OSRS Splashing Guide Gear & Training
23.10.2024 - 18:01:58
Game Guides , OSRS Guides , OSRS Skills & Skilling , Runescape
Splashing has been nerfed to the ground ever since it was introduced in OSRS. Despite the changes made to limit the Magic XP gain from splashing, it's still widely accepted as one of the best Magic training techniques in OSRS. You can still make it work as long as you have the right tricks (and gear) under your sleeves.
How To Do Splashing in OSRS
Unlike most combat training techniques, splashing isn't used against monsters. Instead, it's used on NPCs. To put it simply, when you splash in OSRS, you are casting a magic spell with really low accuracy. Even if the attack doesn't do any damage, you can still gain Magic XP. Since the NPCs don't get hit or die, you essentially don't have to move around to train Magic. This also means that there's no risk of you dying, making it a perfect AFK training method for both Ironmen and main accounts.

Although it's fun and simple, there are a few things to consider here:
- This trick can be AFK'd but you have to interact with the game every once in a while to avoid getting logged out. You just need to move your mouse or open a menu every 20 minutes or so.
- It's not important to have high-level gear for splashing. It's important that your magic accuracy is as low as possible so your magic doesn't land and do damage to NPCs.
- Not every NPC in the game can be splashed. There are only a select few which we'll list down below.
- As there's no risk of dying, you don't have to worry about wearing high-end armor for defenses. Instead, you might want to save up your gold for runes which are vital for this training technique.
Best Splashing Gears For OSRS

You can start splashing at any level in OSRS. What's important is that you have a Magic Bonus of -64. This guarantees that your magic spells are going to be a sure miss against NPCs. While it's not exactly hard to reach this type of Magic Bonus, certain builds will make it more efficient. The simplest and cheapest way to do this is with this setup.
- Full Helm
- Platebody
- Platelegs
- Kiteshield
- Any Elemental Staff (or Cursed Goblin Staff if you can't wear the green vambraces.)
- Green d'hide Vambraces or Gilded Vambraces
You can choose any type of armour. Bronze, Iron, dragon - it doesn't matter because the negative bonus they have on Magic attack are all the same. Since you won't be needing any defences at all, it's best to go with the cheapest set which are the bronze armour.
For splashing, the best weapon to use is any Elemental Staff. Unfortunately, all elemental staves in the game provide a 10 Magic Bonus. This means you'll need to counteract the gear with another equipment that can drastically reduce your Magic Bonus.
Item | Attack Bonuses | Defence Bonuses | Other | ||||||||||||
Stab | Slash | Crush | Magic | Ranged | Stab | Slash | Crush | Magic | Ranged | Strength | Magic Damage | Range Strength | Prayer | Weight | |
Staff of air | 0 | -1 | 7 | 10 | 0 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 10 | 0 | 3 | 0% | 0 | 0 | 2.267 |
Staff of earth | 1 | -1 | 9 | 10 | 0 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 10 | 0 | 5 | 0% | 0 | 0 | 2.267 |
Staff of fire | 3 | -1 | 9 | 10 | 0 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 10 | 0 | 6 | 0% | 0 | 0 | 2.267 |
Staff of water | 0 | -1 | 7 | 10 | 0 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 10 | 0 | 3 | 0% | 0 | 0 | 2.267 |
To counteract the Magic Bonus provided by your weapon, you can equip a Green d'hide Vambraces or Gilded Vambraces which both provide -10 Magic Bonus. This gear is again suitable with F2P players. If you can't equip the vambraces yet because of its 40 Ranged requirement, you can opt to use the Cursed Goblin Staff instead of an Elemental Staff.
Jagex also introduced a brand new item into the gamer called "Cursed amulet of magic". This amulet provides a -3 magic attack bonus and a whopping -80% magic damage bonus, which further guarantees splashing.
Splashing Locations OSRS

