OSRS Hunter Guide: From Basics to 99

10.10.2023 - 10:20:22
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OSRS Hunter Guide: From Basics to 99

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The Hunter skill is one of the most unique skills to level up in Old School Runescape. That said, why exactly do you need to train it and what are the best possible ways to reach level 99? Read further to learn more!

Why Train Hunter?


The Hunter skill grants you the ability to capture different creatures in the game for profit. Catching Black Chinchompas, for example, is one of the best ways to get rich in Old School Runescape.

Another major reason why you want to train this skill is that you can get the quest cape. You'll need to have at least level 70 Hunter if you want to get the cape, as well as the other skills in the game.

You also have a small chance of acquiring a Baby Chinchompa or Herbi when hunting chinchompas and Herbiboars, respectively.

How to Train Hunter Skill?


Training this skill can be done in a variety of ways. You can set multiple traps and wait for creatures to be locked inside. For instance, you can set box traps in a red chinchompa hunting ground at later levels to gain a considerable amount of experience per hour.

You can also do drift net fishing, which is a great way to gain experience points for your Hunter and Fishing skills at the same time.

Want to catch birds? One of the most viable hunter training methods is to craft bird houses and set them up in key locations in Old School Runescape. A bird house can be stuffed with different seeds to attract birds in the area. This will be discussed further in this OSRS Hunter guide.

Other leveling methods include the use of small fishing nets to catch fish, utilizing butterfly nets to capture butterflies, and making use of noose wands to catch kebbits.

Now, there are a couple of important things to keep in mind when training Hunter. You can only set a limited number of traps based on the current level of the skill. This cap increases every 20 Hunter levels. Furthermore, you can set one trap over your current limit if you are in the Wilderness. Here is a brief rundown of the number of traps you can set at a time:

Hunter LevelNumber of Traps (Limit)Number of Traps (Wilderness Area)
11 Trap2 Traps
202 Traps3 Traps
403 Traps4 Traps
604 Traps5 Traps
805 Traps6 Traps

Although the Wilderness is a dangerous place due to the fact that other OSRS players can kill you, it is home to two creatures that you'd want to hunt at later levels. Starting at Level 67, you can hunt Black Salamanders for a lot of XP per hour. At level 73, you can transition to Black Chinchompas, which is one of the profitable methods of training Hunter.


Because of the cap on how many traps you can set at a time, leveling to 99 Hunter only gets better starting level 60 onwards.

If you're using RuneLite, there are some plugins that you can use to improve your leveling experience. The aptly named Hunter plugin lets you know the status of your traps. This is quite helpful, especially when you need to set your traps up again.

The Time Tracking plugin lets you know if your bird house needs to be replaced. Capturing Herbiboars can be challenging since you have to track them first. The good news is that you can use the Herbiboar plugin to help you locate them with ease.

Important Quests

There are quests that you need to finish in order to gain access to certain stuff. They are:

  • Bone Voyage: The Bone Voyage quest is an important one because completing it allows you to access Fossil Island. Here, you can employ different hunter training methods to increase your level. You can set up bird houses, engage in drift net fishing, and even hunt Herbiboars, which give respectable XP and GP per hour. Talk to Curator Haig Halen in the Varrock Museum to get started.
  • Eagle's Peak: Head to Ardougne Zoo and look for a zookeeper named Charlie to begin the Eagle's Peak quest. Finishing this quest gives you 2,500 hunter experience. But more importantly, completing Eagle's Peak gives you the ability to use box traps, which are needed to capture red and black chinchompas.
  • Priest in Peril: The swamp lizards in Morytania give a good amount of XP per hour beginning at level 29. To gain access to Morytania, you'll need to finish the quest, Priest in Peril. Speak to King Roald in the Varrock Palace and he will give you the details on how to proceed with the quest.
  • Monkey Madness II - The Renegade Returns: Some leveling methods that will be discussed in this OSRS hunter guide are pretty click intensive. If you want a good change of pace where you can AFK a bit while hunter training, you must complete the Monkey Madness II quest. Speak to King Narnode Shareen in the Grand Tree after accomplishing Monkey Madness I. Even though this is a lengthy quest, Monkey Madness II hands out some amazing rewards, including 50,000 hunter experience, access to the Ape Atoll bank, and the ability to enter the Ape Atoll dungeon, among many others.
  • Hard Western Provinces Diary: While not a quest, completing the Hard Western Provinces Diary is highly recommended. Why? Because accomplishing it gives you access to the Hunter Master's private red chinchompa hunting ground, where you can continue your hunter training in peace.

