OSRS Rune Pure Guide

14.07.2024 - 12:40:21
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OSRS Rune Pure Guide

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For your next OSRS build, you might want to consider building a Rune Pure next. This special account will be good in PvP. Like other Pures in OSRS, creating a good Rune Pure is going to take a lot of time and investment. Luckily, we’re here to help you out with this guide. Before anything else, let’s talk about what Rune Pures are.

What Are Rune Pures?

Rune Pures are accounts that keep their Defense level to 40 while the rest of the combat stats are increased as needed. Similar to most Pure builds in the game, the goal is to make sure that the Combat Level remains as low as possible. This would give you an advantage against other players who are in the same combat level.

In most cases, Rune Pures train mostly Ranged and Strength as much as they can. You can train your Magic Skill at the same time so that you get access to a few helpful utility skills. Not a lot of players train Magic to use in Combat. Attack, is just secondary but some players train this up to level 50 so that they can use rune weapons.

Gear Setup

Although the Rune Armor is non-negotiable on this build, there are a few items that you need to have on your account as well. Here’s a good gear setup for Melee, Magic, and Ranged Switches.






Rune full helm

Rune full helm

Wizard hat


Green cape

Green cape

Green cape


Amulet of power

Amulet of power

Amulet of power


Adamant arrows

Adamant arrows

Adamant arrows


Maple shortbow

Staff of air

Staff of air


Green d’hide body

Green d’hide body

Black robe



Rune kiteshield

Rune kiteshield


Rune platelegs

Rune platelegs

Zamorak monk bottom


Leather vambraces

Leather vambraces

Leather vambraces


Leather boots

Leather boots

Leather boots





Rune Pure Gameplay

How you play with a Rune Pure will depend on what combat style you’re going to use. In general, the playstyle remains similar to melee pures and even ranged-melee hybrids. What’s great about Rune Pures is that they’re better equipped defensively so this means you don’t have to worry too much about taking risks.

When using melee, range, or switching between the two, your goal is to whittle down enemies health first before dealing a strong blow to finish them. If you’re familiar with this type of technique, it’s called stacking. Quick ranged attacks followed by a swift melee can deal a ton of damage to players.

It can be hard to master this combo at first but you can make it easier by using delaying or sliding. It’s best to master delaying though as your opponents will find it harder to predict your movement when fighting against you.

If you’re going to go with pure melee, the combat remains relatively the same. Decrease your opponent’s health using quick attacks using the scmitar. Once their health is slow, whack them with a heavy melee weapon like the granite maul to finish the fight.

Rune Pure Advantages

1. Increased Durability

  • Better Defense: Rune Pures can wear rune armor, which provides significant defensive advantages, if they have 40 Defense. They are more formidable opponents in both PvP and PvM due to their enhanced durability, which enables them to withstand more damage during combat.

Rune armor’s high defense stats make it a major boost over lower-tier armors. Rune Pures benefit from the extra defense, which helps them lessen enemy damage, especially during extended battles. 

They can withstand attacks and fight longer thanks to their durability, which gives them a tactical advantage over enemies with weaker defenses. Rune Pures have a significant defensive advantage thanks to their ability to wear rune armor, which lessens the damage they take from both ranged and melee attacks.

2. Balanced Combat Stats

  • Offensive and Defensive Balance: Rune Pures keep their offensive and defensive stats balanced. They can do a lot of damage and take more hits thanks to their high Strength and Attack mixed with their level 40 Defense, which makes them adaptable to a variety of combat situations.

Rune Pures has the strength to launch strong attacks and defense to repel counterattacks thanks to their mix of level 40 Defense, high Strength, and Attack. Their ability to balance their offensive and defensive roles allows them to adapt to a variety of combat situations. Rune pures are a versatile and strong build that can be used in both PvP and PvM. They can use their well-balanced stats to battle effectively against a variety of opponents.

