OSRS Best Echo Item Builds Guide - Raging Echoes Leagues 5
20.11.2024 - 02:27:12
Game Guides , Runescape
OSRS Leagues 5 Raging Echoes teasers are coming in strong every day. Arguably the most important information we have received so far is the echo bosses and echo items. If you don’t know what they are and want to learn how strong each is quickly, you can check out our Echo Bosses & Item Tier List here! In this guide, we will go deeper and give full-on builds you can do using these items. We still don’t know all the relics and powers we will get, but since these builds are based around items, they shouldn’t change that much. Before further ado lets begin!
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Drygore Blowpipe Build

Drygore blowpipe is an amazing weapon that can rival the twisted bow if the build is done right. The main weakness of this weapon is its lack of stats, so let’s figure out how we can compensate for that!
For this build, you would want to go Desert, Asgarnia, and Fremennik. Let’s talk about why.
The Desert region is already great from the Drygore Blowpipe. First of all, you unlock darts in this region which is your main ammunition but secondly, you have access to Tombs of Amascut raid. From this raid, you can get the best-ranged armor that provides strength bonus, the Masori Armor. You can also get your hands on the Ring of Shadows for that early stat bonus. We are picking this region first because having access to the blowpipe for the content in other regions will be a huge benefit and time save.
Asgarnia will further upgrade your rewards from the Desert. You will be able to upgrade your Masori armor to Masori (f). You will be able to get your hands on the fabled pegasian boots and zaryte vambraces which further boosts your ranged damage. If you are worried about getting the ranger boots for pegasians, you don’t have to be. Picking the Clue compass relic will solve this problem for you. On the quality-of-life side of things, you will be able to mine amethyst which will be your ammo for the mid-late game. Also, Asgarnia rounds up any build with its variety of bosses and high-end drops for all styles. You will be able to get the Zaryte crossbow as well, which will provide you with a Ranged special attack that works perfectly with your build and regions!
The best region in this year's League with its overpowered jewelry. There are quite a few upgrades you can get from this region overall. First of all you will be able to get the emperor’s ring and the amulet of monarchs which are incredible compared to everything else in the game. Secondly, you will be able to get your hands on the Ava’s assembler which further boosts up your damage and accuracy while also saving your ammunition. Thirdly, you will be able to have a reliable source that drops dragon darts and dragon bolts. For honorable mentions, you will be able to get the Venator bow from the phantom muspah for AOE damage.

At the end-game, this is what your build should look like. Once you have this build, you will have more DPS than a twisted bow but there is a catch. Since this weapon is extremely fast, you need to attack constantly, and don’t miss any ticks to pass twisted bow.
Prayer Build

This build is hard to get and also hard to guess how strong it is actually going to be. This build is centered around the Sunlight Spear that you can get from Varlamore. Be warned, as this is one of the hardest builds to pull off, due to the difficulty of Sol Heredit. Sunlight Spear has an interesting mechanic. As you hit enemies you will gain Sunlight stacks much like the soulreaper axe. After gathering enough stacks you can use your special attack to deal AOE damage in a 3x3 radius. This damage scales with your Prayer bonus, so we will be maxing it! Also if the relic Total Recall can save your sunlight stacks (because it saves special attack energy.) this build will be totally busted. Here are our recommended regions for this build:
Kourend, Fremennik, Varlamore
We recommend starting from this region as it has good tasks and a variety of content that you can take advantage of in the early game, it also has one of the easiest echo weapons to get meaning you will be able to start a strong early game and allow that weapon to carry through to late game, where you will be getting your spear. The Nature’s reprisal is also really strong against Dagannoth Kings since it has all combat styles. The main reason of picking this region however is the fact that you can get the Rada’s blessing and the devout boots from this region, which will help min-maxing your prayer build.
This region can be a great middle point between your early game to late game. Fremennik has access to all kinds of mid-level content that will help increase your account's power level even further. Obviously, the main reason why we are here is the Echo DK’s and their jewelry drops. Both the ring and the amulet that you can get from these monsters provide 10 Prayer bonus alongside all kinds of offensive stats so it is a must-get.
Varlamore is your biggest upgrade for this build as you will be able to get a full Sunfire fanatic armor set which provides a +24 Prayer bonus on its own. Furthermore, you can get the bloodmoon armor set as an offensive melee set that you can switch to. The meta with the sunlight spear is probably going to be about switching your gear to Prayer gear whenever you are going to spec and switching back to your offensive gear whenever you are building up the stacks but if the total recall works with the sunlight stacks then this no longer becomes an issue.

