OSRS Barrows Gear & Best in Slots/Budget Setups

29.10.2024 - 12:37:38
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OSRS Barrows Gear & Best in Slots/Budget Setups

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Have you been trying the Barrows again and again in OSRS but despite your smart strategies, you keep getting destroyed in the end? What might be missing from your attempts are the right gear. A good setup can help destroy the challenge relatively easier but of course, there are certain builds that work perfectly well with this challenge.


If you're struggling to beat the Barrows, you've come to the right place as we're listing down the best gear setups for this OSRS favorite. Before anything else though, let's talk about what you need to prepare.

Barrows Preparation

The only quest you need to do for access to the Barrows is Priest in Peril. This gives you access to Morytania where you can find the graves of the brothers. Before we talk about how you can get there though, make sure your skills are up to the levels below. These are required to give you access to certain skills and pieces of gear.

AttackYou'll need at least level 70 for this so that you can use Iban's Staff, the dragon dagger's special attack, and the abyssal whip. Going 70 or higher is of course recommended.
StrengthLevel 70 or higher so that you can deal even more damage to enemies while using melee setups.
DefenceLevel 60 or higher which is important so that you have strong defenses. Relying solely on Protection Prayers is not recommended.
RangedIf you're going for a Ranged setup, aim for level 61 or higher so that you can use the magic shortbow and rune crossbow.
MagicWhen going for a Magic setup, make sure to have a level of at least 78 or higher. This is so that you can use Iban's staff or slayer's staff, the warped scepter, or the trident of the seas or the swamp.
SlayerThis isn't always required, but it's needed if you're doing an ironman run. You'll need at least level 87 to use the weapons recommended in this guide.
PrayerHaving good gear isn't enough to keep the damage at bay. Make sure to have level 43 or higher so that you have access to good Protection Prayers.
AgilityYou'll need level 50 or more to have the run energy to move around.
ConstructionYou'll need level 80 or higher for an oak altar, portal chamber, or a rejuvenation pool. These aren't all required but they will make your run a lot easier.

How To Get To Barrows


This area is distinguished by a series of six burial mounds that's located east of Mort'ton in Morytania. The challenge is difficult but the good news is that there are various ways to get to it.

  1. The easiest and quickest way to get to it is by using the Barrows Teleport within the Arceuus spellbook. The only problem is that this requires 83 Magic to use.
  2. You can also use a Barrows teleport tablet or portal to get straight to the entrance.
  3. While on a house party, visit a player-owned house that has a portal nexus.
  4. From Mort'ton, head east to get to the Barrows. This will require a Mort'ton teleport scroll.
  5. From Burgh de Rott or Morytania legs 3 and 4, continue running north to get to Barrows.

While there are many other travelling methods out there, these 5 are the most convenient to use.


OSRS Best Barrows Gear


Now comes the most important part, picking the best gear for Barrows. The setups you'll see below will consider your budget. Of course, more expensive builds are going to be more efficient for the entire challenge. We highly recommend building up a sizable budget before doing this.If you don't want to grind long hours to get the OSRS GP you require, consider buying from RPGStash!

Buy Cheap Runescape Gold and Items

Best Barrows Gear For OSRS

The best Barrows gear for OSRS is very expensive. Just the Tumeken's Shadow alone is more expensive than the rest of the items on this list. As heavy as it is on your gold, it's still worth getting however. If you may have noticed, this build features most of the best in-slot items for Magic builds too. If you have the budget for it, you can also add an Elidini's Ward for an off-hand gear.

Head: Ancestral Hat

Neck: Occult Necklace

Back: Imbue Guthix Cape

Body: Ancestral Robetop

Legs: Ancestral Robe Bottom

Weapon: Tumeken's Shadow

Shield: N/A

Hands: Tormented Bracelet

Boots: Eternal boots

Ring: Magus Ring


  • Bring the dragon claws for its special attack which is highly effective against Karil.
  • For Ahrim, you can use the Toxic Blowpipe.
  • Use your rune pouch for death, blood, and chaos runes only as most of the effective magics will be using these up.

High-End Barrows Gear


This gear setup remains relatively the same as above but the difference is that we're switching out the Tumeken's Shadow for the Trident of the Swamps. The weapon is relatively weaker than the Tumeken's Shadow but the build will be so affordable because of it. With this setup, getting the Elidini's Ward is going to be more viable.

Head: Ancestral Hat

Neck: Occult Necklace

Back: Imbue Guthix Cape

Body: Ancestral Robetop

Legs: Ancestral Robe Bottom

Weapon: Trident of the swamp

Shield: Elidinis' ward (f)

Ammo/Spell: Rada's blessing 4 / Holy Blessing

Hands: Tormented bracelet

Boots: Eternal boots

Ring: Magus ring

Alternative High-End Barrows Gear


If the above build is still a bit more expensive, this setup below gives you more options to customize. All of the equipment here is intended to help with increasing your Magic bonus damage overall. While getting good defenses is a good start, we highly suggest focusing on getting the Trident of the Swamp weapon first. The key to winning the Barrows is to take them out quickly, hence, a good weapon is a must.