Useful Items


No matter what hunter training method you use, you will need some items to not only capture creatures, but to make your leveling experience a whole lot better as well. You can take a look at the list below:

  • Hunter Potion:Remember what I said earlier about how many traps you can set at a time depending on your Hunter level? Well, the Hunter Potion can help get you to the next trap threshold by boosting your Hunter skill by three. For example, if you are currently at level 57, using this item will get you to level 60, enabling you to set four traps instead of three! That's why bring a healthy supply of Hunter Potions with you at all times! To make this potion, you must have at least level 53 Herblore, some kebbit teeth dust, and a clean avantoe.
  • Digsite Pendant:Want an easy way to get to Fossil Island? Then the Digsite Pendant is your answer! When used, this item teleports you to the barge at the digsite. Northeast of the Museum Camp is the House on the Hill, where you will find the Magic Mushtree that acts as a way for you to reach the different parts of the island quickly. You can set up a bird house in one of the hunter training grounds in the area. To get your hands on this accessory, you must complete The Dig Site quest first. Then, learn the Lvl-3 Enchant spell from one of the archaeologists in the Varrock Museum. They will teach you the spell after participating in a minigame where you'll search for a clean necklace from uncleaned rocks. Once you've learned the spell, cast it on a ruby necklace.

After you unlock the necklace make sure to mount it in your POH to have infinite uses.

  • Graceful Outfit: Some of the training methods that will be outlined in this OSRS Hunter guide require you to run a lot. For this reason, equipping the full Graceful Outfit is a must. When you wear the complete set, your weight is reduced by 25 kg and your run energy restoration gets a sizable 30% boost, so you'll never have problems with stamina. You need to train your Agility skill, though, because the set pieces can only be purchased using Marks of Grace - a type of currency you can earn by completing agility courses. You can buy the Graceful Outfit from Grace in the Rogues' Den.
  • Ring of Endurance:Acquired as a potential reward from the Grand Hallowed Coffin in the Hallowed Sepulchre, the Ring of Endurance is a wearable item that can be recharged with Stamina Potions (up to a maximum of 1,000 charges). There are a couple of reasons why this piece of accessory is great for hunter training. First, by consuming a single charge, the stamina potion's effects are amplified when you have the ring equipped. This means that using a stamina potion immediately restores 40% of your run energy and the 70% reduction in run energy consumption lasts longer (from two minutes to four). Second, if the ring has at least 500 charges, it passively reduces your run energy consumption rate by 15%. This effect works without consuming any of the ring's charges!
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  • Stamina Potions:If you don't have the full Graceful Outfit and Ring of Endurance yet, stamina potions can help you last longer while hunter training. This item restores your run energy by 20% when used. Additionally, it reduces run energy consumption by 70% for two minutes. So, where do you get stamina potions? The easiest way is to purchase some from the Grand Exchange.
  • Ring of Pursuit: There are some creatures that you need to track before you can catch them. The Ring of Pursuit is a handy piece of accessory because it gives you a 25% chance to reveal the entire track of the creatures you're hunting. If you want one, you can use a Lvl-1 Enchant spell on an opal ring.
  • Fairy Ring: While not really mandatory to train Hunter, the Fairy Ring allows you to go directly to various hunting grounds without a problem. The Fairy Ring requires partial completion of the Fairytale II - Cure a Queen quest, specifically the part where you talk to the Fairy Godfather about the Fairy Ring Teleport System.
  • Noose Wand:One viable training method is hunting kebbits, especially in the early levels. To capture a kebbit, you need an item called the noose wand. Without equipping the noose wand, the kebbits will simply just run off. You can purchase one from the hunter shops in Nardah and Yanille.
  • Magic Secateurs:On your journey to 99 Hunter, you can hunt Herbiboars for Hunter and Herblore XP. This item increases your crop yield by 10%, which is why hunting Herbiboars is great for profit as well. You can get the Magic Secateurs by doing the Fairytale I:Growing Pains quest and talking to Malignius Mortifer, located south of Falador.
  • Box Traps: At level 63, you can start hunting red chinchompas for huge amounts of hunter experience per hour. In order to capture them, you must set up some box traps strategically in the hunting ground. Take note that some creatures can disarm your traps, so you may need to redeploy them when that happens. You can buy box traps from the hunter shops in Nardah or Aleck's Hunter Emporium in Yanille.
  • Bird Snare:The bird snare works similarly to box traps in that you set them up and wait for birds to fly inside. They're ideally placed in the Feldip Hunter Area and Uzer Hunter Area to capture Tropical Wagtails and Golden Warblers, respectively. This trap can be purchased from the hunter shops in Yanille and Nardah.
  • Bird House: Bird house trapping is one of the fastest ways to reach 99 Hunter level. Unlike bird snares, you can bait birds to enter bird houses by putting in some seeds. You can set up a filled bird house in one of the bird house trapping locations on Fossil Island. Don't worry, this leveling method will be discussed later in this OSRS Hunter guide.
  • Butterfly Net/Butterfly Jar: Aside from capturing birds, you can get a good amount of hunter experience by catching some butterflies using a butterfly net. You will also need some butterfly jars to store the ones that you've captured. You can buy these items from the hunter shops in Gielinor.
  • Royal Seed Pod:The Wilderness is home to two creatures that you can capture for hunter experience:Black Salamanders and Black Chinchompas. One of the ways to get there is by using the Royal Seed Pod. This non-tradable item can be acquired by completing the Monkey Madness II quest.
  • Kruk Monkey Greegree: For the most part, leveling the skill is click intensive because you'll be running around and putting up traps to catch creatures. Fortunately, there is a passive hunter training method where you transform yourself into Kruk, the head of the Ninja Monkey Guards, using a craftable item called Kruk Monkey Greegree. You can craft this item by taking Kruk's Paw and a monkey talisman to Zooknock - a gnome mage that you can find at the very end of the Ape Atoll dungeon.
  • Rope: Whether you're hunting Orange Salamanders, Red Salamanders, or Black Salamanders, you will need some rope to set up a trap to capture them. You can purchase some rope from Ned's Shop in Draynor Village or from the Ardougne general store.
  • Small Fishing Net: The small fishing net is used together with the rope to trap swamp lizards and salamanders. There are many shops in Old School Runescape that sell this item, such as Warrens Fish Monger, Harry's Fishing Shop, and the store located at the Fishing Guild, to name a few.
  • Drift Net:Crafted using a couple of Jute Fibres on a loom, the drift net is used for fishing in the underwater area of Fossil Island.
  • Phoenix Necklace: Training in the Wilderness, like capturing Black Chinchompas on your way to 99 Hunter, is dangerous because other players can kill you. As a survival measure, you can equip the Phoenix Necklace to prevent you from dying as it automatically restores 30% of your max HP if your health drops below 20%. You can make one by getting a diamond necklace and casting the Lvl-4 Enchant spell on it.

