OSRS Best In Slot Melee Gear Guide

27.04.2024 - 19:35:00
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OSRS Best In Slot Melee Gear Guide

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With so many weapons and gear to choose from, becoming a melee fighter in OSRS can be very exciting. However, you'll probably want to put your character to the best of its potential so it's important to get the best in slot gear for melee combat. In this guide, we'll show you the best items to have for any melee builds out there. Before anything else, however, let's talk about how melee gear and their respective bonuses work.

OSRS Melee Gear: How Do They Work?

Melee gear in OSRS comes with your standard bonuses for defense and offense. Other than that, the weapons have bonuses for three melee damage types: stab, slash, and crush. These three damage types are worth knowing because you'll know which to use against certain types of enemies.

  • Stab: This attack type is best against enemies that are using armor like chainbodies and leather. They are also strong against dragons. Don't use stab-type weapons against enemies wearing heavy armor such as platebodies.
  • Slash: You can use this against opponents that are wearing clothing or even leather armor. It's also effective against enemies that have no armor at all. It does poorly against those that have metal armor or scaly skin.
  • Crush: This weapon type works best against platebodies and small monsters like spiders. It does bad against enemies with soft bodies such as plant-like creatures.

Keep in mind that some weapons have a primary and secondary attack type so there are those that carry two damage types. The bonuses on melee weapons will indicate how accurate you are with it. For instance, achieving a higher stab bonus for your set means that your weapons are most likely to hit.

Melee gear also often has a Strength bonus. Players tend to be confused as to what this really means. A point to your Strength bonus doesn't equate to a point to your Strength Skill.

Instead, a Strength Bonus increases the amount of maximum damage you can do with your melee strikes. On the other hand, the Strength Skill determines how easy it is for you to deal maximum damage with your attacks. For most players, investing in Strength Bonus isn't that bit of a priority considering the returns are small. Getting +16 Strength Bonus only increases your maximum hit by 1.

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OSRS Best In Slot Melee Gear

On this part of the guide, we'll be showing you each of the best in slot gear for all slots of your equipment. For the weapon, we're going to choose one for stab, slash, and crush.

1. Best In Slot Stab - Osmumten's Fang


Osmumten's fang isn't just considered as one of the best stab weapons in the game, it's often regarded as the best melee weapon in general. Unfortunately, getting it requires a ton of work as you'll have to go through the Tombs of of Amascut and get it as a rare reward. The Tombs of Amascut is a tough raid which will take a lot of time and effort to prepare for.

Once you get the weapon, you'll have to train well too as it requires 82 Attack to wield. Although we're sure that you're most likely past this level requirement if you're able to beat the Tombs of Amascut. You can attach a cursed phalanx to the weapon to make a cosmetic variant of it.

Aside from its high stats, one of the best things about the weapon is that it has a unique passive which makes it more effective against enemies that have a high Defence level. This makes it easier for you to start taking out bosses in the game.

2. Best In Slot Slash - Soulreaper Axe

This is a two-handed axe that you can get by combining loot acquired from The Leviathan, Vardovis, Duke Sucellus, and The Whisperer. To make matters worse, you'll need 2,000 blood runes as well. The items are Leviathan's Lure, Executioner's axe head, Eye of the duke, and Siren's Staff. All of these items are rare and come from rather challenging fights in the game. However, working for them is all worth it for this slash weapon.



When used properly, the Soulreaper axe can be very deadly but when not used as intended, it could be dangerous as well. Each time you hit an enemy, you'll take 8 Hitpoints of damage. However, each time this happens, you're getting a Soul Stack as well. Each Soul stack boosts your Strength by +6%. Once you have 5 Soul Stacks, you won't take any more damage. When using this weapon, make sure to maximize your stacks first and focus on dealing damage. Just make sure you have healing potions prepared as you'll be taking 40 Hitpoints of damage to max out Soul Stack.

3. Best In Slot Crush - Elder Maul

You can obtain this weapon as a rare reward from the Chambers of Xeric. It's currently the strongest Crush weapon in the game and is also the one with the highest Strength Bonus. The only downside is that this weapon doesn't have a special attack but if you're looking for a weapon that's used purely for damaging, this is it.



The Elder Maul is relatively slow and is actually beat by Abyssal Bludgeon in terms of overall DPS despite having a lower attack. The Elder Maul is still pretty much a favorite though and most players use it as a last-hit switch weapon while fighting other players inside the Wilderness.

4. Best in Slot Armour - Justiciar Armour Set

If you're going for defences alone, then the best armour set in the game has to be the Justiciar Armour set. You can get the three pieces of the set as a drop reward from doing the Theatre of Blood. It has the best Melee and Ranged defense bonuses, which both goes above and beyond Torag's armor. Another great thing about this armour set is also gives you a 10 Prayer Bonus. While there are other armor sets that provide higher Prayer bonuses, none of them can be the Justiciar Armour when defense is concerned.



Wearing a full set grants you a unique set effect that greatly mitigates the combat damage you take when doing fights outside of PvP. It does the same for typeless damage. If you're not going for a full DPS build, then this is the best in slot armour set to get. Keep in mind


Attack Bonuses

Defence Bonuses


Stab AttackSlash AttackCrush AttackMagic AttackRanged AttackStab DefenseSlash DefenseCrush DefenseMagic DefenseRanged DefenseMelee StrengthMagic DamageRanged StrengthPrayerWeightMembership Required?
Justiciar faceguard
Justiciar faceguard000-6-2606359-66700%022.721Yes
Justiciar chestguard
Justiciar chestguard000-40-20132130117-1614200%049.979Yes
Justiciar legguards
Justiciar legguards000-31-17959293-1410200%049.071Yes



5. Best In Slot Neck - Amulet Of Torture

The Amulet of Torture is just an enchanted version of the zenyte amulet. Zenyte amulet is crafted from a zenyte gem which is a drop from the demonic gorillas. In terms of DPS and overall functionality for DPS builds, this weapon provides the best melee attack boost out of any other items for your character's neck slot. The only downside is that it has no defence bonus so you'll have to compensate for that area with your other equipment slots.



To create this, you'll first need a zenyte amulet. Get your Magic to level 93 so you can start using the Level 7 Enchant Spell. Take 20 blood runes and 1 cosmic rune with you and enchant that on the zenyte amulet. If you want to shake things up further, you can combine the Amulet of Torture with the torture ornament kit for an aesthetic-only change to the neckwear.

6. Best In Slot Cape - Infernal Cape

While there are many great capes out there, none are comparable to the Infernal Cape in terms of bonuses for melee builds. That's not surprising though as this cape is pretty hard to get. To use it, you'll have to beat the Inferno which includes waves of tough enemies, ultimately leading up to a fight against TzKal-Zuk.



This cape is stronger than the fire cape as it has better melee attack and strength bonuses. If you're looking at other benefits, the Infernal Cape is better than the Ardougne Cloak 3 and 4 in terms of Prayer bonuses, as well as Attack. Despite being formidable in its offensive bonuses, the Infernal Cape does quite well when it comes to defenses as well but there are other cape items that can protect you better.

7. Best In Slot Boots - Primordial Boots

You can create Primordial Boots by taking your dragon boots and using a primordial crystal on it. The crystal is a drop from the Slayer boss Cerberus. However, you'll need to have level 60 Runecraft and magic to make this pair of the best in slot boots.



