OSRS P2P Magic Training Guide

09.04.2024 - 16:32:07
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OSRS P2P Magic Training Guide

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Training with a P2P account is always going to be better because you're given more options for training. If it's OSRS P2P magic training you're after, you've come to the right place.

You can train Magic faster at higher levels by casting multi-target burst or barrage spells on Ancient Magicks. Slayer tasks are a good way to do this because you can quickly get Slayer experience by bursting or barrageing some Slayer monsters like dust devils and Greater Nechryael.

Is Magic Worth Training In OSRS?

Magic is one of the combat options in OSRS. While you can go through the game relying solely on Melee and Range attacks, it's worth noting that some bosses are innately weak to Magic. Being adept in all forms of combat will make you more versatile in OSRS.

Increasing your Magic Skill also gives you access to a variety of offensive and defensive spells, teleport spells to make getting around easier, as well as enchanting for money making and training purposes.

Lastly, there are a few quests in OSRS that have a Magic requirement. As of this writing, there's 18, which are:

  • In Aid of Myreque - Level 7
  • Watchtower - Level 14
  • Elemental Workshop II - Level 20
  • Darkness of Hallowvale - Level 33
  • The Giant Dwarf - Level 33
  • Spirits of the Elid - Level 33
  • A Kingdom Divided - Level 35
  • Enakhra's Lament - Level 39
  • King's Ransom - Level 45
  • The Eyes of Glouphire - Level 46
  • Sins of the Father - Level 49
  • Desert Treasure I - Level 50
  • Legend's Quest - Level 56
  • Family Crest - Level 59
  • Lunar Diplomacy - Level 65
  • Swan Song - Level 66
  • Desert Treasure II - Level 75
  • Dragon Slayer II - Level 75

Fastest OSRS P2P Magic Training

Levels 1-34: Questing

You can skip early levels by finishing quests that give Magic experience.Here's a quick rundown of early low-requirement quests that you can do for extra XP.

  1. Witch's Potion

This gives you a total of 325 Magic XP, allowing you to skip a few levels quickly. To begin, talk to Hetty. She's in her house in Rimmington which is located south of Falador and west of Port Sarim.

  1. Imp Catcher


Next up is Imp Catcher which rewards you with 875 Magic XP. Head to the top floor of the Wizard's Tower and speak to Mizgog.

  1. Watchtower


To finish Watchtower, you'll first have to complete Fairytale I - Growing Pains and The Grand Tree. Once done. Speak to the Watchtower Wizard within the Watchtower to begin the quest.

  1. Recipe for Disaster/Freeing the Lumbridge Guide

After doing all three, do the Freeing the Lumbridge subquest in Recipe for Disaster. Doing these 4 will net you with enough XP to get to level 34.

However, all quests after Imp Catcher are a bit lengthy. If you're rushing to get to higher Magic levels, move onto enchanting bolts instead. If you don't mind a longer route and are aiming for things like the Quest Point Cape, you might as well do questing first.

There are a lot of other quests that give Magic XP but considering that they take long to beat, it's more practical to try out other leveling methods if you want to get to 99 fast.

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Levels 4-55/99: Enchanting Bolts



The Enchant spell is beneficial for both money-making and magic training. Enchanting bolts is currently one of the fastest ways to get to 99 Magic but it is very click-intensive. The good news is that you can still cast this spell while running or doing other activities.

Based on the current mechanics of the game, you can enchant a set of ten bolts for every three in-game ticks. You can make the process faster by holding down the space bar and clicking on the spell quickly. This will take a bit of practice to get the timing right but it's more than worth it.

But, this method can be very expensive. Unless you have a steady stream of gold, avoid doing this method. If you want to stick with this one, you can buy gold from RPGStash to make the journey much quicker.

You can start doing low-level Alchemy at any point after you turn level 21. It's far less expensive but the XP rates are lower as well.

The experience rates and costs are displayed in the table below.

