OSRS Achievement Diary Guide

16.03.2024 - 23:29:54
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OSRS Achievement Diary Guide

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If you've been playing OSRS for a while, you might've heard of the Achievement Diary already. This is a great way to start building your stash and riches in the game but it's easier said than done to finish it.

OSRS Achievement Diary Guide

The Achievement Diary, sometimes referred to as Diaries, is a one-time, emember-only series of objectives and challenges that needs to be completed in order to earn rewards and other benefits. Every Achievement Diary includes tasks that are usually tied to a certain area and are meant to test your skills and knowledge about the said area. There are 492 jobs altogether and 12 regions with an Achievement Diary as of writing.

Each area's tasks are divided into four groups according to how hard they are: Easy, Medium, Hard, and Elite. The majority of the higher-level tasks demand you to have high skill levels, have completed difficult quests, and have in-depth knowledge of a specific area inside Gielinor, such as the Tzhaar Fight Cave. Meanwhile, the easiest tasks typically don't require any significant skill levels to complete.

For 99,000 coins, you can buy an achievement diary cape from Twiggy O'Korn in Draynor Village once you have finished all th eachievement diaries. The Quest Point cape can have an optional cyan trim added to it if all achievement diaries are completed. The black trio of the Music cape can only be obtained by finishing all of the accomplishment diaries, along with the additional requirements of doing all quests and unlocking all festive music songs.

The levels required to complete each diary are categorized as follows: Easy require skills up to level 40 (50 for ironmen), Medium requires up to level 65, Hard up to level 75, and Elite demands skills in the 90s. Because of this, it is recommended that you have all of your skills at the diary difficulty level if you are trying to finish the diary at a particular degree of difficulty.

The task master will instruct you to do all of the tasks from the previous difficulty before you can claim your reward. This means you can only finish a tier of a diary if you have completed the previous ones.

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Individual Requirements

Below are the list of diary tasks on a per skill basis. However, note that this list doesn't have every diary task because some of the tasks don't require skills to complete. Additionally, there are no tasks on this list that call for the use of a certain skill to finish quest requirements.

  • Agility

TaskQuest(s) requiredSkill(s) requiredItems requiredDiaryDifficulty
Climb over the western Falador wall.NoneAgility 5NoneFaladorEasy
Cross the Coal truck log shortcut.NoneAgility 20


Tip: For a medium diary task, mine coal using a pickaxe

To go to the Moss Giant Island, which is northwest of Karamja, use the rope swing.NoneAgility 10NoneKaramjaEasy
Venture to the west of Karamja to Cairn Isle.NoneAgility 15 (Higher levels increase your chances of success)Dramen Staff if you use the local fairy ring (c-k-r)KaramjaEasy
Finish one lap on the Rooftop Course in Draynor Village.NoneAgility 10NoneLumbridge & DraynorEasy
Jump over the fence south of Varrock.NoneAgility 13NoneVarrockEasy
Take down an earth warrior beneath Edgeville in the wilderness.NoneAgility 15Weapon to kill an earth warrior; Agility is required to reach themWildernessEasy
Grapple over Yanille's south wall.NoneAgility 39, Range 21, Strength 38

Mith grapple and any crossbow that you can wield.

(If you're an Ironman, you'll need 59 Fletching and 59 Smithing to make the grapple from scratch; or kill one of the NPCs that drop them.)

Reaach the top of the Agility Pyramid.NoneAgility 30

Waterskins and Desert robes recommended. You need to speak to Simon Templeton at the base before you climb the pyramid for the task to count.

Beware: When you're at the top (directly below the golden pyramid), you need to climb the rocks. Then, take the golden pyramid and click continue in the dialogue (or climb the rocks again) for the task to count. Wait until you’ve completed this before passing through the passageway.

Grapple up and then jump off the north Falador wall.NoneAgility 11, Range 19, Strength 37

Mith grapple and any crossbow that you can wield.

(If you're an Ironman, you'll need 59 Fletching and 59 Smithing to make the grapple from scratch; or kill one of the NPCs that drop them.)

Squeeze through the crack in the Dwarven Mines.NoneAgility 42NoneFaladorMedium
Complete one lap of the Barbarian agility course.Alfred Grimhand's BarcrawlAgility 35NoneKandarinMedium
Use the stepping stones to cross the lava in Brimhaven DungeonNoneAgility 12Any woodcutting axe, 875KaramjaMedium
Get a ticket from the Agility arena in Brimhaven.NoneNone (Agility 40 is recommended)200KaramjaMedium
Take the boulder leap shortcut in the dense essence mine.NoneAgility 49NoneKourend & KebosMedium
Grapple across the River Lum.NoneAgility 8 Range 37 Strength 19

Mith grapple and any crossbow that you can wield.

(If you're an Ironman, you'll need 59 Fletching and 59 Smithing to make the grapple from scratch; or to kill one of the NPCs that drop them.)

Lumbridge & DraynorMedium
Finish a lap of the Al Kharid Rooftop Course.NoneAgility 20NoneLumbridge & DraynorMedium
Finish a lap of the Canifis Rooftop Agility Course.NoneAgility 40NoneMorytaniaMedium
Finish a lap of the Varrock Rooftop Course.NoneAgility 30NoneVarrockMedium
From the Grand Tree, head to Otto's Grotto via the agility shortcut.

Tree Gnome Village

The Grand Tree


Agility 37NoneWestern ProvincesMedium
Finish a lap of the Wilderness Agility Course.NoneAgility 52NoneWildernessMedium
Enter the Wilderness God Wars Dungeon.None

Agility 60 or

Strength 60

Finish a lap of the Seer's Village Rooftop Course.NoneAgility 60NoneKandarinHard
Defeat a metal dragon in Brimhaven Dungeon.NoneAgility 12 Woodcutting 34Good combat stats and equipment, 875 or 5000 trading sticks, any woodcutting axe. Anti-dragon shield and antifire potion to negate all dragonfire damage is recommendedKaramjaHard
Defeat a Deathwing in the dungeon under the Kharazi Jungle.

Partial completion of Legend's Quest

(Until you access the cave with the Deathwings)

Agility 50 Strength 50 Woodcutting 15 Mining 52 Thieving 50Any woodcutting axe, pickaxe, machete, lockpickKaramjaHard
Make your way around the protruding wall to reach the Cosmic Altar.Lost CityAgility 46Dramen or Lunar staffLumbridge & DraynorHard
Scale Slayer Tower's advanced spike chainNoneAgility 71NoneGo up the spiky chain located on the middle floor in the north-eastern room. If you are boosting, bring several Agility potions or Summer pies. Additionally, bring a Slayer helmet or nosepeg to defend against Aberrant spectres. Damage sustained while climbing the spike chain is not eligible for credit toward the goal.MorytaniaHard
Get through Edgeville Dungeon's obstacle pipeNoneAgility 51NoneVarrockHard
Take the shortcut to cross the Salve and reach the bridge.NoneAgility 65None (located just outside of Paterdomus, along the path south of the temple). Start the shortcut from the top; the chat window will show you where each step is.MorytaniaHard
Finish a lap of the Ape Atoll Agility Course.Monkey Madness IAgility 48Ninja monkey greegreeWestern ProvincesHard
Take out an elf using a crystal bow.Roving ElvesAgility 56 Range 70Crystal bow (Elves at the Dark beasts do not work.)Western ProvincesHard
Enter the Wilderness by taking the Agility Shortcut from Trollheim.Death PlateauAgility 64NoneWildernessHard
Finish a lap of the Falador agility course.NoneAgility 50NoneFaladorHard
Finish a lap of Ardougne's rooftop agility course.NoneAgility 90NoneArdougneElite
Taverley Dungeon's weird floor can be jumped over (without suffering damage).NoneAgility 80NoneFaladorElite
Defeat each of the God Wars Dungeon generals.Troll StrongholdAgility 70 Range 70 Hitpoints 70 Strength 70

Combat equipment to kill the God Wars Dungeon generals; high combat level strongly recommended. You cannot use Boost. For the kill to be recorded, the boss must take the greatest damage from you. For suggested gear/setups, see each individual page.

Note that Kills do not reset when you log out, switch between worlds, or finish other Achievement Diary activities, in contrast to other tasks of a similar nature. Furthermore, a task update notice ("Achievement Diary Stage Task - Current stage: x") is not provided by them.

Finish a lap of the Rellekka Rooftop Course.NoneAgility 80NoneFremennikElite
Mix a Stamina mix on top of the Seer's Village bank.Barbarian HerbloreAgility 60 Herblore 86Stamina potion(2), caviarKandarinElite
Pickpocket Movario on the Dorgesh-Kaan Agility Course.Death to the DorgeshuunAgility 70 Strength 70 Range 70

A light source, mith grapple, and any crossbow that you can wield.

(If you're an Ironman, you'll need 59 Smithing and 59 Fletching to make the grapple from scratch; or to kill one of the NPCs that drop them.)

Lumbridge & DraynorElite
Take the advanced cliffside route via the Elven overpass.Underground PassAgility 85NoneWestern ProvincesElite
  • Attack

TaskQuest(s) requiredSkill(s) requiredItems requiredDiaryDifficulty
Equip an Iban's upgraded staff or upgrade an Iban's staff.Underground PassAttack 50 Magic 50

200,000 and Iban's staff, or Iban's upgraded staff.

50 Attack is not needed if Iban's staff has not been upgraded yet; just upgrade the staff to complete the task. You can obtain Iban's upgraded by bringing Iban's staff to the Dark Mage, located in West Ardougne at the last house before the entrance of the Underground Pass.

