OSRS Inferno Guide

03.02.2024 - 19:56:24
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OSRS Inferno Guide

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As there's so much to do in OSRS, it's easy to overlook some of the best challenges that the game has to offer. If you're looking for something that will truly test your skills for awesome rewards, you might want to try out the Inferno. However, you'll need a bit of help to see this mode through. Before anything else, let's talk about the mode itself first.

What Is OSRS Inferno?

It's considered the ultimate solo PVM challenge upon its release, is a successor to the TzHaar Fight Caves. Your goal is to survive 69 increasingly challenging waves, culminating in defeating the level 1400 TzKal-Zuk to earn the coveted infernal cape. If you fail, you'll have to start from the first wave.


Remember that restocking between waves is not allowed, and other players cannot enter the minigame. However, you can pause the Inferno by attempting to log out between waves, although using purple sweets is not an option here.

It's worth noting that a Slayer task of TzHaar doesn't apply in the Inferno. If you've previously defeated TzKal-Zuk, it might be chosen as a Slayer task when assigned TzHaar, affecting all monsters inside the Inferno. Just like the Fight Caves, if you're defeated, the task will be canceled.

In 2018, access to the Inferno was restricted on unrestricted worlds to prevent unlimited practice without supply costs. However, this decision seems to have been reversed since 2021, with nearly all unrestricted worlds allowing players access to the Inferno.

How To Get To Inferno?

To access the Inferno in OSRS, you need to give TzHaar-Ket-Keh a fire cape as a one-time fee. Once you've done that, you can enter the solo minigame.

Accessing Mor Ul Rek:

  1. TzHaar Fight Pit Minigame Teleport: Utilize the teleport option provided by the "TzHaar Fight Pit" minigame to swiftly reach Mor Ul Rek.
  2. BLP Fairy Ring and Northern Run: Venture to the blp fairy ring and activate it, then head north from there to uncover the entrance leading to Mor Ul Rek.

While getting to the Inferno minigame is easy, what's challenging is getting the Fire Cape which requires beating the Fight Caves. As such, a lot of preparation is needed for this quest.


The Inferno minigame is undoubtedly one of the toughest challenges in the game. As such, you'll need to prepare the following skills

  • Ranged 90+
  • Defence 90+
  • Prayer 80+
  • Magic 94+
  • Hitpoints 90+
  • Attack 75+
  • Strength 90+

Note: While melee is typically not favored in the Inferno, the special attack of the Saradomin godsword can prove useful. Therefore, it is advisable to have high melee stats if you intend to utilize this weapon.


Recommended Builds

Making the Inferno minigame is a matter of having the right build. As such, we've found a few solid ones that you might want to try.

Learner/First Cape


  • Top Choice: Justiciar faceguard
  • Alternative: Crystal helm (Only with Bow of Faerdhinen)
  • Fallbacks: Verac's helm


  • Top Choice: Occult necklace + Necklace of anguish
  • Alternative: Amulet of fury / Amulet of blood fury


  • Top Choice: Max cape
  • Alternative: Ranging cape(t)
  • Fallback: Ava's assembler


  • Top Choice: Masori body (f) + Virtus robe top
  • Alternatives: Crystal body + Ancestral robe top, Armadyl chestplate + Ahrim's robetop, Karil's leathertop + 3rd age robe top


  • Top Choice: Masori chaps (f) + Virtus robe bottom
  • Alternatives: Crystal legs + Ancestral robe bottom, Armadyl chainskirt + Ahrim's robeskirt, Karil's leatherskirt


  • Top Choice: Toxic blowpipe + Kodai wand (or Eldritch nightmare staff) + Twisted bow
  • Alternatives: Toxic blowpipe + Nightmare staff + Bow of Faerdhinen, Toxic blowpipe + Blood ancient sceptre / Ice ancient sceptre + Armadyl crossbow, Toxic blowpipe + Ancient sceptre (or Master wand) + Dragon hunter crossbow / Dragon crossbow


  • Top Choice: Elysian spirit shield
  • Alternative: Crystal shield, Elidinis' ward (f), Dragonfire shield


  • Top Choice: Dragon arrows + Dragon dart / Amethyst dart
  • Alternatives: Ruby dragon bolts (e) / Diamond dragon bolts (e) (if using crossbow)
  • Note: Only equip if using a crossbow.