The bonuses between the Primordial Boots and the Dragon Boots are relatively the same. However, upgrading to the Primordial Boots will grant you with more melee strength bonus and a very helpful 2 attack bonus to all damage types. This build is the perfect way to round up any crush, slash, or stab build in the game. The requirements to wear it are relatively high though as you'll need level 75 Strength and Defense to use it.

8. Best In Slot Gloves - Ferocious Gloves


These gloves are a rare drop whenever you beat the Alchemical Hydra. This is one of the best offensive gloves for those who are opting for a melee build in OSRS. If you're currently lacking defenses in your build however, we highly suggest avoiding this weapon as it doesn't provide any bonuses for that. In fact, it also provides negative bonuses for ranged and magic. This is not a versatile glove but is perfect for melee builds in the game.

9. Best In Slot Ring - Bellator Ring

The item on your gear slot will depend on what type of build you're going for. There aren't a lot of versatile rings for melee damage. However, considering the stat gane, the most powerful in terms of damage bonus has to be the Bellator ring.



This Ancient Ring has the highest slash attack bonus for any ring in the game right now. To get it, you'll first have to kill the Whisperer at least once. Even then, you'll first have to craft it with a requirement of level 90 Magic and 80 Crafting. Since you're going to farm parts for the Soulreaper Axe which is the best slash weapon, the Bellator Ring is an easy pick for the ring slot already.

Once you have the skill requirements, combine a warrior icon, the bellator vestire, and 500 blood runes to create a bellator icon. Bring this item to a furnace and bring a ring mould, and three chromium ingots to finalize the creation of this ring.

10. Best In Slot Off-Hand - Avernic Defender


Lastly, we have the Avernic Defender for your off-hand slot. You can create this by combining a dragon defender and an Avernic defender hilt. It has the highest Strength upgrade in the slot compared to all shields in the game. What makes it even better is that it also has the highest attack bonus for melee builds looking for the final piece in their off-hand slot. There are other shields that provide better defenses but if you're looking solely for one that enhances your offensive capabilities, then the Avernic Defender in the perfect choice.

Keep in mind that while these are all excellent items for each slot in your inventory, they don't necessarily work well together. You'll still have to mix and match your gear to create the best melee builds in the game.

OSRS Melee Gear List

In this part of the guide, we'll be showing you a list of all the weapons and gear that you can get for melee builds in OSRS. This is so that you have a choice and more freedom when it comes to creating the perfect melee build in the game. Before that, check out this little table for a better understanding of the melee weapons in the game.

Two-handed swordSlowest/Second StrongestSlash/Crush
HalberdSlowest/Third StrongestStab/Slash

2H Swords

Standard Two-Handed Swords


Attack Bonuses

Defense Bonuses


Stab AttackSlash AttackCrush AttackMagic AttackRanged AttackStab DefenseSlash DefenseCrush DefenseMagic DefenseRanged DefenseMelee StrengthMagic DamageRanged StrengthPrayerWeightMembership Required?
Bronze 2h sword
Bronze 2h sword-498-400000-1100%003.628No
Iron 2h sword
Iron 2h sword-41310-400000-1140%003.628No
Steel 2h sword
Steel 2h sword-42116-400000-1220%003.628No
Black 2h sword
Black 2h sword-42721-400000-1260%003.628No
White 2h sword
White 2h sword-42721-400000-1260%013.628Yes
Mithril 2h sword
Mithril 2h sword-43024-400000-1310%003.175No
Adamant 2h sword
Adamant 2h sword-44330-400000-1440%004.082No
Rune 2h sword
Rune 2h sword-46950-400000-1700%003.628No
Dragon 2h sword
Dragon 2h sword-49280-400000-1930%003.628Yes



Attack Bonuses

Defense Bonuses


Stab AttackSlash AttackCrush AttackMagic AttackRanged AttackStab DefenseSlash DefenseCrush DefenseMagic DefenseRanged DefenseMelee StrengthMagic DamageRanged StrengthPrayerWeightMembership Required?
Ancient godsword
Ancient godsword01328000000001320%0810Yes
Armadyl godsword
Armadyl godsword01328000000001320%0810Yes
Armadyl godsword (or)
Armadyl godsword (or)01328000000001320%0810Yes
Bandos godsword
Bandos godsword01328000000001320%0810Yes
Bandos godsword (or)
Bandos godsword (or)01328000000001320%0810Yes
Saradomin godsword
Saradomin godsword01328000000001320%0810Yes
Saradomin godsword (or)
Saradomin godsword (or)01328000000001320%0810Yes
Zamorak godsword
Zamorak godsword01328000000001320%0810Yes
Zamorak godsword (or)
Zamorak godsword (or)01328000000001320%0810Yes

Other Two-Handed Swords


Attack Bonuses

Defense Bonuses


Stab AttackSlash AttackCrush AttackMagic AttackRanged AttackStab DefenseSlash DefenseCrush DefenseMagic DefenseRanged DefenseMelee StrengthMagic DamageRanged StrengthPrayerWeightMemberhsip Required?
Shadow sword
Shadow sword-42721400004-1260%003.628Yes
Gilded 2h sword
Gilded 2h sword-46950-400000-1700%003.628No
Saradomin sword
Saradomin sword082600000000820%023Yes
Colossal blade
Colossal blade-49865-400000-11000%0030Yes
Saradomin's blessed sword
Saradomin's blessed swor0100600000000880%023Yes



Attack Bonuses

Defence Bonuses


Stab AttackSlash AttackCrush AttackMagic AttackRanged AttackStab DefenseSlash DefenseCrush DefenseMagic DefenseRanged DefenseMelee StrengthMagic DamageRanged StrengthPrayerWeightMembership Required?
Bronze axe
Bronze axe-242000100050%001.36No
Iron axe
Iron axe-253000100070%001.36No
Steel axe
Steel axe-286000100090%001.36No
Black axe
Black axe-21080001000120%001.36No
Mithril axe
Mithril axe-212100001000130%001.133No
Adamant axe
Adamant axe-217150001000190%001.587No
Rune axe
Rune axe-226240<001000290%001.36No
Dragon axe
Dragon axe-238320001000420%001.36Yes
Crystal axe
Crystal axe-23832000100020%000.907Yes

Other Axes


Attack Bonuses

Defense Bonuses


Stab AttackSlash AttackCrush AttackMagic AttackRanged AttackStab DefenseSlash DefenseCrush DefenseMagic DefenseRanged DefenseMelee StrengthMagic DamageRanged StrengthPrayerWeightMembership Required?
Blessed axe
Blessed axe-212100001000130%021.162Yes
Gilded axe
Gilded axe-226240001000290%001.36No
3rd age axe
3rd age axe-238320001000420%001.36Yes
Infernal axe
Infernal axe-238320001000420%001.814Yes
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Standard Battleaxes


