How to Craft Every Item in Path of Exile

25.03.2024 - 03:18:15
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How to Craft Every Item in Path of Exile

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Crafting is an important part of Path of Exile. Whether you are starting out in a new league or you are well into the endgame, crafting items is something that you should be doing one way or another.

In this guide, we will provide you with everything there is to know about crafting; why it matters, and how you can craft popular items you see on the trade website yourself.

Why is Crafting Important?

Crafting items is vital in Path of Exile. Have you seen players on YouTube destroying any type of content in the game? Well, 99% of the builds have at least one crafted gear.

The reason why crafting is important is that the specific modifiers that make an item really good can only be acquired by doing it.

"Mirror-tier" equipment are items that have mods that are so good that players are willing to pay huge amounts of currency to obtain them. And do you know how they are made? Yes, through crafting!

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Crafting Basics

Before we teach you how to craft specific items, it is crucial that you learn the most commonly used terms so that it will be easier for you to catch on.


Otherwise known as "mods", modifiers are the stats, buffs, or skills that are granted by an item. There are several terms that you need to know about when it comes to mods: Implicit, Explicit, Prefix, and Suffix.

Implicit modifiers are those that you typically see just below the level and attribute requirements of an item. Most of the items in the game only have two implicit mods unless they are "synthesized", in which they can have up to three. These modifiers typically affect the item itself or other things like auras and skills. An item that does not have an implicit mod can have one if you "corrupt" it using a Vaal Orb or via the Locus of Corruption in the Temple of Atzoatl.


Explicit modifiers, on the other hand, are those that you see below the implicit modifiers. They are further divided into two, namely prefixes and suffixes (they're also collectively known as "affixes").


Implicit Modifiers (1), Explicit Modifiers (2)

Prefixes often provide you with flat or percentage stats, such as:

  • Flat Physical Damage
  • Flat Elemental Damage (fire/cold/lightning)
  • Flat Armor/Evasion/Energy shield
  • % Physical Damage
  • % Elemental Damage (fire/cold/lightning)
  • + to Maximum Life/Mana
  • % Increased Life/Mana
  • + to Gem Levels
  • + to Specific Type of Gems
  • + to Socketed Gems

Conversely, suffixes give you resistances, attributes, offensive/defensive stats, and regeneration, including:

  • Critical Strike Chance/Critical Strike Multiplier (attack/spell)
  • Attack Speed
  • Spell Suppression
  • Physical Damage Reduction
  • Elemental Resistance (fire/cold/lightning)
  • Chaos Resistance
  • Regenerate Life per Second
  • Life Regeneration
  • Recover Life/Mana/Energy Shield
  • Metacrafting
  • Increased Effect of Skills and Charges
  • Chance to Gain Endurance/Frenzy/Power Charges

Now, there are some mods that can only appear from "influenced gear". These are special types of base items that are acquired from certain bosses, including the Conquerors of the Atlas, Shaper, or Elder. You will know if it is an influenced item if it comes with unique graphical effects.

Item Rarities

There are three different rarities of items in Path of Exile. A normal item (denoted by white-colored text) does not contain any prefixes or suffixes, though they may have an implicit or two.


Normal Item

A magic item (denoted by blue-colored text) can have one prefix and one suffix. This can be achieved by using an Orb of Transmutation on a normal item.


Magic Item

A rare item (denoted by yellow-colored text) can roll up to six modifiers; three prefixes and three suffixes. There are various ways to obtain a rare item. You can use an Orb of Binding/Orb of Alchemy on a normal item or a Regal Orb on a magic item.


Rare Item

Most of the "mirror-tier" gear in Path of Exile are rare items that have the best affixes (prefixes and suffixes) on them.

Item Level and Tier

The item level is an important thing to look at because it not only lets you know the tier of mods that you can roll on a particular piece of gear, but also what modifiers can appear when crafting.

You see, each prefix and suffix on an item has multiple tiers, with Tier 1 being the best. Take the Triumphant Lamellar body armor, for example. It can get T1 "% Additional Physical Damage Reduction" if it has an item level of 86. If you try and craft on an ilvl 85 Triumphant Lamellar, you can only get up to Tier 2.


Mods Based on Item Level

As mentioned earlier, certain mods can only appear when the item you use as a crafting base has the appropriate item level. For instance, the Onyx Amulet can roll the prefix, "+1 to Level of All Skill Gems" if it has an item level of 75 or above. If the amulet has an ilvl of 74 or lower, you cannot get the said mod no matter what you do.


Mods That Can Appear Based on Item Level

Item Bases

Some modifiers can only be obtained if you use a certain type of item base (aka crafting base). Here is a brief rundown of the most common ones:


  • Armor-based (STR): Can roll high flat and percentage armor values
  • Evasion-based (DEX): Can roll flat/percentage evasion and spell suppression
  • Energy Shield-based (INT): Can roll high flat/percentage energy shield


  • Crusader: Items dropped or influenced by Baran
  • Hunter: Items dropped or influenced by Al-Hezmin
  • Redeemer: Items dropped or influenced by Veritania
  • Warlord: Items dropped or influenced by Drox
  • Shaper: Items dropped or influenced by the Shaper
  • Elder: Items dropped or influenced by the Elder

Item Quality

When you start crafting items, it is imperative that you increase its quality to 20%, or better yet, 30%. Why is that, you ask? Well, the higher the quality of the gear, the higher your chance of getting the desired mods and at the right tiers.

Now, there are multiple ways to increase the quality of the equipment you want to craft. If it is a piece of armor, use Armourer's Scraps. If you are going to craft a weapon, use Blacksmith's Whetstones. Take note that you can only increase the quality of an item to 20% when you are using Armourer's Scraps and Blacksmith Whetstones. If you really want to take things up a notch and improve it to 30%, you must use Perfect Fossils.

With the change implemented in Patch 3.24, Hillock from the Immortal Syndicate (Betrayal mechanic) can no longer provide +30% quality to weapons, armors, and flasks. You can still attain 30% quality for weapons/armors, but you have to use Perfect Fossils before you start rolling for your desired modifiers.

For flasks, you can now corrupt them using Vaal Orbs. Using this currency may result in -10% or +10% quality per use, so you may need to spend several to attain 30% quality.

What Are Fractured Items?

Fractured items are those that have a modifier that cannot be rerolled by any means. Whether you are using an Orb of Scouring, Chaos Orbs, or Essences, fractured mods will always stay on the item.

So, how do you get a fractured mod? Well, some items that are dropped by enemies may come with fractured mods already on them. Additionally, you can use a special type of currency called the "Fracturing Orb" to fracture a random modifier on an item that has at least four affixes.

Using a fractured item as a base gives you a much easier time getting all of the mods that you want.

What Are Synthesized Items?

Synthesized Items are highly sought after mainly because they can roll up to three different implicit modifiers. They are usually used as crafting bases for "mirror-tier" endgame gear.

These items can drop from certain Maven Invitations, various chests in Heists, and as a possible reward from a Ritual encounter in maps.


Synthesized Item (Modifiers in the red box are Synthesized Mods)

How to See the Mods on Gear

At any point in your crafting project, you must look at the mods on a piece of gear so that you will know how to proceed. Press the "Alt" key on the keyboard to see every tidbit of information about the equipment you are currently crafting.


Anatomy of an Item

Different Items Used in Crafting

  • Orb of Scouring

    • Removes all modifiers from an item
    • Turns magic/rare items into a normal one
  • Orb of Transmutation

    • Upgrades a normal item into a magic item

  • Orb of Alchemy/Orb of Binding

    • Upgrades a normal item into a rare item
    • Orb of Binding also adds four linked sockets
  • Orb of Alteration

    • Used to roll affixes on a magic item
    • Cost-effective way of getting the really rare modifiers
  • Chaos Orb

    • Rerolls the modifiers on a magic item
    • Not commonly used to reroll mods
    • Mainly used as currency to obtain certain modifiers from the Crafting Bench
  • Exalted Orb

    • Typically used to fill any open affixes
    • Also serves as currency to obtain certain modifiers from the Crafting Bench
  • Divine Orb

    • Changes the values of the modifiers that are on an item
    • Does not change the tier of the item when used
    • Used as currency to obtain "metacrafting" mods for advanced crafting
  • Orb of Annulment

    • Removes a random affix on an item
    • Can be used to "clean" a specific modifier, though this is quite risky
    • Has the potential to "brick" an item, forcing you to start over again
  • Veiled Orb

    • Formerly known as "Veiled Chaos Orb"
    • Removes a random modifier and adds a new veiled modifier in place
    • Works similarly to the Aisling veiled modifier in previous leagues
  • Eldritch Ichor

    • Used on a non-influenced item to add an "Eater of Worlds" implicit
  • Eldritch Ember

    • Used on a non-influenced item to add a "Searing Exarch" implicit
  • Eldritch Chaos Orb

    • Similar to Chaos Orb except it rerolls affixes based on the dominant implicit mod
    • If Searing Exarch is Dominant (or of a higher tier), then this currency rerolls prefixes
    • If Eater of Worlds is Dominant (or of a higher tier), then this currency rerolls suffixes
  • Eldritch Exalted Orb

    • Similar to Exalted Orb except it adds affixes based on the dominant implicit mod
    • If Searing Exarch is Dominant, add a prefix
    • If Eater of Worlds is Dominant, add a suffix
  • Eldritch Orb of Annulment

    • Similar to Orb of Annulment except it removes an affix based on the dominant implicit mod
    • If Searing Exarch is Dominant, remove a prefix
    • If Eater of Worlds is Dominant, remove a suffix
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What is the Crafting Bench?

