Diablo 4 Store Abbreviations, All Mechanics

16.07.2023 - 12:53:24
Diablo 4 , Game Guides , Gameplay Guides

Diablo 4 Store Abbreviations, All Mechanics

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To understand Rpgstash's Diablo 4 Rare Item selection, firstly let's go through every single item affix which can appear on an item, and match them to their Rpgstash Store abbreviation:

AffixShort Store Name
All StatsAS
Attack SpeedIAS
Attack Speed for 4 seconds after Dodging an AttackIAS / Dodge
Barrier GenerationBG
Basic Skill Attack SpeedBS IAS
Basic Skill DamageBS DMG
Berserking DurationBers Dur
Blood Orb HealingBO Heal
Blood Skill DamageBlood DMG
Bone Skill DamageBone DMG
Brawling Skill DamageBrawl DMG
Cold DamageCold DMG
Cold ResistanceCR
Companion Skill DamageCom DMG
Control Impaired DurationCI Dur
Control Impaired Duration ReductionCI DR
Cooldown ReductionCDR
Core Skill DamageCore DMG
Cracking Energy DamageCrack DMG
Critical Strike ChanceCSC
Critical Strike Chance Against Injured EnemiesCSC vs inj
Critical Strike DamageCS DMG
Critical Strike Damage with Bone SkillsBone CS DMG
Critical Strike Damage with Earth SkillsEarth CS DMG
Critical Strike Damage with Imbued SkillsImbue CS DMG
Critical Strike Damage with Werewolf SkillsWolf CS DMG
Crowd Control DurationCCD
Cutthroat Skill DamageCT DMG
Damage for 4 seconds After Killing an EliteElite Kill DMG
Damage for 4 Seconds After Picking Up a Blood OrbBlood Orb DMG
Damage for 4 Seconds Ater Dodging an AttackDodge DMG
Damage Over TimeDOT
Damage ReductionDR
Damage Reduction from Affected By Shadow Damage Over Time EnemiesDR / Shad
Damage Reduction from Close EnemiesDR vs Close
Damage Reduction from Distance EnemiesDR vs Dist
Damage Reduction from Enemies That Are BleedingDR / Bleed
Damage Reduction from Enemies That Are BurningDR / Burn
Damage Reduction from Enemies That Are PoisonedDR / Pois
Damage Reduction while FortifiedFort DR
Damage Reduction while InjuredInj DR
Damage to Affected by Shadow Damage Over Time EnemiesDMG 2 Shad
Damage to Bleeding EnemiesDMG 2 Bleed
Damage to Burning EnemiesDMG 2 Burn
Damage to Chilled EnemiesDMG 2 Chill
Damage to Close EnemiesDMG 2 Close
Damage to Crowd Controlled EnemiesDMG 2 Crowd
Damage to Dazed EnemiesDMG 2 Dazed
Damage to Distant EnemiesDMG 2 Dist
Damage to Enemies Affected by Trap SkillsDMG 2 Trap Enemy
Damage to Frozen EnemiesDMG 2 Frozen
Damage to Injured EnemiesDMG 2 Inj
Damage to Poisoned EnemiesDMG 2 Pois
Damage to Slowed EnemiesDMG 2 Slow
Damage to Stunned EnemiesDMG 2 Stun
Damage whiile in Human FormDMG in Hum
Damage while BerserkingBSKing DMG
Damage while ShapeshiftedSSed DMG
Damage with Dual-Wielded WeaponsDW DMG
Damage with Ranged WeaponsRange DMG
Damage with Skills that Swap to New WeaponsDMG / Swap Weapon
Damage with Two-Handed Bludgeoning Weapons2H B DMG
Damage with Two-Handed Slashing Weapons2H S DMG
Darkness Skill DamageDark DMG
Dodge ChanceDC
Dodge Chance Against Close EnemiesDC vs Close
Dodge Chance Against Distant EnemiesDC vs Dist
Earth Skill DamageEarth DMG
Energy Cost ReductionENCR
Essence Cost ReductionESCR
Fire DamageFD
Fire Damage Over TimeFDOT
Fire ResistanceFR
Fortify GenerationFG
Frost Skill DamageFrost DMG
Fury Cost ReductionFury CR
Golems Inherit [X]% of Your ThornsGolem +Thorn
Healing ReceivedHR
Imbued Skill DamageISD
Imbuement Skill CooldownISC