  • Ancestral hat
  • Neitiznot faceguard
  • Serpentine helm
  • Helm of neitiznot


  • Occult necklace


  • Imbued god cape


  • Karil's leathertop
  • Blessed body
  • Black d'hide body


  • Karil's leatherskirt
  • Blessed chaps
  • Black d'hide chaps


  • Trident of the swamp
  • Trident of the seas
  • Warped sceptre


  • Elidinis' ward (f)
  • Elidinis' ward
  • Arcane spirit shield
  • Mage's book


  • Rada's blessing 4
  • God blessing / Rada's blessing 2 or 3


  • Tormented bracelet
  • Barrows gloves


  • Pegasian boots
  • Blessed boots


  • Ultor ring
  • Berserker ring (i)
  • Brimstone ring

Special Attack:

  • Dragon claws
  • Voidwaker

Mid-Ranged Barrows Gear

At this point, we're going with the second-best alternatives for most of the highly recommended gear for Barrows. The armor pieces for this build are a lot more affordable now but as you can see, we're still sticking with the Trident of the Swamp as the most recommended weapon for this build.


  • Helm of neitiznot
  • Berserker helm


  • Occult necklace
  • Amulet of fury


  • Ava's assembler
  • Ava's accumulator
  • Ava's attractor


  • Dharok's platebody / Torag's platebody


  • Verac's plateskirt
  • Dharok's platelegs / Torag's platelegs
  • Dragon platelegs / Dragon plateskirt


  • Trident of the swamp
  • Trident of the seas
  • Warped sceptre
  • Iban's staff (u)


  • Ghommal's hilt 2
  • Book of darkness
  • Unholy book


  • Rune arrow


  • Barrows gloves
  • Dragon gloves
  • Rune gloves


  • Dragon boots


  • Ring of dueling(8)

Special attack:

  • Dragon dagger

Low-End Barrows Gear


Going for this build will make the fight a lot more difficult as compared to the other builds above but it's still a doable build to begin with. At this point, you're going to get a good enough defense so that you don't get easily killed by any of the brothers. The Trident of the Swamp and of the Sea are no longer choices here as they are very expensive.


  • Helm of neitiznot
  • Berserker helm


  • Amulet of fury
  • Amulet of glory
  • Amulet of power


  • Ava's accumulator
  • Ava's attractor


  • Dragon chainbody
  • Rune platebody


  • Dragon platelegs / Dragon plateskirt
  • Rune platelegs


  • Warped sceptre
  • Iban's staff (u)
  • Slayer's staff


  • Ghommal's hilt 2
  • God book
  • Broodoo shield


  • Rune arrow


  • Barrows gloves
  • Dragon gloves
  • Rune gloves
  • Granite gloves
  • Adamant gloves


  • Dragon boots
  • Rune boots


  • Ring of dueling(8)
  • Special attack:
  • Dragon dagger

Most Affordable Barrows Gear

This is the most affordable Barrows gear that you can suit yourself up with. The fight is going to be a lot harder with this build but it's still possible so long as you have the right strategy as well. If you're looking to farm Barrows for loot or pieces of Barrows' armor, this isn't the most ideal set to bring as the challenge will last considerably longer.


  • Rune full helm


  • Amulet of glory
  • Amulet of power


  • Ardougne cloak 1
  • Ava's accumulator


  • Rune platebody


  • Rune platelegs


  • Iban's staff (u)
  • Slayer's staff


  • God book
  • Broodoo shield


  • Combat bracelet


  • Mystic boots


  • Ring of dueling(8)
  • Special attack:
  • Dragon dagger

Although you're free to mix and match any gear that you want to use for the Barrows, it's still highly advisable to choose from the equipment above.

Is The Barrows Worth Doing?


You get a Barrows' chest as a reward for completing the challenge. Assuming that you're able to open 12 Barrows' chest per hour, you can have a profit of over 750,000. If not for money making, players do the Barrows for the purpose of getting the pieces of armor from the brothers. The items in the Barrows set are very powerful and can provide pretty decent bonuses. Before we talk about that, let's check out the drop table for the challenge first.

