OSRS Moons of Peril Boss & Money Making Guide

03.04.2024 - 17:43:43
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OSRS Moons of Peril Boss & Money Making Guide

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What is Moons of Peril

Moons of Peril consists of three different bosses contained in a mini-game type space. These bosses can be unlocked after completing the Perilous Moons quest. Even though multiple people can take on the boss at the same time, the boss' health is tied to individual players, effectively making them a solo challenge.

Moons of Peril is a low-mid level content making it pretty easy compared to other bosses of the same level. Aside from your combat gear you actually don't need to bring any supplies to these fights as well. The reason for this is the fact that you can prepare inside the dungeon and self supply everything that you require to kill these bosses. This makes it perfect for Ironman accounts.



The entrance to the dungeon Neypotzli lies in the northernmost part of Cam Torum. You can access that place easily via the following methods:

  • Teleport there using a calcified moth.
  • Take the Quetzal Transport System to the entrance of Cam Torum and run all the way north once you are inside. (This requires you to have built the landing site there.)
  • Take the Quetzal Transport System to the Teomat and run around the west side of the mountain.
  • Take the Quetzal Transport System to Teomat and run south-east to the agility shortcut, (requires level 47 Agility) then cross the bridge west to the city entrance.


Perilous Moons as mentioned before are a low to mid tier level challenge so you don't have to worry about being a max level or having the best equipment. Perilous moons quest completion is required to access this place.

Skill Requirements

  • Attack: 70+
  • Strength: 70+
  • Defence: 70+
  • Prayer: 70+ for piety but it is not a necessity
  • Hunter: 20+ to catch Moss lizards, 75 Hunter is recommended to catch moonlight moths which restore prayer.
  • Cooking: 30+ to cook moss lizards. Higher cooking level is recommended as it will increase your chances of getting multiple cuts of meat and their healing power.
  • Herblore: 38+ to make moonlight potions. Higher Herblore levels are recommended as it increases your chance of getting more doses.

Gear Requirements

All three bosses are weak to melee attacks:

  • Eclipse moon is weak to stab.
  • Blue moon is weak to crush.
  • Blood moon is weak to slash.

As such you only need some melee gear and weapons. If you are new to the content it is also recommended to start with tank gear like barrows armour to learn the mechanics of each fight. The items listed below will show the most effective items to the least effective items against each individual boss.

Eclipse Moon

  • Head Slot
    • Torva full helm
    • Serpentine Helm/Neitiznot Faceguard
    • Justiciar faceguard
    • Barrows helm
    • Helm of neitiznot/Berserker helmet
  • Neck Slot
    • Amulet of torture
    • Amulet of blood fury/fury
    • Amulet of strength
    • Amulet of glory
  • Cape Slot
    • Infernal cape / Fire cape
    • Mythical cape
    • 99 Cape (t)/ Obsidian cape
  • Body Slot
    • Torva platebody
    • Bandos chestplate
    • Justiciar chestguard
    • Barrows body
  • Leg Slot
    • Torva platelegs
    • Bandos tassets
    • Justiciar legguards
    • Barrows legs
  • Weapon Slot
    • Gharazi rapier
    • Scythe of vitur (slash)
    • Zamorakian hasta (stab)
    • Abyssal dagger
    • Osmuten's fang
  • Shield Slot
    • Dragonfire shield
    • Avernic defender
    • Dragon defender
    • Toktz-ket-xil
  • Ammo Slot
    • Rada's blessing 4
    • God blessing / Rada's blessing 3/2
  • Hand Slot
    • Ferocious gloves
    • Barrows gloves
    • Dragon/Rune gloves
    • Regen bracelet
  • Boot Slot
    • Primordial boots
    • Dragon boots
    • Guardian/Echo boots
    • Spiked menacles
  • Ring Slot
    • Ultor ring
    • Berserker ring (i)
    • Ring of suffering (ri)
    • Lightbearer
  • Special Attack
    • Crystal halberd
    • Voidwaker