Defeat a locust rider with Keris. (Scarab mage works too)Contact!Attack 50 to wield KerisKeris, armor is recommended, Light sourceDesertHard
Enter the Warrior's Guild.NoneAttack Strength 130 Combined levels or 99 in eitherNoneFaladorHard
Loot the Barrows chest while wearing any complete Barrows set.None

Combat requirement varies per set, see below:

Defense 70 Attack for Guthan's or Verac's

Defense 70 Attack Strength for Dharok's or Torag's

Defense 70 Ranged for Karil's

Defense 70 Attack Magic for Ahrim's

Any full Barrows equipment set.MorytaniaElite
Equip any complete void set.None

Combat Level 40

Defence 42 Attack, Strength, Ranged, Magic, Hitpoints,

Prayer 22

Void knight robe; Void knight top; Void knight gloves; and Void mage, ranger, or melee helm.Western ProvincesElite
  • Construction

TaskQuest(s) requiredSkill(s) requiredItems requiredDiaryDifficulty
Find out what your family crest is from Sir Renitee.NoneConstruction 16None, but make sure you thank him to get the completion.FaladorEasy
Get inside your player-owned house from Hosidius.NoneConstruction 258,750Kourend & KebosEasy
Teleport to Pollnivneach with a redirected teleport to house tablet. (Ironman Mode Alternative) Get inside your Player-owned house from Pollnivneach.NoneConstruction 20Scroll of redirection, house tabletDesertMedium
Repair a crane within Port Piscarilius.NoneConstruction 30 Crafting 3030-100 nails, hammer, 3 planksKourend & KebosMedium
Pick up your pet rock from your POH menagerie.The Fremennik TrialsConstruction 37Pet rock. Enter your house in non-building mode and use your pet rock on a pet house. Then, you need to left click your petrock to retrieve it. Taking it from the "stored pets" interface on the pet house will not complete the diary task.FremennikMedium
Get inside your POH from Yanille.NoneConstruction 5025,000ArdougneHard
Have the Seer's Village estate agent decorate your house with Fancy Stone.NoneConstruction 50

25,000 (If your house already has a Fancy Stone, 30,000)

Note that you need to finish the dialogue with the estate agent, or your task will not count.

Get in the Kharyrll portal in your POH through a Portal Chamber.Desert Treasure IConstruction 50 Magic 66

None, if you have already built a portal.

A portal focus can be built with two limestone bricks, a hammer, and a saw; a portal can be built with three teak planks, a hammer, and a saw; and the portal can be attuned with 100 Blood Runes and 200 Law Runes. Needs to be in your own POH.

Note: A portal nexus can be used instead. This requires 1000 Blood Runes, 2000 Law Runes, 4 marble blocks, a hammer, and a saw.

Ask the Varrock real estate agent to use Fancy Stone to adorn your home.NoneConstruction 50 (cannot be boosted)

25,000 (If your house already has a Fancy Stone, 30,000)

Note that you need to finish the dialogue with the estate agent or your task will not count.

Make an Isafdar painting in your POH Quest Hall.Roving ElvesConstruction 651 Isafdar painting, 3 Mahogany planks, hammer, sawWestern ProvincesHard
Speak to the Kq head in your POH.Priest in PerilConstruction 78Kq head (needs to be stuffed by the Taxidermist), 50,000 coins, 2 gold leaf, 2 mahogany plankDeserElite
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  • Cooking

TaskQuest(s) requiredSkill(s) requiredItems requiredDiaryDifficulty
Cook a thin snail on the Port Phasmatys range.NoneCooking 12Snail (with two Ecto-tokens and an amulet to speak ghostspeak to access Port Phasmatys in the event that Ghosts Ahoy is not finished)MorytaniaEasy
Catch and cook a bass in Catherby.NoneCooking 43 Fishing 46Large fishing net (or 20 to buy one at the Catherby Fishing Shop)KandarinMedium
Cook a Spider on stick.NoneCooking 16Skewer sticks (made from using a machete on Thatching spars), Spider carcass or an arrow shaftKaramjaMedium
Finish a game of Trouble Brewing.Cabin FeverCooking 40This game must be started by a player on the other team. It's sufficient to just play the game; victory is not necessary.MorytaniaMedium
Finish a delivery for the Gnome Restaurant.None, but The Grand Tree strongly is recommendedCooking 29-42The minigame requires 29 Cooking to start, and the level needed after that varies based on the food item that is requested-it can go up to 42. Keep in mind that you have to talk to Blurberry in Blurberry Bar and Aluft Gianne snr. in order to finish the Gnome Restaurant tutorial. at the eatery Gianne's.Western ProvincesMedium
Make a Chocolate bomb at the Grand Tree.NoneCooking 42Gianne dough, Gnomebowl mould, 4 Chocolate bars, 2 pots of cream, 1 equa leaf, 1 chocolate dust. For this task to start correctly, Gianne's Cook Book needs to be in your inventory.Western ProvincesMedium
Thoroughly cook a raw karambwan.Tai Bwo Wannai TrioCooking 30After finishing the Tai Bwo Wannai Trio quest, speak with Tinsay to find out how to properly cook karambwan. (You can find him in the southernmost hut in Tai Bwo Wannai when Tai Bwo Wannai Trio is finished.)KaramjaHard
Catch and cook a monkfish in Piscatoris.Swan SongCooking 62 Fishing 62Small fishing net (You can find a Range in the south-west building in Piscatoris)Western ProvincesHard
Use a Fishing Trawler to catch a manta ray. Cook it in port khazard afterwardsNoneCooking 91 Fishing 81You may need multiple raw manta rays in case you burn them. Note that fishing boosts do not work for the Fishing Trawler minigame. But, you may boost Cooking.ArdougneElite
Use a Nardah clay oven to bake a wild pie.NoneCooking 85Raw wild pieDesertElite
Fish 5 Sharks and cook them in Catherby using the Cooking gauntlets. You can find it at the range next to the bank.Family CrestCooking 80 Fishing 76Cooking gauntlets, harpoonKandarinElite
When at Great Kourend, catch an anglerfish and fry it.NoneCooking 84 Fishing 82Sandworms, fishing rodKourend & KebosElite
Make a summer pie in the Cooking Guild. You can finish this step with the spell "Bake Pie" from the Lunar spell book.NoneCooking 95Either a chef's hat, Varrock armour 3 or cooking cape and raw summer pieVarrockElite
In the Resource Area, catch and prepare a dark crab.NoneCooking 90 Fishing 857,500 (3,750 if hard tasks are done, 6,000 with medium), dark fishing bait, and lobster potWildernessElite
  • Crafting

TaskQuest(s) requiredSkill(s) requiredItems requiredDiaryDifficulty
Create your own tiara in Rellekka.The Fremennik TrialsCrafting 23 Smithing 20 Mining 20

From the east side of Rellekka, a short distance to the northwest of the agility shortcut, extract the silver ore with a tirara mold or any other pickaxe (an iron pickaxe may be obtained from north of the Rellekka mine). Superheating won't function.

Tip: This procedure must be followed without interruption; otherwise, stage 2 will not be finished, and you will have to start over.

In Catherby, Talk to Harry about the items needed in the inventory and get a pet fish.NoneCrafting 42 (See the item page for NPCs that drop it, or use Ironman and Ultimate Ironman mode exclusively to create Fishbowl.)Seaweed, Fishbowl filled with water, and 10KandarinEasy
In Morytania, create any snelm from the ground up.NoneCrafting 15Snail shell, chisel

Tip: Blamish shells are fine too. In the Temple Trekking minigame, you do not have to find a giant snail.

In Barbarian Village, turn a bowl on the pottery wheel and fire it in the oven.NoneCrafting 8Soft clayVarrockEasy
Make a basket on the Falador farm loom.NoneCrafting 30 (If you're an Ironman or ultimate ironman, you'll need Farming 30 as Willow branches can only be obtained through Farming.6 Willow branchesFaladorMedium
Gold ore may be mined at the Crafting Guild.NoneCrafting 40 Mining 40Any pickaxe, Crafting cape or brown apronaladorMedium
Fix a crane in Port Piscarilius.NoneCrafting 30 Construction 3030-100 Nails, Hammer, 3 planksKourend & KebosMedium
Make a coif in the Lumbridge cow pen (eastern cows).NoneCrafting 38Needle, thread, leatherLumbridge & DraynorMedium
Use a Slayer helmet to defeat a Dust devil in the desert cave.Started Desert Treasure ICrafting 55 Defense 10 Slayer 65Slayer helmet, weapons and armorDesertHard
In Lumbridge, not upstairs in the castle, make, thread, and enchant a power amulet.NoneCrafting 70 Magic 57Standard spellbook: 10 Earth Runes, 1 Cosmic Rune, a gold bar, a cut diamond, a ball of wool, and an amulet mould.Lumbridge & DraynorHard
Create a rune crossbow on your own in Yanille or Witchaven.NoneCrafting 10 Fletching 69 Smithing 91

Yew logs, sinew, 1 runite bar, hammer, knife.

  • Smith limbs in Yanille with runite.
  • Fletch a Yanille yew stock.
  • In Witchaven, make a crossbow string (using tree roots will not count).
  • Utilize the runite limbs on the yew stock.
  • With the Runite crossbow, use the crossbow string.
Make a dragonstone amulet using the Neitiznot furnace.Started The Fremennik IslesCrafting 80Dragonstone, amulet mould (ball of wool not needed), gold barFremennikElite
Make a pyre ship using magic logs.Barbarian FiremakingCrafting 85 Firemaking 85Magic logs, tinderbox, any woodcutting axe, chewed bonesKandarinElite
Make one or more Blood runes.NoneCrafting 38 Runecraft 77 Mining 38Any pickaxe and chiselKourend & KebosElite
In the Canifis Bank, create a black dragonhide body.NoneCrafting 843 black dragon leather, thread, needleMorytaniaElite
  • Defense

TaskQuest(s) requiredSkill(s) requiredItems requiredDiaryDifficulty
Wear full Initiate armor and pray at the Altar of Guthix.Recruitment Drive

Defense 20

Prayer 10

Initiate armorFaladorMedium
Kill a Dust devil in the desert cave while wearing a Slayer helmet.Started Desert Treasure IDefense 10 Crafting 55 Slayer 65Weapons and armour, Slayer helmetDesertHard
In the church in Port Sarim, replenish your prayers while dressed in full proselyte.The Slug MenaceDefense 30Proselyte armorFaladorHard
Enter the Dwarven Mines and equip a Dwarven helmet.Grim TalesDefense 50

Dwarven helmet

Tip: Remove and replace the helmet if entering the mines while wearing it does not result in the job being completed.

