New Support Gems in PoE 2 Patch 0.2.0 Revealed

16.03.2025 - 17:33:18
Game Guides , Path of Exile 2

New Support Gems in PoE 2 Patch 0.2.0 Revealed

Ben Author
118 0

Did you know that there will be a bunch of new support gems that will be introduced in Path of Exile 2: Dawn of the Hunt? Yes, that's right! In the past couple of weeks, GGG has revealed a number of support gems, some of which are pretty awesome.

Today, we are going to go over the new support gems in PoE 2 Patch 0.2.0. We will explain what each of them does, as well as provide you with some tips on how to utilize them more effectively.

Given that we will talk about support gems in this article, it is important to note that you need to increase the sockets of your skills using Jeweller's Orbs. If you need to buy Perfect Jewellers Orbs, go to our PoE 2 Store today!

What Are Support Gems in PoE 2?

If Path of Exile 2: Dawn of the Hunt is the first time you will pick up the game, you probably do not have a clue what support gems are. Don't worry, we will explain it here!

Basically, support gems are things that you can insert into active skills so that you can amplify or enhance their effects. Fire Infusion, for example, is a support gem that allows non-fire skills to deal fire damage. Because of this, you can inflict Ignite, which is a fire-based elemental ailment in PoE 2.

Having said that, skills in Path of Exile 2 have a limited number of slots. Each skill starts with only a couple of open slots, which means that you can insert a couple of support gems. It is not until you use currency items called Jeweller's Orbs that you open the subsequent slots.

In total, each skill can have up to five open sockets. Hence, you use Lesser Jeweller's Orb for the third socket, Greater Jeweller's Orb for the fourth socket, and Perfect Jeweller's Orb for the fifth socket.

Here is what it looks like when a skill has all five sockets unlocked:

New Support Gems in PoE 0.2.0

Path of Exile 2: Dawn of the Hunt, otherwise known as Patch 0.2.0, will bring new support gems to the game. They are:

Volcanic Eruption

The first support gem we are going to talk about in this article is Volcanic Eruption. As the name implies, this supports melee "Strike" skills, which means that you can use it on Boneshatter, Mace Strike, Ice Strike, Tempest Flurry, and Flicker Strike, among others.

What it does is it causes those skills to trigger a volcanic eruption when they hit an ignited enemy. This means that you have to somehow inflict Ignite beforehand, which you can do with a fire-based skill, adding Fire Infusion as part of the skill's support gems, or by using Breach Rings with "Adds Fire Damage to Attacks."

Take note that this article was written before the patch notes for Path of Exile 2: Dawn of the Hunt has been revealed. This means that we do not know for sure how much damage Volcanic Eruption can deal when it is triggered. That is why it is still too early to tell if this support gem is good or not.

Regardless, it could make the least-played Strike Skills in PoE 2 more relevant. Perhaps it can give Whirling Assault and Staggering Palm a better chance of getting picked up? Only time will tell.


If there is one PoE 2 ascendancy class that can benefit really well from this next support gem, it would be the Infernalist. Commiserate is a support gem that provides an increased ailment magnitude, but only if its unique condition is met.

What is that condition, you ask? Well, besides inflicting a damaging ailment on the enemy, you have to be affected by the same ailment as well. Due to the lack of any diversity when it comes to self-inflicting ailments, you only have a couple of ascendancy nodes that only the Infernalist has access to.

The first is Grinning Immolation. This ascendancy node gives your spells a 30% more critical damage bonus at the cost of getting ignited. Grinning Immolation activates when you land a critical hit.

If you are playing a non-crit PoE 2 build, you can rely on the Infernalist's Pyromantic Pact instead. Taking this ascendancy node replaces your mana with a new resource known as Infernal Flame.

Every time you use a skill, you gain Infernal Flame. When the Infernal Flame reaches maximum, it resets to zero, and you'll lose life and energy shield as a result of taking fire damage. That fire damage you receive can actually inflict Ignite on you, in case you do not know. This then allows you to take advantage of the increased ailment magnitude of Commiserate.

Now, imagine a powerful Ignite on enemies while you use a fire-based skill like Fireball! You could effectively incinerate enemies shortly after using the aforementioned skills!

Although Commiserate applies to all damaging ailments, only Ignite can be self-inflicted in Path of Exile 2 at the time of writing. Maybe GGG will implement a mechanic that will allow you to be affected by bleeding or poison more consistently. Until then, pick the Infernalist if you intend to use Commiserate.


Warbringers are the least-played classes in Path of Exile 2. That is not because it is an incompetent ascendancy class by any means, but that just reflects the current state of the game, where there are better interactions that deal more damage than what the Warbringer can capitalize on.

You see, Warbringers are the ascendancy class to go for when it comes to maximizing Warcry Skills. Right now, there are only a couple you can use, such as Infernal Cry and Seismic Cry, with the latter only activating after a specific condition is met.

To somehow cause players to gain more interest in the Warbringer, GGG has created a new support gem called Battershout. This new PoE 2 Support Gem is linked to Infernal Cry to cause a physical damage explosion every time you use it near enemies with fully broken armor.

Now, that is a condition by itself that you have to satisfy before you can utilize Battershout. To break the enemy's armor, one common skill you can use is Mace Strike, which must be enhanced by a specific support gem called Splinter.

In addition, the Warbringer has minor ascendancy nodes that increase the chance for the enemy's armor to break. And, if those are not enough, you can allocate Anvil's Weight, which breaks more armor based on 10% of the hit damage of your skill.

Battershout synergizes really well with Warcaller's Bellow. This particular Warbringer ascendancy node causes nearby corpses to explode when you use a warcry skill, dealing physical damage to monsters in close proximity to the blast.

