OSRS New Varlamore Armors, Weapons & Where to Use Them

28.03.2024 - 18:23:13
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OSRS New Varlamore Armors, Weapons & Where to Use Them

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Old School Runescape's latest expansion Varlamore has brought tons of new unique weapons and armors into the game. They all have never seen before weird effects and even weirder names, so in this guide we are going to dive deep into what they are and how you should use them to make the most out of them.

Armour Sets

Blood Moon Set



Blood moon set is a melee set that requires level 75 in Strength and Level 50 in Defence to use. The weapon of the set requires level 70 attack alongside 75 Strength to use. All of the set pieces can be obtained from the Lunar Chest in Neypotzli. Just like the barrows equipment this set can degrade. Armour fully degrades after 50 hours of usage and can be repaired fully at the cost of 1.5M gold. Before diving into the set effect and where it can be utilised, let's take a look at the armors core stats.















Melee Strength

Magic Strength

Ranged Strength

Prayer Bonus

Blood moon helm


Blood moon chestplate


Blood moon tassets


Dual macuahuitl




The set might seem weak at a first glance. It doesn't have good defensive stats and its offence is average but this all changes with the addition of its set effect. Before that, it's good to know that the weapon unlike most other melee weapons hits twice per attack. This deals two hitsplats of damage. Both hits are calculated separately and if the first is a 0 the second hit is a guaranteed 0.

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Set Effect



When you equip the full set your dual macuahuitls gain a 33% chance to hit one tick sooner upon a successful hit, which makes the weapon a 3 tick weapon if this effect is triggered! If you use the weapon's special attack this effect is guaranteed. Furthermore, since the weapon hits twice you actually roll for this 33% chance twice per successful attack which in turn increases the trigger chance of the set effect to a whopping 55%!

Special Attack

Special attack of this weirdly named weapon costs 25 special attack energy and using it raises your minimum and maximum hit by 25% for that attack, whilst taking damage equal to 25% of your current hitpoints but don't worry this damage can't actually kill you. The set effect is guaranteed with this if your attacks are a success.

Where to Use



AS you might have guessed from everything above, this set is quite unique and niche. Although it is still early to exactly pinpoint its uses, it is safe to say that this armour set is going to be best against creatures and players with low defence.

Any slayer task monster that has low defence or is weak to crush is perfect for this set like gargoyles. In terms of PVP you can choose to create a 50 Defence variant of a zerker to use this set. This will allow you to fight both zerkers and pures which this armour will shine the most. It is not recommended for you to use this armour against maxed players or hard bosses.


Blue Moon Armour

Blue moon armour set is a very unique magic set that uses a spear instead of a traditional staff. You might be wondering why that is and it all has to do with the sets effect, which we will get into. This set requires level 75 Magic and level 50 Defence to equip and the spear requires an additional Level 70 Attack. It is good to note that the spear can autocast elemental spells,ancient magicks and spells from the Arceuus spellbook. All of the set pieces can be obtained from the Lunar Chest in Neypotzli. Armour fully degrades after 50 hours of usage and can be repaired fully at the cost of 1.5M gold. Before diving into the set effect and where it can be utilised, let's take a look at the armors core stats.















Melee Strength

Magic Strength

Ranged Strength

Prayer Bonus

Blue moon helm


Blue moon chestplate


Blue moon tassets


Blue moon spear




Following the trend of the previous set, this set also has really bad defensive stats so you should be careful to not use it in places where you can't protect against damage. This set also feels like it's really bad compared to other magic sets that are in the game but just like the Blood moon set, this armours set effect is extremely unique.


Set Effect

When using the full set of this armour alongside its weapon you gain the Frostweaver set effect. This effect makes it so that after casting a bind spell your spear gets a 20% chance to do a melee attack unaffected by any action delays. Essentially allowing you to hit an extra damage for free.

Special Attack

This weapon's special attack is called "Break Shackles", it costs 50% special attack energy and requires the full set to be worn. Using this will grant the player a 1% increase in accuracy and damage on a bound target for every tick they remain frozen. After dealing damage however the freezing effects are removed from the target.

Where to Use



Given the set's low defence it is better to use this set in a place where you can safely deal damage. It is an amazing set to use in burstable slayer tasks such as nechryaels, abyssal demons, dust devils...;etc. Unfortunately the set will perform really bad in other PVM scenarios especially against difficult bosses.

In terms of PVP usage, there are plenty of opportunities to actually use this set. You can brid with this set and do a nasty combo with the weapons special attack. This set will also help you confuse your opponent with what to pray as you literally have a melee weapon instead of a magical staff. If you are also good at switching you can use this armour set in PVP worlds which breeds a really nasty combo that is impossible to survive, if you actually get to do it. This requires you to switch to a full melee setup after each cast of ice barrage, this makes it so that you actually have some defensive stats when your opponent is attacking you and if the set effect triggers you will be hitting your opponent in full melee gear instead of a magic gear. If you hit a high barrage and get the set triggered as well you can immediately go for an AGS, granite maul afterwards to stack 4 types of damage on top of each other.

Alternatively you can freeze your opponent and switch and stay on your melee set to spec with your spear into a granite maul.

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Eclipse Moon Armour



Calling on the moon's power, the Eclipse moon armor is a ranged/melee gear set demanding level 75 Ranged level. While requiring only Level 50 Defence to wear, it grants superior protection against crushing blows and magical assaults compared to standard Steel Armour. This armor can be unearthed as a rare reward from the Lunar Chests hidden within Neypotzli. The weapon of this set requires an additional Level 50 attack and strength. This weapon can only use atlatl darts as ammunition. Armour fully degrades after 50 hours of usage and can be repaired fully at the cost of 1.5M gold. Before diving into the set effect and where it can be utilised, let's take a look at the armors core stats.