Buy and equip a granite body from Barbarian Assault.NoneDefense 50 Strength 5095,000 and Combat equipment to pass through Waves 1-10KandarinHard
Turn on Piety and enter the Seer's Village courthouse.King's Ransom, Knight Waves Training GroundsDefense 70 Prayer 70NoneKandarinHard
Activate Piety and pray at the Altar of Nature in the Nature Grotto.Nature Spirit, King's RansomDefense 70 Prayer 70None (not be taken into account unless you recover at least one prayer point).MorytaniaHard
Go to the Wise Old Man's house and do the Quest point cape emote.AllDefense 65Quest point capeLumbridge & Draynor DiaryElite
Wear any full Barrows set and loot the Barrows chest.None

Combat requirement varies per set, see below:

Defense 70 Attack for Guthan's or Verac's

Defense 70 Attack Strength for Dharok's or Torag's

Defense 70 Ranged for Karil's

Defense 70 Attack Magic for Ahrim's

Any full Barrows equipment set.MorytaniaElite
Equip any full set of void.None

Combat Level 40

Attack Strength Ranged Magic hitpoints

Prayer 22 Defense 42

Void knight top; Void knight robe; Void knight gloves; and Void mage, ranger, or melee helm.Western ProvincesElite
  • Farming

TaskQuest(s) requiredSkill(s) requiredItems requiredDiaryDifficulty
Plant Jute seeds in the farming patch north of McGrubor's Wood.NoneFarming 133 Jute seeds, rake, and a seed dibber.KandarinEasy
Put a scarecrow in the patch of morytania flowers.NoneFarming 23 (47 if you're an Ironman as you can only get Watermelons through Farming)Scarecrow (Make a hay sack by placing an empty sack atop a haystack or bale, then fill it with a bronze spear and a watermelon).MorytaniaEasy
Pick a few strawberries from the farming area in Ardougne.NoneFarming 311 basket of apples (recommended), 3 Strawberry seeds, farming equipment (rake, spade, seed dibber, and watering can)ArdougneMedium
Add a Scarecrow to the flower bed at the Falador farm.NoneFarming 23 (47 if you're an Ironman as you can only get Watermelons through Farming)Watermelon, bronze spear, hay sackFaladorMedium

Grab some limpwurt root from Catherby's farming area.

NoneFarming 26Rake, Limpwurt seed, seed dibber, supercompost or ultracompost (recommended)KandarinMedium
Plant a fruit tree in good health in the patch by Brimhaven.NoneFarming 27Spade, rake, any fruit tree seed or its sapling version, spade, rakeKaramjaMedium
Enter the Farming Guild.NoneFarming 45NoneKourend & KebosMedium
Pick a fruit from a white tree.Garden of TranquillityFarming 25NoneVarrockMedium
Examine the palm tree's condition close to Tree Gnome Village, not in Gnome Stronghold.NoneFarming 681 palm tree seed (or 1 palm sapling), 15 papaya fruit (recommended)ArdougneHard
Gather some poison ivy berries from the area near the Ardougne Monastery, which is south of East Ardougne.NoneFarming 701 poison ivy seedArdougneHard
At the Tithe Farm, plant some Logavano seeds.NoneFarming 74Seed dibberKourend & KebosHard
Gather some belladonna from Draynor Manor's farming patch.NoneFarming 63Seed dibber, spade, rake, belladonna seed, any gloves.Lumbridge & DraynorHard
Take some watermelon from the allotment patch on Harmony Island.Started The Great Brain RobberyFarming 47Farming supplies, 3 watermelon seedsMorytaniaHard
Pick a few bittercap mushrooms from the Canifis patch.NoneFarming 53Mushroom spore, farming supplies (Since the mushrooms can take up to six hours to grow, it is advised to complete this before completing the other tasks).MorytaniaHard
Gather two or more yew roots from Varrock Palace's tree patch. (If boosting, be sure to do it during the yew tree's excavation rather than during planting)NoneFarming 68 Woodcutting 60Yew sapling, any woodcutting axe, spade, (10 Cactus spines recommended)VarrockHard
Check the health of your palm tree in LletyaStarted Mourning's End Part IFarming 681 palm sapling, 15 papayas (recommended)Western ProvincesHard
Pick some torstol from the patch north of East Ardougne.NoneFarming 851 torstol seed, ultracompost recommendedArdougneElite
When digging up your magic tree in Falador, find three magic roots at least simultaneously.NoneFarming 91 Woodcutting 75Spade, any Woodcutting axe, Magic seedFaladorElite
Gather some dwarf weed from Catherby's herb garden.NoneFarming 79Ultracompost (recommended), spade, seed dibber, rake, Dwarf weed seedKandarinElite
xamine the condition of a Brimhaven palm tree.NoneFarming 6815 Papaya fruits (recommended), spade, 1 palm tree seed (or 1 palm sapling)KaramjaElite
Examine the health of your Calquat tree patch.NoneFarming 728 poison ivy berries (recommended), 1 Calquat tree seed (or 1 calquat sapling)KaramjaElite
Make your own battlestaff from scratch in the Farming Guild.NoneFarming 85 Fletching 40Knife, Celastrus seed, axe. Optional: 8 potato cactus to protect your cropKourend & KebosElite
Put your magic tree under Prissy Scilla's defense.NoneFarming 7525 Coconuts, 1 magic saplingWestern ProvincesElite
  • Firemaking

TaskQuest(s) requiredSkill(s) requiredItems requiredDiaryDifficulty
In the Province of Fremennik, chop and burn some oak wood.NoneFiremaking 15 Woodcutting 15Tinderbox, any axeFremennikEasy
In Lumbridge, chop and burn some oak wood.NoneFiremaking 15 Woodcutting 15Tinderbox, any axeLumbridge & DraynorEasy
Go to Castle Wars via Hot Air Balloon.Enlightened JourneyFiremaking 50Yew log (If the balloon route has not yet been unlocked, you will need to unlock it before using it once more. 11 Yew logs and one Normal log are needed to return. 10 Yew logs are required to unlock the route.)ArdougneMedium
In Taverley, chop and burn some willow logs (you can also cut and burn willows directly south of the stream).NoneFiremaking 30 Woodcutting 30Tinderbox, any Woodcutting axeFaladorMedium
Light a bullseye lantern at Rimmington's Chemist's.NoneFiremaking 49Bullseye lantern (Must be a normal bullseye lantern), tinderboxFaladorMedium
Overcome the Wintertodt.Noneiremaking 50Tinderbox, any axe (food, knife and hammer recommended)Kourend & KebosMedium
Navigate from Varrock using the balloon.Enlightened JourneyFiremaking 401 normal log to use the balloon to travel from Varrock, 10 willow logs to unlock the Varrock balloonVarrockMedium
On Ape Atoll, chop and burn a few teak logs.Monkey Madness IFiremaking 35 Woodcutting 35

Any axe, tinderbox

Tip: Making fire like a barbarian won't count toward the mission! Never attempt to burn the wood with a bow. If you're here to finish a challenging diary activity, chop and burn some mahogany logs nearby if you have Woodcutting 50 Firemaking 50

Western ProvincesMedium
On the balcony of the Mayor of Nardah, burn some yew logs.NoneFiremaking 60Tinderbox, 1 yew logDesertHard
In Seer's Village, set a few maple logs on fire using a bow.Barbarian FiremakingFiremaking 65Any bow (except Ogre bow, Crystal bow, Twisted bow, Dark bow, Craw's bow, or Cursed goblin bow), maple logsKandarinHard
In Lumbridge Castle's basement, light up your mining helmet.oneFiremaking 65Mining helmet, tinderboxLumbridge & DraynorHard
On Mos Le'Harmless, chop and burn some mahogany wood.Cabin FeverFiremaking 50 Woodcutting 50Any Woodcutting axe and tinderbox (you cannot use a bow). It is advised to use any available light source and the witchwood icon when navigating the Mos Le'Harmless Cave.MorytaniaHard
In Varrock, chop up some yew logs and burn them on the Varrock church roof.NoneFiremaking 60 Woodcutting 60Any woodcutting axe, tinderbox.

Tip: Barbarian firemaking is ineffective. You'll need to chop the yew tree next to the Varrock church, behind Varrock Palace. In the northeastern portion of the city, use the church.

On Ape Atoll, chop and burn some mahogany wood.Monkey Madness IFiremaking 50 Woodcutting 50Tinderbox, any Woodcutting axeWestern ProvincesHard
Build a ship for the pyre with magic logs.Barbarian FiremakingFiremaking 85 rafting 85Chewed bones, any woodcutting axe, tinderbox, magic logsKandarinElite
On a Magic or Redwood pyre, cremate any remaining Shade.Shades of Mort'tonFiremaking 80Any shade remains, tinderbox, magic pyre logsMorytaniaElite
Cut a few magic logs, then burn them in the Resource Area.NoneFiremaking 75 Woodcutting 75Any Woodcutting axe, tinderbox, and 7,500 (3,750 for challenging tasks completed, 6,000 for medium). To complete this quest, you cannot light the magic log (Barbarian firemaking) with a shortbow.WildernessElite
  • Fishing

TaskQuest(s) requiredSkill(s) requiredItems requiredDiaryDifficulty
Use the Fishing Trawler to go fishing.NoneFishing 15Fishing Trawler (You only need this to start the minigame)ArdougneEasy
Go mackerel fishing in CatherbyNoneFishing 16Large fishing net (at the Catherby Fishing Shop, purchase one for twenty)KandarinEasy
Catch a Trout on the Molch River, South of Farming GuildNoneFishing 20Feathers, Fly fishing rodKourend & KebosEasy
Go to Al-Kharid and get some anchovies.NoneFishing 15Small fishing netumbridge & DraynorEasy
Go to River Lum at Barbarian Village and catch some trout.NoneFishing 20Some Feathers, Fly fishing rodVarrockEasy
Go to Catherby and catch and cook bassNoneFishing 46 Cooking 43Large fishing net (at the Catherby Fishing Shop, purchase one for twenty)KandarinMedium
Obtain a karambwan.Tai Bwo Wannai Trio (partial completion)Fishing 65Small fishing net, Karambwan vessel, raw karambwanjiKaramjaMedium
Go to Lake Molch and catch a Bluegill.NoneFishing 43 Hunter 35Fish chunks or king wormKourend & KebosMedium
Go to Lumbridge and catch some salmon.NoneFishing 30Feathers, Fly fishing rodLumbridge & DraynorMedium
Go to Ape Atoll and fish some bass.Monkey Madness IFishing 46Large fishing netWestern ProvincesMedium
Catch a leaping sturgeon.Barbarian Training - Fishing

Fishing 70 Agility 45

Strength 45

Fishing bait or Feathers, Barbarian rodKandarinHard
Go to Piscatoris and catch and cook a monkfishSwan SongFishing 62 Cooking 62

Small fishing net

Tip: You can find a Range in the south-west building in Piscatoris.

