OSRS Heroes' Quest Guide

12.02.2025 - 17:28:01
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OSRS Heroes' Quest Guide

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OSRS Heroes' Quest Guide

We are diving back to our quest guides with an iconic one called the Heroes' Quest. This quest was released all the way back in 2002 but is still one of the most essential quests that a player has to complete. Completing this quest will give experience reward in 12 different skills, allow the usage of dragon battleaxes and maces, give you the ability to charge amulets of glory, and allow you to complete useful quests such as the Recipe for Disaster! Let’s begin by listing everything you need including skills for this quest!

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Quest Requirements

  • A partner to help with certain parts
  • 55 Quest points
  • 53 Cooking (boostable)
  • 53 Fishing (boostable)
  • 25 Herblore (boostable)
  • 50 Mining (boostable)

You must have completed:

Required Items

  • Ice gloves or Smith's gloves (i)
  • Fishing rod
  • Fishing bait
  • Harralander potion (unf) or harralander + vial of water
  • Pickaxe
  • Dusty key (if using Taverley Dungeon without 70 Agility)

If in Black Arm Gang:

  • Black full helm
  • Black platebody
  • Black platelegs

If in Phoenix Gang:

  • Ranged/Magic attack method
  • If using Toxic blowpipe, set to Longrange
  • Combat gear for Ice Queen (Level 50+ combat suggested)
  • Anti-dragon shield
  • Antifire potions
  • Stamina/energy potions
  • Fast teleports to Burthorpe, Varrock and Brimhaven


Starting the Quest


Head to Burthorpe and speak with Achietties outside the Heroes' Guild. After proving your worth through previous quests, she'll task you with bringing her three items:

  • A fire feather from an Entrana firebird
  • A cooked lava eel
  • A Master Thieves' Armband

These items can be collected in any order but must be given to her at the same time.

Obtaining the Master Thieves' Armband


This part requires help from another player who belongs to the opposite gang from your Shield of Arrav quest. You can find partners through:

  • The Grouping interface
  • 'Osrs Soa' chat channel during peak hours

Important Note:

You don't need the skill requirements to help others with this portion. However, watch for scammers:

  • Phoenix Gang members must kill Grip themselves - traded candlesticks won't work
  • Black Arm members can never kill Grip - don't accept traded candlesticks
  • The miscellaneous key is useless without a Black Arm member to lure Grip

Black Arm Gang Route

  1. Visit Katrine in the Black Arm Gang HQ (southwest Varrock)
  2. Travel to Brimhaven and locate the gang office (east of the inns, south of Agility Arena)
  3. Tell Grubor the password "four leafed clover"
  4. Inside, speak with Trobert about impersonating Hartigen
  5. Equip full black armor (helm, platebody, platelegs) and speak to Garv at the mansion

Getting the Key

  1. Enter the mansion and speak with Grip
  2. Ask about duties and he'll give you a Miscellaneous key
  3. Trade the key to your Phoenix Gang partner
  4. Return to the northeastern room by the entrance
  5. Wait for your partner to reach the hidden room behind the arrowslit
  6. Search the drinks cabinet - a guard will warn you about touching it
  7. When Grip enters, ensure the door stays open
  8. Your partner will shoot Grip through the wall
  9. Collect Grip's keyring
  10. Use the key to access the treasure room upstairs
  11. Open the northern chest for two candlesticks
  12. Share one candlestick with your Phoenix partner
  13. Return to Katrine for your armband

Phoenix Gang Route

  1. Speak with Straven in Varrock's hideout
  2. Get your ranged/magic gear ready
  3. Head to The Shrimp and Parrot in Brimhaven
  4. Ask Alfonse the waiter about "gherkins"
  5. Speak with Charlie the cook about the candlesticks
  6. Get the Miscellaneous key from your Black Arm partner
  7. Enter through the garden's eastern door
  8. When your partner searches the cabinet, shoot Grip through the arrowslit
  9. Collect your candlestick share
  10. Return to Straven for your armband

Fire Feather Task


You'll need:

  • Ice gloves (or equipment to fight the Ice Queen)
  • No weapons/armor for Entrana visit

Located under White Wolf Mountain, the Ice Queen guards these essential gloves.

