OSRS Throne of Miscellania Quest Guide

31.12.2024 - 02:40:34
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OSRS Throne of Miscellania Quest Guide

Onur Author
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Old School Runescape houses a lot of quests. Some quests are especially important for your character than others. Throne of Miscellania is one of those important quests that will allow you to gain resources and money passively. This quest is especially important for Ironman accounts who can’t do player trading, as this is one of the few ways you can easily get resources that are required for a variety of different skills.

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Before You Start

Let's cover what you'll need before heading to Miscellania:

Required Quests:

  • Heroes' Quest
  • Shield of Arrav
  • Lost City
  • Merlin's Crystal
  • Dragon Slayer I
  • The Fremennik Trials

Essential Items:

  • Iron bar
  • Any non-silver ring (except onyx, dragonstone, explorer, beacon, perfect ring, nature, pineapple, fremennik, or ancient)
  • At least one tool for gaining favor:
    • Pickaxe
    • Axe (requires 45 Woodcutting)
    • Rake (requires 10 Farming and 35 Herblore)
    • Harpoon or lobster pot
  • Logs (can be obtained during quest if bringing axe)
  • Flowers (purchasable from Flower Girl for 15 coins)
  • If marrying the Prince: A cake or chocolate cake
  • If marrying the Princess: Any bow (except composite, ogre, training, and magic bows)
  • Weight-reducing clothing
  • Stamina or energy potions
  • Dramen/Lunar staff for fairy rings
  • 45 Woodcutting for maple trees (favor gathering)
  • 10 Farming and 35 Herblore for herb patch (favor gathering)

Short & Long Walkthrough

This guide is split into two sections - a quick walkthrough for experienced players who just need reminders, and a detailed walkthrough with more context and explanations. Choose the one that suits your needs!

No matter the walkthrough, if you want to speed up this quest, make sure you are raking the patches near the castle proper every time you walk past it.

Short Walkthrough

Throne of Miscellania quest starting location

Getting Started

  1. Travel to Miscellania either via:
    • Rellekka's middle dock (boat ride)
    • Fairy ring code CIP
  2. Purchase flowers from the Flower Girl (15gp) if needed
  3. Head to King Vargas on the castle's 1st floor
  4. Choose which royal to pursue

Princess Astrid Route

  1. Find Princess Astrid north of the throne room
  2. Speak with her repeatedly until the dialogue becomes "Good Day"
  3. Select these responses:
    • "Archery is a noble art!"
    • "He's been very helpful"
    • "Hahahaha"
  4. Use flowers on her
  5. Perform the dance emote
  6. Continue dialogue with these responses:
    • "That sounds like a good idea"
    • "What happened next?"
    • "I'm quite fond of it myself"
    • "And what a great bard he makes!"
    • "I suppose you don't have much opportunity to"
    • "It's a lovely little country"
  7. Use bow on her
  8. Speak again
  9. Use blow kiss emote
  10. Continue agreeing until she uses pet names
  11. Use blow kiss emote again
  12. Use ring on her

Prince Brand Route

  1. Find Prince Brand south of throne room
  2. Choose "Be still, my heart" after his poem
  3. Use clap or cheer emote
  4. Continue dialogue until just "Good Day"
  5. Use flowers on him
  6. Keep agreeing with everything
  7. Use cake on him (don't eat it!)
  8. Continue agreeing
  9. When he uses pet names, use blow kiss emote
  10. Use ring on him

Making Peace

  1. Exit castle and cross bridge to Etceteria
  2. Clear herb/flax patches while passing (saves time later)
  3. Speak to Queen Sigrid upstairs
  4. Return to King Vargas
  5. Return to Queen Sigrid
  6. Get awful anthem from Prince Brand
  7. Have Advisor Ghrim improve it
  8. Take good anthem to Queen for treaty
  9. Get giant nib from Derrik (requires iron bar)
  10. Create giant pen with logs
  11. Return to King Vargas

Gaining Support

  1. Need 75% approval rating to complete quest
  2. Check progress with Advisor Ghrim
  3. Choose any of these activities:
    • Mine coal (north side)
    • Chop maple trees (center)
    • Fish (docks)
    • Rake herbs/flax (palace walls)
  4. World hop trick: Weeds respawn every minute, or hop worlds after they start growing
  5. After reaching 75% approval rating, talk to King Vargas.

Long Walkthrough

Starting Your Royal Journey

To reach Miscellania, you've got two options here - either hop on the longboat from Rellekka's middle dock (the same sailor from Fremennik Trials), or if you've started Fairytale II, you can use the fairy rings and teleport to the code CIP.

Before meeting the king, you might want to grab some flowers from the Flower Girl in the castle courtyard for 15 coins. She's right there, so no need for a special trip to the Grand Exchange. Plus, there's a bank in Etceteria if you've forgotten anything else.

