OSRS Magic Gear Progression Guide 2024

27.04.2024 - 19:30:58
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OSRS Magic Gear Progression Guide 2024

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As one of the primary forms of combat in OSRS, training your Magic skill can help you through many of the raids and bosses in the game. But of course, having high Magic isn’t enough as you need to know which gear to use as well. Having the right build in the game is just as - if not more important, than getting to level 99 Magic.

There is an assortment of Magical armor and weapons in OSRS but of course, not all of them are worth your time and effort. Before we talk about the best Magic items in the game, let’s talk about Magic gear and what they do to your spells.

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How Does Magic Bonus Work In OSRS?

Magic equipment provides to primary stats to aid your spells. First is Magic Damage Bonus. This increases your Magic by percent depending on the equipment that you’re wearing. There’s not much to know about this other than the fact that it makes per hit of your Magic a lot stronger.

Bonus Magic points on the other hand are different. You can get this from certain gear, as well as from potions and Prayers. What this does is it makes your Magic attack more likely to hit by increasing its accuracy. Keep in mind however, that Magic Bonus also increases the damage for salamanders, powered staves, and Magic-based Special Attacks. Additionally, it increases the damage of Magic Dart.

Simply put, Magic Bonus makes you a deadlier Magician in the game. That said, here are some of the best Magic items in OSRS.

Best OSRS Magic Gear

Magic gear in OSRS will always have a Magic level requirement attached to it. Magic guides will help your progress through your Magic level in the most effecient and profitable way possible!

  1. Sanguinesti Staff

When it comes to powerful Mage weapons, there’s no doubt that none can beat the Sanguinesti Staff. The staff provides a whopping +25 as Magic Bonus, making it the highest out of all the staves in the game. It has another version that comes as a result of combining the staff with a holy ornament. Its stats don’t improve any further but it will become useful in the Godwars Dungeon.

Sanguinesti Staff

Despite being introduced way back in 2018, the staff remains to be one of the most powerful in the game. If you check out all build guides for Magic in OSRS, you’ll often see that the Sanguinesti Staff is recommended as the ultimate endgame weapon for most of them.

The staff needs to be charged with blood runes and it can hold up to 20,000. While it’s the most powerful staff in the game, it’s also the most expensive to use. If you’re able to cast around 1,500 spells per hour, that’s around 1,026,000 coins per hour of use. With this weapon, however, it will be very easy to farm for gold at the highest level.

As it is the best staff in the game, it’s also one of the toughest. It’s a rare drop from the Theatre of Blood Raid in OSRS so you’ll have to heavily prepare to get this weapon. The raid ends with a fight against the formidable Verzik Vitur so make sure to bring some powerful friends with you for this one.

Theatre of Blood Raid
  1. Trident of the Seas/Swamp

    Trident of the Seas

If you’re still in the early game of your OSRS Mage journey, the Sanguinesti Staff is obviously going to be very far from your reach for now. At the early game, one of the best weapons to get for Mages is the Trident of the Seas. This weapon is strong enough to carry you through up until the mid-game journey.

The Trident of the Seas provides a +15 to your Magic, making it one of the best staves in the game that you’ll have access to in the beginning. To get this, you simply need to beat cave krakens which are relatively easy to beat at that point in the game. While farming for this weapon, make sure to gather 10 Kraken Tentacles as well. You can give that to Lieve McCracken to upgrade your Trident of the Seas. Once upgraded, the stats remain the same but the charges are 20,000 instead of 2,500.

Once you have a Crafting level of 59, you can then upgrade your Trident of the Seas into a Trident of the Swamp by combining it with a magic fang with the help of a chisel. This doesn’t just enhance the Trident of the Sea’s Magic Bonus, it also gives your attacks a chance to cause venom into enemies that are hit. You can then enhance this further by attaching another magic fang for an Enhanced Trident of the Swamp.

Trident of the Swamp

To put it simply, your early to late game journey can consist of you carrying the Trident of the Seas and the Trident of the Swamp. This is a highly recommended progression of your Mage weapons in OSRS. Both weapons are far from being the most powerful but they’ll carry your Mage for a really long time.