You can splash in various locations in the game but if you're having trouble looking for some that you can quickly do, here's a list of all splashable NPCs.
Location | Levels | Membership Required? | Spawns |
House west of the Grand Exchange | 1 | No | 3 |
South of Slepe | 1 | Yes | 9 |
Lovakengj | 1 | Yes | 19 |
Ruins (east) | 1 | No | 3 |
Ferox Enclave | 1 | No | 9 |
Port Piscarilius | 1 | Yes | 24 |
House west of McGrubor's Wood | 1 | Yes | 3 |
Port Sarim Jail | 1 | No | 5 |
Draynor Village | 1 | No | 2 |
South-east of Mount Quidamortem | 1 | Yes | 18 |
Farm south of Falador | 1 | No | 2 |
South-east of the Farming Guild | 1 | Yes | 2 |
Arceuus | 1 | Yes | 1 |
North of the Chaos Temple (Wilderness) | 1 | No | 6 |
Gertrude's House | 1 | No | 1 |
Fire Altar | 1 | No | 1 |
Port Phasmatys | 1 | Yes | 2 |
South of Kourend Castle | 1 | Yes | 4 |
Mos Le'Harmless | 1 | Yes | 2 |
Lunar Isle Ship | 1 | Yes | 2 |
Rimmington | 1 | No | 4 |
Burgh De Rott | 1 | Yes | 13 |
Brimhaven | 1 | Yes | 2 |
West Ruins | 1 | No | 16 |
Sinclair Mansion | 1 | Yes | 5 |
Lunar Island | 1 | Yes | 1 |
South of the Farming Guild | 1 | Yes | 5 |
Draynor Manor | 1 | No | 2 |
North-west of Hosidius Town Square | 1 | Yes | 4 |
Melzar's Maze | 1 | No | 5 |
South of Gu'Tanoth | 1 | Yes | 3 |
Fishing Guild | 1 | Yes | 1 |
Tree Gnome Village Maze | 1 | Yes | 9 |
Varrock | 1 | No | 1 |
West Ardougne | 1 | Yes | 74 |
Port Phasmatys Ship | 1 | Yes | 1 |
Port Piscarilius (1st Floor Buildings) | 1 | Yes | 5 |
Lunar Island Dock | 1 | Yes | 1 |
Melzar's Maze (1st Floor) | 1 | No | 2 |
Mos Le'Harmless Ship | 1 | Yes | 1 |
Port Piscarilius (2nd Floor Buildings) | 1 | Yes | 3 |
Melzar's Maze (2nd Floor) | 1 | No | 2 |
Ardougne Sewers | 1 | Yes | 23 |
Goblin Cave | 1 | Yes | 19 |
Clock Tower Basement | 1 | Yes | 26 |
Rat Pits | 1 | Yes | 3 |
Melzar's Maze Basement | 1 | No | 3 |
Dwarven Mines | 1 | No | 4 |
Crandor and Karamja Dungeon | 1 | No | 2 |
Draynor Sewers | 1 | No | 10 |
Varrock Sewers | 1 | No | 29 |
Draynor Manor Basement | 1 | No | 9 |
Edgeville Dungeon | 1 | No | 2 |
Sisterhood Sanctuary | 1 | Yes | 6 |
Stronghold of Security: Catacomb of Famine | 1 | No | 60 |
Stronghold of Security: Vault of War | 1 | No | 56 |
Grand Tree Mine | 1 | Yes | 21 |
Taverley Dungeon | 1 | Yes | 4 |
The Warrens | 1 | Yes | 16 |
Abandoned Mine (Level 2) | 1 | Yes | 9 |
Abandoned Mine (Level 4) | 1 | Yes | 3 |
Keldagrim Rat Pits | 1 | Yes | 8 |
Kings Ransom Jail | 1 | Yes | 4 |
Meiyerditch Laboratories | 1 | Yes | 6 |
The Hollows | 1 | Yes | 17 |
Meiyerditch Hideout (Myreque Hideout) | 1 | Yes | 2 |
Observatory Dungeon | 1 | Yes | 4 |
Rashiliyia's Tomb | 1 | Yes | 3 |
Shadow Dungeon | 1 | Yes | 12 |
Skavid Caves | 1 | Yes | 18 |
Underground Pass (Level 2) | 1 | Yes | 27 |
Waterfall Dungeon | 1 | No | 9 |
Cabin Fever Boats | 1 | No | 6 |
Cabin Fever Boats, 2nd floor | 1 | No | 3 |
Waterfall Dungeon (Flooded during quest) | 1 | No | 1 |
Isle of Souls | 1 | No | 4 |
Corsair Cove | 2, 3 | No | 9 |
Port Sarim | 2, 3 | No | 10 |
Port Piscarilius | 2, 3 | No | 7 |
Icyene Graveyard | 3 | No | 1 |
Ruins of Unkah | 3 | No | 5 |
Hosidius | 1 | No | 6 |
Lovakengj | 1 | No | 41 |
Arceuus, outside the Tower of Magic | 1 | No | 8 |
Port Piscarilius | 1 | No | 10 |
Varrock | 1 | No | 1 |
Al-Kharid | 1 | No | 3 |
East of Yanille | 1 | No | 2 |
Ruins (west), in the Wilderness | 1 | No | 6 |
Wilderness spider nest holding a Sapphire spawn | 1 | No | 17 |
Gnome Maze | 1 | No | 9 |
Melzar's Maze, Basement Floor | 1 | No | 3 |
Varrock Sewers | 1 | No | 9 |
Draynor Manor, Basement | 1 | No | 4 |
Sisterhood Sanctuary | 1 | No | 11 |
Stronghold of Security, Pit of Pestilence (level 3) | 51, 24 | No | 35 |
Taverley Dungeon | 1 | No | 3 |
Ogre Enclave | 1 | No | 10 |
Underground Pass (dungeon) | 1 | No | 49 |
Underground Pass (dungeon) (During Song of the Elves) | 1 | No | 49 |
Rashiliyia's Tomb | 1 | No | 1 |
Isle of Souls - Crumbling Tower basement | 1 | No | 3 |