  • Top Choice: Zaryte vambraces
  • Alternative: Barrows gloves


  • Top Choice: Devout boots
  • Alternative: Pegasian boots


  • Top Choice: Lightbearer
  • Alternative: Ring of suffering (i), Ring of the gods (i)

Special Attack:

  • Top Choice: Eldritch nightmare staff
  • Alternative: Toxic blowpipe
  • Fallback: Saradomin godsword


  • Justiciar faceguard
  • Ava's assembler
  • Occult necklace
  • Dragon arrow
  • Eldritch nightmare staff
  • Virtus robe top
  • Elysian spirit shield
  • Virtus robe bottom
  • Zaryte vambraces
  • Devout boots
  • Lightbearer
  • Masori body (f)
  • Toxic blowpipe
  • Twisted bow
  • Divine rune pouch
  • Necklace of anguish
  • Saradomin brew(4)
  • Falador shield 4
  • Super restore(4)
  • Stamina potion(4)
  • Bastion potion(4)
  • Soul rune (2000)
  • Blood rune (8000)
  • Death rune (8000)
  • Water rune (8000)

Important Notes:

  • Adjust gear based on your experience and preference.
  • Rigour and Augury are strongly recommended.
  • Crystal armour is more effective than Armadyl armour in The Inferno.
  • Max cape is comparable to Ava's assembler, providing extra defense and prayer bonus.
  • Use this setup as a baseline; feel free to customize based on your encounters and strategy.

On-Task Build

Since Inferno slayer tasks become accessible only after defeating Zuk at least once, it's assumed that you already possess some experience. The general guidelines still hold true, but given the substantial enhancement provided by the Slayer helmet (i), you might opt to tailor your setup more towards offense. If you're confident in your ability to evade daJal-Zek, contemplate bringing additional ranging and super restore potions to amplify boosts and facilitate offensive prayer usage across the waves.


  • Top Choice: Slayer helmet (i)
  • Fallbacks: N/A


  • Top Choice: Occult necklace + Necklace of anguish
  • Alternative: Amulet of fury / Amulet of blood fury


  • Top Choice: Ava's assembler
  • Alternative: Max cape, Ranging cape(t)
  • Fallback: N/A


  • Top Choice: Masori body (f) + Virtus robe top
  • Alternatives: Crystal body + Ancestral robe top, Armadyl chestplate + Ahrim's robetop, Karil's leathertop + 3rd age robe top


  • Top Choice: Masori chaps (f) + Virtus robe bottom
  • Alternatives: Crystal legs + Ancestral robe bottom, Armadyl chainskirt + Ahrim's robeskirt, Karil's leatherskirt + 3rd age robe


  • Top Choice: Toxic blowpipe + Kodai wand (or Eldritch nightmare staff) + Twisted bow
  • Alternatives: Toxic blowpipe + Nightmare staff + Bow of Faerdhinen, Toxic blowpipe + Blood ancient sceptre / Ice ancient sceptre + Armadyl crossbow, Toxic blowpipe + Ancient sceptre (or Master wand) + Dragon hunter crossbow / Dragon crossbow


  • Top Choice: Elidinis' ward (f)
  • Alternatives: Elysian spirit shield, Crystal shield
  • Note: N/A if using a Twisted bow


  • Top Choice: Dragon arrows + Dragon dart / Amethyst dart
  • Alternatives: Ruby dragon bolts (e) / Diamond dragon bolts (e) (if using crossbow)
  • Note: Only equip if using a crossbow.


  • Top Choice: Zaryte vambraces
  • Alternative: Barrows gloves


  • Top Choice: Pegasian boots
  • Alternative: Devout boots


  • Top Choice: Ring of suffering (i)
  • Alternative: Lightbearer, Ring of the gods (i)


  • Slayer helmet (i)
  • Ava's assembler
  • Occult necklace
  • Dragon arrows
  • Kodai wand
  • Virtus robe top
  • Elidinis' ward (f)
  • Virtus robe bottom
  • Zaryte vambraces
  • Pegasian boots
  • Ring of suffering (i)
  • Masori body (f)
  • Toxic blowpipe
  • Twisted bow
  • Divine rune pouch
  • Necklace of anguish
  • Saradomin brew(4)
  • Falador shield 4
  • Super restore(4)
  • Stamina potion(4)
  • Bastion potion(4)
  • Soul rune (2000)
  • Blood rune (8000)
  • Death rune (8000)
  • Water rune (8000)

Important Notes:

  • Adjust gear based on your experience and preference.
  • If confident in avoiding Jal-Zek, consider bringing extra ranging and super restore potions.
  • Use Slayer helmet (i) for the potent boost against Slayer tasks.
  • This setup is focused on offense, adjust accordingly to your playstyle.
  • Use this as a baseline; feel free to customize based on your encounters and strategy.



  • Significantly reduced reliance on advanced prayer flicking and movement.
  • Allows a strong backup to reposition when caught in a sticky situation.
  • Ability to tank range minions at Zuk much easier when needed.


  • Slower wave completion times and more difficult final bosses due to missing offensive gear.
  • Less reliable than the proper advanced methods due to reliance on RNG.
  • Doesn't teach advanced skills for consistent and repeat completions.