Imbuement Skill Cooldown ReductionISCR
Life on KillLOK/EK
Life Regeneration while Not Damaged RecentlyLREG
Lightning Critical Strike DamageLCSD
Lightning DamageLD
Lightning ResistanceLR
Lucky Hit ChanceLHC
Lucky Hit Chance while You Have a BarrierBLHC
Lucky Hit: Chance to Restore [X]% Primary ResourceLH:RPR
Lucky Hit: Up to [X] Chance to Execute Injured Non-ElitesLH:Exec
Lucky Hit: Up to [X]% Chance to SlowLH:C2S
Lucky Hit: Up to a [X]% Chance to HealLH:C2H
Lucky Hit: Up to a [X]% Chance to SlowLH:C2S
Mana Cost ReductionMCR
Marksman Skill DamageMSD
Maximum EnergyMAX ENE
Maximum EssenceMAX ESS
Maximum FuryMAX Fury
Maximum LifeMAX LF
Maximum ManaMAX MA
Maximum Minion LifeMAX MLF
Maximum SpiritMAX SP
Minion Attack SpeedMAS
Movement SpeedMS
Movement Speed for 4 seconds After Killing an EliteElite MS
Overpower DamageOPD
Overpower Damage with Two-Handed Bludgeoning Weapons2H BOPD
Overpower Damage with Werebear SkillsBear OPD
Physical DamagePD
Physical Damage Over TimePDOT
Poison DamagePois DMG
Poison ResistancePR
Potion CapacityPC
Potion Drop RatePDR
Pyromancy Skill DamagePyro DMG
Rank of All Agility SkillsAgility
Rank of All Imbuement SkillsImbuement
Ranks of All Brawling SkillsBraw Sk
Ranks of All Companion SkillsCompanion
Ranks of All Conjuration SkillsAll Conjur
Ranks of All Corpse SkillsCorpse
Ranks of All Curse SkillsCurse
Ranks of All Defensive SkillsDef Sk
Ranks of All Defensive SkillsDef
Ranks of All Defensive SkillsAll Def
Ranks of All Macabre SkillsMacabre
Ranks of All Mastery SkillsAll Mastery
Ranks of All Subterfuge SkillsSubterfuge
Ranks of All Weapon Mastery SkillsWeap Master
Ranks of All Wrath SkillsWrath
Ranks of Ball LightningBall Light
Ranks of BarrageBarrage
Ranks of BlightBlight
Ranks of BlizzardBlizzard
Ranks of Blood HowlBlood Howl
Ranks of Blood LanceBlood Lance
Ranks of Blood MistBlood Mist
Ranks of Blood SurgeBlood Surge
Ranks of Bone PrisonBone Prison
Ranks of Bone SpearBone Spear
Ranks of Bone SpiritBone Spirit
Ranks of BoulderBoulder
Ranks of CaltropsCaltrops
Ranks of Chain LightningChain Light
Ranks of Challenging ShoutChalleng Shout
Ranks of Charged BoltsCharged Bolts
Ranks of Cold ImbuementCold Imbue
Ranks of ConcealmentConcealment
Ranks of Corpse ExplosionCorpse Expl
Ranks of Corpse TendrilsCorpse Tendrils
Ranks of Cyclone ArmorCyclone Armor
Ranks of Dark ShroudDark Shroud
Ranks of DashDash
Ranks of Death BlowDeath Blow
Ranks of Debilitating RoarDebilit Roar
Ranks of DecrepifyDecrepify
Ranks of Double SwingDouble Swing
Ranks of Earthen BulwarkEarth Bulwark
Ranks of FireballFireball
Ranks of FirewallFirewall
Ranks of Flame ShieldFlame Shield
Ranks of FlurryFlurry
Ranks of Frost NovaFrost Nova
Ranks of Frozen OrbFrozen Orb
Ranks of Ground StompGround Stomp
Ranks of Hammer of the AncientsHOTA
Ranks of HurricaneHurricane
Ranks of HydraHydra
Ranks of Ice ArmorIce Armor
Ranks of Ice BladesIce Blades
Ranks of Ice ShardsIce Shards
Ranks of IncinerateIncinerate
Ranks of Iron MaidenIron Maiden
Ranks of Iron SkinIron Skin
Ranks of LandslideLandslide
Ranks of LeapLeap
Ranks of Lightning SpearLight Spear
Ranks of Lightning StormLight Storm
Ranks of MeteorMeteor
Ranks of Penetrating ShotPenetr Shot
Ranks of Poison CreeperPois Creeper
Ranks of Poison ImbuementPois Imbue
Ranks of Poison TrapPois Trap
Ranks of PulverizePulverize
Ranks of RabiesRabies
Ranks of Rallying CryRallying Cry