Melee Strength

Magic Strength

Ranged Strength

Prayer Bonus

Eclipse moon helm


Eclipse moon chestplate


Eclipse moon tassets


Eclipse atlatl




First things first the weapon of this set is absolutely insane even without the set bonus (in terms of PVP). It is basically a much better version of magic shortbow. The damage this weapon deals is based on your melee strength bonus rather than you ranged one which makes it perfect for ranged to melee pking!

Set Effect

Completing the Eclipse moon armor set grants a unique passive effect to the Eclipse atlatl. With a 20% probability, your attacks will now inflict a "burn" status on the target. This status effect deals 10 damage over the course of 24 seconds, offering sustained damage over time. This effect can be stacked up to 5 times!


Special Attack

The special attack of the atlatl costs 50% energy and requires the full set just like the other sets. This attack must be performed within melee distance, so if used far away it will make your character run towards your target. This special attack also requires your target to be already burning with the set's passive effect. This attack consumes the remainder of the burn damage it would have dealt to the target and in return it increases your max hit and your minimum hit. In maxed melee strength bonuses you can hit up to 88’s while consuming 5 burns.

The damage dealt via the special attack can be reduced by protecting magic instead of range or melee.

Where to Use



The absolute best place for this armour set is PVP. It basically wrecks any low defence level account while still having potential to be utilised against higher level accounts. Even if you dislike the armour you can just use the atlatl with your standard melee setup and hit insane numbers. Which already became the new meta for ranged to melee pking.It is not that good against monsters which requires you to use ranged since it’s range is really short and there are better alternatives to use like blowpipe so realistically this set and weapon belongs strictly to PVP.

Sunfire Fanatic Set

Out final set of armor that was introduced to the game from this expansion is the sunfire fanatic armour which is not complicated like the other sets on this list. This armor requires level 60 Prayer and Defence to use.















Melee Strength

Magic Strength

Ranged Strength

Prayer Bonus

Sunfire fanatic helm


Sunfire fanatic cuirass


Sunfire fanatic chausses




This set is the new best in slot Prayer armor set.

Where to Use

Any activity that requires you to keep your prayer on for a long period of time.



Tonalztics of Ralos

Aspiring gladiators who prove their mettle within the Fortis Colosseum can claim the coveted Tonalzctics of Ralos. This level 75 Ranged throwing weapon shatters the mold. Unlike other thrown weapons that deplete with use, the Tonalzctics functions as a bottomless ammunition source, negating the need for constant resupply. Furthermore, it possesses a hidden power that unfolds when charged. When it's uncharged the weapon hits a target for 0-75% of the player's maximum ranged hit once but once you charge it with sunfire splinters the weapon hits twice instead and just like the macuahuitl each damage roll is separate.


Ranged Attack: +115

Ranged Strength: +55

Prayer bonus: +2

Special Attack

This weapons special attack costs 50% energy and upon a successful hit, it reduces the target's Defence level by 10% of its magic level. This can become 20% if the tonalztics are charged and both hits actually hit.

Where to Use



Just like the Dragon Warhammer, the main use for this weapon will be purely for special attacking to reduce the target's defence. Bosses such as Leviathan, Zulrah and TzKal-Zuk which can't be meleed and have a high magic level.

Dizana's Quiver



Dizana's Quiver is the ultimate reward you can get from the new colosseum. It is rewarded when you beat the final boss. It is the ranged variant of the infernal cape meaning it is the best in slot ranged item that is used in the cape slot. It requires 75 Ranged to equip.

It can store two different types of ammunition in it, saving you an inventory slot and allowing you to switch weapons without worrying about switching to the right ammunition. This quality also makes your ammunition slot free up and you can now use blessings while training ranged!

You can bring your quiver to Ava, along with Ava's assembler, Ava's accumulator, or its max cape equivalents, to apply the same ammunition-saving effect of the devices to the quiver.

If you die to a player with this quiver and lose it, it will become broken and will require 270K gold to repair. The player who killed you will receive the 270K coins and any ammo that was in your quiver, however you will not lose sunfire charges.



Ranged Attack: +28

Ranged Strength: +4


Ranged Attack: +18

Ranged Strength: +3


You can charge the quiver with sunfire splinters. While charged, ammunition that is fired from the ammunition slot and quiver ammunition slot will gain an additional +1 ranged strength and +10 ranged accuracy. This effect only applies to arrows and bolts since they are storable in the quiver.

The quiver can hold up to 20,000 charges but you can bring it to a Shrine of Ralos, to upgrade it to the blessed version. This process requires 150,000 sunfire splinters and make the charges permanent.

Echo Boots



These boots are an upgraded version of the guardian boots. To create them you must get yourself an echo crystal and add it to a guardian boots. The crystal can be earned from the Fortis Colosseum.

Compared to the guardian boots it provides an additional +2 prayer bonus and gains a passive effect. This effect recoils 1 damage to the targets attacking the player, in a 3x3 square around the player.

Each echo crystal provides 2500 charges for the recoil effect, up to 10,000 charges can be stacked up and once all the charges are used up the boots will revert back to being guardian boots.

Hope this guide made these items easier to understand and use! Goodluck exploring the new content!

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