OSRS Leagues 5 Raging Echoes Ultimate Starting Strategy Guide
25.11.2024 - 07:51:10
Game Guides , OSRS Guides , OSRS Skills & Skilling , Runescape
OSRS Leagues 5 Raging Echoes is just around the corner. Like in any other League, unlocking your first tier of relics and region greatly boosts your early gameplay. So in this Raging Echoes Starting Strategy guide, we will share an optimized pathway for you to reach those early goals quicker. Anybody can take this route, it does not consider the tier 1 relics you might pick so that you can improve it further depending on your relic. If you are confused about the Tier 1 relics you can check out our Tier 1 Relic Guide.
There are some tasks below that require minimal competition with other players, so if you can’t do them simply skip to the next step to not waste any time.
OSRS Leagues 5 Raging Echoes Starting Strategy
Once you are in the game, start by opening up the Leagues menu and picking your first relic, completing the Leagues tutorial. Both opening up the panel and completing the tutorial are a task.

After that, right-click the sage to claim items, this should give you a dramen staff.
To the south west of the Lumbridge castle, you will see some rat spawns, kill one. They spawn really quickly so the competition shouldn’t be a problem but if it is and you can’t kill a rat for more than 10 seconds skip to the next step.
Talk to Hans about your age, which is a task.
Go up the northern staircase in Lumbridge Castle for a task, then since you are already here talk to Duke to claim a free anti-fire shield.
Head back down from the opposite staircase and start the cook's assistant.

You can head down to the basement and kill a spider by kicking it. Again if it is too crowded skip this step.
Turn on your prayer to drain it.
Go out drop your runes and claim more free runes from the magic tutor.
Pray at the Lumbridge church to restore your prayer points which is a task.
Ask Bob the axe store owner for a quest.
Go into the graveyard and use the dance emote for a task.
Enter the open grave to get to the Death’s domain for a task.
Go back up and speak to the count and have him teleport you to the stronghold of security.

This is an optional step. If you can spot a beer spawn in the long hall, pick it up and drink it. If not, it's okay we will get back to here really soon.
Enter the Stronghold of Security and make your way through the doors. If you are confident about your health, you can kill a spear-holding goblin for a task. Do so using your dramen staff on defensive for defence experience. Also, bury the goblins' bones for a task. Make sure that your account has a two-factor authentication set up to be able to claim the rewards.
There shouldn’t be any problems getting through as there will be a lot of players running through this place. Claim your 10K and a pair of fancy boots.
Use your Leagues teleport to teleport straight to Karamja. There we will trade a crew member but if you see a snake on the way, kill it.
Drop your bronze weapons for some space and buy 11 bananas and a knife.
Eat one banana for a task.
Run to the crate near the banana plantation on Karamja and fill the crate with 10 bananas. After that teleport back to Karamja to save time.
Take the cart to the Shilo Village.

Run to the nearby general store and purchase a torch. Light the torch for a task.
Make your way across the bridge and head east. You will notice some ladders going up, climb them. Talk to the NPC to buy “a night’s rest” for 35 coins.
Make your way back to the other side of Shilo Village and go to the fishing shop. Buy yourself a fishing rod and some bait. (If you have animal wrangler, you don’t have to buy a fishing rod.)
Head upstairs in the fishing shop and talk to the Slayer master to receive a Slayer task.
Trade him and buy an enchanted crystal and a spiny helmet.
Check your task via the enchanted crystal.
Home teleport to Lumbridge and start pickpocketing a man until you have 28 coin pouches. If you get too low during this process, skip to the next step, we can continue pickpocketing later.
Buy a steel axe from Bob’s shop.
Head to the Lumbridge swamp fish for some shrimp. Catching and cooking a shrimp is a task. Burning a piece of food is also a task.