Attack Bonuses

Defense Bonuses


Stab AttackSlash AttackCrush AttackMagic AttackRanged AttackStab DefenseSlash DefenseCrush DefenseMagic DefenseRanged DefenseMelee StrengthMagic DamageRanged StengthPrayerWeightMemberhsip required?
Bronze battleaxe
Bronze battleaxe-263000000-190%002.721No
Iron battleaxe
Iron battleaxe-285000000-1130%002.721No
Steel battleaxe
Steel battleaxe-21611000000-1200%002.721No
Black battleaxe
Black battleaxe-22015000000-1240%002.721No
White battleaxe
White battleaxe-22015000000-1240%012.721Yes
Mithril battleaxe
Mithril battleaxe-22217000000-1290%002.267No
Adamant battleaxe
Adamant battleaxe-23126000000-1410%003.175No
Rune battleaxe
Rune battleaxe-24843000000-1640%002.721No
Dragon battleaxe
Dragon battleaxe-27065000000-1850%002.721Yes

Other Battleaxes


Attack Bonuses

Defense Bonuses


STab AttackSlash AttackCrush AttackMagic AttackRanged AttackStab DefenseSlash DefenseCrush DefenseMagic DefenseRanged DefenseMelee StrengthMagic DamageRanged StrengthPrayerWeightMemberhsip Required?
Anger battleaxe
nger battleaxe222000000-100%002.721Yes
Leaf-bladed battleaxe
Leaf-bladed battleaxe-27272000000-1920%002.721Yes
Dharok's greataxe
Dharok's greataxe-410395-400000-11050%003.175Yes
Zombie axe
Zombie axe-31059000-1000-11070%002.721Yes

Blunt Weapons



Attack Bonuses

Defense Bonuses


Stab AttackSlash AttackCrush AttackMagic AttackRanged AttackStab DefenseSlash DefenseCrush DefenseMagic DefenseRanged DefenseMelee StrengthMagic DamageRanged StrengthPrayerWeightMembership Required?
Oak blackjack
Oak blackjack000000000020%001.814Yes
Oak blackjack(o)
Oak blackjack(o)004000000040%001.814Yes
Oak blackjack(d)
Oak blackjack(d)000000<040040%001.814Yes
Willow blackjack
Willow blackjack000000000080%001.814Yes
Willow blackjack(o)
Willow blackjack(o)008000000080%001.814Yes
Willow blackjack(d)
Willow blackjack(d)000000080080%001.814Yes
Maple blackjack
Maple blackjack0000000000200%0<01.814Yes
Maple blackjack(o)
Maple blackjack(o)00240000000200%001.814Yes
Maple blackjack(d)
Maple blackjack(d)000000<02400200%001.814Yes

Standard Claws


Attack Bonuses

Defense Bonuses


Stab AttackSlash AttackCrush AttackMagic AttackRanged AttackStab DefenseSlash DefenseCrush DefenseMagic DefenseRanged DefenseMelee STrengthMagic DamageRanged StrengthPrayerWeightMembership required?
Bronze claws
Bronze claws34-4001210050%000.907Yes
Iron claws
Iron claws46-4002310070%000.907Yes
Steel claws
Steel claws811-40036200120%000.907Yes
Black claws
Black claws1014-40047200140%000.907td>Yes
White claws
White claws1014-40047200140%010.907Yes
Mithril claws
Mithril claws1116-40048200170%000.907Yes
Adamant claws
Adamant claws1823-400612/td>300240%000.907Yes
Rune claws
Rune claws2638-4001019500390%00<0.907Yes<
Dragon claws
Dragon claws157-400326700560%000.907Yes

Other Claws


Attack Bonuses

Defense Bonuses


Stab AttackSlash AttackCrush AttackMagic AttackRanged AttackStab DefenseSlash DefenseCrush DefenseMagic DefenseRanged DefenseMelee StrengthMagic DamageRanged StrengthPrayerWeightMembership Required?
Beach boxing gloves
Beach boxing gloves001000110000%0<00.453No
Boxing gloves
Boxing gloves000000120000%00.453Yes



Attack Bonuses

Defense Bonuses


Stab AttackSlash AttackCrush AttackMagic AttackRanged ATtackStab DefenseSlash DefenseCurhs DefenseMagic DefensRanged DefenseMelee StrengthMagic DamageRanged STrengthPrayerWeightMembership Required?
Bronze halberd
Bronze halberd780-401120080%003.175Yes
Iron halberd
Iron halberd9120-40-11200120%003.175Yes
Spear (Last Man Standing)
Spear (Last Man Standing)22180-40-12400200%003.628No
Steel halberd
Steel halberd14190-40-11200200%003.175Yes
Black halberd
Black halberd19250-40-12300200%003.175Yes
White halberd
White halberd19250-40<-12300200%013.175Yes
Mithril halberd
Mithril halberd22280-40-12400290%002.721<Yes
Adamant halberd
Adamant halberd28410-40-13400420%003.628Yes
Rune halberd
Rune halberd48670-40-14500680%003.175Yes
Crystal halberd (basic)
Crystal halberd (basic)686840000000420%011.814Yes
Corrupted halberd (basic)
Corrupted halberd (basic)686840000000420%011.814Yes
Crystal halberd (historical)
Crystal halberd (historical)58742-40-11200730%001.814Yes
Crystal halberd (historical)
Crystal halberd (historical)61783-40-12300780%001.814Yes
Crystal halberd (historical)
Crystal halberd (historical)6423-40-12300830%001.814Yes
Crystal halberd (historical)
Crystal halberd (historical)67863-40-12300880%001.814Yes
Crystal halberd (historical)
Crystal halberd (historical)70904-40-13400930%001.814Yes
Crystal halberd (historical)
Crystal halberd (historical)73944-40-13400980%001.814Yes
Dragon halberd
Dragon halberd70950-40-14500890%003.175Yes
Dragon halberd (cr)
Dragon halberd (cr)70950-40-14500890%003.175Yes
Crystal halberd (historical)
Crystal halberd (historical)76984<-40-134001030%001.814Yes
Crystal halberd (historical)
Crystal halberd (historical)791025-40-145001080%001.814Yes/td>
Crystal halberd (historical)
Crystal halberd (historical)821065-40-145001130%001.814Yes
Crystal halberd (i)
Crystal halberd (i)851105-40-145001180%001.814Yes
Crystal halberd (i)
Crystal halberd (i)851105-40-145001180%001.814Yes
Crystal halberd (i)
Crystal halberd (i)851105-40-145001180%001.814Yes
Crystal halberd (i)
Crystal halberd (i)851105-40-145001180%001.814Yes
Crystal halberd (i)
Crystal halberd (i)851105-40-145001180%001.814Yes
Crystal halberd (i)
Crystal halberd (i)851105-40-145001180%001.814Yes
Crystal halberd (i)
Crystal halberd (i)851105-40-145001180%001.814Yes
Crystal halberd (i)
Crystal halberd (i)851105-40-145001180%001.814Yes
Crystal halberd (i)
Crystal halberd (i)851105-40-145001180%001.814Yes
Crystal halberd (historical)
Crystal halberd (historical)85110540-145001180%001.814Yes
Crystal halberd (historical)
Crystal halberd (historical)851105-40-145001180%001.814Yes
Crystal halberd (i)
Crystal halberd (i)851105-40-14500<1180%001.814Yes
Crystal halberd (i)
Crystal halberd (i)851105-40-145001180%001.814Yes
Crystal halberd
Crystal halberd851105-40-145001180%001.814Yes
Corrupted halberd (attuned)
Corrupted halberd (attuned)114114120000000880%021.814Yes
Crystal halberd (attuned)
Crystal halberd (attuned)114114120000000880%021.814Yes
Crystal halberd (perfected)
Crystal halberd (perfected)1661662800000001380%031.814Yes
Corrupted halberd (perfected)
Corrupted halberd (perfected)1661662800000001380%031.814Yes