Blue moon

  • Head Slot
    • Torva full helm
    • Serpentine Helm/Neitiznot Faceguard
    • Justiciar faceguard
    • Barrows helm
    • Helm of neitiznot/Berserker helmet
  • Neck Slot
    • Amulet of torture
    • Amulet of blood fury/fury
    • Amulet of strength
    • Amulet of glory
  • Cape Slot
    • Infernal cape / Fire cape
    • Mythical cape
    • 99 Cape (t)/ Obsidian cape
  • Body Slot
    • Torva platebody
    • Justiciar chestguard
    • Barrows body
    • Bandos chestplate
  • Leg Slot
    • Torva platelegs
    • Justiciar legguards
    • Barrows legs
    • Bandos tassets
  • Weapon Slot
    • Scythe of vitur (crush)
    • Blade of saeldor
    • Abyssal tentacle/whip
    • Zamorakian hasta (slash)
    • Sulphur blades
  • Shield Slot
    • Dragonfire shield
    • Avernic defender
    • Dragon defender
    • Toktz-ket-xil
  • Ammo Slot
    • Rada's blessing 4
    • God blessing / Rada's blessing 3/2
  • Hand Slot
    • Ferocious gloves
    • Barrows gloves
    • Dragon/Rune gloves
    • Regen bracelet
  • Boot Slot
    • Primordial boots
    • Dragon boots
    • Guardian/Echo boots
    • Spiked menacles
  • Ring Slot
    • Ultor ring
    • Berserker ring (i)
    • Bellator ring
    • Ring of suffering (ri)
    • Lightbearer
  • Special Attack
    • Dragon claws
    • Abyssal/dragon dagger
    • Crystal halberd



One thing to note here is that you don't actually need to bring anything aside from your armour and weapons, since you can get hunter, herblore and fishing supplies from creates found inside the dungeon.

  • An elder maul or a godsword (this is used on the Eclipse Moon during the mimic phase.
  • Weapons or special attacks that hit multiple times in one tick. These weapons are used to last hit the mimic phase. (Dual macuahuitl does not work for this.)
  • Dragon claws or other special attack weapons.
  • Weapon switches to match boss weaknesses.
  • Food: Rope for catching lizards or a big fishing net if your Hunter is low. At high cooking levels 1 raw moss lizard will yield 3 cooked moss lizards.
  • Prayer: Pestle and mortar for making moonlight potions. Alternatively a butterfly net for catching moonlight moths, if your Herblore is lower.
  • Moonlight potions, acts as a super combat and prayer potion in one.
  • An emergency teleport
  • Optional rune pouch with book of the dead for thralls.
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Once you've got your equipment ready head to the antechamber, once there if you are going to hunt go north-west to the earthbound caves or if you are going to fish go north-east to the streambound cavern.


Once inside head near the camp and take out any supplies you require from the nearby creates. You can restore your run energy by right clicking the cooking stove and selecting the "make-cuppa" option. After you've got everything you need click the nearby grubby sapling to collect some moonlight grubs. Use your grubs on your pestle and mortar to create moonlight potions. These are your super combat and prayer potions combined into one. Create as many as you please. If you do not have 75+ Hunter you will probably need more potions since you can't catch moonlight butterflies to restore your prayer.


To catch some lizards go to the nearby rocks and set-up traps. After you are done setting up traps click on the nearby bush to rustle it, this will make the lizards come out from the bush and will allow your traps to catch them. Do this until you have around 9 lizards. (This number changes depending on your cooking level.) Cook your lizards on the cooking stove to get a full inventory of food. If you went for the fish, catch the fish from the nearby stream and cook it. Once you are done if you are in the earthbound cave head on over to the streambound cave and head inside the eclipse moon boss area. If you are in the stream bound cave already simply head inside the boss area.

Boss Fights


The Moons of Peril are housed within dedicated chambers within the prison. Each moon possesses 500 Hitpoints and can engage in combat concurrently with multiple players. However, your individual combat performance remains unaffected as you must deal the entire 500 damage yourself before being teleported to the next campsite. Each boss exhibits vulnerability to a specific melee combat style and shares a common set of mechanics.

Surrounding each boss are 8 symbols representing the lunar phases. During their standard attack phase, one of Eyatlalli's glyphs illuminates, indicating a safe zone where rapid damage can be avoided. These glyphs rotate clockwise every two standard attacks, culminating in either a new moon or full moon phase, during which the boss executes alternating special attacks. The standard attack comprises a three-hit sequence, with each hit's accuracy and damage contingent upon the player's melee defence. Should the boss miss one hit, subsequent hits automatically miss. Upon sustaining damage from the boss's standard or special attacks, a stacking debuff called "Curse of the Moons" is inflicted. This debuff, visualised as a yellow splatter above the chat box in the New Official Client, applies 1, 2, and 5 stacks respectively for each hit in the 3-hit cycle. While the curse's effects vary among the bosses, it peaks at 127 stacks and gradually diminishes by 2 every 5 ticks. Given this, along with the ineffectiveness of protection prayers, defensive equipment is recommended to significantly reduce the likelihood of standard attacks hitting.