3. Effective Gear Options

  • Rune Armor and Weapons: Rune armor and weapons such as the Rune Scimitar and Rune Crossbow are among the many powerful equipment available to Rune Pures. This gear offers a nice mix of defensive protection and offensive power.

Rune Pures have access to a range of gear options to suit various battle situations thanks to their access to rune armor and weapons. For example, the Rune Scimitar is a well-liked option due to its rapid attack speed and decent Strength boost, which make it useful for dealing continuous damage. 

With its powerful ranged option, the Rune Crossbow offers battle versatility. Rune Pures can vary between melee and ranged combat thanks to their flexible gear selections, allowing them to modify their strategy depending on th eopponent and circumstances.

4. PvP Advantages

  • Competitive Edge in PvP: Rune Pures frequently get the upper hand in PvP battles due to their superior offensive skills and higher defense, particularly when facing up against builds with lower defense. They are tough opponents to take down thanks to their balanced stats, which enable efficient tanking and powerful damage output.

Rune Pures are extremely strong opponents in PvP because of their outstanding offensive and defensive capabilities. They can outlast and outclass less balanced setups since they can take more damage while still dealing big hits to their opponents. 

Rune Pures may use their longevity and steady damage to win matches against pure builds with weak defense, which is where their competitive advantage really shines. They are also capable of effectively handling a wide range of opponents due to their capacity to adjust to various battle scenarios.

5. PvM Capabilities

  • Versatility in PvM: Rune Pures work well in a range of PvM activities. They are effective in both solo and group PvM due to their strong offensive stats, which allow them to deliver significant damage, and their defensive prowess, which lets them take on more difficult monsters and bosses.

Rune Pures are excellent in PvM since they can withstand attacks from more powerful monsters and still deal a lot of damage. They are useful in a variety of PvM activities, such as boss fights and training on high-level monsters, thanks to their balanced stats. 

Their adaptability to the unique demands of various PvM encounters is further enhanced by their ability to swap between different gear and combat techniques. Rune Pures are useful assets in both solo and group PvM content because of their versatility.

Rune Pure Disadvantages

1. Higher Combat Level

  • Increased Combat Level: Rune Pures with a 40 Defense stat have a higher battle level and can take on tougher opponents in PvP. They may occasionally be at a disadvantage compared to opponents with greater overall stats or maxed builds due to their higher battle level.

Level 40 Defense has considerable defensive advantage, but at the expense of a higher combat level. Because of their higher combat level, Rune Pures frequently engage in PvP against more powerful opponents with greater total stats. 

It can be difficult to compete against players who have maxed out their builds or who have better gear and stats because these opponents can use their higher combat levels to their advantage. Rune Pures must rely on their abilities and strategic play to contend with the increasing complexity of PvP confrontations.

2. Limited Armor Choices

  • Restriction to Rune Armor: Rune Pures are deprived of the advantages of higher-level equipment accessible to players with greater Defense levels, and are restricted to using rune armor and inferior gear. This limitation may reduce their usefulness in some battle situations.

Rune Pures are unable to utilize higher-tier armor, which offers better protection and bonuses, even though rune armor has strong defensive stats. This constraint may work against them in scenarios when enhanced defense and specialized equipment are advantageous. 

The lack of access to equipment such as Dragon or Barrows armor causes Rune Pures to lose out on extra offensive and defensive bonuses that could improve their performance in more difficult battle situations. Because of this limitation, Rune Pures must play skillfully and make calculated decisions in order to get the most out of the gear they have access to.

3. Training Challenges

  • Balanced Training Required: Maintaining a balance between offensive and defensive stats is necessary for Rune Pure training. Training balanced builds that prioritize offensive over defense might be more difficult and time-consuming than training pure builds.

Building a Rune Pure requires carefully balancing the training of Attack, Strength, and Defense to obtain the best combat stats. Compared to concentrating only on offensive stats, this balanced training technique might be more complicated and time-consuming because it calls for monitoring various skill levels at once. 