Magic levelEnchantmentRunesXP/castMaterial cost each[1]Profit eachXP/h[2]GP/XP
4Opal2 Air Runes 1 Cosmic Rune91,060-1,02049,500-113.33
7Sapphire1 Water Rune 1 Cosmic Rune 1 Mind Rune17962-77293,500-45.41
24Pearl2 Water Runes 1 Cosmic Rune29940-910159,500-31.38
27Emerald3 Air Runes 1 Cosmic Rune 1 Nature Rune371,423-1,263203,500-34.14
29Topaz2 Fire Runes 1 Cosmic Rune333,070-3,040181,500-92.12
49Ruby5 Fire Runes 1 Blood Rune 1 Cosmic Rune591,870-1,300324,500-22.03
57Diamond10 Earth Runes 1 Cosmic Rune 2 Law Runes672,678-2,038368,500-30.42
68Dragonstone15 Earth Runes 1 Cosmic Rune 1 Soul Rune788,469-4,389429,000-56.27
87Onyx20 Fire Runes 1 Cosmic Rune 1 Death Rune9787,401-921533,500-9.49

How Fast Is This Method To Get To Level 99 Magic?

While costly, this method is the fastest in our opinion. This method takes around 27 hours to complete but you’ll need a whopping 100+ gold in your bank for all of the enchanting methods you’ll have to do. To make the process quicker. We suggest doing only Witch’s Potion and Imp Catcher to get to level 10 Magic. From there, you’ll start enchanting bolts. Here’s a sample computation of a smooth run.

Levels 1-10: QuestsN/A10 mins2,000 gold
Levels 10-27: Enchant Sapphire Bolts90,000+10 mins550,000 gold
Levels 27-49: Enchant Emerald Bolts155,000+30 mins2,600,000 gold
Levels 49-57: Enchant RubyBolts320,000+20 mins2,900,000 gold
Levels 57-68: Enchant Diamond Bolts365,000+1 hr11,500,000 gold
Levels 68-87: Enchant Dragonstone Bolts425,000+8 hr59,000,000 gold
Levels 87-99: Enchant Onyx Bolts530,000+17 hr25,000,000 gold

P2P Magic Combat Training

If you want something more exciting, you can opt to do combat Magic training techniques instead. The benefit of this is that you can increase other combat skills at the same time. You'll also be able to earn a decent profit depending on your method. For P2P players, there are a few methods worth doing.

Killing Crabs

From Magic Levels 1-55, the best combat method for training is by killing crabs. These are weak creatures that shouldn't pose that heavy of a threat. You can maximize your XP gain by using the highest-level battle spell.

There are three types of crabs you can train with. What makes them great is their high hitpoints and low damage output. Meaning you can get the most out of your magic without being in danger too much.

  • Fossil Island's Ammonite Crabs (requires Bone Voyage quest) - With 100 hitpoints per crab, these are thought to be the ideal crabs for training. Typically, spawn areas are rather crowded. They also drop unidentified fossils that, after being cleaned up, can be exchanged for experience lamps at Varrock Museum. Unless you're wearing Chaos gauntlets, Wind Blast or higher is recommended.


  • Hosidius' Sand Crabs - They don't require a quest and have 60 hitpoints. However, they are usually crowded. Make sure to tread the area lightly so that you don't get the aggro of more crabs than you can handle.
  • Rellekka's Rock Crabs - They only have 50 hitpoints but they don't have any quest requirements and are typically less crowded than sand and ammonite crabs.

Killing Maniacal Monkeys

The quickest and most efficient method for learning Magic in real-time is to kill maniacal monkeys in Kruk's Dungeon. Before doing this, you should've completed section in Monkey Madness II where you finally get to Kruk's Dungeon.



As maniacal monkeys are dangerous, make sure to have gear and items that boost Magic damage bonus. With the right spell such as Ice Burst or Ice Barrage, you can earn up to 310,000-400,000 Magic XP per hour.

Catacombs of Kourend Slayer Tasks

It's possible to hit two birds with one stone If you're looking to train your Slayer and Magic skills. This method is profitable or at least, it helps you break even on the costs.



For this, we suggest using an ancient staff and ice-burst. Focus on fighting Nechrealys, Abby Demons, Dust Devils, and Dagganoths. Anything that takes up 1x1 space in the Kourend catacombs is a good method of training.

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Best Magic Weapons For Training

If you're going to do combat to train Magic, you'll also need a good weapon. In most cases, it's highly recommended to get an elemental staff that has autocasting. This is of course, given that you have enough runes to spare for using magic.

Those weapons are Staff of Air, Staff of Water, Staff of Earth, and Staff of Fire. Make sure to adjust your weapon according to the weakness of the monsters you're fighting. In any case, you might want to consider other weapons as well so here's a look at all of magic weapons in the game.