The Crafting Bench lets you add a prefix or suffix to an item. This interactable object can be found on your hideout, which makes it very accessible.

If a certain crafting step tells you to "bench-craft" a particular mod, that means that you go to the Crafting Bench to do so.

What is the Harvest Bench

The Harvest Bench, also known as the Horticrafting Station, lets you avail of certain things that can help you get the mods that you want, such as:

  • Reforge: Can reroll modifiers on an item based on a specific tag
  • Augment: Adds a new modifier on an item based on a specific tag. However, it removes a random modifier as well. This can only be used on non-influenced gear.

What makes the Harvest Bench better than the Crafting Station in some aspects is that it allows you to acquire mods based on specific tags.

For example, the "+1 to Level of All Fire Skill Gems" is a prefix that has the elemental, fire, and gem tags. If you use the Harvest Bench's "Reroll Fire" option, you have a higher chance of obtaining the said mod than utilizing Chaos Orbs or Orbs of Alteration. That is because reforging guarantees a modifier based on the specific tag you have chosen in the Horticrafting Station (in this case, fire).

The tags can be seen on CraftofExile. Just input the specific item base you want to craft on using the search box and it will show you the mods that it can have.

The Harvest Bench can be found in the hideout as well.

What are Essences?

Aside from spamming Orb of Alteration, Essences are used to obtain highly desirable affixes as well. Essences are a type of currency in Path of Exile that are used mainly to force a specific modifier to appear. Each type of Essence has a tier (Whispering = lowest; Deafening = highest) followed by a suffix that tells you what mod is assured when used.

For example, Deafening Essence of Greed, when utilized on a body armor, guarantees that you acquire a life modifier each and every time.

Although Essences force a specific mod to appear on an item, they also reroll the other ones. That is why they are often spammed until you get all of the affixes you want on a piece of gear.


Basic Essences for Crafting

What are Fossils?

Fossils are another type of currency used for crafting. They are socketed into resonators that you can purchase from Niko at the entrance of the Azurite Mines or from other players on the trade website.

What makes Fossils amazing for crafting is that they not only increase your chances of obtaining certain types of modifiers, but they can block some mods from appearing as well.

The Jagged Fossil, for example, gives you more physical modifiers and no chaos modifiers each time you use it for crafting.

You can use up to four different Fossils at once. Choose the Fossils that you will use carefully for the best chance of obtaining the desired mods.

Whatever Fossil you choose for crafting, you always need to socket them inside items called Resonators. There are four different Resonators, such as:

  • Primitive Chaotic Resonator: 1 Socket
  • Potent Chaotic Resonator: 2 Sockets
  • Powerful Chaotic Resonator: 3 Sockets
  • Prime Chaotic Resonator: 4 Sockets

Fossils and Resonators

Advanced Crafting

Now that you know the basics, it is time to learn the more advanced methods of crafting. Don't worry, they are not as daunting as you think.


Metacrafting is a blanket term that refers to expensive modifiers called "Metamods" used in more advanced crafting methods. These mods can be found on the Crafting Bench and require Divine Orbs every time you add them on your gear. They are:

  • Prefixes Cannot Be Changed

    • Keeps prefixes that are already present on an item safe from being rerolled
    • However, this does not prevent certain crafting options from filling up open prefixes (ex.Reforging from the Harvest Bench)
    • Requires an open suffix
  • Suffixes Cannot Be Changed

    • Keeps suffixes that are already present on an item safe from being rerolled
    • However, this does not prevent certain crafting options from filling up open suffixes (ex.Reforging from the Harvest Bench)
    • Requires an open prefix
  • Can Have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers

    • Normally, you can only put one affix on an item using the Crafting Bench
    • But, with this metamod, you can put another affix of your choosing, so long as it is also from the Crafting Bench
    • Take note that this metamod takes up a suffix slot, which means that you can only have five other modifiers on an item
  • Cannot Roll Attack Modifiers

    • This metamod prevents crafting items/options from adding modifiers that have the "attack" tag
    • Often used to get "+1 to Level of Socketed Gems" on certain weapons
  • Cannot Roll Caster Modifiers

    • This metamod prevents crafting items/options from adding modifiers that have the "caster" tag

What Are Veiled Modifiers?

Items dropped by Immortal Syndicate members have special mods on them that look like indecipherable words. These are known as veiled modifiers. They are called as such because they do nothing unless you "unveil" them by talking to Jun, Veiled Master in your hideout.

In Patch 3.24, GGG has made a huge change where Aisling, one of the Immortal Syndicate members, will no longer add a veiled modifier to your item. Instead, that function has been moved to a new item called the Veiled Orb.

As you can tell, the Veiled Chaos Orbs in previous leagues are now turned into Veiled Orbs. Instead of being a world drop, these new orbs can only be acquired by defeating Catarina, so you still need to finish a full Betrayal run if you want to get your hands on it for free.

Having said that, adding veiled modifiers is typically done after putting "Prefixes/Suffixes Cannot Be Changed" from the Crafting Bench. This is to protect certain affixes from being re-rolled.

Now, when you unveil the item, you will be presented with three different modifiers. You can only choose one from the list, though there is a way to block unwanted mods from showing up, thus giving you a higher chance of getting the specific affix that you want.


An Example of a Veiled Modifier



Mod Choices After Unveiling

What is Mod Blocking?

After putting a veiled modifier on a piece of gear, you do not go to Jun immediately after. Instead, you head to your Crafting Bench and put a mod to prevent certain affixes from appearing during the unveiling process.

The mod that you add to the item should be something that has a higher weight. Refer to Craftofexile's "Veiled" section to know the weighting of the veiled modifiers that can potentially show up on an item.


Veiled Modifiers

How to Combine Influenced Gear

When you go shopping for endgame equipment, you will sometimes come across gear that contains two different influenced modifiers. This is only possible by using an Awakener's Orb.

The Awakener's Orb combines two different influenced items to form another item of the same class. The resulting piece of gear possesses two different influenced modifiers that were present in each of the original items. It is important to note that one of the items will be destroyed in the process.


Awakener's Orb

What Are Elevated Mods?

Elevated modifiers are influenced mods that are upgraded to a higher tier, giving you much better stats and effects. There are two items you can use to elevate mods depending on whether you want to improve an item's implicit or explicit modifiers.


Elevated Mod

If you are going to elevate explicit modifiers on an influenced item, you will use an Orb of Dominance. On the other hand, if you wish to improve the implicit modifiers (Searing Exarch/Eater of Worlds), use Orb of Conflict.


Orb of Dominance



Orb of Conflict

How to Craft Items

Congratulations! You have come this far, which means that you are now ready to begin crafting items in Path of Exile! This section is devoted entirely to giving you steps on how to craft certain pieces of gear. So, without further ado, let's get started!

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Onslaught Boots

There are some builds in Path of Exile that can gain great benefits from using a pair of boots that have the "Onslaught on Kill" mod. Here are the steps you need to follow to craft this beauty:

  1. Get Dragonscale Boots if your main defensive layer is armor/evasion or Sorcerer's Boots if you are Energy Shield-based
  2. Use your favorite Essences that guarantee a suffix mod. We recommend Essence of Envy (Chaos Resistance), Essence of Loathing (Ailment Immunity) or Essence of Rage/Sorrow/Spite (STR/DEX/INT). Spam the boots until you get spell suppression or other modifiers that you need for your build
  3. Once you are satisfied, go to the Crafting Bench and put "Suffixes Cannot Be Changed". Since the movement speed mods have a very high chance of appearing, you do not need to block any mods for this craft
  4. Talk to Jun and unveil. You are looking for "(25-30)% Increased Movement Speed, (13-16)% CHance to Gain Onslaught for 4 Seconds on Kill"
  5. Head to your Crafting Bench one last time and put "+ to Maximum Life"
  6. If you still have an open prefix, use an Exalted Orb
  7. For Eldritch currencies, use Eldritch Ichor for "% Chance to Avoid Ailments" and Eldritch Ember for "% Increased Action Speed"

Onslaught Boots

+2 AoE/Projectile Gloves

This pair of gloves is ideal for those who want to maximize their AoE/Projectile gems. If you want to learn how to craft them, follow these instructions to the tee:

  1. Get a good crafting base depending on your main defensive layer. Ideally, you want to use Dragonscale Gauntlets (armor/evasion) or Murder Mitts (evasion/energy shield) for some spell suppression, but the choice is really up to you
  2. Spam the gloves with Essence of Zeal (Attack Speed), Envy (Chaos Resistance, or Rage/Sorrow/Spite (STR/DEX/INT) until you get spell suppression and another suffix of your choosing
  3. Next, go to the Crafting Bench and add "uffixes Cannot Be Changed". then use a Veiled Chaos Orb
  4. Before you go ahead and unveil, add "(20-25)% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire/Cold/Lightning" from the Crafting Bench. You can only block one of these three from appearing during the unveil, but since they have the highest unveil percentage, blocking any of them is worth it
  5. After that, go to Jun and Unveil. Select "+2 to Level of Socketed AoE Gems, (8-10)% Increased Area of Effect" or "+2 to Level of Socketed Projectile Gems, Projectiles Pierce an Additional Target"
  6. Head to your crafting bench and put "+ to Maximum Life"
  7. For any unfilled prefix, use an Exalted Orb
  8. You can use Eldritch Ichors and Eldritch Embers depending on what your build needs

AoE Gloves

Tri-ele Bow

Are you playing Lightning Arrow or Ice Shot Deadeye? Then you might need a Tri-Ele Bow to take the build to the top! Here are the steps to crafting this awesome weapon:

  1. Get an ilvl 86+ Spine Bow for a chance to roll, "Bow Attacks Fire 2 Additional Arrows". If you have the currency, buy it already fractured on the weapon. Then, use a Regal Orb to turn it into a rare bow
  2. Next, use Deafening Essence of Wrath until you get T1 flat fire and cold damage
  3. Go to the Crafting Bench and put "Prefixes Cannot Be Changed"
  4. Next, head to the Harvest Bench and select "Augment Speed". You are aiming to get Tier 1 or Tier 2 "% Increased Attack Speed". This part of the process can roll projectile speed, so if this happens, go back to Step 3, use an Orb of Scouring, and then put "Prefixes Cannot Be Changed" again. Then, repeat this step.
  5. Once you have the attack speed mod, go to the Crafting Bench one last time and put "(20-24) to Strength and Intelligence, (21-25)% Increased Critical Strike Chance"
  6. If you do not have the 2-arrow mod fractured, you can use an Exalted Orb and just deal with whatever comes up
> how_to_craft_every_item_in_path_of_exile_img9

Tri-Ele Bow

Quiver (for Tri-Ele Bow)

To complement the tri-ele bow, you have to craft a quiver using Deafening Essence of Torment for that flat lightning damage to attacks. Here is how to do it:

  1. Get an ilvl 86 Broadhead Arrow Quiver (attack speed) or Feathered Arrow Quiver (projectile speed), whichever you prefer. Ideally, you want to obtain one with the mod, "Bow Attacks Fire an Additional Arrow" already fractured so that it will be easier for you to roll the other affixes
  2. Anyway, spam the quiver with Deafening Essence of Torment until you get T1 "Increased Damage with Bow Skills" and "+ to Maximum Life"
  3. Go to the Crafting Bench and put "Prefixes Cannot Be Changed"
  4. Then, head to the Horticrafting Station and use Harvest Reforge Critical to get T1 "% Increased Critical Strike Chance with Bows"
  5. If you have the additional arrow mod fractured, just put "% Increased Attack Speed" from the Crafting Bench and you're done!
  6. However, if you still have an open suffix, you can use an Exalted Orb to fill it up

Self-crafted Quiver (for Tri-Ele Bow)

Tri-Ele Bow (for Caustic Arrow)

The new Caustic Arrow of Poison transfigured gem is gaining in popularity lately because of its higher overall damage compared to the base version. Interestingly, you will use a tri-ele bow but with poison damage, poison chance, and chaos damage over time multiplier for this one. Here’s how to craft this weapon:

  1. Start by getting an ilvl 86+ Thicket Bow
  2. Spam it with Deafening Essence of Wrath until you get T1 flat fire and cold damage.
  3. Once you have all three, go to the Crafting Bench and put "Prefixes Cannot Be Changed".
  4. If the bow has suffixes, clean them up by using an Orb of Scouring. Be sure to put "Prefixes Cannot Be Changed" again after doing this
  5. Head to the Horticrafting Station and use "Augment Chaos" to obtain the mod, "(41-50)% Increased Damage with Poison, 30% Chance to Poison on Hit"
  6. Lock your prefixes again and put an Aisling veiled suffix. If this removes the poison mod, repeat steps 3 and 5
  7. Before you unveil, put "% Chance to Deal Double Damage" from the Crafting Bench, then head to Jun
  8. During the unveil, look for the mod, "(+24-28)% to Chaos Damage Over Time Multiplier"
  9. Go to the Crafting Bench one more time and put "(11-13)% Increased Attack Speed"

Tri-element Bow (Caustic Arrow of Poison)

Caustic Arrow of Poison Quiver

To complement the Tri-ele Caustic Arrow bow, you also need to equip a quiver specifically for Caustic Arrow of Poison. Here are the steps:

  1. Get a Broadhead Arrow Quiver with a fractured "+(24-26)% to Damage Over Time Multiplier with Attack Skills" mod, preferably ilvl 86 or higher
  2. Use a Regal Orb then spam Deafening Essence of Torment until you get T1 "% Increased Damage with Bow Skills" and T1-T3 life
  3. Go to the Crafting Bench and put "Prefixes Cannot Be Changed". If the bow has suffixes, use an Orb of Scouring then re-lock the prefixes
  4. Head to the Horticrafting Station and use Harvest Augment Speed until you get T1 "% Increased Attack Speed"
  5. Return to the Crafting Bench and add "+(151-220) to Accuracy Rating"

Quiver for Caustic Arrow of Poison

Chaos DoT Quiver

If you are playing builds like Scourge Arrow of Menace that deal chaos damage over time, then there is a specific quiver that you need to craft. Get yourself an ilvl 86+ Hunter-influenced Broadhead Arrow Quiver or Penetrating Arrow Quiver and then follow these instructions to the tee:

  1. Spam the quiver with Orb of Alteration until you get T1 “+% to Damage Over Time Multiplier with Attack Skills. If you want, you can imprint this using beastcrafting so that you can easily revert to this state if one of the subsequent steps fail
  2. Use a Regal Orb to turn the quiver into a rare item. Make sure that it is a prefix. If it results in a suffix, use an Orb of Annulment
  3. Put “Suffixes Cannot Be Changed” from the Crafting Bench and then use Harvest Reforge Chaos for a chance of obtaining the mod, “+% to Chaos Damage Over Time Multiplier with Attack Skills”
  4. Lock the suffixes and use an Orb of Scouring so that only the DoT mods are left
  5. Go to the Crafting Bench Again and put “Cannot Roll Attack Modifiers.” With this metamod, the only things you can get are life, movement speed, increased damage with bow skills, and piercing projectiles, which are all prefixes
  6. Use an Exalted Orb for a chance of getting a T1 or T2 of the aforementioned mods. Do them one by one and:
    1. If you are happy with the result, use an Exalted Orb again until you get the two other prefixes
    2. If you did not get the desired modifier, use an Orb of Annulment. If this removes the “Cannot Roll Attack Modifiers” metamod, just add it again
    3. Do this until you get all of the three prefixes
    4. You may occasionally get “Projectiles Pierce an Additional Target” and you can settle with that if you want. Otherwise, stick with the movement speed prefix. So in order of importance: life -> damage with bow skills -> movement speed/piercing projectiles
  7. Once you have all of the modifiers sorted out, simply bench-craft “% Increased Attack Speed” and you are done!



Chaos DoT Quiver

+5 Skill Chaos Gem Staff

Spell skill gems in Path of Exile scale really well the higher their gem levels are. Some builds like the Essence Drain Contagion Trickster or Bane Occultist can benefit greatly from a +5 Chaos gem staff. This is one of the most expensive weapons you can craft in the game, but follow our instructions to craft it in the most cost-effective way possible:

  1. Get an ilvl 84 Primordial Staff with a fractured "+2 to Level of All Spell Skill Gems" or "% Increased Spell Damage"
  2. Once you have acquired the base, use Aberrant, Scorched, and Frigid fossils until you get "+3 to Level of All Chaos Spell Skill Gems" and one of the mods mentioned above that is not fractured
  3. Then, lock the prefixes by putting "Prefixes Cannot Be Changed" from the Crafting Bench. After that, use Harvest "Reforge Chaos" until you get at least Tier 3 ";+% to Chaos Damage Over Time Multiplier" (the higher, the better)
  4. Go to the Crafting Bench one last time and put " Increased Chaos Damage"
  5. If you still have an open suffix at this point, use an Exalted Orb and just deal with whatever mod that shows up

+5 Skill Chaos Gem Staff

Physical Bow

Are you playing the Tornado Shot Deadeye and you want to deal as much damage as possible? Then you definitely need to get your hands on a good crafted Physical Bow. Follow these steps to glory:

  1. Get a "Bow Attacks Fire 2 Additional Arrows" mod on an ilvl 86+ Spine Bow. You can use a Fractured Orb and fracture it yourself,if you want. Use a Regal Orb to turn the bow into a rare one
  2. Next, spam Deafening Essence of Contempt until you get the three physical mods, preferably at Tier 1:

    1. Adds # to # Physical Damage
    2. (75-79)% Increased Physical Damage, +(175-200) to Accuracy Rating
    3. (170-179)% Increased Physical Damage
  3. After you have all three, put "Prefixes Cannot Be Changed" from the Crafting Bench
  4. Go to the Harvest Bench and use the "Augment Speed" option for a Tier 1 or Tier 2 "% Increased Attack Speed"
  5. For the finale, go back to the Crafting Bench and add "(20-24) to Strength and Intelligence, (21-25)% Increased Critical Strike Chance"

Physical Bow

The Blink Arrow of Bombarding Clones Necromancer is one of the most exciting minion builds in the game and for good reason. It deals incredible damage and can comfortably do any type of content in the game without any problem whatsoever! That said, if you are playing such a build and you want to craft the endgame bow, then follow these steps to a tee:

  1. Grab an ilvl 86+ Ivory Bow with a T1 fractured attack speed mod
  2. Spam the bow with Deafening Essence of Fear until you get T1 lightning damage
  3. Craft "Prefixes Cannot Be Changed" and then use Harvest Augment Critical until you get T1 or T2 "% Increased Critical Strike Chance"
  4. Once you have the crit suffix, put "Prefixes Cannot Be Changed" again, and then use a Veiled Orb. This part can be risky because you can potentially remove the crit suffix earlier. If this happens, redo step 3. The ideal result would be to get a veiled prefix without removing the crit mod
  5. When you have the veiled prefix, go to Jun and unveil "Attacks with This Weapon Penetrate 16% Elemental Resistances". Fortunately, this is guaranteed to appear
  6. Finish the craft by bench-crafting "10% Chance to Deal Double Damage"