  1. Elemental Staff

If not the Trident of the Seas, you can carry one of the Elemental Staves in the game first. What makes these essential for any Mage’s journey in the game is its ability to provide you with an endless number of basic elemental runes depending on what type of Elemental Staff you have.

Elemental Staff

Elemental Staves are very popular within the OSRS community because it makes splashing training easier. If you don’t know what this is, it’s one of the simplest AFK Magic training methods in the game. By having an Elemental Staff with you, it’s made much cheaper since you no longer have to buy runes to cast a certain spell again and again. You can buy these staves from an array of shops early on so getting them shouldn’t be a problem.

  1. Elidini’s Ward

Elidini’s Ward

Now, let’s move on to the best off-hand weapons for Mages. This off-hand shield is a magical shield that has a steep level requirement of 80 for your Magic, Prayer, and Defence skills. However, the effort to get your levels high enough to wear this item has paid off handsomely. It provides decent Defense bonuses from all damage types except Prayer. Additionally, it provides you with a +5 Magic Bonus.

For off-hand equipment, there are other items that offer a higher Magic Bonus but the Elidini’s Ward is the best when it comes to giving you the extra defenses that you need to round out your build. A lot of players use this over other off-hand weapons because of the defensive bonuses that it provides.

To get the Elidini’s Ward, you’ll need to get lucky enough to have this drop from the Tombs of Amascut Raid. If you’re struggling to beat the Raid, make sure to find a party that’s very experienced in doing that specific raid so you’ll have an easier time doing it again and again.

You can enhance this shield by combining it with an Arcane Sigil. Doing that will require level 90 Smithing and Prayer, as well as 10,000 soul runes. The upgraded version provides more Magic Bonus, as well as more defense bonuses, making it worth the trouble.

  1. Book of Darkness

If Elidini’s Ward is still far off of your reach, what you can do instead is go for the Book of Darkness for your off-hand weapon. At a +10 to your Magic Bonus which is actually higher than the Elidini’s Ward. But of course, it doesn’t have any defensive bonuses so it’s purely focused on increasing your DPS.

Book of Darkness

This off-hand equipment can take you up until the late game in your Mage journey. If you’re focused solely on increasing your Magic Bonus and nothing else, this is a good gear to have up until you have the fortified version of Elidini’s Ward.

Getting this book is a bit hard though. First, you’ll have to beat the Dagannoth Mother that you encounter during the Horror from the Deep quest. Once done, you can purchase this book from Jossik. It comes at a relatively cheap price of 5,000 coins which is a small price to pay for what you’re getting in return.

  1. Ahrim’s Set

Ahrim the Blighted’s set consists of a robetop, robeskirt, hood, and a staff. Together, the set activates a special bonus effect that allows your Magic attacks to lower a target’s strength by five at max capacity. Thanks to its superb effect, this has become one of the best equipment sets to have to take on high-level raids and bosses in the game.

You can get pieces of the set as a reward while beating the Barrows minigame. That in itself is a major challenge, but the good news is that you can somewhat increase your chances of getting this set by focusing on Ahrim during your run. This set is excellent for your late-game fights and is especially helpful for tough bosses like the Corporeal Beast.

Ahrim's Set Stats Table:

ItemStab AttackSlash AttackCrush AttackMagic AttackRanged AttackStab DefenseSlash DefenseCrush DefenseMagic DefenseRange DefenseMelee StrengthMagic DamageRanged StrengthPrayer BonusWeightP2P
Ahrim's Hood
Ahrim's Robetop
Ahrim's Robeskirt
Ahrim's Staff
  1. Ancestral Robes

When it comes to Magic Bonus, the Ancestral Robes tops everything else in the game. Wearing a full set gives you a total of 69 Magic Bonus. Although this set doesn’t have the same effect as Ahrim the Blighted’s full setup, you’re at least getting a 6% increase in your Magic damage which is a great return overall.

This is considered as the best-in-slot set for increasing your Magic damage although it doesn’t have the same defences as Ahrim’s set. To get it, you’ll need to do Chambers of Xeric again and again as it’s a random reward for this raid. Wearing pieces of this gear will require 75 Magic and 65 Defense so you better get to work. If you’re strong enough to beat Chambers of Xeric, you should probably have the right skill levels to wear this gear.