Magic attackMagic damageNotes
Tumeken's shadowMagic 85+35N/A
  • Requires 5 Chaos Runes 2 Soul Runes per charge of the built-in spell.
  • Without any magic damage bonus, built-in spells damage can reach up to 34 at Magic 99, scaling with the player's magic level.
  • Possesses a passive effect that increases magic damage and attack bonus from your worn equipment by three times. There is a 100% cap on the magic damage increase.
  • With this staff, you can employ Arceuus spellbook, Lunar spells, or Ancient Magicks without having to carry any runes in you rinventory because the spell is integrated into the staff.
  • Currently has the highest magic attack boost and shares the highest magic defense stats with the Kodai wand.
Harmonised nightmare staff

Magic 82

Hitpoints 50

  • Can autocast standard spells only.
  • Standard spells attack at the same speed as a powered staff plus one tick.
  • Otherwise has identical bonuses and benefits to the Nightmare staff.
Volatile nightmare staff

Magic 82

Hitpoints 50

  • Can cast both Ancient Magicks and standard spells automatically.
  • Uses half of you special attack energy in its special attack, which delivers a lot of damage and has a 50% improvement in accuracy. Runes are not used in this attack.
  • Has the same perks and benefits as the Nightmare staff.
Eldritch nightmare staff

Magic 82

Hitpoints 50

  • Can cast both Ancient Magicks and standard spells automatically
  • Has a special attack taht deals a lot of damage and uses up half of your special attack energy. It also replenishes your prayer points by 50% of the damage you dealt. There are no runes used in this attack.
  • Otherwise has the same incentives and privileges as the Nightmare staff.
Sanguinesti staff

Magic 82



  • Has the same attributes but a single damage increase, marginally more potent than the swamp trident.
  • Requires 3 Blood Runes per charge of the built-in spell.
  • Built-in spell damage can reach up to 32 at magic 99 and scales with your Magic level.
  • Half of the damage done can be healed by the wielder with a 1 in 6 chance.
  • Third-highest magic attack binus, tied with the toxic staff of the dead and the swamp trident.
  • You can utilize Arceuus spellbook, Lunar spells, or Ancient Magicks while carrying this staff because the spell is built-in and doesn’t require the runes to be carried about in the inventory.
Holy Sanguinesti staff
Kodai wandMagic 80+28+15%
  • Can cast Ancient Magicks, Arceuus spells, and standard spells automatically.
  • Offers an infinite supply of water runes when equipped.
  • The wand has a 15% chance of negating the rune cost of any battle spell that is cast with it.
  • Currently shares the highest magic defense with Tumeken's Shadow and provides the second-highest magic attack bonus.
Trident of the swamp

Magic 78



  • Offers + 10 extra magic attack bonus and the same bonuses as the Trident of the Seas.
  • Holds up to 2,500 charges of the built-in spell and requires 5 Fire Runes 1 Chaos Rune 1 Death Rune and 1 Zulrah scale for each charge. The upgraded version needs 10 Kraken tentacles to build, but it can store up to 20,000 charges.
  • Built-in spell damage can reach up to 31 at Magic 99 and scales with your Magic level.
  • Has 25% chance to inflict venom on the target.
  • Third-highest magic attack boost, tied with the Sanguinesti and Toxic staff of the dead.
  • With this staff, you can employ Arceuus spellbook, Lunar spells, or Ancient Magicks without habing to carry its runes in your inventory because the spell is built into the staff.
Trident of the swamp (e)
Toxic staff of the deadMagic 75 Attack+25+15%
  • Can cast Flames of Zamorak, Magic Dart, Crumble Undead, Arceuus spells, and standard spells automatically.
  • Has an additional +8 magic attack bonus, but otherwise has the same benefits as the Staff of the Dead.
  • Requires Zulrah's scales to recharge (up to 11,000).
  • Has 25% chance to inflict venom on an opponent.
  • Third-highest magic attack bonus, tied with the Sanguinesti staff and the swamp trident.
Staff of lightMagic 75 Attack+17+15%
  • Can cast Saradomin Strike, Magic Dart, Crumble Undead, and standard spells automatically.
  • In God Wars, this counts both a Saradomin and a Zamorak item.
  • Has the same bonuses and advantages as the Staff of the Dead except from the autocast Flames of zamorak.
Staff of balanceMagic 75 Attack+17+15%
  • Can cast Claws of Guthix, Magic Dart, Crumble Undead, and standard spells automatically.
  • With the exception of Flames of zamorak autocast, has the same bonuses and advantages as the Staff of the Dead.
Staff of the deadMagic 75 Attack+17+15%
  • Can cast Flames of Zamorak, Magic Dart, Crumble Undead, Arceuus spells, and standard spells automatically.
  • Has a special attack that stacks with the PvP damage reduction effect of the Protect from Melee prayer to half all melee damage you suffer for a minute. All your special attack is used up by this.
  • There is a ⅛ chance that the staff will remove the rune cost associated with a battle spell that is performed.
  • With +17 magic defense, it is currently the strongest staff when used as a melee weapon, outperforming both the Ancient and iban's staffs.
  • Counts as a Zamorakian item in God Wars.
Trident of the seas

