OSRS Leagues 5 Raging Echo Bosses & Items Tier List

15.11.2024 - 01:57:18
Game Guides , OSRS Guides , OSRS PvM , Runescape

OSRS Leagues 5 Raging Echo Bosses & Items Tier List

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We have a long one to cover today. The Old School Runescape team dropped a huge leak for the upcoming Raging Echoes League. With this leak, we finally got to see the Echo Bosses and their incredible drops. There is a lot to cover here, so in this guide, we will list all the bosses, their difficulty tiers, and rewards, and rank them accordingly. This guide will also provide you with optimal region unlocks to fully utilize each boss's unique potential and enhance your League journey to the absolute maximum.

Before we begin, do not forget that we still have a long way to go before we know everything about Leagues. The tier list here is only a beta version made without crucial information about the combat system and the relics.

Echo Bosses

So, let’s begin by explaining what these are first. Echo bosses are upgraded versions of a select few bosses. Every region has one echo boss, and they are all much more powerful with brand new mechanics compared to their regular counterparts. The way you access these bosses is by killing the original variant of the boss until you get an echo token. Don’t worry—some bosses are guaranteed to give you this on your first kill. After the token is obtained, you can kill the echo boss as much as you want without any requirements.

Desert - Echo Kalphite Queen

We will begin from the Desert, which houses the Kalphite Queen. This is a really old boss that has been in the game since the beginning of RS2. As such, the regular version is annoying but pretty easy to kill. If you have never killed this boss before and looking to learn how to kill it, you can check out our guide on the subject.

You can probably start farming this boss pretty early on and get that echo crystal. It is also good to note that whilst farming this boss you will be raking up points from the rare drops and also the kill-count challenges. Kalphite Queen also has a really supply-friendly drop table and you can get a lot of alchables, potions, herblore, farming, and crafting supplies, which adds to the value of picking this boss and region. But let’s get to the main reason why we are picking this reason the new echo boss weapon!

Drygore Blowpipe


After you get the echo crystal you will be able to start farming the echo variant of Kalphite Queen and get your hands on the new Drygore blowpipe. This blowpipe is an absolute powerhouse. It is still a 2-tick weapon with really high ranged bonus but the main part is the fact that it works like the Osmuten’s fang. Every hit you do the game will roll accuracy twice instead of once and pick the highest roll, meaning you will be destroying everything in your path no matter if they have high defence or not. Also, you unlock darts in the Desert, how convenient!

If we speculate a little bit and think about the combat buffs we are going to get, this weapon becomes more and more insane. If we get an effect like the previous years ranged relic, this weapon will be an unstoppable machine gun. Furthermore, since this weapon can be obtained in the Desert, you also have access to the Masori armor set so you don’t need to pick any other region for Ranged equipment plus you can get the fang and the shadow with the ancient magicks so you are already pretty rounded up in terms of combat styles.

Depending on the buffs we get, this weapon might fall off in the super late game if you compare it to the mega-rares such as the twisted bow and the Zaryte crossbow.

Tier, Regions & Combinations

Without the relics it is going to be difficult to give an accurate rating but as it stands now:

Tier: A

Given the fact that it is a fairly easy boss to kill and a super useful drop we are going to put this to A tier for now and with due time, we will see if it holds that position or not.


Morytania, Desert, Fremennik

This lineup is pretty solid since you will have access to so many different items and bosses that can synergize well with each other. You will be able to get the upgraded Ava’s equipment as well, which will be crucial if we don’t get that ammo save effect from the relics. You can change the pick order of these regions depending on your route all 3 can be moved. The main component is that you will be getting all the echo drops from these 3 regions and use them with each other.

Desert, Fremennik, Varlamore

This lineup is a pretty hardcore one that focuses on the absolute best Item you can get. You will get the quiver from the Varlamore with a pretty neat echo item alongside it. Fremennik will be your support region with its echo drops and skilling opportunities.

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Morytania - Echo Grotesque Guardians

Unlike the previous boss, this one has some requirements. First and foremost, the Grotesque Guardians is a Slayer boss and you will need level 75 Slayer and a Gargoyle Slayer task before you can start killing this boss. But do not fret as once you obtain the echo crystal you no longer require a Slayer Task to farm this boss.

