OSRS Tears of Guthix Quest Guide

20.01.2025 - 02:04:05
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OSRS Tears of Guthix Quest Guide

Onur Author
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OSRS Tears of Guthix has one of the most unique rewards out of any quest in the game. After completing this quest, you gain access to the Tears of Guthix minigame, which you can participate in every week. If you hate Agility and Runecrafting, you should complete this quest as soon as possible because it grants experience to your lowest stat. For most players, this is either Runecrafting or Agility.

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Before You Start

Skill Requirements

  • 43 Quest points (essential to begin)
  • 49 Firemaking (can be boosted)
  • 20 Crafting (can be boosted)
  • 20 Mining (can be boosted)

Required Items

  • Sapphire lantern (made by using a cut sapphire on a bullseye lantern)
  • Swamp tar (for filling the lantern)
  • Chisel
  • Tinderbox
  • Pickaxe
  • Rope (only if you haven't entered Lumbridge Swamp Caves before)
  • Spiny helmet/Slayer helmet (protects from wall beasts if you haven't progressed through The Lost Tribe)

Short & Long Walkthrough

This guide will break down into two sections: a quick version for experienced players and a detailed walkthrough for those who want more guidance.

Short Guide

A detailed guide map for Tears of Guthix

Getting Started

Note: Lost Tribe quest completers can skip straight to Juna via the Lumbridge Castle cave (no helmet needed).

  1. If using castle entrance:
    • Squeeze through the cellar hole
    • Run south past Kazgar
    • Use pickaxe on blocked passage
    • Head south to stepping stones
    • Cross stones and enter southern tunnel
  2. Talk to Juna in the cave

The Bowl of Stone

  1. Create sapphire lantern:
    • Use cut sapphire on bullseye lantern
    • Light it with tinderbox
  2. Travel to light creatures:
    • Return north and climb rocks
    • Use lantern on floating light creature
  3. Craft the bowl:
    • Mine magic stone
    • Use chisel to craft bowl
    • Return to Juna

Long Guide

Getting Started - Two Ways In

This quest has two different entry paths depending on your progress in The Lost Tribe quest. Let's break them down so you can pick the right one for you.

Option A: The Swamp Route

Swamp route map for Tears of Guthix

If you haven't done The Lost Tribe, you'll need to brave the swamp entrance. First things first - let's talk about that lantern. Get yourself a bullseye lantern and a sapphire. You'll want to combine these before heading into the caves since you can't swap lenses once you're inside. Trust me, trying to mess with your light source down there is not fun.

The cave entrance is in Lumbridge Swamp - you'll need a rope for your first visit. Once inside, here's the tricky part: stick to the southern wall and keep moving. You'll pass through a room with swamp gas (marked by a grey X on the northern wall) that can hit you for 10-15 damage if you dawdle. Past the frogs, you'll find another cave entrance. Head east, down a slope, and keep going until you meet our friend Juna.

Pro tip: Those wall beasts can be nasty, but here's a trick - stop one square before each hole in the wall, then run past. They can't grab you if you time it right.

Option B: The Castle Route

Completed The Lost Tribe? Lucky you! The castle route is much simpler:

  1. Head down to Lumbridge Castle basement
  2. Find the hole in the wall and climb through
  3. Head south and clear the blocked passage with your pickaxe
  4. Make your way south to the frogs
  5. Cross the stepping stones
  6. Enter the southern tunnel and follow it east

Meeting Juna

Juna's location in Tears of Guthix

Here's where both paths converge. You'll find Juna guarding her sacred cave. She's a bit of a storyteller - and she expects one in return. Make sure you haven't got any weapons equipped when you chat with her, or she won't let you share your tale.

The Light Creatures

After convincing Juna you're worthy, it's time for some magical assistance. Head northwest and climb up the rocks. See those floating orbs of light? Those are your ticket to the magical stones. Use your lit sapphire lantern on one, and they'll give you a lift to the southern platform.

The Sacred Bowl

This is the final stretch:

  1. Mine a piece of the magical stone
  2. Use your chisel to craft it into a bowl
  3. Head back down to the east
  4. Return to Juna with your creation

One important note: if you skipped telling Juna a story earlier, you'll get a "You don't know what to make" message when trying to craft the bowl. Gotta keep the guardian happy!


Congratulations! You've now got access to:

  • 1 Quest point
  • 1,000 Crafting experience
  • Weekly Tears of Guthix minigame
  • Plus, you can get your sapphire back from the lantern

This quest is also required for:

  • While Guthix Sleeps
  • Hard Lumbridge & Draynor Diary

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