OSRS Dragon Slayer I Quest Guide

15.01.2025 - 02:05:37
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OSRS Dragon Slayer I Quest Guide

Onur Author
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OSRS Dragon Slayer 1 is probably one of the most completed quests in the game. Doing this quest marks the end game of free-to-play. First released in 2001, this legendary quest challenges players to gather ancient map pieces, secure a seaworthy vessel, and ultimately face off against the fearsome dragon Elvarg in her volcanic lair. This quest is a pre-requisite for many more quests to come in your Old School Runescape journey so without further ado let’s begin the guide!

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Before You Start

Skill Requirements

  • 32 Quest Points (to enter Champions' Guild)
  • The ability to defeat a level 83 dragon

Required Items

  • Unfired bowl (need 8 Crafting)
  • Wizard's mind bomb (buy from Rising Sun Inn in Falador)
  • Lobster pot (any fishing shop)
  • Silk (buy from Thessalia for 30 coins or Al Kharid silk merchant for 3)
  • Magic/ranged weapon and runes for Telekinetic Grab (33 Magic) OR 10,000 coins
  • Hammer
  • Anti-dragon shield (obtainable during quest)
  • 90 steel nails
  • 3 planks (normal planks only)
  • 2,000 coins
  • Combat Level: 45+
  • Magic: 33+ (for Telekinetic Grab)
  • Prayer: 37+ (for Protect from Magic)
  • Energy/stamina potions
  • Antifire potions (members)
  • Teleports to Champions' Guild
  • Combat equipment for fighting Elvarg

Short Guide

Image of Dragon Slayer quest in OSRS


  1. Talk to Guildmaster in Champions' Guild (Chat option 2)
  2. Speak to Oziach in Edgeville (Chat 1•1•1•1)
  3. Return to Guildmaster (Chat 2•1•1•1•2•3•2•3)
  4. Get anti-dragon shield from Duke Horacio if needed (Chat 1•1•1•2)

Map Pieces

Thalzar's Map Piece

  1. Items needed: Silk, lobster pot, unfired bowl, wizard's mind bomb
  2. Talk to Oracle on Ice Mountain (Chat 1)
  3. Enter Dwarven Mine, use items on north-east magic door
  4. Open and search chest for map piece

Melzar's Map Piece

  1. Get Maze key from Guildmaster
  2. Go to Rimmington and enter Melzar's Maze
  3. Kill key-holding monsters in this order:
    • Long-tailed zombie rat → Red key → Northwest door
    • Hooded ghost with tube top → Orange key → Second north door on east wall
    • Skeleton with round shield → Yellow key → Westmost door on south wall
    • Kill zombies → Blue key → Blue door
    • Kill Melzar the Mad → Magenta key → Purple door
    • Kill lesser demon → Green key → Green door
  4. Search chest for map piece

Lozar's Map Piece

  1. Go to Port Sarim jail
  2. Either:
    • Kill Wormbrain with ranged/magic and telegrab map piece
    • Pay him 10,000 coins
  3. Combine all three map pieces

Getting the Boat

  1. Items needed: Hammer, 3 planks, 90 steel nails, 2,000 coins, map
  2. Talk to Klarense at Port Sarim docks (Chat 4•1)
  3. Board ship, climb down ladder, repair hole 3 times
  4. Talk to Ned in Draynor Village with map (Chat 1)

The Fight

  1. Equip anti-dragon shield and prepare combat gear
  2. Board ship in Port Sarim, talk to Ned
  3. After crash, climb volcano and enter hole
  4. Navigate to Elvarg's lair
  5. Kill Elvarg (use Protect from Magic if possible)
  6. Optional: Open wall south of Elvarg's cave for shortcut


  1. Take Elvarg's head to Oziach in Edgeville
  2. Quest complete!

Long Guide

Image of Dragon Slayer quest in OSRS

The Champions' Guild and Oziach

So, you think you're ready to take on one of OSRS's most legendary quests? Let's get started. First stop is the Champions' Guild, just south of Varrock. Have a chat with the Guildmaster and ask him about quests. Instead of giving you one directly, he'll point you toward a mysterious fellow named Oziach up in Edgeville.

