OSRS Best Skilling Money Making Methods

13.01.2025 - 02:08:39
Game Guides , OSRS Guides , OSRS Money Making , Runescape

OSRS Best Skilling Money Making Methods

Onur Author
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Welcome to our money-making series for Old School Runescape in 2025. Although the year has just started, these methods will allow you to prepare for upcoming updates by filling up your bank. All of the methods listed below will have the highest requirements possible, so this guide is strictly for end-game players. You can expect a guide on the best PVM activities next week! If you are looking for some low to mid-level money makers, however, you can check out our:

We all know that making money in Old School Runescape is really slow, and it takes ages to build up enough money to purchase the best in slots. Not having your best-in-slots will greatly hinder your progress and waste your time, so if you want to skip all the hurdles and just enjoy the game, you can buy safe and fast OSRS gold from our website!

Enjoy the Guide!

Best Skilling Money Makers

Wilderness Agility

Wilderness Agility Course

Level 52+ Agility

You might be confused if you have been away from the game for a while. With a recent update, they made Wilderness Agility extremely profitable. Since Agility sucks as a skill, we should get compensated for our efforts! There is an Agility dispenser at the beginning of the course. Each time you tag this dispenser, you will get loot and tickets. To get the loot, however, you must first pay 150K coins. Here is the catch though: if you want to make a lot of money from this, you must not leave this Agility area:

  • 1-15 laps will give you 1x value
  • 16-30 laps will give you 2x value
  • 31-60 laps will give you 3x value
  • 61+ laps will give you 4x value

If you leave or die whilst doing this, your streak will reset. If you log out during this, you will lose 10 laps from your streak. You should bring your looting bag and a ring of wealth(i) for maximum profits. Also, wear cheap defensive gear just in case for PKers. If you can do this uninterrupted, you can expect to make around 3M per hour!

Stealing From Rogues’ Chests

Rogues' Chests in the Wilderness


  • Level 84 Thieving (since it is a chest there is no fail rate)
  • Level 43+ Prayer (the higher the better)
  • Completion of the hard Wilderness diaries
  • Prayer bonus giving armor such as proselyte or monk’s robes
  • Looting bag
  • 5-10 Prayer potions
  • Rest is good food

Another skilling method that you can do in the Wilderness is the Rogues’ Chests. These chests can be found in the backyard of the Rogues’ castle in deep Wilderness, near the obelisk. Once you are there, simply right-click and open the chests after disabling the traps. Make sure to have your protection from melee on as you are doing so to avoid dying to the hostile high-level rogues nearby. If a PKer comes by, you can use the staircase inside the castle to juke them and escape. If you can do this efficiently for an hour, you can make around 2.1M gold.

Pickpocketing Elves


  • Completion of the quests Song of the Elves and A Kingdom Divided
  • Completion of the Hard Ardougne diary
  • Level 85+ Thieving (99 recommended)
  • Level 50 Agility for Rogue's equipment
  • Level 47 Magic for Shadow Veil
  • Rogue's equipment
  • Dodgy necklaces
  • Lava battle staff alongside cosmic runes
  • Food or prayer restoration items for redemption
  • Thieving cape (if you are level 99)

While elven pickpocketing requires completing several major quests, the potential rewards make it a compelling money-making method. The key attraction is the enhanced crystal teleport seed - a rare pickpocketing drop worth approximately 1.7 million gold pieces. When wearing the complete Rogue's outfit, you'll receive two seeds instead of one, effectively doubling your profit to 3.4 million GP.

To begin targeting elves, you'll need at least 85 Thieving, though higher levels significantly improve your success rate and reduce frustrating failed attempts. At level 47 Magic, you can enhance your chances by casting Shadow Veil from the Arceuus spellbook, which provides a one-minute buff reducing pickpocket failures. Further advantages come from wearing dodgy necklaces, which offer a 25% chance to avoid stuns on failed attempts, and completing the Ardougne hard diary for its 10% global pickpocketing boost.

A convenient elf target can be found right next to the player-owned house portal, allowing quick access to rejuvenation pools or easy teleports to Ferox Enclave for restoration. While this method requires constant clicking in a single spot, making it somewhat attention-intensive, it's not quite as demanding as other high-intensity activities.