Being able to farm this boss will also have its unique benefits. This boss is a beast when it comes to alchable drops, potion drops, smithing and fletching supply drops, and rare items which all will probably have a task attached to them. Now on to the main topic, the unique drop!

Gloves of the Damned


Hate Recipe for Disaster? Here have free barrows gloves with added benefits! These gloves are interesting and, in my opinion, a double-edged sword. On one hand, it looks pretty good to have this glove on but on the other hand, the passive effect kind of locks you out of different builds. Let me elaborate on that so the passive effect of these gloves is that it acts as an amulet of the damned and it doubles all the effects that you get from the barrows armor sets including the damned effects. This is pretty good but you will need to equip all the set pieces for it to work and there are two problems with that:

  1. First of all, you will need to acquire the entire set, and if you have ever tried farming Barrows and got unlucky with the drops, it can get pretty annoying. Hopefully, no one that gets Morytania gets more than one duplicate.
  2. Secondly, every barrows set consists of 4 items: head slot, body slot, legs slot, and weapon slot. Furthermore, all of the weapons are two-handed except the Ahrim’s staff. This locks you out of any other build if you want to take advantage of these gloves.

Well let’s talk about some positives now. Here is what you can expect to do with each set:

  • Dharok: I can already see a lot of people's mouths watering with the idea of doubling the set effect of this armor set. With these gloves, you can hit 194% more damage when you are at one health and if we get that “always max hit on your first hit” relic this will be quite insane in most scenarios.
  • Ahrim: A useless armor in the main game but not in Leagues. With these gloves you will get the following passive effect: Have a 50% chance to deal 60% increased damage with any combat spell. This is quite incredible with both ancient magicks and elemental weaknesses.
  • Guthan: We can’t know for sure how useful this will be, but with the gloves, you will gain a 50% chance to heal for double the damage that you have dealt and you will be able to heal 20 health above your base max health with this effect. One in two attacks will trigger this pretty incredible effect, only if the set itself was good.
  • Karil: Blowpipe of the swamp incoming. With these gloves, you will have a 50% chance of dealing two hits instead of one and the second hit also deals full damage. Karil’s crossbow is known for its speed of 3 ticks so with a ranged relic this could get broken.
  • Verac: This is a pretty interesting one, and it is hard to tell how useful or broken it will be. Your attacks will have a 50% chance to ignore any accuracy check and defence and just hit. So you are guaranteed a hit every two hits. This can get really broken but we will have to wait and see.
  • Torag: Oh didn’t see you there, did you know that Torag also had a passive effect? With the set effect your defence will be increased by 2% for every missing 1% health. Which seems pretty useless for now.

If you have never done barrows before and want to learn the best ways of doing it, you can check out our Ultimate Barrows Guide!

Tier, Regions & Combinations

Without the relics it is going to be difficult to give an accurate rating but as it stands now:

Tier: C-B

The boss is fairly easy to kill but it also requires a Slayer task, 75 Slayer, and a brittle key so it is kind of annoying. Personally, I feel like this is a C-tier drop since it pretty much does not synergize well with different pieces of equipment. You will always be stuck with your barrows armor set but this can also be quite broken so it is a personal preference.


Fremennik, Morytania, Kandarin

This set of regions will maximize your gloves' potential. Fremennik is a good support region for all styles and will allow you to get to your tiers quicker. You will also need those precious best in slot jewelry since your barrows armor will take up your other slots anyway. Kandarin on the other hand will provide you with an amazing item that will boost your magic damage to the sky. That item which we will get into when we talk about Kandarin is absolutely amazing and will work really well with a harmonised nightmare staff as well.

Fremennik - Echo Dagannoth Kings

The Fremennik area in general was not that good of a choice in the previous leagues due to lack of powerful drops and unique skilling options but everything changes with this league. Dagannoth kings are a pretty old, it is all about teaching the player how to use different styles in a given situation. If you have never killed the DKs before you can check out our Dagannoth Strategy Guide to learn how to do it!

Let’s move on to the reason why Fremennik is the absolute best region to pick this Leagues!

Amulet of the Monarchs & Emperor Ring

Amulet_of_the_Monarchs & Emperor_Ring

Historically, in Leagues, getting a good jewelry on your ring and necklace slot was pretty difficult. If you wanted the best necklace for ranged and melee you would have had to pick Kandarin and farmed demonic gorillas which is pretty annoying with a hefty Crafting requirement. If you wanted the best in slot amulet for Magic again you would have had to get 93 Slayer and pick Kandarin. Same with the rings getting the best in slot rings for each combat style was a pain, especially if you didn’t want those regions.