  1. Travel to White Wolf Mountain (east of Catherby)
  2. Find the rockslide on the north side, near the gnome glider
  3. Mine through the rockslide (50 Mining required, can boost)
  4. Navigate through the ice tunnels:
    • Take southern ladder down
    • Follow southwest tunnel
    • Climb up ladder after northern bend
    • Take eastern ladder down
    • Head north through the long tunnel
    • Watch for level 61 ice spiders (invisible on minimap)

Fighting the Ice Queen:

  • Level 111 boss in a multicombat area
  • Use the throne as a safespot
  • Be prepared for multiple ice warriors attacking

Getting the Fire Feather

  1. Bank all weapons and armor (keep ice gloves)
  2. Travel to Entrana
  3. Find the firebird near the Law Altar
  4. Kill the firebird (fairly weak)
  5. Equip ice gloves before picking up the feather

Optional: Grab a fishing rod from the house by the fishing platform if needed for the next task.

Lava Eel Challenge


Required items:

  • Fishing rod
  • Fishing bait
  • Harralander potion (unf)
  • Dusty key or slash weapon

Making the Oily Rod

  1. Visit Gerrant at Port Sarim's fishing shop
  2. He'll explain about fireproof fishing lines
  3. Get a blamish snail slime bottle from him
  4. Mix harralander with vial of water
  5. Add the slime to create blamish oil (25 Herblore needed)
  6. Use oil on fishing rod

Catching the Eel

You have two location options - Taverley Dungeon (safer) or Wilderness Lava Maze.

Taverley Dungeon Method

Required Items:

  • Oily fishing rod
  • Bait
  • Dusty key (if under 70 Agility)
  • Anti-dragon shield
  • Antifire potions recommended

Navigate the dungeon:

  1. Enter Taverley Dungeon
  2. If 70 Agility: Use pipe shortcut straight to fishing spot
  3. Without 70 Agility:
    • Follow path past lesser demons
    • Use dusty key on door near blue dragons
    • Find fishing spot near baby blue dragons

Need Dusty Key?

  1. Head to Black Knights' area
  2. Enter jail section
  3. Kill jailer for key
  4. Free Velrak for dusty key

Wilderness Lava Maze Method


Warning: This area is dangerous - PKers frequently patrol here. Only bring items you're willing to lose.

Travel options:

  • Burning amulet (fastest)
  • Ghorrock teleport (requires Desert Treasure I)
  • Wilderness canoe from Edgeville (57 Woodcutting)
  • Wilderness Obelisks to level 35/44

Find the fishing spot:

  1. Navigate past aggressive black knights
  2. Follow maze until fishing icon appears
  3. Catch your lava eel

Cooking the Eel

  • Cook on any fire or range (53 Cooking needed)
  • Can boost cooking level with Chef's delight
  • Lava eels never burn when cooking

Completing the Quest

  1. Return to Heroes' Guild
  2. Give Achietties all three items:
    • Fire feather
    • Cooked lava eel
    • Master Thieves' armband

For all of you that wants a video to go along with the guide here is one!


  • 1 Quest point
  • 3,075 XP in Attack, Defence, Strength, and Hitpoints
  • 2,075 Ranged XP
  • 2,725 Fishing XP
  • 2,825 Cooking XP
  • 1,575 Woodcutting and Firemaking XP
  • 2,275 Smithing XP
  • 2,575 Mining XP
  • 1,325 Herblore XP
  • Access to Heroes' Guild
  • Ability to wield dragon battleaxes and maces
  • Enhanced glory amulet charging at Fountain of Rune
  • Access to Fountain of Heroes

Required For

  • Throne of Miscellania
  • Legends' Quest
  • Recipe for Disaster
  • The Fremennik Exiles
  • Hard Falador Diary

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