Meeting King Vargas

Head up to the castle's first floor and find King Vargas. He's got an interesting proposition - he'll let you rule the kingdom if you can pull off three tasks:

  1. Marry either his daughter or son
  2. Make peace with Etceteria
  3. Win over the people's support

The Marriage Game

This is where things get interesting. You've got to choose between Princess Astrid or Prince Brand. Both routes are equally valid, so pick whoever you fancy - just make sure you've got the right items for your chosen path.

Princess Astrid's Path

Princess Astrid's room

Getting to know the Princess isn't easy - she's got suitors lined up around the block. Head to her room north of the throne room and get ready to turn on the charm.

Here's how to win her over:

Initial Meeting

  • Start chatting, but don't be discouraged when she interrupts you.
  • Keep talking until responses loop to "Good Day."
  • Use these specific responses:
    • "Archery is a noble art!"
    • "He's been very helpful."
    • "Hahahaha."

The Courtship Process

  1. First, give her the flowers (they'll be gone forever, but it's worth it).
  2. Break out your best dance emote right there in her room.
  3. Work through another round of flattery - pick these responses:
    • "That sounds like a good idea."
    • "What happened next?"
    • "I'm quite fond of it myself."
    • "And what a great bard he makes!"
    • "I suppose you don't have much opportunity to."
    • "It's a lovely little country."

Sealing the Deal

  • Present her with the bow (say goodbye to that too).
  • Keep chatting.
  • When she starts using pet names like "dear" or "darling":
    1. Use the blow kiss emote.
    2. Keep agreeing until dialogue loops.
    3. One more blow kiss.
    4. Finally, offer her the ring.

Prince Brand's Path

The prince starts off pretty skeptical of "crass adventurers," but don't worry - he's a poet at heart and loves flattery. Here's how to win him over:

Initial Meeting

  • Chat him up until he offers to read his poem.
  • When he finishes, choose "Be still, my heart."
  • Use either clap or cheer emote (make sure you're actually in the room, not doorway).
  • Give him the flowers and confirm they're for him.

The Courtship Process

  1. Keep the conversation going:
    • He'll ask your name.
    • Listen to his saga (it's long, but worth it).
    • Agree with everything he says.
    • Present him with the cake (careful not to eat it!).
  2. Building Romance:
    • Continue agreeing until he uses pet names.
    • When he calls you "darling" or "dear":
      • Use the blow kiss emote.
      • Offer him the ring.
      • Say "Yes" when he asks if it's for him.

Making Peace with Etceteria

Now that you're engaged (or at least trusted), it's time for some diplomacy:

  1. Talk to Advisor Ghrim about making peace.
  2. Cross the bridge to Etceteria.
    • Pro tip: Clear those herb and flax patches each time you pass.
    • This builds favor you'll need later.
  3. Find Queen Sigrid upstairs in her castle.
  4. The Peace Process:
    • She wants recognition as a sovereign nation.
    • King Vargas wants a new national anthem.
    • Prince Brand writes you an awful anthem.
    • Advisor Ghrim turns it into something decent.

The Treaty Process

Treaty signing process in Miscellania

Getting that peace treaty signed isn't as simple as it seems. Here's the full diplomatic dance:

  1. Get the Treaty Signed:
  • Take the good anthem to Queen Sigrid.
  • She'll hand you a pre-signed treaty.
  • King Vargas demands a special pen… (of course he does).
  • Head to Derrik's house by the mining icon.
  • Give him your iron bar for a giant nib.
  • Use the nib on logs to make a giant pen (Pro tip: There are evergreen trees nearby if you forgot logs).
  • Make your way to King Vargas for the final signature.

Winning Public Support

Gaining public support in Miscellania

Now comes the grind - you need 75% public support to finish the quest. Here's everything you need to know:

Starting Out:

  • You begin with 25% support (less if you've been stealing or killing villagers).
  • Each helpful action gives you 0.33% approval.
  • Check progress with Advisor Ghrim.

Best Ways to Gain Support:

  1. Mining Coal (North side)
    • Fastest with high Mining and good pickaxe.
    • Can reach 100% in about 10 minutes.
  2. Raking Herbs/Flax (Palace walls)
    • World-hop trick: Weeds respawn every minute.
    • Or hop worlds after they start growing.
    • Takes about 8 minutes to hit max approval.
  3. Maple Woodcutting (Center)
    • Requires 45 Woodcutting.
    • Steady but reliable method.
  4. Fishing (Docks)
    • Options: tuna, lobsters, or swordfish.
    • Even works barehanded (but no extra XP).

Important Tips:

  • Don't leave activities half-done.
  • Can push beyond 75% for achievement diary.
  • Chat box will tell you when you've maxed out.
  • Keep checking with Advisor Ghrim.

Once you've hit 75%, return to King Vargas for your final chat. Congratulations - you're now the ruler of Miscellania!


Quest rewards for Throne of Miscellania
  • 1 Quest point
  • Management of Miscellania
  • 10,000 coins (in kingdom coffers)
  • Ring of wealth teleport to Miscellania

Required for

  • Royal Trouble
  • Fremennik Hard Diary

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