This echo version of the DKs is a complete game changer. The stats of these items are completely insane and they blow every other jewelry out of the water. They work for every style of combat and this makes Fremennik the best support region to pick for your Leagues journey.

Tier, Regions & Combinations

We don’t even need to know the relics for this one!

Tier: S

The echo versions of these bosses might be difficult to kill since they all use a different style of combat and I expect them to hit pretty hard with the added mechanics but the trade-off is well worth it. Aside from these rings though there is not much to pick up in the area. However, you will be able to complete a lot of tasks just by farming these bosses since they have a lot of uniques albeit kind of useless now.


Fremennik and everything

Since the ring and the amulet works with pretty much everything, you are free to add whatever two regions you please with Fremennik. It will be pretty hard not to pick this region in Raging Echoes.

Wilderness - Echo King Black Dragon

Another old boss, another epic reward! King Black Dragon is a really simple boss that you can farm without breaking a sweat. Wilderness in Leagues has always been a good starter region to really boost your Leagues points. Well, the echo variant of this boss absolutely adds more value to this process! If you never touched KBD in your life and want a quick guide on this dragon, you can check out our King Black Dragon Strategy guide! Without further ado let’s look at what you can expect from this boss.

Thunder Khopesh and Thousand-Dragon Ward


From the echo version of this boss you get two incredible items. The sword Thunder Khopesh is the best in slot slash weapon, completely overtaking the blade of saeldor. It also has a passive effect and a special attack.

  • When using this weapon, you have a 20% chance to trigger a AOE lightning bolt that hits everything in 3x3 radius. This deals up to 50% of the original attacks max hit.
  • When you use the special attack, you will attack twice instead of once and if the attack is successful you will be guaranteed to call a lightning strike that deals up to 100% of the original attacks max hit. So if you get lucky with the triggers as well this can absolutely destroy a single target or a group of targets. I am not even mentioning the other boosts that we are going to get from relics.
  • Additionally, this weapon deals full damage to the Corporeal Beast meaning it saves you a region unlock.

Now the shield is incredible for any other PVMing activity you partake in. It has better stats than an avernic defender, so you don’t have to get Asgarnia + Morytania but it also has a passive effect that prevents almost all negative status effects on your character, how convenient for everything!

Tier, Regions & Combinations

We don’t even need to know the relics for this one as well!

Tier: S

KBD can be easily killed in the early game with basic weapons and armor. This makes it so that you will be able to access the echo version much more quicker than other echo monsters. Furthermore, the wilderness is an amazing support region that has tons of supply drops and tasks so you will be set for the rest of your Leagues journey!


Wilderness, Fremennik, Tirannwn

This lineup is perfect for Wilderness. You will start with absolute god-like speed farming revenants, getting all the supplies you need from the Wilderness, and finally getting your best in slots from the KBD. After that, you can move on and absolutely smoke the DKs and lastly you can pick Tirannwn to get that special echo buff that will give you your best in slot melee armor, which we will discuss.

Wilderness, Fremennik, Asgarnia

This lineup is also pretty solid, especially if you like fighting bosses and unique rewards. With this you will have access to really good special attack weapons as well which will further amplify your damage and combat prowess. Also you can get up to Torva armor from Asgarnia which is both tank and power armor. Overall you can’t go wrong with Wilderness.

Asgarnia - Echo Cerberus

As you know Cerberus much like Grotesque Guardians, comes with its own set of Slayer requirements. You will need level 91 Slayer and a hellhound Slayer task to start farming this creature but don’t worry once you get a echo crystal, you won’t need to have a task to kill it. Cerberus itself is a pretty easy boss to kill that you can take down under a minute. If you do not know how to farm Cerberus effectively, here is our Cerberus Guide!

Let’s take a look at what you can get from this good doggo!

Dog Sword


Whoever named this sword is a genius! The Dogsword is the absolute version of all godswords! This sword is a combination of all godswords, not in terms of stats but in terms of special attack effects. You will be hitting higher with more accuracy, lowering your enemies' stats, healing, and regenning your prayer with a simple click.