Attack Bonuses

Defense Bonuses


Stab AttackSlash AttackCursh AttackMagic AttackRaged AttackStab DefenseSlash DefenseCrush DefenseMagic DefenseRanged DefenseMelee StrengthMagic DamageRanged StrengthPrayerWeightMemberhsip Required?
Scythe of vitur
Scythe of vitur7012530-60-281000750%003.175Yes

Slash Swords



Attack Bonuses

Defense Bonuses


Stab AttackSlash AttackCrush AttackMagic AttackRanged AttackStab DefenseSlash DefenseCrush DefenseMagic DefenseRanged DefenseMelee STrengthMagic DamageRanged StrengthPrayerWeightMembership Required?
Harry's cutlass
Harry's cutlass3140-5044400220%001.814Yes
Lucky cutlass
Lucky cutlass 200-5066600250%001.814Yes


Standard Longswords


Attack Bonuses

Defence Bonuses


Stab AttackSlash AttackCrush AttackMagic AttackRanged AttackStab DefenseSlash DefenseCrush DefenseMagic DefenseRanged DefenseMelee StrengthMagic DamageRanged StrengthPrayerWeightMembership Required?
Bronze longsword
Bronze longsword45-2000320070%001.814No
Iron longsword
Iron longsword68-20003200100%001.814No
Steel longsword
Steel longsword914-20003200160%001.814No
Black longsword
Black longsword1318-20003200160%001.814No
White longsword
White longsword1318-20003200160%011.814Yes
Mithril longsword
Mithril longsword1520-20003200220%001.587No
Adamant longsword
Adamant longsword2029-20003200310%002.041No
Rune longsword
Rune longsword3847-20003200490%001.814No
 Dragon longsword5869-20003200710%001.814Yes
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Other Longswords


Attack Bonuses

Defence Bonuses


Stab AttackSlash AttackCrush AttackMagic AttackRanged AttackStab DefenseSlash DefenseCrush DefenseMagic DefenseRanged DefenseMelee StrengthMagic DamageRanged StrengthPrayerWeightMembership Required
Wooden spoon
Wooden spoon45-2000320070%000.453Yes
Blurite sword
Blurite sword914-20003200100%001.814No
Decorative sword (red)
Decorative sword (red)1318-20003200160%001.587No
Decorative sword (white)
Decorative sword (white)1520-20003200220%001.587No
Fremennik blade
Fremennik blade629-20001000280%001.814Yes
Decorative sword (gold)
Decorative sword (gold)2029-20003200310%00.587No
Granite longsword
Granite longsword5665-20003200620%002.721Yes
3rd age longsword
3rd age longsword072600003200750%001Yes
Vesta's longsword (bh)
Vesta's longsword (bh)106121-200143001180%001.814Yes


Standard Scimitars


Attack Bonuses

Defense Bonuses


Stab AttackSlash AttackCrush AttackMagic AttackRanged AttackStab DefenseSlash DefenseCursh DefenseMagic DefenseRanged DefenseMelee StrengthMagic DamageRanged StrengthPrayerWeightMembership Required?
Bronze scimitar
Bronze scimitar17-2000100060%001.814No
Iron scimitar
Iron scimitar210-2000100090%001.814No
Steel scimitar
Steel scimitar315-20001000140%001.814No
Black scimitar
Black scimitar419-20001000140%001.814No
White scimitar
White scimitar419-20001000140%011.814Yes
Mithril scimitar
Mithril scimitar521-20001000200%001.587No
Adamant scimitar
Adamant scimitar629-20001000280%002.041No
Rune scimitar
Rune scimitar745-20001000440%001.814No
Dragon scimitar
Dragon scimitar867-20001000660%001.814Yes

Other Scimitars


Attack Bonuses

Defense Bonuses


Stab AttackSlash AttackCrush AttackMagic AttackRanged AttackStab DefenseSlash DefenseCrush DefenseMagic DefenseRanged DefenseMelee StrengthMagic DamageRanged StrengthPrayerWeightMemberhsip Required?
Starter sword
Starter sword521-20001000200%001.814No
Gilded scimitar
Gilded scimitar745-20001000440%001.814No
Brine sabre
Brine sabre747-20000000460%001.814Yes
Blade of saeldor (c)
Blade of saeldor (c)559400000000890%001.814Yes
Blade of saeldor
Blade of saeldor559400000000890%001.814Yes


Standard Spears


Attack Bonuses

Defense Bonuses


Stab AttackSlash AttackCrush AttackMagic AttackRanged AttackStab DefenseSlash DefenseCursh DefenseMagic DefenseRanged DefenseMelee StrengthMagic DamageRanged StrengthPrayerWeightMembership Required?
Bronze spear
Bronze spear555001100060%002.267Yes
Iron spear
Iron spear8880011000100%002.267Yes
Steel spear
Steel spear1212120011000120%002.267Yes
Black spear
Black spear1515150011000160%002.267Yes
Mithril spear
Mithril spear1717170011000180%001.814Yes
Adamant spear
Adamant spear2424240011000280%002.721Yes
Rune spear
Rune spear3636360011000420%002.267Yes
Dragon spear
Dragon spear5555550055555600%002.267Yes

Other Spears


Attack Bonuses

Defence Bonuses


Stab AttackSlash AttackCrush AttackMagic AttackRanged AttackStab DefenseSlash DefenseCrush DefenseMagic DefenseRanged DefenseMelee StrengthMagic DamageRanged StrengthPrayerWeightMemberhsip Required?
Anger spear
Anger spear222001100000%000.003Yes
Bone spear
Bone spear1111110011000130%001.36Yes
Gilded spear
Gilded spear3636360011000420%002.267Yes
Leaf-bladed spear
Leaf-bladed spear4742360011000500%002.267Yes
Guthan's warspear
Guthan's warspear7575750077700750%002.267Yes
Zamorakian spear
Zamorakian spear85656500131312013750%023Yes


Standard Hastae


Attack Bonuses

Defense Bonuses


Stab AttackSlash AttackCrush AttackMagic AttackRanged AttackStab DefenseSlash DefenseCrush DefenseMagic DefenseRanged DefenseMelee StrengthMagic DamageRanged StrengthPrayerWeightMembership Required?
Bronze hasta
Bronze hasta55500-1-1-10<-160%002.267Yes
Iron hasta
Iron hasta88800-2-2-20-2100%002.267Yes
Steel hasta
Steel hasta12121200-3-3-30-3120%002.267Yes
Mithril hasta
Mithril hasta17171700-5-5-40-5180%001.814Yes
Adamant hasta
Adamant hasta24242400-6-7-50-6280%002.721Yes
Rune hasta
Rune hasta36363600-10-10-90-10420%002.267Yes
Dragon hasta
Dragon hasta55555500-15-15-120-15600%002.267Yes

Other Hastae


Attack Bonuses

Defense Bonuses


Stab AttackSlash AttackCrush AttackMagic AttackRanged AttackStab DefenseSlash DefenseCrush DefenseMagic DefenseRanged DefenseMelee StrengthMagic DamageRanged StrengthPrayerWeightMembership Required?
Gilded hasta
Gilded hasta36363600-10-10-90-10420%002.267Yes
Zamorakian hasta
Zamorakian hasta85656500131312013750%023Yes
Dragon hunter lance
Dragon hunter lance8565650000000700%003Yes
Check out our Ultimate Money Making Guide