Fastest Leveling Methods

This OSRS Hunter guide will be divided into different sections for easy perusal. This section is focused on providing you with information about the fastest leveling methods. Believe it or not, beginning your hunter training doesn't involve capturing creatures at all. Instead, you'll be heading to the Varrock Museum to take a quiz!

Level 1-9: Varrock Museum Quiz

Before any hunter grind, your leveling journey begins at the basement section of the Varrock Museum, where you will take the natural history quiz. You'll be asked a series of questions pertaining to the various creatures found in Old School Runescape.

Talk to Orlando Smith on the basement floor of the Varrock Museum to begin. After that, go to the plaque in front of the creature displays in the area to get test questions. The quiz is quite easy. However, if you're new to the game, you can refer to the wiki for answers. Alternatively, if you're on RuneLite, you can enable the Puzzle Solver plugin, which highlights all of the answers for you.


Plaque in front of Creature Display

There are 14 creature displays in total. You must earn 28 kudos by answering three questions correctly on each display. Once you are done with the test, go back to Orlando Smith to gain 1,000 Hunter experience. Taking the Varrock Museum Quiz is also a nice way to start leveling Slayer, but that is a topic for another time.


Orlando Smith


Orlando Smith's Location at the Varrock Museum Basement

Level 9-29:Copper Longtails and Ruby Harvest

For the next 20 levels, you'll be hunting some flying creatures in Old School Runescape. At level 9, head to the Piscatoris Hunter Area to find some Copper Longtails. This bird got its name due to its distinct copper color.