Barrows Chest Drop Table

Ahrim's hood17 x 1/2,448177,508
Ahrim's robe top17 x 1/2,4483,719,570
Ahrim's robeskirt17 x 1/2,4482,611,655
Ahrim's staff17 x 1/2,448183,964
Dharok's helm17 x 1/2,448656,303
Dharok's platebody17 x 1/2,448989,057
Dharok's platelegs17 x 1/2,4482,286,796
Dharok's greataxe17 x 1/2,4481,135,229
Guthan's helm17 x 1/2,448174,070
Guthan's platebody17 x 1/2,448218,930
Guthan's chainskirt17 x 1/2,448209,290
Guthan's warspear17 x 1/2,448168,616
Karil's coif17 x 1/2,44859,320
Karil's leathertop17 x 1/2,4481,387,243
Karil's leatherskirt17 x 1/2,448623,023
Karil's crossbow17 x 1/2,448101,246
Torag's helm17 x 1/2,448102,988
Torag's platebody17 x 1/2,448199,596
Torag's platelegs17 x 1/2,448249,572
Torag's hammers17 x 1/2,44895,394
Verac's helm17 x 1/2,448100,149
Verac's brassard17 x 1/2,448168,322
Verac's plateskirt17 x 1/2,448235,001
Verac's flail17 x 1/2,44895,613
Coins2-7747 x 1/2.672-774
Death rune70-837 x 1/8.09611,550-13,695
Dragon med helm17 x 1/1,01258,289
Mind rune253-3367 x 1/8.096506-672
Bolt rack35-407 x 1/8.0961,400-1,600
Loop half of key17 x 1/337.39,692
Tooth half of key17 x 1/337.310,263
Blood rune37-437 x 1/8.0968,880-10,320
Chaos rune112-1397 x 1/8.09610,752-13,344
Clue scroll (elite)11/200-1/29Not sold

Barrows Armour

Each of the Barrows equipment provides great bonuses for your character. For Ahrim's set, you'll gain access to the Blighted Aura set bonus. This gives your Magic-based attacks a 25% chance to lower the enemy's Strength by 5.


ItemAttack BonusesDefense BonusesOther
StabSlashCrushMagicRangedStabSlashCrushMagicRangedStrengthMagic DamageRange StrengthPrayerWeight
Ahrim's hood0006-21513166000%000.907
Ahrim's robetop00030-1052376330000%004.535
Ahrim's robeskirt00022-733303622000%0011.339
Ahrim's staff12-165150352150685%002.267

Dharok's set isn't as popular as other sets because it's a double-edge sword. With the Wretched Strength set bonus, you can do more damage the less your health is. As you can see, this forces you to play a rather risky playstyle that could backfire if you don't have good switches prepared. Still, this is a powerful melee gear to have especially for PVP.


ItemAttack BonusesDefence BonusesOther
StabSlashCrushMagicRangedStabSlashCrushMagicRangedStrengthMagic DamageRange StrengthPrayerWeight
Dharok's helm000-3-1454844-15100%001.814
Dharok's platebody000-30-10122120107-613200%009.979
Dharok's platelegs000-21-11858283-49200%009.071
Dharok's greataxe-410395-400000-11050%003.175

Guthan's set bonus is called Infestation. With it, there's a 25% chance to heal yourself every time you successfully land a melee strike. This is the second best set on the Barrows gears next to Ahrim's. It's also one of the best equipment to have for Melee-focused Ironmen because it makes you rely less on items and Magic for healing.


ItemAttack BonusesDefence BonusesOther
StabSlashCrushMagicRangedStabSlashCrushMagicRangedStrengthMagic DamageRange StrengthPrayerWeight
Guthan's helm000-6-2555854-16200%002.721
Guthan's platebody000-30-10122120107-613200%009.979
Guthan's chainskirt000-14-11757273-48200%008.164
Guthan's warspear7575750077700750%002.267

Karil's Tainted Shot bonus is similar to the effects of Ahrim's set. Only this time, your Ranged attacks have a 25% chance to lower the Agility of the targets by 20%. That's a pretty huge decrease as it's based on percentages instead of points.


ItemAttack BonusesDefence BonusesOther
StabSlashCrushMagicRangedStabSlashCrushMagicRangedStrengthMagic DamageRange StrengthPrayerWeight
Karil's coif000-17691261000%000.907
Karil's leathertop000-1530474250655700%006.803
Karil's leatherskirt000-1017262028353300%005.443
Karil's crossbow0000840000000%003.628

Torag's set bonus is called the Corruption. With it, your melee strikes have a chance to lower the run energy of any target that it hits. It is pretty useless overall.


ItemAttack BonusesDefence BonusesOther
StabSlashCrushMagicRangedStabSlashCrushMagicRangedStrengthMagic DamageRange StrengthPrayerWeight
Torag's helm000-6-2555854-16200%002.721
Torag's platebody000-30-10122120107-613200%009.979
Torag's platelegs000-21-11858283-49200%009.071
Torag's hammers-4-485-4000000720%003.628

This set's bonus is called the Defiler. What it does is it gives you a chance to ignore armor and protection prayers per successful melee hit. It's not as great as other Barrows melee sets but the bonus is still good enough especially when used against bosses with high HP and defense.


ItemAttack BonusesDefence BonusesOther
StabSlashCrushMagicRangedStabSlashCrushMagicRangedStrengthMagic DamageRange StrengthPrayerWeight
Verac's helm000-6-255585405600%031.36
Verac's brassard000-6-281958508100%054.989
Verac's plateskirt000-21-1185828308400%044.535
Verac's flail68-2820000000720%062.267

A Better Chance Against The Barrows

Hopefully, our guide has helped you create the perfect setup that you can take against the Barrows brothers. This guide is up-to-date so you can expect it to work with today's meta.

If you are looking for a video that showcases a full barrows run here is one:

If you like more guides on bosses,check out our blog page!

Ultimate Barrows Guide

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