Magic 75



  • Features a built-in spell of its own that requires charges, each of which costs 5 Fire Runes 1 Chaos Rune 1 Death Rune and 10 coins. ABle to accomodate 2,500 charges. The upgraded version needs 10 Kraken tentacles to build, but it can store up to 20,000 charges.
  • Built-in spell damage can reach up to 28 at Magic 99 and scales with your Magic level.
  • Possesses a weapon speed of 4, the same as that od scimitars and whips, compared to just 5 for all other combat magic types (same as longswords).
  • With this staff, you can emply Arceuus spellbook, Lunar spells, or Ancient Magicks without having to carry its runes in your inventory because the spell is built into the staff.
Trident of the seas (e)
Slayer's staff (e)

Magic 75

Slayer 55

  • Can cast Magic Dart, Crumble Undead, Arceuus spells, and the Wave and Surge spells automatically.
  • Equipped with a Slayer's enchantment, it boasts 2,500 charges.
  • If you use it to cast Magic Dart on your Slayer's task, it requires one staff charge on a hit and has a maximum hit of 13 + (your magic level / 6), rounded down.
  • Offers the same advantages as the Slayer's staff.
Nightmare staff

Magic 72

Hitpoints 50

  • Can cast both Ancient Magicks and standard spells automatically.
Ahrim's staffMagic 70 Attack+15+5%
  • Can cast Arceuus spells and standard spells automatically.
  • Can cast Ancient Magicks if equipped with Ahrim the Blighted's equipment and the Amulet of the damned automatically.
Ancient sceptre

Magic 70

Strength 60

Attack 50

  • Can cast Ancient Magicks automatically, and enhances the effects of said spellbook by 10%. Can also cast standard spells automatically.
  • You will need to finish Secrets of the North in order to create an ancient staff and an ancient icon by talking to Eblis.
Accursed sceptre

Magic 70



  • When attacking any Wilderness NPC, you gain an extra 50% magic accuracy and damage increase while charged. This effect will stack both types of the Salve amulet and the Slayer helmet, but not both at once.
  • Possesses a special attack that provides 50% more damage and accuracy while using 50% of your special attack energy. Reduces the target's Magic and Defense by 15% when struck.
  • Standard version:

    • Your magic level determines how much damage spells do by default.
    • With this staff, you can use Arceuus spellbook. Lunar spells, or Ancient Magicks without having to carry its runes in your inventory because the spell is built into the staff.
  • Autocast version:

    • Can cast standard spells, Ancient Magicks, and Flames of Zamorak automatically.
Accursed sceptre (a)
Master wandMagic 60+20N/A
  • Can can Ancient Magicks, Arceuus spells, and standard spells automatically.
  • Has to be purchased at the Mage Training Arena with 240 telekinetic, 240 Alchemist, 2400 Enchantment, 240 Graveyard, and a teacher wand equipped or your inventory. So, aside from the time and runes spent in the Mage Training Arena, not much is spent.
Thammaron's sceptre

Magic 60



  • When attacking any Wilderness NPC, you gain an extra 50% magic accuracy and damage increase while charged. This effect will stack with both types of the Salve amulet and the Slayer helmet, but not both at once.
  • Standard version:

    • Your Magic level determines how much damage spells do by default.
    • With this staff you can use Arceuus spellbook, Lunar spells, or Ancient Magicks without having to carry its runes in your inventory because the spell is integrated into the staff.
  • Autocast version:

    • Can cast Flames of Zamorak, standard spells and Ancient Magicks automatically.
Thammaron's sceptre (a)
God stavesMagic 606N/A
  • Not able to be used for autocasting, but necessary to cast god spells.
  • The Charge spell increases the damage of the God spell by 50% and can be used if you have Magic 80 and the respective God cape.
Iban's staff