You'll find Oziach hanging out near the Wilderness ditch, close to the Monastery. He's the grumpy sort who won't sell you any rune platebodies until you prove yourself by slaying Elvarg, a notorious green dragon who's been terrorizing Crandor for ages.

Head back to the Champions' Guild and speak to the Guildmaster again. He'll be pretty shocked when you tell him about Oziach's challenge, and for good reason - this isn't your typical fetch quest. You'll need three map pieces to find Crandor, a ship to get there, and protection from Elvarg's deadly dragonfire.

Pro Tip: Don't skip ahead here! Make sure you ask the Guildmaster every single question about the map pieces, boat, and shield. Missing any of these conversations can lock you out of progressing later.

Getting Your Shield

Image of Lumbridge Castle for anti-dragon shield in OSRS

Before we dive into map hunting, let's grab that anti-dragon shield. Make your way to Lumbridge Castle and climb up to the second floor to find Duke Horacio. He'll be happy to help once you explain your dragon-slaying mission.

Quick Tip: If you're worried about dying to Elvarg (it happens to the best of us), you can use the drop trick to get multiple shields. Trust me, you'll thank me later - Elvarg's dragonfire hits hard and fast when you enter her lair.

The Three Map Pieces

Let's tackle these pieces one at a time. The order doesn't matter, but I'll walk you through what I find to be the most efficient path.

Melzar's Maze Challenge

Melzar's Maze in OSRS

Let's start with what's arguably the most involved piece - Melzar's map piece. You'll find his maze northwest of Rimmington. This isn't your average maze though; it's a series of color-coded challenges that'll test both your combat skills and your patience.

Here's what makes this maze special - you're looking for specific versions of each monster that drop the keys. Think of it like a weird game of "spot the difference":

  • That zombie rat you need? Look for the one with the extra-long tail
  • The ghost? It's wearing this weird tube top without a cape
  • The skeleton? Check for the round shield
Combat challenge in Melzar's Maze

The real challenges come near the end. You'll face Melzar the Mad himself (level 43) and then a lesser demon (level 82). For lower-level players, there's a neat trick - you can safespot the demon by standing just one square right of the magenta door.

Pro Tip: Don't get frustrated if you die - you'll keep your maze key on death, so you can jump right back in.

Thalzar's Puzzle

Thalzar's Puzzle in OSRS

This piece is all about solving a riddle, and you'll need:

  • An unfired bowl
  • Wizard's mind bomb
  • Lobster pot
  • Silk (pro tip: get it from Al Kharid for 3 coins instead of paying Thessalia's 30)

Head up to Ice Mountain and chat with the Oracle. She'll give you a cryptic hint about what to do with these items. Make your way down to the Dwarven Mine and look for that magic door in the northeast corner.

Here's the part people often mess up - don't drink that Wizard's mind bomb! Right-click and use each item on the door. Get the order wrong and you'll need to start over.

Lozar's Map Piece

Lozar's Map Piece in OSRS

This piece is straightforward but gives you a choice - spend money or flex your combat skills. Head to Port Sarim's jail where you'll find Wormbrain, a goblin who's managed to get his hands on the final map piece.

You've got two options:

  1. Pay him 10,000 coins (expensive but simple)
  2. Kill him and telegrab the map piece (requires 33 Magic but saves money)

If you're going the combat route, remember he's behind bars - you'll need ranged or magic attacks to reach him. Once his health hits zero, he'll drop the map piece, and that's where Telekinetic Grab comes in handy.

Preparing Your Ship

Preparing Your Ship in OSRS

Now for the fun part - getting ourselves a ship! You'll need:

  • 3 planks
  • 90 steel nails
  • Hammer
  • 2,000 coins

Find Klarense at Port Sarim's docks and buy his "slightly damaged" ship. Slightly damaged is putting it mildly - there's a massive hole in the hull! Head below deck and repair it using your planks and nails.