Ranks of Rapid FireRapid Fire
Ranks of RavensRavens
Ranks of RendRend
Ranks of RuptureRupture
Ranks of SeverSever
Ranks of Shadow ImbuementShad Imbue
Ranks of Shadow StepShad Step
Ranks of ShredShred
Ranks of Smoke GrenadeSmoke Grenade
Ranks of Steel GraspSteel Grasp
Ranks of TeleportTeleport
Ranks of the Amplify Damage PassiveAmplify DMG
Ranks of the Brute Force PassiveBrute Force
Ranks of the Call of the Wild PassiveCof Wild
Ranks of the Coalesced Blood PassiveCoalesced Blood
Ranks of the Compound Fracture PassiveCompound Fract
Ranks of the Conjuration Mastery PassiveConjuration Mast
Ranks of the Counteroffensive PassiveCounteroff
Ranks of the Crushing Earth PassiveCrushing Earth
Ranks of the Cut to the Bone PassiveCut to Bone
Ranks of the Deadly Venom PassiveDeadly Venom
Ranks of the Death's Reach PassiveDeath Reach
Ranks of the Defiance PassiveDefiance
Ranks of the Devouring Blaze PassiveDevouring Blaze
Ranks of the Elemental Dominance PassiveElement Dom
Ranks of the Endless Pyre PassiveEndless Pyre
Ranks of the Envenom PassiveEnvenom
Ranks of the Evulsion PassiveEvulsion
Ranks of the Exploit PassiveExploit
Ranks of the Frigid Finesse PassiveFrigid Finesse
Ranks of the Fueled by Death PassiveFueled / Death
Ranks of the Glass Cannon PassiveGlass Cannon
Ranks of the Gloom PassiveGloom
Ranks of the Heavy Handed PassiveHeavy Handed
Ranks of the Hellbent Commander PassiveHellbent Comm
Ranks of the Hoarfrost PassiveHoarfrost
Ranks of the Icy Touch PassiveIcy Touch
Ranks of the Imperfectly Balanced PassiveImp Balance
Ranks of the Impetus PassiveImpetus
Ranks of the Inner Flames PassiveInner Flames
Ranks of the Malice PassiveMalice
Ranks of the Natural Disaster PassiveNatural Disaster
Ranks of the Nature's Reach PassiveNature Reach
Ranks of the No Mercy PassiveNo Mercy
Ranks of the Outburst PassiveOutburst
Ranks of the Permafrost PassivePermafrost
Ranks of the Quickshift PassiveQuickshift
Ranks of the Resonance PassiveResonance
Ranks of the Shocking Impact PassiveShock Imp Psv
Ranks of the Slaying Strike PassiveSlaying Strike
Ranks of the Stone Guard PassiveStone Guard
Ranks of the Terror PassiveTerror
Ranks of the Tides of Blood PassiveTides Blood
Ranks of the Tough as Nails PassiveTough Nails
Ranks of the Toxic Claws PassiveToxic Claws
Ranks of the Wallop PassiveWallop Psv
Ranks of the Weapon Mastery PassiveWeapon Mastery
Ranks of the Wild Impulses PassiveWild Impulse
Ranks of TornadoTornado
Ranks of TrampleTrample
Ranks of Twisting BladesTwist Blades
Ranks of UpheavalUpheaval
Ranks of War CryWar Cry
Ranks of WhirlwindWhirlwind
Ranks of WolvesWolves
Reduces the Arm Time of your Trap SkillsTrap TR
Resource GenerationRG
Shadow DamageSD
Shadow Damage over TimeSDOT
Shadow ResistanceSR
Shock Skill DamageSSD
Shrine Buff DurationSBD
Skeletal Mages Inherit [X]% of Your ThornsSk Mage Thorns
Skeletal Warriors Inherit [X]% of Your ThornsSk Warr Thorns
Slow Duration ReductionSDR
Spirit Cost ReductionSpir CR
Storm Skill Cooldown ReductionStorm CDR
Storm Skill DamageStorm DMG
Summoning Skill DamageSM DMG
Total ArmorTA
Total Armor while in Werebear FormBear TA
Total Armor while in Werewolf FormWolf TA
Trap Skill Cooldown ReductionTrap CDR
Trap Skill DamageTrap DMG
Ultimate Skill DamageUTDMG
Vulnerable DamageVD
Weapon Mastery Skill DamageWM DMG
Werebear Skill DamageBear DMG
Werewolf Skill DamageWolf DMG


