OSRS AFK Magic Training Guide-Best Low Effort
10.03.2025 - 21:24:32
Game Guides , OSRS Guides , OSRS Skills & Skilling , Runescape
Magic is one of the most comprehensive skills in Old School Runescape. It encompasses armours, weapons, teleports, and offensive and utility spells. It is one of the primary classes of Runescape, strong against melee and weak against ranged. Unlike the other two combat skills, magic also has spellbooks that allow the player to cast a variety of different magic that all have a separate use and effect. For these reasons, it is important for any player to train at their magic level. As you probably already know training a skill in Old School Runescape is not an easy task and takes up a tremendous amount of time but luckily for us players we can do AFK methods to make this road easy for ourselves. These AFK methods require little to no attention to the game while constantly providing our characters with experience and Magic has a lot of AFK training methods. So, without further ado let's learn the best ways to train your Magic skill AFK in Old School Runescape!
This guide will solely focus on the AFK methods. If you are looking for a more comprehensive Magic guide that covers profitable and efficient methods as well, you can check out our Ultimate Magic Guide.
How to Properly AFK
To properly AFK on Runescape, you can either use your phone to login or use a second monitor for OSRS. If you are using your PC, however, you must use Runelite, as there is a plugin that will help you massively. The name of that plugin is Idle Notifier. This plugin is automatically installed with Runelite, so you don't have to search for it. From the plugin menu, you can customize this plugin to give you sound, message, and, most importantly, flash notifications.

We recommend turning the flash notifications on as it will flash your client whenever you stop doing an action, easily notifying you that you are wasting experience!
AFK Magic Guide 1-99
Let's start with a pretty well-known method: splashing. Splashing is the act of casting a spell on a monster that is guaranteed to hit a zero, keeping the monster alive indefinitely and giving you the cast experience for that magic spell. This method is one of the lowest effort AFKing methods that magic has. It is pretty simple, equip gear that will give you -65 Magic bonus or more like so:

After this, pick a monster that can't damage you no matter what, turn on your auto-retaliate, auto-cast your spell of choice, and there it is. With this, you can AFK for 20 minutes at a time and have to click or rotate your camera once to reset that timer. Jagex also made it so that there are no splash zones in the game. Here is a map of that zone:

This is done for new players, so never splash in these areas because you will not receive any Magic experience. The best staff to use for this training method is the Harmonised Nightmarestaff.

Well, splashing is good and all, but it is expensive since you can't gain any additional experience from the damage that you are supposed to be dealing. If you feel this way, you can switch to autocasting crabs. Ideally, you would want to do this on ammonite crabs on fossil island, which requires the completion of the quest Bone Voyage. (You can click the link to check out our Bone Voyage guide!) If you don't want to do any quests, however, you can simply use sand crabs, which are freely available on the beaches of Zeah for every player. Whether you are using sand crabs or ammonite crabs, always try to get a 3-crab spawn point for maximum experience.
For this method, it is recommended that you turn on the "NPC Agression Timer" plugin, which will highlight the aggression zone your character is in for quick resets. Simply equip your best in slot magic gear alongside weapon and spell and make your way over to your crab of choice. (You can use lower tier spells to lower your cost of training.) Turn on auto-retaliate, and you can AFK these crabs for 10 minutes at a time. After 10 minutes, you have to walk outside the yellow plugin lines and come back to reset your aggression timer to AFK for another 10 minutes. Also, if you are doing ammonite crabs, make sure to highlight the untradable fossil drops for some additional experience from the Varrock museum.
AFK Scurrius

Scurrius is a newly added rat boss in OSRS. He is very easy to defeat and is designed for lower level players so, if you have the levels to do it you can easily AFK this boss with auto-retaliate. Doing so is costly but can give around 80K experience per hour. To do it simply equip your best magic gear, the best being:
- Head: Virtus mask
- Body: Virtus robe top
- Legs: Virtus robe bottom
- Boots: Eternal boots
- Cape: Imbued god cape
- Weapon: Kodai wand
- Shield: Eldinis' ward (f)
- Ring: Magus ring
- Neck: Occult necklace
After that, bring along runes for blood barrage and an entire inventory of prayer restoration. Head into the Varrock sewers and into a scurrius instance. Turn on your auto-retailiate, protect from melee, and autocast, and there you have it. You can AFK as long as you have prayer points to spare.

