Diablo 4: Guide to Crafting Materials

02.08.2023 - 11:56:00
Diablo 4 , Game Guides , Gameplay Guides , Items

Diablo 4: Guide to Crafting Materials

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Diablo 4's crafting system is simple. There are vendors throughout the world and if you bring the right herbs, ores, and other materials to them, they can help you create gears, potions, and more. While the crafting system is pretty straightforward, the challenge lies in finding the materials of course.

This guide will help you scour every nook and cranny of Sanctuary a lot easier. Whether it's herbs or ore you're looking for, this guide is the one for you.

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These are quite probably the most essential materials you can find in Diablo 4. You can take plants to an alchemist to create a variety of elixirs that give you bonus XP, as well as other stat bonuses. Perhaps most importantly, plants are used to help you improve the potency of the potions you carry around. You'll have access to the alchemist once you reach level 10.

The best way to stock up on these is simply by exploring the world. If you're on your first playthrough and you've yet to unlock your mount, there's a good chance that you can get a lot of these plants simply by exploring.

Crafting MaterialUsed ForWhere To Get
  • Greater Healing Potion
  • Major Healing Potion
  • Superior Healing Potion
Available nearly everywhere as interactive plants but is a rare drop.
  • Minor Healing Potion
  • Light Healing Potion
  • Major Healing Potion
  • Weak Iron Barb Elixir
  • Weak Elixir of Cold Resistance
Found in Fractured Peaks as a common drop in interactive plants.
  • Greater Healing Potion
  • Major Healing Potion
  • Superior Healing Potion
  • Weak Elixir of Shadow Resistance
Found in Hawezar as a common drop in interactive plants.
Fiend RosePotions
  • Major Healing Potion
  • Superior Healing Potion
Found during Helltide events whether in the environment or from slain enemies.
  • Tiny Healing Potion
  • Minor Healing Potion
  • Light Healing Potion
  • Moderate Healing Potion
  • Strong Healing Potion
  • Weak Iron Barb Elixir
  • Weak Third Eye Elixir
  • Weak Elixir of Cold Resistance
  • Weak Elixir of Fire Resistance
  • Weak Elixir of Lightning Resistance
  • Weak Elixir of Poison Resistance
  • Weak Elixir of Shadow Resistance
  • Weak Assault Elixir
  • Weak Crushing Elixir
Available nearly everywhere as interactive plants as a common drop.
Howler MossPotions
  • Moderate Healing Potion
  • Major Healing Potion
  • Superior Healing Potion
  • Weak Third Eye Elixir
  • Weak Elixir of Poison Resistance
  • Weak Crushing Elixir
Found in Scosglen as a common drop in interactive plants.
  • Greater Healing Potion
  • Major Healing Potion
  • Weak Elixir of Fire Resistance
  • Weak Assault Elixir
Found in Kehjistan as a common drop in interactive plants.
  • Strong Healing Potion
  • Greater Healing Potion
  • Weak Elixir of Lightning Resistance
Found in Dry Steppes as a common drop in interactive plants.

Aside from these, you can also get plants from herb caches that are rewarded through events and quests. If you're planning on maxing out your potions as soon as you can, here are the materials that you need to prepare beforehand.

Level requiredType of PotionMaterials and Gold Required
Level 1Weak Healing PotionN/A
Level 10Tiny Healing Potion
  • Gallowvine x2
Level 20Minor Healing Potion
  • Gallowvine x15
  • Biteberry x5
  • Gold x400
Level 30Light Healing Potion
  • Gallowvine x20
  • Biteberry x10
  • Crushed Beast Bones x5
  • Gold x470
Level 45Moderate Healing Potion
  • Gallowvine x20
  • Howler Moss x12
  • Demon's Heart x5
  • Gold x900
Level 60Strong Healing Potion
  • Gallowvine x27
  • Reddamine x15
  • Paletongue x5
  • Gold x1,700
Level 70Greater Healing Potion
  • Blightshade x36
  • Lifesbane x18
  • Grave Dust x5
  • Angel Breath x5
  • Gold x2,500
Level 80Major Healing Potion
  • Angelbreath x10
  • Reddamine x27
  • Biteberry x27
  • Blightshade x27
  • Lifesbane x27
  • Howler Moss x27
  • Fiend Rose x5
  • Gold x5,000
Level 90Superior Healing Potion
  • Soul x10
  • Angelbreath x20
  • Fiend Rose x10
  • Grave Dust x20
  • Blightshade x36
  • Demon's Heart x20
  • Howler Moss x36
  • Gold x12,500


Upon reaching level 10 you unlock the blacksmith vendor, which is the vendor that will help you upgrade, repair, and salvage your gear from here on out. Ores are used as a means to upgrade your equipment and gear. 