In addition to these affixes, there are also some implicit item stats with their own abbreviation. These are:

Implicit1h Sword: 17.5% Critical Strike Damage17.5% CSD
Implicit2h Sword: 35% Critical Strike Damage35% CS DMG
Implicit1h Axe: 28% Damage to Healthy Enemies28% DMG Healthy Enemy
Implicit2h Axe: 56% Damage to Healthy Enemies56% DMG Healthy Enemy
Implicit1h Mace: 31.5% Overpower Damage31.5% Overpower DMG
Implicit2h Mace: 63% Overpower Damage63% Overpower DMG
ImplicitPolearm: 56% Damage to Injured Enemies56% DMG Inj Enemy
ImplicitDagger: 20% Damage to Close Enemies20% DMG Close
ImplicitBow: 40% Damage to Distant EnemiesDMG Dis Enemy
ImplicitCrossbow: 40% Vulnerable Damage40% Vuln DMG
Implicit1h Scythe: 206 Life on Kill206 Life / Kill
Implicit2h Scythe: 411 Life on Kill411 Life / Kill
ImplicitWand: 10% Lucky Hit Chance10% LHC
ImplicitStaff: 35% Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies35% DMG Crowd Enemy
Implicit7% Cooldown Reduction7% CDR
Implicit20% Block Chance20% Block
Implicit60% Block Damage Reduction60% Block DMG Red
Implicit80% Main Hand Weapon Damage80% Main H Weapon DMG
Implicit627 Thorns627 Thorns
Implicit2h Sword: 35% Critical Strike Damage35% CS DMG
Implicit2h Axe: 56% Damage to Healthy Enemies56% DMG Healthy Enemy
Implicit2h Mace: 63% Overpower Damage63% Overpower DMG
Implicit2h Scythe: 411 Life on Kill411 Life / Kill

Diablo 4 has lots of mechanics, but their effects are not so easy to understand. In this guide we will cover all of the existing Diablo 4 Mechanics. Let’s get to it and see what they are and how they work!

All Damage Reduction: All Damage Reduction applies after your damage reduction for Armor and Resistances. As this stat increases, additional stat bonuses become less effective.Damage reduction does not stack additively, but rather multiplicatively. If you have two sources with 50% damage reduction each, you will end up with 75% damage reduction. Due to how damage reduction stacks multiplicatively, reaching 100% damage reduction is impossible.
Note: Barbarians have 10% Damage Reduction.

