OSRS Leagues 5 Raging Echoes Tier 1 Relic Guide

13.11.2024 - 02:20:53
Game Guides , OSRS Guides , OSRS Skills & Skilling , Runescape

OSRS Leagues 5 Raging Echoes Tier 1 Relic Guide

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Exciting news for all League enthusiasts! Jagex has just unveiled the new tier 1 relics for the upcoming League season, and they're completely different from what we've seen before. Let's analyze these fresh additions of the Lumberjack, Animal Wrangler and Power Miner relics and help you choose the perfect relic to kickstart your League adventure!

Remember the relics you pick in this game mode severely alter the way you play the game. So first we will cover the basics of each relic and then list the advantages/possible use cases it has and compare it to the other relics.

We have three incredible relics to choose from, each of them will grant a skilling equipment equivalent to crystal tools. So for all you Tirannwn enjoyers you have a slight debuff but without further ado let’s begin with the Lumberjack relic!



This relic, as the name suggests, is a relic that specialises in everything related to Woodcutting. Upon picking this relic you will receive the Echo axe! This axe is a non-degradable equivalent of the crystal axe and you can use it without any requirements! Here are the benefits you can receive by using this axe:

  • When chopping a tree, if you fail to chop it, you have a separate 50% chance to succeed instead! This makes woodcutting super fast at all levels and will probably make chopping high-level trees like the magic or the redwood the best method to train instead of lower level trees like teaks.
  • Whenever you gain an item from Woodcutting it is automatically sent to your bank. This is a pretty standard buff that we have seen before with endless harvest. This makes the entire skilling process AFK.
  • Using this axe will either: Burn the logs gathered automatically granting Firemaking experience or fletch them into arrowshafts granting Fletching experience. The mode of the axe can be toggled. You can also turn both of the effects off as well. This will basically allow you to AFK while training one additional skill, although fletching arrow shafts will not give that much experience…
  • Lastly, if you have logs in your bank from, you will never fail at making fires with any of them!

Advantages & Disadvantages


Well first and foremost you can effectively train 3 skills completely AFK with one relic. If you are someone who enjoys AFKing this relic is pretty good. However, besides this point it doesn’t provide much benefit at all. The only region that can further amplify this relic's power is Kandarin:

  • You can use the woodcutting guild to get the best experience rates and fletchable items.
  • You can do Wintertodt with extreme ease since you can automatically fletch the logs.

However, the flip side to this is the fact that the Wintertodt is already amazing even without the relic. So is the woodcutting guild and experience rates. You also do not gain much benefit from levelling up these stats aside from being able to complete a few tasks. Being able to always successfully burn logs is also not a great benefit since you get to that point naturally pretty easily anyway.

Overall, if you want to skip training your Firemaking, Woodcutting and a little bit of Fletching to gain some early points, you can go for this relic, but in our opinion this is the weakest out of the three.

Power Miner


Well, you have probably guessed it already, this relic is an extreme boost to your Mining skill! Upon picking this relic you will receive the Echo pickaxe! This pickaxe is a non-degradable equivalent of the crystal pickaxe, and you can use it without any requirements! Here are the benefits you can receive by using this pickaxe:

  • Just like the axe, you will have a 50% chance to succeed in mining a rock if you happen to fail. This will make high level mining incredible. In the normal game you would have to wait a long time to mine a single runite rock even with 99 Mining, but with this relic you pretty much roll a 50/50 chance to mine it every swing.
  • This pickaxe will also cause your rocks to not deplete until you receive 4 ores from it. This will effectively turn mining into a more AFKable skill, which is pretty awesome. This effect can also be further boosted up by having mining gloves. This will make it 7 ores instead of 4.
  • Your pickaxe will automatically send any resources gained to your bank, and combined with the previous effect, this further amplifies the AFKability of the skill.
  • You can toggle your pickaxe to have it smelt any ore you mine. This will not require any coal and will reward you with the full Smithing experience. This can also smelt ores that you do not have the Smithing level for. This effect can be toggled.
  • Lastly, your pickaxe will automatically craft gathered gems. This will also yield crafting experience, and this also doesn’t take your crafting level into account, so you do not need any requirements!

