OSRS Pay to Play Smithing Guide

25.02.2023 - 12:57:58
Game Guides , Runescape

OSRS Pay to Play Smithing Guide

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Oldschool Runescape is a classic game that still has something to offer modern gamers. With the right knowledge and strategy, you can powerlevel your way to level 99 without spending too much money.

We'll show you how to level up fast, get the most out of your Smithing experience and how to get the gear that you'll need to make the most of your gold smelting.


Levels 1-39: Questing

There are a few quests that you can do in order to get a good level of experience. Completing The Knight's Sword, Sleeping Giants, Elemental Workshop I & II, The Giant Dwarf, Heroes' Quest and the Freeing Pirate Pete subquest of Recipe for Disaster grants you a total of 36,982 experience. This will take you up to level 39 in Smithing. You only need to make 2 iron platebodies to get to level 40 Smithing, where you can start smelting gold bars in the Blast Furnace.


You should consider doing the Knight's Sword as soon as you can, as it gives 12,725 Smithing experience - enough to take you up to level 29.


Levels 1-40: Anvil Smithing

If you're looking to level up quickly, smithing items at the anvil south of the west Varrock bank is the best way to go. You should make the highest-level item that you can, as the higher the level, the less actions are required and the more experience you'll gain per hour.

| Levels | XP Needed | Item | Bars Required (Each) | XP Each | XP/h | # for Goal | Bars Required (Total) | Profit |

| 1-5 | 388 | Bronze dagger | 1 | 12.5 | 13,900 | 32 | 32 | -2,624 |

| 5-9 | 581 | Bronze scimitar | 2 | 25 | 25,700 | 24 | 48 | -5,160 |

| 9-18 | 2,554 | Bronze warhammer | 3 | 37.5 | 36,200 | 69 | 207 | -26,979 |

| 18-24 | 3,505 | Bronze platebody | 5 | 62.5 | 52,100 | 57 | 285 | -41,154 |

| 24-33 | 11,219 | Iron warhammer | 3 | 75 | 72,300 | 150 | 450 | -87,000 |

| 33-39 | 15,401 | Iron platebody | 5 | 125 | 104,200 | 124 | 620 | -116,188 |

| 39-40 | 3,756 | Steel warhammer | 3 | 112.5 | 108,500 | 34 | 102 | -36,346 |

| 1-40 | 37,224 | 572 | 1,070 | 102 | -315,451 |


Levels 40-99: Gold Bars (Blast Furnace)

At level 40, gold smelting is the fastest way forward. To make the most of it, you should first complete the family crest to get the goldsmith gauntlets. These increase the base experience from 22.5 to 56.2 per gold bar. Without them, it's simply not worth it.

You'll also need to have level 50 Mining and to have killed the Ice Queen once for ice gloves. Stamina potions are also essential, and you should get some weight-reducing clothing to reduce run energy drain. Wearing a ring of endurance can also help.

Keldagrim is available after completing The Giant Dwarf quest. You can get there using the Grouping teleport or the minecart from the Grand Exchange.

With the right gear, you can get up to 380,000 experience per hour. With mistakes included, your rate is more likely to be between 330,000 and 360,000. Without the goldsmith gauntlets, you'll only get 150,000 experience per hour. With the Smithing Cape, you can get up to 400,000-420,000 experience per hour.

| Levels | Item | Bars/h | XP/h | Profit/h | Profit/XP | Total Bars | Total Ore Cost (GE) | Total Ore Cost (Ordan) |

| 40-99 | Gold bar | 6,000 | Up to 150,000 | -877,390[1] | -5.85 | 577,654 | 121,884,994 | 129,972,150 |

| 40-99 | Gold bar | 6,227 | Up to 380,000 | -905,311[1] | -2.38 | 231,268 | 48,797,548 | 52,035,300 |

[1] Includes cost of 10 stamina potions and Blast Furnace fees.

Maximising Your Smelting Potential

To get the most out of your gold smelting, keep the following points in mind:

- Wear goldsmith gauntlets when you smelt the gold ore. The experience will be granted 3 seconds after adding ore to the belt of an empty dispenser. Check that the XP has been granted before swapping to ice gloves, as there can be lagging issues.

- Swap to ice gloves to retrieve Gold bars from the furnace. Note that if you don't remove the bars first and add more ore to the conveyor belt, the XP you get will drop substantially.

- Wear weight-reducing clothing or bring extra stamina potions to account for the run energy drain.

- Keep stamina potions in the bank. When your run energy gets low, drink a dose of a stamina potion from the bank at the same time you collect gold ore (right-click and drink in the bank interface).

