OSRS Herblore Training Guide Level 1-99

17.06.2024 - 14:54:05
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OSRS Herblore Training Guide Level 1-99

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In OSRS, potions are some of the most crucial items to have in your inventory. Even if you have a high combat level and amazing gear, you can still have some trouble against some of the game's toughest bosses and deadliest PK'ers. Potions can help you gain the edge you need to pull the challenge off.

To make potions, you'll have to master Herblore. Mastering Herblore gives you access to a multitude of buffs for your character in OSRS. As with other Skills though, you need to work hard to make Herblore a viable asset to your OSRS run. Let's talk about what Herblore is first.

Herblore Training OSRS: What is it?



Herblore is one of the few members-only Skill in the game. Whereas Cooking is to food and Smithing is to weapons and armor, Herblore allows you to create potions using herbs and other materials. The buffs that you get from Herblore allow you go above and beyond your current capabilities so challenges like the Barrows and more are easier.

Of course, getting from 1-99 Herblore OSRS is a challenge in itself. Since this is a members-only Skill, you at least have access to everything at your disposal to start training more efficiently.

Why Train Herblore in OSRS?

So, you are probably asking why you should undergo OSRS Herblore training. The answer is really simple! With the progress of your Herblore skill, you gain the ability to craft a wide array of potions for various battles, be it in PvP or PvM scenarios. These potions cover a broad spectrum of functions, from restoring prayer points to offering protection and even granting anti-fire capabilities. This is especially true if you are an Ironman, Ironman herblore training is completely different due to the lack of the trade system of the game, but this makes herblore much more worth it.

Old School RuneScape features a plethora of incredibly useful potions, and often, the only way to obtain them is by crafting them yourself, unless you're willing to make purchases from other players. For ironmen, this skill is of paramount importance, as they cannot rely on trading with other players to obtain their potions. In PvM, a high Herblore level is indispensable for tackling many of the bosses.

Some potions like Saradomin Brews and Super Restores are not just valuable but essential for your adventures. We must also not forget about Mastering Mixology , a brand new Herblore minigame that have a lot of incredible rewards. From this minigame you can get the ingredients to craft two brand new insane potions that will help you greatly in your journey called goading and prayer renewal potion.

Additionally, reaching a Herblore level of at least 90 is mandatory to craft the most potent Overload potion, which is a crucial asset in conquering the Chamber of Xeric.



In the grand scheme of things, if your goal is to maximize your account, especially if you aim to complete all the quests in OSRS, Herblore is a skill you must prioritize. Many quests come with high Herblore level requirements, such as the essential quest "Fairy Tale Part II," which unlocks the coveted fairy rings.

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OSRS Herblore Training Level 1-99



Getting Herblore 1-99 OSRS isn't particularly hard. In fact, there are a total of 4 methods you can try to make it work. Those methods are cleaning herbs, putting herbs to swamp tar, making barbarian potions, and making regular potions.

Before doing any of this though, make sure to do the Druidic Ritual quest first. Finishing it nets you enough experience to get you to level 3. To start this quest, speak to Kaqemeex in the stone circle north of Taverley. Then, follow the rest of the tips that will be outlined in our Herblore guide OSRS.

Herb Cleaning

You can clear grimy herbs by left-clicking on them. You gain a small amount of Herblore XP with each herb that you clean but there's a Herblore level requirement per item before you can clean them. This method is the easiest but it does take a while to do. Here's a chart for the XP you gain per herb.



Herblore Level
Grimy HerbXP
Clean HerbHerblore Level
(unf. potion)
Unfinished potion
3Grimy guam leaf2.5Guam leaf3Guam potion (unf)
5Grimy marrentill3.8Marrentill5Marrentill potion (unf)
11Grimy tarromin5Tarromin12Tarromin potion (unf)
20Grimy harralander6.3Harralander22Harralander potion (unf)
25Grimy ranarr weed7.5Ranarr weed30Ranarr potion (unf)
30Grimy toadflax8Toadflax34Toadflax potion (unf)
40Grimy irit leaf8.8Irit leaf45Irit potion (unf)
48Grimy avantoe10Avantoe50Avantoe potion (unf)
54Grimy kwuarm11.3Kwuarm55Kwuarm potion (unf)
59Grimy snapdragon11.8Snapdragon63Snapdragon potion (unf)
65Grimy cadantine12.5Cadantine66Cadantine potion (unf)
67Grimy lantadyme13.1Lantadyme69Lantadyme potion (unf)
70Grimy dwarf weed13.8Dwarf weed72Dwarf weed potion (unf)
75Grimy torstol15Torstol78Torstol potion (unf)

Swamp Tar



This method sees you putting in herbs to swamp tars. The process is fairly easy but like cleaning herbs, this takes considerably longer. You can find swamp tar in Lumbridge and Mort Myre Swamps.