If you want to get the most out of Battershout, you need to have a significant amount of STR. Fortunately, you can purchase Breach Rings with STR and "all attributes" from our PoE 2 Store!


This next support gem is an odd one because it has the potential to be good, though we doubt how consistent and reliable it is in practice. Perfection is a new support gem in PoE 2 that grants a damage buff of the same name that lasts for six seconds. This buff stacks three times, granting 5% more damage for each one (for a total of 15%).

Despite the 15% more damage boost, Perfection can only be used on a few channeling skills, such as Perfect Strike, Snipe, and Gathering Storm. This means that you are only limited to a mace, bow, or quarterstaff, respectively, if you want to get a hold of that 15% more damage modifier. Unless there are new skills in PoE 2: Dawn of the Hunt that we do not know about, then you only have these three to lean on.

On top of that, you need to time those skills right in order to gain the Perfection damage buff, which is quite cumbersome to do if you are surrounded by a bunch of enemies ready to attack you at a moment's notice!

What's worse is that Perfection may not be the most ideal choice when fighting bosses. That is because you'd have to use those channeling skills perfectly for just a measly 15% more damage.

While it is easy to say that the Perfection support gem is dead on arrival, we believe that it still has some value. Maybe if GGG bumps that number up from 15% to 30%, then people will be happy to incorporate Perfection in their primary skills in a heartbeat!


Derange can support any skill in Path of Exile 2, but it is best utilized by builds that have a high amount of INT. The reason for this is that this support gem deals 8% non-ailment damage for every 100 points of Intelligence your character has.

Because of its potential to become too overpowered, GGG imposed a rather huge downside, where your skill gains an energy shield cost equal to the amount of INT that you have. This means that if your INT-stacking build has 1,000 Intelligence, you will have to spend the same amount of ES per cast of your primary skill as well.

Right off the bat, the Stormweaver is one ascendancy class we can think of that can greatly benefit from using Derange. That is because you often build a Stormweaver with high ES and Intelligence anyway.

If you want to utilize Derange on a budget, wear something like Atziri's Disdain to gain a considerable amount of energy shield. Ghostwrithe is also a good alternative, though only use this if you do not need any Spirit for Cast on Shock or other meta skills of your choosing.

Aside from that, Derange makes Grim Feast pretty much mandatory, especially if you have more than 600 INT. For those who are wondering, Grim Feast is a persistent buff in PoE 2 that spawns remnants that you can pick up. These remnants can recover a huge amount of energy shield, thus making it incredible for people who plan on utilizing Derange in Patch 0.2.0.


In Path of Exile 2, there are certain things that allow you to gain extra damage of a certain damage type. A good example of this is Lightning Infusion. When you insert this support gem into something like Mace Strike, the said skill can then deal lightning damage (which it wouldn't have been able to without it).

Having said that, Embitter essentially converts all modifiers that provide extra damage to extra cold damage instead. So, things like Fire Infusion and Lightning Infusion will deal cold damage if Embitter is used.

Honestly, Embitter is awesome when you think about it. What are the possible use cases for this thing, you ask? Embitter could breathe new life into the Acolyte of Chayula ascendancy class, especially when you allocate the "Reality Rending" ascendancy node.

Reality Rending allows you to gain up to 100% of damage with hits as extra chaos damage. If you'd like to have the ability to freeze enemies despite using non-cold damage abilities, Embitter can help you with that.

Additionally, you can utilize Embitter for a faster and smoother leveling process by wearing the Painter's Servant as well. These gloves, which you can equip as early as level 1, normally let you gain extra fire, cold, and lightning damage based on 10% of your elemental damage. With Embitter, you now have a much better chance of freezing enemies due to the higher extra cold damage you gain from wearing Painter's Servant!


The last support gem on this list is no slouch. In fact, we would argue that it has the potential to make certain skills that can inflict bleeding on enemies great with the right setup! Concoct is a new support gem in PoE 2 that consumes a hefty amount of flask charges to amplify bleeding significantly.

Let's say that your Life Flask has a total of 110 charges. When you cast a skill that is supported by Concoct, 20% of your Life Flask's charges is removed as a result. Since 20% of 110 is 22, you get about 44% more bleeding magnitude! You couple that with passive nodes that aggravate bleeding and you can deal 100% extra damage!

Now, because it always consumes 20% flask charges every time its supported skill is used, you might as well lean into that by adding Hourglass as well. Hourglass provides a "40% more damage" multiplier to a skill, though this support gem also adds 10 seconds to its cooldown timer.

That said, we believe Concoct is meant for Hammer of the Gods since it is the only ability in PoE 2 with a very long cooldown time of 24 seconds. Sure, putting Hourglass in would add 10 more seconds to that, but when you consider the heavily increased bleeding magnitude given by Concoct, then it is all worth it!

Final Thoughts

Some of the new support gems that will be added in Path of Exile 2: Dawn of the Hunt have the potential to shake the current meta up. Battershout is an interesting skill that can breathe new life into a least-played ascendancy class in the Warbringer.

Embitter can also do that for the Acolyte of Chayula, especially because the said Monk ascendancy class has access to Reality Rending. The whopping extra cold damage you gain from Embitter could open up new possibilities even if you are not using a cold-based skill!

Although the Infernalist is already a relatively popular ascendancy class right now, we believe that more players may try it out, particularly because of Commiserate's potential.

So, which of the new support gems in PoE 2 Patch 0.2.0 has caught your attention? We'd love to hear your opinions in the comments!

Just remember that you need to have certain PoE 2 Currency in order to insert more support gems into your skills. That is why we invite you to our PoE 2 Store and buy the Jeweller's Orb mega bundle at a discounted price!

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