Copper Longtail

Set up some bird snares in the Piscatoris Hunter Area to capture them. To use bird snares, simply open your inventory and right-click on them. After that, just wait until the Copper Longtails go inside.


Copper Longtails (Piscatoris Hunter Area)

You will know if the birds are captured if they seemingly get stuck in the trap. When this happens, go near the trap and select the “Check the Bird Snare” option. If the trap is triggered and the birds manage to get away, just redeploy the trap and start over.


Working Bird Snare (Left), Triggered Bird Snare (Right)

Once you reach level 15, whip out your butterfly net and bring some butterfly jars because you'll be catching some Ruby Harvests. Ruby Harvests are butterflies that can be found in the Piscatoris Hunter Area as well. This is the reason why you want to go hunter training here since the two creatures that you need to capture for hunter experience are found in the same place.

Catching the Ruby Harvest is quite simple. Just equip the butterfly net and then left-click on the butterflies to capture them. Make sure to have enough butterfly jars with you, otherwise, this training method will not work.


Ruby Harvest Possible Locations (Piscatoris Hunter Area)

Because early hunter training methods barely make you any profit, you're better off releasing the creatures that you've captured. Doing so significantly increases your experience rate per hour. Speaking of which, hunting Copper Longtails and Ruby Harvests will give you around 10,000 to 15,000 XP per hour.

Level 29-43: Swamp Lizards


Swamp Lizard Location (Canifis Hunter Area)

At level 29, head to the Canifis Hunter Area southeast of Canifis to hunt swamp lizards. For this hunter training method, you will need a small fishing net and a rope. When you reach this place, look for small trees and left-click on them to set up some net traps. After that, just wait for the swamp lizards to get captured.


Small Tree (Swamp Lizard Net Trap)

The experience points you gain per hour when hunting swamp lizards is slow at the beginning. However, it gets even better at level 40 since you'll be able to set up three net traps at a time by then. You can get anywhere between 20,000 to 25,000 experience per hour depending on your efficiency. It also helps to just shift-click the swamp lizards you've captured since they're not worth anything.

Level 43-60: Spotted/Dark Kebbits

Head south of the Piscatoris Fishing Colony to find the Piscatoris Falconry Area. You can purchase some Piscatoris teleport scrolls from the Grand Exchange to get here as quickly as possible. Alternatively, using the Fairy Ring code (A-K-Q) will teleport you near the area. Just head to the east after landing and you should arrive at the destination.


Piscatoris Falconry Area

In this place, you will find a falconer by the name of Matthias. Talk to him and select the “Could I have a go with your bird” option. He will tell you that training falcons takes a lot of work, but he can let you borrow one for hunting in exchange for 500 gold coins. Keep in mind that you should remove your gloves and weapons to use a falcon.

Now that you've rented a falcon from Matthias, scour the area for Spotted Kebbits. To give you an easier time hunting them, find one and right-click on it, and then choose the “Tag-All Spotted Kebbit” option. What this does is it highlights all of the Spotted Kebbits in the vicinity, making them so much easier to find.

To catch one, all you have to do is left-click the creature and select “Catch Spotted Kebbit.” Once that is done, your falcon swoops in and tries to capture the Spotted Kebbit for you. If it fails, it will return with nothing. You will earn 40,000 to 50,000 hunter experience per hour.


Spotted Kebbits Spawn Points

When you reach level 57, you can begin hunting Dark Kebbits. Don't worry, they are also found in the same area, so you don't have to veer too far away. The process of catching them is the same as their lower-level counterparts. Dark Kebbits provide a considerable amount of experience per hour at 55,000 to 65,000.


Dark Kebbits Spawn Points

Even though you can hunt different creatures at level 59, I suggest that you train in the Piscatoris Falconry Area until level 60. This is so that you can start setting up four traps instead of three, which significantly increases your experience gain per hour.

Level 60-67: Red Salamanders

This is where it starts to get interesting. If you've completed the Tree Gnome Village quest, you can use the Spirit Tree to teleport to the Khazard Battlefield. Anyway, at level 60, go west of the Khazard Battlefield to reach the Ourania Hunter Area. Here, you'll be hunting red salamanders until level 67.

The process of capturing them is identical to hunting swamp lizards. Basically, look for small trees and left-click on them to set up your net traps. From there, just wait for the salamanders to get trapped to gain hunter experience. Make sure that you have enough inventory space for your ropes and small fishing nets so you don't have to go to the bank often to resupply. You can get 65,000 to 80,000 experience points per hour catching red salamanders.