ItemAttack BonusesDefence BonusesOther
Stab AttackSlash AttackCrush AttackMagic AttackRanged AttackStab DefenseSlash DefenseCrush DefenseMagic DefenseRange DefenseMelee StrengthMagic DamageRanged StrengthPrayer BonusWeightP2P?
Ancestral hat
Ancestral hat0008-21211135002%000.453Yes
Ancestral robe top
Ancestral robe top00035-842315128002%002.721Yes
Ancestral robe bottom
Ancestral robe bottom00026-727243020002%001.814Yes
  1. Occult Necklace

For your neckwear, you can’t go wrong with the occult necklace. It provides a substantial +12 to your Magic Bonus and 10% to your Magic Damage. This offers one of the most substantial boosts for your Magic DPS build in the game. You can carry this throughout your entire OSRS journey as there’s no other neckwear that provides as high a damage bonus as this.

Occult Necklace

To wear the occult necklace, you’ll need at least level 70 Magic. You can only get this as a drop from the smoke devil, as well as the boss type of it. This is still relatively better as compared to other items on this list which are only acquired by beating raids or minigames in OSRS.

Best OSRS Magic F2P And P2P Builds

Now, we’re going to show you the best possible build to get for F2P and P2P accounts. Keep in mind that these builds are solely focused on increasing your Magic Bonus and Magic Damage Bonus. It doesn’t take into consideration any defensive capabilities of the gear. Still, we’re giving these builds as high a defense as we possibly can.

Best P2P Magic Build

SlotItemMagic bonusNotes
HeadAncestral hatAncestral hat+8The best in slot gear for improving your Magic damage but it requires 75 Magic and 65 Defence to wear. You can switch this with the 3rd Age Mage hat that offers the same stat upgrades at a lower requirement. However, the 3rd Age Mage hat lacks the defenses that this headwear has.
NeckOccult NecklaceOccult Necklace+15While the 3rd Age Necklace provides a higher Magic Bonus, this necklace more than makes up for it by giving you 10% Magic Damage bonus as well.
BodyAncestral robe topAncestral robe top+35The best in slot gear for improving your Magic damage but it requires 75 Magic and 65 Defence to wear.
LegsAncestral robe bottomAncestral robe bottom+26The best in slot gear for improving your Magic damage but it requires 75 Magic and 65 Defence to wear.
BootsEternal bootsEternal boots+8The best in slot gear for improving your Magic damage but it requires 75 Magic and 75 Defence to wear.
CapeImbued god capeImbued god cape+15Can be worn once you have 75 Magic. Before that though, you’ll need to finish the Mage Arena II miniquest as well.
Off-handElidinis' ward (f)Elidinis' ward (f)+25Has steep requirements but is well worth the effort as you’re getting tons of great offensive and defensive bonuses for it.
GlovesTormented braceletTormented bracelet+10Provides a high Magic Damage bonus.
RingMagus ringMagus ring+15A bit hard to get because you’ll need to finish Desert Treasure II - The Fallen Empire before you can equip it.
WeaponKodai wandKodai wand+28Best for quick casting. You’ll need 80 Magic to use this but it comes with a staggering 15% Magic damage bonus.
WeaponTumeken's shadowTumeken's shadow+35A very expensive staff but is also one of the best ones to have for Mages in the game. It’s passive effect that triples your accuracy whenever you use the built-in spell that it has. You can either wear this or the Kodai wand and both are great weapons. If you want to maximize the damage you do however, the Tumeken’s Shadow is the best choice.

Best F2P Build

SlotItemMagic bonus
HeadBlue wizard hat Wizard hatBlue wizard hat
Wizard hat
NeckAmulet of magicAmulet of magic+10
BodyWizard robe Wizard robeWizard robe+3
LegsZamorak monk bottomZamorak monk bottom+2
WeaponBryophyta's staffBryophyta's staff+15

All Magic Gear In OSRS

Finding the right gear in OSRS for Magic builds can be tough work. If you want to look at what’s available in the game to plan ahead, here’s a list of all the items in the game.

