OSRS Perilous Moon Zerker/Med Level PvP Gear

20.05.2024 - 11:45:36
Game Guides , Runescape

OSRS Perilous Moon Zerker/Med Level PvP Gear



The Moons of Peril are fearsome new foes to face in OSRS. To fight them, you'll need to do the Perilous Moons quest which also introduces the region of Cam Torum. As expected, the Moons of Peril can offer excellent rewards for those brave enough to fight and defeat them. However, there are a few items that you should really grind for.

The rewards of the Moons of Peril are pretty similar to the Barrows in which you're only getting rewards based on the boss you killed. Defeating one moon boss will grant you a Lunar Chest. There are common rewards between the three bosses, but there are boss exclusive rewards as well. Namely:

  • Blood moon armor - melee equipment that activates the Bloodrager set effect.
  • Blue moon armor - magic equipment that activates the Frostweaver set effect.
  • Eclipse moon armor - ranged equipment that activates the Searing Blows set effect.

OSRS Moon Equipment

Moon equipment is a set of gear that you can get through Lunar Chests. Each of the sets contains a weapon, a helmet, a torso piece, and leg equipment. Unlike the Barrows gear where each set benefits a specific combat style, the Moon equipment is hybrid and can be used for more combat options.

Many players in the community have discovered that the gear is actually excellent when used in PvP such as in the Wilderness or even in Bounty Hunter. What's great is that all equipment requires 50 Defense making them mid-level. In Bounty Hunter, you can effectively use this gear to stay within the mid-combat level while having serious damage.

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Blood Equipment

To wield the set, you'll need the following:

  • 50 Defense, 75 Strength for armor pieces
  • 70 Attack and 75 Strength for weapon

The blood moon equipment is unique from the other two because it's not a hybrid gear. It's purely melee whereas the other two are melee/magic and melee/ranged hybrids.

The weapon in the set has a unique mechanic wherein it does two hits per attack, which means you'll see two hit splats per instance of your attack. The hits are spaced 1 game tick apart. To balance it out, the second hit has a lower accuracy than the first one. The two attacks have a halved accuracy automatically but you can make up for this with other equipment.

Whenever you attack an enemy, the game will first roll for damage on your first hit before doing it for the second hit. This mechanic basically forces your first attack to be normal while the second attack is less effective seeing that it has two accuracy checks to pass.

With this mechanic, the weapon is designed to be used against enemies with lower Defense levels. This is a good thing because the majority of the builds in PvP or in Bounty Hunter are high-attack, low-defense to keep the combat level to a minimum.

Wearing the full set activates Bloodrager. This effect gives the dual macuahuitl a 33% chance to strike at least one tick earlier after a successful hit. This essentially lets you strike again after 3 in-game ticks. What's great is that both hits are counted independently meaning that you have a 55% chance to trigger Bloodrager.


Attack Bonuses

Defense Bonuses


Stab AttackSlash AttackCrush AttackMagic AttackRanged AttackStab DefenseSlash DefenseCrush DefenseMagic DefenseRange DefenseMelee StrengthMagic DamageRanged StrengthPrayer BonusWeightP2P?
Blood moon helm
Blood moon helm000-6-220313472940%001Yes
Blood moon chestplate
Blood moon chestplate
Blood moon tassets
Blood moon tassets000-21-7305049324620%004.082Yes
Dual macuahuitl
Dual macuahuitl115-4121-4000000810%003.628Yes



Blue Equipment

For this set, you'll need the following:

  • 50 Defense and 75 Magic for the armor
  • 700 Attack and 75 Magic for the weapon

The blue moon equipment is a hybrid of melee and magic. It's one of the favorites in the game as it allows you to stay safe while dealing against enemies up close due to the melee bonuses. At the same time, you can start dealing damage from afar using magic as well. Its versatility makes it a very good choice in many scenarios.