Red Salamander Location (Near ZMI Altar)

Level 67-80: Black Salamanders

The next training method is a bit risky, but the payoff is worth it. At level 67, head to the Boneyard Hunter Area in the Wilderness. Here, you will hunt black salamanders for 90,000 to 110,000 experience per hour.


Boneyard Hunter Area (Black Salamander Location)

Because the Bonehard Hunter Area is a bit dark, the black salamanders might be hard to find as a result. Using the Tag-All feature, therefore, is highly recommended.


Tag-All Black Salamanders in Boneyard Hunter Area

You can get a good amount of hunter experience right from the get-go because of the +1 trap limit that you get in the Wilderness. At level 80, it gets even better because you can set a total of six traps! The only downside to this is that you could potentially get killed by other players. However, people are less likely to eliminate you at this stage of your leveling journey because hunting black salamanders is not as profitable as catching black chinchompas.

Level 80-99: Red Chinchompas

Hunting red chinchompas is the most popular way of getting to 99 Hunter. While you can certainly find red chinchompas roaming around Feldip Hills, the one location you should set your eyes on is the Feldip Hunter Area. The reason is that this is a private red chinchompa hunting ground and you can only gain access to this place if you've completed the Hard Western Provinces Diary. Furthermore, the said creatures are contained in a relatively small space, so you'll have no problems getting as much hunter experience as possible. Use the Fairy Ring code (A-K-S) to land close to the hunting ground.


Feldip Hunter Area (Private Red Chinchompa Hunting Ground)

To capture red chinchompas, you must bring five box traps with you since you're already level 80 at this point. Then, find a suitable spot and place the box traps in an X formation. Every time you capture red chinchompas, check the specific trap that caught the said creature. Doing so will place the creature in your inventory, allowing you to set the box trap again.


Box Trap X Formation

Unlike other hunter training methods, you'll be keeping the red chinchompas that you've captured since they're stackable and can be sold for a respectable amount of gold coins. You can earn 500,000 to 550,000 GP per hour depending on its current average market value. In terms of hunter experience, you can earn 120,000 to 150,000 XP per hour. You can get even more if you 3-tick the box traps.

If you are new to Old School Runescape, tick manipulation involves the use of certain actions to cancel the skilling animation. In this case, 3-ticking box traps mean that you can set up the traps without having to wait for the animation to complete.

To do this, you must perform an action that requires three server ticks to finish. Some of the most popular 3-tick actions include using swamp tar on a low-level herb, fletching mahogany/teak logs, or using kebbit claws on vambraces.

After performing any of the above-mentioned actions, immediately click on the box trap from your inventory to set it up, and then just repeat the process as needed. Tick manipulation is very click intensive, but the experience gained per hour is significantly higher than not doing this technique at all. You can get a whopping 180,000 to 200,000 XP per hour using this method.

Alternative Methods

Now that you know the fastest ways to reach level 99 Hunter, you can find the alternative training methods in this section.

Level 1-7: Polar Kebbits

If you don't want to take the Varrock Museum natural history quiz, you can start your hunter training by catching Polar Kebbits. Head to the snowy part of the Relleka Hunter Area located in the northeast part of Relleka.


Relleka Hunter Area

Since you don't have access to a falcon early on, how do you hunt the said creature? Well, you need to track them by searching for the tunnels, holes, and snow drifts they create. They're typically hiding inside snow drifts. With a noose wand in hand, interact with the snow drift to capture them. Continue catching Polar Kebbits until you reach level 7.

Level 7-15: Feldip Weasels

At level 7, head to the Feldip Hunter Area to catch some Feldip Weasels. Track these creatures by looking behind jungle plants and bushes. Just like the kebbits, use your noose wand to capture the Feldip Weasels.

Level 9-99: Bird Houses

Putting up bird houses is one of the most passive hunter training methods you can employ. For this method, you must have already completed the Bone Voyage quest to unlock Fossil Island. You also need the Digsite Pendant for the Magic Mushtree, which allows you to use the Mycelium Transportation System to reach the bird house trapping locations on the island.


If you have a high enough Crafting level, you can craft bird houses using various logs, as well as a clockwork, chisel, and hammer. Each type of bird house provides a different XP rate. You can refer to the table below for more info:

TypeCrafting LevelHunter LevelEXP (Per)EXP Per Hour

After crafting bird houses, head to the House on the Hill on Fossil Island. Inside, you will find several Strange Machines. Use the Digsite Pendant on one of the machines to unlock the ability to use the Magic Mushtree.