If you have the setup provided above, you can expect to make around 2.6M per hour.

Pickpocketing Vyres


  • Completion of the quests Sins of the Father and A Kingdom Divided
  • Completion of the Hard Ardougne diary
  • Level 82+ Thieving (99 recommended)
  • Level 50 Agility for Rogue's equipment
  • Level 47 Magic for Shadow Veil
  • Rogue's equipment
  • Dodgy necklaces
  • Gem bag
  • Lava battle staff alongside cosmic runes
  • Food or prayer restoration items for redemption
  • Thieving cape (if you are level 99)

This method is pretty much the same as the one above it. Thanks to Jagex frequently banning bots, this method became much more profitable. Everything above applies, so we will skip the details. You can find a good vyre spot in the house near the Hallowed Sepulchre. The Sepulchre houses a bank, making it really convenient for re-supplying.

One catch here is the fact that the blood shards are much rarer compared to the enhanced teleport crystals. So, although more profitable, this method requires more patience for those profits. If you stick with this method, you can expect to make around 3.7M per hour!

High-Level Hallowed Sepulchre


  • Completion of Sins of the Father
  • 92 Agility to allow access to floor 5
  • 66 Thieving
  • 54 Prayer
  • 56 Construction
  • 62 Ranged
  • Full Graceful
  • Vampyre dust
  • A crossbow
  • Mithril grapple
  • Planks, nails, hammer, and saw
  • Runes for an enchant spell
  • Strange old lockpick or normal lockpick
  • Antipoison and Stamina potion
  • Hallowed grapple, hallowed hammer, hallowed focus, and hallowed symbol

This method requires a lot of patience, as there is a steep learning curve.

This profit calculation assumes you're at the point where you can loot all chests on floors 4 and 5 of the Sepulchre, while casting Level-3 Enchant during downtime. You'll want the full hallowed set - hammer, focus, and symbol. Fair warning though - hitting all those chests on the top floors requires some seriously quick fingers and perfect execution. If you're still getting comfortable with floor 5 or working on your clicks, grab some hallowed tokens (10 marks each) to buy yourself an extra minute. Just know each token cuts about 7.2k off your profits.

The Hallowed Sepulchre really opens up as a money maker once you hit 92 Agility and unlock that final floor. That's where you can snag the ring of endurance - though your actual profits will bounce around quite a bit depending on whether you get lucky with that drop. Beyond the ring, you'll regularly pick up valuable stuff like ranarr seeds, sanfew serums, runite bolts, and blood runes.

Once you've got the final floors down pat, you can actually squeeze in all the chests from floors 2 and 3 as well - no token needed if your clicks are on point. Pack three vampyre dust and 6 mahogany planks per run.

Looking at the numbers: Hitting every chest from floors 2-5 (including the big coffin) will net you about 245k per run with the ring factored in, or 171k without it. Compare that to just doing floors 4-5, which averages 221k with ring luck or 147k without. Adding the extra chests contributes roughly 24k per run, which works out to about 143k extra per hour if you're completing six runs.

Quick tip for the Construction minded: If you're planning to train Construction with mahogany planks, use them here for bridge repairs. The gp/xp ratio is better than standard training methods.

If you do this method for an hour, you can expect to make around 1.4M GP. You will also gain a decent amount of Agility experience!

Crafting Sunfire Runes

Crafting Sunfire Runes


  • Completion of the quests Children of the Sun and Lunar Diplomacy.
  • Having started the Desert Treasure 2 quest
  • Level 99 Runecrafting (Although crafting these runes require 60)
  • Colossal pouch
  • Raiments of the Eye set
  • Ring of endurance
  • Pure essence, fire runes, Sunfire splinters, and twisted extracts (all of them with the same volume)

Sunfire runes are new runes that were introduced to the game alongside Varlamore. They are the superior version of the fire runes and they increase the players' damage whilst using fire spells. Twisted extract can only be obtained after completing the Scar section of the Desert Treasure 2 quest. This item is highly recommended as it will provide you with additional runes while crafting sunfire runes. If you have the setup above you can expect to make around 1.6M GP per hour!