Gear Setup:

  • Head: Slayer helmet (i)
  • Back: Ava's assembler
  • Neck: Amulet of blood fury
  • Ammo/Spell: Dragon arrow 5, Eldritch nightmare staff
  • Body: Virtus robe top
  • Shield: Elidinis' ward (f), Dinh's bulwark
  • Legs: Masori chaps (f)
  • Hands: Barrows gloves
  • Boots: Guardian boots
  • Ring: Lightbearer
  • Ammo/Spell: Toxic blowpipe, Masori body (f), Twisted bow, Divine rune pouch
  • Shield: Dinh's bulwark, Justiciar chestguard, Justiciar legguards, Falador shield 4
  • otions: Saradomin brew(4), Super restore(4), Bastion potion(4), Stamina potion(4)
  • Runes: Soul rune (2000), Blood rune (8000), Death rune (8000), Water rune (8000)

Strategy Notes:

  • The Dinh's Bulwark is used to clear up the Jal-Nibs at the start of waves, tank while repositioning, and at Zuk to tank range minions when needed.
  • It is not expected to be used to brute force every wave; most waves should be completed normally using magic and ranged.
  • Only use the Dinh's Bulwark special attack to clear Jal-Nibs when needed; otherwise, use ice barrage as normal.
  • The Dinh's Bulwark special attack should primarily be used when intentionally starting the wave in the center.
  • Consider bringing a Lightbearer as your ring if you intend to use the Dinh's Bulwark for the majority of waves.
  • The gear setup can be modified based on the player's equipment and preference. An alternative setup could swap Dinh's Bulwark and Amulet of blood fury for Occult necklace and Necklace of anguish for less tankiness but higher DPS. This alternative is especially good if you have access to an Elysian spirit shield.
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OSRS Inferno Monster Wave Breakdown

Over the course of 69 waves, starting from wave 1, there are three pillars that Jal-Nibs aim to destroy. Each pillar has 255 hit points. If any pillars remain by the conclusion of wave 66, they are automatically destroyed at the commencement of wave 67, potentially causing daJal-Zek to players on adjacent tiles.

LvlNameHPDefenceMagicAttack(s)Max HitCounterpartNotes
101515Melee (Crush)4 The creatures spawn at the center and arbitrarily select any remaining pillar to target. If successful in destroying a pillar, it becomes unusable for safespotting, posing damage to both players and creatures on adjacent tiles upon collapse. In the absence of any pillars, they will then pursue the player directly.
2555120Ranged19Tz-KihIt depletes run energy with each strike, even when under protective prayers, and possesses a likelihood to reduce all combat stats by 1 with each successful hit.
4095160Magic, Ranged, Melee (Crush)29Tz-KekEngages primarily in magic and ranged attacks. Its assault is characterized by a delay; it assesses the player's defensive stance against magic or ranged attacks immediately upon entering range or 3 ticks following its last strike. After another three ticks, it launches an attack in the opposite combat style. Upon demise, it spawns three smaller iterations representing each side of the combat triangle (Jal-AkRek-Xil, Jal-AkRek-Mej, Jal-AkRek-Ket).
75120120Melee (Slash)49Yt-MejKotIt exclusively employs melee attacks. In situations where it cannot directly engage the player, it burrows underground and resurfaces in close proximity after 30 seconds to resume its assault. To reset this timer, allowing the creature to attack at least once before seeking cover again proves effective.
1256090Ranged, Melee46Tok-XilIt predominantly utilizes ranged attacks, but it possesses the capability to engage in melee combat on any adjacent tile, including diagonally, as long as it maintains a line of sight.
220260300Magic, Melee70Ket-ZekIt predominantly employs magical attacks but has the capability to engage in melee combat on any adjacent tile, including diagonally, provided it has line of sight. Additionally, it possesses the power to resurrect slain monsters within the current round of their appearance. The revived monsters, with half their original health, can only be revived once each.
900JalTok-Jad350480510Magic, Melee, Ranged113TzTok-JadUtilizes each combat style with formidable damage potential, but each individual strike can be mitigated through the use of the corresponding protective prayers. Additionally, summons 5 Yt-HurKot healers (3 during Waves 68 and 69) when its health is reduced to half.
141Yt-HurKot ("Jad Healer")90100150Melee18 Summoned when JalTok-Jad's health reaches half, these healers work to restore its health until they are engaged and attacked. Similar to Yt-HurKot from the Fight Caves, but exhibiting greater strength.
1400TzKal-Zuk1200260150Magic, Ranged148 The ultimate adversary in the Inferno, TzKal-Zuk, employs a formidable fireball attack. Players can evade this potent assault by taking cover behind the floating shield.
250Jal-MejJak ("Zuk Healer")751001Ground-targeted AoE10 Upon reaching 240 health, TzKal-Zuk calls forth four Nibblers, entities dedicated to healing it until provoked. When engaged, these Nibblers unleash lava into the arena, causing area-of-effect damage.