Endgame Bow for Blink Arrow of Bombarding Clones

To complement the endgame weapon for the Blink Arrow of Bombarding Clones, you have to craft a good quiver as well. Here are the instructions:

  1. Obtain an ilvl 86+ Feathered Arrow Quiver, preferably with a T1 fractured crit strike multiplier with bows
  2. Spam the quiver with Deafening Essence of Torment until you get T1 life and damage with bow skills
  3. Craft "Prefixes Cannot Be Changed" and then use a Veiled Orb
  4. Before the unveiling, interact with the Crafting Bench again and put "3% Increased Attack and Cast Speed"
  5. Head to Jun and unveil. You are looking for the mod, "20% Increased Global Critical Strike Chance, 7% Chance to Gain a Frenzy Charge on Critical Strike"
  6. Go to the Crafting Bench one last time and replace the previously crafted mod with "12% Increased Attack Speed"

Endgame Quiver for Blink Arrow of Bombarding Clones

Learn to Craft the Best Items

Endgame Eventuality Rod (for Physical Damage Builds)

The Eventuality Rod is a commonly used weapon for physical damage builds in Path of Exile mainly because of its implicit modifier. If you are playing such builds, here are the steps to craft this endgame version of the weapon:

  1. Get an ilvl 85+ Eventuality Rod, preferably with the hybrid physical damage and accuracy rating prefix fractured
  2. Spam the weapon with Deafening Essence of Contempt until you get “% Increased Physical Damage”
  3. Once you have the trifecta of physical damage mods, go to the Crafting Bench and put “Prefixes Cannot Be Changed”
  4. Head to the Horticrafting Station and use Harvest Augment Speed to guarantee the “% Increased Attack Speed” suffix. Do this a number of times until you achieve T1 or T2 AS
  5. Lock the prefixes again; only this time, you will put an Aisling veiled modifier. This part of the crafting process is risky because it can potentially remove the attack speed modifier. However, this is a risk you have to take if you want to get your hands on a pretty good weapon that you can use in the endgame
  6. Once you have successfully added a veiled suffix without removing AS, go to the Crafting Bench and put “% Increased Damage per Power Charge”
  7. Go to Jun and unveil. You are looking for either the double damage mod or the one with critical strike multiplier when a rare or unique enemy is nearby
  8. To finish the project, bench-craft the suffix, “+24 to Strength and Intelligence, 25% Increased Critical Strike Chance”



Endgame Eventuality Rod for Physical Damage Builds

Endgame One-Handed Axe for Bleed Builds

Bleed builds have risen in popularity since the introduction of the new Transfigured Gems in Patch 3.23. If you are wondering how you can craft the perfect endgame weapon for such builds, read ahead. We just have to caution you though: crafting it requires a ton of currency. Anyway, here are the steps:

  1. Get an ilvl 83 Elder-influenced Reaver Axe. The weapon should be at this specific level to help you get the desired mods much easier. If you are wondering why we use the Reaver Axe as the crafting base, it has the highest base physical damage among its counterparts
  2. Spam the axe with Deafening Essence of Contempt or the combination of Jagged, Corroded, and Serrated Fossils until you get T1 of the following modifiers:
  1. Added Physical Damage
  2. % Increased Physical Damage
  3. +(51-59)% to Damage Over Time Multiplier for Bleeding from Hits with This Weapon
  4. (30-49)% Increased Physical Damage, Hits with This Weapon Have Culling Strike Against Bleeding Enemies


  • Craft "Prefixes Cannot Be Changed" and use a Veiled Orb. This is risky because you can potentially remove the culling strike mod by doing this. If this happens, you have to repeat step 2
  • If you have successfully added a veiled prefix without removing the culling strike suffix, bench-craft "Trigger a Socketed Spell When You Use a Skill, with an 8-Second Cooldown"
  • Head to Jun and unveil. You are looking for the mod, "(24-28)% to Physical Damage Over Time Multiplier". Remember, this has one of the lowest chances of appearing during the unveiling, so just manage your expectations. If this does not show up, choose whatever is on the list. If you are unhappy with the result, get an entirely new Reaver Axe and do the process all over again
  • Once you have all of the desired modifiers, go to the Crafting Bench and add "20% Increased Attack Speed"



Endgame One-Handed Axe for Bleed Builds

Damage Conversion Gloves (60% Gloves)

If you are playing builds that require 100% physical-to-elemental damage conversion, you will need at least a 60% conversion gloves depending on the element your character uses. Endgame Tornado Shot Deadeye builds, for example, require 60% cold conversion gloves to achieve the full 100% conversion (with the Cold Mastery allocated). If you are interested in crafting this pair of gloves, do these steps:

  1. Get an ilvl 85+ Dragonscale Gauntlets (Armor/Evasion) or Murder Mitts (Evasion/Energy Shield) depending on your build"s needs
  2. Use Deafening Essence of Zeal (Attack Speed), Loathing (Critical Strike Chance), Envy (Chaos Resistance), or Rage/Sorrow/Spite (STR/DEX/INT) until you get spell suppression and another desired suffix
  3. Put "Suffixes Cannot Be Changed" from the Crafting Bench and then add an Aisling veiled mod
  4. Interact with the Crafting Bench before heading to Jun and put "(20-25)% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire/Lightning Damage". Do this because the said mods have a high unveil percentage. Removing at least one of them from the list is a huge help to get the desired mod
  5. Talk to Jun and Unveil. You are looking for the mod, "(30-35)% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage"
  6. Go to the Crafting Bench and put "(37-43)% Increased Damage While Leeching" or "+ to Maximum Life", depending on your needs
  7. You're not done yet! Use one Grand Eldritch Ember and then spam Grand Eldritch Ichors until you get "20% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage". You want to elevate this a couple of times using Orb of Conflict until it reaches 30%. This part of the crafting process is heavily reliant on RNG, so you might need to use Orb of Conflict a number of times just to achieve the goal
  8. Once you have 30% cold damage conversion for the implicit, spam the gloves with Grand Eldritch Embers to acquire "Gain 1 Rage on Hit with Attacks, No More Than Once Every 1 Second" or "10% Increased Attack Speed". Phew, you are finally done!

Conversion Gloves

Elemental Ailment Immunity Chest

In Path of Exile, you want your character to be immune to elemental ailments like Chill, Shock, Freeze, and Ignite, especially if you are tackling the endgame content. One of the ways you can do that is by wearing body armor that provides 35% elemental avoidance. Here is how you can craft this particular body armor:

  1. Choose an ilvl 86 body armor that you’d like to use as a crafting base. We recommend Triumphant Lamellar for armor/evasion and Carnal Armour for Evasion/Energy Shield
  2. Use essences that guarantee a suffix until you get T1 spell suppression. Our recommendations include Essence of Envy (Chaos Resistance), Loathing, (Mana Reservation), and Rage/Sorrow/Spite (STR/DEX/INT)
  3. Go to the Crafting Bench and put “Suffixes Cannot Be Changed.” After that, use a Veiled Chaos Orb
  4. Before you go to Jun, put “% Chance to Block Attack Damage” from the Crafting Bench to block this and the spell block prefix from appearing during the unveiling
  5. Head to Jun and unveil. Search for the mod, “(30-35)% Chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments, (30-35)% Chance to Avoid Being Stunned
  6. Go back to the Crafting Bench and put “(5-6)% of Physical Damage from Hits Taken as Fire/Lightning Damage”
  7. If you still have an open prefix, use an Exalted Orb
  8. For Eldritch currencies, use them until you get the implicit modifiers that work best for your build

Now, the same process can also be followed when you want to craft body armor with the prefix, "(9-10)% Increased Maximum Life/Mana".


Elemental Ailment Immunity Body Armor

+2 Amulet

Righteous Fire, or those builds that use spells as their main abilities, can get great benefits from higher gem levels. For this reason, you want to equip a crafted amulet that has "+1 to Level of All Skill Gems" and another one that fits the damage type of your build. Here are the steps to craft this amulet:

  1. Choose any amulet as your crafting base with implicit modifiers that can benefit your build. We recommend Jade Amulet (DEX), Agate Amulet (STR/INT), Turquoise Amulet (DEX/INT), or Onyx Amulet (Attributes). Make sure that it has na item level of 84 or above
  2. Use an Orb of Scouring and Orb of Transmutation to turn the amulet into a magic item. Then, spam Orb of Alteration until you get "+1 to Level of All Skill Gems"
  3. After that, use a Regal Orb. Make sure that you do not get a suffix after using Regal. If there is a suffix, remove it using an Orb of Annulment. If the +1 gem level mod got annulled, start over
  4. With the rare amulet, go to the Crafting Bench and put these metamods in the following order:

    1. Can Have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers
    2. Prefixes Cannot Be Changed
    3. Cannot Roll Attack Modifiers
  5. Head to the Horticrafting Station and use the "Augment". option. Choose any damage type that fits your build. For instance, if you are playing the Righteous Fire Inquisitor, choose "Augment Fire". This part of the process guarantees the mod, "+1 to Level of All [damage type] Skill Gems"
  6. Go back to the Crafting Bench and select "Remove Crafted Mods"
  7. Put "Can Have up to 3 Modifiers" again and then add two mods that can benefit your build. For Righteous Fire builds, add the "(13-16)% Increased Fire Damage" suffix and "(10-12)% Increased Area of Effect","(14-16)% Increased Area Damage"; prefix
  8. The safest way to end this crafting project is to just use an Exalted Orb and call it a day
  9. If you want a more high-risk, high-reward mod, use a Conqueror's Exalted Orb of your choosing. Refer to Craft of Exile for more information about the influenced mods that can appear on the amulet, then use that specific Conqueror's Exalted Orb. Just remember that this is quite risky. However, if you are willing to challenge yourself, go for it!