Western ProvincesHard
Go to the Wilderness and fish some raw lava eel.NoneFishing 53Fishing bait, slash weapon to cut the webs, oily fishing rodWildernessHard
Cook a manta ray in Port Khazard after capturing it in the fishing trawler.NoneFishing 81 Cooking 91You might need more than one Raw Manta Ray in case you burn them. The Fishing Trawler minigame is not compatible with fishing bonuses. Cooking, though, might be boosted.ArdougneElite
Using the cooking gauntlets, fish and cook five sharks in Catherby (in the range by the bank).Family CrestFishing 76 Cooking 80Cooking gauntlets, harpoonKandarinElite
When you are at Great Kourend, catch an anglerfish and cook it.NoneFishing 82 Cooking 84Sandworms, fishing rodKourend & KebosElite
Use your bare hands to catch a shark in Burgh de Rott.In Aid of the Myreque, parts of Barbarian TrainingFishing 96 Strength 76NoneMorytaniaElite
Go fishing in the resource area and cook a dark crab.oneFishing 85 Cooking 90Dark fishing bait, lobster pot, and 7,500 (3,750 for hard tasks completed, 6,000 for medium).WildernessElite
  • Fletching

TaskQuest(s) requiredSkill(s) requiredItems requiredDiaryDifficulty
Obtain any Chompy bird hat from Rantz.Big Chompy Bird HuntingFletching 5 Range 30With ogre bellows, ogre bows or comp ogre bows, and ogre arrows, you had to have slain at least thirty Chompy birds or Jubbly birds. To get the cap, you have to bring the bow.Western ProvincesEasy
In the Gnome Stronghold (the oak tree north of the bank by Nieve/Steve), fetch an oak shortbow.NoneFletching 20Oak shortbow, bow string (axe and knife are optional)Western ProvincesEasy
Go to Seer's Village bank and string a maple shortbow.NoneFletching 50Bow string, maple shortbowKandarinMedium
Obtain a Chompy bird hat from Rantz after registering at least 125 kills.Big Chompy Bird HuntingFletching 5 Range 30Ogre bellows, ogre bow, or composite ogre bow, along with ogre arrows.Western ProvincesMedium
Go to seer's Village and create a yew longbow from scratch.None

Fletching 70 Woodcutting 60

Crafting 10 (if you're crafting your own bowstring)

Any woodcutting axe, bow string, knife'

Tip: One knife spawns south of Seer's Village bank

Obtain a Chompy bird hat from Rantz after registering at least 300 kills.Big Chompy Bird HuntingFletching 5 Range 30Ogre bow or comp ogre bow, ogre bellows, ogre arrows/brutal arrowsWestern ProvincesHard
Grab a few Dragon darts from the Bedabin Camp.The Tourist TrapFletching 95

At least 1 dragon dart tip, 1 feather.

Tip: You need to be standing in one of the tents for this to work.

Make your own battlestaff from scratch in the Farming Guild.NoneFletching 40 Farming 85Celastrus seed, knife, axe. 8 potato cactus to protect your crop is optionalKourend & KebosElite
Smith and fletch 10 Rune darts in Varrock.The Tourist TrapFletching 81 Smithing 89Hammer, 10 Feathers, 1 runite barVarrockElite
Obtain a Chompy bird hat from Rantz after registering at least 1,000 kills.Big Chompy Bird HuntingFletching 5 Range 30Ogre bow or comp ogre bow, ogre bellows, ogre arrowsWestern ProvincesElite
Go to the Elven lands and fletch a magic longbow.Mourning's End Part I OR Fairytale I - Growing Pains (use fairy ring code dlr)Fletching 85Bow string, magic longbowWestern ProvincesElite
Swap Your OSRS/RS3 Gold at Us
  • Herblore

TaskQuest(s) requiredSkill(s) requiredItems requiredDiaryDifficult
In Lovakengj's The Deeper Lode pub, make a strength potion.Druidic RitualHerblore 12Limpwurt root, Tarromin potion (unf)Kourend & KebosEasy
Go to the desert and create a combat potion.Druidic RitualHerblore 36Harralander potion (unf), goat horn dust (you need to make this in the desert and not within city limits)DesertMedium
Go to the Seer's Village/Catherby area and make a Superantipoison potion from scratchDruidic RitualHerblore 48Irit leaf, vial of water, unicorn horn dustKandarinMedium
Go to Morytania and mix a Guthix balance potion.Partial completion of In Aid of the MyrequeHerblore 22Silver dust, restore potion, garlicMorytaniaMedium
Go to the Fremennik Province and mix a Super defence potion.Druidic RitualHerblore 66

Vial of water, cadantine, white berries. You can also use cadantine potion (unf) with white berries

Tip: It won't be possible to finish the diary task by assembling the potion in the Rellekka Hunter area, Jatizso, or Neitiznot.

Go to Falador East Bank and mix a Saradomin brew.Druidic RitualHerblore 81Crushed nest, toadflax potion (unf)FaladorElite
Go on top of the Seer's Village bank and mix a Stamina mixBarbarian HerbloreHerblore 86 Agility 60Caviar, Stamina potion (2)KandarinElite
Stand in the Horseshoe mine and create an anti-venom potion.Druidic RitualHerblore 875-20 Zulrah's scales (5 per dose), 1 Antidote++KaramjaElite
Go to Varrock West Bank and make a Super combat potionDruidic RitualHerblore 90Super strength (4), torstol, super attack (4), super defence (4)VarrockElite
  • Hitpoints

TaskQuest(s) requiredSkill(s) requiredItems requiredDiaryDifficulty
Kill each of the God Wars Dungeon generals.Troll Stronghold

Hitpoints 70 Strength 70

Agility 70 Range 70

Kill the God Wars Dungeon generals using your combat equipment. A high Combat Level is highly advised. You cannot use boosts. For the kill to be recorded, you need to inflict the highest damage possible on the boss. Refer to each page specifically for suggested gear/setups.

Tip: Kills do not reset when you log out, switch between worlds, or finish other Achievement Diary activities, in contrast to other tasks of a similar nature. Furthermore, a task update notice ("Achievement Diary Stage Task - Current stage: x") is not provided.

Any complete void set should be equipped.None

Combat Level 40

Defense 42 Attack Strength Range Magic Hitpoints

Prayer 22

Void knight top; Void mage, ranger, or melee helm; Void knight robe; and Void knight gloves.Western ProvincesElite
  • Hunter

TaskQuest(s) requiredSkill(s) requiredItems requiredDiaryDifficulty
Obtain a golden warbler.NoneHunter 5Bird snare. Necklace of Passage takes you right there.DesertEasy
Obtain a cerulean twitch.NoneHunter 11Bird snareFremennikEasy
Obtain a copper longtail.NoneHunter 9Bird snare (Located north of Eagle's Peak. Fairy Ring akq will put you directly at the location).Western ProvincesEasy
Obtain an orange salamander.NoneHunter 47Small fishing net, at least 1 ropeDesertMedium
Obtain a Snowy knight.NoneHunter 35Butterfly jar, Butterfly netFremennikMedium
Trap a Horned Graahk.NoneHunter 41Knife, teasing stick, logs (Located just west of Fairy ring ckr)KaramjaMedium
Obtain a Bluegill on Lake Molch.NoneHunter 35 Fishing 43Fish chunks or king wormKourend & KebosMedium
Go to the Kourend Woodland and catch a chinchompaEagle's PeakHunter 53Box trapKourend & KebosMedium
Go to Puro-Puro and obtain an essence or eclectic implingLost CityHunter 42/50Butterfly net, impling jar, Dramen or LunarLumbridge & DraynorMedium
Obtain a swamp lizard.NoneHunter 29Small fishing net, at least 1 ropeMorytaniaMedium
Trap a Spined larupia.NoneHunter 31Teasing stick, logs, knife (Located south-west of Fairy Ring aks in Feldip Hunter area)Western ProvincesMedium
Obtain a Red Salamander.NoneHunter 59Small fishing net, at least 1 ropeArdougneHard
Obtain a Sabre-toothed kyatt.NoneHunter 55Axe, logs, knife, teasing stickFremennikHard
Exchange furs with the Fancy Dress Seller for a Spottier cape and equip it.None

Hunter 66 (boosting is not allowed).

Hunter 69 if you're an Ironman to hunt the Dashing kebbits. (can be boosted)

2 Dashing kebbit fur, 800.VarrockHard
Obtain a dashing kebbit.NoneHunter 6966 Hunter and Hunting potion, 500Western ProvincesHard
Obtain a black salamander.NoneHunter 67Rope, small fishing netWildernessHard
  • Magic

TaskQuest(s) requiredSkill(s) requiredItems requiredDiaryDifficulty
Go to the the Fountain of Rune and cast Low AlchemyNoneMagic 21

Standard spellbook:

Any item that can be alched.

Upgrade an Iban's staff or equip an Iban's upgraded staffUnderground PassMagic 50 Attack 50200,000 and Iban's staff, or the upgraded one. If you haven't upgraded Iban's staff, you won't need 50 Attack. Just upgrade the staff to complete the task. You can get Iban's upgraded staff by bringing it to the Dark Mage in West Ardougne at the last house before the entrance of the Underground Pass.ArdougneMedium
Use the Ardougne Teleport spell.Plague CityMagic 51Standard spellbook: 2 Water Runes 2 Law RunesArdougneMedium
Get some Wine of Zamorak from the Chaos Temple near the Wilderness via telegrab.NoneMagic 33

Standard spellbook: 1 Air Rune 1 Law Rune

Tip: In reality, the temple is not in the Wilderness. Just by its edge, that is. You can place your own wine and telegrab it if the temple is overrun with bots, or if your level is over 500, you can climb the ladder at the entrance to the upstairs wine.

Go to Falador by teleporting there.NoneMagic 37Standard spellbook: 3 Air Runes 1 Water Rune 1 Law RuneFaladorMedium
Go to Camelot by teleportingNoneMagic 45Standard spellbook: 5 Air Runes 1 Law RuneKandarinMedium
Use the Lumbridge Teleport spell.NoneMagic 31Standard spellbook: 3 Air Runes 1 Earth Rune 1 Law RuneLumbridge & DraynorMedium
Use the teleport to Varrock spell.NoneMagic 25Standard spellbook: 3 AIr Runes 1 Fire Rune 1 Law RuneVarrockMedium
Charge an earth orb.NoneMagic 60Standard spellbook: 30 Earth Runes 3 Cosmic Runes 1 Unpowered OrbWildernessMedium
Go to the Watchtower via teleport.WatchtowerMagic 58Standard spellbook: 2 Earth Runes 2 Law RunesArdougneHard
Proceed to the Magic Guild.NoneMagic 66NoneArdougneHard
Go to the desert and refill your Waterskins using Lunar spells.Dream MentorMagic 68

Lunar spellbook: 1 Fire Rune 3 Water Runes 1 Astral Rune and an empty waterskin.