Herblore LevelPotionExperiencePrimary IngredientSecondary IngredientNotes
19Guam tar30Guam leafSwamp tar × 15Ammo for swamp lizards.
31Marrentill tar42.5MarrentillSwamp tar × 15Ammo for orange salamanders.
39Tarromin tar55TarrominSwamp tar × 15Ammo for red salamanders.
44Harralander tar72.5HarralanderSwamp tar × 15Ammo for black salamanders.

Barbarian Potions


You can make barbarian potions by adding caviar or roe to two-dose potions. Once done, you get a potion that holds a couple of doses, and a few hitpoints. When doing this method, you need to keep in mind that each potion needs to be mixed individually. As such, this method requires more attention and focus compared to other techniques.

Here's a table of the potions you can make.

Herblore LevelPotionExperienceEggs needed
4Attack mix8Roe or Caviar
6Antipoison mix12Roe or Caviar
9Relicym's mix14Roe or Caviar
14Strength mix17Roe or Caviar
24Restore mix21Roe or Caviar
29Energy mix23Caviar
33Defence mix25Caviar
37Agility mix27Caviar
40Combat mix28Caviar
42Prayer mix29Caviar
47Superattack mix33Caviar
51Anti-poison supermix35Caviar
53Fishing mix38Caviar
56Super energy mix39Caviar
58Hunting mix40Caviar
59Super str. mix42Caviar
61Magic essence mix43Caviar
67Super restore mix48Caviar
71Super def. mix50Caviar
74Antidote+ mix52Caviar
75Antifire mix53Caviar
80Ranging mix54Caviar
83Magic mix57Caviar
85Zamorak mix58Caviar
86Stamina mix60Caviar
91Extended antifire mix61Caviar
92Ancient mix63Caviar
98Super antifire mix70Caviar
99Extended super antifire mix78Caviar

Potion Making

Perhaps the best method to train Herblore OSRS with is by making potions. This is one of the best methods because you also get access to a ton of great potions along the way.

Once you reach level 99, you have access to dozens of potions that will help you out in many scenarios. If you want a full list of what you can concoct, look no further as we've already mapped out the types of potions that you can make here.



