OSRS Fletching Guide
28.12.2022 - 10:50:42
Game Guides , OSRS Guides , OSRS Money Making , OSRS Skills & Skilling , Runescape
What is Fletching ?
Fletching is an artisan skill that allows players to craft ranged weapons and ammunition. It can be a very fast skill that allows one's total level to increase rapidly or it can become a skill to make money.
*If you'd rather skip grinding the game, you can quickly buy OSRS Gold from us!
Why Should You Train Fletching ?
Fletching can be a great way to make some money. Also it bears a lot of training methods that can be done simultaneously while doing other activities in game. This is due to the fact that some fletching methods are done instantly. You can train your fletching while running to somewhere, while doing quests, agility, farming and any other activity that has downtime.
Skill also unlocks some quests, those quests are:
- Big Chompy Bird Hunting - Fletching Level 5
- The tourist Trap - Fletching Level 10
- Devious Minds - Fletching Level 50
- Sins of the Father - Fletching Level 60
To get a quest cape you will need at least level 60 fletching as the quest requirement is not boostable.
Also if you are looking to complete all the achievement diaries in the game, you will be needing at least level 95 fletching.
Fletching Guide
Depending on how you want to approach fletching, there are quite few paths you can take. One important note here is that the fletching skill is a buyable skill. You will be buying your supplies from the grand exchange and even though there is an unlimited number of items in the grand exchange, there are buying limits. That limit in most scenarios will not be enough to get you where you want to go. So before training, it is a good idea to stock up on the items that you will be using. One way to overcome this limitation instantly is either using alt accounts to buy the item or buying it from other players which might increase the prices a bit.
Dragonfruit Pie
Dragonfruit pie is an item that boosts your fletching level by 4 when eaten. This can come in handy if you are just a few levels shy of having access to a better training method. You can eat one of these, put on the preserve prayer and do that method.
1 - 99 Fletching
- Levels 1 - 30 Making Headless Arrows: The best way to start your fletching grind is to buy a bunch of arrow shafts and feathers (13,363 to be exact) and then attach them together to create headless arrows. Don’t let the number scare you, this only takes 20 minutes and will make around 60K profit.
EXP/H: 45K
Cheap Route To 99
- Levels 30 - 65 Making Steel Arrows: Buy yourself 87,213 headless arrows and steel arrow tips and start attaching the arrow tips to the headless arrows. Again don’t let the number scare you as this will only take around 2 hours and will cost you around 1M.
EXP/H: 225K
- Levels 65 - 71: Making Diamond/Ruby Bolts: Buy 52,146 adamant bolts and diamond bolt tips (ruby if you want to) from the grand exchange. Attach them together to create diamond tipped bolts. This method will take you 1.5 hours to get to 71 and will profit you around 1M.
EXP/H: 210K
- Levels 71 - 84: Making Dragonstone Bolts: Starting at level 71 you start making dragonstone bolts. Before doing this method do check the grand exchange prices. Buy 260,601 runite bolts and dragonstone bolt tips. Attach them together to create dragonstone bolts. This method will make you around 10M and will take around 9 hours.
EXP/H: 240K
- Levels 84 - 99 Making Dragon Bolts: Starting at level 84 you can start crafting dragon bolts. Buy yourself 840,255 dragon bolts (unf) and feathers and combine them together. The cool thing about this method is that it is fast. The exp rates you are going to get solely depends on how fast you can click the items in your inventory since there is no interface or delay for crafting bolts. This method will take around 10 hours and will either make you money or lose you some, this entirely depends on the grand exchange prices.
EXP/H: 1M+
Fastest Route To 99
Fletching darts is the fastest method to get 99 fletching in Old School Runescape. I will cost you a lot of money and before starting you will need to complete the quest “Tourist Trap”. Although you can start making darts starting at level 10 I will recommend starting the dart grind after level 37, with steel darts. Crafting darts is a very click intensive method that yields an ungodly amount of experience. If you are going to do this method on your computer do it this way:
Click on your feathers then click on your dart tips twice, then click on your feathers twice… Keep repeating this double click cycle after the initial single click. Another easy way to do this method is to use any type of touch screen. This will be easier on your hands since you can place a finger on top of each item to simultaneously tap them.
- Levels 30 - 37 Making Steel Arrows: Buy yourself 2882 headless arrows and steel arrow tips to get to level 37. This will take around 5 minutes and will cost you around 30k.