The special effect of this set is called Frostweaver. Whenever you cast a bind spell, the blue moon spear will have a 20% chance to make its next attack become immune to action delays. The effect is not as good as the one for the blood equipment but a lot of players love the set for its versatility nonetheless.


Attack Bonuses

Defense Bonuses


Stab AttackSlash AttackCrush AttackMagic AttackRanged AttackStab DefenseSlash DefenseCrush DefenseMagic DefenseRange DefenseMelee StrengthMagic DamageRanged StrengthPrayer BonusWeightP2P?
Blue moon helm
Blue moon helm0006000106030%000.453Yes
Blue moon chestplate
Blue moon chestplate000300005128020%003.175Yes
Blue moon tassets
Blue moon tassets000220002332010%001.36Yes
Blue moon spear
Blue moon spear70626230000000715%003Yes



Eclipse Equipment

For this set, you'll need:

  • 50 Defense and 75 Ranged for the armor
  • 75 Ranged, 50 Attack, and 50 Strength for the weapon.

Of the three-moon equipment, this one offers the melee/ranged setup. The weapon in this set has a unique mechanic in which it can only fire atlatl darts. The trade-off is good however as the damage modifiers for the weapon are the Strength and Melee stat. This means you can build the set for using melee weapons and you can still do decent damage with Range using the eclipse atlatl.

The damage of the weapon is based on the player's melee levels, including boosts. Despite this, players are using ranged-boosting prayers to power up the build even more. Those prayers include Eagle Eye and Rigour. They've found it more effective than melee-prayers when it comes to overall damage output.

The weapon also has melee bonuses when you're wearing the slayer helmet and using salve amulets and its variants. However, it still gains increased damage with the Void Knight equipment but only if you wear the Void Ranger helm instead of the void melee helm.

The special effect of the set is called Searing Blows. With this, the weapon has a 2% chance of inflicting burn on the targets that you hit. Enemies inflicted with burn will get 10 damage within 40 ticks or 24 seconds. You can stack the effect of the burn up to 5 times for a total of 50 damage.


Attack Bonuses

Defense Bonuses


Stab AttackSlash AttackCrush AttackMagic AttackRanged AttackStab DefenseSlash DefenseCrush DefenseMagic DefenseRange DefenseMelee StrengthMagic DamageRanged StrengthPrayer BonusWeightP2P?
Eclipse moon helm
Eclipse moon helm000-68231410430%000.907Yes
Eclipse moon chestplate
Eclipse moon chestplate000-1531151857553230%003Yes
Eclipse moon tassets
Eclipse moon tassets000-151791337311710%001Yes
Eclipse atlatl
Eclipse atlatl00008700000400%003.628Yes



Which Moon Equipment Is Best For PvP?

In truth, all three sets are rather broken for PvP and Bounty Hunter. It all really depends on which gear is available to you and what sort of playstyle you're used to. To make the choice simpler, let's talk about the equipment and its advantages one by one.

Blood Equipment

The Blood Moon equipment is rather situational and it relies heavily on your aggressiveness. The damage potential is deadly whenever the passive activates and it's very easy to take out low-defense enemies in a few ticks with this build. If the passive doesn't hit however, you're vulnerable to going down first.

One way to counteract this weakness is by focusing on increasing the amount of strikes that you can do per tick. By increasing your attack speed, you can increase your chances of activating the passive. The build is rather weak against tank setups though and in this case, make sure to run away when you're not confident with the fight.

Blue Equipment

The Blue Moon equipment is actually the most effective out of the three moon equipment but it's more complicated to pull off. The only way you'll trigger the special effect is by using bind magic on your opponent. This means you'll have to switch using magic from afar and then charging at your opponent constantly.

When it does take effect though, you'll be able to deal a significant amount of damage without any hindrances using your spear. As compared to the Blood Moon equipment, the Blue Moon equipment requires more work on your end but the payoff is worth it considering that you can kill other players before they can even deal damage to you.