- Set the bank transfer quantity to "All" to quickly retrieve a full inventory of gold ore from the bank and deposit gold bars from your inventory with a single left click on the respective materials.

- You can also use the bank filler option to quickly deposit the gold bars you've smelted into your bank in one click. To do this, you must ensure that there is no placeholder for the Goldsmith gauntlets or Ice gloves.

- Hide the 'Deposit worn items' button to avoid accidentally depositing any of your worn gear.


It's estimated that you'll need 231,268 gold ore to get to level 99 from level 40. Training on one of the official worlds with goldsmith gauntlets and drinking 40 stamina potion doses per hour will cost -2.38 per experience point. Exclusively training via gold ore will cost you around −30,964,511.75 once you sell the gold bars you've created.


Anvil Smithing

Anvil smithing is the most basic smithing method in the game. It requires the least amount of knowledge and is the most accessible to all levels of smith. All you need to do is find an anvil and you're on your way.

The experience rate and cost of smithing will depend on which metal you're using, and how many bars you're using per item. The table below shows the calculated experience per hour for each type of metal bar and the number of bars used per item.

| # of Bars Used  | Bronze bar  | Iron bar | Steel bar | Mithril bar | Adamantite bar | Runite bar |

| 1 | 13,900 | 27,700 | 41,600 | 55,500 | 69,300 | 83,200 |

| 2 | 25,700 | 51,300 | 77,000 | 102,600 | 128,300 | 153,900 |

| 3 | 36,200 | 72,300 | 108,500 | 144,600 | 180,800 | 217,000 |

| 5 | 52,100 | 104,200 | 156,200 | 208,300 | 260,400 | 312,500 |


The closest anvil to a bank is in the Trahaearn district of Prifddinas. However, if you haven't completed the Song of the Elves, you should use the anvil just south of the west Varrock bank.


Giants' Foundry

Giants' Foundry is a minigame that rewards you with experience and gold for forging giant swords for a Hill Giant named Kovac. It requires the completion of Sleeping Giants, which serves as an introduction to the minigame.

Once you're set up, it's a relatively effective, medium-engagement activity with a low click rate. Run energy restores with each sword, so the Graceful outfit isn't particularly useful here. While you can start playing the Foundry at level 15, it isn't particularly effective until level 30, when you can start forging Iron-Steel swords. The most profitable swords can net you up to 164,640 experience per hour and profits reaching 100,000+ per hour.

Using the Smiths' Uniform set can increase sword making speed by around 15%, while opting for smithed weapons and armour instead of bars can make use of alloys like 1:1 Mithril-Adamant more profitable. With the increased difficulty of forging, expect an average of 12-13 swords per hour. This can net you up to 193,000 experience per hour and profits of over 40,000 per hour.


Blast Furnace

Smelting bars at the Blast Furnace offers fairly slow experience, but it can make you a decent profit. Having the ice gloves and coal bag is highly recommended to maximize the number of bars created. You should also have weight-reducing clothing and stamina potions to keep your run energy up. You can find optimal bar patterns on the Blast Furnace page.

The table below shows the estimated experience and profit rates based on the assumption of using one of the official worlds, having the coal bag, wearing ice gloves, and using 36 stamina potion doses per hour.

| Level | Method | Bars/Hour | Cash Capital | XP/Hour | Profit/Hour |

| Smithing 15 | Smelting iron bars | 6,000 | 966,651 | 94,500 | 499,149 |

| Smithing 30 | Smelting steel bars | 5,400 | 1,779,651 | 94,500 | 499,149 |

| Smithing 50 | Smelting mithril bars | 3,600 | 1,835,451 | 108,000 | 659,349 |

| Smithing 70 | Smelting adamantite bars | 2,700 | 4,601,151 | 101,250 | 823,149 |

| Smithing 85 | Smelting runite bars | 2,160 | 25,700,571 | 107,500 | 1,323,189 |


Smithing Dart Tips

Smithing dart tips requires the least amount of attention, and usually breaks even or makes a small profit. All you need to do is complete The Tourist Trap quest and you're ready to go. 10 dart tips are created per bar.