Tier, Regions & Combinations

This drop is absolutely reliant on the upcoming relic reveals, so it is impossible to give it a rating that will do it justice.

Tier: C - S (with a good relic)

This item has some disadvantages. You won’t be able to get it until Level 91 Slayer and it totally relies on a special attack relic. If we get anything like the Weapon Master relic of the previous league, this weapon will absolutely destroy everything that it can touch. Furthermore, you will be getting your best in slot boots from this boss and a ton of Alchable drops which is a huge plus!


Desert, Fremennik, Asgarnia

This is an example lineup for this build, you probably don’t want to get Asgarnia first since you will need Level 91 Slayer anyway and Asgarnia in general is really bad for early game points. So you can start with the Desert or any other early area for points and move up to Asgarnia depending on your route. Desert here also provides Masori so you can upgrade it and most importantly Desert has the Lightbearer which works really well with a good special attack weapon!

Kandarin - Echo Thermonuclear Smoke Devil

Everyone thinks of Magic when they hear Kandarin and this theme will continue to be even more true with this boss! Just like the Cerberus you will need level 93 Slayer and a Slayer task to be able to start farming this boss. Once you get an echo crystal, however, you won’t need the Slayer task! If you have never killed this boss variant before, you can check out our Smoke Devil Slayer guide, which covers both the regular variants and the boss variant!

Now, let’s take a look at the Echo variant!

Devil’s Element


Well, this reward is kind of confusing. Aside from the obvious magic accuracy and damage bonus of this off-hand item, we need to do some math here.

First of all this item provides infinite elemental runes, which is an okay buff but not that important. The main part about this item is the fact that it multiplies the elemental weakness of any monster. You will be surprised how many monsters actually have elemental weaknesses in this game. If you do not know what an elemental weakness is here is a quick breakdown:

For every percent of elemental weakness a monster has, your character gains 1% Magic damage and 1% Magic accuracy. These buffs apply after your other magic damage sources such as the Slayer Helmet (i). You can check the monster lists by clicking here.

Tier, Regions & Combinations


This relic is a weird one that does not feel immidieatly good.

Tier: D

This item is really weird and heavily relies on stacking different magic bonuses on top of one another. Like the wrath runes, any sort of bane weaponry or good staff, good prayers and so on. Since we only have 3 regions to pick this can get quite difficult to do. On top of that you actually need regions to abuse the elemental weaknesses. For example, you will need to pick Tirannwn if you want to exploit Zulrah with this item, so that is two hard requirements for only 3 regions. You will probably have a blast killing bosses if you have your set completed but until then I fear it will suck quite a bit. Also, all of the bosses you see above already have different ways that you can kill them which are all good so because of these reasons, for now, this will rest in D tier.


Fremennik, Morytania, Kandarin

Because of the reasons mentioned above I am struggling to find good combinations that will feel good. For example, picking Fremennik makes the jewelry you get from Kandarin meaningless. Also your magic gear is locked behind bad drop rates, such as full Ahrim or the Harmonised Nightmare Staff.

Tiranwnn - Echo Hunllef

Tiranwnn, historically a bad region, is getting an interesting buff this year. For this echo crystal, you will be farming the corrupted gauntlet, which is pretty good for supplies to begin with. Gauntlet or corrupted gauntlet can be overwhelming if you have never tried it, so you can check out our Gauntlet Guide to learn everything you need to know about this minigame!

Once you obtain the echo crystal, you are no longer required to do a prep run and instead will be fully geared from the get-go. Let’s look at what you can get from this echo variant.

Crystal Blessing


This reward is strictly for melee builds, which is kind of disappointing but interesting nevertheless. This item will go into your ammo slot, and when equipped, your crystal armor's 15% damage and 30% accuracy bonus will be applied to every melee weapon. The good thing about this buff is that you don’t need the full crystal set for the effect to activate. Each piece of the crystal equipment gives a percentage, so you can, for example, use a slayer helmet with two crystal equipment pieces to get an overpowered damage and accuracy buff.

Tier, Regions & Combinations

This is a pretty unique drop with a flat buff, so we can rank it more or less accurately.

Tier: A

We will put this item in the A tier, given its uniqueness and placement. You will be getting a lot of alchable drops from the gauntlet, plus a ton of crafting supplies, which is great.