After vanquishing a boss, you'll be transported to one of the three campsites, contingent upon the sequence of their defeat, yet always in proximity to a yet-undefeated boss.

Eclipse Moon


Quick Guide

Once you enter the boss room you will notice the phases of the moon drawn on the floor. One of these circles will light up and you should always stand on the circle that is lit up. The lit up circles will move in a clockwise pattern.


For the first special attack the boss will pull you into the centre of the room and will start appearing all around you. You must face in the direction of where the boss spawns, this will allow your character to automatically counter attack. Heavy hitting weapons are recommended for this phase.


The second special attack will spawn a shield and that shield will go around the boss, very simply just walk with the shield and you will not get hit.

Detailed Guide

The Eclipse Moon employs slash attacks in combat and is particularly vulnerable to stab attacks. Additionally, she possesses a flat armour rating of 6, reducing all incoming damage by 6, which is decreased to 2 during her Mimic special attack. The Curse of the Moon afflicts your attacks with occasional "glancing" blows, where your strikes are deflected off her shield.

The Eclipse Moon alternates between two distinctive special attacks:

  1. Searing Rays: During this attack, a protective moon shield materialises, forcibly pushing you behind it. The Eclipse Moon then barrages you with beams of light, which can be evaded by moving alongside the moon shield. The shield moves at a walking pace and momentarily halts at each corner of its path, facilitating synchronised movement with it.
  2. Mimic: In this manoeuvre, you're confined to the centre of the chamber and immobilised. Clones of the Eclipse Moon materialise around you, launching five cycles of three attacks each, totaling 15 strikes. To counter these assaults, you must face your character toward each clone upon its appearance to deflect the incoming attack, subsequently retaliating with an uninterrupted strike back at the boss. Your attack speed increases during this phase so using heavy hitting weapons such as an elder maul is recommended.

The decisive blow must be dealt once the special attack concludes, as assaulting the clones only diminishes the boss's Hitpoints to 1. Notably, attacks from sulfur blades, Torag's hammers, any complete set of Barrows equipment, and the special attack of the dragon halberd/crystal halberd will bypass this restriction if the boss's Hitpoints exceed 1.

The binding effect of this special attack can be prematurely terminated by equipping any transmogrifying ring, such as the Ring of Stone or Easter Ring. This allows you to step outside the central circle, avoiding the remaining onslaught of the special attack.

Blue Moon


Quick Guide

Once again follow the highlighted tiles in a clockwise manner and keep attacking the boss.


First special attack will freeze your weapon inside of an ice block, break the highlighted ice with your fists or feet to get back your weapon. Ice spikes will come out of the ground periodically so dodge when you see them.


Second special attack will spawn a bunch of tornadoes on the map, simply dodge them and light the two braziers that are on the opposite sides of the room.

Detailed Guide

The Blue Moon employs slash attacks in combat and is particularly susceptible to crush attacks. Additionally, she possesses a -5 flat armour rating, amplifying all incoming damage by 5. This makes it so that weapons that attack twice such as the scythe of vitur are really strong against this boss.

The Curse of the Moon manifests by cancelling your next attack once a sufficient number of curse stacks have accumulated:

  • At 3 stacks, a chatbox message indicates "The Blue Moon pierces your defence. The cold is starting to get in..."
  • At 9 stacks, a chatbox message warns "The Blue Moon pierces your defence. Your joints are starting to lock up..."
  • At 18 stacks, the curse takes full effect, immobilising you with the message "Your joints lock up as you go to attack. The cold is too much to bear!" Subsequently, 18 stacks are removed from the curse.