Amulet with Hunter Exalted Orb

Strength-Stacking Helmet

If you are playing STR-Stacking builds like the Venom Gyre or Cyclone Berserker, you definitely want to include a helmet that can boost your damage significantly. This is a pretty complicated piece of gear to make, but bear with us as we go along the crafting process below:

  1. Get an item level 85+ Royal Burgonet or Blizzard Crown with a Warlord influence
  2. Use an Orb of Scouring and Orb of Transmutation to transform the helmet into a magic item. Then, spam Orb of Alteration until you get "Warcry Skills Have % Increased Area of Effect" OR "% of Physical Damage from Hits Taken as Fire Damage". Use a Regal Orb after that and make sure that the added mod is a suffix. If it rolls a prefix for some reason, use an Orb of Annulment
  3. Once the helmet has turned into a rare item, put "Prefixes Cannot Be Changed" and use Harvest Reforge Attack. You are hoping to obtain the mod, "Gain Accuracy Rating Equal to Your Strength". This particular mod is not guaranteed to appear when using this Harvest Bench option, which is why you will have to repeat Steps 2 and 3 until you get it
  4. Once you have the desired suffix, use an Orb of Dominance and hope that you elevate the accuracy mod in Step 3
  5. Head to the Crafting Bench and put "Suffixes Cannot Be Changed". Then go to the Horticrafting Station and use Harvest Reforge Critical. You can do this part of the process multiple times until you get the desired affixes
  6. If you still have an open prefix, put "+1 to Level of Socketed AoE Gems, (8-10)% Increased Area of Effect" from the Crafting Bench

Strength-Stacking Blizzard Crown

Strength-Stacking Amulet (Melee)

If you are playing a melee str-stacking build, then you want to equip as many items with STR on it as possible. One of those items is the amulet as you can roll "+ to All Attributes" as well as the STR stat itself. Here's how to craft this amulet:

  1. Purchase a synthesized amulet that has the implicit mod, "% Increased Strength". If that is out of your budget, you can opt for an Amber Amulet (STR), Agate Amulet (STR/INT), or Citrine Amulet (STR/DEX) instead
  2. Spam the amulet with Deafening Essence of Rage until you get T1 crit multiplier and "+ to All Attributes"
  3. Put "Suffixes Cannot Be Changed" and put an Aisling veiled prefix
  4. Head to the Crafting Bench and put "+(41-45) to Maximum Mana, Regenerate 25 Life Per Second" to block this particular mod from appearing during the unveil
  5. Head to Jun and Unveil. Hope that the mod, "(17-20)% Increased Melee Damage, +02 Metres to Melee Strike Range" appears on the list
  6. Go back to the Crafting Bench and add the mod, "(10-12)% Increased Area of Effect", "(14-16)% Increased Area Damage"
  7. For the last prefix, just use an Exalted Orb and live with the result

Strength-Stacking Amulet (Melee)

Armor-Stacking Helmet

There are some interesting builds that utilize certain mechanics in Path of Exile to a great extent. One of those builds are armor stackers. As the name implies, these are builds that stack as much armor as they can to improve damage and defenses. Crafting this helmet requires heavy investment, but that is to be expected given that “stacker” builds in PoE are essentially only viable during the endgame. With that said, here are the steps to craft the helmet:

  1. Before anything, the instructions here presupposes that you are not using a Synthesized Helmet. This is an important thing to note because it is pretty hard to deterministically force mods to appear without having one of them already fractured
  2. That being said, use Essence of Delirium on an item level 85+ Hubris Circlet to guarantee the mod, “+2 to Level of Socketed Aura Gems.” You’d want to fracture this particular mod to make it easier for you to craft the rest of the desired modifiers
  3. After fracturing the said mod with a Fracturing Orb, spam the Hubris Circlet with Faceted Fossils until you get “+1 to Level of Socketed Intelligence/Strength Gems”
  4. Make sure that you have an open prefix so that you can put “Suffixes Cannot Be Changes” from the Crafting Bench. After locking the suffixes, use a Veiled Chaos Orb. This crafting currency may put an unwanted mod, so if you do not want to take chances, you can put an Aisling veiled prefix instead
  5. Craft “+ to Maximum Life” from the Crafting Bench and unveil. You are looking for the mod, “+2 to Level of Socketed AoE Gems, 10% Increased Area of Effect”
  6. Bench-craft "+45 to Maximum Energy Shield"
  7. At this point, you still have an open prefix. You can fill it up using an Exalted Orb



Armor-stacking Helmet


The rings that you equip can help solve a lot of issues with your build. If you are struggling to cap your elemental or chaos resistances, you can get a ring as a crafting base and then just use the Harvest Bench's "Reforge" option.

Some of the popular crafting bases include Amethyst Ring (Chaos Resistance), Two-Stone Ring (Elemental Resistance), Vermillion Ring (Life), Iolite Ring (Chaos Damage), and Opal Ring (Elemental Damage). Make sure that they are at least ilvl 84 or above.

Spam the Harvest Bench's Reforge option until you get the desired mods.


Crafted Ring Using Harvest's "Reforge Chaos"

Minion Ring

Do you like to play minion builds in Path of Exile? If so, you may want to craft a very good Bone Ring that you can use well into the endgame. Go ahead and follow these steps:

  1. Secure an ilvl 85+ Bone Ring and use the combination of Bound and Shuddering Fossils until you get minion life, minion attack speed, minion damage, and another suffix. So basically, you are aiming for three suffixes and one prefix
  2. Put "Suffixes Cannot Be Changed" and use a Veiled Orb. This can be tricky, so if you do not want to risk it, just craft life and use an Exalted Orb to fill the last prefix
  3. When you have successfully added a veiled prefix without removing the minion damage mod, bench-craft "+ to Maximum Mana"
  4. Head to Jun and unveil. Look for the prefix, "+60 to Maximum Life, Regenerate 5.3 Mana per Second"
  5. To finish the ring, go to the Crafting Bench and put "+ to Maximum Energy Shield"

Minion Ring

Endgame Ring for Cold Damage Builds

Playing cold damage builds like the Icicle Mine Deadeye? If so, you should craft a good ring that you can use well into the endgame. This can be a bit tricky to craft but it is definitely worth it. Read further to learn how to craft the ring:

To start, get a couple of ilvl 82+ Opal Rings (Warlord- and Redeemer-influenced)

On the Warlord-influenced Opal Ring:

  1. Spam the ring with Orb of Alteration until you get "+% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier"
  2. Use a Regal Orb to turn the magic Opal Ring into a rare one
  3. Set aside for now

On the Redeemer-influenced Opal Ring:

  1. Use Harvest Reforge Caster until you get "Curse Enemies with Frostbite on Hit"
  2. Once you have acquired the desired modifiers, combine the two influenced rings by using an Awakener's Orb. Doing this will also add other affixes to the resulting ring
  3. Make sure that there is an open prefix so that you can craft "Suffixes Cannot Be Changed". You have to use an Orb of Annulment to achieve this if all of the affixes are already filled after using the Awakener's Orb. If you have removed any of the influenced modifiers, you will have to do the craft all over again
  4. Anyway, after locking your suffixes, use Harvest Reforge Cold for a chance to obtain the Redeemer-influenced prefix "Adds # to # Cold Damage Against Chilled or Frozen Enemies". This is a bit rare when crafted this way, so you may have to lock the suffixes numerous times to get this prefix
  5. When you are done and there is an open prefix, bench-craft "Non-Channeling Skills Have -7 to Total Mana Cost"

Endgame Ring for Cold Damage Builds

RF Helmet (Endgame)

Righteous Fire builds are always going to be popular in PoE. While you can use the "Reforge Fire" option from the Harvest Bench to get a decent helmet, you'd want to use Essence of Horror to guarantee the "30% Elemental Damage" mod. Here are the steps to crafting the endgame helmet for Righteous Fire builds:

  1. Get an item level 82 Elder-influenced helmet, preferably Royal Burgonet or Praetor Crown as bases
  2. Spam the helmet with Essence of Horror until you get "Socketed Gems Are Supported by Level 18/20 Burning Damage, % Increased Burning Damage
  3. Head to the Crafting Bench and put "Can Have Up to 3 Crafted Modifiers"
  4. After that, add "+ to Armour" from the Crafting Bench as well. This gives you a higher chance of getting the desired mod, though it is still heavily reliant on RNG
  5. Use an Exalted Orb and hope that you get the mod, "Socketed Gems Are Supported By Level 20 Concentrated Effect, (23-25)% Increased Area Damage"
  6. When you have the said mod, go to your Crafting Bench and remove all crafted modifiers. Then, put "+1 to level of Socketed AoE Gems, (8-10)% Increased Area of Effect"
  7. Since you already have the mods that you need at this point, just use an Exalted Orb to fill the remaining suffix

RF Helmet

RF Sceptre (Endgame)

The endgame Sceptre for Righteous Fire builds are a bit tricky to craft because some of the mods have very different tags. The best option is to get an ilvl 82 Opal Sceptre and fracture the "+1 to Level of All Spell Skill Gems" mod using a Fracturing Orb. Such a crafting base is quite expensive when purchased on the trade website, but if you have the PoE Currency, then you can go for this route as well. Once you have the weapon, do the following:

  1. Use a Regal Orb to turn the sceptre into a rare weapon. Make sure that the resulting mod is not a suffix. Otherwise, remove it with an Orb of Annulment
  2. Head to the Crafting Bench and put these mods in the exact order:
    1. Can Have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers
    2. Prefixes Cannot Be Changed
    3. Cannot Roll Attack Modifiers
  3. After that, go to the Horticrafting Station and use “Harvest Augment Fire” until you get the “+1 to Level of All Fire Spell Skill Gems” mod. You may have to repeat this part multiple times to get the desired modifier
  4. Go back to the Crafting Bench and remove all crafted modifiers. Then, put the multimod again and put “(51-60)% Increased Fire Damage, (18-20)% Chance to Ignite” and “+(18-20)% to Fire Damage Over Time Multiplier”
  5. Since you still have an open suffix, the only realistic option at this point is to use the Exalted Orb to fill it up. You cannot use a Warlord Exalted Orb for this one since the +1 to gem mod has been fractured. Besides that, an Aisling mod is a no-go because you can end up losing the desired prefixes. So, you just have to deal with any suffix that comes up when using a regular Exalted Orb



Endgame RF Sceptre

Alternating Sceptre for Explosive Trap Builds

Explosive Trap is a spell skill gem in Path of Exile, which means that it gets great benefits from higher gem levels. That said, the endgame weapon for the build is a self-crafted sceptre with physical spell and spell skill gem mods on it along with other good modifiers. Although it is a bit expensive to craft this thing yourself, it really pays off given the value the weapon provides.