There are numerous ore veins that you can find around Sanctuary. Interact with them to get more ore, which you'll then use for your equipment.

Iron ChunkAvailable nearly everywhere as interactive ore veins.
Silver OreAvailable nearly everywhere as interactive ore veins.
Scattered PrismDrops from Treasure Goblins and World Bosses.

Scattered Prisms are used to help you add sockets to your gear. If you want to make your Legendary gear even better, then you need to have a ton of Scattered Prism in your inventory. Unfortunately, the ways of getting them aren't as simple as the other ores.

One way to find them is by finding Treasure Goblins on the map. These are rare enemies that shouldn't pose any threat to you. In fact, the only hard thing about them is actually locating them.

The other way to get Scattered Prisms is by defeating World Bosses. The three world bosses in Diablo 4 right now are Ashava, Avarice, and Wandering Death. They will only appear on your map once you beat the main campaign.


Skins are also crucial for upgrading gear. The key difference is that they're used exclusively for pieces of armor. Getting them is simple but the sources for skins aren't as abundant as other resources in the game.

Crafting MaterialLocation
RawhideObtained from the various wildlife and beasts in Sanctuary.
Superior LeatherObtained from the various wildlife and beasts in Sanctuary.

One of the best sources of Superior Leather early in the game is in Scosglen. The area is filled with Goatmen enemies which can drop both Rawhide and Superior Leather. Since Act 2 sees you exploring this area, that will be a great opportunity to farm both resources.

Alternatively, you can farm dungeons that are filled with beast-type enemies. Two such dungeons are Raethwind Wilds and Feras' Den. Both are in Scosglen too. Give these dungeons a run but if you want to save time, don't fight the last boss and just reset the dungeon.

Monster Parts

Like plants, monster parts are mainly used for alchemy and potion purposes. The main difference is that to find monster parts, you'll need to fight and kill certain enemies in the game. Luckily, they're all basic enemies to slay.

Crafting MaterialLocationBest Farming Spot
Demon's HeartFound by slaying demon-type enemies.Focus on demon-infested areas like in Kehjistan.
Crushed Beast BonesFound by slaying beasts, animals, and werecreatures.Best farmed in the Highlands Wilds area near Under the Far Goose Inn Waypoint. From the waypoint, take the west route and look for spiders and bears that can drop the item.
GravedustFound by slaying skeletal enemies, as well as interacting with corpses and skeletons around the world.Look for graveyards in Sanctuary. Also great to farm inside dungeons.
PaletongueFound by slaying humanoid-type enemies.Walk around Dry Steppes and Hawezar. Both areas contain a lot of humanoid-type enemies.

Salvage Parts

Once you start upgrading your gear, you're going to need salvage parts as well. As the name suggests, you can get most salvage parts by salvaging other items.

If you have any excess or unused gear, your choices with it are either to sell it or to just throw it away. As much as possible, salvage all of the unused gear that you have even in the early game. Earning gold is relatively easy as you progress through the story so there's no point in selling it.

Salvaging Legendary, Sacred, and Ancestral items might seem wasteful but keep in mind that you're going to get better gear in the long run. As such, you could use more salvage materials instead. If you really like the Aspect of a certain gear, just extract it instead of salvaging the gear for parts.

Crafting MaterialUseSource
Abstruse SigilRare crafting material used for improving legendary jewelry.Acquired by salvaging Legendary-rarity Jewelry.
Baleful FragmentRare crafting material that is used for upgrading Legendary gear.Acquired by salvaging Legendary-rarity weapons.
Coiling WardRare crafting material that is used for upgrading Legendary gear.Acquired by salvaging Legendary-rarity armors.
Forgotten SoulRare crafting material that is used to upgrade Sacred and Ancestral-rarity gear.Can drop during Helltide Events.
Sigil PowderRare Crafting Material that is used for creating Nightmare Sigils.Acquired by salvaging Nightmare Sigils of any tier.
Veiled CrystalRare crafting material that is used in the Occultist for Legendary Aspects and Imprinting.Acquire by salvaging gear with Rare rarity and above.

Of all these materials, the hardest to find arguably are Sigil Powders.These are used to create Nightmare Sigils which are in turn used to access Nightmare Dungeons. You can get Sigil Powders by salvaging Nightmare Sigils of any level. The problem is that Nightmare Sigils themselves are hard to come by.

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Start Farming Those Crafting Materials

Aside from salvage parts, you're bound to get most of the crafting materials above simply by playing through the game and exploring Sanctuary. These won't seem important during the early stages of Diablo 4 but once you hit the endgame, you'll find that there's actually a lot of use for these crafting materials.

Now that you know where you can find these crafting materials, start farming away!

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