Note: Must be done within the desert itself, away from any city.

Go to Trollheim.Eadgar's RuseMagic 61Standard spellbook: 2 Law Runes 2 Fire RunesFremennHard
Go to Waterbirth Island.Lunar DiplomacyMagic 72Lunar spellbook: 1 Water Rune 2 Astral Runes 1 Law RuneFremennikHard
Charge a water orb.NoneMagic 56Standard spellbook: 3 Cosmic Rune 30 Water Runes 1 Unpowered Orb and either a dusty key or at least Agility 70 for the shortcut.KandarinHard
Go to Paddewwa.>Desert Treasure IMagic 54Ancient Magicks: 1 Fire Rune 2 Law Runes1 Air RuneVarrockHard
To the south of Mount Quidamortem, cast Monster Examine on a mountain troll.Dream MentorMagic 66Lunar spellbook: 1 Astral Rune 1 Mind Rune 1 Cosmic RuneKourend & KebosHard
In Lumbridge, create, thread, and enchant a power amulet (not upstairs in the castle).NoneMagic 57 Crafting 70Standard spellbook: 1 Cosmic Rune 10 Earth Rune, a cut diamond, a gold bar, a ball of wool, and an amulet mold.Lumbridge & DraynorHard
Go to Al Kharid Palace and cast Bones to PeachesNone

Magic 60

Unlocked Bones to Peaches from the Mage Training Arena

Standard spellbook: 4 Water Runes 2 Nature Runes 4 Earth Runes and any bones.

Take note that the magic tablet will not work.

Lumbridge & DraynorHard
Proceed to the Kharyrll portal in your POH using a Portal Chamber.Desert Treasure IMagic 66 Construction 50

If you have already built a portal, none. If not, you will need 2 limestone bricks, a hammer, and a saw to build a portal focus; then, 3 teak planks, a hammer, and a saw to build a portal; and 100 Blood runes 200 Law Runes to attune the portal. You must do this in your own POH.

Tip: You can use a portal nexus instead. This requires 1000 Blood Runes 2000 Law Runes , 4 marble blocks, a hammer, and a saw.

Defeat Zulrah.Started RegicideNone, but it is recommended to have high Magic and RangeRanged equipment or Decent MagicWestern ProvincesHard
Go to Ape Atoll.Recipe for Disaster (Awowogei sub-quest)Magic 64Standard spellbook: 2 Fire Runes 2 Law Runes 2 Water Runes 1 BananaWestern ProvincesHard
Go to the Wilderness and use one of the 3 God spells against another player.Mage Arena IMagic 60

Standard spellbook:

Air Rune Fire Rune Blood Rune and a valid staff to cast. Number of runes needed and eligible staves depends on the spell:

Saradomin Strike: Staff of light or saradomin staff.

Claws of Guthix: Void knight mace, Guthix staff, or staff of balance.

Flames of Zamorak: Zamorak staff, staff of the dead, or toxic staff of the dead.

To use any of the god spells outside the Mage Arena, you need to cast it 100 times first in the arena (casting the spell on another player while inside the Mage Arena doesn’t need 100 casts).

Tip: Splashing the spell doesn't count.

Charge an air orb.NoneMagic 66Standard spellbook: 3 Cosmic Rune 1 Unpowered Orb 30 Air RuneWildernessHard
In Castle Wars, cast Ice Barrage on a different player.Desert Treasure IMagic 94

Ancient Magicks: 2 Blood Runes 4 Death Runes 6 Water Runes

Tip: Don't splash the spell so it will count.

Cast Ice Barrage in the Desert to defeat an enemy.Desert Treasure IMagic 94

Ancient Magicks: 2 Blood Runes 4 Death Runes 6 Water Runes

Tip: Don't splash the spell so it will count. Also, you need to do this within the desert itself, away from any city.

Go to Catherby.Lunar DiplomacyMagic 87Lunar spellbook: 3 Astral Runes 3 Law Runes10 Water RunesKandarinElite
Make an Ape Atoll teleport tablet.Monkey Madness IMagic 90Arceuus spellbook: 2 Law Runes 2 Soul Runes 2 Blood Runes and a dark essence block.Kourend & KebosElite
Take anything from the Barrows chest and wear it all at once.None

Combat requirement varies per set, see below:

Attack Magic for Ahrim's

Defense 70 Defense 70 Attack for Guthan's or Verac's

Defense 70 Attack Strength for Dharok's or Torag's

Defense 70 Range for Karil's

Any full Barrows equipment set.MorytaniaElite
Use Lunar spells (Fertile Soil) to fertilize the Morytania plant patch.Lunar DiplomacyMagic 83Lunar spellbook: 3 Astral Runes 2 Nature Runes15 Earth RunesMorytaniaElite
In Varrock Lumber Yard (Plank Make), use lunar magic to create 20 mahogany planks.Dream MentorMagic 86Lunar spellbook: 40 Astral Runes 300 earth Runes 20 Nature Runes, 20 mahogany logs, and 21,000.VarrockElite
Equip any full set of void.None

Combat Level 40

Attack Strength Range Magic Hitpoints

Prayer 22 Defense 42

Void knight gloves; Void mage, ranger, or melee helm; Void knight top; and Void knight robe.Western ProvincesElite
Go to Ghorrock.Desert Treasure IMagic 96Ancient Magicks: 2 Law Runes8 water RunesWildernessElite
  • Mining

TaskQuest(s) requiredSkill(s) requiredItems requiredDiaryDifficulty
Go to the north-eastern desert and mine five clayNoneMining 5Any pickaxe. The Necklace of Passage will take you there.DesertEasy
On Doric' anvil, Smith a few Blurite limbs.The Knight's Sword, Doric's QuestMining 10 Smithing 13

Hammer, Blurite bar

Tip: Don't confuse Doric's anvil with Thurgo's anvil at Mudskipper Point; the former is situated north of Falador.

Go to Rellekka and make a tiara from scratch.The Fremennik Trials

Mining 20 Crafting 23

Smithing 20

Tiara mold, Any pickaxe will do to mine the silver ore from the Rellekka mine, which is a short distance to the northwest of the agility shortcut and on the east side of Rellekka. An iron pickaxe can be found to the north of the Rellekka mine. Superheating won't work.

Tip: This step must be completed without doing any other tasks; otherwise, stage 2 will not be finished, and you will have to start the process over.

Harvest some gold by mining the rocks on Karamja's northwest peninsula.NoneMining 40Any pickaxeKaramjaEasy
Go to the Mount Karuulm mine and get some iron ore.NoneMining 15Any pickaxeKourend & KebosEasy
Go to Al-Kharid mine and get some iron ore.NoneMining 15Any pickaxeLumbridge & DraynorEasy
Go to south-east Varrock mine and mine some ironNoneMining 15Any pickaxeVarrockEasy
Go near Piscatoris and get some iron oreNoneMining 15Any pickaxeWestern ProvincesEas
Go to the Wilderness and mine some iron ore.NoneMining 15Any pickaxe. HYou can find iron north-west of the Mage of Zamorak.WildernessEasy
At the Crafting Guild, mine some gold ore.NoneMining 40 Crafting 40Brown apron or Crafting cape, any pickaxeFaladorMedium
Go to Rellekka and mine some coal.The Fremennik TrialsMining 30Any pickaxe (you can get an iron pickaxe from north of the Rellekka mine)FremennikMedium
Go to the Arzinian Mine and mine some gold.Near full completion of Between a Rock...Mining 40Gold helmet, any pickaxe, and 2 coins or a ring of charos (a)FremennikMedium
Get some coal near the coal trucks.NoneMining 30Any pickaxeKandarinMedium
From a gem rock, mine a red topaz (either from Shilo Village or Tai Bwo Wannai Cleanup).Shilo Village or Jungle PotionMining 40Any pickaxeKaramjaMedium
Mine some volcanic sulphur.NoneMining 42Any pickaxe, face mask, gas mask or slayer helmetKourend & KebosMedium
Beneath the Grand Tree, mine some gold oreThe Grand TreeMining 40Any pickaxe. Go through the trapdoor next to King Narnode Shareen to enter the mine. Then, head north through the roots and east.Western ProvincesMedium
Go to the Wilderness and mine some mithril ore.NoneMining 55

Any pickaxe.

Tip: Mithril is located in the Resource Area and to the south of the Lava Maze.

Mine some granite.NoneMining 45Any pickaxeDesertHard
Proceed to the Mining Guild wearing full Prospector.NoneMining 60All pieces of the Prospector kit (Varrock armour 4 is inoperable)FaladorHard
Go to Jatizso and mine 5 Adamantite ores.The Fremennik IslesMining 70

Any pickaxe. To temporarily get a boost from 67 to 70, it is advised to use a dragon pickaxe.

Tip: Outside of Jatizso's fortifications, directly beside the mine entrance, are four spawns for Adamantite ores. It does not reset when you switch between worlds.

Take out a Deathwing in the Kharazi Jungle's dungeon.

Partial completion of Legend's Quest

(Up until you enter the Deathwing-containing cave)

Mining 52 Woodcutting 15 Strength 50 Agility 50 Thieving 50Lockpick; Any woodcutting axe, machete; Any pickaxe.KaramjaHard
Mine some Lovakite ore.NoneMining 65Any pickaxeKourend & KebosHard
Go to the Abandoned Mine and mine some mithril ore.Haunted MineMining 55Any pickaxe, crystal-mine key (which you can get during Haunted Mine). You can find Mithril on levels 2 and 6. Alternatively, once you're inside the cave, head straight south and use the "Crawl-through Cart Tunnel Option". This approach doesn't require a key.MorytaniaHard
Go to Tirannwn and mine some adamantite ore.RegicideMining 70Any pickaxe (Dragon pickaxe special attack can boost your mining level from 67 to 70.)Western ProvincesHard
Craft one or more Blood runes.one

Mining 38 Runecraft 77

Crafting 38

Any pickaxe and chiselKourend & KebosElite

In the Resource Area, smith a rune scimitar from the ground up.

NoneMining 85 Smithing 90

Any pickaxe, hammer, and 7,500 (3,750 if hard tasks are done, 6,000 with medium).