The slayer boss kraken is the best NPC to actually "splash" on. Well, you won't be splashing but actually using good magic gear to hit this boss. This boss requires level 87 Slayer, so most people will not be able to use this method.
You can hit the kraken with any spell you want when it is underwater, and it will actually not take any damage whatsoever, but you will still be getting the full magic experience of the spell you cast plus the damage you deal. This makes this boss the best monster to splash on.
If you want to learn how to level up your Slayer as efficiently as possible, you can click here to check out our Slayer Guide!
Splashing XP Rates Per Spell
Now that you're suited up for splashing, it's time to check out the best spells to use for the job. Not all spells are compatible with splashing, so you must know which ones to use at a certain point in your Magic training. Below is a table showing all of the splashing XP you can get per spell.
Standard Magic Book

Lvl | Name | Base XP per Cast | XP/hr | XP/hr (Harmonized nightmare staff) | Raw cost/cast | Cost/cast (basic elemental staff) | Cost/hr (basic elemental staff) | Gp/XP (basic elemental staff) | Cost/cast (combination elemental staff) | Cost/hr (combination elemental staff) | Gp/exp (combination elemental staff) |
1 | Wind Strike | 5.5 | 6600 | 8250 | 6 | 2 | 2400 | 0.36 | 2 | 2400 | 0.36 |
5 | Water Strike | 7.5 | 9000 | 11250 | 10 | 6 | 7200 | 0.80 | 2 | 2400 | 0.27 |
9 | Earth Strike | 9.5 | 11400 | 14250 | 14 | 6 | 7200 | 0.63 | 2 | 2400 | 0.21 |
13 | Fire Strike | 11.5 | 13800 | 17250 | 22 | 10 | 12000 | 0.87 | 2 | 2400 | 0.17 |
17 | Wind Bolt | 13.5 | 16200 | 20250 | 92 | 84 | 100800 | 6.22 | 84 | 100800 | 6.22 |
23 | Water Bolt | 16.5 | 19800 | 24750 | 100 | 92 | 110400 | 5.58 | 84 | 100800 | 5.09 |
29 | Earth Bolt | 19.5 | 23400 | 29250 | 104 | 92 | 110400 | 4.72 | 84 | 100800 | 4.31 |
35 | Fire Bolt | 22.5 | 27000 | 33750 | 112 | 96 | 115200 | 4.27 | 84 | 100800 | 3.73 |
41 | Wind Blast | 25.5 | 30600 | 38250 | 153 | 141 | 169200 | 5.53 | 141 | 169200 | 5.53 |
47 | Water Blast | 28.5 | 34200 | 42750 | 165 | 153 | 183600 | 5.37 | 141 | 169200 | 4.95 |
53 | Earth Blast | 31.5 | 37800 | 47250 | 169 | 153 | 183600 | 4.86 | 141 | 169200 | 4.48 |
59 | Fire Blast | 34.5 | 41400 | 51750 | 177 | 157 | 188400 | 4.55 | 141 | 169200 | 4.09 |
62 | Wind Wave | 36 | 43200 | 54000 | 217 | 197 | 236400 | 5.47 | 197 | 236400 | 5.47 |
65 | Water Wave | 37.5 | 45000 | 56250 | 245 | 217 | 260400 | 5.79 | 197 | 236400 | 5.25 |
70 | Earth Wave | 40 | 48000 | 60000 | 245 | 217 | 260400 | 5.43 | 197 | 236400 | 4.93 |
75 | Fire Wave | 42.5 | 51000 | 63750 | 245 | 217 | 260400 | 5.11 | 197 | 236400 | 4.64 |
81 | Wind Surge | 44.5 | 53400 | 66750 | 253 | 225 | 270000 | 5.29 | 225 | 270000 | 5.29 |
85 | Water Surge | 46.5 | 55800 | 69750 | 293 | 253 | 303600 | 5.44 | 225 | 270000 | 4.84 |
90 | Earth Surge | 48.5 | 58200 | 72750 | 293 | 253 | 303600 | 5.22 | 225 | 270000 | 4.64 |
95 | Fire Surge | 50.5 | 60600 | 75750 | 293 | 253 | 303,600 | 5.01 | 225 | 270,000 | 4.46 |
Ancient Magicks