Advantages & Disadvantages


This relic is an amazing one. Let’s list the benefits:

  1. First of all, you are getting the benefit of AFKing mining which you cannot normally do. This in itself significantly changes the skill.
  2. Being able to mine super fast means that mining high-level rocks will be a piece of cake, so once you reach that runite ore (level 85 Mining) you will have infinite osrs gold. You can further amplify your gains by picking the Golden God relic.
  3. You can completely AFK Mining by mining pure essence.
  4. You can effectively train 3 skills without breaking a sweat and a fourth one (fletching) if you pick Asgarnia.
  1. There are a few regions which work well with this relic:
  • Asgarnia: This is the big one. You will have access to the mining guild and therefore access to every rock in the game, including the amethyst rocks, which means you will have an incredibly easy time training your fletching later on. You will also be able to get the mining gloves, which will further boost your relic’s power.
  • Tirannwn: This region houses the mining skilling boss Zolcano, so your relic will help you destroy this boss. Tirannwn also has a lot of high-tier rocks, making it a solid choice.
  • Wilderness: Although not as good as the previous two, Wilderness offers access to a variety of rocks from low to high tier.
  • Desert: While not ideal, this relic can help you with the pillar in Tombs of Amascut if you're farming that raid. Desert also has granite rocks and the Giant’s Foundry, which are already good for fast experience, making this relic less essential.
  • Kourend: Similar to the desert, Kourend has a raid with a mining room. This relic will make that room super easy, but it's not a strong reason alone to pick this relic.

Overall, this relic is a pretty solid choice for anyone looking to pick Asgarnia!

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Animal Wrangler


This one has a dark name but nevertheless it is pretty useful for those animal hunting skills. Upon picking this relic you will receive the Echo harpoon! This harpoon is a non-degradable equivalent of the crystal harpoon and you can use it without any requirements! Here are the benefits you can receive by using this harpoon:

  • Same as the previous two, this harpoon will give you a 50% chance to succeed at fishing fish each time you fail. This will make high-level fishing extremely fast and beneficial.
  • Don’t worry about all the different fishing equipment you can use because this echo harpoon also substitutes as a net, big net, lobster pot, and every rod in the game.
  • Any item you receive from fishing will be automatically sent to your bank, making fishing almost completely AFK.
  • You will also get an incredible benefit which allows you to fish one tick faster!
  • Unlike the previous two, the fish you catch will have a 50% chance to be cooked. This shouldn’t deter anyone though since this relic also provides you with immunity for burning food while cooking.
  • Alongside fishing, as the name suggests, you also receive benefits to your Hunter skill. First of all, your hunter traps will never fail.
  • Your box traps will catch chinchompas significantly faster and will double when caught, giving you double experience on top of your already existing experience multiplier.
  • Your impling jars will no longer break when you open one.

Advantages & Disadvantages


Well we have a pretty interesting relic on our hands. Here are some of the top things you can do with this relic:

  • You can AFK fishing and have unlimited food supplies for any dangerous activity you might want to do.
  • Really beneficial for early game fishing and cooking tasks.
  • Hunting is a pretty annoying skill but this makes it super smooth and easy.
  • The main benefit comes from the regions:
  • Kandarin is pretty good for this relic given all the different hunting spots you gain access to including chinchompas, which then can be used to train your Ranged and Defence skills pretty quickly. Also Knadarin houses the barbarian fishing training. If you AFK that you also get the benefit of AFK training your Agility and Strength, given the additional speed of fishing 1 tick faster this can be a relevant method to fully skip training those stats.
  • Wilderness is also another good region, giving you access to early game hunter training with black salamanders and late game training with black chinchompas, which is also the best weapon to speed run your ranged and defence training. Black chinchompas always have 3 different tasks attached to them so you will also rack up some easy points. Furthermore Wilderness also houses the dark crabs which is a pretty good source of food.
  • Varlamore can be really good since the relic can synergise really well with Hunter rumors, giving you a clear road to level 99 Hunter with one region.
  • Kourend has the benefit of the anglerfish which is considered the best food in the game. With this relic you can gather as many anglerfishes as you want pretty quickly.
  • Tirannwn just like Kandarin has access to chinchompas which bring along the previously mentioned training and point methods.
  • Desert houses the boss tempoross and with this Echo Harpoon, with the added benefits will be a breeze. You will probably be able to one down this boss every time.

Final Verdict

The most important thing to keep in mind when selecting a relic is the regions you are going to pick and the content you want to do. Since these relics are all related to different skilling activities, you must think about which of these skills you hate. If you hate mining, it is recommended to pick Power Miner to blast through that skill completely.

Here is our tier list for these relics for now:

  1. Power Miner: This is our first pick as it seems the most powerful by allowing you to have access to infinite gold and making one of the most annoying skills much more easier. This relic also works pretty well since most people will likely choose Asgarnia for the bosses that reside in it.

  2. Animal Wrangler: This is the second best relic in our opinion, since it provides many benefits in many different locations and covers a lot of tasks that can potentially give really big point drops.

  3. Lumberjack: Well no surprises here the skills covered by this relic are almost completely useless and easy to train anyway. Also this relic has no real region that it synergises well with.

Hope you enjoyed this little guide. We will make many more guides about Leagues as we get more and more information, so do check out our Runescape Guides blog every day to keep up to date with everything OSRS Leagues!

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