Crafting Wrath Runes

Crafting Wrath Runes


  • Completion of the quests Dragon Slayer 2 and Lunar Diplomacy.
  • Level 95 Runecrafting
  • Colossal pouch
  • Mythical cape
  • Wrath tiara or Runecraft cape
  • Anti-dragon shield
  • Bank teleport such as the crafting cape or ring of duelling
  • Raiments of the Eye set
  • Ring of endurance
  • Pure essence and stamina potions

Wrath runes are used for the highest tier spells on the normal spellbook. Due to the recent buff of the elemental spells, these runes became more in demand as well. To make Wrath runes, you'll first need to finish Dragon Slayer II and get your hands on a Dragonfire Shield - those dragons can cook you if you don’t bring one.

Teleport to the Myths' Guild using your Mythical Cape, then head to the statue in the middle and interact with it to enter a cave system. Once inside, go west a bit and then south until you spot some mysterious ruins. You won't be able to enter without either a wrath talisman or wrath tiara equipped.

Inside those ruins is where you'll find the Wrath Altar waiting for you. Pretty straightforward once you know the way! If you do this method for an entire hour, you can expect to make around 2.1M GP.

Crafting Nature Runes

Crafting Nature Runes


  • Achievement diary cape
  • Level 91+ Runecrafting
  • Colossal pouch
  • Raiments of the Eye set
  • Runes for NPC contact
  • Desert amulet 4 to restore stats
  • Hat of the Eye tuned into the nature tiara
  • Rune pouch
  • Ring of endurance

Players can expect around 120-130 trips per hour when fully focused, accounting for pouch repairs and stamina restoration.

Since this method heavily uses achievement diary cape teleports, I strongly recommend using RuneLite's "Menu Entry Swapper" plugin. With "Teleport submenus" enabled, you get convenient 1-click teleports. Without it, you'll need to navigate sub-menus, though keyboard shortcuts can help speed this up. The plugin also lets you set the colossal pouch to "Empty" outside banks and "Fill" inside.

Here's how each run works: Use your achievement diary cape to teleport to Kaleb Paramaya, head down the ladder, run northeast to the agility shortcut, then north to reach the Nature Altar. After crafting your runes, teleport to bank and restock essence. Pro tip: Keep your camera facing east throughout the trip.

For banking, you've got two solid options - either teleport to Jarr with the achievement diary cape or use the Crafting cape teleport. The Crafting cape puts you closer to the bank, but choosing Jarr lets you bring one extra essence per trip. In terms of efficiency, Jarr edges out slightly (less than 1%), assuming you've set up 1-click teleports both ways (left-click to Jarr, shift-click to Kaleb Paramaya).

Without a Runecraft or Max cape, your Colossal pouch degrades every 8 trips, dropping from 40 to 35 essence capacity. Just use NPC Contact to reach the Dark Mage for repairs. You can actually exit the dialogue as soon as he says "Fine. A simple transfiguration spell should resolve things for you" - no need to stick around longer.

When your run energy gets low, pop over to Nardah using the desert amulet 4 and restore at the Elidinis Statuette. Try to time this right before you'd normally teleport to bank or Kaleb Paramaya to minimize disruption.

Each trip lets you carry 66 essence (40 in pouch, 26 in inventory). If you're below 99, you'll need to wear the achievement diary cape, attune your hat of the Eye to a nature/catalytic tiara, and keep nature runes in your rune pouch before banking. That said, if checking your equipment tab for cape teleports adds even a single tick to your runs, you're better off keeping the cape in inventory and wearing a weight-reducing cape instead. With a Runecraft or max cape equipped, you can still bring 66 essence per trip. The achievement diary cape takes up an inventory slot, but you won't need the rune pouch since the Runecraft cape handles NPC contact.

Doing this for an entire hour will net you: 2.5M GP!