Tip: For this to work, you must mine and process coal in the resource region in addition to runite ore. Here, superheat is not counted! To do this operation, you can exit the resource area. Disabling your login has no effect on the stages.

  • Prayer

TaskQuest(s) requiredSkill(s) requiredItems requiredDiaryDifficulty
Go to Taverley and pray at the Altar of Guthix while wearing full Initiate armor.Recruitment DrivePrayer 10 Defense 20Initiate armorFaladorMedium

Make the Saradomin crest the new family crest.

NonePrayer 705,000 (10,000 if the Saradomin symbol already appears on your family crest; speak with Sir Renitee at the White Knight's Castle)FaladorHard
Slay a Mithril dragon.Barbarian FiremakingHigh Combat Level and 43+ Prayer recommendedAnti-dragon shield, combat equipmentKandarinHard

Turn on Piety and enter the courthouse in Seer's Village.

King's Ransom, Knight Waves Training GroundsPrayer 70 Defense 70NoneKandarinHard
Slay a Ket-Zek in the Fight Caves.NoneHigh Prayer recommendedNoneKaramjaHard
While Smite is enabled, recharge your prayer at the Emir's Arena.NonePrayer 52None. It is recommended to use Ring of Dueling for quick teleportation.Lumbridge & DraynorHard
Activate Piety and pray at the Altar of Nature in the Nature Grotto.Nature Spirit, King's Ransom

Prayer 70 Defense 70

(Cannot be boosted)

None (not be taken into account unless you recover at least one prayer point).MorytaniaHard
Smite should be active when you pray at the Varrock Palace altar. (2nd floor, take the kitchen staircase.)NonePrayer 52NoneVarrockHard
Pray at the altar in Sophanem and restore a minimum of 85 Prayer points.Started Icthlarin's Little HelperPrayer 85None. You cannot boost thisDesertElite
Wear any complete void set.None

Combat Level 40

Defense 42 Attack Strength Range Magic Hitpoints

Prayer 22

Void knight gloves; Void mage, ranger, or melee helm; Void knight top; and Void knight robe.Western ProvincesElite
  • Ranged

TaskQuest(s) requiredSkill(s) requiredItems requiredDiaryDifficulty
Obtain any Chompy bird hat from Rantz.Big Chompy Bird HuntingRange 30 Fletching 5With ogre bellows, ogre bows or comp ogre bows, and ogre arrows, you had to have slain at least thirty Chompy birds or Jubbly birds. To get the cap, you have to bring the bow.Western ProvincesEasy
Grab hold of Yanille's southern wall.NoneRange 21 Strength 38 Agility 39

Mith grapple with any crossbow you are proficient with.

(If you're an Ironman, you'll need 59 Smithing and 59 Fletching to kill an NPC that drops them, or create the grapple from scratch.)


Grab on and jump off the north wall of Falador.

NoneRange 19 Strength 37 Agility 11

Mith grapple with any crossbow you are proficient with.

(If you're an Ironman, you'll need 59 Smithing and 59 Fletching to kill an NPC that drops them, or to create the grapple from scratch.)

To travel from the water obelisk to the Catherby coast, take the grapple shortcut.NoneRange 39 Agility 36 Strength 22

Dusty key or 70 Agility, Rope, mith grapple, and any crossbow that you can wield.

(If you're an Ironman, you'll need 59 Fletching and 59 Smithing to make the grapple from scratch; or to kill one of the NPCs that drop them.)

Tip: It is recommended to use anti-dragon shield and antipoison. Also, use runes to charge the water orb and an unpowered orb to complete a hard diary task.

Proceed to the Ranging Guild.NoneRange 40NoneKandarinMedium
Grapple across the River Lum.NoneRange 37 Agility 8 Strength 19

Mith grapple and any crossbow that you can wield.

(If you're an Ironman, you will need 59 Smithing and 59 Fletching to make the grapple from scratch; or to kill one of the NPCs that drop them.)

Lumbridge & DraynorMedium
Get an upgraded device from Ava.Animal MagnetismRange 50 (cannot be boosted)

999 or Ava's attractor, and 75 steel arrows

Tip: Whether you bring coins or an attractor, you still need the 75 steel arrows.

Lumbridge & DraynorMedium
Register at least 125 kills and obtain a Chompy bird hat from RantzBig Chompy Bird HuntingRange 30 Fletching 5Ogre arrows; Ogre bellows; Ogre bow or comp ogre bow.Western ProvincesMedium
Utilize the south of the volcano crossbow shortcut.NoneRange 42 Agility 53 Strength 21

Mith grapple and any crossbow that you can wield.

(If you're an Ironman, you'll need 59 Fletching and 59 Smithing to make the grapple from scratch; or to kill one of the NPCs that drop them.)

Defeat Zulrah.Started RegicideNone, but high Range and Magic is highly recommendedRanged equipment or Decent MagicWestern ProvincesHard
Register a minimum of 300 kills and obtain a Chompy bird hat from RantzBig Chompy Bird HuntingRange 30 Fletching 5Ogre arrows/brutal arrows; Ogre bellows; Ogre bow or comp ogre bow.Western ProvincesHard
Slay an elf using a crystal bow.Roving ElvesRange 70 Agility 56Crystal bow (Mourners do not work.)Western ProvincesHard
Defeat the God Wars Dungeon generals.Troll Stronghold

Range 70 Agility 70

Hitpoints 70 Strength 70

Combat equipment to kill the God Wars Dungeon generals, high Combat Level is strongly recommended. You cannot use boosts. You need to deal the most damage to the boss in order for the kill to count. See each individual pages for suggested gear/setups.

Kills do not reset when you log out, switch between worlds, or finish other Achievement Diary activities, in contrast to other tasks of a similar nature. Furthermore, a task update notice ("Achievement Diary Stage Task - Current stage: x") is not provided by them.

On the Dorgesh-Kaan Agility Course, pickpocket Movario.Death to the DorgeshuunRange 70 Agility 70 Strength 70

Mith grapple, a light source, and any crossbow that you can use.

(If you're an Ironman, you'll need 59 Fletching and 59 Smithing to make the grapple from scratch; or to kill one of the NPCs that drop them.)

Lumbridge & DraynorElite
Wear any full Barrows set and loot the Barrows chest.None

Combat requirement varies per set, see below:

Range for Karil's

Defense 70 Attack for Guthan's or Verac's

Defense 70 Defense 70' Attack Strength for Dharok's or Torag's

Defense 70 Attack Magic for Ahrim's

Any full Barrows equipment set.MorytaniaElite
Register 1,000 kills and obtain a Chompy bird hat from RantzBig Chompy Bird HuntingRange 30 Fletching 5Ogre arrows; Ogre bow or comp ogre bow; Ogre bellowsWestern ProvincesElite

Equip any full set of void.


Combat Level 40

Defense 42 Attack Strength Range Magic Hitpoints

Prayer 22

Void knight gloves; Void mage, ranger, or melee helm; Void knight top; and Void knight robe.Western ProvincesElite
Check out our Ultimate Money Making Guide
  • Runecraft

TaskQuest(s) requiredSkill(s) requiredItems requiredDiaryDifficulty
Use Essence to craft some water runes.Rune MysteriesRunecraft 5Water tiara, or access to the Abyss; Rune or pure essence and water talisman.Lumbridge & DraynorEasy
Use Essence to craft some Earth runes.NoneRunecraft 9Use the Abyss; Earth talisman or tiara and 1 rune/pure essence.VarrockEasy
Go to Al Kharid's fire altar and craft some Lava runes.Rune MysteriesRunecraft 23Earth talisman, earth runes, and pure essence; Fire talisman or tiara. It is recommended to use a binding necklace.Lumbridge & DraynorMedium
Use Essence to craft some Death runes.Mourning's End Part IIRunecraft 65Death talisman (or Runecraft cape or access to the Abyss), pure essenceArdougneHard
Use Essence to craft 140 Mind runes simultaneously.NoneRunecraft 56 or Runecraft 44 with Raiments of the Eye setMind tiara or access to the Abyss; 28 pure or rune essenceFaladorHard
Use Essence to craft some nature runes.Rune MysteriesRunecraft 44Nature talisman (or access to the Abyss); Pure essenceKaramjaHard
Without using extracts, craft 56 cosmic runes at once from essence.Lost CityRunecraft 59Cosmic tiara or access to the Abyss, 28 pure essenceLumbridge & DraynorHard
Without using extracts, concurrently craft 252 Air Runes from Essence.NoneRunecraft 88 or Runecraft 55 with Raiments of the Eye set28 rune or pure essence, air tiaraFaladorElite
Without using extracts, craft 56 astral runes at once from essence.Lunar DiplomacyRunecraft 8228 pure essenceFremennikElite
Without using extracts, concurrently craft 56 Nature runes from Essence.Rune MysteriesRunecraft 91Nature tiara or access to the Abyss, 28 pure essence andKaramjaElite
With the bits of Dark essence, craft one or more Blood runes.None

Runecraft 77 Mining 38

Crafting 38

Chisel, any pickaxeKourend & Kebos>Elite
Make at least 140 Water runes from Essence at the same time without using Extracts.Rune MysteriesRunecraft 57 with Raiments of the Eye set or Runecraft 76Water tiara or access to the Abyss and 28 rune or pure essenceLumbridge & DraynorElite
Make at least 100 earth runes from Essence at once without utilizing Extracts.Rune MysteriesRunecraft 52 with Raiments of the Eye set or Runecraft 7825 rune/pure essenceVarrockElite
  • Slayer

TaskQuest(s) requiredSkill(s) requiredItems requiredDiaryDifficulty
Go to the Lumbridge Swamp Caves and slay a cave bugNoneSlayer 7Weapon, light source, and rope (If this is your first time seeing the region via Lumbridge Swamp's surface)Lumbridge & DraynorEasy
Slay a banshee in the Slayer Tower.NoneSlayer 15None (A Slayer helmet or Earmuffs are highly recommended)MorytaniaEasy
Kill a desert lizard.NoneSlayer 22Ice coolerDesertMedium
Go to Mudskipper Point and Kill a Mogre.Skippy and the MogresSlayer 32Fishing explosiveFaladorMedium
Kill a brine rat.Started Olaf's QuestSlayer 47Spade, any weapon, food (iYou don't need to finish the quest to gain access to the Brine Rat Cavern)FremennikMedium
Slay a terror dog.Haunted Mine, Lair of Tarn Razorlor (miniquest)Slayer 40Armor and weapon. Use a Slayer ring to teleport you nearby.MorytaniaMedium
Go to Braindeath Island and kill a fever spiderRum DealSlayer 42None (It's recommended to use Slayer gloves)MorytaniaMedium
Go to the Wilderness God Wars Dungeon and kill a bloodveld in.NoneSlayer 50God equipment to keep the god's followers passive, Weapon to kill BloodveldWildernessMedium
Use a Slayer helmet to defeat a Dust devil in the desert cave.Started Desert Treasure I