Eclipse Equipment

The Eclipse Moon equipment also takes a bit more work because you'd want to first max out the stacks of Searing Blows before you use the Special Attack of the set's weapons. By doing this, you'll deal a significant amount of damage, on top of the burn damage that you deal with Searing Blows.

The hard part here is that this build can take longer to kill others with the conditions above. However, you need to keep in mind that you're still dealing significant damage as you attack normally. That one burst at the end can instantly help you overcome most players, even those with strong defense.


All builds are surprisingly overpowered, especially in the right hands. If you can, we highly suggest going through all of them to check which ones really fit your playstyle. A lot of players have been testing out these builds in PvP since the game came out so you might want to try them before the inevitable buff arrives.

How To Get The Moon Equipment

You'll have the chance to take on the Moons of Peril as much as you want inside Neypotzli once you finish the Perilous Moons quest. The hard part of course, is beating the bosses and getting lucky enough to snag any of the armor pieces. With that, here's a quick guide for each of the bosses.

How To Get To Neypotzli



There are a few ways to get to Neypotzli. The methods listed below are listed from simplest to hardest.

  1. Teleporting with a calcified moth:
  2. Travel to Cam Torum:

    • Use the Quetzal Transport System to reach the entrance of Cam Torum.
    • Once inside, head north. You need to have built the landing site there for this to work.
  3. Travel to Teomat:

    • Use the Quetzal Transport System to reach Teomat.
    • From there, run around the west side of the mountain.
  4. Shortcut for players with level 47 Agility:

    • Run southeast to the agility shortcut.
    • Cross the bridge to the west to reach the city entrance.


One of the best things about Neypotzli is that you can get through the dungeon without bringing any supplies. There is lots of food inside the dungeon and if you have high herblore, there are plenty of opportunities to create powerful potions as well. You can do multiple runs inside the dungeon with little supplies in your backpack.

If you've finished the Perilous Moons quest, there will be several campsites within the dungeon and all of these contain the tools you need for potions and other important support items. Additionally, you can get supplies from nearby crates. And, if you interact with the cooking stove, you can make a drink that fully restores your run energy.

There are a few foods that you should cook inside the campsites which are going to be vital for the fights ahead. These are:

  • Cooked Moss Lizards - these heal 33% of your cooking or 50% of your Hunter level. The heal with lower output will be prioritized. You can find moss lizards inside the Earthbound Cavern and you'll only need a rope to catch them.
  • Cooked Bream - these heal 33% of your food, 33% of your cooking or 50% of your fishing level. The heal with lower output will be prioritized. You can catch raw bream in the Streambound Cavern using a fishing net.

As both food items heal you for the same amount, we highly suggest focusing on making the ones that are most beneficial to your current Skill levels. It's suggested to go for the moss lizards as a higher cooking level means that you can get three cuts of the meat per lizard that you catch.

Lastly, make sure to bring a pestle and mortar, and several vials of water. Catch moonlight grubs within the map and then crush them with a pestle. Combine the result with vials of water to create moonlight potions. These can regenerate your Prayer Points, while giving you bonus attack and defense at the same time.

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Optimized Route

If you want better chances at the Moon equipment, you'll need to be as efficient as possible when it comes to running through Neypotzli. Here's the best optimized route:

  1. From the antechamber, head to the Streambound Cavern:

    • Enter through the north-eastern entrance.
    • Restore your run energy at the camp spot and search the supply crates for anything you need.
  2. Collecting and using moonlight grubs:

    • Gather moonlight grubs to create 2-8 moonlight potions.
    • Use these potions to boost your melee stats and restore prayer between runs.
    • If you have level 75 Hunter, bring a butterfly net, or if you have level 85 Hunter, catch moonlight moths barehanded to restore prayer between bosses.
  3. Fishing and cooking:

    • Fish raw bream at the nearby stream and cook it.
    • If your Hunter level is higher than your Fishing level, skip this step and use moss lizards for faster food.
  4. Eclipse Moon chamber:

    • Enter the chamber to the south and fight the boss.
    • After the fight, you'll be teleported next to the camp spot in the Earthbound Cavern.
  5. After the fight:

    • Restore prayer using potions or by catching moths.
    • Create additional moonlight potions and catch moss lizards as needed.
    • With a high Cooking level, 1 raw moss lizard yields 3 cooked pieces. Stock up on food by cooking a few at a time and keeping the rest raw, cooking more as needed between bosses.
  6. Blue Moon chamber:

    • Enter the chamber to the east and fight the boss.
    • After the fight, you'll be teleported next to the camp spot in the Ancient Prison.
  7. Blood Moon chamber:

    • Enter the chamber to the east and fight the boss.
    • After the fight, you'll be teleported next to the camp spot in the Ancient Prison again.
  8. Claiming loot:

    • Head south to enter the Ancient Shrine to claim your loot.
    • Head north to re-enter the Streambound Cavern.

You don't have to head out after beating the three bosses. You can repeat steps 4 to 8 as much as you want until you've got the gear you're gunning for.

The Blood Moon

Blood Moon is considered the toughest of the trio. She has -2 flat armor so all attacks you deal with will have an additional 2 damage. In this fight, make sure to have multi-hitting slash weapons like the sulphur blades with you.



One of the reasons why this fight is considered as the toughest is because she can heal herself through her Curse of the Moon. To be more precise, she heals 1 to 3 times her damage dealt, and the minimum amount she can heal for the third hit is 30. Without the right tactic, this fight can last considerably long.A good way to lessen the healing she does to herself is by increasing your defense. That way, she does minimal damage to you, which in turn weakens her healing as well. Fighting her with low defense and high offense isn't practical.

She has two Special Attacks. First is Blood Rain. When this is used, Blood Moon disappears and it will start raining blood. There will be pools inside the area and make sure to avoid them as these will heal the boss.

Next is Blood Jaguar. These will spawn around the room alongside blood pools once again. When the jaguars appear, make sure to run to the glyph and attack the jaguars. You can avoid getting hit by moving one tile away from the enemies before it attacks. The 20% of the damage you deal to the jaguar will heal you for a max of 20 Hitpoints.

Recommended Setup:
  • Head:
    • Torva full helm
    • Serpentine helm / Neitiznot faceguard
    • Justiciar faceguard
    • Torag's helm
    • Helm of neitiznot / Berserker helm
  • Neck:
    • Amulet of torture
    • Amulet of fury
    • Amulet of strength
    • Amulet of glory
    • Amulet of power
  • Back:
    • Infernal cape
    • Fire cape
    • Mythical cape
    • Strength cape(t) / Cape of Accomplishment (t)
    • Obsidian cape
  • Body:
    • Torva platebody
    • Justiciar chestguard
    • Torag's platebody
    • Bandos chestplate
    • Fighter torso
  • Legs:
    • Torva platelegs
    • Justiciar legguards
    • Torag's platelegs
    • Bandos tassets/li>
    • Dragon platelegs<
  • Weapon:
    • Scythe of vitur
    • Blade of saeldor
    • Abyssal tentacle / Abyssal whip
    • Zamorakian hasta (Slash)
    • Sulphur blades
  • Shield:
    • Dragonfire shield
    • Avernic defender
    • Dragon defender
    • Elysian spirit shield / Toktz-ket-xil
    • Crystal shield
  • Ammo/Spell:
    • Rada's blessing 4
    • God blessing / Rada's blessing 3 / Rada's blessing 2
  • Hands:
    • Ferocious gloves
    • Barrows gloves
    • Dragon gloves
    • Rune gloves
    • Regen bracelet
  • Boots:
    • Primordial boots
    • Dragon boots
    • Guardian boots / Echo boots
    • Granite boots
    • Spiked manacles / Rune boots
  • Ring:
    • Ultor ring
    • Berserker ring (i)
    • Bellator ring
    • Ring of suffering (ri) / Lightbearer
  • Special Attack:
    • Dragon claws
    • Abyssal dagger / Dragon dagger
    • Crystal halberd

The Blue Moon

This moon is the weakest to crush attacks more. She has -5 flat armor which means all damage you deal to her will be increased by 5. In that sense, it's best to carry weapons that can deal with multiple hits to get the most out of each strike. As she's weakest to crush, Torag's hammers are an excellent option, as well as the dual macuahuitl which you can get from the Blood Moon.