Armor: Your total Armor rating is the sum of your Chest, Pants, Gloves, Boots and Helm.Other items can also grant Armor such as Skulls socketed in Jewellery. Armor applies a flat damage reduction to Physical damage taken, including physical damage over time (e.g. Bleed).

Armor also partially reduces the amount of non-physical damage that you take, specifically 50% of your damage reduction from Armor contributes to your damage reduction from non-physical sources.

In higher Difficulties/World Tiers, your Armor is less and less effective against non-physical sources. At T4 difficulty it only works at just 10%, so you need to rely on Resistances for defense. Damage reduction from Armor is capped at 85%. On average, you can expect to end up about 40% overall damage reduction from Armor at the highest levels.

Enemy level is also an important factor of how damage reduction you get. The higher the level of your enemy, the less effective your Armor is.

Attack Power: Attack power does not reflect how much damage you actually deal, it is just a rough estimate given by the game of how powerful you are. 

Attack Speed: Attack speed is based on your weapon’s attacks per second, plus any attack speed bonuses you may have. If you are dual-wielding, the game uses the average speed of your two weapons. For example if you are a Rogue, you either attack with your ranged weapon, or your two melee weapons. 

Attack speed bonuses are additive. If you have two sources of 10% faster attack speed, you will end up with 20% faster attack speed.

Barrier: Barrier is a temporary defensive layer that absorbs damage until it is gone, at which point you start taking damage to your life. Visually it is a blue glowing effect around your Health Globe.  DIfferent classes have different ways of generating Barrier. Barrier is a key mechanic for several builds.

Basic Skills: Whatever your Class is, your first skill points will be spent on Basic Skills. These Skills are your default attacks, and you should usually only pick one of them. They don’t cost resource, and they don’t have cooldowns, and depending on your class they might actually generate resource fo you.

Berserking: Berserking is a temporary buff that Barbarians get. You deal 25% additional damage, and have 15% increased movement speed, and this buff lasts up to 5 seconds. Many Barb skills grant Berserk, and you can make entire builds around it. 

Bleed: Bleed is physical damage taken over time.

Blood Orb: It is a Necromancer mechanic. Blood Orbs are automatically consumed when you go over them at the battlefield, and they will heal you for 15% of your max life.

Bludgeoning: Bludgeoning damage is the damage type dealt by mace-type weapons. Passive skills may buff different damage types such as Bludgeoning. 

Burning: Burning is fire damage taken over time. Bonuses to fire damage buff burning.

Channeled: By holding down an attack button you can cast a specific skill over and over again. 

Chill: Chill reduces the movement speed of enemies. Repeatedly chilling an enemy will freeze it. Chill effects are generally applied by cold damage.

Close: Enemies are either Close or Distant. Close range is slightly further than melee range.

Control Impaired: When you are crowd controlled, you are considered Control Impaired. This includes Immobilized, Stunned, Knocked-back, Knocked-down, Taunted, Feared, Tethered, Dazed, Chilled, Freeze. The affix Control Impaired Reduction will reduce the time you spend in such states.

Cooldown: Many skills have a Cooldown, and cooldown reduction will reduce that amount of time. Cooldown reduction stack multiplicatively, meaning two items with 10% CDR will result in 19% Cooldown reduction. 

Core Skill: The second branch of skills on your skill tree. These skills consume resource, and usually deliver more damage than Base skills. Most builds use one Basic skill and one Core skill.

Core Stats: Core Stats are Strength, Intelligence, Willpower and Dexterity. Every Class has one main stat which affects them the most, as it is the multiplier of all their damage. 

Crackling Energy: Some Sorcerer Lightning Spell can make Crackling Energy spawn, which are small globes of lightning. If you walk over a Crackling Energy, you collect it, and you get a stack of Crackling Energy, limited to 20 stacks at most. These stacks are shown above your skill bar. As long as you have any Crackling Energy, you will automatically zap nearby enemies for some amount of damage. Everytime this happens, it consumes one of your stacks. Some builds are built around Crackling Energy mechanics, such as gaining mana when stacking Crackling Energy. 