Crafting Blood Runes

Crafting Blood Runes


  • Completion of the quest Sins of the Father and Enter the Abyss (if you are going to use the abyss)
  • Colossal Pouch
  • Raiments of the eye set with the hat tuned to blood tiara
  • Charged amulets of glory
  • A teleport to a bank like the crafting cape

The fastest blood runecrafting methods can hit around 75 altar trips hourly, with each run clocking in at roughly 48 seconds. For peak efficiency, you'll want to bank at the Crafting Guild, gear up with full Raiments of the Eye (with the hat configured as a blood tiara), pack a colossal pouch, and keep a blood essence active.

After filling your pouches completely, you've got a few teleport options to get near a fairy ring - either use your house teleport, max cape, or whatever gets you there quickest. Pop over to fairy ring DLS, head south out of the area, then northeast and south to that handy 93 Agility shortcut. Take the eastern path through the shortcut and you'll find yourself at the altar. Empty everything you've got and teleport back to bank.

It's worth noting that blood essence gives you a 50/50 shot at crafting extra runes per essence, while the Raiments outfit adds a flat 60% bonus. Both are game-changers for maximizing your runs.

Keep an eye on your colossal pouch - it'll need fixing by the Dark mage (either visit him in the Abyss or give him a shout through NPC Contact) after 8 trips, unless you're wearing a Runecraft or max cape while filling it. With those capes, you can skip the whole degrading hassle.

For banking alternatives, you could use an Edgeville teleport via glory amulet (especially handy if you're running the Abyss route) or zip over to Castle Wars with a ring of dueling. If you're burning through glories, a charge dragonstone jewelry scroll is a cheap way to keep them topped up. Doing this for an hour will yield 2M GP!

Hunting Moonlight Antelopes


  • Level 91 Hunter
  • Level 72 Fletching to fletch moonlight antler bolts
  • Level 43 Prayer
  • Level 54 Magic for Fortis teleport
  • Hunter’s spears or teasing stick
  • Knife
  • Chisel
  • Guild hunter outfit or weight-reducing clothing
  • Large fur and meat pouch
  • Bonecrusher
  • Stamina potions

For Master rumour tasks, stick to what they specify. The Guild Hunters outfit is essential - pair it with a Bonecrusher necklace if you have one. Otherwise, throw on your Graceful gear for better run energy.

Already got your Hunter's cape? Have a chat with the guild master to unlock the Hunter's Guild teleport option - it'll make banking much smoother. Following this setup, you'll just need a knife and both pouches in your inventory.

Want to save some time? Just bring 24 Maple logs instead of gathering them from roots. While the wiki suggests 200 catches per hour, skilled players can easily hit 300+ for better profits. Just keep in mind that actual trading prices might differ from what's listed on the GE. If you do this for an hour you can expect to make 1.6M GP!

Creating Eternal Glories

Creating Eternal Glories


  • Wilderness sword 4
  • Black dragonhide armor
  • Around 25M starting cash

This method is pretty straightforward and relies heavily on RNG, so if you want to do this method, make sure you are ready to do it until you receive that eternal glory. Fill your inventory with uncharged glories, equip your wilderness sword 4, and teleport to the fountain of rune. Charge all your glories and run to the level 50 Obelisk near the Rogues' Castle. Set the destination to low-level Wilderness. Once teleported, use one of your charged glories to teleport to Edgeville, bank, and repeat. Doing this will give you 5.3M per hour!


Flipping in OSRS

As an honorable mention, we wanted to include flipping in this skilling money-making guide.

Flipping is one of the most powerful money-making methods in OSRS, allowing you to make money whilst sleeping. What makes flipping especially attractive is how it scales with your available cash stack - the more gold you have to work with, the higher your potential profits, but also the more your potential risks of losing money due to bad flips.

To put this in perspective - a 10M cash stack might help you earn around 1M GP per hour through flipping, while having 100M to work with could potentially net you 3-4M GP hourly. This scalability makes flipping uniquely powerful compared to other money-makers.

The concept itself is straightforward - you're buying items at a lower price and selling them for more to turn a profit. Today's Grand Exchange has transformed trading into a streamlined, automated process. The GE acts as a massive marketplace, processing countless trades simultaneously by matching buyers with sellers based on their listed prices.