Attack Bonuses

Defense Bonuses


Stab AttackSlash AttackCrush AttackMagic AttackRanged AttackStab DefenseSlash DefenseCrush DefenseMagic DefenseRanged DefenseMelee StrengthMagic DamageRanged StrengthPrayerWeightMembership Required?
Black cane
Black cane8-2160000000130%021.814Yes
Adamant cane
Adamant cane13-2250000000230%031.814Yes
Rune cane
Rune cane20-2390000000360%041.814Yes
Dragon cane
Dragon cane40-2600000000550%051.814Yes


Standard Maces


Attack Bonuses

Defense Bonuses


Stab AttackSlash AttackCrush AttackMagic AttackRanged AttackStab DefenseSlash DefenseCrush DefenseMagic DefenseRanged DefenseMelee StrengthMagic damageRanged StrengthPrayerWeightMembership Required?
Bronze mace
Bronze mace1-26000000050%011.814No
Iron mace
Iron mace4-29000000070%011.814No
Steel mace
Steel mace7-2130000000110%021.814No
Black mace
Black mace8-2160000000130%021.814No
White mace
White mace8-2160000000130%031.814Yes
Mithril mace
Mithril mace11-2180000000160%031.587No
Adamant mace
Adamant mace13-2250000000230%032.041No
Rune mace
Rune mace20-2390000000360%041.814No
Dragon mace
Dragon mace40-2600000000550%051.814Yes

Other Maces


Attack Bonuses

Defense Bonuses


Stab AttackSlash AttackCursh AttackMagic AttackRanged AttackStab DefenseSlash Defenserush DefenseMagic DefenseRanged DefenseMelee StrengthMagic DamageRanged StrengthPrayerWeightMembership Required?
Anger mace
Anger mace222000000000%011.814Yes
Ancient mace
Ancient mace10-2160000000140%031.814Yes
Bone mace
Bone mace40-2600000000550%001.814Yes
Viggora's chainmace
Viggora's chainmace53-2670001000660%022Yes
Sarachnis cudgel
Sarachnis cudgel300700000000700%000.453Yes
Ursine chainmace
Ursine chainmace53-2710000000740%022Yes
Verac's flail
Verac's flail68-2820000000720%062.267Yes
Inquisitor's mace
Inquisitor's mace52-4950000000890%021.814Yes

Maces with the Blunt Weapon Type


Attack Bonuses

Defense Bonuses


Stab AttackSlash AttackCrush AttackMagic AttackRanged AttackStab DefenseSlash DefenseCrush DefenseMagic DefenseRanged DefenseMelee StrengthMagic DamageRanged StrengthPrayerWeightMembership Required?
Rolling pin
Rolling pin20-2390000000360%041.814Yes
Barronite mace
Barronite mace20-2400000000400%022No


Standard Daggers


Attack Bonuses

Defence Bonuses


Stab AttackSlash AttackCrush AttackMagic AttackRanged AttackStab DefenseSlash DefenseCrush DefenseMagic DefenseRanged DefenseMelee StrengthMagic DamageRanged aStrengthPrayerWeightMembership Required?
Bronze dagger
Bronze dagger42-4100001030%000.453No
Iron dagger
Iron dagger53-4100001040%000.453No
Steel dagger
Steel dagger84-4100001070%000.453No
Black dagger
Black dagger105-4100001070%000.453No
White dagger
White dagger105-4100001070%010.453Yes
Mithril dagger
Mithril dagger115-41000010100%000.396No
Adamant dagger
Adamant dagger158-41000010140%000.51No
Rune dagger
Rune dagger2512-41000010240%000.453No
Dragon dagger
Dragon dagger4025-41000010400%000.453Yes



Attack Bonuses

Defense Bonuses


Stab AttackSlash AttackCrush AttackMagic AttackRanged AttackStab DefenseSlash DefenseCrush DefenseMagic DefenseRanged DefenseMelee StrengthMagic DamageRanged StrengthPrayerWeightMembership Required?
Barb-tail harpoon
Barb-tail harpoon94-4000000060%001.36Yes
Dragon harpoon
Dragon harpoon383200001000420%002.267Yes
Infernal harpoon
Infernal harpoon383200001000420%002.267Yes
Crystal harpoon
Crystal harpoon383200001000420%000.907Yes


Standard Swords


Attack Bonuses

Defense Bonuses


Stab AttackSlash AttackCursh AttackMagic AttackRanged AttackStab DefenseSlash DefenseCrush DefenseMagic DefenseRangedMelee StrengthMagic DamageRanged StrengthPrayerWeightMembership Required?
White sword
White sword1410-20002100120%011.814Yes
Steel sword
Steel sword118-20002100120%001.814No
Rune sword
Rune sword3826-20002100390%001.814No
Mithril sword
Mithril sword1611-20002100170%001.587No
Iron sword
Iron sword64-2000210070%001.814No
Dragon sword
Dragon sword6555-20002100630%001.814Yes
Bronze sword
Bronze sword43-2000210050%001.814No
Black sword
Black sword1410-20002100120%001.814No
Adamant sword
Adamant sword2318-20002100240%002.041No



Attack Bonuses

Defense Bonuses


Stab AttackSlash AttackCrush AttackMagic AttackRanged AttackStab DefenseSlash DefenseCrush DefenseMagic DefenseRanged DefenseMelee StrengthMagic DamageRanged StrengthPrayerWeightMembership Required?
Abyssal whip
Abyssal whip08200000000820%000.453Yes
Abyssal whip (or)
Abyssal whip (or)08200000000820%000.453Yes
Frozen abyssal whip
Frozen abyssal whip08200000000820%000.453Yes
Volcanic abyssal whip
Volcanic abyssal whip08200000000820%000.453Yes
Abyssal tentacle
Abyssal tentacle09000000000860%000.453Yes
Abyssal tentacle (or)
Abyssal tentacle (or)09000000000860%000.453Yes

Melee Armour

Defense level


Defence Bonus


Stab DefenseSlash DefenseCrush DefenseMagic DefenseRanged DefenseTotalGE PriceMagic Defense

oiJhgwpMskaGdaa4wGozuljlMaKBw_-_NQEKQBjA2buNMXeDWXV7aV6w5y7VBmW_4OsRzbqp6HGcYHn0QPQclyU1UidSGPHGt8sU4jGt7Uqidmax5BEhYfBfwvietQQvCsJDuKPx_Zn7xtwAfApvJfwBronze armor


rcI94z13LtIQMOZXxUBKWmJpUk3koG0PEFQM0CIyHbuH7wHazSZ_ISRn4o9TWd_nTdnsBSDua7-zp92hFzOp7-x3i3dAsu9dYJmXIPE_8099QKjbZqQ3TjlysfRTC4UXj3d8oCw576OWywi3rsCHOicIron armor


kiBa_rPdfAjmUvw6c_xTxPW6sRDaQwsJ2TUeM48jpXzqjc2OJFeIbSZuGZ7fGSAY7hPm72M08aGj-Jikf3brSJsd3W2eWpYr_qXb5jHc6NXaCUUE8NHdpXw1xYWJTGPVvwaPU9iW0KITmoGr9Z06oS0Steel armor


eq-nGLq3LivJ_Mxjm7rGxrN0gSPxYm6vA9ZciGNRIFNG14aVa5GLVkIMd1rGJ5Z9jM0o9BNyUgYf5EGuVwkMgJ3_0tWU-vk4A3p4OKET_R1fmw-1G_YeICXJqohoo6XUwQnI44BgHKJzuK5wZzID3UEBlack armor