The Blue Moon alternates between two distinct special attacks:

  1. Weapon Freeze: During this attack, your weapon is forcibly seized and encased in a block of ice. To retrieve it, you must strike the ice with Eyatlalli's glyph underneath it. Periodically, icy spikes will emerge, necessitating evasion, although players can usually land two hits before dodging. After reclaiming your weapon, there's a safe spot one tile north of the centre of the ritual symbol. If you log out or disconnect during this attack, your weapon can be recovered from Eyatlalli.
  2. Frost Storm: In this manoeuvre, two braziers positioned at opposite ends of the chamber are extinguished. Your task is to relight them while avoiding moving storms that inflict damage, heal the boss, and temporarily impede your movement. Safespots on either side of each brazier, marked with footprints in the snow, offer refuge from the storms.

Blood Moon

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Quick Guide

This is the hardest boss to deal with out of the three moons. It will hit 3 times with each attack and heal for the damage it deals. Here is the catch: if he misses the first hit the remaining two hits will automatically miss, if he misses the second hit, the third will automatically miss, so a high defence armour is really effective here. Just like before, stand on the highlighted tiles and move in a clockwise fashion.


First special attack will spawn a bunch of blood pools on the floor and simply walk out of the way and dodge them.


The second special attack will spawn a bunch of tigers all around the boss, one of the tigers will be highlighted, attack that one. If you are facing the tiger you will take damage, if you move a tile back you will take damage from the blood pools but if you walk at the right time you will dodge both of these attacks. This will take some practice to get used to.

Detailed Guide

The Blood Moon utilises slash attacks in combat and exhibits vulnerability to slash attacks as well. Additionally, she possesses a -2 flat armour rating, resulting in all hitsplats dealt to her being increased by 2. This makes it so that weapons that attack twice such as the scythe of vitur are really strong against this boss.

Her Curse of the Moon facilitates self-healing, wherein the boss restores 1x, 2x, and 3x the damage dealt. The boss alternates between two distinct special attacks:

  1. Blood Rain: During this manoeuvre, the Blood Moon vanishes, causing blood to cascade from above and form temporary pools throughout the room. To avoid damage, players must steer clear of these blood pools on the floor. Conversely, standing on the blood pools heals the boss, while remaining off them inflicts minor chip damage to the boss. It's noteworthy that any blood pools on the active moon symbol remain hazardous even after the special attack phase concludes.
  2. Blood Jaguar: In this phase, blood jaguars materialise around the room alongside a damaging square of blood pools. Players must swiftly navigate to Eyatlalli's glyph and engage the jaguar. To mitigate damage, players should step one tile away from the jaguar (towards the boss) immediately before it launches its attack. Approximately 20% of the damage inflicted on a jaguar restores the player's Hitpoints. Once the player has regained a total of 20 Hitpoints, hitting the jaguar will cease to restore Hitpoints unless further damage is incurred.The cue to dodge the jaguar's attack can be discerned from the conclusion of the blood pool sound effect or by observing the blood splat until it fully forms.



Main reward you are looking for from this endeavour is the new item sets from each boss these items have a 1/240 chance to drop:

  • Eclipse atlatl - 3.3m
  • Eclipse moon helm - 1M
  • Eclipse moon chestplate - 2.2m
  • Eclipse moon tassets - 2.5M
  • Dual Machuahuitl - 1.8M
  • Blood moon helm - 749K
  • Blood moon chestplate - 2.5M
  • Blood moon tassets - 3.9M
  • Blue moon spear - 739K
  • Blue moon helm - 1M
  • Blue moon chestplate - 2M
  • Blue moon tassets - 2.5M

Aside from these rare drops you can get the following common drops which are super useful especially to Ironman accounts:

  • 72-120 x Atlatl dart - 12,456-20,760 GP
  • 79-119 x Swamp tar - 237-357 GP
  • 6-12 x Sun-kissed bones - Not sold
  • 6-12 x Supercompost - 324-648 GP
  • 15-25 x Soft clay - 1,575-2,625 GP
  • 12-18 x Grimy harralander - 4,584-6,876 GP
  • 160-179 x Blessed bone shards - Not sold
  • 30-45 x Water orbs - 26,580-39,870 GP
  • 1-2 x Maple seed - 5,370-10,740 GP
  • 42-54 x Wyrmling bones - 20,874-26,838 GP
  • 12-18 x Grimy irit leaf - 11,856-17,784 GP
  • 1 x Yew seed - 21,560 GP

Killing these bosses efficiently with current prices will net you 2.1M gold per hour!

Goodluck hunting the new bosses!

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