OSRS Leagues 5 Raging Echoes Echo Kalphite Queen Guide

06.12.2024 - 06:44:53
Game Guides , Runescape

OSRS Leagues 5 Raging Echoes Echo Kalphite Queen Guide

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OSRS Leagues 5 Raging Echoes' Kharidian Desert region houses the echo Kalphite Queen boss. Yesterday, we covered the echo King Black Dragon, which resides in the Wilderness. If you have Wilderness picked, you can check that guide out by clicking here. Echo Kalphite Queen is an easy early game boss that you can farm to get the best early game ranged weapon in the game, the Drygore Blowpipe. Let’s take a look at how to kill this boss with ease.

Echo Kalphite Queen


First and foremost, you will have to get the echo crystal for the Desert. Depending on your masteries and gear progression, you can simply stand still and kill the normal variant of the boss. If you are unsure what to do and have a hard time killing the Kalphite Queen, you can check out our Kalphite Queen Guide.

Here are the requirements for the Echo Version:

  • Depending on your masteries and combat style choice: 70+ in Melee, Ranged, or Magic.
  • 43+ Prayer
  • Decent tank gear like dragon armor
  • Tier 6 combat masteries for prayer penetration, otherwise this boss will get annoying.
  • Tier 60+ weapon, if you are a Mage, an ancient staff is fine
  • Antipoison, decent food, and prayer potions

This boss is easiest to kill with tier 6 Ranged. If you are using Magic, you should opt into using blood barrage to negate most of the damage coming your way.

Echo KQ Strategy

Just like the regular variant, the Echo Kalphite Queen has two phases. The first phase uses protect from Ranged and Magic, and the second uses protect from Melee, thus the requirement of a tier 6 mastery. Standing far away from the Echo KQ will result in devastating attacks that deal a lot of damage, so it is advisable to stand in melee distance to the KQ. If you are equipped with tank gear, you must put on protect from Magic; if not, you must put on protect from Melee.

Special Attacks

Echo KQ has two special attacks:

  • First phase: You will notice a yellow bar on top of KQ, and when that bar fills up, it will start doing her special attack. The first phase's special attack is pretty simple. You will notice lightning bolts forming around KQ. When this happens, click under KQ because, in a second, it will deal damage to the entire area, and the only safe place is under the boss. After the AOE attack, you should immediately click on KQ to start dealing damage again and move away from under her. She will repeat this attack multiple times. Depending on the speed of your weapon, you can decide when to stop attacking and move back under the KQ.

  • Second phase: Once again, there will be a yellow bar on top of KQ that will indicate the coming of her special attack. This special attack is pretty simple. When the yellow bar gets full, KQ will start sending a line of lightning bolts in your direction. You will first see the shadows of the bolts, so you can move out of the way to avoid them. The simplest technique for this attack is moving two tiles to one side and back. If you have a 1-tick weapon, you can hit in between each dodge. If you have a 2-tick weapon, you must attack every two dodges.


Full Kill

  1. Once you enter the lair, run near the Kalphite Queen and make sure you are standing in her melee distance.
  2. Start hitting her and make sure you have protect melee up if you are using ranged or magic armor, and protect magic up if you are using melee armor.
  3. Once the yellow bar gets full, get ready to walk under her. Keep walking under and out of her and continue doing damage.
  4. Once the first form is down, get ready for the second phase.
  5. When the yellow bar of the second phase is full, get ready to dodge the incoming attacks by moving at least 2 tiles. This is easily done by standing in a corner, which makes the attack radius smaller. If you have a 1-tick weapon, you can keep damaging in between hits. If not, deal damage every 2 attacks of KQ.
  6. You are done! Rinse and repeat until you have received the desired drop!

Hope you found this guide useful! If you are looking for more guides related to Leagues 5 Raging Echoes, check out our blog! We have everything from boss guides to point guides.

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