Here's a complete breakdown of the waves.

  • Wave 1: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-MejRah
  • Wave 2: 3x Jal-Nib, 2x Jal-MejRah
  • Wave 3: 6x Jal-Nib
  • Jal-Ak (Jal-Ak) will start to appear in the next round.
  • Wave 4: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Ak
  • Wave 5: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Ak, 1x Jal-MejRah
  • Wave 6: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Ak, 2x Jal-MejRah
  • Wave 7: 3x Jal-Nib, 2x Jal-Ak
  • Wave 8: 6x Jal-Nib
  • Jal-ImKot will start to appear in the next round
  • Wave 9: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Imkot
  • Wave 10: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Imkot, 1x Jal-MejRah
  • Wave 11: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Imkot, 2x Jal-MejRah
  • Wave 12: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Imkot, 1x Jal-Ak
  • Wave 13: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Imkot, 1x Jal-Ak, 1x Jal-MejRah
  • Wave 14: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Imkot, 1x Jal-Ak, 2x Jal-MejRah
  • Wave 15: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Imkot, 2x Jal-Ak
  • Wave 16: 3x Jal-Nib, 2x Jal-Imkot
  • Wave 17: 6x Jal-Nib
  • Jal-Xil will start to appear in the next round.
  • Wave 18: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Xil
  • Wave 19: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Xil, 1x Jal-MejRah
  • Wave 20: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Xil, 2x Jal-MejRah
  • Wave 21: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Xil, 1x Jal-Ak
  • Wave 22: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Xil, 1x Jal-Ak, 1x Jal-MejRah
  • Wave 23: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Xil, 1x Jal-Ak, 2x Jal-MejRah
  • Wave 24: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Xil, 2x Jal-Ak
  • Wave 25: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Xil, 1x Jal-Imkot
  • Wave 26: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Xil, 1x Jal-Imkot, 1x Jal-MejRah
  • Wave 27: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Xil, 1x Jal-Imkot, 2x Jal-MejRah
  • Wave 28: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Xil, 1x Jal-Imkot, 1x Jal-Ak
  • Wave 29: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Xil, 1x Jal-Imkot, 1x Jal-Ak, 1x Jal-MejRah
  • Wave 30: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Xil, 1x Jal-Imkot, 1x Jal-Ak, 2x Jal-MejRah
  • Wave 31: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Xil, 1x Jal-Imkot, 2x Jal-Ak
  • Wave 32: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Xil, 2x Jal-Imkot
  • Wave 33: 3x Jal-Nib, 2x Jal-Xil
  • Wave 34: 6x Jal-Nib
  • Jal-Zek will start to appear in the next round.
  • Wave 35: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Zek
  • Wave 36: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Zek, 1x Jal-MejRah
  • Wave 37: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Zek, 2x Jal-MejRah
  • Wave 38: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Zek, 1x Jal-Ak
  • Wave 39: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Zek, 1x Jal-Ak, 1x Jal-MejRah
  • Wave 40: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Zek, 1x Jal-Ak, 2x Jal-MejRah
  • Wave 41: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Zek, 2x Jal-Ak
  • Wave 42: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Zek, 1x Jal-Imkot,
  • Wave 43: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Zek, 1x Jal-Imkot, 1x Jal-MejRah
  • Wave 44: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Zek, 1x Jal-Imkot, 2x Jal-MejRah
  • Wave 45: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Zek, 1x Jal-Imkot, 1x Jal-Ak
  • Wave 46: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Zek, 1x Jal-Imkot, 1x Jal-Ak, 1x Jal-MejRah
  • Wave 47: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Zek, 1x Jal-Imkot, 1x Jal-Ak, 2x Jal-MejRah
  • Wave 48: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Zek, 1x Jal-Imkot, 2x Jal-Ak
  • Wave 49: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Zek, 2x Jal-Imkot
  • Wave 50: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Zek, 1x Jal-Xil
  • Wave 51: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Zek, 1x Jal-Xil, 1x Jal-MejRah
  • Wave 52: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Zek, 1x Jal-Xil, 2x Jal-MejRah
  • Wave 53: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Zek, 1x Jal-Xil, 1x Jal-Ak
  • Wave 54: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Zek, 1x Jal-Xil, 1x Jal-Ak, 1x Jal-MejRah
  • Wave 55: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Zek, 1x Jal-Xil, 1x Jal-Ak, 2x Jal-MejRah
  • Wave 56: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Zek, 1x Jal-Xil, 2x Jal-Ak
  • Wave 57: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Zek, 1x Jal-Xil, 1x Jal-Imkot
  • Wave 58: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Zek, 1x Jal-Xil, 1x Jal-Imkot, 1x Jal-MejRah
  • Wave 59: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Zek, 1x Jal-Xil, 1x Jal-Imkot, 2x Jal-MejRah
  • Wave 60: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Zek, 1x Jal-Xil, 1x Jal-Imkot, 1x Jal-Ak
  • Wave 61: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Zek, 1x Jal-Xil, 1x Jal-Imkot, 1x Jal-Ak, 1x Jal-MejRah
  • Wave 62: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Zek, 1x Jal-Xil, 1x Jal-Imkot, 1x Jal-Ak, 2x Jal-MejRah
  • Wave 63: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Zek, 1x Jal-Xil, 1x Jal-Imkot, 2x Jal-Ak
  • Wave 64: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Zek, 1x Jal-Xil, 2x Jal-Imkot
  • Wave 65: 3x Jal-Nib, 1x Jal-Zek, 2x Jal-Xil
  • Wave 66: 3x Jal-Nib, 2x Jal-Zek