Critical Strike Chance: It is a chance to deal bonus damage. Yellow damage numbers appear when you “crit”.  Damage over time can not crit! Base amount of crit chance is 5%. Critical Strike Chance is an additive bonus, so two items with 5% crit chance will add up to 10%. It is possible to reach 100% Critical Strike Chance.

Critical Strike Damage: Critical Strike’s  bonus damage is determined by your critical strike damage. The base Critical Strike Damage is 50%. Crit Damage is additive, so if you have two Crit Strike sources with 50%, you will end up with 100% Critical Strike Damage. Critical Strike Damage is always multiplicative with other damage bonuses.

Crowd Control: Same as Control Impaired, but applied to enemy monsters. It includes Slow, Immobilize, Stun, Knockback, Knockdown, Taunt, Fear, Tether, Daze, Chill or Freeze. You cannot apply Crowd Control effects to Bosses! 

Crowd Control Duration Bonus: Crowd Control duration bonus increases the duration of your Crowd Control effects, excluding Knockback, which is instantaneous. 

Damage (Buckets): Damage bonuses come from different sources, and these sources get grouped into 7 different buckets. Every damage bucket is a multiplicative bonus to any other damage bucket. If you have two damage buckets where both deal doubled damage, you deal quadrupled damage! 

Within a specific bucket, all damage sources are additive within each other. If you have two +100% damage sources in the same bucket, you will deal 300% damage. 

Spreading your damage through multiple buckets is beneficial to buffing damage in a single bucket. 

The seven Buckets are: Anything with “Damage From”, “Damage With”, “Damage While”, “Damage Versus”,  Core Stat, Vulnerable Damage, Crit Damage.

Damage over Time (DoT): Damage spread out over a period of time. Most types of DoT damage seem to stack, dealing damage regardless of each other. 

Dazed: Dazed is a Crowd Control condition which makes enemies unable to attack and use skills.

Dexterity: Dexterity contributes to your dodge chance. For Rogues, Dexterity is a damage multiplier. For Barbarians and Sorcs it adds Crit Chance. 

Distant: If an enemy is not close, it is distant.

Dodge Chance: Chance to avoid taking damage altogether. Dodge chance has diminishing returns, if you have two sources of 10% Dodge Chance, you receive 19% total. Damage over time cannot be dodged.

Dual-wielding: While dual wielding, both the attack speed and the damage of your weapons are averaged. You do retain all affixes on your items. 

Fear: A Crowd Control effect which makes enemy monsters run away. Feared monsters cannot attack, and they run away from you.

Fortify: If you are fortified, you take 10% less damage. You become fortified when your Fortify value is equal to or greater than your current life. Certain skills and items can grant Fortify. You can never have more Fortify than your total life. Fortify is displayed as a red globe inside your health globe.

Frozen: Frozen is a Crowd Controlled state. The enemy is not able to do anything in this state. If killed while frozen, monsters shatter, and cannot be resurrected by other monsters. Frozen enemies are also Chilled.

Healthy: At or above 80% of your max life, you are Healthy. You have a red line around your health globe when you are Healthy. 

Immobilize: A crowd control effect. Immobilized enemies cannot move, but can still attack or use abilities.

Immune: A state when an enemy cannot be damaged or crowd controlled.

Injured: Injured characters have less than 35% of their maximum life.

Intelligence: This stat gives you 0.5 percent resistance to all elements per point. For Sorceress you get more damage, and for Rogue you get more crit chance by having more intelligence.

Key Passive: Key Passives are the final nodes on your skill tree. Every Class has multiple ones to choose from, and you can only select one. These skills are very powerful, and tend to be build-defining.

Knockback: Knockback knows the target away from the attacker. It is an instantaneous crowd control effect.

Knockdown: A crowd control effect, which makes the target fall down, and unable to move or act at all.

Level: Every level your life and core stats increase. For every level up to 50 you get a Skill Point. After that, for every quarter level you gain a paragon point. The maximum level in the game is level 100, so you can gain 200 Paragon points from levelling. Level difference between you and a monster will apply damage reduction.