AZz_o9unvm2Mu92hBGH8XPKu6kPubmsb5rs32hI3hWZPLlMeAaCz3nlnlkywS0hc4PoJPhEpAq39Q-voRhyArAB4D6tDaSuHmAX8ZC4I2xD1Kqetc3Td9WLmyMDYFWvJATxQylg2fCqBVuB5W-47XFkMithril armor


yWgZWjsHQT2MRyH4tD2S7W0bDJIv1z5wuIcbtLenNIY62SK7wz8hHHmwjBwPcrSnBuICVuXG2CaaIqTuj6-3OMY9OaC6H7AA5JHWTTxVMY7CNApJmgR92RlgIFa6qWXk1CHAmY3f8TdHc8bo4k55d74Adamant armor


I2ypecIygNlTz87k0AFU4IXuz_2bPrlaxZP2l9sxn5Ih7lWi1P8Pr_gBffrIWi2pWa7HriYxdwboAWdTdYHNSYoEZybIcECsw6BKbsfqIK7xzc0khWs8meCbFgXSR4O07nR61IZz42tUtnLfT8OkPzgRune armor


X6K_H7THl8kcvgAq3XtzmcN69D7Y32pV-MYxny5g3fQxk6Z_lbBrZYja44TRm6jBnWWHlln0jyCJWFXo5M5sfrTqUepwhbkqMFptCo8tH4XFVcIDVyEe7E0_9C_ttbu8iiKjm4mzZOyqKcnikJFIk4UDragon armor

Defense levelArmourAdditional requirements

rDy32EcgLbZal_yYOLBxZzqTlYe4rSADU1YJcnQxiLK1XkIZeHDia5pLuEnt8Og7ZXRPxjSQv_ZCOidpg_OuYexulvINUuqk8F5mOg3pKxU90Oi-4ZrHzORXQ8ZeI-HBLUnsdqhppU21dxhfjNJalHMTorva armour


26JUk8HyymZNSP9wwfAknY7_NsjdP-lQWnVaQPkPGxatwpeIIagslRlGCjU3FvLs75FkevfKT1PdWLRBSK2oEE7QDp2tfPtWDVi0x2QZvnelGSbOFI-HafEH4wVZxpys1PlvQxSF7LfXjP8o8gy-L10Justiciar armour


L9ZvF1XqHfCsNB_epWHvXGbXKcxw92y_F1upTPfFgr43G7YuWLDRPEGTR0LiIG0kIcDPNBW8KFGqYN5TlyyzSPryDcCqcBqgloZI9JcU1a8C_J8np2pmgBk3KsixPUEVx6S6Ee7TNdcSX_r10r0V2SsBarrows armour


CS8d6E_4OpLLvAjXRhZxs6mFaj1atV9JQdLqVkpBDNjDuUKiqrEJzaa9kg-aRuONMQFxXgVK0tVOwbroUPBr8oFFyK0aD5P66jmU5DohX1fRUNucYizEHtHBb4x-3y6TUAU0z4NM56PQ6MvsygR5-RQ3rd age melee equipment


MDN_MSgZkE8NDTVcyTKgiing18kjcOxnj7vKcY2aj49pDBeVn2FDTDoyGisKFk23P2WZ5wnA9p0XO7g8ZWBbDbsJhgvEDmfmvCHCug7ZxFrDgpfRAhy4FvxM7bcdSVMVk7Yhfmg_VqohUyJL4tA4HXUBandos armour


i0GNaqEDNuzMizYyjjALONyYvXyTMbedPn6VubtZPH2e22Ie41mZcM6UqqNgksQm-q6LeMWJqEpC3eYzoR0iWUgLZQc0E8nXV7RrlelAaNiQGpA2b2bKAGGNwD7gzAQfoYJ3q5ljoSJz67d_XuT5y-YObsidian armour


uPBXYp16EoT5H1fD3-yL5O8NNIPcjeX7b0n2mOyWx0V9sE_PIXg9MHbUnD1YhEb6WJH4jLZzZNZfAj-LpYJ3EydU277RAZqj2SZD-LT6PU2x7OerqwYwJirFUTfK6gNFJavXyLDUtMenShLIyVmPtAIDragon armour

Legends' Quest for square shield and Dragon Slayer I for platebody are required.

TMkMrHeOYSzKx-TLIL6iqzzJcqCInMzn-cMfLR_6dM_cRzrkFS5lGLUBauC9p5UloOleFlR2udiHQcD1-cGdmwU0JcmV3MEcsth6KYDyHDPoyhuSyEHa3keJoQF1MqkDgdDfAZZmVShCmi7NqSA1q4cGranite armour

Calls for Level 50 Strength

16Nx1P6mW9lxQojQSrMXz76gaW3FNk1KMEc4UXAw8tN3Sl_eh7ZGCAQ42kzY8CFv5lpzjKZp4fFVrLx-w1NUeLwn-54FSL-oX2r2WYu92DWbjhTaFiM1ZtAnVtUv8WURezdmtpjCtbLMmrmreBPdQ_sVoid Knight equipment

850 points for pest control in addition to level 22 Prayer, level 42 Attack, Strength, Defense, Hitpoints, Range, and Magic

i-pyu9bG8j29w_M3yhoXknZH3TEKEG5XjEhaE5SQwf_41oLk_-wMOxSldJ6a9jOcaCL6uoyONr62zc2teV1BuFOTGJm8qcfoz6vC6oa0geZFyjjVgnqySqLx5KAh5oHDggx_XhVAOQHfeWfoU7hk7KgRune armour

Dragon Slayer I is necessary (for platebody)

mwyf-FMsIzolFxTToN9BIATE0GaPkWOyV3rUbeZkEwPs_aXdo8RRof4XvelYSkfJHRzC2DInNsfSOvhtf9GjdUBgb0cTbfqgY1p75MQgiBxu6uiJ_5FXCLwtWznm-_ScwWadLXXHcAXMqt3NIbkBlvQRock-shell armour

Calls for the Fremennik Trials

TlGXAmU4NOKyLW7cgtuRasPZvwpZm7sYbu-MgOPQ_UaWvFMEBxnKHQz_ryPBcIYKGWU4eNII8iCPmgfwr3LfBPUMSYmm6Y8ugUF8w-tHBpnlCQUXyOfS4sR5TKLQ__O8FzU4NbEVkRzYs3AflLGhrO8Samurai armour


YwVysPG3FL2yWLU-LDf8x43ct2IYmmn9xL4GoUVMTXanl8U22S2Yl6bkPcY8e8T8F_jIt3e7CAlSpQAWP9qsm32QezcUNqXjw13MLC-kYSy7Fa7K94v66uNrf3Sn1VrwC26Zyot0vHVZbRstk8pPSNQAdamant armour


szdrNG81bUE2oyG7AjrO0fffmiQBDA1L7kFBDrWXPBbErny4jC0xxOcJtUHZiH6_WitybS6gtu1nzMeQMoj-CVqDbRTYW3zhp0YLkSjyKd4aW4f2uKfJvOQJm-SV3rekL7axsG2HkzKjr86Pd4Wjv7oProselyte armour

