OSRS Banker Note vs Total Recall - Leagues 5 Raging Echoes

20.11.2024 - 02:34:43
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OSRS Banker Note vs Total Recall - Leagues 5 Raging Echoes

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Jagex did it once again. They have announced the hardest pick of this year’s relic choices in Raging Echoes Leagues 5. Everyone waiting to play this game mode has the same question on their mind: Which one is better? Is it the Banker’s Note or is it the Total Recall? This guide will help answer that question, but overall you should always pick the one that you will have the most fun with.

Banker’s Note


This was a fan-favorite relic from last year’s Trailblazer League. Last year, the Banker’s Note was up against the Fire Sale relic, which was a pretty tough choice. This year, however, Jagex somehow created an even tougher choice by pairing this with the Total Recall. Without getting too much ahead of ourselves, let’s take a look at what Banker’s Note can do:

  • Upon picking up this relic, you will receive the Banker’s Note.
  • This item allows you to note or un-note any notable item in the game without needing a bank.

This is the gist of it—pretty simple relic but incredibly strong. With this relic, you are effectively carrying your bank with you. Here are the main ways you can abuse this relic to get the most out of it:

  • You can note your skilling supplies and use them as you are doing other activities. For example, you can note a stack of uncut gems and cut them in between boss kills, running from point A to B, doing quests, playing minigames… Whatever processable item you can get your hands on, you will be able to abuse it with this relic.
  • You can note skilling supplies and un-note them near their crafting stations. A few examples can be smelting bars near anvils, ore near furnaces, and most importantly, pure essence near an altar for the fastest Runecrafting experience OSRS has ever seen.
  • If there is a special attack relic that consumes health like last time, this relic is a mandatory item for keeping your health high.
  • Allows you to bring niche items for different combat scenarios. Even if most of your inventory is full, you only need one empty spot to have infinite healing and prayer.
  • Lastly and most importantly, you will be able to bring infinite amounts of supplies to any PVM activity. This is incredibly strong, especially if you are not that good at PVM and want to try some harder content. This effect is further amplified because you won’t be able to use the Total Recall in instanced areas, and the highest-level content in OSRS is always in an instanced area. Furthermore, in this year's League, there will be Echo bosses that, from what we understand, are pretty challenging. All of these new Echo bosses drop new uniques, and they are all in an instanced area, so this relic makes it much easier to farm these said bosses.

Obviously, one clear disadvantage is the fact that you need items first in order to abuse this relic’s power, but that shouldn’t be a problem for anyone!

Total Recall


This relic is an upgraded version of the fan-favorite “Last Recall.” The Last Recall was so popular after its initial release that it blew everything else out of the water. Because of this, in Trailblazer, Jagex decided to give this item as a tier reward to every player. Now, we are looking at an even better version of this item that is highly sought after. Jagex is pretty evil for putting this against the Banker’s Note. Let’s take a look at this upgraded Last Recall:

  • Upon choosing this relic, you will receive the Crystal of Echoes.
  • You can use this item to store your character's location, special attack energy, health, and prayer. After storing it, you can activate the crystal to teleport back to that location, which restores all your stats to their saved state.
  • This item does not work in instanced areas as we have talked about. It will also not work in areas such as quest areas or minigame areas.

Just by reading this simple description, you can immediately tell how strong this relic is. In the previous Leagues, this crystal only teleported to the last location you teleported from, and it didn’t restore any stats. Now, all those problems are fixed! You can store any location you please, and it will also act as an ornate rejuvenation pool. Furthermore, the best part about this is the fact that this item has no cooldown, and the teleport animation is instant. So you can imagine how broken this is if the area is not instanced. Use cases:

  • Since this relic restores everything, unless you get one-shot, you pretty much turn on god mode as long as you keep teleporting.
  • This item works well with special attack weapons. Dogsword anyone? Since this relic restores your special attack, any activity that you can abuse it freely will become super easy. For example, you can keep teleporting in any of the Wilderness bosses and always use your special attack.
  • You can save your location near a skilling station (like a runecrafting altar) and teleport back and forth from a bank to train your skills efficiently.
  • If you ever forget an important item during almost any activity, you can simply save your location, teleport, and get that item and recall back, which is extremely convenient.

The items that work really well with this relic:

  • The Dogsword or any kind of godsword
  • Thunder Kopesh (this weapon has insane DPS with its special attack)
  • Zaryte crossbow
  • Sunlight Spear (if it stores your sunlight stacks, god knows how much damage this will deal.)
  • Voidwaker
  • Elder maul, Dragon Warhammer, and Tonalztics of Ralos
  • Toxic Blowpipe
  • Heavy Ballista
  • Accursed Scepter
  • Arclight or Emberlight
  • Volatile Nightmare Staff
  • Dragon or Burning Claws
  • Soulreaper Axe (if it saves Soul Reaper stacks)

Which One is Better?


This is a tough one. If you are min-maxing, there is a clear answer, but if you are not min-maxing, please consider your fun and build before all else.

The winner is Banker’s Note. The extra utility and infinite supplies this item provides in the late game are definitely broken and will help a ton, especially if you are new.

However, this does not make the Total Recall weak. If you are good at the game and you don’t need infinite supplies, you can definitely pick the Total Recall. Also, having straight-up god mode and infinite spec without any cost seems pretty fun.

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That is it for now. As we get more and more information on every relic and task, we will be able to better decide on which relics are good and which are bad. If you are interested in Leagues or OSRS in general, consider checking out our blog! See you in the next guide.

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