Magic 50 Attack



  • Only staff that can cast Iban Blast.
  • Can cast Iban Blast and standard spells automatically.
  • Includes 120 charges on Iban Blast to work on an NPC, one charge is needed; on another player, two charges are required.
  • Iban Blast has a max hit of 25.
Iban's staff (u)
Ancient staffMagic 50 Attack15N/A
  • Can cast both Ancient Magicks and standard spells automatically.
  • The (Toxic) Staff of the Dead and Ahrim's Staff are currently the two strongest staffs when used as melee weapons.
Slayer's staff

Magic 50

Slayer 55

  • Can cast Magic Dart, Crumble Undead, Arceuus spells, and the Wave and Surge spells automatically.
  • Compared to spells of a similar level, the runes needed to cast Magic Dart are incredibly inexpensive.
  • Maximum hit of Magic Dart is 10 + (your magic level / 10), rounded down.
Void knight mace

Attack Strength Defense Hitpoints Range Magic 42

Prayer 22

  • Can cast Claws of Guthix, Crumble Undead, and the Wave and Surge spells automatically.
Mystic smoke staffMagic 40 Attack+14


  • Can cast standard spells automatically.
  • Provides unlimited fire and air runes.
  • Increases combat spell accuracy and damage by 10% using the standard spellbook.
Smoke battlestaffMagic 30 Attack+12


Attack Range Magic 30




  • Two-handed weapons that are both unique and versatile, allowing for the application of all three combat styles.
  • Cannot autocast spells; instead, they feature a unique magic attack that is comparable to the built-in spells found on powered staves.
  • Salamander damage is determined using a special formula that makes use of a hidden "magic damage bonus" that is unique to each kind of lizard.

Attack Range Magic 50


Attack Range Magic 60


Attack Range Magic 70


CroziersPrayer 60+10N/A
  • Can cast standard spells automatically.
  • Have a notable Prayer boost of +6.
Skull sceptre

Magic 1



  • Can cast Arceuus spells and standard spells automatically. Moreover, Crumble Undead can be automatically cast by the infused version.
Skull sceptre (i)

Elemental staves

Magic 1




  • Can cast standard spells automatically.
  • Gives unlimited runes of their respective elements.

    • Elemental staves come in one variety.
    • Combination staves yield two different kinds of runes.
  • They lack magic damage boost and cast in 3 seconds as opposed to 2.4 seconds, which is slower than better staves.


OSRS Quests With Magic XP



Doing the method above can be very tiring. If you don't want to play the game solely focused on clicking to enchant bolts, you can do some quests as well. There are a few quests that reward you with Magic XP. Doing all of these will net you 100,000+ Magic XP. Keep in mind that some of these quests are fairly lengthy and the method above is still faster.






Other requirements
Witch's Potion325--
Imp Catcher875--
Fairytale I - Growing Pains1,000--
Spirits of the Elid1,00033Thieving - 37 , Ranged - 37 , Mining - 37
The Giant Dwarf1,50033Thieving - 14 , Crafting - 12, Firemaking - 16
The Grand Tree2,150-Agility - 25

Recipe for Disaster

(Lumbridge Guide subquest)

2,500-Cooking - 40
Horror from the Deep4,662-Agility - 35
The Path of Glouphrie5,000-Strength - 60 , Slayer - 56 , Thieving - 56 , Ranged - 47 , Agility - 45
King's Ransom5,00045Defense - 65
Lunar Diplomacy5,00065Crafting - 61 , Defense - 40 , Firemaking - 49 , Herblore - 5 , Mining - 60 , Woodcutting 55
Enakhra's Lament7,00039Crafting - 50 , Firemaking - 45 , Prayer - 43 , Mining - 45
Dream Mentor10,00065Agility - 32 (boostable), Attacking - 85 , Crafting - 61 , Defense - 40 , Firemaking - 49 , Herblore - 5 , Mining - 60 , Woodcutting - 55
The Eyes of Glouphrie12,00046Construction - 5 , Woodcutting - 45
Swan Song15,00066Quest Point - 100 , Cooking - 62 , Fishing - 62 , Smithing - 45 , Firemaking - 42 , Crafting - 40
Watchtower15,25015Thieving - 15 , Agility - 25 , Herblore - 14 , Smithing - 40
Desert Treasure I20,00050Thieving - 53 , Firemaking - 50 , Slayer - 10

Time To Get To 99

These aren't the only methods you can do to get to level 99 Magic but if you want the fastest way to do it, you need to follow the guide above. With a P2P account, you'll have access to more methods so mix it up if you get bored.

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