Herblore LevelPotionXPPotion BasePrimary IngredientSecondary IngredientNotes
3Imp repellent5Anchovy oilFlowers (various)N/AUsed in impling hunting and to make impling jars. Many types of flowers can be used to make it.
3Attack potion25Vial of waterGuam leafEye of newtTemporarily raises Attack level by 10% + 3.
5Antipoison37.5Vial of waterMarrentillUnicorn horn dustCures poison and provides immunity for 90 seconds.
8Relicym's balm40Vial of waterRogue's purseSnake weedCures disease and provides immunity for a short time.
Requires partial completion of Zogre Flesh Eaters.
12Strength potion50Vial of waterTarrominLimpwurt rootTemporarily raises Strength level by 10% + 3.
15Serum 20750Vial of waterTarrominAshesTemporarily cures Afflicted NPCs in Mort'ton
Learned and required in Shades of Mort'ton.
18Guthix rest tea59Cup of hot waterHarralanderGuam leaves x2
Cures poison, restores some run energy, and heals 5 Hitpoints (with the ability to overheal).
The herbs can be mixed in any order.
Requires partial completion of One Small Favour.
22Compost potion60Vial of waterHarralanderVolcanic ashUsed to convert Compost into Supercompost.
22Restore potion62.5Vial of waterHarralanderRed spiders' eggsRestores combat-related stats back to normal by 30% of level plus 10.
Does not restore Hitpoints or Prayer points.
22Guthix balance50
(2 × 25)
Restore potionGarlicSilver dustUsed against Vampyre Juvinates and Vampyre Juveniles, particularly in the Temple Trekking minigame.
25Blamish oil80Vial of waterHarralanderBlamish snail slimeUsed to make oily fishing rods during the Heroes' Quest.
26Energy potion67.5Vial of waterHarralanderChocolate dustRestores 10% run energy.
30Defence potion75Vial of waterRanarr weedWhite berriesTemporarily raises Defence level by 10% + 3.
34Agility potion80Vial of waterToadflaxToad's legsTemporarily raises Agility level by 3.
36Combat potion84Vial of waterHarralanderGoat horn dustEffect of both Attack potion and Strength potion.
38Prayer potion87.5Vial of waterRanarr weedSnape grassRestores 25% of your total Prayer level plus 7.
Effect increased by Holy wrench.
45Super attack100Vial of waterIrit leafEye of newtTemporarily increases Attack level by 15% + 5.
47Goblin potion55Vial of waterToadflaxPharmakos berriesTransforms the player into a goblin.
Not tradeable.
Made during the Land of the Goblins quest and is usable only within the Goblin Cave and Goblin Temple.
48Superantipoison106.3Vial of waterIrit leafUnicorn horn dustCures poison and provides immunity for 6 minutes.
50Fishing potion112.5Vial of waterAvantoeSnape grassTemporarily raises Fishing level by 3.
52Super energy117.5Vial of waterAvantoeMort myre fungusRestores 20% run energy.
52Shrink-me-quick6Vial of waterTarrominShrunk oglerootReduces player size during the Grim Tales quest.
53Hunter potion120Vial of waterAvantoeKebbit teeth dustTemporarily raises Hunter level by 3.
Kebbit teeth are obtained by deadfall trapping Sabre-Toothed Kebbits.
55Super strength125Vial of waterKwuarmLimpwurt rootTemporarily raises Strength level by 15% + 5.
57Magic essence130Vial of waterStar flowerGorak claw powderTemporarily raises Magic level by 3.
Not tradeable.
Made during Fairytale II - Cure a Queen quest, and components are only available via the Fairy rings.
60Weapon poison137.5Vial of waterKwuarmDragon scale dustFor use on arrows, daggers, spears, hastae, javelins, darts, knives, and bolts.
Poison starts at 4 damage for melee weapons and 2 damage for ranged weapons.
63Super restore142.5Vial of waterSnapdragonRed spiders' eggsRestores all stats (except hitpoints) by 25% + 8.
65Sanfew serum160Super restoreUnicorn horn dustSnake weed
Nail beast nails
Sanfew Serum combines the properties of super restore, superantipoison, and relicym's balm potions all in one.
Partial experience is given for each addition of one of the secondary ingredients in this potion.
66Super defence150Vial of waterCadantineWhite berriesTemporarily increases Defence level by 15% + 5.
68Antidote+155Coconut milkToadflaxYew rootsCures and gives immunity to poison for 9 minutes.
69Antifire potion157.5Vial of waterLantadymeDragon scale dustProvides some resistance to dragon breath.
Can be used with an anti-dragonfire shield to completely prevent dragonfire damage.
Each dose lasts about 6 minutes.
70Divine super attack potion2
(4 × 0.5)