Note: Remaining pillars will collapse once the final enemy on wave 66 is slain. It will deal half you current HP if you're within one tile.

  • Wave 67: 1x JalTokJad

Note: The JalTok-JalTokJad summons five Yt-HurKot at half health.

  • Wave 68: 3x JalTokJad

Note: The penultimate wave. The JalTokJads attack three ticks apart. Each will summon three Yt-HurKot at half health.

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Final Wave

On the 69th and final wave, TzKal-Zuk emerges from the northern wall with 1200 Hitpoints. TzKal-Zuk cannot be engaged in melee combat and poses a significant threat with an exceptionally high max hit of 148, which can potentially be lethal even for a fully overhealed player. To shield against TzKal-Zuk's attacks, a small piece of the wall floats in the lava, moving back and forth between the player and the boss.


Two rock outcrops on either side of the boss create six grouped tiles (three per side) where the player has no line of sight for ranged or magic attacks. Attempting to attack from these tiles will draw the player toward the middle of the room until line of sight is established, posing a considerable danger, especially if the shield is moving in the opposite direction. Although attacking is restricted from these tiles, players may still be hit by TzKal-Zuk while on them.

The normal attack cycle of TzKal-Zuk aligns with the rotational cycle of the shield, creating four consistent safespots that simplify seeking cover behind the shield before TzKal-Zuk intensifies its attacks upon reaching the last phase, marked by Hitpoints dropping below 240.

Inferno Strategy Guide

One of the best ways to beat the Inferno is to understand how to beat each monster first.


  • Combat level: 4
  • Max hit: 10
  • Hitpoints: 15
  • Magic: 1x1
  • Size: 4
  • Attack speed: 4

Nibblers are the lowest level monsters in the Inferno, posing minimal direct threat but should not be ignored. They spawn in groups of three (six on specific waves) and are weak to magic with a Magic defense of -20. While they can usually be hit even with negative magical accuracy from ranged armor, caution is advised, especially in higher waves. Prioritize taking them out without risking excessive damage, as their attacks can be significant when ignored.


  • Combat level: 19
  • Max hit: 25
  • Hitpoints: 120
  • Magic: 2x2
  • Size: 3
  • Attack speed: 3

Bats are the second-lowest level monsters, utilizing ranged attacks. They have a short range of four tiles, making them vulnerable to a toxic blowpipe if properly safespotted. Their attacks drain run energy and have a chance to lower combat stats (except Prayer) by 1. While generally low priority due to their lower damage output, it's recommended to pray against them and try to get them stuck behind pillars when possible.


  • Combat level: 29
  • Max hit: 40
  • Hitpoints: 160
  • Magic: 3x3
  • Size: 6
  • Attack speed: 6

Blobs, appearing from wave 4 onwards, have unique attack mechanics. They detect the player's protection style (ranged or magic) and attack with the opposite style three ticks later. When defeated, they spawn three smaller monsters, each corresponding to a combat style. Protect against blobs by alternating protection prayers every tick, nullifying all damage. Be cautious of their melee attacks if standing too close.


  • Combat level: 49
  • Max hit: 75
  • Hitpoints: 120
  • Magic: 4x4
  • Size: 4
  • Attack speed: 4

Meleers, also known as snakes, appear from wave 9 onwards. They use only melee attacks, potentially less dangerous from a distance. They can burrow and appear next to the player if not attacked for 20 seconds. It's advisable to wait for them to dig when they're stuck behind a pillar or deal with them cautiously. If used as a safespot against other monsters, they will dig to the player if not killed quickly.


  • Combat level: 46
  • Max hit: 125
  • Hitpoints: 90
  • Magic: 3x3
  • Size: 4
  • Attack speed: 4

Rangers, appearing from wave 18, primarily use ranged attacks. They may resort to melee if the player is too close. Their ranged attacks are powerful and accurate, making them a priority target. Due to their lower Magic level, they are vulnerable to Blood Barrage, especially when under control.