The table below shows the estimated experience and profit rates based on the assumption of making 9,500 dart tips per hour.

| Level | Bar | Method | XP/Hour | Profit/Hour | Profit/XP |

| 4 | Bronze bar | Bronze dart tips | 11,875 | 175,750 | 14.80 |

| 19 | Iron bar | Iron dart tips | 23,750 | 187,150 | 7.88 |

| 34 | Steel bar | Steel dart tips | 35,625 | 140,600 | 3.95 |

| 54 | Mithril bar | Mithril dart tips | 47,500 | 73,150 | 1.54 |

| 74 | Adamantite bar | Adamant dart tips | 59,375 | -37,050 | -0.62 |

| 89 | Runite bar | Rune dart tips | 71,250 | -5,244,950 | -73.61 |


Smithing Cannonballs

Smithing cannonballs requires even less attention than dart tips and usually makes a larger profit. 4 cannonballs are created per steel bar; using a double ammo mould will double your experience rate.

The table below shows the estimated experience and profit rates based on the assumption of making 2,400 cannonballs per hour.

| Level | Mould | XP/Hour | Profit/Hour | Profit/XP |

| 35 | Ammo mould | 13,824 | 135,600 | 8.83 |

| 35 | Double ammo mould | 27,648 | 271,200 | 8.83 |


Gold Bars (Regular Furnace)

Smelting gold bars at a regular furnace requires very little attention, and if you're wearing goldsmith gauntlets, you can get a decent experience rate. Unlike with Blast Furnace, you don't need ice gloves or stamina potions. The cost and experience per gold bar is the same as Blast Furnace, just slower.

The table below shows the estimated experience and profit rates based on the assumption of making 1,120 gold bars per hour.

| Level | Item | XP/Hour | Profit/Hour | Profit/XP |

| 40 | Gold bar | 25,200 | -137,760 | -5.47 |

| 40 | Gold bar (with goldsmith gauntlets) | 62,944 | -137,760 | -2.19 |


Levels 48-68: Steel Platebodies

At level 48, you’ll be able to start smithing steel platebodies. This type of armour offers the fastest experience per hour, and is relatively easy to make. As you progress in Smithing, you’ll be able to smith mithril platebodies at level 68, and then adamant platebodies at level 88.

For players level 66-68, it’s also possible to smith mithril platelegs or plateskirts as an alternative to steel platebodies. This offers slightly slower experience per hour, but could be cheaper depending on the Grand Exchange prices.


Levels 66-68: Mithril Platebodies

At level 66-68, you’ll be able to smith mithril platebodies. This type of armour offers faster experience than steel platebodies, but is also slightly more expensive. It might be worth looking into High Level Alchemy focused clan chats, where you could potentially sell your mithril platebodies in bulk for a better rate than the Grand Exchange price.


Levels 68-88: Mithril Platebodies

For levels 68-88, mithril platebodies offer the best Smithing experience. As with steel platebodies, this type of armour is relatively easy to make, and can be profitable if you sell in bulk.


Levels 88-99: Adamant Platebodies

At level 88 and above, adamant platebodies offer the best Smithing experience. This type of armor is usually very cheap, so it can be a great way to level up your Smithing quickly and easily.


Levels 95/98-99: Smithing 3-Bar Rune Items

For players level 95 and above, smithing 3-bar rune items is a great way to level up your Smithing. These items include rune platelegs, plateskirts, and 2h swords. To reach level 99, you’ll need to drink Kovac’s grog (starting from level 95) or Dwarven stout (starting from level 98) to boost your Smithing skill.

Each of these smithed items offers the same amount of experience. It’s worth noting that, depending on the amount of grogs used, you could potentially make a profit from smithing these items. For example, smithing rune platelegs with 60 grogs and alching the items would yield a profit of -2,165,640 per hour with a GP/XP of -10.69.


Quests for Smithing Experience

Completing Smithing-related quests is another great way to level up your Smithing skill. Quests like The Forsaken Tower, Heroes’ Quest, The Giant Dwarf, and Elemental Workshop I & II all offer experience rewards for Smithing.

For example, completing the Elemental Workshop I quest will reward you with 5,000 Smithing experience, as long as you have Smithing level 20 and Mining level 20. Similarly, completing the Dragon Slayer II quest gives you 80,000 Smithing experience, as long as you have Smithing level 70 and Magic level 75.



If you want to level your Smithing quickly and easily in OSRS, it’s important to know the best methods. As outlined in this guide, smithing various armour pieces is the quickest way to level up Smithing. It’s also worth taking advantage of Smithing-related quests and High Level Alchemy-focused clan chats.

 *OSRS Pay to Play Smithing requires you to invest a lot of time and energy. If you're looking to skip the farming and jump straight to the action, RPGStash offers OSRS Gold for sale. Alternatively, if you have excess GP, you can also Sell OSRS Gold or Swap RS3 Gold on the site. 24/7 online services!

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