You must strategically arrange their training regimens and environments to effectively acquire experience in all relevant skills without unintentionally raising undesirable stats. Building a Rune Pure may become more difficult as a result of this intricacy, particularly if you are unfamiliar with this kind of setup.

4. PvP Vulnerabilities

  • Facing Maxed Opponents: If you have better gear and stats, especially if you have maxed builds, you may pose a greater threat to Rune Pures. Rune Pures must rely largely on skill and strategy in PvP because opponents with greater Defense and better equipment can be difficult to defeat.

Rune Pures frequently encounter opponents in PvP who have access to better gear and maximum battle stats. These opponents can obtain a substantial edge by utilizing their stronger weaponry and higher Defense. 

It can be difficult for Rune Pures to battle against such skilled and seasoned opponents because they must rely on their skill, strategic play, and flexibility to remain competitive. Because of this weakness, Rune Pures have to constantly hone their strategies and strengthen their fighting abilities in order to compete against more formidable opponents.

5. Limited Specialization

  • Lack of Extreme Specialization: While rune pures are balanced builds, they don't have the same level of severe specialization as other pure builds because of this balance. They might not be as specialized in particular combat roles as, for instance, 1 Defense pures or tanks as well as builds with higher Defense.

Rune Pures are versatile due to their balanced nature, but this also means that they are not as specialized as other pure builds. For example, builds with more Defense can absorb damage more successfully, but level 1 Defense pures can obtain higher max hits because of their emphasis on pure offensive stats. 

Rune Pures may not perform as well in certain combat roles, such as doing the most damage or taking the most hits, due to their lack of extreme specialization. Because of this trade-off, Rune Pures must make the most of their strategic adaptability and balanced powers in order to compete successfully in a variety of combat situations.

Building The Perfect Rune Pure

One of the most common questions players have when making a Rune Pure are what quests to do to stay 15 prayer when making a rune pure. Obviously, you want to get barrows gloves and vengeance, which puts you at 42 defense. Only being 15 prayer limits the quests you can do. However, it's not too hard.

All you've really got to do is go through the quest list below and see the rewards of a quest. Look at it, see if you can do it, and if it gives prayer or defense XP, then you just don't do it. If it doesn't give any of those, then you know you can go ahead and do it for the quest points.

You can refer to the quests list below. Doing them will verge you into the path of getting a few essential items for this build so it’s best to stick to them as much as possible. You can do other quests as well but just make sure that your Combat Level and Defense Level stays within the best range.

Early Levels Training

For your early levels, after you've quested barrows gloves and you've got really low stats, or even before, probably the best training method is sand crabs. You’re basically just going to gear up in the best gear that you can wear. Since you're going to have defense, you’ll probably just bring potions because you probably won’t need any food.

Sand crabs and other variations of it are great for training combat on Pure accounts because they have low damage, and high Defense and health. They’re risk-free training monsters which are used in most Pure builds.

To train them, go to the sand crab isle because there are more crabs, but pretty much anywhere you can find a good spot will work. You just AFK here until you get to the level that you want.

Nightmare Zone

If you are just starting out in Nightmare Zone and you can’t use overloads or absorbs, bring a super set and a granite maul, and go into the hard mode. Bring a full inventory of sharks and try to kill as many as you can. Eventually, you’ll get enough points for an absorber pot. From there, as long as you have decent stats, you should be fine, especially if you can use the granite maul and wait for a power surge or zapper.

Not a lot of players try the Nightmare Zone during the early parts of their combat training because it’s inefficient. As such, it’s best to stick with crabs first but the Nightmare Zone is still a good option.

Once you have better stats and can use overloads, Nightmare Zone becomes an excellent training method. Do a customizable hard mode, and bring six overloads and the rest absorbs. Make sure you’ve got a dwarven rock cake. The bosses we use are Black Demon, Tree Spirit, Khazard Warlord, and The Kendal. Overload up, rock cake down to 1 HP, and absorb up. Keep your HP at 1 with rapid heal, and this becomes the fastest way to train in Nightmare Zone.