  • Combat level: 70
  • Max hit: 220
  • Hitpoints: 300
  • Magic: 4x4
  • Size: 4
  • Attack speed: 4

Magers are the most powerful regular wave monsters, appearing from wave 35 to 66 and on wave 69. They use potent mage attacks and can revive slain monsters during combat. Prioritize killing them to prevent revivals and consider using a twisted bow for effectiveness. Be cautious of their powerful attacks and their ability to use melee when the player is nearby.


  • Combat level: 113 (waves 67-69)
  • Max hit: 350
  • Hitpoints: 510
  • Magic: 5x5
  • Size: 8 (wave 67 & 69) / 9 (wave 68)
  • Attack speed: 8 (wave 67 & 69) / 9 (wave 68)

Jad is the demi-boss encountered on waves 67-69, similar to TzTok-Jad from the Fight Caves but with higher stats. It uses all three combat styles with extremely powerful attacks. Predicting its attack style based on animations is crucial. When below half health, it spawns Yt-HurKots that heal it; use ranged weapons or barrage spells to draw them away. Stay calm, focus on prayer switches, and be ready to react during this challenging encounter. On wave 68, three Jads spawn simultaneously, presenting an even more nerve-wracking challenge with heightened precision requirements.


Zuk is the final boss in the Inferno, presenting a challenging fight where a shield is your primary defense against its powerful attacks. Failure to block Zuk's attacks can be fatal, making survival the top priority. Understand that success may not come on your first attempt, and view failures as opportunities for improvement.

Key Strategies:

  1. Constant Movement: Always stay behind the shield, prioritizing survival over dealing damage. Avoid risking a hit from Zuk for an extra attack.
  2. Shield Positioning: The shield animation might not perfectly reflect its true position. Stay in the middle or slightly in front of it to minimize risks.
  3. Resource Usage: Don't hesitate to use remaining supplies, especially stamina potions and long-range weapons like the Armadyl crossbow or bow of Faerdhinen for superior range.
  4. Weapon Strategies: Tailor your strategy based on your weapon. Twisted bow users should focus on mager, Jad, and Zuk, while crossbow users switch to it against Zuk and Jad. Use blowpipe against rangers and healers.
  5. Additional Monster Spawns: Attack and kill the additional monsters that spawn periodically. Focus on redirecting their aggression away from the shield.
  6. Spawn Timings: Be aware of spawn timings for magers and rangers. Jad appears at 480 Hitpoints, and healers at 240 Hitpoints.
  7. Wave Resetting: Some players used to log out to reset the wave if the shield moved west. However, it's counterproductive now as it disrupts the strategy.
  8. Graphical Bug: Be cautious of a graphical bug causing flickering in additional monsters. Avoid clicking during this time to prevent unintentional actions.

Dealing Damage Safely:

  1. Safespots: Recognize the safe tiles highlighted in green. Safespots work best before Zuk becomes enraged.
  2. Initial Wave: Stay behind the shield during the initial wave, utilizing specific safe tiles. Do not attack outside these tiles unless confident in reaching the next safe spot.
  3. Attack Ranges: Differentiate between attack ranges based on your weapon. Switch to longrange in specific scenarios, and be mindful of the blowpipe's shorter range.

Killing Spawns:

  1. Before Jad: When a mager and ranger spawn after a shield rotation, protect from Magic and tag both. Kill the ranger on the east side and focus on Zuk on the west side.
  2. Interlude: When Zuk reaches 600 Hitpoints, the timer pauses. Kill the mager, continue damaging Zuk, and prepare for the Jad spawn at 480 Hitpoints.
  3. Healers and Enraged Zuk: When healers spawn, provoke them while at the corner. Use the blowpipe to tag and kill healers, managing health and Redemption prayer.

Finishing the Fight:

  1. After Healers: Use remaining supplies, especially Saradomin brews and super restores. Continue attacking Zuk, switching to diamond bolts for crossbow users at around 180 Hitpoints.
  2. Late Spawn: If Zuk takes too long, a set of mager and ranger may spawn. Tag at least the mager, protect from it, and prioritize Zuk's health over the ranger if near death.
  3. Victory: Once Zuk reaches 0 Hitpoints, all remaining monsters perish, and you emerge victorious from the Inferno, rewarded with the coveted infernal cape and Tokkul.

Dealing With Spawns

Dealing with spawns effectively is crucial, as it represents the most chaotic phase of each wave and exposes players to a barrage of incoming attacks. While mastering this skill primarily comes from experience, there are some key insights to be aware of beforehand.