Now we have arrived at the ultimate "splashing" method, but this method requires a high Slayer level, so unless you have not trained your Magic until level 87 Slayer, it becomes kind of useless. For this method, you must have 87 Slayer and must have a Kraken slayer task. After this, head over to the Kraken Cove with your best magic gear and start a private instance. Kraken has a weird mechanic where you need to wake him up, but you can still attack him without waking him up. Doing so will reward you the full Magic experience of your spell, but you won't be dealing any damage, making this one of the best ways to train your Magic level while being completely AFK. The best staff to use for this training method is the Harmonised Nightmarestaff.
Ancient Magicks In Nightmare Zone

Bursting or Barraging is a popular method that players use to gain huge amounts of Magic experience in a short amount of time on OSRS, but there is one problem with this method: it is not AFK, so we are going to make it AFK! For this, we are going to use ancient magicks alongside the Nightmarezone, so here are the requirements:
- Completion of the quest Desert Treasure 1
- Completion of the quest What Lies Below
- Completion of the quest Lunar Diplomacy
- Completion of the quest Lost City
- Completion of the quest Tree Gnome Village
- Dwarven rock cake or Locator orb to damage your character
- Level 43+ Prayer
- Level 70+ Magic
If you have all of these requirements, then you are ready to go. Gear up in your best Magic gear, The ideal setup would be:
- Head: Virtus mask
- Body: Virtus robe top
- Legs: Virtus robe bottom
- Boots: Eternal boots
- Cape: Imbued god cape
- Weapon: Kodai wand
- Shield: Eldinis' ward (f)
- Ring: Magus ring
- Neck: Occult necklace
Virtus is really good since it is the best-in-slot armor for ancient magicks. If it is your first time in the Nightmare Zone, make sure to deposit some coins and bring along an inventory full of prayer potions and prayer regeneration potions if you are feeling fancy, alongside your runes for your spell. If you already have points, purchase some absorption potions and bring your rock cake or locator orb instead. Pay for a hard rumble and pick the following bosses:
- Tree spirit
- Me
- Count Draynor
- Khazard warlord
- King Roald
Once you are in either, put up your protect from melee or lower your health to 1 and drink your absorption potions. Auto-cast your AOE spell of choice and stand in the middle of the room with your Auto-Retaliate on, and there you go, you can AFK. Every once in a while, make sure to lower your health again and refill on either your prayer or absorption. This method provides much higher experience rates than crabs or splashing.
Plank make
Now, moving on to the utility spells that are AFK. For this method, you will need to complete the quest Lunar Diplomacy and Dream Mentor. You will also need to have a Magic level of 86, but it is all worth it. This method can actually make you money since planks are much more expensive than logs. Stand near your favorite bank and have your rune pouch filled with plank make runes. You can use a mud battlestaff or a brythopya staff for better profits per hour. After that simply withdraw an entire inventory of planks, click on the spell once, and let the game automatically turn every log into plank. This method can get you up to 90K Magic experience completely AFK. Each cast will allow you to stay AFK for around 97 seconds.
As of making this guide, each mahogany plank will profit you 311 gold.
Enchant Jewelry

For those of you who want to start using utility spells early on, this one is for you. You can start using this method as early as level 7. This method is also really profitable, so always check the Grand Exchange prices first before picking your jewelry of choice. Just like the plank make simply have the runes to cast the spell and withdraw an inventory of regular jewelry from your bank to enchant. Click once to enchant, and let the game do the rest automatically. This can result in a 90 second AFK time like plank make. Here is an example of what your levelling can look like using this method:
- Level 7-27 Enchant Sapphire/Opal: Recommended jewelry for this is the sapphire rings, which are frequently used in PVP and PVM. You can also opt into enchanting opal, and your recommended jewelry would be the opal ring, which is frequently used for hunter activities. You can expect to make around 14K experience per hour and 250K GP per hour.
- Level 27-49 Enchant Emerald/Jade: Recommended jewelry for this is either the emerald amulets or emerald bracelets. If you go for enchanting jades, your recommended jewelry would be jade necklaces. You can expect to make around 30K experience per hour and 270K gold per hour.
- Level 49-57 Enchant Ruby/Topaz: Recommended jewelry for this is the topaz ring, as it can turn into a ring that is quite good against vampires, and there are a lot of players who farm vampires. Don't enchant rubies, as they are not that profitable. You can expect to make around 47K experience per hour and around 175K gold per hour.
- Level 57-68 Enchant Diamond: Recommended jewelry for this is the diamond bracelets. You can expect to make around 54K experience and 100K gold per hour from this method.
- Level 68-80/99 Enchant Dragonstone: Recommended jewelry can vary depending on the demand, so you should check the prices. You can expect to make around 62K experience and 190K gold per hour.
String Jewelry
This will be our last method. This is yet another utility spell from the Lunar spell book, so you will once again need to complete the quest Lunar Diplomacy and have level 80 Magic. Once again, get your runes, stand near a bank, withdraw a full inventory of unstrung jewelry, and start stringing. This method will most likely make you lose money. As of making this guide, only the dragonstone amulet is profitable with this method. Overall, you can expect to get around 130K experience per hour.
Happy Magic training!