Ranged Training

The beginning levels of range are straightforward. Go to sand crabs and train up until around level 70. We recommend starting chinning at level 70-80 because it’s very efficient. Nightmare Zone is an alternative, but we find chinning to be the best method.

For chinning, if you’re 15 prayer or one prayer, use black d’hide. Your setup should include black d’hide body, black d’hide chaps, vambraces, and an Ava’s accumulator or assembler. If you don’t have 75 HP, bring a fury. Use a Salve amulet or anguish. Bring a blowpipe and range pots.

If you have void on your account, use it. The setup is basically the same but with void gear. Here’s a table of the XP you can get from chinning.

Ranged level

Chinchompa XP/h

Red Chinchompa XP/h

Black Chinchompa XP/h





























Lluring account makes monkey madness chinning easier. Go for your max prayer bonus, using items like the hitpoints cape and regen bracelet for quick HP regeneration. Bring prayer potions, a dramen staff, a teleport, and max prayer bonus gear.

Equip your greegree and run through the red path to the circle. Stand behind the rocks on your chinning account and put the lurer account outside, in the middle of the room. Turn on protect from melee on the lurer account, equip your max prayer bonus weapon, and bring zombies to the chinning account. Stack them up and chin away. When the lurer account is low on prayer points, teleport out and bring it back.

Magic Training

For magic training, you have three options:

  1. Stun Alching: Requires 80 magic for stun and 55 for high alch, gives about 170k XP an hour.

  2. String Jewelry: More AFK than stun alching, gives about 140k XP an hour.

  3. Bursting: Start at around 90 magic, commonly done in the monkey madness 2 tunnels, gives up to 600k XP an hour if done efficiently.

When it comes to stun alching, it’s a pretty straightforward process. Stand in a bank or somewhere you can’t move, cast stun on a target while having high alchemy on another item. This method ensures continuous XP gains with minimal clicks.

String Jewelry is perfect if you prefer a more relaxed training method. You cast string jewelry on an inventory of unstrung amulets, providing a consistent flow of XP with minimal effort.

Bursting is the fastest method. In the monkey madness 2 tunnels, stack up as many enemies as you can and cast ice burst or ice barrage. This method requires precise luring and timing but rewards you with the highest XP rates.

Untradeable Gear

Now, there are a few gear that any Rune Pure shouldn’t have. This will make fights a lot easier whether you’re in PvP or PvE.

  • Rune Defender: Easy to get by collecting tokens in the warriors' guild and going through cyclopes.

  • Fighter Torso: Harder to get, might want to use a leech service.

  • Imbued Ring and Slayer Helmet: Both come from Nightmare Zone, collect points passively while training.

  • Fire Cape: Hard without overheads, might want to get help from a friend or trusted community member.

Starting with the Rune Defender, head over to the Warriors' Guild in Burthorpe. Collect tokens by participating in various mini-games like the Armor Animator. Once you have enough tokens, enter the Cyclops room and keep fighting until you get the defender drops, working your way up to the Rune Defender.

For the Fighter Torso, you’ll need to play the Barbarian Assault mini-game. This is a team-based activity requiring coordination with other players. If you find it too challenging, consider using a leech service where experienced players will help you earn the torso.

Imbuing rings and the Slayer helmet in Nightmare Zone is essential for maximizing their effectiveness. Participate in the customizable hard mode as described earlier, accumulate points, and use them to imbue your items. This process makes your rings and helmet significantly more powerful, especially useful for PvM and PvP scenarios.

Getting a Fire Cape without overhead prayers is exceptionally challenging. It involves perfecting the fight caves' mechanics, knowing the safe spots, and having high combat stats. We recommend watching guides or getting assistance from a friend or community member experienced in this feat. This cape significantly boosts your combat capabilities and is a prestigious achievement for any pure account.