Level 20 Prayer and Slug Menace are required.

vHIllS_ZeJEwRgUA6mzSH7YgOHz7cKgJWtua2xom21q0s_EcjCLfG-icGW4DQP2odVfaSWpZvW2N4_5N_R3cAf_StvfQ-_Viihq2a_TFXQXMs_A6eDk7MvQlaglQ_gxaS3zuzNDpP87x4vMdNX-jXK4Inquisitor's armour

Level 70 Strength is needed

mmj4WST1O1LKsE6vdkKpBAWb6Wjlc_bwe__Ut3RxHBxWoL6tmKLflcShjNBPSe6bqBCFgS_nOOfoGJW6Fu81szJBT_Lef8syBwD-SE-uyyq7GS9L42OQrYV-FaiuSgd_V-3nBOzGrWhZRXS3-4KY7wcMithril armour


H27hz2SiBFvpTd68hiVSVMNiEbLpnxYYd28Ajob-rEyndF9ICBftMHS75O1o3Bspb37BmzydoKj6U9OVPpRzao9UUYF8fBFc1PLpAsILkSXNGaGzJ2QRcIKsuUqrs5_4cmoJU9AeqYgcEiUOTnO3xB0Initiate armour

You will need level 10 Prayer and Recruitment Drive

o3AEvnGK9gc7nhq-iwWqii0iXEvL4toSPJ7DKwFWEvuJgrVaiH1xlLMqnfGaw-ox3V9XBwu5xh8v44G09SMTO2jx-cMKilOJRn8EHXmeZBP6XEDsT9C1lCQwwM5CbWtF0mCinU0POqpjkzCB2aENZtgShayzien armour

Taken as a drop by soldiers from Shayzien

TrC8SIMPXbF9ft6SopOhvo-waFe2vLZEKJTB-1bEmB6Cw2fp3bkjlwMJIebo2sgCLIC3JUtNUIXRNOivgeHa49PVd7xIqrBHzqm-fw8yYCubNepG39Xjeb9-NwotgpVI36nX9vcs57JKKkQUWr6KwsMBlack armour


sNBhwpExDa9PLkkPVwYYLRL7ynnWZTx0MCGae5sQqt7Xcc1OwsA2jIQD-4J76dao_xtkkFkTsipu6WaVnfPnIxqJWPpu_HamecPKxTRfCNm1NXF8ThDWwYgfpaQd93GwefXNlqn-ZL-HFoq8EiampmUWhite armour


60TYT7TLvDnNzaq1KCGmK2vltTQiODR8WRnn0M_KrgJm4Awr8GMMVznZVo1jQFVdyf2q4WppWnDCDo9mikR5662reQFBZ7U1wGARZrS1Ak_GlMwC1tXUScJMwwrw7e9GdOLSe9mY-wacQi-IEoz9brMSteel armour


QWleJac-L06RNkFPNo9ZKxAFy7lgye7r_6HghOumE7oZYiDMruddczA4CYj8bJkVBIZcU-5il8PVyOkhMjbCJEQmeTWVxhJapgXh8wMOZSVaygzdLiy8QdnM_0xxr73Qd70V3q6LqrAEO9cTROWNu8ABronze armour


drwW7rURlXbI59ot6REGdI9j4xBkmn-lhj2i-IOuu_gObcnX_L0w6tfRai71HMBLN9rpIeABwBh_pxHxN1-1NC-egD5lHkTlC5wE-pWo9Yb3u89yHEeTN8-y302naVaBHR7HEFbsBJQ0s_EczuK_vyQIron armour


Other armor Pieces

Defense levelItemAdditional

7zwDGN0F1iTKZa_5kSaljf71bCAl6b9-VapTCKdi0HpTE2fFxTx3GOvrY6yAmTf2FHiz_aYPBZh9N0QGcNbD-lrUjh32FbhPQPGElU3GWrc_aawL1X9IX7FRkW2scD0il6R0JMeoYuNv2xBjflhvz_wWarrior ring

650,000 Nightmare Zone points are needed to imbue

MoD13B6N_9ULxMjJs6UbE0DjMkem7GQJRJp5dsyRjnDd3NZ245CppLMmbNsUr-W1K_Q9RsFPUYwLyUcIlaiiygHQgtu8dZnu8rBf9fXb8zbBiS-f2LU6-dK8XtP05uNSoEXurQcbHWEmr7vtFYJpntgBerserker ring

650,000 Nightmare Zone points are needed to imbue

ddRKq29nyroux2xuYBMs1_PZzDI0o4IJBAx2hqq_csnyzJtdRm1qV2xOm-fbecBEODOnjAu_7R3wvnIsl2A_u6NH8jgHsMzfs969P7dcErHNccasm0lG4EeIAwddejuM54tri42ssa6l1IifF9scecEBellator ring

Desert Treasure II - The Fallen Empire

AX5jkcsaK6XnLvNN5p_TdUNh_3JlfNYoEvCPr8lrsAJHPf6CUUhwwhHgBS_q1qPuubeQrB0wrKhE36odXIqw60l6xzGsExPl0fxXPUmhTVW9oqRS3BWEacGhStghQ1S5wKMFajRMoJ6gr8p1KvtGxVMUltor ring

Desert Treasure II - The Fallen Empire

YzwCDu6ZAcu3-IwFGBclQRZj4Z8TNLjtja4pBqpNLKdRnuVWKqPuTigdHw7KrwYmBmkJSKAQno9SxKRCvwhyBRY9mZqa5chJSsVeIi3F_WU18zZpH3aLiJhr25KO05zIbiJEcXZQDpOQmFKJH7tm78ICulinaromancer's gloves

Recipe for Disaster

qEl2ShnshrIs3qUYa1yhK9qJFct3jtAvs61R1EHDupFuILdxuAkGuwyM-J1xxC4FIZU0merpQanWa6SHhg_NtlFpWQ7cgNwTy2hRpEEH49tbRdGwJvezbyVuI0yMtsmWBPXRdleVjsjZS-BNoW_9K8AFire cape

You need to finish the TzHaar Fight Cave

9FGQnXVI5rwk-vNGMqet4-8D-nR_I89T1zH79ktBVV6co1HU--UKu80p9NPc5xT9qZrTHvkU3X4_kne14klEEcOMbd-q-W94aAA37P3kKWdn80ydOShQcMwy9sMkfu7TrsyT-X6V1zyM3gUk7h-b3RQInfernal cape

You need to finish the Inferno

Q-nb6ZdnMU7rM2hxcRpv_6tjARdJA3pR5fVKQtXiLKSRaMcl0RhZg4V9qLv9ek1p1TJntgW8gMjPfbjufjmQ8fndyNdy0IQdaCM-dtULalGuHN8ccIFz4Y3rUIljOpQ_SOAEJQkB5MQL5oMl2I1GkdQSlayer helmet