Tirannwn, Fremennik, Any Region

With the effect of this armor set being really strong, you are only really looking to maximize your other slots. For example, you can pick Morytania and go for that Slayer helmet, which will absolutely destroy every Slayer task-based boss monster. Alternatively, you can pick something like Asgarnia and use a Dog sword with incredible damage and accuracy.

Zeah/Kourend - Echo Hespori

This is an extremely weird boss choice for this content. Hespori is a farming boss requiring level 65 Farming plus a Hespori seed which can be obtained whilst training Farming. After planting it takes 22-32 hours for Hespori to grow which is quite a lot in terms of League hours. If you have never done Hespori before, you can check out our Hespori guide.

The upside to this is the fact that you only need to do this once as the echo crystal is a guaranteed drop from this boss. Let’s take a look at this weird item, shall we.

Nature’s Reprisal


This item might seem confusing because it is. From the echo Hespori, we get the Nature’s Reprisal, which is a salamander on crack that can use all 3 combat styles. It has pretty decent stats—its ranged accuracy bonuses surpass most weapons in the game, especially its ranged accuracy bonus. Furthermore, this weapon is a projectile-based weapon, meaning you can attack with melee while being at ranged distance. This can, for example, allow you to kill K'reeara using melee. To use this weapon, you will need to charge it with nature and earth runes.

Tier, Regions & Combinations

This unique drop can actually be pretty decent.

Tier: A - B

The downside of this is Hespori itself. Depending on your luck, you can get this very late in the game, which can be pretty bad, but if you get it early on, this is pretty amazing. First of all, you have an item that will basically cover you for all styles for most encounters. After getting this item, you don’t have to worry about your weapons for raids, for example.

Secondly, if our speculations are correct, we will be able to opt into any combat style we want this League, making this weapon absolutely god-like. Lastly, you will be getting a lot of Farming experience and seeds from this boss (though we don’t know if it will give Farming experience yet, so this is a guess). Overall, this weapon is pretty good, all things considered.


Kourend, Fremennik, Any Region

This region and item provide a lot of versatility to your path, so you can combine it with whatever you please!

Varlamore - Echo Sol Heredit

This is going to arguably be the biggest challenge of this League, so proceed carefully if you are picking this region. Sol Heredit is the final boss of the Colosseum, which is almost as difficult as the Inferno, so if you are not confident in the game, this might be a straight-up no for you. Furthermore, the echo version will be much more difficult, so only god knows how it will go. One positive is that you will receive the echo crystal on your first completion. After receiving the crystal, you will be able to skip to the boss fight. Let’s take a look at what you can get from the champion of the Colosseum!

Sunlight Spear & Bracers


What a fitting reward. If you manage to defeat this insane creature, you are awarded with his spear and shield. You will get a shield and spear combined into one item that gives incredible defensive and offensive stats. It also has a unique special attack mechanic, just like the soulreaper axe, where you will be gaining stacks every time you hit your enemies. You can get 20 stacks maximum this way. After you have 7 stacks or more, you can use the special attack of this weapon, which upon use, consumes 7 of your stacks and hits every NPC in a 3x3 radius. The damage this deals can be amplified with prayer bonus. For every Prayer bonus you have, you will deal 3% more damage.

Sunlight bracers are even better in our opinion, as they double all the healing you get from any source. Are you eating a shark? Now it heals 40 Hitpoints rather than 20. After getting this, you will keep using it.

Tier, Regions & Combinations

This weapon and bracers are incredibly overpowered, but, and it is a big but, it is locked behind a really hard challenge.

Tier: A

Well, this is an A tier or even a B tier reward, even though it is incredibly good. We don’t expect many players to be able to complete this challenge enough times to receive these weapons. Furthermore, even if you are good at PVM, you won’t be able to get these items until you have decent gear and supplies. If it weren’t for the boss, this would be an easy S tier.


Fremennik, Desert, Varlamore

Fremennik, Asgarnia, Varlamore

Desert, Asgarnia, Varlamore

You get the idea—you will need to have items that can do the Colosseum for this one, so it is ideal to pick it second or third. Try to combine this with other combat boosting equipment depending on your preferences.

Final Verdict


Here is our overview of these weapons for now. You can keep up-to-date with everything Leagues 5 by checking out our Blog every day!

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