Rune Pure Questing

Questing is an integral part of creating any build in OSRS. For this Rune Pure, we’re going to list down some key quests that you should do to level up certain skills. This will heavily remove most of the training you need for certain Skills and it will also give you access to great rewards.

Attack XP Quests




Monkey Madness

Completion of The Grand Tree, Tree Gnome Village

20,000 XP, Dragon Scimitar

Grand Tree

25 Agility

18,400 XP, MM Req

Waterfall Quest

6 Agility, 30 Combat

13,750 XP, DT Req

Tree Gnome Village


11,450 XP, MM Req

Death Plateau


3,000 XP, DT Req, Climbing Boots

Fremennik Trials

40+ Combat

2,812 XP, Berserker Helm, Lunar Req

Underground Pass

25 Ranged, 50 Thieving, Completion of Biohazard

3,000 XP, RFD Req

Heroes Quest

25 Herblore, 50 Mining, 53 Fishing, 53 Cooking, 53 Woodcutting, 53 Smithing

3,000 XP, RFD Req

Fight Arena

13 Magic, 25 Thieving

12,175 XP

Vampire Slayer

5 Combat Level

4,825 XP

Tai Bwo Wannai Trio

Completion of Jungle Potion

2,500 XP

Fairy Tale Part 1

37 Herblore, 36 Crafting

2,000 XP

Mountain Daughter

20 Agility, 20 Strength

1,000 XP, Prayer XP

In Aid of the Myreque

Completion of In Search of the Myreque

2,000 XP, Defence XP

In Search of the Myreque

25 Agility, 15 Thieving

600 XP

Defense XP Quests




Monkey Madness

Completion of The Grand Tree, Tree Gnome Village

20,000 XP, Dragon Scimitar

Dragon Slayer

33 Quest Points, 32 Strength, 32 Defence

18,650 XP, RFD Req

Nature Spirit

Completion of The Restless Ghost

2,000 XP, RFD Req

Heroes Quest

25 Herblore, 50 Mining, 53 Fishing, 53 Cooking, 53 Woodcutting, 53 Smithing

3,000 XP, RFD Req

Fremennik Trials

40+ Combat

2,812 XP, Zerker Helm, Lunar Req

The Holy Grail

Completion of Merlin's Crystal

15,300 XP, Prayer XP

In Aid of the Myreque

Completion of In Search of the Myreque

2,000 XP, Helpful for Barrows

In Search of the Myreque

25 Agility, 15 Thieving

600 XP

Olaf's Quest

40 Agility, 50 Firemaking

12,000 XP, Don't do

A Soul's Bane

5 Attack, 20 Combat Level

500 XP, Don't do

Between a Rock

30 Defence, 50 Smithing, 60 Mining

5,000 XP

What Lies Below

35 Runecrafting, 42 Mining

2,000 XP, 8k RC XP

Prayer XP Quests




The Restless Ghost


1,125 XP, Nature Spirit, Ava Req

Priest in Peril


1,406 XP

Ghosts Ahoy

25 Agility, 20 Cooking, 20 Fishing, 35 Smithing

2,400 XP, Ectophial

Mountain Daughter

20 Agility, 20 Strength

2,000 XP

Recruitment Drive

12 Quest Points

1,000 XP

Spirits of the Elid

33 Magic, 37 Prayer

8,000 XP

Another Slice of H.A.M

Completion of Death to the Dorgeshuun

3,000 XP

Making History

20 Quest Points

1,000 XP

The Holy Grail

Completion of Merlin's Crystal

11,000 XP, Defence XP

Rum Deal

40 Farming, 50 Fishing, 47 Prayer, 42 Crafting

7,000 XP, 47 Prayer Req

Great Brain Robbery

Completion of Rum Deal

6,000 XP, 50 Prayer Req, Barrelchest Anchor reward

Agility Quests




Tourist Trap


9,300 XP (Agility)