  1. Get an ilvl 82 Alternating Sceptre
  2. Spam it with Deafening Essence of Woe until you get both “+1 to Level of All Spell Skill Gems” and “+1 to Level of All Physical Spell Skill Gems.” Remember, this may require you to spam the weapon more than 300 times depending on how lucky you, so be prepared to save a ton of currency before going ahead with this
  3. When you have all of the modifiers mentioned above, put “Prefixes Cannot Be Changed” and use Harvest Augment Critical to get “+% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier”
  4. Lock your prefixes again and put an Aisling veiled modifier. If this step removes the crit mod, repeat step 3
  5. Before you unveil, go to the Crafting Bench and put “% Chance to Deal Double Damage.” Head to Jun and unveil. You are looking for the mod “Trigger a Socketed Spell on Using a Skill, with a 4-second Cooldown, Spells Triggered This Way Have 150% More Cost.” If you are not using the self-chill variant of the Explosive Trap build, you can go for “+40% Critical Strike Multiplier While a Rare or Unique Enemy is Nearby” suffix instead
  6. At this point, you still have an open suffix. Use a Redeemer Exalted Orb to fill it up. All of the suffixes that can be acquired from doing this are actually pretty good, though “Hated Has % Increased Aura Effect” is definitely S-Tier



Endgame Sceptre for Explosive Trap Builds (Self-Chill)

STR-Stacking Helmet

There are some builds that shine when you stack as much strength as you can. Our very own Ultimate Cyclone Berserker guide utilizes a strength-stacking helmet that really makes the build shine. Now, the crafting process for this helmet is quite exhaustive, but bear with us as we tell you all the secrets.

You will need two ilvl 85 Royal Burgonets - one with a Hunter influence and another with Warlord. Let's start with the Hunter-influenced helmet first.

Hunter-influenced Helmet:

  1. Use a Regal Orb and spam the helmet with Aberrant Fossils until you get "Nearby Enemies Have -9% to Chaos Resistance" along with another Hunter-influenced mod
  2. After that, use an Orb of Dominance and hope that the -chaos resistance mod is elevated. If not, spam the helmet with Aberrant Fossils again and repeat the process
  3. Once you have the suffix, "Nearby Enemies Have -12% to Chaos Resistance", set it aside for now

Warlord-influenced Helmet

  1. Use a Regal Orb and then use Harvest Reforge Attack until you get the mod, "Gain Accuracy Rating Equal to Your Strength" along with another Warlord-influenced modifier
  2. Next, use an Orb of Dominance to elevate the accuracy mod. When successful, it should turn into "1% Increased Critical Strike Chance per 10 Strength, Gain Accuracy Rating Equal to Your Strength"

When you have all of the influenced mods ready, use an Awakener's Orb to combine them. Now, this part of the process will create random mods as well. You can just use the Crafting Bench and Exalted Orbs to fill the remaining affixes if you want to. However, you can take things a step further by doing the following:

  1. Make sure that there is at least one open prefix so you can put "Suffixes Cannot Be Changed". If there is none, you can gamble by using an Orb of Annulment but this is a risky procedure that may remove any of the influenced mods
  2. Once your suffixes are locked, put an Aisling veiled prefix
  3. Head to the Crafting Bench and put "(11-12) Additional Physical Damage Reduction While Focused" to block it from appearing
  4. Talk to Jun and unveil. Look for the mod, "+2 to Level of Socketed AoE Gems", "(8-10)% Increased Area of Effect"
  5. Go to the Crafting Bench one last time and put "+70 to Maximum Life"
  6. If you still have an open prefix, use an Exalted Orb

STR-Stacking Helmet

Minion Helmet (with Hypothermia)

Are you planning to play Elemental SRS Guardian or any minion builds in Path of Exile? If so, you need to craft a great helmet with the Hypothermia mod on it for maximum damage. Interested in crafting this helmet? Then, let’s go!

  1. Obtain a Shaper- and Elder-influenced Bone Helmet with an item level of 84 from the trade website
  2. You will engage in Fossil Crafting because this method gives you the best chance of acquiring the affixes that you need. The specific Fossils you are going to use for this project are Bound, Frigid, and Deft
  3. Spam the helmet with the combination of Fossils mentioned above until you get these:

    1. Socketed Gems Are Supported by Level 16/18/20 Hypothermia, (13-16)% Increased Effect of Cold Ailments
    2. Socketed Gems Are Supported by Level 16/18/20 Minion Damage, Minions Deal (19-22)% Increased Damage
    3. +2 to Level of All Minion Skill Gems
    4. Socketed Spells Have +% to Critical Strike Chance
  4. After that, go to the Crafting Bench and add any mod that you want. Alternatively, you can use an Exalted Orb and deal with whatever affix shows up

Minion Helmet

Endgame Helmet for Explosive Trap Builds

Do you like to use Explosive Trap as your main skill? If so, you want to elevate its damage by equipping a helmet that is fit for the endgame. But, how exactly do you craft it? Let us preface this by saying that there is no easy way to craft the helmet. However, this does not mean that it is impossible; you just have to make sure that you have enough currency to initiate the craft. Follow these steps if you want to craft it yourself:

  1. Get an ilvl 86+ Shaper- and Elder-influenced Hubris Circlet
  2. Do Fossil Crafting using Dense, Faceted, Frigid, and Pristine Fossils. Spam this combination of fossils on the helmet until you get the Concentrated Effect, Trap and Mine Damage, and Hypothermia mods
  3. This part is where it gets tricky. Add “Suffixes Cannot Be Changed” on the Crafting Bench and put an Aisling Veiled Modifier. The Concentrated Effect mod could be replaced with the veiled modifier, so you may have to repeat Step 2 and try again
  4. Once you have the veiled mod without removing the Concentrated Effect modifier, go to Jun and unveil. You are looking for the mod “+2 to Level of Socketed AoE Gems, (8-10)% Increased Area of Effect”
  5. If you still have an open affix slots, you can add any mod that you need using the Crafting Bench


Now, you could go for the elevated version of the helmet, but since there is no deterministic way of getting all of the mods, we do not feel comfortable recommending it. If you still want to do it yourself, you’d have to separately elevate the Concentrated Effect mod and Trap/Mine Damage mods by rolling these on the separate Elder-influenced and Shaper-influenced helmets and combining them with an Awakener’s Orb. 



Endgame Helmet for Explosive Trap Builds

Endgame Helmet for Detonate Dead Builds

Detonate Dead is one of the most fun and enjoyable spell skill gems in Path of Exile right now. The reason why it is popular is that it deals huge amounts of damage even on a low budget. However, you can certainly improve it by crafting the endgame helmet. Now, the process is lengthy, but rest assured that it will all be worth it in the end! Before anything, get yourself two ilvl 85+ Blizzard Crowns; one must have a Warlord influence and the other should have a Redeemer influence.


On the Warlord-influenced Blizzard Crown:

  1. Use the Orb of Alteration spamming method of crafting until you get the mod “Nearby Enemies Have -9% to Fire Resistance”
  2. Use a Regal Orb to turn the helmet into a rare one
  3. Put “Suffixes Cannot Be Changed” from the Crafting Bench
  4. Head to the Horticrafting Station and use the Harvest Reforge Critical option to guarantee the mod “+% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier”
  5. Use Orb of Dominance and hope that the fire resistance mod gets elevated. If this fails and the other influenced modifier got elevated, you have to repeat the entire process again
  6. Once you have successfully elevated the desired mod, set the helmet aside for now


On the Redeemer-influenced Blizzard Crown:

  1. Spam the helmet with Orb of Alteration until you get “% Increased Mana Reservation of Skills”
  2. Use a Regal Orb to turn the Blizzard Crown into a rare item
  3. Put “Suffixes Cannot Be Changed” from the Crafting Bench
  4. Use Harvest Reforge Physical from the Horticrafting Station to acquire the mod “% of Physical Damage from Hits Taken as Cold Damage”
  5. Just like in the previous helmet, use an Orb of Dominance and hope that you elevate the mana reservation efficiency mod


When you have all of the elevated modifiers, use an Awakener’s Orb to combine the two. Now, the helmet will roll a bunch of different modifiers in addition to the elevated mods, so just use the Crafting Bench and Exalted Orb to fill up the remaining affixes.