Use Digsite Pendant on Strange Machine

With the Mycelium Transportation System at your disposal, you can interact with the mushtree to teleport you to the Verdant Valley or Mushroom Meadow. You will find specific spots in the area where you can establish your bird house. It is important to note that you can only teleport to these locations if you've already discovered them by foot. That is why you need to fully explore Fossil Island as soon as you get there.


Bird House Trap Locations in Fossil Island

Verdant Valley and Mushroom Meadow each have two build spaces where you can put your bird houses. Once the traps are set, make sure to insert some seeds to attract the birds nearby.

The beauty of this leveling method is that it is pretty much “set-and-forget,” meaning, you can do other things after erecting your bird houses to gain XP. Every 50 minutes, head back to Fossil Island, empty your bird houses, fill them up with seeds, then go back out there and do other things. You can also use the Time Tracking Reminder plugin on RuneLite to get notified when your bird house traps need to be redeployed.

Level 35-50: Aerial Fishing

Once you've reached level 35, head to Lake Molch west of Great Kourend to do some Aerial Fishing. Just like the falconry training method mentioned earlier in this OSRS Hunter guide, you will be using a bird (cormorant) to hunt for fish in the lake.

Talk to Alry the Angler and purchase the Cormorant's Glove. Make sure that you do not have anything on your weapon, gloves, and shield slots. Besides that, gather some King Worms in the area to use as bait.


Aerial Fishing

Once you have everything, simply click on the fishes that you can see on the screen and the cormorant will swoop in to take them. Unlike the falconry method, the cormorant has a 100% chance of catching fish every time you send it to the water.

If you're using RuneLite, make sure to enable the NPC Indicators plugin so that the fish will be highlighted on the screen. The types of fish you can hunt here will depend on your current Hunter level. You can catch Bluegill (43), Common Tench (56), Mottled eel (73), and Greater Siren (91) using aerial fishing.

Level 50-60: Drift Net Fishing

Drift net fishing involves the use of drift nets to catch fish shoals in Fossil Island. The idea is to set up your drift nets, chase the fish shoals nearby, and lure them to the nets to have them captured. Each net can hold up to 10 fish shoals and it must be harvested before it can be used to catch fish again.

Talk to Ceto in the underwater section of the island. You will need 200 Numulites every time you enter the instanced area. If you like doing this leveling method so much, you can gain permanent access by paying 20,000 Numulites upfront.


Drift Net Fishing

This leveling method is click intensive, but you are rewarded 70,000 to 100,000 XP and up to 400,000 GP per hour for your efforts. While not mandatory, the aptly named RuneLite plugin called Drift Net is quite helpful because it shows you the status of your nets, allowing you to optimize the process of clearing them as soon as they're full. On top of that, it highlights untagged fish so that they're easier to see.


Drift Net Plugin

Level 60-99: Maniacal Monkeys

If you want to take a break from 3-ticking Red Chins on your way to 99 Hunter, I highly recommend that you hunt Maniacal Monkeys. This is by far one of the most AFK methods of training Hunter simply because it takes a bit longer to trap the said creatures.

As mentioned earlier in this OSRS Hunter guide, this leveling method requires the completion of Monkey Madness II:The Renegade Returns. That's because you'll be heading to the Kruk's dungeon for this one. Before going there, purchase some Bones to Bananas tablets from the Grand Exchange.


Kruk's Dungeon Location

With the tablets in your inventory, head to the Kruk's Dungeon located at the eastern portion of Ape Atoll. Upon entering, use the Kruk Monkey Greegree to transform into a monkey and then head northwest. Take the monkey bars until you find a crack in the wall that leads you to the secret passage. You should be familiar with this one because this is the same trap door you've used during the Monkey Madness II quest.

Once inside, head down the stairs and go east to find some Stunted Demonic Gorillas. Interact with one of them so you can hop inside. Now, you may have noticed upon entering the secret passage that there are a bunch of boulders in this area. Click on one of the boulders to set up a trap using a single banana as bait. If you run out of bananas, there are bones lying around that you can pick up. Use your Bones to Bananas tablets to turn them into usable bait.