EXP/H: 225K
- Levels 37 - 52 Making Steel Darts: Buy 12,825 steel dart tips and feathers and attach them together. Getting to level 52 will take you around 10 minutes and will cost you 700K.
EXP/H: 635K
- Levels 52 - 67 Making Mithril Darts: Buy 37,884 mithril dart tips and feathers and attach them together. This will only take you 30 minutes and will cost you around 3M.
- Levels 67 - 90 Making Adamant Darts: Buy 319,892 adamant dart tips and feathers and attach them together. This will take around 4 hours to do and will cost you 56M. We are skipping rune darts entirely since it costs way too much for what it’s worth but if you are filthy rich and want to get the best of the best you can craft rune darts starting at level 81.
EXP/H: 1M - 1.2M
- Levels 90 - 95: Making Amethyst Darts: Buy 163,106 amethyst dart tips and feathers and attach them together. This will take around 2 hours to do and will cost you around 40M.
EXP/H: 1.7M
- Levels 95 - 99: Making Dragon Darts: Buy 170,515 dragon dart tips and feathers and attach them together. This will take you around 2 hours to do and will cost you around 50M but will get you the fastest exp rates in the game.
AFK Route
This route is much slower than the other two routes that I demonstrated in this guide. This route will make you money or at the very least break even and another huge benefit of this route is that you will almost never hit your buying limit on the grand exchange so you don’t have to plan ahead and stock supplies for this.
- Levels 30 - 65 Making Steel Arrows: Buy yourself 87,213 headless arrows and steel arrow tips and start attaching the arrow tips to the headless arrows. Yes this is the best method for this route as well.
- Levels 65 - 70 Making Yew Shortbows: Buy 4,270 yew shortbows (u) and strings. Combine them together to create yew shortbows. This method will take around 1.5 hours and will make you around 300k.
EXP/H: 160K
- Levels 70 - 85 Making Yew Longbows: Buy 16,807 yew longbows (u) and strings. Combine them together to create yew longbows. This process will take around 14 hours and will profit you 3M.
EXP/H: 180K
- Levels 85 - 99 Making Magic Longbows: Buy 106,840 magic longbows (u) and strings. Combine them together to create magic longbows. This process will take you around 45 hours and will profit you 11M.
EXP/H: 220K
Other Methods
There are few other methods that can be done to train your fletching.
- Levels 5 - 99 Making Unstrung Bows: Starting at level 5 you can start fletching logs into unstrung bows. This method has really low exp rates but it’s perfect for afking. Here is the list of bows:
- Levels 5 - 10 - Shortbow - EXP/H: 8,500 - Total Profit -8K
- Levels 10 - 20 - Longbow - EXP/H: 17,000 - Total Profit -13K
- Levels 20 - 25 - Oak Shortbow - EXP/H: 28,050 - Total Profit -10K
- Levels 25 - 35 - Oak Longbow - EXP/H: 42,500 - Total Profit -26K
- Levels 35 - 40 - Willow Shortbow - EXP/H: 56,525 - Total Profit 4K
- Levels 40 - 50 - Willow Longbow - EXP/H: 70,550 - Total Profit 61K
- Levels 50 - 55 - Maple Shortbow - EXP/H: 85,000 - Total Profit 78K
- Levels 55 - 65 - Maple Longbow - EXP/H: 99,025 - Total Profit 320K
- Levels 65 - 70 - Yew Shortbow - EXP/H: 114,750 - Total Profit -72K
- Levels 70 - 80 - Yew Longbow - EXP/H: 127,500 - Total Profit 1.5M
- Levels 80 - 85 - Magic Shortbow - EXP/H: 141,100 - Total Profit -3.8M
- Levels 85 - 99 - Magic Longbow - EXP/H: 155,550 - Total Profit 14.5M
- Levels 40 - 80 Battlestaves: If you are going for log fletching, you can switch to battlestaves at 40 because it yields more exp until level 80. To fletch battlestaves you need celastrus barks and to get to level 80 you will need 24,361 barks. This process will take around 17 hours and will cost you 10.8M.
EXP/H: 110K
- Levels 92 - 99 Redwood Shields: Another alternative to fletching bows is to fletch redwood shields. You will need a total of 60,346 redwood logs. This will cost you around 10.4M and will take around 38 hours.
EXP/H: 168K
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