Useful spots at the north pillar

As the last wave concludes, be ready to cast Ice Barrage on the nibblers. Target the middle one of the pack to maximize the chances of affecting all of them. If they don't all perish, evaluate whether casting another spell is low-risk or if it's better to regain control before finishing them off.

The north pillar serves as an advantageous starting point for each wave. Specifically, the tile on the western side two north of it (highlighted as A) allows you to freeze the nibblers, usually without being in the line of sight of monsters spawning to the south. If the nibblers are at the north pillar, moving all the way north (highlighted as B) lets you reach them without anything south of the pillar being able to target you.

As a general guideline, pray range from waves 1 to 33 and mage from 35 to 66 at the start. Adjustments may be necessary based on the spawned monsters, but this is an easy-to-memorize baseline. When uncertain, prioritize protection in the order of mager > ranger > meleer > blob > bat.

Chaotic situations and repositioning

In moments of chaos, consider running to another pillar for cover. Equip your most defensive gear while running, with ranged armor being preferable as mage armor lacks ranged defense. Prayer flicking during this chaos, even with slight alternations between monster attacks, can significantly enhance your chances of survival.

When a monster spawns in the middle-west while you're at the north pillar, move to the eastern tile on the north side of the pillar (highlighted as C) to lure the monster into range. This is too far for a blowpipe, but a twisted bow and spells can reach it.

If a monster spawns in the north-west while you're at the north pillar, it's generally too distant to be attacked. Move to the east side of the pillar to lure it closer.

On wave 50 and beyond, both a ranger and mager will spawn. Optimize your ranged defense by donning your ranged armor to mitigate damage from the ranger. Despite the lower magic offensive bonus, you remain accurate against nibblers. Augury can further offset the accuracy loss and boost defense. If the mager is safespotted, swiftly switch to protecting from range, as the ranger's attacks can be highly damaging.

When seeking cover behind the south pillar, monsters may approach from the east side. As you arrive, move to the west end of the north side of the pillar to potentially trap them behind it. If this doesn't work, use diagonal safespotting to corner one, reducing potential chaos in the situation.

Unlike the Fight Caves, the location of each monster is random at the start of each wave, with no connection between waves, making predictions impossible.

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Prayer Flicking In Inferno

In the Inferno, you'll find prayer flicking to be incredibly useful, whether it's about conserving prayer points or skillfully switching between monster attacks to shield yourself effectively. While it's technically possible to complete the Inferno without flicking, it's highly recommended that you incorporate it to some extent. Here are some tips for prayer flicking, especially tailored for the challenges of the Inferno.

Keep in mind that one tick is equivalent to 0.6 seconds, influencing the timing of actions in the game. The game server updates player data at this frequency, affecting the rhythm of various activities. For example, a mager attacks every four ticks, translating to every 2.4 seconds.

1-tick flicking

When facing a single attacking monster, 1-tick flicking becomes handy. It allows you to conserve prayer points while avoiding damage and gaining an offensive boost. Ensure you adjust your quick-prayers to match the target you're attacking if using the prayer orb. However, remember that 1-tick flicking only works when no other prayers are continuously active. Flicking Rigour every tick with a protection prayer active will cause prayer points to drain as if both were activated normally.

Having game sounds on can be beneficial for those new to 1-tick flicking, but be cautious, as mistiming can result in taking significant hits.

Flicking between monsters

Switching between different monsters is advantageous, especially when facing multiple attackers with varying combat styles. For instance, protecting from range when a ranger attacks and switching to mage protection when the mage attacks can be done indefinitely.

Flicking between monsters becomes more challenging when they have different attack speeds. However, this is usually manageable, except for the bat, which poses minimal threat due to its lower stats.

Sometimes monsters may attack simultaneously, making it impossible to protect from both. Techniques like walking under one of them to stall its attacks while the other is free to attack, known as "off-ticking," can be applied. Strategies may vary, especially with the presence of blobs and other monsters.

Using alternating prayers against blob and ranger

When facing a blob and a ranger simultaneously, alternating protection prayers between range and mage can effectively shield you from both. This method works even with two blobs.

Flicking between blob and meleer:

When dealing with meleers and blobs, a different strategy is employed. While this method doesn't completely block all damage, it helps against the meleer while providing some protection against the blob. The cycle involves switching between melee and ranged prayers with each tick.

Off-ticking ranger and mager behind pillar

In later waves, encountering both a ranger and mager behind a pillar is common. By standing in the middle tile or two tiles to the west, you can cause them to attack at different times, allowing you to take no damage.

Ranger, mager, and blob/bat behind pillar

In scenarios with additional blobs/bats, use a combination of the above strategies. However, if the blob/bat is the closest to you, the mager and ranger behind may attack simultaneously.