The real beauty of flipping lies in its accessibility - anyone can start with whatever cash stack they have available. While higher capital allows for bigger profits, even newer players can begin learning the ropes with little to no cash stack. Using RuneLite and other G.E tools is recommended for this method.

Requirements For Flipping

Let's talk about what you need to start flipping in OSRS. For members, it's straightforward - you can jump right into flipping with any amount of gold. Free-to-play players, however, need to pass some initial barriers. You'll need to hit a total level of 100, log 20 hours of gameplay, and earn 10 quest points to remove trade restrictions. These restrictions are in place for bots.

While flipping doesn't have strict requirements beyond Grand Exchange access, having enough starting capital makes a big difference. For F2P players just learning the ropes, starting with 500k GP is ideal. This lets you experiment with 2-3 different items simultaneously and start seeing some decent returns that showcase flipping's potential.

Members have access to a much broader market, so starting with 5-10M GP is recommended. With this amount, you can flip multiple profitable items at once and really start to understand how lucrative flipping can be. Plus, membership gives you 8 Grand Exchange slots compared to F2P's 3 slots, significantly boosting your hourly profit potential.

A pro tip for serious flippers: Consider running multiple accounts. Since most profitable flips take around 4 hours to complete, having extra accounts gives you access to more GE slots. This strategy helps bypass buy limits and maximizes your earning potential. Each account essentially multiplies your ability to capitalize on good flips.

How Flipping Works

How Flipping Works in OSRS

Every item you can trade has two important prices: instant buy price and instant sell price. The gap between these prices is called the margin - this is how flippers make their gold.

Something that confuses new players is seeing that sell prices are lower than buy prices on price graphs. This actually makes sense when you think about it - if you want to buy an item immediately, you'll need to pay a premium (higher price). If you want to sell instantly, you'll get a bit less gold to make the sale happen fast.

Let's look at an example: A blood rune has an instant buy price of 238 GP and an instant sell of 237 GP. The margin here is just the difference: 238 - 237 = 1 GP margin.

The trick to making money is flipping this around. Instead of buying instantly at the higher price, you place buy offers at the lower price and sell offers at the higher price. This takes longer but generates profit. Using our blood rune example, if you buy at 237 GP and sell at 238 GP, you make 1 GP per rune.

While 1 GP might not sound like much, this is where volume comes in. If you flip 10,000 death runes this way, suddenly you're looking at 10,000 GP profit from a single item flip.

To calculate potential profits, just multiply your margin by how many items you plan to flip. However, there's one more thing to consider: Grand Exchange tax. Any item sold for over 100 GP gets hit with a 1% tax on the sale price, up to a maximum of 5M GP tax per sale. So if you sell something for 500 GP, you'll actually receive 495 GP after the 5 GP tax is taken out. Make sure to factor this into your margin calculations when flipping valuable items.

Here's how to calculate profit while factoring in taxes: Take the price you plan to sell at, multiply it by 1%, and subtract that amount from your sell price. If math isn't your strong suit, don’t worry—there’s a quick trick for figuring out the tax. Just move the decimal two places to the left on your sell price. For example, if you're selling at 500 GP, move the decimal two spots over, and you get 5 GP. That’s your tax per item. Keep in mind, this tax only affects your profit calculations; you shouldn’t factor it into the price when listing your sell offer.

Now that we’ve covered the basics of flipping math, let’s work through a full example. Let’s say we’re flipping manta rays. The current instant sell price is 1,275 GP, and the instant buy price is 1,287 GP. Remember, the lower price is what you’ll buy at, and the higher price is what you’ll sell at. In this case, 1,275 GP is your buy price, and 1,287 GP is your sell price.

To find the profit margin per manta ray, subtract the buy price from the sell price. Since the sell price is 1,287 GP, we also need to account for the tax. At 1%, the tax comes out to 13 GP per manta ray. That leaves us with a 19 GP profit per flip after tax.

To estimate total profit, multiply the profit margin by the number of manta rays you want to flip. For example, flipping 10,000 manta rays would net a profit of 190k GP (19 GP * 10,000 manta rays).