Stunted Demonic Gorilla

The reason why this is one of the most AFK leveling methods for Hunter is that you can only put up one trap at a time. Moreover, it takes longer for the monkeys to take the bait compared to the other creatures I've talked about in this OSRS Hunter guide thus far.

Level 73-99: Black Chinchompas

Catching black chinchompas is the most profitable way of leveling to 99 Hunter in the game. However, there's a huge reason why I didn't put this in the fastest leveling section and that is due to the fact that these cute creatures are located in the Wilderness.

Because of how profitable black chinchompas are, you'll likely find a huge concentration of players in the area where these creatures reside. And let me tell you, these people can be quite aggressive if you're disrupting their farming sessions. With that said, if you still want to hunt black chinchompas, go to the southeast portion of the Lava Maze to get started.


Black Chinchompas Spawn Location

The process of capturing black chinchompas is the same as their red counterparts, except that you bring six box traps with you instead of five. That's because of the one extra trap you can use while you're in the Wilderness.

Now, I am going to let you in on a little secret. Aside from 3-ticking box traps, you can get more hunter experience per hour by doing the “stand and shoot” method. To do this, use a bow and arrow to kill one black chinchompa. After eliminating the creature, pay close attention to where it respawns. You may have to do this a few times to pinpoint its exact spawn point location.

Once you get a good grasp on where the creature will respawn, place two rows worth of box traps (three traps on each row) and wait. Keep in mind that there is a chance the black chinchompas might dismantle all of the traps that you've set. If that happens, just install them again. If you employ the “stand and shoot” method, you can earn up to 200,000 experience and a whopping 960,000 GP per hour!


Ideal Black Chinchompa Box Trap Formation

Always remember that if you're in the Wilderness, other OSRS players might eliminate you, especially if you negatively impact their bottom line. However, there are a couple of things that you can do to make this leveling method more bearable despite the dangers you may face.

You can wear a Phoenix Necklace, which is a piece of accessory that automatically restores 30% of your max HP if you drop below 20% of your total health. Additionally, you can capture 50-60 black chinchompas at a time and then bank them immediately to avoid losses in case you get killed.

Level 80-99: Herbiboars

Hunting Herbiboars is a great way to earn profit while leveling to 99 Hunter. This is also a much safer method of training the skill compared to capturing black chinchompas. Anyway, to make your life easier, I suggest that you use the Herbiboar RuneLite plugin because it shows you the trails, as well as the end tunnels where the Herbiboars can be captured. Wear the full Graceful Outfit and reserve some inventory space for stamina potions because you'll be running a lot.


Herbiboar RuneLite Plugin

When you're ready, head to Mushroom Meadows in Fossil Island. With the Herbiboar plugin active, you will find trails that are enclosed in white boxes (assuming that you did not tinker with the settings). Follow the trail until you find a hole that looks like it has been dug up recently. Click on it to capture the Herbiboar.

If you're in Ironman Mode, hunting Herbiboars is recommended because of how profitable it is. Be sure to use the Magic Secateurs for a 10% increase in crop yield. The Herb Sack gives you additional space to store herbs, so bring one with you as well.


Catching Herbiboars

Capturing Herbiboars nets you around 100,000 to 140,000 experience points and a staggering 450,000 to 600,000 GP per hour.


Aside from the important quests, there are a few that you can do to mix things up a little bit on your way to 99 Hunter. Here are the other quests that grant hunter experience when completed:

QuestExperience RewardRequired Hunter Level
The Ascent of Arceuus1,500 XP12
Secrets of the North40,000 XP56
Song of the Elves40,000 XP70
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Training to 99 Hunter requires patience and know-how. Fortunately for you, this OSRS Hunter guide provides everything that you need in order to make your leveling journey as smooth as possible.

The best way to start your hunter training is to complete the Varrock Museum national history quiz. However, if you want to get the feel of hunting creatures right off the bat, you can catch Polar Kebbits instead.

At level 9, you can begin setting up bird houses in Fossil Island while you do other leveling methods. This is to maximize your total experience gain per hour.

Once you reach higher levels, you can alternate between the fastest and most profitable methods outlined in this guide, whichever is favorable for your current situation. If you need a safe way to 99 Hunter, you can capture Red Chins starting at level 80. If you need to farm gold coins, you can track Herbiboars or hunt black chinchompas.

And there you have it! Be sure to bookmark this OSRS Hunter guide to reach level 99 Hunter in no time!

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