This is your ideal end-game gear. For your gloves and cape slot, it will be ideal to get a soul cape from Soul Wars and holy wraps from Clue Scrolls. If you have this build you are looking at a prayer bonus of +62. This bonus will boost your sunlight spears slam damage by +186%.
Life Steal Build
This item is focused around the other item that you can get from Varlamore which is the Sunlit Bracers. This item doubles any healing your character receives making it incredibly powerful. Let’s take a look at how you can become the strongest Vampire in the game!
Morytania, Varlamore, and Fremennik or Desert, Varlamore, and Fremennik will be our regions of choice for this build.
Morytania is an incredible region for melee builds. It has a nice variety of activities and Slayer monsters. From this region, you can get the Guthan’s set which has a 25% chance to heal you for the damage that you have dealt but this set is not that useful in terms of DPS. The main reason why we are here is for the amulet of blood fury. This item has a passive effect that grants a 20% chance to heal 30% of the damage you dealt. You can also combine this with the Guthan’s set to receive even more healing. Here is the set you are going for:

You can also craft the blood bark armor in this region and if you opt into the Desert or pick the arcane grimoire, you will be able to cast blood barrage. The blood bark armor increases the effectiveness of your blood spells, increasing their healing effect. This can be further amplified by using an ancient sceptre. When the full set alongside the sceptre is equipped your blood spells will heal you for 38.5% of the damage you deal.
Just like before, this is for the amulet of monarchs and the emperor’s ring, but like we mentioned above, this one is also for the ancient sceptre.

Varlamore & Desert
Varlamore is there for the gloves, and the Desert option is there if you don’t want to pick the arcane grimoire. If you end up going that route, you will have access to the Virtus armor set, which works great with the ancient spells.
Avatar Build

This build specializes in the elemental spells, and this will take us to Kandarin. In Kandarin, we can fight the echo version of the smoke devil to receive the Devil’s element. This item doubles the elemental weakness of any monster that has one, making it quite strong against certain enemies. Let’s take a look at if we can make Kandarin good:
Kandarin, Fremennik, and Morytania/Kourend
Kandarin & Fremennik
Pretty standard picks as Kandarin will give you access to early magic gear and the Devil’s element, and Fremennik has the best magic damage-boosting jewelry in the game.
This choice is mainly for the Volatile Nightmare staff, which is the best elemental staff in the game. You can also get a mid-level set being the Ahrim’s set from here, which also has a damage buff due to its passive effect with the gloves of the damned. This is what your end-game gear should look like:

This region pick is mainly for maxing out your magic damage bonus and getting that Kodai wand, which is also a pretty strong elemental staff. Also, if you pick this region, you no longer have to pick the arcane grimoire to get Augury. This is what your end-game gear should look like:

Crystal Builds
The full crystal armor is the best melee armor in the Leagues this year. In the fabled city of elves, you will be able to receive the crystal blessing if you can defeat the echo version Hunllef. This blessing alongside full crystal armor will allow you to use the crystal armor's passive effect (+15% damage and +30% accuracy) with any melee weapon of your choice. This opens up a lot of possibilities for melee without picking Asgarnia. Here are the regions we recommend for this build:
Wilderness, Tirannwn, Morytania
This build mainly focuses on using the crystal set effect alongside the Thunder Khopesh, which is an incredibly strong weapon. This weapon has a chance to trigger lightning bolts on a successful hit, so having more accuracy greatly benefits it. You also can’t forget about the Viggora’s chainmace, which when combined with the crystal armor set alongside a slayer helmet or salve amulet, will absolutely rip through everything that resides in the Wilderness.
From Morytania, you can get the slayer helmet and also the scythe of vitur, which can be better in certain areas.

Wilderness, Tirannwn, Fremennik
This build is similar to the previous one. You will be missing the slayer helmet and the salve amulet and will not have access to a raid, but you will instead have the best ring and amulet in the game, boosting your damage to the sky alongside your scaling armor set. Here is the final set you are looking for:

Kourend, Tirannwn, Fremennik
This version of the build is less serious and focuses on fun and chaos. From the Great Kourend, we can get our hands on the Nature’s Reprisal. This item is the only item in Leagues where you can attack with melee from a distance, so it can be interesting to test it out with the crystal armor. Also, with this build, you can choose to switch to BOFA whenever you want to. We can call this the Druid Build!

This is it for this small guide! If you are looking for more information about Leagues, you can check out our blog. When everything is revealed, we will also make a comprehensive build/route guide for everything.