Kill a frog nearby and a rat if you haven’t already. Make sure you bury their bones. Do this until you reach level 5 Defence and equip your spiny helmet.
Make your way back to Lumbridge and head to the cow pen. Milk a cow.
Head to the chicken farm nearby and grab an egg from the chicken coop.
If there are chickens available you can kill one using your fists for a task. If it is packed don’t waste time.
Make your way to the windmill. On your way, you can kill a ram for a task. There is also a farm on your way to the windmill and behind the farm there are some onions which you can pick up and eat for a task.
You can kill a chicken here if you have not killed one previously.
Enter the wheat field and do the cry emote, then pick up some wheat.
Head inside the windmill and turn the wheat into flour.

Make your way to Draynor Village.
Start doing the Draynor Agility Course until you do 10 laps and receive a mark of grace.
Head inside the Morgan’s house and use a head slot item on the Hat Stand.

Go inside the house of Aggie the witch and insult her. This action will cost you 20 coins.
This is an optional fishing part. Near the Draynor Village bank, you will find some fishing spots. Fish until you have level 5 fishing, and bank any shrimp that you have caught. Take out your rod and start fishing for sardines. After level 10, you can catch herrings. Keep fishing until you reach level 15. After that, catch an anchovy using your small fishing net.
Start chopping some logs and burning the logs until you hit level 15 on both Firemaking and Woodcutting. You should get 20 logs and burn 13 for these levels.
Fletch arrow shafts with your remaining logs.
Buy a chronicle and 5 teleport cards from Diango.

Buy 4 barley seeds from Olivia.
Enter Draynor Manor and get a chair to follow you.
Use the chronicle to teleport to the Champions’ Guild.
Trade the farmer nearby and buy a rake, a seed dibber, and 3 compost.
Rake the nearby patch until it is fully clean.
Head over to the hops patch near the chicken farm and rake that as well.
Plant your barley seeds in the patch and pay the nearby farmer 3 composts that you have purchased for protection.

Make your way to Varrock and near the entrance you should see a cabbage spawn behind a house. If there are cabbages left, pick one up. If not, move along.
Talk to Tramp and tell him to get a job.
Enter the sword shop and buy yourself an Iron dagger and equip it.
If you couldn’t drink beer in the longhouse earlier, buy a beer from the Bluemoon Inn.
Make your way to the city center and enter the staff shop. Buy yourself an elemental staff of your choice.
Talk to Gertrude to get a kitten and stroke the kitten.
Head to the barbarian village and buy a steel helmet. Equip it.

Head inside the longhouse and drink your beer.
Make your way back to Varrock.
This is optional: If you want to kill a moss giant, head to Augbury and buy combat runes.
Teleport to the essence mine using Augbury and mine an essence.
Steal a tea from the Varrock tea shop.

Pet a Varrock street dog.
Head over to the Varrock church and go upstairs. Give the tea you have stolen to Elsie.
Get a haircut from the barber shop nearby.
Talk to the estate agent and buy a house.
Head inside the museum and complete the natural history quiz.
Chop a log and head to the sawmill to turn it into a plank.
Head over to the dig site and take the boat to Fossil Island.
Pet the museum camp dog inside the tent.
Teleport back to Lumbridge and talk to the cook to finish the Cook’s Assistant quest.
If you haven’t burnt food already, do it.
Head to the Lumbridge swamp and buy a candle.
Enter the shed with your dramen staff equipped to teleport to Zanaris.
Use the fairy ring code CKR and fish karambwanji.
Teleport to Karamja using your Leagues teleport. If you have bought some runes, you can check out the island west, which has some moss giants. You can safe spot one to complete your first combat mastery and a task.

Pick a pineapple if you notice any and kill a snake if you haven’t already.
Enter your POH in Brimhaven and build a room.
Enter Brimhaven dungeon.
You should be able to complete all these tasks within an hour. This will greatly boost your character's power in the early game and allow you to access your first region. For any other questions you have regarding Leagues, you can check out our blog. If you're really interested in OSRS Leagues, you can head over to the RS Store at RPGStash to buy OSRS Gold for help.
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