Slayer 65 Defense 10

rafting 55

Weapons and armor; Slayer helmetDesertHard
Go to Asgarnia Ice Dungeon and kill a Skeletal Wyvern.NoneSlayer 72Elemental or Mind shield, Decent weapons and armor, or a Dragonfire shield highly recommendedFaladorHard
Receive a Slayer mission from Duradel in Shilo Village.Shilo VillageSlayer 50 Combat Level 100NoneKaramjaHard
In the Karuulm Slayer Dungeon, kill a wyrm.NoneSlayer 62Boots of stone, Combat equipmentKourend & KebosHard
Slay a cave horror.Cabin FeverSlayer 58Light source, Witchwood iconMorytaniaHard
Go to the Wilderness God Wars Dungeon and kill a spiritual warrior.NoneSlayer 68God equipment to keep the god's followers passive, Weapon to kill a Spiritual warrior, .WildernessHard
In the God Wars Dungeon, defeat a Spiritual mage.Troll StrongholdSlayer 83Combat equipmentFremennikElite
Go to the Karuulm Slayer Dungeon and kill a hydra.NoneSlayer 95Combat equipment. You can use boosts to kill a standard hydra.Kourend & KebosElite
Go to the Slayer Tower and kill an abyssal demon.NoneSlayer 85Combat equipmentMorytaniaElite
Slay the Thermonuclear smoke devil.NoneSlayer 93

Weapons and armor. You';re not allowed to use boosts.

You don't need a slayer task for your first kill.

Western ProvincesElite
Go inside the Wilderness God Wars Dungeon and kill a spiritual mage.NoneSlayer 83 Agility 60 or Strength 60God equipment to keep god followers passive, Weapon to kill Spiritual mage, .WildernessElite
  • Smithing

TaskQuest(s) requiredSkill(s) requiredItems requiredDiaryDifficulty
Smith on Doric's anvil a few Blurite limbs.The Knight's Sword, Doric's QuestSmithing 13 Mining 10

Hammer, Blurite bar

Tip: The anvil north of Falador is Doric's; it is not to be confused with Thurgo's anvil near Mudskipper Point.

Create your own tiara in Rellekka.The Fremennik TrialsSmithing 20 Crafting 23 Mining 20

Tiara mold, any pickaxe-mine the silver ore from the Rellekka mine, which is a short distance to the northwest of the agility shortcut on the east side of Rellekka. (an iron pickaxe can be gotten from north of the Rellekka mine). It won't work to superheat.

Tip: If you don't finish stage 2 and have to start the procedure over, you won't be able to move forward with it.

Create a batch of Cannonballs at the furnace located in Port Phasmatys.Dwarf Cannon, partial completion of Ghosts AhoySmithing 35Steel bar, ammo moldMorytaniaMedium
Enter the Resource Area and smith a Gold helmet.Between a Rock... (partially completed)Smithing 50

7,500, 3 gold bars, and a hammer.

Tip: bring a pickaxe so you can finish another medium task concurrently. If you already own a gold helmet, it won't work. To construct a new helmet, you must first drop the old one.

Go to West Ardougne and smith a Dragon sq shield.Legend's QuestSmithing 60Hammer, shield left half, shield right halfArdougneHard
Smith a platebody of Mithril close to Ardougne.NoneSmithing 685 Mithril bars, hammer (works at Yanille, West Ardougne anvil, or Port Khazard)ArdougneHard
Go to Nardah and make a Mithril platebody.NoneSmithing 68Hammer, 5 Mithril barsDesertHard
To utilize the blast furnace at no cost, get authorization from the blast furnace foreman.(Started) The Giant DwarfSmithing 60None. Boosts don't work. You must do this through dialogue (chat options 1-3-1) in order to count.FremennikHard
Go to Otto's Grotto and smith an adamant spear.Barbarian Smithing (with Tai Bwo Wannai Trio as a prerequisite)Smithing 75Adamantite bar, hammer, yew logsKandarinHard
Go to The Forsaken Tower and smelt an adamantite bar.The Forsaken TowerSmithing 706 coal, Adamantite oreKourend & KebosHard
Go to the Resource Area and Smith an adamant scimitar.NoneSmithing 752 adamantite bars, Hammer, 7,500 (6,000 if you've already done medium tasks)WildernessHard
Go to Witchaven or Yanille and make a rune crossbow yourself from scratch.None

Smithing 91 Crafting 10

Fletching 69

Yew logs, sinew, 1 runite bar, hammer, knife.

  1. Smith runite limbs in Yanille.
  2. Fletch a yew stock in Yanille.
  3. In Witchaven, make a crossbow string (using tree roots will not count).
  4. With the runite limbs, use the yew stock.
  5. With the Runite crossbow (u), use the crossbow string.

Go to Otto's Grotto and smith a rune hasta.

(You can also use The Barbarian anvil in Barbarian Village)

Barbarian SmithingSmithing 90A hammer, magic logs, and a Runite barKandarinElite
Go down Draynor Sewer and smith an adamant platebody.NoneSmithing 88Hammer, 5 Adamantite barsLumbridge & DraynorElite
In Varrock, smith and fletch ten Rune darts.The Tourist TrapSmithing 89 Fletching 81A hammer, 1 Runite bar, and 10 feathersVarrockElite
Go to the Resource Area and smith a rune scimitar from scratch.NoneSmithing 90 Mining 85

Hammer, any pickaxe, and 7,500 (3,750 if you're already donw with the hard tasks, 6,000 with medium).

Tip: This will only work if you mine a runite golem and smelt the coal and runite ore in the resource area. This is not the place for superheat! You can now exit the resource area to finish this activity. The stages are unaffected by logging out.

  • Strength

TaskQuest(s) requiredSkill(s) requiredItems requiredDiaryifficulty
Use agility to grapple over Yanille's south wall.NoneStrength 38 Agility 39 Range 21

Mith grapple and any crossbow that you can wield.

(If you're an Ironman, you'll need 59 Fletching and 59 Smithing to make the grapple from scratch; or to kill one of the NPCs that drop them.)

Use agility to grapple up and then jump off the north Falador wall.NoneStrength 37 Agility 11 Range 19

Mith grapple and any crossbow that you can wield.

(If you're an Ironman, you'll need' 59 Fletching and' 59 Smithing to make the grapple from scratch; or to kill one of the NPCs that drop them.)

To get from the water obelisk to Catherby shore, use the grapple shortcut.NoneStrength 22 Agility 36 Range 39

Dusty key, rope, or 70 Agility, mith grapple, and any crossbow that you can wield.

(If you're an Ironman, you'll need 59 Fletching and 59 Smithing to make the grapple from scratch; or to kill one of the NPCs that drop them.)

It is recommended to use Anti-dragon shield and antipoison.

Tip: If you're taking on a hard diary task, use an unpowered orb and runes for Charge Water Orb.

Use agility to grapple across the River Lum.NoneStrength 19 Agility 8 Range 37

Any crossbow and mith grapple that you can wield.

(If you're an Ironman, you'll need 59 Fletching and' 59 Smithing to make the grapple from scratch; or to kill one of the NPCs that drop them.)

Lumbridge & DraynorMedium
Proceed to the Wilderness God Wars Dungeon.NoneStrength 60 or Agility 60NoneWildernessMedium
Proceed to the Warrior's Guild.NoneAttack Strength 130 combined levels or 99 in eitherNoneFaladorHard
Catch a leaping sturgeon.Barbarian Training - FishingStrength 45 Fishing 70 Agility 45Barbarian rod, fishing bait or FeathersKandarinHard
Buy a granite body from Barbarian Assault and equip it.NoneStrength 50 Defense 50Combat equipment to pass through Waves 1-10 and 95,000KandarinHard
Utilize the crossbow shortcut south of the volcano.NoneStrength 21 Agility 53 Range 42

Mith grapple and any crossbow that you can use.

(If you're an Ironman, you'll need 59 Fletching and 59 Smithing to make the grapple from scratch; or to kill one of the NPCs that drop them.)

Slay a Deathwing in the dungeon under the Kharazi Jungle.

Partial completion of Legend's Quest

(Until you access the cave with the Deathwings)

Strength 50 Woodcutting 15 Agility 50

Thieving 50 Mining 52

Lockpick, any pickaxe, woodcutting axe, macheteKaramjaHard
Defeat each of the God Wars Dungeon generals.Troll Stronghold

Strength 70 Agility 70

Hitpoints 70 Range 70

Combat equipment to kill the God Wars Dungeon generals, high Combat Level is strongly recommended. You cannot use boosts. For the kill to be recorded, you have to inflict the highest damage possible on the boss. See each individual pages for recommended gear/setups.

Kills do not reset when you log out, switch between worlds, or finish other Achievement Diary activities, in contrast to other tasks of a similar nature. Furthermore, a task update notice ("Achievement Diary Stage Task - Current stage: x") is not provided.

On the Dorgesh-Kaan Agility Course, pickpocket Movario.Death to the DorgeshuunStrength 70 Agility 70 Range 70

A light source, mith grapple, and any crossbow that you can wield.

(If you're an Ironman, you'll need 59 Fletching and 59 Smithing to make the grapple from scratch; or to kill one of the NPCs that drop them.)