Super attackCrystal dustN/ABoosts the same as a super attack while lasting for 5 minutes with no state degradation.
Requires the completion of Song of the Elves to make.
70Divine super defence potion2
(4 × 0.5)
Super defenceCrystal dustN/ABoosts the same as a super defence while lasting for 5 minutes with no state degradation.
Requires the completion of Song of the Elves to make.
70Divine super strength potion2
(4 × 0.5)
Super strengthCrystal dustN/ABoosts the same as a super strength while lasting for 5 minutes with no state degradation.
Requires the completion of Song of the Elves to make.
72Ranging potion162.5Vial of waterDwarf weedWine of zamorakTemporarily increases Ranged level by 10% + 4.
73Weapon poison+165Coconut milkCactus spineRed spiders' eggsFor use on arrows, daggers, spears, hastae, javelins, darts, knives, and bolts.
Poison starts at 5 damage for melee weapons and 3 damage for ranged weapons.
74Divine ranging potion2
(4 × 0.5)
Ranging potionCrystal dustN/ABoosts the same as a ranging potion while lasting for 5 minutes with no state degradation.
Requires the completion of Song of the Elves to make.
76Magic potion172.5Vial of waterLantadymePotato cactusTemporarily raises Magic level by 4.
77Stamina potion102
(4 × 25.5)
Super energyAmylase crystalN/AStamina potions restore 20% run energy and reduce the rate of energy depletion by 70% for 2 minutes.
Amylase crystals can be purchased using Marks of grace from Grace's Graceful Clothing.
One amylase crystal is required per dose.
78Zamorak brew175Vial of waterTorstolJangerberriesBoosts Strength by 12% + 2 and Attack by 20% + 2, but lowers Defence and remaining Hitpoints by 10% + 2.
78Divine magic potion2
(4 × 0.5)
Magic potionCrystal dustN/ABoosts the same as a magic potion while lasting for 5 minutes with no state degradation.
Requires the completion of Song of the Elves to make.
79Antidote++177.5Coconut milkIrit leafMagic rootsCures poison and provides immunity for 12 minutes.
80Bastion potion155Vial of bloodCadantineWine of zamorakTemporarily increases Ranged by 10% + 4 and Defence by 15% + 5.
80Battlemage potion155Vial of bloodCadantinePotato cactusTemporarily increases Magic by 4 and Defence by 15% + 5.
81Saradomin brew180Vial of waterToadflaxCrushed nestBoosts Defence and Hitpoints but lowers Attack, Strength, Magic, and Ranged.
82Weapon poison++190Coconut milkCave nightshadePoison ivy berriesFor use on arrows, daggers, spears, hastae, javelins, darts, knives, and bolts.
Poison starts at 6 damage for melee weapons and 4 damage for ranged weapons.
84Extended antifire110
(4 × 27.5)
Antifire potionLava scale shardN/AProvides some resistance to dragon breath.
Each dose lasts about 12 minutes.
One shard is required per dose.
85Ancient brew190Vial of waterDwarf weedNihil dustBoosts Magic and restores prayer points but lowers Attack, Strength, and Defence.
86Divine bastion potion2
(4 × 0.5)
Bastion potionCrystal dustN/ABoosts the same as a bastion potion while lasting for 5 minutes with no state degradation.
Requires the completion of Song of the Elves to make.
86Divine battlemage potion2
(4 × 0.5)
Battlemage potionCrystal dustN/ABoosts the same as a battlemage potion while lasting for 5 minutes with no state degradation.
Requires the completion of Song of the Elves to make.
(4 × 30)
Antidote++Zulrah's scalesN/AInstantly cures venom.
Five scales are required per dose.
88Menaphite remedy200Vial of waterDwarf weedLily of the sandsRestores 6 + 16% of the player's combat stats every 15 seconds, over the course of five minutes.
90Super combat potion150Super attack
Super strength
Super defence
TorstolN/ACombines the properties of super attack, super strength, and super defence potions.
91Forgotten brew145Ancient brewAncient essenceN/AUpgraded version of an Ancient brew. Boosts Magic by 8% + 3 and restores prayer points by 10% + 2, but lowers Attack, Strength, and Defence by 10% + 2.
20 essence is required per dose.
92Super antifire potion130Antifire potionCrushed superior
dragon bones
N/AGrants complete immunity to dragonfire for three minutes.
94Anti-venom+125Anti-venomTorstolN/AInstantly cures venom and provides immunity to it for three minutes.
97Divine super combat potion2
(4 × 0.5)
Super combat potionCrystal dustN/ABoosts the same as a super combat potion while lasting for 5 minutes with no state degradation.
Requires the completion of Song of the Elves to make.