Endgame Helmet for Detonate Dead Builds

Endgame Oscillating Sceptre for Detonate Dead builds

The Oscillating Sceptre is a good crafting base because of its Elemental Overload implicit modifier. If you play Detonate Dead builds and you want to elevate the damage of your build to new heights, then be sure to craft this endgame weapon. Here is how:

  1. Grab an ilvl 82+ Oscillating Sceptre and increase its quality to 30%
  2. Spam it with Deafening Essence of Misery (Cast Speed) until you get “+% to Damage Over Time Multiplier
  3. Use an Orb of Annulment to remove the other modifiers, leaving behind the two desired mods mentioned above. If one of the mods got removed, spam the sceptre with Essences again
  4. Go to the Crafting Bench and put “Can Have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers followed by “60% Increased Fire Damage, 20% Chance to Ignite” and “Gain 8% of Fire Damage as Extra Chaos Damage”
  5. At this point, you still have an open prefix, so just use an Exalted Orb to fill it up



Endgame Oscillating Sceptre for Detonate Dead Builds

Double-Influenced Explodey Armor

Some builds in PoE can greatly benefit from “explodey” chests. These are body armors that grant players the ability to cause monsters they kill to explode, dealing AoE damage to nearby monsters in the process. Crafting this is actually easy, but it does require investment due to the metamods and the body armors that will be used.


Start by getting a couple of ilvl 86+ body armors. In this example, we are going to use the Triumphant Lamellar because it provides armor and evasion, which is perfect for melee builds. One of these body armors should have a Crusader influence and the other with a Hunter influence.


On the Hunter-influenced Body Armor:

  1. Go to the Horticrafting Station and use Harvest Reforge Caster to guarantee the mod, “You Can Apply an Additional Curse”
  2. Set the armor aside for now


On the Crusader-influenced Body Armor:

  1. This is a bit tricky because the desired modifier has a very slim chance of appearing. Nevertheless, use Harvest Reforge Physical until you get the mod, “Enemies You Kill Have a (21-30)% Chance to Explode, Dealing a Tenth of Their Maximum Life as Physical Damage”
  2. After you get the desired mod, put “Prefixes Cannot Be Changed” from the Crafting Bench and use Harvest Reforge Critical to get “15% Chance to Gain Power Charge on Critical Strike”
  3. With two-influenced modifiers on the chest, use an Orb of Dominance and hope that the explodey mod gets elevated. If not, you’d have to start all over again
  4. After successfully elevating the explodey mod, use an Awakener’s Orb to merge the two influenced body armors


To Finish the Craft:

  1. There are a couple of ways to proceed from here. The cheapest way to finish the project is to bench-craft any mod that you need and then use Exalted Orbs to fill the rest of the affixes
  2. If you want to get a better modifier, you can put “Prefixes Cannot Be Changed” from the Crafting Bench and then use Harvest Reforge Critical. Repeat this process until you obtain the mod, “Attacks Have +(1.1-1.5)% to Critical Strike Chance”
  3. Alternatively, you can use Harvest Reforge Fire/Cold/Lightning/Chaos if you need some resistances
  4. Bench-craft a mod and use Exalted Orbs until you fill the rest of the affixes



Double-influenced “Explodey” Body Armor

Double-influenced Mana Cost Critical Strike Chance Body Armor (for Cyclone Builds)

Cyclone is one of the most commonly used attack skills in PoE. It is sometimes utilized as a primary skill, while it is occasionally used to activate other gems via Cast While Channelling Support (CwC) or whatnot. Anyway, one of the common body armors you see endgame Cyclone builds use is a double-influenced Astral Plate with the mana cost and critical strike chance modifiers. If you are interested in crafting this, do read further.


To start, get yourself two ilvl 85+ Astral Plates – one with a Warlord influence and the other with a Hunter influence.


On the Warlord-influenced Astral Plate

  1. Use the Orb of Alteration method of crafting until you get the mod “Socketed Attacks Have -15 to Total Mana Cost.” Use a Regal Orb to turn the body armor into a rare item
  2. Put “Suffixes Cannot Be Changed” from the Crafting Bench and then use Harvest Reforge Physical to get another Warlord modifier. You might have to do this a number of times until you get the second influenced mod
  3. Use an Orb of Dominance and hope that the mana cost modifier is elevated. If you fail this step, you have to do it all over again
  4. Once you are successful, set the body armor side for now


On the Hunter-influenced Astral Plate:

  1. Do the Orb of Alteration method of crafting again. Only this time, you are looking for the mod “Attacks Have +% to Critical Strike Chance.” Use a Regal Orb after obtaining the said modifier
  2. Put “Suffixes Cannot Be Changed” from the Crafting Bench and then use Harvest Reforge Caster to get another Hunter-influenced modifier
  3. Use an Orb of Dominance to elevate the crit mod
  4. After that is successful, grab the Warlord-influenced Astral Plate and then use an Awakener’s Orb to merge them together


You are not done just yet! Follow these instructions to finish the craft:

  1. Once you have combined the two influenced body armors, lock the suffixes again and use Harvest Reforge Caster to guarantee the prefix, “You Can Apply an Additional Curse”
  2. Go to the Crafting Bench and add “+ to Maximum Life”
  3. If you still have open slots, use Exalted Orbs to fill them up



Double-influenced Mana Cost Critical Strike Chance Body Armor (for Cyclone Builds)

Spark Gloves (8-Mod)

The Spark Inquisitor is a staple in Path of Exile mainly because it can scale its damage pretty well the more currency you invest into the build. The endgame Spark Gloves has several juicy modifiers that make this piece of gear stand out. Take note that if you are to craft this pair of gloves yourself, it will require a ton of currency to do so. Anyway, if that doesn’t deter you, here are the steps you need to follow in order to craft the 8-mod Spark Gloves:

  1. Get an item level 84 Shaper- and Elder-influenced Fingerless Silk Gloves. You can combine this pair of gloves yourself by getting one with a Shaper influence and another with an Elder influence. Use an Awakener's Orb to merge them together
  2. Next, spam the gloves with Essence of Horror until you get "Socketed Gems are Supported By Level 20 Faster Casting, (13-14)% Increased Cast Speed", followed by another influenced modifier
  3. Use an Orb of Dominance to elevate the faster casting mod to Level 25
  4. Once that is done, go to your Crafting Bench and put "Suffixes Cannot Be Changed"
  5. Head to the Horticrafting Station and use the "Reforge Caster" option to guarantee "Socketed Spells Have +% to Critical Strike Multiplier". Aim for Tier 1 of this suffix. If you do not get T1, repeat step 4 and try again
  6. Now that your suffixes are sorted out, it is time to turn your attention to the prefixes. Put "Suffixes Cannot Be Changed" again from the Crafting Bench
  7. Go to the Horticrafting Station and use the "Reforge Speed" option to get "Socketed Gems Are Supported By Level 18/20 Faster Projectiles, % Increased Projectile Speed". Be careful because you might run into an issue where all of the prefixes will be filled. If that is the case, use an Orb of Annulment and hope that only the prefixes that you don't need are annulled. However, if any of the mods that you need are removed, you have to start all over again. You just need one open prefix to put "Suffixes Cannot Be Changed" from the Crafting Bench
  8. At this point, you will put an Aisling veiled mod, so finish a full run of Betrayal with Aisling as the Captain of Research. This part of the process may remove the faster projectiles mod or the suffix metamod, so hope that the veiled mod eliminates the latter
  9. Now that you have the Aisling veiled mod, go to the Crafting Bench and put "(20-25)% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage". That is because the said modifier has the highest unveil percentage, so you want to block that from appearing during the unveiling process
  10. Go to Jun and unveil. You are looking for the mod, "+2 to Level of Socketed Projectile Gems, Projectiles Pierce an Additional Target". Keep in mind that there is a chance that this mod will not appear during the unveil. If that happens, you have to YOLO annul a prefix, making sure that the faster projectiles mod is not removed. So long as you have an open prefix, put "Suffixes Cannot Be Changed" again and repeat step 8
  11. To finish the craft, go to the Crafting Bench and put "28% Increased Damage During Any Flask Effect"

Spark Gloves

Onslaught-Tailwind-Elusive Boots (Double-Influenced)

Although not as popular as they once were, the double-influenced boots with the Onslaught,Tailwind, and Elusive mods are still quite viable. They are typically used in builds that require a lot of speed to perform well. Anyway, here are the steps to crafting these boots:

Get two pairs of boots; one with a Redeemer influenced and another with a Hunter influence.