Finding a Captain

Once your ship's seaworthy, you'll need someone crazy enough to sail it. That's where Ned comes in - you know, the rope maker from Draynor Village. Show him the map and he'll agree to captain your vessel.

Preparing for Battle

Before we take on Elvarg, let's make sure you're properly equipped. This isn't your average goblin fight - we're taking on a legendary dragon!

Equipment Setup

Your shield arm is non-negotiable - that anti-dragon shield needs to stay equipped. For the rest:

Melee Setup (Recommended)

  • Best armor you can afford (adamant or better)
  • Stab weapon (rune sword is perfect for F2P)
  • Anti-dragon shield
  • Full inventory of food

Ranged Setup

  • Your best crossbow (remember, you need one hand free for that shield)
  • Best d'hide or leather armor
  • Anti-dragon shield
  • Plenty of food

Magic Setup

  • Fire bolt or better spells
  • Mystic/wizard robes
  • Anti-dragon shield
  • Food and prayer potions

Pro Tip: Members have it easier with antifire potions - they'll reduce Elvarg's dragonfire damage significantly. If you're F2P, don't worry; it just means you'll need to be more careful with your food.

The Journey to Crandor

Ready for the real adventure? Board your ship at Port Sarim and let Ned take the helm. Fair warning - this isn't going to be a peaceful cruise. You'll get a pretty dramatic cutscene of Elvarg attacking the ship, and you'll end up crash-landing on Crandor's southern beach.

From here, you'll need to:

  1. Navigate past aggressive monsters (skeletons, moss giants, and demons)
  2. Find your way to the volcano peak
  3. Enter Elvarg's lair

The Elvarg Fight

Elvarg the dragon attacking in Old School RuneScape

Time for the main event! Elvarg isn't your typical green dragon - she's got some nasty tricks up her sleeve.

Boss Mechanics

  • Dragonfire that hits up to 69 damage without protection
  • Fast melee attacks in close range
  • Immediately starts attacking when you enter her lair

Fighting Strategies

The Safe Approach (Recommended)

  1. Stand in melee distance with Protect from Magic
  2. Keep your anti-dragon shield equipped at ALL times
  3. Eat food at or above half health
  4. Use the southeast corner to eat safely if needed

The Flinching Method For more experienced players:

  1. Stand in the southeast corner by the lava pool
  2. Attack Elvarg once
  3. Immediately retreat to your safe spot
  4. Wait for her health bar to disappear
  5. Repeat

Pro Tip: If you die or need to teleport out, Elvarg won't fully heal if you return quickly. This can be a lifesaver for lower-level players!

Members' Advantages

  • Antifire potions reduce dragonfire damage significantly
  • Ring of recoil helps with extra damage
  • Better food options like sharks
  • Prayer potions for sustained protection prayers

Completing Your Quest

Once you've defeated Elvarg, you'll automatically collect her head as proof of your victory. Now you've got two options for getting out:

  1. Teleport away (fastest)
  2. Use the secret shortcut south of Elvarg's lair (opens up a permanent path through Karamja volcano)

Head back to Oziach in Edgeville with your trophy. Don't worry if you lose the head - you won't actually need it to complete the quest. Just talk to Oziach and he'll recognize your achievement.


For slaying one of RuneScape's most notorious dragons, you'll receive:

  • 2 Quest points
  • 18,650 Strength experience
  • 18,650 Defence experience
  • The right to wear the rune platebody and green d'hide body
  • Access to Crandor
  • Access to the Corsair Cove Resource Area
  • Dragon slayer task unlocks
  • Elvarg becomes available in Nightmare Zone

Required for Completing

Dragon Slayer opens up several other pieces of content:

  • Heroes' Quest
  • Legends’ Quest
  • Throne of Miscellania
  • The Fremennik Exiles
  • Multiple Hard Diaries (Karamja, Ardougne, Falador, Fremennik, Lumbridge)
  • Dragon Slayer II (eventually)

Congratulations! You've completed one of OSRS's most iconic quests. Wear that rune platebody with pride - you've earned it!

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