Standard Staves

ItemAttack BonusesDefense BonusesOther
Stab AttackSlash AttackCrush AttackMagic AttackRanged AttackStab DefenseSlash DefenseCrush DefenseMagic DefenseRange DefenseMelee StrengthMagic DamageRanged StrengthPrayer BonusWeightP2P?
Magic staffMagic staff2-11010023110070%002.267No
White magic staffWhite magic staff2-11010023110070%012.267Yes

Elemental Staves


ItemAttack BonusesDefense BonusesOther
Stab AttackSlash AttackCrush AttackMagic AttackRanged AttackStab DefenseSlash DefenseCrush DefenseMagic DefenseRanged DefenseMelee StrengthMagic DamageRanged StrengthPrayer BonusWeightP2P?
Staff of airStaff of air0-1710023110030%002.267No
Staff of waterStaff of water0-1710023110030%002.267No
Staff of earthStaff of earth1-1910023110050%002.267No
Staff of fireStaff of fire3-1910023110060%002.267No


ItemAttack BonusesDefense BonusesOther
Stab AttackSlash AttackCrush AttackMagic AttackRanged AttackStab DefenseSlash DefenseCrush DefenseMagic DefenseRanged DefenseMelee StrengthMagic DefenseRanged StrengthPrayer BonusWeightP2P?


ItemAttack BonusesDefense BonusesOther
Stab AttackSlash AttackCrush AttackMagic AttackRanged AttackStab DefenseSlash DefenseCrush DefenseMagic DefenseRanged DefenseMelee StrengthMagic damageRanged StrengthPrayer BonusWeightP2P?
Mystic air staffMystic air staff10-140140231140500%002.267Yes
Mystic water staffMystic water staff10-140140231140500%002.267Yes
Mystic earth staffMystic earth staff10-140140231140500%002.267Yes
Mystic fire staffMystic fire staff10-140140231140500%002.267Yes

Combination Staves


ItemAttack BonusesDefense BonusesOther
Stab AttackSlash AttackCrush AttackMagic AttackRanged AttackStab DefenseSlash DefenseCrush DefenseMagic DefenseRanged DefenseMelee StrengthMagic DamageRanged StrengthPrayer BonusWeightMembership P2P?
Dust battlestaffDust battlestaff7-128120231120350%002.267Yes
Lava battlestaffLava battlestaff7-128120231120350%002.267Yes
Mist battlestaffMist battlestaff7-128120231120350%002.267Yes
Mud battlestaffMud battlestaff7-128120231120350%002.267Yes
Smoke battlestaffSmoke battlestaff7-128120231120350%002.267Yes
Steam battlestaffSteam battlestaff7-128120231120350%002.267Yes


ItemAttack BonusesDefense BonusesOther
Stab AttackSlash AttackCrush AttackMagic AttackRanged AttackStab DefenseSlash DefenseCrush DefenseMagic DefenseRanged DefenseMelee StrengthMagic DamageRanged StrengthPrayer BonusWeightP2P?
Mystic dust staffMystic dust staff10-140140231140500%002.267Yes
Mystic lava staffMystic lava staff10-140140231140500%002.267Yes
Mystic mist staffMystic mist staff10-140140231140500%002.267Yes
Mystic mud staffMystic mud staff10-140140231140500%002.267Yes
Mystic smoke staffMystic smoke staff10-140140231140500%002.267Yes
Mystic steam staffMystic steam staff10-140140231140500%002.267Yes

God Staves

ItemAttack BonusesDefense BonusesOther
Stab AttackSlash AttackCrush AttackMagic AttackRanged AttackStab DefenseSlash DefenseCrush DefenseMagic DefenseRanged DefenseMelee StrengthMagic DamageRanged StrengthPrayer BonusWeightP2P?
Guthix staffGuthix staff-1-16602316020%002.267Yes
Saradomin staffSaradomin staff-1-16602316020%002.267Yes
Zamorak staffZamorak staff-1-16602316020%002.267Yes