Lvl | Name | Base XP/cast | Raw cost/cast | Cost/cast | XP/hr | Cost/hr | Gp/XP |
50 | Smoke Rush | 30 | 468 | 468 | 36000 | 561600 | 15.60 |
52 | Shadow Rush | 31 | 673 | 673 | 37200 | 807600 | 21.71 |
56 | Blood Rush | 33 | 647 | 647 | 39600 | 776400 | 19.61 |
58 | Ice Rush | 34 | 458 | 450 | 40800 | 540000 | 13.24 |
62 | Smoke Burst | 36 | 650 | 650 | 43200 | 780000 | 18.06 |
64 | Shadow Burst | 37 | 1050 | 1050 | 44400 | 1260000 | 28.38 |
68 | Blood Burst | 39 | 1012 | 1012 | 46800 | 1214400 | 25.95 |
70 | Ice Burst | 40 | 634 | 618 | 48000 | 741600 | 15.45 |
74 | Smoke Blitz | 42 | 708 | 708 | 50400 | 849600 | 16.86 |
76 | Shadow Blitz | 43 | 1118 | 1118 | 51600 | 1341600 | 26.00 |
80 | Blood Blitz | 45 | 1070 | 1070 | 54000 | 1284000 | 23.78 |
82 | Ice Blitz | 46 | 688 | 676 | 55200 | 811200 | 14.70 |
86 | Smoke Barrage | 48 | 1018 | 1018 | 57600 | 1221600 | 21.21 |
88 | Shadow Barrage | 49 | 1629 | 1629 | 58800 | 1954800 | 33.24 |
92 | Blood Barrage | 51 | 1561 | 1561 | 61200 | 1873200 | 30.61 |
94 | Ice Barrage | 52 | 982 | 958 | 62400 | 1149600 | 18.42 |
Arceuus Spellbook

Lvl | Name | Base exp/cast | XP/hr | Raw cost/cast | Cost/cast (Tome of Fire) | Raw Cost/hr | Cost/hr (Tome of Fire) | gp/XP | gp/XP (Tome of Fire) |
35 | Ghostly Grasp | 22.5 | 27000 | 100 | N/A | 120000 | N/A | 4.44 | N/A |
44 | Inferior Demonbane | 27 | 32400 | 100 | 84 | 120000 | 100800 | 3.70 | 3.11 |
56 | Skeletal Grasp | 33 | 39600 | 173 | N/A | 207600 | N/A | 4.76 | N/A |
62 | Superior Demonbane | 36 | 43200 | 241 | 209 | 289200 | 250800 | 6.69 | 5.81 |
79 | Undead Grasp | 46.5 | 55800 | 245 | 197 | 294000 | 236400 | 5.27 | 4.24 |
82 | Dark Demonbane | 43.5 | 52200 | 466 | 418 | 559200 | 501600 | 10.71 | 9.61 |
If you are looking to level up your Magic to 99 and want to learn more about the ways in which you can do so, you can check out our comprehensive Magic Guide!
Get To 99 As Fast As Possible
Training Magic with splashing is still worth it but that's only if you know what to do. It can take just as long as any other training method if you don't have the right gear with you. Hopefully, our guide has made it easier for you to become one of the strongest mages in Gielinor.
Also here is a small video for you to check out to learn more about splashing!
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