On the Redeemer-influenced Boots:

  1. Use an Orb of Scouring and Orb of Transmutation to turn the boots into a magic (blue) item. Then, spam it with Orb of Alteration until you get "% Chance to Gain Onslaught for 4 Seconds on Kill". After that, use a Regal Orb to turn the boots into a pair of rare (yellow) boots
  2. Put "Suffixes Cannot Be Changed" from the Crafting Bench and then use Harvest Reforge Cold to get another influenced modifier
  3. Use an Orb of Dominance to elevate the Onslaught mod. Set the boots aside from now

On the Hunter-influenced Boots:

  1. Using the same method as above, spam the Hunter-influenced boots with Orb of Alteration until you get the mod, "You Have Tailwind if You Have Dealt a Critical Strike Recently". After that, use a Regal Orb
  2. Put "Suffixes Cannot Be Changed" from the Crafting Bench and then use Harvest Reforge Chaos to get another influenced modifier
  3. Use an Orb of Dominance and hope that the Tailwind mod gets elevated

After you get the elevated Onslaught and Tailwind mods, use an Awakener's Orb to combine the two. Then, proceed to the next steps:

  1. Go to the Crafting Bench and put "Suffixes Cannot Be Changed"
  2. Next, go to the Horticrafting Station and select Harvest Reforge Critical to get the Elusive mod. If the prefixes are not fully populated, head to the Crafting Bench again and put "Suffixes Cannot Be Changed". However, if all of the prefix slots are filled, use an Orb of Annulment and hope that it doesn't remove any of the influenced modifiers. Otherwise, you'll have to start all over again!
  3. After that, put an Aisling veiled modifier. This step is tricky because it can remove the Elusive mod. Just hope that it will not happen
  4. When the metamod "Suffixes Cannot Be Changed" has been replaced with the veiled modifier, head to Jun and unveil. Look for either "(25-30)% Increased Movement Speed, 100% Chance to Avoid Being Chilled" OR "(25-30)% Increased Movement Speed", "(10-12)% Increased Movement Speed if You Haven't Been Hit Recently";

Self-crafted Boots (Double-influenced)

2-Target Strike Skill Spiked Gloves

If you use melee skills like Boneshatter or Flicker Strike, you can greatly improve your damage output by crafting a double-influenced Spiked Gloves with the 2-target mod. Follow these steps to craft this yourself:

Get two pairs of Spiked Gloves (Hunter- and Warlord-influenced)

On the Hunter-influenced Spiked Gloves

  1. Use an Orb of Scouring and Orb of Transmutation to turn the gloves into a magic item. Then, spam Orb of Alteration until you get "Non-Vaal Strike Skills Target 1 Additional Nearby Enemy". Then, use a Regal Orb
  2. Put "Prefixes Cannot Be Changed" from the Crafting Bench and use Harvest Reforge Chaos to get another influenced modifier
  3. Use an Orb of Dominance for a chance to elevate the strike skill mod. When successful, set the gloves aside for now

On the Warlord-influenced Spiked Gloves

  1. Following the same method above, spam Orb of Alteration until you get "% Increased Melee Damage"
  2. Put Prefixes Cannot Be Changed from the Crafting Bench and Use Harvest Reforge Attack to get another influenced modifier
  3. Use an Orb of Dominance to elevate the melee damage mod

If you have successfully elevated the two desired modifiers, use an Awakener's Orb to combine the gloves. Now, if there is an open prefix, put "28% Increased Damage During Any Flask Effect" from the Crafting Bench. Otherwise, use the Crafting Bench or Exalted Orb to fill the open slots, if there are any.


2-Target Strike Skills Spiked Gloves

Endgame 2-Hand Axe (for Boneshatter)

Boneshatter is another popular build in Path of Exile. The build utilizes a crafted 2-handed Despot Axe with all of the physical modifiers for maximum damage. If you are using a Boneshatter build, then go ahead and craft the endgame axe! Follow these instructions:

  1. Get an item level 85 Despot Axe without any fractured mod
  2. Spam the weapon with Deafening Essence of Contempt until you get the Tier 1 or Tier 2 "% Increased Physical Damage, + to Accuracy Rating" AND "+ to Accuracy Rating"
  3. Go to the Crafting Bench and put "Prefixes Cannot Be Changed", and then add an Aisling veiled mod
  4. Make sure that the veiled mod is a prefix. Otherwise, put "Prefixes Cannot Be Changed" again and then use an Orb of Scouring. Once that is done, repeat Step 3
  5. Talk to Jun to unveil. You are looking for any "% Physical Damage" mod, preferably one with impale
  6. Once you have all of the physical damage mods, go to the Crafting Bench again and put "Prefixes Cannot Be Changed"
  7. Then, use the "Augment Speed" option from the Harvest Bench. Aim to achieve Tier 1 "% Increased Attack Speed" for best results
  8. After that, head to your Crafting Bench one last time and put "(8-10)% Chance to Deal Double Damage"
  9. For the last suffix, you will use a Warlord Exalted Orb for a chance to obtain "(23-26)% Increased Attack Speed if You've Killed Recently" OR "(14-16)% Increased Physical Damage, 15% Chance to Maim on Hit"

2-Handed Axe

+2 Endgame Wand (Pyroclast Mine/Fire Spells)

Spells in PoE deal huge amounts of damage when they are at high gem levels. That said, if you are playing builds that utilize fire spell skill gems like the Pyroclast Mine Saboteur, then you should craft a wand that is best suited for them. Here’s how:

  1. Get an ilvl 82 Prophecy Wand with a fractured "+1 to Level of All Spell Skill Gems"mod
  2. Spam it with Deafening Essence of Woe (spell damage) until you get "+1 to Level of All Fire Spell Skill Gems"
  3. Go to the Crafting Bench and put "Prefixes Cannot Be Changed"
  4. Head to the Harvest Bench and select "Augment Critical" until you get T1 crit strike multiplier
  5. Head to the Crafting Bench and lock prefixes again
  6. Put an Aisling veiled mod and hope that it removes only the "Prefixes Cannot Be Changed" metamod. Otherwise, you have to repeat steps 4 and 5
  7. When you have the veiled suffix, go to the Crafting Bench and put "Trigger a Socketed Spell on Using a Skill, with an 8-second Cooldown, Spells Triggered this way have 150% more Cost"
  8. Go to Jun and unveil. Look for the mod that says, "(36-40)% Critical Strike Multiplier While a Rare or Unique Enemy is Nearby". If it doesn't appear, repeat step 4
  9. Once you have the veiled crit mod, interact with the Crafting Bench one last time and add "+(20-24) to Strength and Intelligence, (21-25)% Increased Critical Strike Chance"

+2 Endgame Wand (Fire Spells)

Chaos Claw (For Venom Gyre)

Venom Gyre builds are extremely fun to play as they are able to destroy anything thanks to high chaos damage and fast attack speed. One of the things that you will need for such builds to work is a self-crafted claw that has all of the good stuff that can benefit the build. Follow these instructions if you want to craft this claw:

  1. Get a fractured Imperial Claw with a T1 Critical Strike Multiplier or T1 Attack Speed
  2. Spam Deafening Essence of Woe until you get flat chaos damage. Make sure that you have an open prefix so that you can put a veiled modifier on there
  3. That said, go to the Crafting Bench and put "Prefixes Cannot Be Changed", and then use a Veiled Chaos Orb. You are looking for the mod, "Attacks with This Weapon Penetrate (14-16)% Chaos Resistance"
  4. After that, go to the Crafting Bench again and put "Prefixes Cannot Be Changed"
  5. Head to the Horticrafting Station and use Harvest Augment Critical/Speed until you get a Tier 1 mod that is the opposite of what you have fractured. For example, if you have a fractured crit multiplier on the claw, use "Augment Speed"
  6. To finish the craft, go to the Crafting Bench one last time and add "+(20-24) to Strength and Intelligence", "(21-25)% Increased Critical Strike Chance"

Venom Gyre Claw

Spell Shields

If you are playing a build that uses a spell skill gem for the main spell and you have opted to equip a wand and a shield, you can take things a step further by crafting a spell shield that has a +1 gem mod. You can craft this by doing the following:

  1. Get an item level 85 spell shield, preferably Harmonic Spirit Shield or Titanium Spirit Shield
  2. Then, use the "Reforge" option from the Harvest Bench depending on the main damage type of your build. For instance, if you play the Essence Drain Contagion Trickster, you can use "Reforge Chaos" until you get "+1 to Level of All Chaos Spell Skill Gems" along with other useful mods, such as:

    1. +(16-25) to Maximum Energy Shield, +(20-22) to Maximum Mana
    2. + to Maximum Life
    3. Chance to Block Attack/Spell Damage
    4. Chaos Resistance
    5. Fire/Cold/Lightning Resistance
  3. You can add other useful mods using the Crafting Bench depending on your needs. Some of our recommendations are:

    1. + to Maximum Life
    2. + to Maximum Energy Shield
    3. % Increased Energy Shield
    4. % Additional Physical Damage Reduction
    5. % Increased Cast Speed
    6. Attributes
    7. Chaos Resistance
    8. Fire/Cold/Lightning Resistance

Crafted Spirit Shield (Reforge Chaos)

Large Cluster Jewels

Crafting Large Cluster Jewels with the notable passive skills that you want will test your knowledge about crafting tags. This bit is mentioned in the "Harvest Bench" section of the guide.

Let's take the notable passives: Martial Prowess, Feed the Fury, and Fuel the Fight, for this example. When you search for Large Cluster Jewels on Craft of Exile, what do these notable passives have in common? Well, they all have the "Attack" tag, which means that you will use the "Reforge Attack" option from the Harvest Bench. This should provide you with the best chances of obtaining all three without spending a lot of currency.

Always look at the crafting tags of the notable passive skills that you want to have on your Large Cluster Jewel. This knowledge will aid you in getting the desired results in the fastest and cheapest way possible.

Medium Cluster Jewels

Crafting tags are also essential for creating your own Medium Cluster Jewel. Since bow builds are quite popular right now in PoE, let's take Streamlined and Repeater as our notable passive skills of choice.

If you look at their tags on Craft of Exile, you will find that both of them have the "Speed" tag, but only the "Repeater" notable passive skill has other tags. Since Repeater has the "Caster" tag, you can use the "Reforge Caster" option from the Harvest Bench until you get Streamlined.

The reason why "Reforge Caster" is useful in this scenario is that no other mods with the"Caster" tag are present in a projectile damage-based Medium Cluster Jewel. Use this type of thinking whenever you are crafting your cluster jewels to achieve the results that you want.


Crafting in Path of Exile is something that you have to do at some point. This is especially true if we are talking about endgame gear. While crafting is indeed daunting, it only takes the right knowledge to get things done.

Hopefully, this article has helped you create the endgame items that you need for your build. Happy crafting, Exile!

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