Advanced God Staves

ItemAttack BonusesDefense BonusesOther
Stab AttackSlash AttackCrush AttackMagic AttackRanged AttackStab DefenseSlash DefenseCrush DefenseMagic DefenseRanged DefenseMelee StrengthMagic DamageRanged StrengthPrayer BonusWeightP2P?
Void knight maceVoid knight mace220418022222380%061.814Yes
Staff of the deadStaff of the dead557001700331707215%001.5Yes
Staff of lightStaff of light557001700331707215%001.5Yes
Staff of balanceStaff of balance557001700331707215%001.5Yes
Toxic staff of the deadToxic staff of the dead557002500331707215%001.5Yes

Powered Staves

ItemAttack BonusesDefense BonusesOtder
 Stab AttackSlash AttackCrush AttackMagic AttackRanged AttackStab DefenseSlash DefenseCrush DefenseMagic DefenseRanged DefenseMelee StrengtdMagic DamageRanged StrengtdPrayer BonusWeightP2P?
Starter staff Starter staff001002311000%01.814No
Warped sceptre Warped sceptre001202311200%01.814Yes
Bone staff Bone staff00140000000%02.267Yes
tdammaron's sceptre tdammaron's sceptre0015002000%0000.198Yes
Trident of tde seas Trident of tde seas001502311500%01.814Yes
Trident of tde seas (e) Trident of tde seas (e)001502311500%01.814Yes
Accursed sceptre Accursed sceptre00220002000%00.198Yes
Dawnbringer Dawnbringer002502311500%01.5Yes
Sanguinesti staff Sanguinesti staff0025-42311500%01.5Yes
Trident of tde swamp Trident of tde swamp002502311500%01.814Yes
Trident of tde swamp (e) Trident of tde swamp (e)002502311500%01.814Yes
Tumeken's shadow Tumeken's shadow0035002000%01.5Yes
Crystal staff (basic) Crystal staff (basic)00840000%01.3Yes
Crystal staff (attuned) Crystal staff (attuned)0012800%21.3Yes
Crystal staff (perfected) Crystal staff (perfected)0018400%31.3Yes

Charged Staves

ItemAttack BonusesDefense BonusesOtder
 Stab AttackSlash AttackCrush AttackMagic AttackRanged AttackStab DefenseSlash DefenseCrush DefenseMagic DefenseRanged DefenseMelee StrengtdMagic DamageRanged StrengtdPrayer BonusWeightP2P?
Iban's staff Iban's staff10-14010023110050%02.267Yes
Iban's staff (u) Iban's staff (u)10-14010023110050%02.267Yes
Slayer's staff Slayer's staff7-12512023110035%01.814Yes
Slayer's staff (e) Slayer's staff (e)7-12512023110035%01.95Yes

Ancient Magicks

ItemAttack BonusesDefense BonusesOtder
 Stab AttackSlash AttackCrush AttackMagic AttackRanged AttackStab DefenseSlash DefenseCrush DefenseMagic DefenseRanged DefenseMelee StrengtdMagic DamageRanged StrengtdPrayer BonusWeightP2P?
Ancient staff Ancient staff10-14015023115050%0-12.267Yes
tdammaron's sceptre (a) tdammaron's sceptre (a)0015002312000%00.198Yes
Master wand Master wand0020002312000%00.198Yes
Accursed sceptre (a) Accursed sceptre (a)0022002312000%00.198Yes
Ahrim's staff Ahrim's staff12-16515035215068%5%02.267Yes
Ancient sceptre Ancient sceptre20-15020023115060%5%02.267Yes
Nightmare staff Nightmare staff00160023114015%01.5Yes
Eldritch nightmare staff Eldritch nightmare staff00160023114015%01.6Yes
Volatile nightmare staff Volatile nightmare staff00160023114015%01.6Yes
Kodai wand Kodai wand00280323115020%00.198Yes

Fairy Rings

ItemAttack BonusesDefense BonusesOtder
 Stab AttackSlash AttackCrush AttackMagic AttackRanged AttackStab DefenseSlash DefenseCrush DefenseMagic DefenseRanged DefenseMelee StrengtdMagic DamageRanged StrengtdPrayer BonusWeightP2P?
Dramen staff-1-11010023110010%001.814Yes
Lunar staff321613023115015%032.267Yes


