | 1 | 1/313,168 | 517,060,202 | |
3rd age pickaxe | 1 | 1/313,168 | 2,147,483,647 | |
3rd age axe | 1 | 1/313,168 | 2,147,483,571 |
Time For Treasure Trails
Treasure Trails is undoubtedly a fun and engaging activity in OSRS. It might take up a lot of time to do but the rewards waiting for you at the end are certainly worth it. Testing your wits and knowledge of the game is at its best in the Treasure Trails so try it out now!
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