Lumbridge & DraynorElite
Wear any full Barrows set and loot the Barrows chest.None

Combat requirement varies per set, see below:

Defense 70 Attack Strength for Dharok's or Torag's

Defense 70 Attack for Guthan's or Verac's

Defense 70 Range for Karil's

Defense 70 Attack Magic for Ahrim's

Any full Barrows equipment set.MorytaniaElite
Catch a shark in Burgh de Rott with your bare hands.In Aid of the Myreque, parts of Barbarian TrainingStrength 76 Fishing 96NoneMorytaniaElite
Equip any complete void set.None

Combat Level 40

Defense 42 Attack Strength Range Magic Hitpoints

Prayer 22

Void knight gloves, Void mage, ranger, or melee helm, Void knight robe, Void knight topWestern ProvincesElite
Go inside the Wilderness God Wars Dungeon an slay a spiritual mage.NoneStrength 60 or Agility 60 and Slayer 83God equipment to keep god followers passive, weapon to kill Spiritual mage, .WildernessElite
  • Thieving

TaskQuest(s) requiredSkill(s) requiredItems requiredDiaryDifficulty
Go to the East Ardougne market stalls and steal a cake.NoneThieving 5NoneArdougneEasy
Open the sarcophagus in the first room of Pyramid Plunder.Started Icthlarin's Little HelperThieving 21NoneDesertEasy
Take something from the Keldagrim crafting or baker's stall.Started The Giant DwarfThieving 5NoneFremennikEasy
Take something from a Hosidius Fruit Stall.NoneThieving 25NoneKourend & KebosEasy
Take something from the tea stall in Varrock.NoneThieving 5NoneVarrockEasy
Steal from the master farmer north of East Ardougne.NoneThieving 38NoneArdougneMedium
Take a Phoenix feather from the Desert phoenix.NoneThieving 25


Beware: Since you might have already completed The Golem quest and have a Phoenix quill pen in your bank, you won't be able to obtain another feather.

Steal from a Falador guard.NoneThieving 40NoneFaladorMedium
Take something from the Rellekka Fish stallsThe Fremennik TrialsThieving 42NoneFremennikMedium
Take something from the chest in Hemenster.NoneThieving 47Lockpick. You can find the chest in the building between the range and the anvil.KandarinMedium
Steal from Martin the Master Gardener.NoneThieving 38NoneLumbridge & DraynorMedium
Try to take something from King Latha's chest.NoneThieving 72LockpickArdougneHard
Knock out and steal from a Menaphite Thug.The FeudThieving 65Any blackjackDesertHard
Crack a wall safe within Rogue's Den.NoneThieving 50None, you only need to crack any of the Wall safes in the main area (where the bank is); It won't be finished if you crack the safes that you can only open by winning the minigame.FaladorHard
Take something from the Keldagrim Gem Stall.(Started) The Giant DwarfThieving 75NoneFremennikHard
Slay a shadow hound in the Shadow Dungeon.Started Desert Treasure IThieving 53Ring of visibility, combat equipmentKandarinHard
Go in the dungeon under the Kharazi Jungle and kill a Deathwing.

Partial completion of Legend's Quest

(Until you access the cave with the Deathwings)

Thieving 50 Woodcutting 15 Strength 50

Agility 50

Mining 52

Any woodcutting axe, any pickaxe, machete, lockpickKaramjaHard
Deliver an artefact to Captain Khaled.NoneThieving 49LockpickKourend & KebosHard
Steal from a gnome.Tree Gnome VillageThieving 75NoneWestern ProvincesHard
Steal from a hero.NoneThieving 80NoneArdougneElite
Attempt to picklock the door to the basement of Yanille Agility dungeon. (You must have hands free, you also need to succeed)NoneThieving 821 lockpickArdougneElite
Take something from the Grand Gold Chest in the final room of Pyramid Plunder.Started Icthlari's Little HelperThieving 91You cannot boost Thieving to get into the level 91 room with the gold chest.DesertElite
Take something from a Dorgesh-Kaan rich chest.Death to the DorgeshuunThieving 78LockpickLumbridge & DraynorElite
Take something from the Rogue's chest.NoneThieving 84NoneWildernessElite
Steal from an elf.Mourning's End Part IThieving 85NoneWestern ProvincesElite
  • Woodcutting

TaskQuest(s) requiredSkill(s) requiredItems requiredDiaryDifficulty
Go to the Fremennik Province and chop and burn some oak logsNoneWoodcutting 15 Firemaking 15Any axe, tinderboxFremennikEasy
Go to Lumbridge; chop and burn some oak logs.NoneWoodcutting 15 Firemaking 15Any axe, tinderboxLumbridge & DraynorEasy
Chop some teak logs near Uzer.NoneWoodcutting 35Any axeDesertMedium
At Taverley, chop and burn some willow logs (you can burn willows just south along stream).NoneWoodcutting 30 Firemaking 30Any Woodcutting axe, tinderboxFaladorMedium
Cut through the vines to enter Brimhaven Dungeon more deeply.NoneWoodcutting 10Any woodcutting axe, 875KaramjaMedium
Climb the stairs in Brimhaven Dungeon.NoneWoodcutting 10

Any woodcutting axe, 875

Warning: Be careful of level 92 Greater demons at the top of the stairs.)

Earn 100% favor in the Tai Bwo Wannai Cleanup minigame.Jungle PotionWoodcutting 10Tai Bwo Wannai Cleanup itemsKaramjaMedium
Cut a log from a teak tree.Jungle PotionWoodcutting 35100 trading sticks (you can use it to enter Hardwood Grove), any Woodcutting axe or any machete, any woodcutting axe (you can use it to enter Kharazi Jungle)KaramjaMedium
Cut a log from a mahogany tree.Jungle PotionWoodcutting 50100 trading sticks (to enter Hardwood Grove), any machete or Woodcutting axe, any woodcutting axe (to enter Kharazi Jungle)KaramjaMedium
Chop mahogany logs north of the Farming Guild.NoneWoodcutting 50Any axeKourend & KebosMedium
Chop willow logs in Draynor Village.NoneWoodcutting 30Any axeLumbridge & DraynorMedium
Get some bark from a hollow tree.NoneWoodcutting 45ny Woodcutting axe (fairy ring accessible by code: alq)MorytaniaMedium
Chop and burn some teak logs on Ape Atoll.Monkey Madness IWoodcutting 35 Firemaking 35

Any axe, tinderbox

Tip: Barbarian firemaking will not count toward the task. Do not use a bow to burn the logs. If you have Woodcutting 50 Firemaking 50 chop and burn some mahogany logs nearby while you're here to complete a hard diary task.

Western ProvincesMedium
Chop some yew logs from an ent.NoneWoodcutting 61Stat boosts don't work; you need a rune axe or better. Just east of the corporeal Beast's lair is where you can kill an ent. Thus, it’s best to pack a charged games necklace. The Woodcutting Guild dungeon's ents cannot be killed in order to complete this task.WildernessMedium
Go to Neitiznot and craft a Fremennik shieldThe Fremennik IslesWoodcutting 56

1 rope, any axe, hammer, 1 bronze nail, 2 arctic pine logs

(You can buy an axe and hammer from Neitiznot.)

Around the Seer's Village, make a yew longbow from scratchNone

Woodcutting 60 Fletching 70

Crafting 10 (if crafting your own bowstring)

Any woodcutting axe, bow string, knife (one spawns south of Seer's Village bank)KandarinHard
Get 5 palm leaves.artial completion of Legend's Quest (Until you access Kharazi Jungle)Woodcutting 15

Any woodcutting axe, machete

Tip: You can pick up and drop the same palm leaf 5 times.

Slay a metal dragon in Brimhaven Dungeon.NoneWoodcutting 34 Agility 12Good combat stats and equipment, 875 or 5000 trading sticks, any woodcutting axe. Anti-dragon shield and antifire potion are recommended to negate all dragonfire damage.KaramjaHard
Enter the Woodcutting Guild.NoneWoodcutting 60NoneKourend & KebosHard
Take a waka canoe from Lumbridge to Edgeville.NoneWoodcutting 57Any axeLumbridge & DraynorHard
On Mos Le'Harmless, chop and burn some mahogany wood.Cabin FeverWoodcutting 50 Firemaking 50Any Woodcutting axe and tinderbox (you cannot use a bow). It is recommended to use a Witchwood icon while traversing the Mos Le'Harmless Cave along with any light source.MorytaniaHard
Make a Waka canoe near Edgeville.NoneWoodcutting 57Any woodcutting axeVarrockHard
Go at the top of the Varrock church and chop some yew logs in Varrock and burn them.NoneWoodcutting 60 Firemaking 60Any woodcutting axe, tinderbox. Barbarian firemaking does not work. You need to chop the yew tree next to the Varrock church, behind Varrock Palace. Use the church in the north-east corner of the city.VarrockHard
Gather two or more yew roots from Varrock Palace's tree patch. (If boosting, be sure to do it during the yew tree's excavation rather than during planting)NoneWoodcutting 60 Farming 68Yew sapling, (10 Cactus spines recommended), any woodcutting axe, spadeVarrockHard
Go to Ape Atoll and chop and burn some mahogany logs.Monkey Madness IWoodcutting 50 Firemaking 50Any Woodcutting axe, tinderboxWestern Provinces>Hard
When digging up your magic tree in Falador, find at least 3 magic roots at once.NoneWoodcutting 75 Farming 91Spade, Magic seed, any Woodcutting axeFaladorElite
Chop some redwood logs.NoneWoodcutting 90Any axeKourend & KebosElite
Go to the Mage Training Arena and chop some magic logs.NoneWoodcutting 75Any axeLumbridge & DraynorElite
Go to the Resource Area; cut and burn some magic logs in .NoneWoodcutting 75 Firemaking 75Any Woodcutting axe, tinderbox, 6000 coins if the Wilderness if you already did the medium diary, 3750 coins if you've done the wilderness hard diary (or else bring 7500). You cannot use a shortbow to light the magic log (Barbarian firemaking) to finish this task.WildernessElite
  • Quest Points

TaskQuest(s) requiredSkill(s) requiredItems requiredDiaryDifficulty
Visit the Legend's Guild's Totem pole to recharge some jewelry.Legend's QuestQuest Points 107 Quest points (for Legend's Quest)Either an uncharged skills necklace or combat braceletArdougneHard
Craft a Dragon sq shield in West Ardougne.Legend's Quest

Quest Points 107 Quest points (for Legend's Quest)

Smithing 60

Hammer, shield left half, shield right halfArdougneHard
Go to the Culinaromancers Chest and buy some Barrows gloves.Recipe for Disaster (full completion)Quest Points 175 Quest points (You will obtain 8 of them for freeing every character that is imprisoned, and you will obtain 79 of them only by finishing all necessary objectives).130,000Lumbridge & DraynorHard
At the summit of White Knight's Castle, perform a Quest Point Cape Emote or Cape of Accomplishment.None, or completed all questsQuest Points 303 Quest points or any Skills 99 SkillQuest point cape or Cape of Accomplishment (Cabbage cape or max cape will not work)FaladorElite
Go to the Wise Old Man's residence and perform the Quest point cape emote.All Quests

Quest Points 303 Quest points

See here.

Quest point capeLumbridge & DraynorElite

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