By calculating margins and potential profits, you can quickly determine whether an item is worth flipping or not.

Types of Flipping

Types of Flipping in OSRS

When most players think about flipping, they imagine one straightforward process of buying and selling items. But in reality, there are different approaches to flipping, each with its own risks and time commitments.

Active Flipping

Active flipping is the most common and beginner-friendly method. It involves staying logged in, standing at the bank, and trading items "on margin." This means you’re actively checking and using the current buy-sell margins while flipping.

The key to active flipping is quickly buying and selling items as soon as the trades complete, while keeping an eye on the margins in real-time. Since you’re holding items for a short period, there’s less risk of price fluctuations, making this the safest flipping style.

Overnight Flipping

Overnight flipping involves a longer time frame, usually between 8 to 16 hours. It’s called overnight flipping because players often place buy offers before logging off for the night and sell the items the next morning.

This method carries more risk than active flipping since you’re holding items for longer, leaving more room for price changes. However, it’s much less time-intensive since you’re not actively monitoring the trades. Despite the increased risk, overnight flipping can still be highly profitable for those who plan their trades well.

Passive Flipping

Passive flipping is all about trading stable, reliable items over a period of 1 to 3 hours. This style is great for players who are already busy playing OSRS and only check in on their trades during trips back to the Grand Exchange.

Since passive flipping focuses on stable items, there’s no need to rush to the Grand Exchange to manage your trades. For instance, you might set up some safe, high-volume flips based on the hourly margin and then head off to do a raid or fight a boss. After an hour or two, you return to the Grand Exchange, and most of your trades will likely have completed.

While passive flipping tends to be less profitable than active flipping, it’s a great way to combine flipping with other in-game money-making methods, potentially increasing your total profit per hour.

Market Maker Flipping

Market maker flipping, or market making, is about trading huge quantities of very stable, low-margin items like mithril darts or buckets of sand. These items don’t fluctuate much in price, which makes this style a reliable and stress-free way to flip.

Many market makers only check their trades every 3 to 7 days, allowing them to earn steady, small profits over time without needing much attention. While the gains may be smaller, this style is ideal for players who want a dependable flipping strategy with minimal effort.

Bulk Flipping

Bulk flipping is a flipping style that takes advantage of the 4-hour buying limits in OSRS. Many players need large quantities of highly traded items, like runes or dart tips, and they’re willing to pay a premium price slightly above market value to get them instantly.

Bulk flipping works similarly to market making—you buy large amounts of an item over time. However, the difference is that you’ll need to find buyers outside of the Grand Exchange who are willing to pay that premium.

For example, let’s say you decide to bulk trade fire runes. Over a few weeks, you manage to buy 10 million fire runes at 6 GP each. Eventually, you find a buyer who’s willing to pay 6.3 GP per rune, bypassing the 4-hour limit by purchasing directly from you. That trade would earn you a 3 million GP profit with very little risk, though it takes time and a large cash stack to get started.

While we don’t usually focus on bulk flipping, it’s a safe and reliable method for those with the patience and funds to make it work. Just keep in mind that it also involves some effort outside the Grand Exchange.


Investing in OSRS

Investing is the most passive flipping style and can yield huge profits over a longer time frame. There are two main approaches to investing: update investing and value investing.

  • Update investing: This involves speculating on future updates. It means researching upcoming content, such as changes mentioned in Jagex blogs or live streams, and predicting which items will spike in demand. It’s high-risk but often comes with higher rewards.
  • Value investing: This focuses on buying items that are undervalued compared to their historical high prices. You place large buy offers while the prices are low and hold onto the items until they increase in value. While less risky than update investing, value investing usually takes much longer and offers slightly smaller returns.

Investing requires a massive cash stack, and it’s not something to consider until you’re comfortable tying up at least a billion GP for six months or more.

A key takeaway for newer flippers is that having more money to work with opens up more profit potential. With a larger cash stack, you can flip more items and target higher-priced items, which tend to have less competition since fewer players can afford them. Across all flipping styles, your profit potential increases with the amount of money you have to invest, so growing your cash stack is a game-changer for long-term success.

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