Due to the size differences of the monsters, the methods to off-tick them may differ. The provided strategies offer solutions for various configurations, ensuring you can navigate through the Inferno with skillful prayer flicking.

Extra Tips

  1. Before entering the Inferno, consider sipping a dose of potions like bastion and consuming an anglerfish at the bank for extra stats and health without taking up additional inventory space. Utilizing the ancient mace special attack on an undead combat dummy with a high strength bonus can also grant extra prayer points at the start, up to 37 more with a fire cape (or 38 with an infernal cape).
  2. Using resizable mode can be highly beneficial as it allows you to see more of the arena without the need to rotate your camera. Keeping game sounds on is also crucial as it enables you to hear things you might not see, such as an attack from a blind angle, and aids in effective prayer flicking.
  3. Especially when learning, don't hesitate to use your Saradomin brews, and always maintain your health at a high level. It's more likely to die from being too conservative with supplies than to reach Zuk and wish you had more. Strive to get as far as possible to gain experience, even if it means spending more time on a run that may not be successful.
  4. You can pause the minigame between waves by pressing the logout button, initiating a pause request that takes effect at the end of the wave. Pressing it again (provided you're not in combat) will reset the current wave. While paused, your stat changes and timers (such as run energy restoration) are frozen. Pausing is particularly useful after waves 67 and 68, allowing time to restore health, prayer, and boosts if necessary. To continue the run, log out and back in, but remember to pick up any items left on the floor as they won't carry over.
  5. Keep in mind the attack ranges of your weapons: the toxic blowpipe has a range of 5 tiles, Armadyl crossbow is 8 tiles (lower tier crossbows are 7), and combat spells and the twisted bow have a range of 10 tiles. Most monsters in the Inferno have longer attack ranges.
  6. Explore a variety of written and video guides available to aid in different aspects of the Inferno. These resources can help you visualize and understand strategies you might not be aware of.
  7. While better gear can be beneficial, personal experience is crucial for success in the Inferno. Knowing what to do and when, based on previous encounters, is more likely to save you. Mentally prepare yourself and stay motivated; becoming demotivated from dying is the greatest hindrance to your success, and improvement often comes with each attempt.
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Inferno Rewards

Upon successfully defeating TzKal-Zuk, players will receive the prestigious reward of the infernal cape. Additionally, Tokkul is granted, with the amount increasing based on the wave at which TzKal-Zuk was conquered (up to a maximum of 16,440; doubled for players who have completed the elite tier of the Karamja Diary).

For those seeking a unique companion, there is a 1/100 chance of obtaining a Jal-nib-rek pet upon vanquishing TzKal-Zuk. This probability is slightly improved to 1/75 if the player had the Slayer task to defeat TzKal-Zuk. Players also have an opportunity outside the Inferno to exchange any unwanted infernal capes with TzHaar-Ket-Keh, presenting a second chance at acquiring a Jal-nib-rek pet, with the odds maintained at 1/100.

What Is Infernal Cape?

The infernal cape stands as the pinnacle of melee capes, offering unparalleled bonuses, and is bestowed upon those who triumph over TzKal-Zuk in the formidable Inferno. Outshining its precursor, the fire cape, it commands superior melee attack and strength bonuses, complemented by slightly enhanced defensive attributes. Notwithstanding its supremacy, the Ardougne cloaks 3 and 4 surpass it in stab attack and prayer bonuses, while the mythical cape claims victory in crush attack.


For those seeking more than just a formidable cape, the infernal cape can be traded for a chance to acquire the Jal-nib-rek pet. This exchange is facilitated by TzHaar-Ket-Keh, and akin to the odds of obtaining the pet by defeating TzKal-Zuk, there is a 1/100 chance through this method. It's important to note that if the player already possesses the pet, capes cannot be exchanged.

Furthermore, for those who have achieved mastery in various skills and wear the prestigious max cape, the infernal cape can be seamlessly integrated to transform the appearance into the awe-inspiring infernal max cape.

If you meet your end below level 20 Wilderness, the infernal cape will persist in your inventory but temporarily lose its functionality. To restore it, visit Perdu, who offers repair services for a fee of 225,000 coins. However, should misfortune strike in level 20 Wilderness or beyond without proper protection, your cape will transform into coins upon death.

If you wish to safeguard your infernal cape against the perils of higher Wilderness levels, you have an alternative option. By presenting a Trouver parchment along with a payment of 500,000 coins to Perdu, you can choose to lock the cape. This action, denoted by the addition of the "(l)" suffix, ensures that your item remains intact and is not converted into coins, even if you meet your demise in level 20 Wilderness or higher.

As an additional convenience, you can securely store your infernal cape in the cape rack of your costume room.

Ready For The Challenge?

The Inferno is undoubtedly going to test all of your knowledge and skills in OSRS. With this guide, the journey should at least be easier even for a bit.

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