Life: Life is how many hitpoints you have. If you take damage, your life goes down, and at zero life you die.

Lucky Hit: Lucky hit chance is the same as Proc chance. Every skill that hits an enemy has a base chance to trigger a lucky hit when you hit an enemy. A lucky hit doesn’t do anything by itself, instead it gives you a chance to trigger a lucky hit effect. You can get lucky hit effects from skills, items, or passives. As an example, a lucky hit effect could be cooldown reduction on one of your skills. Sources of Lucky Hit Chance add together, so four items for 5% each will grant you 20% Lucky Hit Chance.

Movement Speed: The max movement speed bonus in the game is capped at 200%. 

Overpower: Whenever you hit an enemy, there is a 3% chance to apply extra damage called Overpower Damage. Light blue damage numbers are overpower hits. Dark orange damage numbers are Crits that are also Overpowered. The base Overpower damage is 50% extra damage. Overpower also deals bonus damage that is the sum of your current life, plus any fortify you have. Willpower buffs overpower damage for all classes. Damage over time, channeled skills and passive abilities cannot Overpower.

Physical Damage: It also includes physical damage over time (bleed). 

Poisoning: Poisoning damage is the damage over time. Not to be confused with base poison damage, which gets applied instantly.

Potion Capacity: The number of potion charges you can store. It can be increased with items, or by progression in the Renown system.

Renown: Renown is a system which rewards you for completing different activities at different regions. Renown is tracked separately in all 5 regions in the game, and include very important rewards such as skill points, potion charges and paragon points. 

Resistance: There are five resistances, fire, cold, lightning, poison and shadow. Resistance reduces the amount of damage taken from these sources, and it applies to both instant, and overtime damage.

Slashing: Slashing is the other weapon type that barbarians have access to. Some skills require slashing weapons. 

Slow: Crowd control effect which reduces movement speed for a short time. Slow and Chill are two separate effects.

Stagger: Bosses are immune to crowd control effects, instead they have a Stagger Bar. Once a Stagger Bar reaches its max, the enemy boss becomes staggered. When staggered, a boss is considered to be under all crowd control effects for the entire duration of the stagger. World Bosses have additional unique effects that apply once they are staggered. 

Stealth: While you are under the effects of Stealth, you cannot be directly targeted by enemies. Several Rogue abilities revolve around entering stealth or benefiting from stealth.

Strength: Every point of strength gives you one point of armor. For Barbarians more strength gives more damage, and for Rogues it gives more resource generation.

Stun: It is a Crowd Contol effect, a stunned enemy cannot move, attack, or use any abilities. 

Taunt:  Another Crowd Control effect that forces the target to attack the caster for a short period of time.

Tether:  Another Crowd Control effect that will stop a creature from walking outside of a given radius. 

Thorns: Damage that is dealt back to the attacker. 

Ultimate: Is a branch on your skill tree. Ultimate skills have very long cooldowns, usually around a minute, but they have very significant effects. You don’t have to take an ultimate skill, but if you do, you can only select one. 

Unstoppable: It makes you immune to crowd control, and will instantly break any crowd control that is active on you. Having a skill that is Unstoppable on your skill bar can frequently save you from dying. Elite monsters become unstoppable after multiple crowd control effects, in this state you will see a broken chain icon above them.

Vulnerable: It is a condition which can be applied to enemies, or to you. Anyone who is vulnerable takes 20% increased damage. With gear, skills or passives you can increase the amount of damage you deal to vulnerable enemies. When you are vulnerable, your health globe becomes shattered. If an enemy is vulnerable, they will have a purple glow around their heath bar. 

Weapon Speed: Your weapons attacks per second prior to any bonuses.

Willpower: It grants move healing received per point, and gives overpower damage per point. For Barb sand Sorcerers it also provides resource generation.


Tip: Do you want to level up your game and destroy your enemies effortlessly? You can Buy Diablo 4 Items and Services quickly at RPGStash to improve your character's strength.

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