400 Slayer reward points and level 55 Crafting are required.

1mR2W_45o-OZbKhc9fzv5f7cOR285EoYw7u0EbSf2wbfzIZSMKeJ7jWcEvlG7p7ys4QeoQmmZSXpbHK2pDcACQFCoPxvj4LYyB10DBa1DLsjSXfdky6HZ-wWw64_IWyBv6sWtSiPXHQY2-K2a4O5Jo8Yak-hide armour


1M3gnsnmaSRnITOeinoSNDkzUPDcfOkrY4E7dqnM0tIVV-qf3AWmEZ1sZMOL3akurHTdJ73k2eIZNBUj3SR8szIH9vKZbT_qMIT3DADvfwi_BGDJtmJ_ayC50SpF-L0t-UAkA9sxxbPI-1Li-JXF_t0Neitiznot shield


hnisfy01H0wN7R8DjzlwNdN_MsUwuEzOINeB4-NiimE-KBt0ntU86ngoaovsnC37-iBci-ZdV6bhf3V3kaBJtkTR3szfpQdBCpSjTvn0CCSwFn9XUCXAHzNyiz5kfqICsObOgODAAnekgnHIRo5RBmkFremennik shield

You need The Fremennik Trials

WLj178RlNsAqvMVZHc4s_gOtcGOYuuxbACQu32cuZTD4vHiz21m54sonsjIMtItqqikeh7lLMxsUUEfnwmB4sUVBsCWakBYjUdYJquZcyFQr1DGfuwq_ZOhez07tmtMbCceAzFSZTzl9Lo_YrOww4fkFremennik helm

The Fremennik Trials is needed

b57o5bAY8lrRrw9fGPiRaV63gX8O9yFoyq8Gd-Ohb2kwvHENksIQ55PglaOBPmMlQHx2DoUyzAhIyqOo7MPIaAMuBozoindgJMBRqztPi1VdAIyh8BmQFs4J8pJNG_8CAQyTynVcEszREvmFqupOuGUFighter torso

Barbarian Assault: 375 honor points in all four roles and killed the Penance Queen

523oSZ6hrmaDeW2Ed4J22rT778mabZQVJE9MSNDMcCg5_XMDrsUXeqtA-5zQkj7H_bj4eyAFDcRSffPqpLtdpEj3SgDsMIXqmSR8mZ1v_NX2ZphMJ2xXXH7ywqTW5xqGz1O-fRQlGwfpmjrpQZKGnMISpirit shield

You will need level 55 Prayer

4taZBclt-dFKDShPtjT5RyqPIPh5g568OldGpBG1kPLJ4DyWjUyxmnxx2CX1WlYpm9mFW0uunxl6aAWjp3Gde11S_U_aLoFMYGL6bLpYTInPLCVGPuhT2evmK9FUZZB7UzscmxXqreiDFK_YK69AfFgWarrior helm

The Fremennik Trials

CKDH8VcyO67oKKqF6qq646R-K1lBfLRoctEoMRQQAOQ4ZoJQS0cFAL1iakfQPd1DNwrRgqb7GEC-ReTLxCan10gbt4Ii68W-Gx9ORkRd9nskKp05geYU5NucjZ9fQ_m2nbJgjaQrPyX9C46KbUitIc0Berserker helm

The Fremennik Trials

Pol8_RUfblqRp4bR5vj68U0Ta8m64e3k7T2-pIFJt8B9b232wzm73SuKkH9PH_Y6_uz1UfQ-W6QiA7rCrekau-6Z31rg_OKMmHnrcRZ8XN9ZgAsRDlSQKFhGDBwHEsfWJ_xZ-faGszvpe_rtFUUDvC4Helm of neitiznot

The Fremennik Isles

db5FKlai8mSHtOxRfVg637Wl4KwI5U3r7dPsBUCIuWhvHCG5AIPusWn-BS-Y5y2XqxTFThNIHXQ74R68h7As5AvelL1xfxmsBkfUJv7KemScHtjfQKC-iL0M4fFi3EFMJT18pdnbLHljqhKnYY3_fRgNeitiznot faceguard

The Fremennik Exiles

VYcqLTYY7CotU278DrijM-kjzHrDFXGosVDeICpG1I1oWbQB-WaFRXJ0YwZf8AaSYgQP0ttlKE_A4A2DcL_REDk_6lc1RXpp9cPw8Xc5f4Wv4GU7PzmsbvO1t-uRFFJs0mRgvrSymjbpDrX8iz24FeQCrystal shield

Level 50 Agility and Roving Elves are required; totally degrades after sustaining 2500 damage-dealing strikes.

f7Oxsx1SaZqv2-2iETiaDBBOqvM4kodVzaS6zkx6Tx9Bl7SPB4ZgCHhlsr5QFOTXkPKIWp_jFzaoqArjEZHr6ETl4A7ah6N2bY6sZDtJKelwizq0j4mV_I-Hw9v7M_G1sRvl22-GbJc1FsYm7XhXugEBlessed spirit shield

You'll need level 60 Prayer

FZ9d0VKFc_cDiRanUrm6WmJlar6fN49QmZyovxXGmwUTxmfbg0lX56M7LIpKRtU5y6ELY54MRJY8wtFx0XcI9k0d8f7q6nncmG_AJP5UaslS4vCvzluDeCsq2kuKE2wV7KAdmzwW9pEksgN2BHumIX8Elysian spirit shield

You'll need level 75 Prayer

Mtk4XUu5iCiGhZjnzeFN7mnHgC2Dt7-UGh37_6B3ad_tJvzDX2F9qf8xHVk2P7nHrgi9ca7d2Yl_CllOWdD9fxi-ZXketMB-p_QLu_gdG26ZHRAYGMcndUNgHOG0N1dyE_46lBnCznulZs0y1M7fqL8Guardian boots


yeMbHJliRKoaGXK39b-W_j74hQcq3_WuZPpX6i8XTwFl-R3Ou9Yivt7HNQXFRjPMBqRlQxnTfHyq_Qiq0Rx7DBoCJ99WQEPmbL8l6I05IGaxrGJDcIhX0TldO3xaPFCKwc7SOp7Xsx-cw49-O3j6AqcSerpentine helm


Wi7CrRDzFMLYnhIw1TSXI4Q2JHp8ZKzTiswWLZcNUWVdZpEilDAJS9ywgtilzdwVDGOvIty44EpZpvEnDwsckP6uEKnM73ZjvysNO98o4PPwWckEgQa6POX3yR-DhaS0iHw9RtMsPpVCfjH7fgKm4lADragonfire shield

To equip, Dragon Slayer I needs to be initiated.

-G4dZTE0SyZafgGZ3E3IxOQk0vfzUF2oXhYmuJH0nUce_RiVSA2zoBDiYGiWhw5lY8PyqrXu-oazDwNGlk1U17G4aLT4_a5jB-syCM3OKahSlCFvlZk9b6th5lkLo11UQasVl84Ulzf77pGCQGFJ4i0Primordial boots

You'll need level 75 Strength

v6wFXlpVUEyJHr2Ng2TuXTU8vL409w1PC3r8AvxoAl8HPwaRXO-2fViuG55oDhcXo6PcZTjmCl1IAu1Gm8mfSsxlTjJa9mW50UGPZVrsEP5v-Jm0-Sysuc9rOhiLk5kh-6iYaDcSnNaT1Mh5WauNjAsFerocious gloves

Level 80 Attack and Dragon Slayer II are required.

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