Grand Tree

25 Agility

7,900 XP

Troll Romance

28 Agility, 43 Prayer, 25 Slayer

8,000 XP

Underground Pass

25 Ranged, 50 Thieving, Completion of Biohazard

3,000 XP

Fremennik Trials

40+ Combat

2,800 XP

Recruitment Drive

12 Quest Points

1,000 XP

Cold War

10 Hunter, 30 Agility, 30 Crafting, 34 Construction, 15 Thieving

5,000 XP

Royal Trouble

40 Agility, 40 Slayer, Throne of Miscellania

5,000 XP

Darkness of Hallowvale

5 Construction, 20 Mining, 22 Thieving, 26 Agility, 32 Crafting, 33 Magic, 40 Strength, In Aid of the Myreque

7,000 XP

One Small Favor

25 Herblore, 36 Agility, 30 Smithing

2x 10,000 XP Lamps

Icthlarin's Little Helper

30 Crafting, 20 Agility

4,000 XP

Cabin Fever

42 Agility, 45 Smithing, 50 Strength, 47 Prayer

7,000 XP

Thieving Quests





Completion of Plague City

1,250 XP

Fight Arena

13 Magic, 25 Thieving

2,175 XP

The Giant Dwarf


1,500 XP

Hazeel Cult


1,500 XP

Tribal Totem

21 Thieving

1,775 XP

The Golem


1,000 XP

Creature of Fenkenstrain

20 Crafting, 25 Thieving

1,000 XP

Fremennik Trials

40+ Combat

2,800 XP

Hand in the Sand

49 Crafting

1,000 XP

Icthlarin's Little Helper

30 Crafting, 20 Agility, 50 Hitpoints, 43 Prayer

4,500 XP

The Feud

30 Thieving

15,000 XP

Spirits of Elid

37 Thieving

1,000 XP, 8,000 Prayer XP

Rat Catchers

10 Agility, 22 Thieving

4,500 XP

Mining Quests




Plague City


2,425 XP

Doric's Quest

15 Mining

1,300 XP

The Dig Site

10 Agility, 25 Thieving

15,300 XP

Another Slice of H.A.M

Completion of Death to the Dorgeshuun

3,000 XP

The Lost Tribe

Completion of The Dig Site

3,000 XP

The Giant Dwarf


2,500 XP

Smithing Quests




The Knight's Sword


12,725 XP

Elemental Workshop

20 Crafting, 20 Smithing

5,000 XP

Elemental Workshop II

30 Smithing

7,500 XP

The Giant Dwarf


2,500 XP

Crafting Quests




Dwarf Cannon


750 XP

Goblin Diplomacy


200 XP

Murder Mystery


1,406 XP

Sheep Shearer


150 XP

The Giant Dwarf


2,500 XP

Shades of Mort'ton

20 Crafting, 15 Herblore

2,000 XP

Nature Spirit

Completion of The Restless Ghost

3,000 XP

The Golem


1,000 XP

Fremennik Trials

40+ Combat

2,800 XP

Shilo Village

20 Crafting, 32 Agility, 20 Smithing

3,875 XP

Elemental Workshop I

20 Crafting, 20 Smithing

5,000 XP

Elemental Workshop II

30 Smithing

7,500 XP

Herblore Quests




Druidic Ritual


250 XP

Jungle Potion

Completion of Druidic Ritual

775 XP

The Dig Site

10 Agility, 25 Thieving

2,000 XP

Recruitment Drive

12 Quest Points

1,000 XP

Shades of Mort'ton

20 Crafting, 15 Herblore

2,000 XP

Create A Rune Pure Now!

A Rune Pure is an excellent account for PvP and it’s certainly going to shake up how you play the game. When it comes to PvP, it’s one of the best builds out there so you shouldn’t miss out on trying out something like this. While the guide above is good and all, feel free to stray from the path as much as you want as long as you retain the requirements of Rune Pures.

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