On the other hand, her Curse of the Moon cancels your next attack but only if you garner enough stacks of it, which in her fight is 18. You'll get a few messages warning you of this.



  • 3 Stacks -The Blue Moon pierces your defence. The cold is starting to get in...
  • 9 Stacks - The Blue Moon pierces your defence. Your joints are starting to lock up...
  • 18 Stacks - Your joints lock up as you go to attack. The cold is too much to bear!

Once you get to 18 stacks, the counter will reset. As for her special attacks, first is Weapon Freeze. With this, your weapon will be removed and you'll be placed on ice. You need to punch the ice using Eyatlalli's glyph. As this happens, you need to avoid Ice spikes. After breaking the ice, you can retrieve your weapon. Head north to get to a safe tile.

Next is Frost Storm. There will be two braziers at both ends of the chamber and they'll be shut off once this attack is used. The Blue Moon can heal herself during this storm for 10 Hitpoints 5 times. Simply relight the chambers to prevent this from happening.

Recommended Setup
  • Head:
    • Torva full helm
    • Serpentine helm / Neitiznot faceguard
    • Justiciar faceguard
    • Torag's helm
    • Helm of neitiznot / Berserker helm
  • Neck:
    • Amulet of torture
    • Amulet of fury
    • Amulet of strength
    • Amulet of glory
    • Amulet of power
  • Back:
    • Infernal cape
    • Fire cape
    • Mythical cape
    • Strength cape(t) / Cape of Accomplishment (t)
    • Obsidian cape
  • Body:
    • Torva platebody
    • Justiciar chestguard
    • Torag's platebody
    • Bandos chestplate
    • Fighter torso
  • Legs:
    • Torva platelegs
    • Justiciar legguards
    • Torag's platelegs
    • Bandos tassets
    • Dragon platelegs
  • Weapon:
    • Scythe of vitur (Crush)
    • Dual macuahuitl
    • Inquisitor's mace
    • Zamorakian hasta (Crush) / Abyssal bludgeon
    • Sarachnis cudgel / Zombie axe
  • Shield:
    • Dragonfire shield
    • Avernic defender
    • Dragon defender
    • Elysian spirit shield / Toktz-ket-xil
    • Crystal shield
  • Ammo/Spell:
    • ada's blessing 4
    • God blessing / Rada's blessing 3 / Rada's blessing 2
  • Hands:
    • Ferocious gloves
    • Barrows gloves
    • Dragon gloves
    • Rune gloves
    • Regen bracelet
  • Boots:
    • Primordial boots
    • Dragon boots
    • Guardian boots / Echo boots
    • Granite boots
    • Spiked manacles / Rune boots
  • Ring:
    • Ultor ring
    • Berserker ring (i)
    • Ring of suffering (ri)
    • Lightbearer
  • Special Attack:
    • Dragon claws
    • Abyssal dagger / Dragon dagger
    • Crystal halberd
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The Eclipse Moon

This boss is weakest to stab attacks. She also has 6 flat armor which reduces all of your hits to her by 6 regardless of what bonuses you have. The only way this will decrease is if she uses her Clone attack and by then, you'll only get a reduction of 4 flat damage.

To make things worse, she can cause your attacks to "glance." When this happens, you'll read a message saying: "Blinded by the Eclipse Moon's light, your attack glances off its shield!" This doesn't negate your damage completely but it does reduce your damage by twice of what her flat armor is. This happens on random times during the fight depending on the current stack of the Curse of the Moon.