Extended super antifire

(4 × 40)
Super antifire potionLava scale shardN/A

Grants complete immunity to dragonfire for six minutes.
One shard is required per dose.

Sell Your OSRS/RS3 Gold to Us

Now you are aware of everything you need to know about Herblore but what is the cost-effective or the optimal way to train it? Here are our recommendations:

Fastest Way to 99

Up to level 63, levels fly by super quick so you do not have to follow all the potions listed below you can just pick one and go up to level 63.

3-5Attack potion62K
12-22Strength potion125K
22-26Restore potion156K
26-34Energy potion168K
34-36Agility Potion200K
36-38Combat potion210K
38-45Prayer potion218K
45-48Super attack250K
50-52Fishing potion281K
52-53Super energy293K
53-55Hunter potion300K
55-63Super strength312K
63-66Super restore potion350K
66-69Super defence potion375K
69-72Anti-firebreath potion390K
72-76Ranging potion405K
76-81Magic potion425K
81-99Saradomin brew450K

Cost Effective Way to 99

3-15Attack potion60K
15-26Serum 207115K
26-38Energy potion165K
38-63Prayer potion215K
63-90Super restore350K
90-99Super combat potion300K

Cheapest Way to 99

The actual cheapest way would be cleaning herbs but that makes the skill slower than Runecrafting so we are going to skip that.

38-90Prayer potion215K
90-94Super combat potion300K

Quests That Need Herblore

Aside from the potion, you'll also come across a lot of quests that need a minimum level of Herblore achieved. These quests offer up various rewards but if you want to maximize your progression and get the Quest Point cape, then it's vital to start increasing your Herblore level.



Other skill requirements
Jungle Potion3-
Lunar Diplomacy5Defense - 40
Crafting - 61
Firemaking - 49
Magic - 65
Mining - 60
Woodcutting - 55
Zogre Flesh Eaters8Smithing - 4
Ranged - 30
Fletching - 30
The Dig Site10Agility - 10
Thieving - 25
Watchtower14Magic - 15
Thieving - 15
Agility - 25
Mining - 40
Shades of Mort'ton15Crating - 20
Firemaking - 5
One Small Favour18Agility - 36
Crafting - 25
Mining - 30
Heroes' Quest25Quest Points - 55
Cooking - 53
Fishing - 53
Mining - 50
Eadgar's Ruse31-
A Taste of Hope40Crafting - 48
Agility - 45
Attack - 40
Slayer - 38
Legends' Quest45Quest Points - 107
Agility - 50
Crafting - 50
Magic - 56
Mining - 52
Prayer - 42
Smithing - 50
Strength - 50
Thieving - 50
Woodcutting - 50
Land of the Goblins48Agility - 38
Fishing - 40
Thieving - 45
A Kingdom Divided50Agility - 54
Thieving - 52
Woodcutting - 52
Mining - 42
Crafting - 38
Magic - 35
Grim Tales52Farming - 45
Thieving - 58
Agility - 59
Woodcutting - 71
Fairytale II - Cure a Queen57Thieving - 40
Woodcutting - 49
Desert Treasure II - The Fallen Empire62Firemaking - 75
Magic - 75
Thieving - 70
Runecrafting - 60
Construction - 60
Song of the Elves70Agility - 70
Construction - 70
Farming - 70
Hunting - 70
Mining - 70
Smithing - 70
Woodcutting - 70

Quests That Reward Herblore XP

While easy to train, Herblore can be such a chore to get to level 99 because there's not a lot of action going on while training. If you ever get bored, check out these quests that reward Herblore XP.

Other requirements
Druidic Ritual250--
Jungle Potion7753-
Recruitment Drive1,000-Quest Points - 12
Heroes' Quest1,32525Quest Points - 55
Cooking - 53
Fishing - 53
Mining - 50
The Dig Site2,00010Agility - 10
Thieving - 25
Shades of Mort'ton2,00015Crafting - 20
Firemaking - 5
Shades of Mort'ton - Diary of Herbi Flax335 Trade the diary with the Apothecary
Zogre Flesh Eaters2,0008Smithing - 4
Range - 30
Fletching - 30
Fairytale II - Cure a Queen3,50057Thieving - 40
Farming - 49
Land of the Goblins8,00048Agility - 38
Fishing - 40
Thieving - 45
My Arm's Big Adventure10,000-Woodcutting - 10
Farming - 29
Eadgar's Ruse11,00031-
Grim Tales15,00052Farming - 45
Thieving - 58
Agility - 59
Woodcutting - 71
Song of the Elves40,00070Agility - 70
Construction - 70
Farming - 70
Hunting - 70
Mining - 70
Smithing - 70
Woodcutting - 70

Train Herblore For More Power

The buffs that potions give you in OSRS are definitely worth the effort when it comes to OSRS Herblore training. There's only so much that weapons and armor can do for you in OSRS and when you've reached your limit, you can go above an beyond with the help of potions. Train Herblore now!

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