ItemAttack BonusesDefense BonusesOther
 Stab AttackSlash AttackCrush AttackMagic AttackRanged AttackStab DefenseSlash DefenseCrush DefenseMagic DefenseRanged DefenseMelee StrengthMagic DamageRanged StrengthPrayer BonusWeightP2P?
Ancient crozier Ancient crozier7-12510023110032%060.05Yes
Armadyl crozier Armadyl crozier7-12510023110032%060.2Yes
Bandos crozier Bandos crozier7-12510023110032%060.2Yes
Guthix crozier Guthix crozier7-12510023110032%060.2Yes
Saradomin crozier Saradomin crozier7-12510023110032%060.2Yes
Zamorak crozier Zamorak crozier7-12510023110032%060.2Yes

Other Staves

ItemStab AttackSlash AttackCrush AttackMagic AttackRanged AttackStab DefenseSlash DefenseCrush DefenseMagic DefenseRanged DefenseMagic StrengthPrayer BonusWeightP2P?
Cursed goblin staffCursed goblin staff00000000000%02.267No
Rod of ivandisRod of ivandis0-1740231403%00.001Yes
Skull sceptreSkull sceptre0-17100231403%01.814No
Skull sceptre (i)Skull sceptre (i)0-17100231403%01.814No
Pharaoh's sceptrePharaoh's sceptre7-12510023110032%02Yes
Staff of bob the catStaff of bob the cat2-1101002311007%02Yes
Bryophyta's staffBryophyta's staff10-14015023115050%01.5No
Harmonised nightmare staffHarmonised nightmare staff00160014015%001.6Yes

Magic Armor Sets

These are entire pieces of armor that often provide bonuses when worn together. They’re great in many scenarios but it can be very limiting to wear them especially if you’re going for specific builds. There are some instances where the set bonuses are great though.

Magic LevelDefence LevelArmourOther skills/requirements
11Zamorak monk robesNone
11Wizard RobesNone
11Ghostly RobesCurse of the Empty Lord
401Elder chaos druid robesNone
2010Xerician robesNone
4020Mystic robesNone
4020Enchanted robesNone
4020Robes of darknessNone
4040Skeletal armourThe Fremennik Trials
4040Splitbark armourNone
4242Void Knight equipmentAttack, Strength, Hitpoints and Ranged -42 Prayer -22
5050Swampbark armourNone
5025Infinity robesNone
6060Bloodbark armourNone
65303rd age mage equipmentNone
6540Lunar armourLunar Diplomacy
7040Dagon'hai robesNone
7565Ancestral robesNone
7070Ahrim the Blighted's equipmentNone
7875Virtus robesNone

Magic Armor Pieces

Magic armor pieces are great for creating specific builds and in most cases, they can round out many of the best builds in the game. Majority of the best builds in OSRS will focus mainly on rounding them out with specific pieces of armor.

Magic LevelDefence LevelArmourOther skills/requirements
11Elemental shieldElemental Workshop I
11Elemental helmetElemental Workshop II
11Mind shieldElemental Workshop II
11Mind helmetElemental Workshop II
11Amulet of magicNone
11Beacon ringWhat Lies Below
11Seers ringNone
11Seers ring (i)650,000 Nightmare Zone points or 260 Soul Wars Zeal Tokens
11Brimstone ringNone
11Magus ringDesert Treasure II - The Fallen Empire
11Tormented bracelet75 Hitpoints
11Book of darknessTreasure Trails, Horror from the Deep
11Book of the deadA Kingdom Divided
11Ring of shadowsDesert Treasure II - The Fallen Empire
2525Broodoo shieldNone
141Barrows glovesRecipe for Disaster
145Farseer helmThe Fremennik Trials
145Healer hat275 Honour points in all four roles of Barbarian Assault
160Malediction wardNone
501Tome of fireNone
501Tome of waterNone
401Mitre40 Prayer
601God capes #ImbuingMage Arena I
751God capesMage Arena II
601Mage's bookNone
6575Spectral spirit shield70 Prayer
6575Arcane spirit shield70 Prayer
701Occult necklaceNone
7075Ancient wyvern shieldStarted Dragon Slayer I
7575Eternal bootsNone
8080Elidinis' ward80 Prayer

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