She has two special attacks. The first is Searing Rays. You'll know that this is the attack when a moon shield appears and you'll be pushed behind it. The shield will glide along as you move and will pause whenever you turn a corner. You can easily stop the effects of Searing Rays by turning off auto-retaliate and by walking beside it.

When you're shoved to the center of the room, Eclipse is going to use Clones. This will create clones of the boss around you and will attack you a total of 15 times. If you want to avoid getting damaged by this, face the one that's currently attacking you so that you can parry the attack.

Recommended Setup:
  • Head:
    • Torva full helm
    • Serpentine helm / Neitiznot faceguard
    • Justiciar faceguard
    • Torag's helm
    • Helm of neitiznot / Berserker helm
  • Neck:
    • Amulet of torture
    • Amulet of fury
    • Amulet of strength
    • Amulet of glory
    • Amulet of power
  • Back:
    • Infernal cape
    • Fire cape
    • Mythical cape
    • Strength cape(t) / Cape of Accomplishment (t)
    • Obsidian cape
  • Body:
    • Torva platebody
    • Bandos chestplate
    • Justiciar chestguard
    • Torag's platebody
    • Fighter torso
  • Legs:
    • Torva platelegs
    • Bandos tassets
    • Justiciar legguards
    • Torag's platelegs
    • Dragon platelegs
  • Weapon:
    • Ghrazi rapier
    • Scythe of vitur (Slash)
    • Abyssal dagger / Voidwaker
    • Zamorakian hasta (Stab)
    • Osmumten's fang
  • Shield:
    • Dragonfire shield
    • Avernic defender
    • Dragon defender
    • Elysian spirit shield / Toktz-ket-xil
    • Crystal shield
  • Ammo/Spell:
    • Rada's blessing 4
    • God blessing / Rada's blessing 3 / Rada's blessing 2
  • Hands:
    • Ferocious gloves
    • Barrows gloves
    • Dragon gloves
    • Rune gloves
    • Regen bracelet
  • Boots:
    • Primordial boots
    • Dragon boots
    • Guardian boots / Echo boots
    • Granite boots
    • Spiked manacles / Rune boots
  • Ring:
    • Ultor ring
    • Berserker ring (i)
    • Ring of suffering (ri)
    • Lightbearer
  • Special Attack:
    • Crystal halberd
    • Voidwaker

Lunar Chests Reward Table

Sadly, the Moon equipment isn't always guaranteed. The drop table lists them as a rare drop so you'll have to work for the pieces. Here's a look at the table below.

Atlatl dart72-1206 × 1/65,112-8,520
Blessed bone shards160-1796 × 1/15Not sold
Blue moon chestplate11/221,850,543
Blue moon helm11/22469,085
Blue moon spear11/224424,323
Blue moon tassets11/2242,526,636
Blood moon chestplate11/2241,485,754
Blood moon helm11/224417,323
Blood moon tassets11/2243,769,315
Dual macuahuitl11/2241,365,150
Eclipse atlatl11/2242,010,688
Eclipse moon chestplate11/2241,094,580
Eclipse moon helm11/224866,575
Eclipse moon tassets11/2241,177,991
Grimy harralander12-18 (noted)6 × 1/105,196-7,794
Grimy irit leaf12-18 (noted)6 × 1/3015,852-23,778
Maple seed1-26 × 1/153,335-6,670
Soft clay15-25 (noted)6 × 1/101,680-2,800
Sun-kissed bones6-126 × 1/10Not sold
Supercompost6-12 (noted)6 × 1/101,380-2,760
Swamp tar79-1196 × 1/7.5158-238
Water orb30-45 (noted)6 × 1/1524,120-36,180
Wyrmling bones42-54 (noted)6 × 1/3013,608-17,496
Yew seed16 × 1/3021,612

Moon Equipment Is Worth Grinding For

The Moon equipment in OSRS are definitely worth the grind especially if you're planning on doing PvP. They're very much broken at this point with the amount of damage that you can deal with them and hopefully, you can test out these powerful item sets soon.

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