OSRS Best Places to Use Prayer Regeneration Potion

08.11.2024 - 04:07:16
Game Guides , OSRS Guides , OSRS PvM , OSRS Skills & Skilling , Runescape

OSRS Best Places to Use Prayer Regeneration Potion

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What is OSRS Prayer Regeneration Potion?


With the arrival of Mastering Mixology came a brand new potion that will rule the high level PVM scene for the foreseeable future. That potion is called a Prayer regeneration potion. The prayer regeneration potion OSRS is a unique addition to the best prayer restoration potions lineup, offering players a different approach to managing their prayer points. Unlike traditional OSRS prayer potion options, this potion provides sustained prayer restoration over time which creates new ways of doing content.

To create this potion, players need 58 Herblore and must combine Aldarium with a huasca potion (unf), yielding 132 Herblore experience upon completion. Each dose passively restores 66 prayer points by providing 1 prayer point every 12 ticks throughout an 8-minute duration. As you have probably noticed, this potion does not scale with your prayer level, which makes it perfect for lower level accounts.

While similar to prayer enhance potions from Chambers of Xeric or the prayer renewal potion from RS3, the prayer regeneration potion OSRS offers a longer-lasting but milder effect. Interestingly, common prayer-boosting items like the Holy wrench, Prayer cape, and Ring of the gods (i) won't increase the amount restored.

One key limitation to note is that unlike standard prayer potions, players cannot share these through the Stat Restore Pot Share spell, making them strictly for personal use.

How to Craft Prayer Regeneration Potion?


Prayer regeneration potion requires level 58 Herblore to craft so it is easily accessible for everyone! Here are the items required to create this amazing potion:

  • Huasca potion (unf)
  • Aldarium

Both of these items are newly added into the game. You can acquire the Aldarium from the new Mastering Mixology minigame and you can acquire the huasca herbs which creates the unfinished potion from huasca seeds which is a drop from the new boss Hueycoatl. If you want a comprehensive guide on these subjects here are the links:

Alternatively, if you want to buy OSRS Gold to purchase these items through the Grand Exchange, you can check out RPGStash store for safe and fast transactions.

After you have these two items, simply combine them to craft this brand new potion.

Buy Cheap Runescape Gold and Items

Prayer Potion VS Prayer Regeneration Potion

In this section, we will list the Pros and Cons for using a prayer regeneration potion versus a regular prayer potion.


Prayer Potion

Prayer Regeneration Potion

Points Restored

Prayer potion restores points based on your Prayer level, with a minimum of +7 per dose and a max of +33 per dose, which requires at least level 97 Prayer.

Prayer regeneration potion restores 66 prayer points per dose, flat. Since it is a flat amount, it is incredibly advantageous for low-level accounts, and it restores double the amount of what you get per dose from a regular prayer potion at max level.


Prayer potion is much cheaper than the prayer regeneration potion currently, costing 2.4K gold per dose—around 72 GP per prayer point.

As a new item with limited sources, this potion is extremely expensive as of now. It costs 18.2K per dose, which in turn means that you are spending 276 GP per prayer point.


It doesn’t help with AFKing.

It is perfect for AFKing.


You can get +132 prayer points per inventory slot with this.

You can get +264 prayer points per inventory slot with this.

Best Places to Use Prayer Regeneration Potion

The one big disadvantage of this potion is the cost, so you should always consider it before using. This potion can be used almost anywhere a prayer potion is used, but let's take a look at the best scenarios.

Pickpocketing Elves & Vyres


If you have a high Thieving level, you can pickpocket and make a lot of money from Elves and Vyres. You can get enhanced crystal teleport seeds from Elves, worth around 2M each, and blood shards from Vyres, worth around 12M each.

The best way to consistently pickpocket these NPCs is by using prayer potions and Redemption. Using Redemption drains all of your prayer points, so with regular prayer potions, you're almost wasting prayer points. However, with a prayer regeneration potion, you can use Redemption without wasting any points, allowing for longer, more comfortable AFK trips.

If you don’t yet have the required Thieving level, you can check out our 1-99 Thieving guide to level up with ease!

AFKing Vyres


Vyres have a unique aggression mechanic—they will always be aggressive towards the player unless the player is wearing a noble vyre outfit. This makes Vyres a perfect place to AFK to both train your stats and aim for valuable blood shards. Normally, you'd need to check your screen to restore prayer points, but with a prayer regeneration potion, you can AFK for 8 minutes. To fully AFK, ensure your gear provides a +42 Prayer bonus, which cancels out prayer drain from protection prayers with this potion.

Inferno & Colosseum


This new potion makes the hardest challenges in OSRS more manageable and player-friendly. Both of these challenges require flawless gameplay and resource conservation, making every inventory slot precious. With a prayer regeneration potion, you effectively save an inventory slot, as each 4-dose regeneration potion equals 2 regular prayer potions (even more valuable below level 97 Prayer). This allows for more flexible prayer usage, especially in high-risk situations where prayer flicking can be challenging.

Example inferno inventory:


Check out our Inferno and Colosseum guides to start your journey in these places!


Any slayer monster that you can AFK can be AFKed with this potion. To achieve this feat, just like AFKing the Vyres, you will need a prayer bonus of at least +42. After that, you can simply turn on auto-retaliate and AFK to your heart's content with your respective protection prayer enabled.

You can also combine this potion with the brand new Goading Potion to AFK even more tasks. Here is a list of Slayer Tasks that you can use this potion on:

  • Hellhounds (Goading makes it more effective)
  • Bloodveld (Goading makes it more effective)
  • Abyssal demon (Must use goading)
  • Gargoyles
  • Jellies
  • Wyrms (Must use goading)
  • Araxytes
  • Black demons
  • Greater demons
  • Cave horrors
  • Dark beasts
  • Vampyres

Tips For Maximising Prayer Regeneration Benefits

Here are some quick tips to fully utilize this amazing new potion:

  • If you are going to AFK using a protection prayer, always make sure you have a +42 or above Prayer bonus. The best prayer bonus in the game can be obtained from the Sunfire Fanatic armor, but you can also use a setup like this:
  • Always calculate the cost of your potion to determine if it is worth it for that scenario.
  • Be careful using this for dangerous activities, as it restores prayer points over 8 minutes. It’s a good idea to bring both prayer regeneration potions and regular prayer potions.
  • To further expand your knowledge on prayer mechanics and gear, you can check out our prayer gear guide!

Happy AFKing!

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