Golden God Relic Review - OSRS Raging Echoes Leagues 5

13.11.2024 - 12:46:21
Game Guides , OSRS Guides , OSRS Money Making , OSRS Skills & Skilling , Runescape

Golden God Relic Review - OSRS Raging Echoes Leagues 5

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Golden God relic is all about having infinite money on OSRS. If you would like to have infinite OSRS gold in the main game you can check out our store!

Golden God Relic


Jagex just dropped a really interesting relic for the upcoming Raging Echoes League. It is called the Golden God relic and boy it is good. This relic is a better version of the Fire Sale relic from the previous Trailblazer League. "How is it better?" you might ask well let's take a deep dive into this relic and see!

Relic Powers


Upon picking this relic you will gain the following benefits:

  • You will be able to cast low and high level alchemy regardless of your Magic level without the need of any runes.
  • The items you alch will yield 15% more gold and you will also gain a 65% chance of not consuming the item you alch.
  • If you have a stack of items, for example, 500 noted rune platelegs, the spell will automatically be recast until that stack is depleted or moved.
  • You will be able to note any items you buy (given they are notable) from shops. There will be a toggle button for this.
  • Well, if you think that this is pretty useless after getting enough money, you are wrong. With this relic, you will be able to offer money to any church altar to gain Prayer experience. The coins required for each action will be 20K and you will gain the Prayer xp equivalent of a regular dragon bone. This Prayer experience do take advantage of the xp modifiers of gilded altars. Tithing intensifies!



As we mentioned before this is a much better version of the Fire Sale relic. First of all you are still gaining every benefit the Fire Sale had. You effectively have infinite money and you can buy items from shops in noted form. On top of this huge benefit you will be able to train your Magic and Prayer. The only disadvantage this relic can have is it has a slow early start compared to the Fire Sale but as you rake up more and more money it surpasses it. Let me elaborate a little further on this:

  • First, let's talk about Magic training. Historically in Leagues training magic was a bit slow unless you had opted into the Magic combat relic. With this Relic, you can passively level up your Magic without paying any attention, which is a huge plus.
  • Secondly the Prayer training. Again historically in Leagues if you did not select Wilderness or Fremennik (both for XP multiplier altars) you did not have any good method of training your Prayer so the players did the most reasonable method which is farming soul wars or pest control points to gain massive amounts of Prayer experience. This is just our speculation but I think Jagex will massively nerf or remove this method from the upcoming Raging Echoes league. This makes this Golden God relic pretty effective no matter which regions you pick. Since in the late game, you will have access to more money than you can ever use, plus you can alch and offer coins to the altar at the same time, making both Magic and Prayer completely AFK.

If I were to make an educated guess, I would say that this relic will probably be a tier 2 relic, if not tier 3. Simply because if you put this relic later on it loses much of its effectiveness. If they actually make this relic a tier 2-3 this can significantly change the way you play the game, just like Fire Sale did, let's take a look at some tables and calculations to see where you can abuse this relic!

Becoming a Golden God - Infinite Money Tactics


So let's break the math behind this relic, if you combine the fact that you gain 15% more gold from items and you have a 65% chance of not destroying the item you effectively make 3.286x the gold of that item's regular high alch value.

Buy Cheap Runescape Gold and Items

In general, you can turn any item you buy from a shop into 197% of its purchase price.

Here are the early game shops that you can abuse:

ShopItemSell PriceNet ProfitAverage Profit Per Hour
Scavvo's Rune Store (Located in Misthalin)Rune platelegs/skirt64K62,17126,112,000
Slayer Equipment Shop (Located in Misthalin)Mirror shield5K4,8572,040,000
Irksol (Located in Misthalin in Zanaris)Ruby ring1,0122,9801,251,660
Horvik's Armor Shop (Located in Misthalin Varrock)Steel platebody2K1,943816K
Louie's Armoured Legs Bazaar (Located in Al-Kharid)Mithril platelegs2,6002,5261,060,800
Gulluck and Sons (Located in Kandarin)Mithril 2h sword2,6002,5261,060,800

You can also do stuff like buying gems from gem stalls cutting them and alching them all at the same time pretty much, since the alchemy spell will not interrupt other actions that you are doing. If you are doing this method you can expect to make 196K profit from sapphires, 393K profit from emeralds and 786K profit from rubies in an hour while also getting Magic and crafting experience.

Late Game - Best GP/H Shops

ShopItemSell PriceNet ProfitAverage Profit Per Hour
Stonecutter supplies (Located in both Varlamore and Fremennik)Condensed gold10,400,0005,371,4292,256,000,000
Myths' Guild Armory (Requires both Kandarin and Fremennik)Dragon metal shard1,800,000565,714237,600,000
Heroes' Guild shop (Located in Asgarnia)Dragon battleaxe200,000194,28681,600,000
Quartermaster's Stores (Located in Tirannwn)Dragon halberd325,000167,85770,500,000
Magic Guild store (Located in Kandarin)Mystic robe top120,000116,57148,960,000
Jukat (Located in Misthalin)Dragon longsword100,00097,14340,800,000
Seddu's Adventurer's Store (Located in the Desert)Rune plateskirt60,80065,37127,456,000
Garden Center (Located in Zeah)Bagged magic tree50,00048,57120,400,000

If you pick Varlamore or Fremennik as your region you can expect to make up to 2B per hour and that money is equivalent to 112,800 Dragon bones so, infinite prayer experience.

Hope you found this guide useful, we will be making guides covering everything you need to know about Leagues as we get more and more information. Do check out our blog to keep up to date with everything related to Leagues!

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